, Agnes
Family of Schneider, [Living] and , Agnes
, Ann
Family of Marshall, John and , Ann
, Anna Barbara
Family of Heilman, Johann Bernhard and , Anna Barbara
, Anna Maria
Family of Frey, Johannes Wilhelm and , Anna Maria
, Annie
Family of Burriss, Harrison and , Annie
1857 |
, Annie
Family of Delhay, Maurice R and , Annie
1888 |
, Belle
Family of Petersen, Jens Lourance “Jim” and , Belle
, Berta
Family of Reichenbach, Wilhelm and , Berta
, Betsy
Family of Borup, Michael Singlersen and , Betsy
, Caroline K
Family of Petersen, Herman J and , Caroline K
, Carrie
Family of Booth, Melton and , Carrie
, Christina
Family of Heylman, Johann Heinrich “Henry” and , Christina
, Dolly
Family of Porter, Ezekiel and , Dolly
, Donna Bell
Family of Hope, Elden R and , Donna Bell
, Edie
Family of Justice, Francis Claude and , Edie
, Elizabeth
Family of Finn, Unknown Father and , Elizabeth
, Elizabeth
Family of McPherson, Alexander Sandy and , Elizabeth
, Elizabeth
Family of Thompson, James and , Elizabeth
, Elizabeth
Family of , Elizabeth
, Ellen D
Family of Hoylman, David Newton and , Ellen D
1894 |
, Elsie
Family of Kessler, Leo A and , Elsie
5 October 1926 |
, Emeline
Family of Persinger, James and , Emeline
, Faye
Family of Hoylman, Walter Julius and , Faye
, Frieda
Family of Winters, Jess Lawrence and , Frieda
8 February 1930 |
May 1939 |
, Grace
Family of Steele, James Samuel and , Grace
between 1924 and 1930 |
Family of Smith, J Gay and , Grace
, Isabell
Family of Dunn, David and , Isabell
, Isabell
Family of Dunn, David and , Isabell
, Jane
Family of Marshall, Samuel Sr. and , Jane
, Jean
Family of Stricklett, Cecil Victor and , Jean
January 1923 |
, Joan
Family of Vance, Maynard Philip and , Joan
, Lillian
Family of Vance, James Milo and , Lillian
6 March 1912 |
, Louise
Family of Leak, Pinckney Oscar and , Louise
, Marianne
Family of Reichenbach, Leo and , Marianne
, Martha
Family of Mays, Isaiah and , Martha
, Martha
Family of Turrentine, W L and , Martha
, Martha J
Family of Chafin, Jefferson and , Martha J
1856 |
Family of Plymale, John B and , Martha J
, Mary
Family of Vance, Thomas and , Mary
, Mary
Family of , Mary
, Mary
Family of McCauley, James and , Mary
, Mary Jane
Family of Hoylman, Franklin J and , Mary Jane
, Minnie
Family of Ferguson, John B and , Minnie
, Nancy
Family of Dunn, Andrew and , Nancy
, Nancy
Family of McCoy, Thomas and , Nancy
, Nancy
Family of Dunn, Andrew and , Nancy
, Nelle M
Family of Petersen, Laurence P and , Nelle M
Family of Richmond and , Nelle M
, Patricia A
Family of Riley, John J and , Patricia A
, Polly
Family of Burris, James and , Polly
Family of Cox and , Polly
, Rebecca
Family of Miller, James L and , Rebecca
, Rose Henriette
Family of Courvoisier Piot, David Louis and , Rose Henriette
, Sarah
Family of Marshall, John Elisha and , Sarah
1887 |
, Sarah
Family of Templeton, Henry and , Sarah
, Susannah
Family of McCoy, Richard and , Susannah
, Unknown
Family of , Unknown and McCoy, Rachel Jane
, [Living]
Family of Knag, Emil and , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of Nehrwein, [Living] and , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of Knag, Jess Petersen and , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of Knobel, [Living] and , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of Borup, Emil A and , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of , [Living] and , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of Borup, Peter and , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of Hecker, George and , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of Leak, Pinckney Oscar and , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of Nehrwein, [Living] and , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of Kessler, Gerald and , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of Schupp, [Living] and , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of Reichenbach, [Living] and , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of Grant, John P and , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of Palo, Esaias and , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of Nehrwein, [Living] and , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of Marshall, Joseph H and , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of Apperson, Thomas B and , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of Walz, [Living] and , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of Hoylman, Eric Gabriel and , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of , [Living] and , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of Vance, [Living] and , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of Naumann, [Living] and , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of Schatzle, [Living] and , [Living]
, [Living]
Family of Palo, [Living] and , [Living]
Adkins, Spicie Jane
Family of McCoy, William and Adkins, Spicie Jane
1888 |
Aiken, Nancy P
Family of Vass, James P and Aiken, Nancy P
27 July 1818 |
Family of Aiken, Nancy P
27 July 1818 |
Allen, Chauncey Scott
Family of Allen, Chauncey Scott and McPherson, Adele
1897 |
Allen, Clyde Mills
Family of Allen, Clyde Mills and Pierce, Helen Margaret
Allen, David Clark
Family of Allen, David Clark and Long, Abigail
Allen, Edmund
Family of Allen, Edmund and McCauley, Mary Jane
16 March 1876 |
Allen, Elsie Lenora
Family of Stricklett, William Louis and Allen, Elsie Lenora
4 May 1884 |
Allen, Grant
Family of Allen, Grant and Allen, Olga M
1898 |
Allen, Jean A
Family of McVicker, John and Allen, Jean A
24 April 1884 |
Allen, Leliah
Family of Turrentine, Michael and Allen, Leliah
Allen, Olga M
Family of Allen, Grant and Allen, Olga M
1898 |
Allen, Robert
Family of Allen, Robert
Allen, William Henry
Family of Allen, William Henry and Bottorff, Ruth Emma
20 April 1869 |
Family of Allison and Wilson, Elizabeth
Alt, Barbara
Family of Oberst, Johannes and Alt, Barbara
Andersen, Francis
Family of Andersen, Francis and Stricklett, Dorothy May
16 March 1925 |
Andersen, [Living]
Family of Strain, George W and Andersen, [Living]
Anderson, Louisa Jane
Family of Oliver, Pinckney M and Anderson, Louisa Jane
1877 |
Anderson, [Living]
Family of Dooley, [Living] and Anderson, [Living]
Anderson, [Living]
Family of Anderson, [Living] and Petersen, [Living]
Anderson, [Living]
Family of Anderson, [Living] and Zeleny, [Living]
Anding, [Living]
Family of Reichenbach, [Living] and Anding, [Living]
Anding, [Living]
Family of Anding, [Living] and Phillips, [Living]
Anson, Anna Nancy
Family of Thorn, Job and Anson, Anna Nancy
1828 |
Apperson, Thomas B
Family of Apperson, Thomas B and Leak, Ola Lee
3 January 1893 |
Family of Apperson, Thomas B and , [Living]
Armentrout, George
Family of Armentrout, George and Smith, Catherine
20 November 1795 |
Armentrout, Malinda
Family of Hoylman, Adison Sidney and Armentrout, Malinda
27 November 1834 |
Arthur, Margaret Elizabeth
Family of McCoy, Robert William and Arthur, Margaret Elizabeth
1879 |
Atwater, Wilson
Family of Atwater, Wilson and McCauley, Elenor
17 December 1819 |
Aylmer, Mabel
Family of Tuite, Oliver and Aylmer, Mabel
Babcock, Barbara K
Family of Serey, Robert and Babcock, Barbara K
Baer, Charles S
Family of Baer, Charles S and Mathews, [Living]
Baer, Daniel S
Family of Baer, Daniel S and Hoylman, Fannie Alice
4 March 1883 |
Baer, Daniel S
Family of Baer, Daniel S and Hoylman, Fannie Alice
Baer, Effie R
Family of Urbach, Henry William and Baer, Effie R
Baer, Fay Agnes
Family of Lodes, Fred G and Baer, Fay Agnes
19 October 1919 |
Baer, Jacob
Family of Baer, Jacob and Mast, Ann
Baer, Simon R
Family of Baer, Simon R and Miller, [Living]
Baer, Solomon J
Family of Baer, Solomon J and Cover, Agnes
1850 |
Bailey, Chaldous
Family of Bailey, Chaldous and Johnston, Margaret
Baldwin, Elizabeth Mae “Betsy”
Family of McCauley, Jacob and Baldwin, Elizabeth Mae “Betsy”
1842 |
Baldwin, Ola
Family of Slatter, Benjamin C and Baldwin, Ola
8 June 1910 |
Barton Riggins, Mary Jemima
Family of McCoy, Jacob Henry and Barton Riggins, Mary Jemima
1893 |
Basal, Susan Sarah
Family of Marshall, Martin Wells Sr. and Basal, Susan Sarah
1769 |
Baumann, Anna Catharina
Family of Borup, Niels Peter Senius and Baumann, Anna Catharina
20 June 1865 |
Family of Baumann, Anna Catharina
20 June 1865 |
Family of Hecker and Baumann, Anna Catharina
Baumgartner, Joseph
Family of Baumgartner, Joseph and Reichenbach, Maria Anna
4 February 1867 |
Beaman, Argie Orval
Family of Beaman, Argie Orval and Gilmore, Inez Pearl
11 July 1923 |
Family of Beaman, Argie Orval and Sublet, Blanch May
7 October 1925 |
Beaman, John
Family of Beaman, John and Hillman, Geneva Myrtle
24 October 1900 |
Bech, Varena
Family of Reichenbach, Mathias and Bech, Varena
Beck, Johanna
Family of Reichenbach, Moriz and Beck, Johanna
22 February 1830 |
Beigh, George
Family of Beigh, George and Rhodes, Frances
Beigh, Mariah
Family of Carper, George and Beigh, Mariah
8 June 1856 |
Bell, Norman Bonnie
Family of Bell, Norman Bonnie and McCoy, Sineth
Beller, Dean Elijah
Family of Beller, Dean Elijah and Hoylman, Edna A
7 October 1939 |
Beller, William Swan Boyd
Family of Beller, William Swan Boyd and Vanderbilt, Nellie Grace
Benthall, Juanita Maude
Family of Hoylman, Rhese Stewart Jr and Benthall, Juanita Maude
Berger, Augusta Christine
Family of Clark, William Street and Berger, Augusta Christine
1863 |
Best, Alfred E
Family of Best, Alfred E and Best, May E
Best, May E
Family of Best, Alfred E and Best, May E
Best, [Living]
Family of Best, [Living] and Miller, Marie
Betts, Nancy
Family of Woody, John and Betts, Nancy
Bevins, Mary Ann
Family of Williamson, Jonah and Bevins, Mary Ann
3 November 1853 |
Bimpson, [Living]
Family of Bimpson, [Living]
Bing, Sarah A
Family of Ferguson, William S and Bing, Sarah A
Bishop, Lucretia
Family of Smith, Stephen Sanford and Bishop, Lucretia
Blackwood, Jennett
Family of McCauley, John Sr. and Blackwood, Jennett
12 April 1798 |
Blackwood, John
Family of Blackwood, John and McCauley, Mary
Blackwood, Margret
Family of McCauley, John Jr. and Blackwood, Margret
22 March 1830 |
Blackwood, Martha
Family of Johnstone, Charles Wilson and Blackwood, Martha
Blackwood, Martha
Family of Johnston, Charles Wilson and Blackwood, Martha
1754 |
Blackwood, William
Family of Blackwood, William and Craig, Elizabeth
Blair, Elizabeth
Family of McCoy, Archibald and Blair, Elizabeth
1751 |
Blunt, Mary Frances
Family of McCauley, Charles Ethelred Londa and Blunt, Mary Frances
8 August 1878 |
Boone, Andrew Madison
Family of Boone, Andrew Madison and Hoylman, Cora
23 December 1914 |
Family of Boone, Andrew Madison and Tomlinson, Sarah C
26 September 1900 |
Family of Boone, Andrew Madison and Bostick, Ella L
2 January 1895 |
Boone, Henry
Family of Boone, Henry and Wiley, Elizabeth Jane
Boone, James Henderson
Family of Boone, James Henderson and Morgan, Margaret Jane
1860 |
Family of Boone, James Henderson
Booth, Benjamin Franklin
Family of Booth, Benjamin Franklin and Plymale, Mary Jane
22 July 1866 |
Booth, Charles
Family of Booth, Charles and Whitby, Jane
Booth, Charles
Family of Booth, Charles and Ferguson, Elizabeth
19 February 1798 |
Booth, Jamison W
Family of Booth, Jamison W and Garrett, Cynthia Ann
8 February 1838 |
Booth, Mary Elizabeth
Family of McCoy, Lorenzo Dow and Booth, Mary Elizabeth
13 May 1888 |
Family of Cullen, George T and Booth, Mary Elizabeth
Booth, Melissa
Family of McCoy, John Bee and Booth, Melissa
30 November 1896 |
Booth, Melton
Family of Booth, Melton and , Carrie
Borup, Amanda Anna
Family of Huber, George Frederick and Borup, Amanda Anna
10 May 1894 |
Borup, Bertha Mae
Family of Kessler, Peter Nils and Borup, Bertha Mae
1896 |
Borup, Elizabeth Sophie
Family of Zinglersen, Andreas Samuel and Borup, Elizabeth Sophie
8 September 1802 |
Borup, Emil A
Family of Borup, Emil A and , [Living]
Borup, Emil Joseph
Family of Borup, Emil Joseph and James, [Living]
Borup, Jens Senius
Family of Borup, Jens Senius and Pedersdatter, Birthe
Borup, Louise
Family of Novak, Joseph and Borup, Louise
16 January 1884 |
Borup, Michael Singlersen
Family of Borup, Michael Singlersen and , Betsy
Borup, Niels P
Family of Borup, Niels P and Clausen, Johanne Marcusdatter
23 April 1777 |
Borup, Niels Peter Senius
Family of Borup, Niels Peter Senius and Baumann, Anna Catharina
20 June 1865 |
Family of Borup, Niels Peter Senius and Schildknecht, Caroline
1855 |
Borup, Peter
Family of Borup, Peter and , [Living]
Borup, Rudolph
Family of Borup, Rudolph and Borup, [Living]
Borup, [Living]
Family of Borup, Rudolph and Borup, [Living]
Bostick, Ella L
Family of Boone, Andrew Madison and Bostick, Ella L
2 January 1895 |
Boswell, Eleanor
Family of Marshall, Martin Wells Sr. and Boswell, Eleanor
between 1768 and 1797about 17581778 |
Bottorff, Andrew
Family of Bottorff, Andrew and Mills, Elizabeth
16 May 1837 |
Bottorff, Erastus Barton
Family of Bottorff, Erastus Barton
Bottorff, Frances Iona
Family of Mortenson, Charles W and Bottorff, Frances Iona
Bottorff, Francis E
Family of Bottorff, Francis E and Bouvier, Ina May
9 March 1904 |
Bottorff, John Henry
Family of Bottorff, John Henry and Hoke, Elizabeth
Bottorff, Ruth Emma
Family of Allen, William Henry and Bottorff, Ruth Emma
20 April 1869 |
Bottorff, Thomas Walter
Family of Bottorff, Thomas Walter and Purdo, Esther A
Bouvier, Adelaide
Family of McPherson, Damasse and Bouvier, Adelaide
1871 |
22 March 1907 |
Family of Verdan, Louis and Bouvier, Adelaide
Bouvier, Bertha
Family of Douglas, Unknown and Bouvier, Bertha
Bouvier, Esther Belle
Family of Stricklett, Peter and Bouvier, Esther Belle
Bouvier, Frederic Louis
Family of Bouvier, Frederic Louis and Courvoisier Piot, Eugenia C
July 1844 |
1869 |
Bouvier, Ina May
Family of Parrish, [Living] and Bouvier, Ina May
Family of Bottorff, Francis E and Bouvier, Ina May
9 March 1904 |
Family of Street, Charles W and Bouvier, Ina May
1924 4 March 1927 |
30 March 1934 |
Bouvier, Jessie V
Family of Stricklett, Walter E and Bouvier, Jessie V
Bouvier, Mabel Hannah
Family of Hovendick, John Edward and Bouvier, Mabel Hannah
27 March 1900 |
Bouvier, Oliver
Family of Bouvier, Oliver and Hoylman, Coralena Moffatt
19 October 188019 October 1880 |
Bouvier, Ralph
Family of Bouvier, Ralph and Bouvier, Rena
Bouvier, Rena
Family of Bouvier, Ralph and Bouvier, Rena
Bouvier, Samuel D
Family of Bouvier, Samuel D and Richards, Elizabeth Alice
20 August 1880 |
Family of Bouvier, Samuel D and Ides, Nora
Boyd, Alexander
Family of Boyd, Alexander and Vass, Mary
Brady, [Living]
Family of Brady, [Living] and Zeleny, [Living]
Brewer, Eliza
Family of Stafford, Compton and Brewer, Eliza
18 March 1866 |
Brewers, Anna Maria
Family of Miller, Peter and Brewers, Anna Maria
Brewster, Harold Theodore
Family of Brewster, Harold Theodore and Justice, Vivian Gertrude
25 June 1925 |
Briggs, Nancy
Family of Marshall, Martin Wells Jr. and Briggs, Nancy
17 January 1809 |
Broderson, Catherine M
Family of Pedersen, Niels Henrich and Broderson, Catherine M
10 December 1884 |
Broderson, Christian Hansen
Family of Broderson, Christian Hansen and Nielsen, Maria Elizabeth
Family of Broderson, Christian Hansen
Broderson, Christian Rasmussen
Family of Broderson, Christian Rasmussen and Duus, Kathrina Maria
Broderson, Christina H
Family of Jespersen, Anders Jacob and Broderson, Christina H
5 February 1897 |
Family of Pedersen, Jens and Broderson, Christina H
19 June 1886 |
Family of Jensen, Jens and Broderson, Christina H
5 November 1919 |
Broderson, Matilina
Family of Broderson, Rasmus and Broderson, Matilina
Broderson, Rasmus
Family of Broderson, Rasmus and Petersdatter, Margrethe
Broderson, Rasmus
Family of Broderson, Rasmus and Broderson, Matilina
Brooks, Elizabeth Thomas
Family of Brooks, Jeremiah and Brooks, Elizabeth Thomas
Brooks, Jane
Family of Marshall, William Swaine and Brooks, Jane
24 August 1824 |
Brooks, Jeremiah
Family of Brooks, Jeremiah and Brooks, Elizabeth Thomas
Bundy, Anna McKinney Musick
Family of Hatfield, Ephraim and Bundy, Anna McKinney Musick
Bürgin, Blasi
Family of Bürgin, Blasi and Reichenbach, Albertina
14 October 1850 |
Bürgin, Maria Anna
Family of Reichenbach, Konrad and Bürgin, Maria Anna
16 November 1835 |
Burris, Elizabeth
Family of Trolinger, John and Burris, Elizabeth
Family of Burris, Elizabeth
30 December 1792 |
Burris, Henry A
Family of Burris, Henry A and Marshall, Elizabeth
2 January 1867 |
Burris, James
Family of Burris, James and , Polly
Burris, Micajah
Family of Burris, Micajah and McCoy, Rachel Jr
13 October 1795 |
Family of Burris, Micajah and Francis, Elizabeth
Burris, William
Family of Burris, William and Candler, Ellender
1778 |
Burriss, Daniel
Family of Burriss, Daniel and McCoy, Lockey
8 May 1858 |
Family of Burriss, Daniel and Peery, Rebecca
11 January 1827 |
Burriss, Eleanor “Nelly”
Family of McCoy, Asa and Burriss, Eleanor “Nelly”
14 September 1832 |
Burriss, Harrison
Family of Burriss, Harrison and , Annie
1857 |
Burriss, Margaret Peggy
Family of McCoy, John and Burriss, Margaret Peggy
2 December 1827 |
Burriss, Mary Ann
Family of McCoy, William and Burriss, Mary Ann
27 April 1837 |
Byrum, William James
Family of Byrum, William James and Marshall, Christine Eleanor
May 1923 |
Campbell, Charles W
Family of Campbell, Charles W and Reichenbach, Mildred Gracia Elizabeth
17 December 1935 |
Campbell, Cordella
Family of McCoy, William and Campbell, Cordella
1772 |
Campbell, Ezekial
Family of Campbell, Ezekial
Campbell, Hortense Anne
Family of Crawford, [Living] and Campbell, Hortense Anne
Family of Dickinson, [Living] and Campbell, Hortense Anne
Campbell, [Living]
Family of Campbell, [Living] and Campbell, [Living]
Campbell, [Living]
Family of Campbell, [Living] and Campbell, [Living]
Candler, Daniel
Family of Candler, Daniel and Fiske, Hannah
Candler, Ellender
Family of Burris, William and Candler, Ellender
1778 |
Candler, John
Family of Candler, John and Gibson, Elizabeth
17651765 |
Candler, Thomas
Family of Candler, Thomas and Tuite, Jane
1685 |
Candler, William
Family of Candler, William and Fiske, Hannah
4 May 1603 |
Candler, William
Family of Candler, William and Villiers, Anne
Carper, Amanda
Family of Hoylman, William Rennick and Carper, Amanda
5 October 1880 |
Carper, Frederick
Family of Carper, Frederick and Wolfersberger, Maria Margaret
Carper, George
Family of Carper, George and Beigh, Mariah
8 June 1856 |
Family of Carper, George and Kroll, Elizabeth
17 February 1842 |
Carper, John
Family of Carper, John and Snyder, Barbara
25 December 1817 |
Carper, Nicholas
Family of Carper, Nicholas and Voltz, Cathererine X
1789 |
Carroll, Polley
Family of McCollum, William and Carroll, Polley
12 January 1811 |
Carter, Alexander
Family of Carter, Alexander and Kneff, Katherine
Carter, Catherine
Family of Stricklett, James and Carter, Catherine
6 July 1854 |
Carter, Louisiana Franklin
Family of Neal, Thomas David and Carter, Louisiana Franklin
Carter, Malinda
Family of Vass, Philip P and Carter, Malinda
Carter, Vilena
Family of Wilds, Milton Bird and Carter, Vilena
10 June 1849 |
Carter, [Living]
Family of Carter, [Living] and Goodale, [Living]
Casper, Brenda S
Family of Petersen, Leroy Christian and Casper, Brenda S
Family of Firmature, [Living] and Casper, Brenda S
Cawley, John
Family of Cawley, John and Lester, Victoria
1881 |
Chaffin, Laura Allen
Family of Marshall, Zachariah Joseph and Chaffin, Laura Allen
18 April 1878 |
Chafin, Jefferson
Family of Chafin, Jefferson and , Martha J
1856 |
Family of Chafin, Jefferson
28 February 1856 |
Chafin, Levicy
Family of Hatfield, William Anderson (Devil Anse) and Chafin, Levicy
18 April 1861 |
Chapman, Catherine
Family of McCauley, James and Chapman, Catherine
12 January 1792 |
Chapman, Nancy
Family of McCauley, Matthew and Chapman, Nancy
7 November 1799 |
Christiansen, Peter
Family of Christiansen, Peter and Jessen, Anna Margretha
Christner, Magdalena
Family of Schlatter, Joseph and Christner, Magdalena
Clarey, George Ellsworth
Family of Clarey, George Ellsworth and Keefover, Nellie Eloise
19 September 1928 |
Clark, Charles Julius
Family of Clark, Charles Julius and McCoy, Angeline “Fannie”
1890 |
Clark, William Street
Family of Clark, William Street and Berger, Augusta Christine
1863 |
Clausen, Johanne Marcusdatter
Family of Borup, Niels P and Clausen, Johanne Marcusdatter
23 April 1777 |
Cochrane, Curtis Maxwell
Family of Cochrane, Curtis Maxwell and Hoylman, Grace Mae
29 July 1928 |
Cochrane, John Curtain
Family of Cochrane, John Curtain and Neeley, Florence Mae
Cochrane, [Living]
Family of Jennings, Carroll and Cochrane, [Living]
Colard, Victorine
Family of Courvoisier, Auguste and Colard, Victorine
Collins, James S
Family of Collins, James S and Doolittle, Mary Ann
Collins, Mary C
Family of Collins, Mary C
Colton, Arthur Loomis
Family of Colton, Arthur Loomis and Lafferty, Jane Josephine
1899 |
Colton, George Chauncey
Family of Colton, George Chauncey and Patterson, Letitia
6 August 1920 |
Constable, Alice
Family of Rasing, William and Constable, Alice
1564 |
Constable, James
Family of Constable, James and Middleton, Bridget
Constable, Marmaduke
Family of Constable, Marmaduke and Metcalf, Elizabeth
Cook, W B
Family of Cook, W B and Marshall, Sarah L “Sally”
Corbin, Magdely
Family of Lyon, William S and Corbin, Magdely
Corrie, Margaret Eleanor
Family of Gibson, James and Corrie, Margaret Eleanor
27 November 1706 |
Costanzo, Emanuele Victor
Family of Costanzo, Emanuele Victor and Steele, Ruth Arlene
8 April 1972 |
before 1996 |
Coulter, [Living]
Family of Hoylman, George W II and Coulter, [Living]
Courvoisier, Auguste
Family of Courvoisier, Auguste and Colard, Victorine
Courvoisier Piot, David Louis
Family of Courvoisier Piot, David Louis and , Rose Henriette
Courvoisier Piot, Eugenia C
Family of Bouvier, Frederic Louis and Courvoisier Piot, Eugenia C
July 1844 |
1869 |
Courvoisier Piot, Hippolyte
Family of Courvoisier Piot, Hippolyte and Pernoud, Felicite Grand Guillume
Cover, Agnes
Family of Baer, Solomon J and Cover, Agnes
1850 |
Cover, John P
Family of Cover, John P and Putman, Rosy Ann
Family of Cox and , Polly
Crabtree, John M
Family of Crabtree, John M and McCauley, Louisa
25 August 1849 |
Crabtree, William
Family of Crabtree, William and McCauley, Elizabeth
Craig, Elizabeth
Family of Blackwood, William and Craig, Elizabeth
Craig, Samuel
Family of Craig, Samuel and Johnston, Mary
Crawford, [Living]
Family of Crawford, [Living] and Campbell, Hortense Anne
Crews, Charles Edward
Family of Crews, Charles Edward and Marshall, Susannah
Crews, Rufus William
Family of Crews, Rufus William and Guthrie, Susan Francis
Crook, Nellie
Family of Miller, George Edwin and Crook, Nellie
Crosby, Evelyn O
Family of Reichenbach, George Washington and Crosby, Evelyn O
Family of Danskin, George E and Crosby, Evelyn O
Crowder, Amanda
Family of Hoylman, Cornelius Henderson and Crowder, Amanda
1881 |
Crum, Calista
Family of Ferguson, John B and Crum, Calista
11 July 1875 |
Crumpler, Irvin T
Family of Crumpler, Irvin T and Guthrie, Martha O
Cullen, George T
Family of Cullen, George T and Booth, Mary Elizabeth
Danskin, George E
Family of Danskin, George E and Crosby, Evelyn O
Family of Edwards, Harry and Darcus
Davidson, Fenemen
Family of Davidson, Fenemen and Davidson, Salina
Davidson, Salina
Family of Hoylman, Henry Clay and Davidson, Salina
29 January 1852 |
Family of Davidson, Fenemen and Davidson, Salina
Davis, Eleanor
Family of McCoy, Pleasant and Davis, Eleanor
Davis, Elizabeth
Family of McCoy, Samuel and Davis, Elizabeth
12 August 180212 August 1802 |
Davis, Gertrude M
Family of McCoy, Chapman and Davis, Gertrude M
Davis, Nancy
Family of McCoy, Ezekiel and Davis, Nancy
7 April 1798 |
Davis, Nancy E
Family of McCollum, Charles and Davis, Nancy E
22 December 1856 |
Delhay, Alfred Maurice
Family of Delhay, Alfred Maurice and Petersen, Lorraine M
Delhay, Alfred Morse
Family of Delhay, Alfred Morse and Stalberg, [Living]
Delhay, Arling Stanley
Family of Delhay, Arling Stanley and Reichenbach, Naomi Ruth
Delhay, Maurice R
Family of Delhay, Maurice R and , Annie
1888 |
DePuy, [Living]
Family of DePuy, [Living] and McPherson, [Living]
Derr, [Living]
Family of Vance, Glenn Milo and Derr, [Living]
DeWine, [Living]
Family of DeWine, [Living] and Zeleny, [Living]
Dickinson, Valorie Anne
Family of Henry, [Living] and Dickinson, Valorie Anne
Dickinson, [Living]
Family of Dickinson, [Living] and Campbell, Hortense Anne
Dillon, Henrietta Fitzhenry
Family of McCauley, Charles Maurice Tallyrand and Dillon, Henrietta Fitzhenry
Dohse, Carl Frederick
Family of Dohse, Carl Frederick and Petersen, Mary
18 August 1910 |
Dooley, [Living]
Family of Dooley, [Living] and Anderson, [Living]
Doolittle, Mary Ann
Family of Collins, James S and Doolittle, Mary Ann
Doughton, Minerva
Family of McCauley, William and Doughton, Minerva
1831 |
Douglas, Unknown
Family of Douglas, Unknown and Bouvier, Bertha
Douthitt, Mary Job
Family of Douthitt, Mary Job
23 January 1844 |
Duncalf, Mary
Family of Lester, Peter and Duncalf, Mary
6 June 1685 |
Duncalf, Thomas
Family of Duncalf, Thomas and Taylor, Margaret
Duncan, Ann E.
Family of Reeves, Spencer Stuart and Duncan, Ann E.
17 July 1839 |
Dunlap, Blanche E.
Family of Turrentine, Carlton A. and Dunlap, Blanche E.
Dunn, Andrew
Family of Dunn, Andrew and , Nancy
Dunn, Andrew
Family of Dunn, Andrew and , Nancy
Dunn, Cyrus A
Family of Dunn, Cyrus A and McCoy, Ida Alice
27 August 1891 |
Family of Dunn, Cyrus A and Smith, Nettie
October 1904 |
Dunn, David
Family of Dunn, David and Talbott, Margaret A
8 August 1869 |
Dunn, David
Family of Dunn, David and , Isabell
Dunn, David
Family of Dunn, David and , Isabell
Dunn, Hazel Adell
Family of Lewis, Ray Tony and Dunn, Hazel Adell
Family of Wallace, Guy Franklin and Dunn, Hazel Adell
5 February 1913 |
Durham, Thomas M.
Family of Durham, Thomas M. and Stuart, Sarah F.
20 October 1835 |
Duus, Kathrina Maria
Family of Broderson, Christian Rasmussen and Duus, Kathrina Maria
Dyer, [Living]
Family of Naumann, [Living] and Dyer, [Living]
Eckhardt, Charles
Family of Eckhardt, Charles and Reuland, Mary
1900 |
Eckhardt, Charles
Family of Eckhardt, Charles and Reuland, Mary
1900 |
Edmonson, Susan M
Family of Marshall, William Ruffin and Edmonson, Susan M
18 March 1858 |
Family of Edwards and McCauley, Cecelia
Edwards, Harry
Family of Edwards, Harry and Darcus
Egger, Katherine C
Family of Egger, Katherine C
Eggers, William Lexis
Family of Eggers, William Lexis and Hoylman, Lillian
1904 |
Ekstrom, Tiney
Family of McCoy, Chalmers Wilmer and Ekstrom, Tiney
11 February 1937 |
Elligan, [Living]
Family of Turrentine, Michael E. Jr. and Elligan, [Living]
Ellis, George A.
Family of Ellis, George A. and Lynch, Nancy
7 November 1846 |
Engelke, George Thomas
Family of Engelke, George Thomas and Stricklett, Mary Etta
21 April 1916 |
Ermentraudt, Johan Heinrich
Family of Ermentraudt, Johan Heinrich and Miller, Mary Catherine
Ermentraudt, Johannes
Family of Ermentraudt, Johannes and Hedderich, Anna Elizabeth
Etherington, Ruth
Family of Towse, Daniel and Etherington, Ruth
6 June 1693 |
Evans, John
Family of Evans, John
Evans, Rebecca
Family of Marshall, William and Evans, Rebecca
17 December 1803 |
Ewing, George B
Family of Ewing, George B and Vass, Apphia
15 November 1823 |
Ewing, George B
Family of Ewing, George B and Vass, Apphia
15 November 1823 |
Fahnholz, August Carl
Family of Fahnholz, August Carl and Mills, Iva Mae
Fahnholz, [Living]
Family of Gaffey, Joseph Michael and Fahnholz, [Living]
Faucett, Samuel
Family of Faucett, Samuel and McCauley, Cecelia
25 December 187324 December 1873 |
Faucett, Thomas
Family of Faucett, Thomas and McCollum, Rosannah
29 May 1829 |
Ferguson, Alice Virginia
Family of O'Brien, James F and Ferguson, Alice Virginia
19 November 1890 |
Family of Persinger, Michael M and Ferguson, Alice Virginia
17 November 1900 |
Ferguson, Elizabeth
Family of Booth, Charles and Ferguson, Elizabeth
19 February 1798 |
Ferguson, John B
Family of Ferguson, John B and Hoylman, Coralena Moffatt
11 October 1871 |
10 August 1874 |
Family of Ferguson, John B and Crum, Calista
11 July 1875 |
Family of Ferguson, John B and , Minnie
Family of Ferguson, John B
11 July 1875 |
Family of Ferguson, John B and Stratton, Vicy
29 August 1880 |
Ferguson, William S
Family of Ferguson, William S and Bing, Sarah A
Field, [Living]
Family of Marshall, Carlisle Loretz and Field, [Living]
Field, [Living]
Family of Marshall, Carlisle Loretz and Field, [Living]
Finn, Edward Wilson
Family of Finn, Edward Wilson and Mullens, Martha
8 August 1805 |
Finn, Elizabeth
Family of Satterfield, William and Finn, Elizabeth
Finn, Equilla
Family of Roberts and Finn, Equilla
Finn, Gabriel
Family of Finn, Gabriel and Marshall, Rebecca
5 January 1796 |
Family of Finn, Gabriel and Wilson, Mary
before 1830 |
Finn, Jane
Family of Raley and Finn, Jane
Finn, Sarah “Salley”
Family of Marshall, Zachariah and Finn, Sarah “Salley”
23 May 179523 May 1795 |
Finn, Unknown Father
Family of Finn, Unknown Father and , Elizabeth
Firmature, [Living]
Family of Firmature, [Living] and Casper, Brenda S
Fishko, Michael
Family of Fishko, Michael and Sohl, Emma
189421 December 1893 |
Fishko, William Howard George
Family of Fishko, William Howard George and Peterson, Marjorie
Fishko, William Johann
Family of Fishko, William Johann and Rohwer, Elizabeth
Fishko, [Living]
Family of Luenenborg and Fishko, [Living]
Fiske, Hannah
Family of Candler, Daniel and Fiske, Hannah
Fiske, Hannah
Family of Candler, William and Fiske, Hannah
4 May 1603 |
Fleschman, Michael
Family of Fleschman, Michael
Fleschman, Nancy A
Family of Hoylman, George Washington and Fleschman, Nancy A
Family of Fleschman, Nancy A
7 May 1837 |
Francis, Elizabeth
Family of Burris, Micajah and Francis, Elizabeth
Freeland, John
Family of Freeland, John and Johnston, Catherine
Frey, Gregorius
Family of Frey, Gregorius and Oberdorfer, Verena
Frey, Johan Andreas
Family of Frey, Johan Andreas and Ritter, Catharina Barbara
3 February 17223 February 1722 |
Frey, Johann Jacob
Family of Frey, Johann Jacob and Schaub, Anna Maria
21 October 1688 |
Frey, Johannes Wilhelm
Family of Frey, Johannes Wilhelm and , Anna Maria
Frey, Margaret
Family of Frey, Margaret
Frey, Maria Salome
Family of Heylman, Johan Peter and Frey, Maria Salome
28 January 173928 January 1739 |
Fridrichsen, Anna
Family of Petersen, Carsten and Fridrichsen, Anna
8 May 1825 |
Fridrichsen, [Living]
Family of Fridrichsen, [Living] and Stenstensen, [Living]
Gaffey, Joseph Michael
Family of Gaffey, Joseph Michael and Fahnholz, [Living]
Garrett, Cynthia Ann
Family of Booth, Jamison W and Garrett, Cynthia Ann
8 February 1838 |
Garten, Emeline
Family of Persinger, James S and Garten, Emeline
15 April 1858 |
Gerig, Ferdinand
Family of Gerig, Ferdinand and Reichenbach, Magdelena
30 June 1862 |
Gibson, Elizabeth
Family of Candler, John and Gibson, Elizabeth
17651765 |
Gibson, James
Family of Gibson, James and Corrie, Margaret Eleanor
27 November 1706 |
Gibson, James
Family of Gibson, James and Lindsay, Elspeth
Gibson, Robert
Family of Gibson, Robert
Gilliland, Grace Belle
Family of Noyes, [Living] and Gilliland, Grace Belle
Gilmore, Inez Pearl
Family of Beaman, Argie Orval and Gilmore, Inez Pearl
11 July 1923 |
Family of Wallace, Guy Franklin and Gilmore, Inez Pearl
1 December 19371 December 1937 |
Gilmore, Wilder Hitchcock
Family of Gilmore, Wilder Hitchcock and Mendenhall, Samantha Jane Jennie
13 June 1886 |
Family of Gilmore, Wilder Hitchcock
Gingerich, Barbara
Family of Kauffman, David J and Gingerich, Barbara
8 October 1861 |
Gingrich, Marshall Henry
Family of Gingrich, Marshall Henry and Hoylman, Jessie Mae
10 February 1904 |
Ginn, Betsy
Family of Stricklett, Peter M and Ginn, Betsy
Ginn, Elizabeth Ann
Family of Stricklett, Peter M and Ginn, Elizabeth Ann
5 December 1831 |
Goodale, Michael Everett
Family of Goodale, Michael Everett and Malloy, [Living]
Goodale, Ralph Everett
Family of Goodale, Ralph Everett and Nifong, Mary
Goodale, [Living]
Family of Carter, [Living] and Goodale, [Living]
Goodale, [Living]
Family of Goodale, [Living] and Swing, Carrie Jane
Family of Goodwin and Keefover, Nellie Eloise
Gooslin, Hiram
Family of Gooslin, Hiram and Gooslin, Jennie
Gooslin, Jennie
Family of Gooslin, Hiram and Gooslin, Jennie
Gottsch, Arthur Hans Henry
Family of Gottsch, Arthur Hans Henry and Huber, Mary Mabel
8 January 1919 |
Gould, Fidelia Angelina
Family of Richards, William and Gould, Fidelia Angelina
Grant, Alexander
Family of Grant, Alexander
Grant, Alexander
Family of Grant, Alexander
Grant, Cyrus A
Family of Grant, Cyrus A and Talbott, Margaret A
25 September 1861 |
Grant, John P
Family of Grant, John P and , [Living]
Grant, Jonathan
Family of Grant, Jonathan and Timbrel, Mary
9 November 18369 November 1836 |
Gray, Mary Charity
Family of Lester, Gordon and Gray, Mary Charity
5 November 1874 |
Gray, William
Family of Gray, William and Lester, Mildred
Family of Green and Thorn, Anna M
Green, Anna M
Family of Hoylman, Herbert Z and Green, Anna M
Green, Minnie
Family of Miller, Charles W and Green, Minnie
Greuter, Ralph J
Family of Greuter, Ralph J and Hoylman, Elsie A
Greuter, Ralph J
Family of Greuter, Ralph J and Hoylman, Elsie A
Grizzle, Lucinda Sina
Family of Lyon, Lewis and Grizzle, Lucinda Sina
16 September 1823 |
Ground, Gwen Kathleen
Family of Vance, John Wesley and Ground, Gwen Kathleen
Guengerich, Daniel P
Family of Guengerich, Daniel P and Miller, Susanna
Gut, M Anna
Family of Reichenbach, Roman and Gut, M Anna
Gut, Maria Anna
Family of Reichenbach, Joh. Georg and Gut, Maria Anna
Gut, Thomas
Family of Gut, Thomas and Reichenbach, Maria Antonia
25 April 1842 |
Guthrie, Jackson
Family of Guthrie, Jackson and Shelton, Mary Frances
Guthrie, Martha O
Family of Crumpler, Irvin T and Guthrie, Martha O
Guthrie, Susan Francis
Family of Crews, Rufus William and Guthrie, Susan Francis
Gwyn, Claude Cery
Family of Gwyn, Claude Cery and Peterson, Anna Marie
11 January 1933 |
Hagermaster, Anna Marie
Family of Smith, James Claude and Hagermaster, Anna Marie
27 September 1906 |
Haines, Ann
Family of Linvill, Benjamin and Haines, Ann
Haizlip, Mary Susan
Family of Marshall, Joseph William and Haizlip, Mary Susan
28 September 1877 |
Hansdatter, Maren
Family of Skov, Hans Andersen and Hansdatter, Maren
Hansen, Ane Kirstine
Family of Hemmingsen, Peder and Hansen, Ane Kirstine
Hansen, Anna Margaret
Family of Huber, Walter Glenn and Hansen, Anna Margaret
24 August 1935 |
Hansen, Christian
Family of Hansen, Christian and Lauritzen, Catharina
1 December 1861 |
Hansen, Cæcilia Catharina
Family of Petersen, Christian and Hansen, Cæcilia Catharina
24 April 1825 |
Hansen, Hans Christian
Family of Hansen, Hans Christian and Sörensen, Anna
Hansen, Hans Petersen
Family of Hansen, Hans Petersen and Laussen, Anne Dorothea
Hansen, Maren
Family of Lauritzen, Johannes Peter and Hansen, Maren
25 September 1874 |
Hansen, Peter
Family of Hansen, Peter and Peters, Anne Kathrine
Hardy, Mary Baldwin
Family of Thorn, William M and Hardy, Mary Baldwin
1860 |
Harrison, John Henry
Family of Harrison, John Henry and Miller, Claire Marie
Harrison, [Living]
Family of Reichenbach, Robert Randall and Harrison, [Living]
Hart, [Living]
Family of Reuland, Perry John and Hart, [Living]
Hart, [Living]
Family of Reuland, Perry John and Hart, [Living]
Hartsock, Martha Jane
Family of Hoylman, Victor R and Hartsock, Martha Jane
Hartsock, Martha Jane
Family of Hoylman, Victor R and Hartsock, Martha Jane
Hatfield, Emma Alice
Family of Runyon, Roland T and Hatfield, Emma Alice
3 May 1901 |
Hatfield, Ephraim
Family of Hatfield, Ephraim and McCoy, Elizabeth
10 May 1859 |
Hatfield, Ephraim
Family of Hatfield, Ephraim and Bundy, Anna McKinney Musick
Family of Hatfield, Ephraim and Smith, Mary Polly Goff
1785 |
Hatfield, Ephraim
Family of Hatfield, Ephraim and Vance, Nancy
28 August 1828 |
Family of Hatfield, Ephraim
1828 |
Hatfield, James Howard
Family of Hatfield, James Howard and Hatfield, Olive
1896 |
Hatfield, Jeremiah
Family of Hatfield, Jeremiah and Vance, Rachel
1830 |
Hatfield, Joseph
Family of Hatfield, Joseph and Vance, Elizabeth Deliz
Hatfield, Lawyer
Family of Hatfield, Lawyer and Pickens, Louisa
17 May 1877 |
Family of Hatfield, Lawyer
Hatfield, Louvisie
Family of Hatfield, William Anderson (Devil Anse) and Hatfield, Louvisie
1861 |
Hatfield, Olive
Family of Hatfield, James Howard and Hatfield, Olive
1896 |
Hatfield, Valentine Wall
Family of Hatfield, Valentine Wall and Weddington, Martha
Hatfield, William Anderson (Devil Anse)
Family of Hatfield, William Anderson (Devil Anse) and Chafin, Levicy
18 April 1861 |
Family of Hatfield, William Anderson (Devil Anse) and Hatfield, Louvisie
1861 |
Hawtcliffe, Margaret
Family of Rasing, Richard and Hawtcliffe, Margaret
Family of Hecker and Baumann, Anna Catharina
Hecker, Christina
Family of Hugelman, Leo and Hecker, Christina
12 December 1874 |
Hecker, George
Family of Hecker, George and , [Living]
Hecker, Johann Paul
Family of Hecker, Johann Paul and Heyschock, Agentis
Hecker, Johannas
Family of Hecker, Johannas and Sambas, Catharina
29 March 1831 |
Hecker, Mary Ann
Family of Kessler, Henry and Hecker, Mary Ann
1860 |
Hecker, Peter
Family of Hecker, Peter and Seibel, Louisa
Hedderich, Anna Elizabeth
Family of Ermentraudt, Johannes and Hedderich, Anna Elizabeth
Heilman, Johann Bernhard
Family of Heilman, Johann Bernhard and , Anna Barbara
Hein, Anna Margaret
Family of Hoylman, Walter and Hein, Anna Margaret
26 February 1907 |
Hein, Carrie
Family of Hein, William and Hein, Carrie
Hein, William
Family of Hein, William and Hein, Carrie
Heise, Charles
Family of Heise, Charles and Knag, Anna
Family of Heise, Charles
1900 |
Heise, Fredrick Fritz
Family of Heise, Fredrick Fritz and Heise, Wilhemina Minnie
Heise, Wilhemina Minnie
Family of Heise, Fredrick Fritz and Heise, Wilhemina Minnie
Helme, Harold
Family of Helme, Harold
Helme, Jodeen Faye
Family of Petersen, Leroy Christian and Helme, Jodeen Faye
Hemmingsen, Peder
Family of Hemmingsen, Peder and Hansen, Ane Kirstine
Henderson, Elsie Joe
Family of Marshall, Olen Rheinhardt and Henderson, Elsie Joe
3 November 1914 |
Henderson, George M
Family of Henderson, George M and Henderson, [Living]
Henderson, [Living]
Family of Henderson, George M and Henderson, [Living]
Hennessey, Bridget
Family of Winters, Edward and Hennessey, Bridget
Hennessey, Bridget
Family of Winters, Edward and Hennessey, Bridget
Henry, [Living]
Family of Henry, [Living] and Dickinson, Valorie Anne
Herald, Nina
Family of McCoy, Eugene Sr and Herald, Nina
Hereford, Sanford R
Family of Hereford, Sanford R and Ligon, Gertrude Mason
Hereford, Tallullah Katheryn
Family of Hoylman, Rhese Stewart and Hereford, Tallullah Katheryn
Heslarton, Elizabeth
Family of Towse, William and Heslarton, Elizabeth
13 October 1612 |
Heslarton, John
Family of Heslarton, John and Rasing, Mary
Hester, Willlis
Family of Hester, Willlis and McCauley, Catherine
Heylman, Barbara
Family of Heylman, Johan Peter and Heylman, Barbara
Heylman, Johan Peter
Family of Heylman, Johan Peter and Heylman, Barbara
Heylman, Johan Peter
Family of Heylman, Johan Peter and Frey, Maria Salome
28 January 173928 January 1739 |
Heylman, Johann Heinrich “Henry”
Family of Heylman, Johann Heinrich “Henry” and , Christina
Heyschock, Agentis
Family of Hecker, Johann Paul and Heyschock, Agentis
Hicks, Mattie
Family of Steel, Elijah Newton and Hicks, Mattie
23 February 1888 |
Higginbotham, [Living]
Family of Higginbotham, [Living] and Hoylman, Kate D. “Dolly”
Hillman, Geneva Myrtle
Family of Beaman, John and Hillman, Geneva Myrtle
24 October 1900 |
Hite, Jessie Flossie
Family of Vance, Ilef and Hite, Jessie Flossie
28 February 1912 |
Hofschneider, Kreszentia
Family of Reichenbach, Jakob and Hofschneider, Kreszentia
14 April 1819 |
Hoilman, Eliza J
Family of Hoylman, Samuel and Hoilman, Eliza J
1873 |
Hoilman, Simon
Family of Hoilman, Simon and Thompson, Mary Polly
26 May 1808 |
Family of Hoilman, Simon and Mays, Nancy
22 September 1861 |
Hoke, Elizabeth
Family of Bottorff, John Henry and Hoke, Elizabeth
Holder, Nancy Elizabeth
Family of Holman, Reuben Scot and Holder, Nancy Elizabeth
Holman, Reuben Scot
Family of Holman, Reuben Scot and Holder, Nancy Elizabeth
Hoover, Hannah
Family of VanBebber, James and Hoover, Hannah
Hope, Elden R
Family of Hope, Elden R and , Donna Bell
Hope, Noble
Family of Hope, Noble and McCoy, Sineth
Hope, Pearley
Family of Hope, Pearley and Wood, Dorothy
Hopkins, Jean
Family of Hopkins, Jean and Patterson, Elsie T
Horn, Charles J
Family of Horn, Charles J and Hugelman, Katie
Hovendick, John Edward
Family of Hovendick, John Edward and Bouvier, Mabel Hannah
27 March 1900 |
Howard, Frances
Family of Howard, Frances
Howard, Susannah
Family of Vance, Abner and Howard, Susannah
Hoylman, Adda
Family of Miller, Robert Edwin and Hoylman, Adda
28 September 1898 |
Hoylman, Adison Sidney
Family of Hoylman, Adison Sidney and Armentrout, Malinda
27 November 1834 |
Hoylman, Annie Maria
Family of Schiffler, Emanuel and Hoylman, Annie Maria
Hoylman, Byron Gilbert
Family of Hoylman, Byron Gilbert and Velten, Nona Marie
6 September 1942 |
Hoylman, Cora
Family of Boone, Andrew Madison and Hoylman, Cora
23 December 1914 |
Hoylman, Coralena Moffatt
Family of Bouvier, Oliver and Hoylman, Coralena Moffatt
19 October 188019 October 1880 |
Family of Ferguson, John B and Hoylman, Coralena Moffatt
11 October 1871 |
10 August 1874 |
Hoylman, Cornelius Henderson
Family of Hoylman, Cornelius Henderson and Crowder, Amanda
1881 |
Family of Hoylman, Cornelius Henderson
Hoylman, David Newton
Family of Hoylman, David Newton and Whitten, Mattie J
26 April 1860 |
Family of Hoylman, David Newton and , Ellen D
1894 |
Hoylman, Edna A
Family of Beller, Dean Elijah and Hoylman, Edna A
7 October 1939 |
Hoylman, Elray Eugene
Family of Hoylman, Elray Eugene and Miller, Iva Marie
27 June 1954 |
Hoylman, Elsie A
Family of Greuter, Ralph J and Hoylman, Elsie A
Family of Greuter, Ralph J and Hoylman, Elsie A
Hoylman, Eric Gabriel
Family of Hoylman, Eric Gabriel and , [Living]
Hoylman, Fannie Alice
Family of Baer, Daniel S and Hoylman, Fannie Alice
4 March 1883 |
Family of Baer, Daniel S and Hoylman, Fannie Alice
Family of Hoylman, Fannie Alice
4 March 1883 |
Hoylman, Franklin J
Family of Hoylman, Franklin J and , Mary Jane
Hoylman, Franklin Rennick
Family of Hoylman, Franklin Rennick and Hoylman, Mary B
Family of Hoylman, Franklin Rennick and Kincaid, Mary Catherine
8 September 1858 |
Family of Hoylman, Franklin Rennick
1858 |
Hoylman, George Jordon
Family of Hoylman, George Jordon and Kauffman, [Living]
Hoylman, George W II
Family of Hoylman, George W II and Coulter, [Living]
Family of Hoylman, George W II
1900 |
Hoylman, George Washington
Family of Hoylman, George Washington and Fleschman, Nancy A
Family of Hoylman, George Washington
7 May 1837 |
Hoylman, Grace Mae
Family of Cochrane, Curtis Maxwell and Hoylman, Grace Mae
29 July 1928 |
Hoylman, Henry Clay
Family of Hoylman, Henry Clay and Davidson, Salina
29 January 1852 |
Hoylman, Herbert Z
Family of Hoylman, Herbert Z and Green, Anna M
Hoylman, Hettie M
Family of Hoylman, William and Hoylman, Hettie M
Hoylman, Homer
Family of Hoylman, Homer and Stewart, [Living]
Hoylman, James L
Family of Hoylman, James L and Winkleman, Leora
5 December 1937 |
Hoylman, James Thompson
Family of Hoylman, James Thompson and Vanstavern, Mary
Family of Hoylman, James Thompson
6 April 1842 |
Hoylman, Jessie Mae
Family of Gingrich, Marshall Henry and Hoylman, Jessie Mae
10 February 1904 |
Hoylman, John Brainard
Family of Hoylman, John Brainard and Lemon, Martha Ann
22 December 1869 |
Hoylman, John H
Family of Hoylman, John H and Hoylman, Olive R
1886 |
Hoylman, John Jordan
Family of Hoylman, John Jordan and Marshall, Jane Virginia
7 September 1849 |
Family of Hoylman, John Jordan and Lester, Lachoma
23 August 1866 |
Hoylman, John Lorenzo
Family of Hoylman, John Lorenzo and Price, Florence Leona
19 September 1906 |
Hoylman, Kate D. “Dolly”
Family of Higginbotham, [Living] and Hoylman, Kate D. “Dolly”
Hoylman, Laura Belle
Family of Mills, John Silas and Hoylman, Laura Belle
6 February 1893 |
Hoylman, Leva Leavy
Family of Ross, David and Hoylman, Leva Leavy
1889 |
Hoylman, Lillian
Family of Eggers, William Lexis and Hoylman, Lillian
1904 |
Hoylman, Lycurgus Marshall
Family of Hoylman, Lycurgus Marshall and Lester, Rebecca
14 March 1871 |
Family of Hoylman, Lycurgus Marshall and Ross, M Sarah
18 January 1885 |
Hoylman, Marcus Byron
Family of Hoylman, Marcus Byron and Mosher, [Living]
Family of Hoylman, Marcus Byron and Stanley, Cora N
13 September 1892 |
Hoylman, Mary
Family of Lively, Lewis Cass and Hoylman, Mary
1895 |
Hoylman, Mary Alice
Family of McCann, Chris and Hoylman, Mary Alice
3 June 1917 |
Hoylman, Mary B
Family of Hoylman, Franklin Rennick and Hoylman, Mary B
Hoylman, Mary Ellen
Family of Mathews, Jacob Worwick and Hoylman, Mary Ellen
7 May 1868 |
Hoylman, Mary Eugene
Family of McCoy, William Anderson and Hoylman, Mary Eugene
5 October 18721868 |
Hoylman, Maxine
Family of Londborg, Levi and Hoylman, Maxine
21 December 1940 |
Hoylman, Minnie Mae
Family of Miller, George Adelbert “Bert” and Hoylman, Minnie Mae
1894 |
Hoylman, Olive R
Family of Hoylman, John H and Hoylman, Olive R
1886 |
Hoylman, Olivia Estelline
Family of Ross, David and Hoylman, Olivia Estelline
Hoylman, Rhese Stewart
Family of Hoylman, Rhese Stewart and Hereford, Tallullah Katheryn
Hoylman, Rhese Stewart Jr
Family of Hoylman, Rhese Stewart Jr and Benthall, Juanita Maude
Hoylman, Samuel
Family of Hoylman, Samuel and Hoilman, Eliza J
1873 |
Family of Hoylman, Samuel
Hoylman, Samuel
Family of Hoylman, Samuel and Kauffman, Barbara M
Hoylman, Victor R
Family of Hoylman, Victor R and Morgan, Minnie
1 December 1915 |
Family of Hoylman, Victor R and Hartsock, Martha Jane
Family of Hoylman, Victor R and Hartsock, Martha Jane
Hoylman, Walter
Family of Hoylman, Walter and Hein, Anna Margaret
26 February 1907 |
Hoylman, Walter Julius
Family of Hoylman, Walter Julius and , Faye
Hoylman, William
Family of Hoylman, William and Hoylman, Hettie M
Hoylman, William Rennick
Family of Hoylman, William Rennick and Carper, Amanda
5 October 1880 |
Hoylman, [Living]
Family of Hoylman, [Living] and Wolfson, [Living]
Family of Hoylman, [Living]
Hoylman, [Living]
Family of Reick, Belaine and Hoylman, [Living]
Hoylman, [Living]
Family of Hoylman, [Living]
Hoylman, [Living]
Family of Hoylman, [Living] and Munroe, [Living]
Huber, Bernice Nellie
Family of Lund, Harry E and Huber, Bernice Nellie
Huber, Edna Grace
Family of Petersen, Arthur and Huber, Edna Grace
Huber, Ernst I
Family of Huber, Ernst I and Schrie, Pauline
Huber, Frank George
Family of Huber, Frank George and Petersen, Ella
24 December 1926 |
Huber, George Frederick
Family of Huber, George Frederick and Borup, Amanda Anna
10 May 1894 |
Huber, Mary Mabel
Family of Gottsch, Arthur Hans Henry and Huber, Mary Mabel
8 January 1919 |
Huber, Pauline Catherine
Family of Peterson, Ernest Christian and Huber, Pauline Catherine
4 December 1919 |
Huber, Walter Glenn
Family of Huber, Walter Glenn and Hansen, Anna Margaret
24 August 1935 |
Hudson, Harriet
Family of Smith, Martin H and Hudson, Harriet
Hugelman, Anna
Family of Montgomery, George W and Hugelman, Anna
25 February 1869 |
Hugelman, Bernhardt
Family of Hugelman, Bernhardt and Schildknecht, Caroline
Family of Hugelman, Bernhardt and Schildknecht, Caroline
14 August 1844 |
Hugelman, Katie
Family of Horn, Charles J and Hugelman, Katie
Hugelman, Leo
Family of Hugelman, Leo and Hecker, Christina
12 December 1874 |
Hugelman, Leo Bernard Jr
Family of Hugelman, Leo Bernard Jr and Peterson, Anna Marie
26 June 1907 |
Hunter, Mary
Family of McCauley, William and Hunter, Mary
18 January 1831 |
Hunter, Mary Elizabeth
Family of McCollum, Henry Jr. and Hunter, Mary Elizabeth
22 January 1824 |
Hyde, Susanna
Family of Mabbott, [Living] and Hyde, Susanna
Ides, Nora
Family of Bouvier, Samuel D and Ides, Nora
Ingram, Comfort
Family of Talbott, Isaac and Ingram, Comfort
Ingram, Nancey
Family of Marshall, Jesse and Ingram, Nancey
9 July 1789 |
Ipser, Ursula
Family of Reichenbach, Mathias and Ipser, Ursula
16 November 1835 |
James, Bertha Marie
Family of Vance, Raleigh and James, Bertha Marie
James, [Living]
Family of Borup, Emil Joseph and James, [Living]
Jamsgard, Thor
Family of Jamsgard, Thor and Johnson, Ramona Georgieanna
4 May 1937 |
19 March 1962 |
Jamsgard, Thor Osmund
Family of Jamsgard, Thor Osmund and Petersen, [Living]
Family of Jamsgard, Thor Osmund
23 January 1965 |
Jenkins, Mary Ellen
Family of Nifong, John Hamilton and Jenkins, Mary Ellen
Jennings, Carroll
Family of Jennings, Carroll and Cochrane, [Living]
Family of Jensen and Palo, [Living]
Jensen, Jens
Family of Jensen, Jens and Broderson, Christina H
5 November 1919 |
Family of Jensen, Jens
Jensen, [Living]
Family of Jensen, [Living] and Petersen, [Living]
Jespersen, Anders Jacob
Family of Jespersen, Anders Jacob and Broderson, Christina H
5 February 1897 |
Jespersen, Anders Jorgen
Family of Jespersen, Anders Jorgen and Lydriksen, Karen Kirstine
Family of Jespersen, Anders Jorgen
6 May 1869 |
Jessen, Anna Margretha
Family of Christiansen, Peter and Jessen, Anna Margretha
Johnson, Ramona Georgieanna
Family of Jamsgard, Thor and Johnson, Ramona Georgieanna
4 May 1937 |
19 March 1962 |
Johnson, Unity
Family of Marshall, Spain and Johnson, Unity
10 October 1796 |
Johnston, Catherine
Family of Freeland, John and Johnston, Catherine
Johnston, Charles Wilson
Family of Johnston, Charles Wilson and Blackwood, Martha
1754 |
Johnston, Elizabeth
Family of Strayhorn, John and Johnston, Elizabeth
Johnston, George
Family of Johnston, George and Wilson, Mary
1720 |
Johnston, Margaret
Family of Bailey, Chaldous and Johnston, Margaret
Johnston, Martha
Family of McCauley, Mathew and Johnston, Martha
1 February 17831 February 1780 |
Johnston, Mary
Family of Craig, Samuel and Johnston, Mary
Johnstone, Charles Wilson
Family of Johnstone, Charles Wilson and Blackwood, Martha
Jones, Hannah
Family of Thorne, Israel and Jones, Hannah
Jones, Samuel
Family of Jones, Samuel and O'Brien, Ruth Hoyleman
Family of Jude and McCoy, Pricey
Justice, Francis Claude
Family of Justice, Francis Claude and , Edie
Justice, Harvey
Family of Justice, Harvey and Templeton, Dova Amanda
14 November 1850 |
Family of Justice, Harvey
Justice, James Gaylord
Family of Justice, James Gaylord and Klingforth, Lena Mary
Justice, Lela Marie
Family of West, Elmon Dayton and Justice, Lela Marie
16 March 1925 |
Justice, Linnaeus Loring
Family of Justice, Linnaeus Loring and McCoy, Ida Alice
14 March 1898 |
Family of Justice, Linnaeus Loring
1898 |
Justice, Vivian Gertrude
Family of Brewster, Harold Theodore and Justice, Vivian Gertrude
25 June 1925 |
Kauffman, Barbara M
Family of Hoylman, Samuel and Kauffman, Barbara M
Kauffman, Daniel W
Family of Kauffman, Daniel W and Steckly, Mary
29 January 1885 |
Kauffman, David J
Family of Kauffman, David J and Gingerich, Barbara
8 October 1861 |
Kauffman, Jacob
Family of Kauffman, Jacob and Miller, Catherine
Kauffman, Jacob
Family of Kauffman, Jacob and Plank, Rebecca
1821 |
Kauffman, Mary Ella
Family of Slater, John C and Kauffman, Mary Ella
13 December 1940 |
Kauffman, [Living]
Family of Hoylman, George Jordon and Kauffman, [Living]
Keefover, Nellie Eloise
Family of Clarey, George Ellsworth and Keefover, Nellie Eloise
19 September 1928 |
Family of Goodwin and Keefover, Nellie Eloise
Keesee, Nancy
Family of Staton, Charles N and Keesee, Nancy
13 August 1820 |
Keesee, Richard
Family of Keesee, Richard and Morris, Judith
Keller, Katharina
Family of Reichenbach, Jakob and Keller, Katharina
Kelley, Harriet Hazel
Family of Winters, Jess Lawrence and Kelley, Harriet Hazel
30 October 1919 |
11 October 1929 |
Kessler, Frieda C
Family of Reiniger, Bernard B and Kessler, Frieda C
Kessler, Gerald
Family of Kessler, Gerald and , [Living]
Kessler, Henry
Family of Kessler, Henry and Kessler, Maria
Kessler, Henry
Family of Kessler, Henry and Hecker, Mary Ann
1860 |
Kessler, Leo A
Family of Kessler, Leo A and , Elsie
5 October 1926 |
Kessler, Maria
Family of Kessler, Henry and Kessler, Maria
Kessler, Peter Nils
Family of Kessler, Peter Nils and Borup, Bertha Mae
1896 |
Kessler, Walter G
Family of Kessler, Walter G and Kessler, [Living]
Kessler, [Living]
Family of Kessler, [Living] and Kessler, [Living]
Kessler, [Living]
Family of Kessler, [Living] and Kessler, [Living]
Kessler, [Living]
Family of Kessler, Walter G and Kessler, [Living]
Kidwell, Helen P
Family of Winters, Lawrence Mathew and Kidwell, Helen P
10 February 1931 |
Kincaid, Mary Catherine
Family of Hoylman, Franklin Rennick and Kincaid, Mary Catherine
8 September 1858 |
Kindler, [Living]
Family of Kindler, [Living] and Zeleny, [Living]
King, Elizabeth
Family of McCauley, William and King, Elizabeth
26 September 1833 |
King, Gladys R
Family of Steele, James Samuel and King, Gladys R
5 December 1943 |
King, [Living]
Family of King, [Living]
Klingforth, Lena Mary
Family of Justice, James Gaylord and Klingforth, Lena Mary
Knag, Anna
Family of Heise, Charles and Knag, Anna
Family of Knag, Anna
1900 |
Knag, Chris Hans
Family of Knag, Chris Hans and Knag, [Living]
Knag, Christian Jensen Hansen
Family of Knag, Christian Jensen Hansen and Lund, Anna Marie
Knag, Christina
Family of Wozny, John F and Knag, Christina
Knag, Emil
Family of Knag, Emil and , [Living]
Knag, Hans Andrew Sr
Family of Knag, Hans Andrew Sr and Kruse, Edith
Knag, Hans C Jr
Family of Knag, Hans C Jr and Prochnow, Lena Mae
Knag, Jens Christian Jensen
Family of Knag, Jens Christian Jensen and Skov, Kirstine
27 November 18731900 |
Knag, Jess Petersen
Family of Knag, Jess Petersen and , [Living]
Knag, Kirstine Jensen
Family of Lorenzen, Ingvert Christian and Knag, Kirstine Jensen
30 October 1879 |
Knag, Maren Hansen
Family of Petersen, Christian Lauritz and Knag, Maren Hansen
12 October 1891 |
Knag, [Living]
Family of Knag, Chris Hans and Knag, [Living]
Kneff, Katherine
Family of Carter, Alexander and Kneff, Katherine
Knobel, [Living]
Family of Knobel, [Living] and , [Living]
Knöbel, Franziska
Family of Leber, Faustin and Knöbel, Franziska
Knöbel, Franziska
Family of Leber, Faustin and Knöbel, Franziska
Knöbel, Franziska
Family of Walser, Johann and Knöbel, Franziska
Knudsen, Daniel
Family of Knudsen, Daniel and Winters, Marion Harriett
Kristiansdr, Katharina
Family of Petersen, Niels and Kristiansdr, Katharina
Kroll, Elizabeth
Family of Carper, George and Kroll, Elizabeth
17 February 1842 |
Kruse, Edith
Family of Knag, Hans Andrew Sr and Kruse, Edith
Kruse, Norma Mae
Family of West, [Living] and Kruse, Norma Mae
Lafferty, Jane Josephine
Family of Colton, Arthur Loomis and Lafferty, Jane Josephine
1899 |
Lamborn, Job
Family of Lamborn, Job and Linvill, Lydia
1850 |
Lang, Ellen
Family of Miller, [Living] and Lang, Ellen
Lange, Ursula
Family of Schaub, Matthias and Lange, Ursula
Langenbacher, [Living]
Family of Langenbacher, [Living] and Nehrwein, [Living]
Lauritzen, Catharina
Family of Hansen, Christian and Lauritzen, Catharina
1 December 1861 |
Lauritzen, Jahn
Family of Lauritzen, Jahn and Petersdr, Maren
Lauritzen, Johannes Peter
Family of Lauritzen, Johannes Peter and Hansen, Maren
25 September 1874 |
Lauritzen, Lorenz Peter
Family of Lauritzen, Lorenz Peter and Petersen, Anne Marie
23 January 1830 |
Lauritzen, Marie
Family of Petersen, Jess Christian and Lauritzen, Marie
7 December 1866 |
Laussen, Anne Dorothea
Family of Hansen, Hans Petersen and Laussen, Anne Dorothea
Lawver, [Living]
Family of Zeleny, [Living] and Lawver, [Living]
Leak, George W
Family of Leak, George W and Marshall, Nannie Ella
29 November 1866 |
Leak, Ola Lee
Family of Apperson, Thomas B and Leak, Ola Lee
3 January 1893 |
Leak, Pinckney Oscar
Family of Leak, Pinckney Oscar and , Louise
Family of Leak, Pinckney Oscar and , [Living]
Leber, Faustin
Family of Leber, Faustin and Knöbel, Franziska
Leber, Faustin
Family of Leber, Faustin and Knöbel, Franziska
Leber, Katherina
Family of Reichenbach, Vinzens and Leber, Katherina
23 November 1869 |
Leduc, Mathilde
Family of McPherson, William (Guillaume) and Leduc, Mathilde
Leitch, Agness
Family of McVicker, Alexander and Leitch, Agness
Lemon, Martha Ann
Family of Hoylman, John Brainard and Lemon, Martha Ann
22 December 1869 |
Lester, Alethia
Family of Snuffer, S J and Lester, Alethia
Lester, Champ
Family of Lester, Champ and McAlexander, Rachel
3 March 183512 March 1835 |
Lester, Gordon
Family of Lester, Gordon and Gray, Mary Charity
5 November 1874 |
Lester, Jobe
Family of Lester, Jobe and Lloyd, Martha S
1 June 1870 |
Lester, Lachoma
Family of Hoylman, John Jordan and Lester, Lachoma
23 August 1866 |
Lester, Mildred
Family of Gray, William and Lester, Mildred
Lester, Paris Pepper
Family of Lester, Paris Pepper and Sekler, Amelia
1872 |
Lester, Peter
Family of Lester, Peter and Duncalf, Mary
6 June 1685 |
Lester, Rachel Isabella
Family of Shumate, Peter Conrad and Lester, Rachel Isabella
24 May 1889 |
Lester, Rebecca
Family of Hoylman, Lycurgus Marshall and Lester, Rebecca
14 March 1871 |
Lester, Tamar
Family of Peters, Elijah C and Lester, Tamar
Lester, Victoria
Family of Cawley, John and Lester, Victoria
1881 |
Lester, Zora
Family of Shrout, Alburn G and Lester, Zora
Lewis, Irene Agnes
Family of McCoy, Lowell Joyce and Lewis, Irene Agnes
3 July 19493 July 1949 |
Lewis, Ray Tony
Family of Lewis, Ray Tony and Dunn, Hazel Adell
Lewis, [Living]
Family of Lewis, [Living] and Rogers, [Living]
Lightfood, Sarah G.
Family of Reeves, Spencer Stuart and Lightfood, Sarah G.
30 May 1832 |
Ligon, Gertrude Mason
Family of Hereford, Sanford R and Ligon, Gertrude Mason
Lindley, Carrie
Family of Smith, James Claude and Lindley, Carrie
13 November 1909 |
Lindley, William F
Family of Lindley, William F and Rathbun, Nettie
Lindsay, Elspeth
Family of Gibson, James and Lindsay, Elspeth
Linvill, Benjamin
Family of Linvill, Benjamin and Haines, Ann
Linvill, Lydia
Family of Lamborn, Job and Linvill, Lydia
1850 |
Family of Linvill, Lydia
Family of Pennington, John and Linvill, Lydia
Lively, Lewis Cass
Family of Lively, Lewis Cass and Hoylman, Mary
1895 |
Lloyd, Elizabeth
Family of McCauley, Archibald and Lloyd, Elizabeth
Lloyd, Martha S
Family of Lester, Jobe and Lloyd, Martha S
1 June 1870 |
Lodes, Anna
Family of Lodes, George and Lodes, Anna
7 January 1896 |
Lodes, Fred G
Family of Lodes, Fred G and Baer, Fay Agnes
19 October 1919 |
Lodes, George
Family of Lodes, George and Lodes, Anna
7 January 1896 |
Lodes, Johann Laurenz
Family of Lodes, Johann Laurenz and Thiem, Catharina
Lodes, Johann Laurenz
Family of Lodes, Johann Laurenz and Thiem, Catharina
Lodes, Russell G
Family of Lodes, Russell G
29 September 1986 |
Lohrs, [Living]
Family of Lohrs, [Living] and Nehrwein, [Living]
Londborg, Levi
Family of Londborg, Levi and Hoylman, Maxine
21 December 1940 |
Long, Abigail
Family of Allen, David Clark and Long, Abigail
Long, James
Family of Long, James and McCauley, Jane
5 September 1838 |
Lorenzen, Ingvert Christian
Family of Lorenzen, Ingvert Christian and Knag, Kirstine Jensen
30 October 1879 |
Family of Luenenborg and Fishko, [Living]
Lund, Anna Marie
Family of Knag, Christian Jensen Hansen and Lund, Anna Marie
Lund, Harry E
Family of Lund, Harry E and Huber, Bernice Nellie
Lush, [Living]
Family of Lush, [Living] and Zeleny, [Living]
Lydriksen, Karen Kirstine
Family of Jespersen, Anders Jorgen and Lydriksen, Karen Kirstine
Family of Lydriksen, Karen Kirstine
22 April 1881 |
Lynch, Nancy
Family of McCauley, Matthew and Lynch, Nancy
11 September 1858 |
Family of Ellis, George A. and Lynch, Nancy
7 November 1846 |
Lynn, Frances A
Family of Vass, Stephen Taylor and Lynn, Frances A
12 October 1867 |
Lyon, Lewis
Family of Lyon, Lewis and Grizzle, Lucinda Sina
16 September 1823 |
Lyon, Sarah Sally
Family of Ross, James A and Lyon, Sarah Sally
24 February 1842 |
Lyon, William S
Family of Lyon, William S and Corbin, Magdely
Mabbot, Diana
Family of Tuite, Henry and Mabbot, Diana
Mabbott, [Living]
Family of Mabbott, [Living] and Hyde, Susanna
Macomber, [Living]
Family of Macomber, [Living] and Snyder, [Living]
Madsen, Anna Marie
Family of Svengaard, Soren Andrew and Madsen, Anna Marie
2 March 1910 |
Malchow, Augusta
Family of Naumann, Gustav and Malchow, Augusta
Malloy, [Living]
Family of Goodale, Michael Everett and Malloy, [Living]
Manternich, Catherine
Family of Reuland, Peter and Manternich, Catherine
Marshall, Carlisle Loretz
Family of Marshall, Carlisle Loretz and Field, [Living]
Family of Marshall, Carlisle Loretz and Field, [Living]
Family of Marshall, Carlisle Loretz
Marshall, Christine Eleanor
Family of Byrum, William James and Marshall, Christine Eleanor
May 1923 |
Marshall, Cleopatra Virginia
Family of Oliver, Pinckney M and Marshall, Cleopatra Virginia
1 March 1864 |
Marshall, Edward Wilson
Family of Marshall, Edward Wilson and Woody, Sarah Jane
9 September 1844 |
Marshall, Elizabeth
Family of Burris, Henry A and Marshall, Elizabeth
2 January 1867 |
Marshall, Jane Virginia
Family of Hoylman, John Jordan and Marshall, Jane Virginia
7 September 1849 |
Marshall, Jesse
Family of Marshall, Jesse and Ingram, Nancey
9 July 1789 |
Marshall, John
Family of Marshall, John and , Ann
Marshall, John Elisha
Family of Marshall, John Elisha and , Sarah
1887 |
Marshall, John G
Family of Marshall, John G and Marshall, Minnie
1874 |
Marshall, Joseph H
Family of Marshall, Joseph H and , [Living]
Marshall, Joseph W
Family of Marshall, Joseph W and McCollum, Mary
29 January 1828 |
Family of Marshall, Joseph W and Vass, Mary Terry
20 November 1847 |
Marshall, Joseph William
Family of Marshall, Joseph William and Haizlip, Mary Susan
28 September 1877 |
Marshall, Martin Wells Jr.
Family of Marshall, Martin Wells Jr. and Briggs, Nancy
17 January 1809 |
Marshall, Martin Wells Sr.
Family of Marshall, Martin Wells Sr. and Boswell, Eleanor
between 1768 and 1797about 17581778 |
Family of Marshall, Martin Wells Sr. and Basal, Susan Sarah
1769 |
Marshall, Mary
Family of Nifong, Walter Lee and Marshall, Mary
17 February 1916 |
Marshall, Mary Letitia
Family of Patterson, Felix W and Marshall, Mary Letitia
Marshall, Minnie
Family of Marshall, John G and Marshall, Minnie
1874 |
Marshall, Nannie Ella
Family of Leak, George W and Marshall, Nannie Ella
29 November 1866 |
Marshall, Olen Rheinhardt
Family of Marshall, Olen Rheinhardt and Henderson, Elsie Joe
3 November 1914 |
Marshall, Phillip Booe
Family of Marshall, Phillip Booe and McKinney, Daisy M
Marshall, Rebecca
Family of Finn, Gabriel and Marshall, Rebecca
5 January 1796 |
Marshall, Samuel Sr.
Family of Marshall, Samuel Sr. and , Jane
Marshall, Sarah L “Sally”
Family of Cook, W B and Marshall, Sarah L “Sally”
Marshall, Spain
Family of Marshall, Spain and Johnson, Unity
10 October 1796 |
Marshall, Susannah
Family of Crews, Charles Edward and Marshall, Susannah
Marshall, Tandy
Family of Marshall, Tandy and Terry, Mary Ann
9 March 1848 |
Family of Marshall, Tandy and Nelson, Polly
26 March 1833 |
Marshall, Thomas Martin
Family of Marshall, Thomas Martin and Wells, Margaret
5 March 1746 |
Marshall, Thomas Riley
Family of Marshall, Thomas Riley and Waggoner, Milluy
Marshall, William
Family of Marshall, William and Unknown, Unknown
Family of Marshall, William and Evans, Rebecca
17 December 1803 |
Marshall, William Ruffin
Family of Marshall, William Ruffin and Edmonson, Susan M
18 March 1858 |
Marshall, William Swaine
Family of Marshall, William Swaine and Brooks, Jane
24 August 1824 |
Marshall, Zachariah
Family of Marshall, Zachariah and Finn, Sarah “Salley”
23 May 179523 May 1795 |
Marshall, Zachariah Joseph
Family of Marshall, Zachariah Joseph and Chaffin, Laura Allen
18 April 1878 |
Marshall, [Living]
Family of Marshall, [Living] and Morton, [Living]
Family of McCoy, John and Martin
Martin, Mary E
Family of Vass, Stephen Taylor and Martin, Mary E
15 February 1866 |
Martin McCoy, Alexander
Family of Martin McCoy, Alexander
Mast, Ann
Family of Baer, Jacob and Mast, Ann
Mathews, Jacob Worwick
Family of Mathews, Jacob Worwick and Hoylman, Mary Ellen
7 May 1868 |
Mathews, [Living]
Family of Baer, Charles S and Mathews, [Living]
Maynard, Nancy
Family of McCoy, Samuel and Maynard, Nancy
12 September 1841 |
Family of Williamson, John M and Maynard, Nancy
Mays, Isaiah
Family of Mays, Isaiah and , Martha
Mays, Nancy
Family of Hoilman, Simon and Mays, Nancy
22 September 1861 |
McAlexander, Rachel
Family of Lester, Champ and McAlexander, Rachel
3 March 183512 March 1835 |
McCann, Chris
Family of McCann, Chris and Hoylman, Mary Alice
3 June 1917 |
McCauley, Andrew
Family of McCauley, Andrew and McCauley, Mary “Polly”
26 November 1805 |
McCauley, Archibald
Family of McCauley, Archibald and Lloyd, Elizabeth
McCauley, Benjamin
Family of McCauley, Benjamin and Neville, Synthia
4 January 1830 |
McCauley, Bessie Grey
Family of Nye, Prof. Fernando Cortez and McCauley, Bessie Grey
McCauley, Catherine
Family of Trousdale, William and McCauley, Catherine
26 December 1801 |
McCauley, Catherine
Family of Talley, James Miller and McCauley, Catherine
8 January 1868 |
McCauley, Catherine
Family of Hester, Willlis and McCauley, Catherine
McCauley, Cecelia
Family of Edwards and McCauley, Cecelia
Family of Faucett, Samuel and McCauley, Cecelia
25 December 187324 December 1873 |
McCauley, Charles
Family of McCauley, Charles and Wilson, Elizabeth
11 January 1820 |
McCauley, Charles
Family of McCauley, Charles and Wilson, Mary
2 October 1811 |
McCauley, Charles
Family of McCauley, Charles and Watson, Julia Ann
22 July 1856 |
McCauley, Charles Ethelred Londa
Family of McCauley, Charles Ethelred Londa and Blunt, Mary Frances
8 August 1878 |
McCauley, Charles Maurice Tallyrand
Family of McCauley, Charles Maurice Tallyrand and Dillon, Henrietta Fitzhenry
McCauley, David
Family of McCauley, David and Wheaton, Mary
McCauley, Elenor
Family of Atwater, Wilson and McCauley, Elenor
17 December 1819 |
McCauley, Elizabeth
Family of Nevill, Samuel and McCauley, Elizabeth
14 January 1810 |
McCauley, Elizabeth
Family of McCauley, George Johnston and McCauley, Elizabeth
1820 |
McCauley, Elizabeth
Family of Crabtree, William and McCauley, Elizabeth
McCauley, George Johnston
Family of McCauley, George Johnston and McCauley, Elizabeth
1820 |
McCauley, Harriett Yancey
Family of Williams, Alfred B and McCauley, Harriett Yancey
27 December 1887 |
McCauley, Jacob
Family of McCauley, Jacob and Baldwin, Elizabeth Mae “Betsy”
1842 |
McCauley, James
Family of McCauley, James and Chapman, Catherine
12 January 1792 |
McCauley, James
Family of McCauley, James and , Mary
McCauley, Jane
Family of McCollum, Henry Sr. and McCauley, Jane
6 November 1787 |
McCauley, Jane
Family of Long, James and McCauley, Jane
5 September 1838 |
McCauley, John
Family of McCauley, John and O'Kelly, Nancy Fletcher
McCauley, John Jr.
Family of McCauley, John Jr. and Blackwood, Margret
22 March 1830 |
McCauley, John Sr.
Family of McCauley, John Sr. and Blackwood, Jennett
12 April 1798 |
McCauley, Louisa
Family of Crabtree, John M and McCauley, Louisa
25 August 1849 |
McCauley, Martha
Family of Morrow, John and McCauley, Martha
McCauley, Mary
Family of Blackwood, John and McCauley, Mary
McCauley, Mary “Polly”
Family of McCauley, Andrew and McCauley, Mary “Polly”
26 November 1805 |
McCauley, Mary Jane
Family of Allen, Edmund and McCauley, Mary Jane
16 March 1876 |
McCauley, Mathew
Family of McCauley, Mathew and Johnston, Martha
1 February 17831 February 1780 |
McCauley, Mathew Andrew
Family of McCauley, Mathew Andrew and Utley, Sallie S
17 February 1876 |
McCauley, Matthew
Family of McCauley, Matthew and Lynch, Nancy
11 September 1858 |
McCauley, Matthew
Family of McCauley, Matthew and Chapman, Nancy
7 November 1799 |
McCauley, Matthew John Wilson
Family of McCauley, Matthew John Wilson and Wilson, Silva D
24 January 1848 |
McCauley, Unknown Father
Family of McCauley, Unknown Father and Unknown, McCauley Mother
McCauley, Velina Anne
Family of Sadler, Sterling C. and McCauley, Velina Anne
5 May 1853 |
McCauley, William
Family of McCauley, William and Stuart, Virginia Jane
30 August 1816 |
McCauley, William
Family of McCauley, William and King, Elizabeth
26 September 1833 |
McCauley, William
Family of McCauley, William and Hunter, Mary
18 January 1831 |
McCauley, William
Family of McCauley, William and Doughton, Minerva
1831 |
McCauley, William Esq.
Family of McCauley, William Esq. and Wife of Wm McCauley, Cathrin
McCauley, William M
Family of McCauley, William M and Watson, Cornelia
23 January 1833 |
McCauley, WmMc Daughter
Family of Reeves, George Sr. and McCauley, WmMc Daughter
McCauley, [Living]
Family of McCauley, [Living]
McCollum, Charles
Family of McCollum, Charles and Davis, Nancy E
22 December 1856 |
McCollum, Henry Jr.
Family of McCollum, Henry Jr. and Hunter, Mary Elizabeth
22 January 1824 |
McCollum, Henry Sr.
Family of McCollum, Henry Sr. and McCauley, Jane
6 November 1787 |
McCollum, Jane
Family of Taylor, John and McCollum, Jane
McCollum, John
Family of McCollum, John
McCollum, Levi
Family of McCollum, Levi and Nelson, Eleanor
30 April 1818 |
McCollum, Margret
Family of Reeves, George Washington and McCollum, Margret
8 September 1836 |
McCollum, Mary
Family of Marshall, Joseph W and McCollum, Mary
29 January 1828 |
McCollum, Rosannah
Family of Faucett, Thomas and McCollum, Rosannah
29 May 1829 |
Family of McCollum, Rosannah
29 May 1829 |
McCollum, William
Family of McCollum, William and Carroll, Polley
12 January 1811 |
McCoy, Alexander
Family of McCoy, Alexander and Sutherland, Francis Catherine
1689 |
McCoy, Angeline
Family of Moses, George Raymond and McCoy, Angeline
31 August 1914 |
McCoy, Angeline “Fannie”
Family of Clark, Charles Julius and McCoy, Angeline “Fannie”
1890 |
McCoy, Archibald
Family of McCoy, Archibald and Blair, Elizabeth
1751 |
McCoy, Asa
Family of McCoy, Asa and Burriss, Eleanor “Nelly”
14 September 1832 |
McCoy, Belva
Family of Van Sickel, Walter and McCoy, Belva
McCoy, Betta
Family of Reveal, Everett and McCoy, Betta
1913 |
McCoy, Chalmers Wilmer
Family of McCoy, Chalmers Wilmer and Ekstrom, Tiney
11 February 1937 |
McCoy, Chapman
Family of McCoy, Chapman and Davis, Gertrude M
Family of McCoy, Chapman and Starr, Jessie
15 June 1931 |
McCoy, Clarence
Family of McCoy, Clarence and Nelson, Iva
1929 |
McCoy, Daniel
Family of McCoy, Daniel and Taylor, Margaret
12 February 1817 |
McCoy, Eleanor
Family of Stafford, Compton and McCoy, Eleanor
22 April 1833 |
McCoy, Elizabeth
Family of Hatfield, Ephraim and McCoy, Elizabeth
10 May 1859 |
McCoy, Erwin Monroe “Toney”
Family of McCoy, Erwin Monroe “Toney” and Wellman, Della
27 February 1907 |
McCoy, Eugene Morton
Family of McCoy, Eugene Morton and Short, Mattye Lou
McCoy, Eugene Sr
Family of McCoy, Eugene Sr and Herald, Nina
McCoy, Ezekiel
Family of McCoy, Ezekiel and Davis, Nancy
7 April 1798 |
McCoy, Fannie
Family of Trent, [Living] and McCoy, Fannie
McCoy, Floyd
Family of McCoy, Floyd and Rutherford, Mary
27 March 187525 March 1875 |
McCoy, Geneva Frances
Family of Reichenbach, Moritz “Morris” and McCoy, Geneva Frances
24 December 1906 |
McCoy, Gertrude Margaret
Family of Stricklett, Charles and McCoy, Gertrude Margaret
24 February 1895 |
McCoy, Gladys Onieta
Family of Palo, Robert John and McCoy, Gladys Onieta
McCoy, Hiram
Family of McCoy, Hiram and Sansom, Chloe
McCoy, Ida Alice
Family of Dunn, Cyrus A and McCoy, Ida Alice
27 August 1891 |
Family of Justice, Linnaeus Loring and McCoy, Ida Alice
14 March 1898 |
McCoy, Jacob Henry
Family of McCoy, Jacob Henry and Barton Riggins, Mary Jemima
1893 |
McCoy, James Mackey
Family of McCoy, James Mackey and Wallace, Jennett
McCoy, Jane
Family of Roberts, Ricely and McCoy, Jane
30 August 1855 |
Family of McCoy, Jane
30 August 1855 |
McCoy, John
Family of McCoy, John and Martin
McCoy, John
Family of McCoy, John and Burriss, Margaret Peggy
2 December 1827 |
McCoy, John Bee
Family of McCoy, John Bee and Booth, Melissa
30 November 1896 |
McCoy, Johnson
Family of McCoy, Johnson and Varney, Lovicia
26 March 18961884 |
McCoy, Joseph Silas
Family of McCoy, Joseph Silas
McCoy, Julia Edna
Family of Reichenbach, Ferdinand and McCoy, Julia Edna
10 March 1900 |
McCoy, Lockey
Family of Burriss, Daniel and McCoy, Lockey
8 May 1858 |
McCoy, Lorenzo Dow
Family of McCoy, Lorenzo Dow and Booth, Mary Elizabeth
13 May 1888 |
McCoy, Lowell Joyce
Family of McCoy, Lowell Joyce and Lewis, Irene Agnes
3 July 19493 July 1949 |
McCoy, Mary
Family of Pickett and McCoy, Mary
McCoy, Phoeba Anna
Family of Quillen, Abraham Lincoln and McCoy, Phoeba Anna
1878 |
McCoy, Pleasant
Family of McCoy, Pleasant and Davis, Eleanor
McCoy, Pricey
Family of Jude and McCoy, Pricey
McCoy, Rachel Jane
Family of , Unknown and McCoy, Rachel Jane
McCoy, Rachel Jr
Family of Burris, Micajah and McCoy, Rachel Jr
13 October 1795 |
McCoy, Randolph
Family of McCoy, Randolph and Stafford, Mary Ann
11 November 1823 |
McCoy, Randolph
Family of McCoy, Randolph and McCoy, Sarah Sally
9 December 1849 |
McCoy, Richard
Family of McCoy, Richard and , Susannah
McCoy, Richard
Family of McCoy, Richard
7 February 1815 |
McCoy, Robert William
Family of McCoy, Robert William and Arthur, Margaret Elizabeth
1879 |
Family of McCoy, Robert William and Plymale, Mary Jane
31 March 1886 |
McCoy, Samuel
Family of McCoy, Samuel and Davis, Elizabeth
12 August 180212 August 1802 |
Family of McCoy, Samuel and Maynard, Nancy
12 September 1841 |
McCoy, Sarah Sally
Family of McCoy, Randolph and McCoy, Sarah Sally
9 December 1849 |
McCoy, Selkirk
Family of McCoy, Selkirk and Smith, Lucretia
Family of McCoy, Selkirk and Williamson, Louisa
McCoy, Sidney James
Family of McCoy, Sidney James and Smith, Cad Marie
27 September 1909 |
McCoy, Sineth
Family of Bell, Norman Bonnie and McCoy, Sineth
Family of Hope, Noble and McCoy, Sineth
McCoy, Texas Derensy
Family of Vance, James Milo and McCoy, Texas Derensy
25 February 1886 |
McCoy, Thomas
Family of McCoy, Thomas and , Nancy
McCoy, Trinvilla
Family of Thompson, [Living] and McCoy, Trinvilla
McCoy, William
Family of McCoy, William and Richardson, Nancy
27 April 1857 |
Family of McCoy, William and Miller, Martha Ellen
McCoy, William
Family of McCoy, William and Campbell, Cordella
1772 |
McCoy, William
Family of McCoy, William and Adkins, Spicie Jane
1888 |
McCoy, William
Family of McCoy, William and Burriss, Mary Ann
27 April 1837 |
McCoy, William Aaron
Family of McCoy, William Aaron and Vance, Ethel Gladys
1 March 1916 |
McCoy, William Anderson
Family of McCoy, William Anderson and Hoylman, Mary Eugene
5 October 18721868 |
McCoy, [Living]
Family of McCoy, [Living] and Wright, Lucinda
McCrary, [Living]
Family of Palo, Renald Keith and McCrary, [Living]
McCulloch, Idamae
Family of Reichenbach, Charles Morris and McCulloch, Idamae
11 June 1980 |
Family of Westcott, Richard N and McCulloch, Idamae
12 August 1953 |
McKinney, Daisy M
Family of Marshall, Phillip Booe and McKinney, Daisy M
McPherson, Adele
Family of Allen, Chauncey Scott and McPherson, Adele
1897 |
McPherson, Alexander Sandy
Family of McPherson, Alexander Sandy and , Elizabeth
McPherson, Damasse
Family of McPherson, Damasse and Bouvier, Adelaide
1871 |
22 March 1907 |
McPherson, William
Family of McPherson, William and Platt, Carrie
27 June 1907 |
McPherson, William (Guillaume)
Family of McPherson, William (Guillaume) and Leduc, Mathilde
Family of McPherson, William (Guillaume)
1841 |
McPherson, [Living]
Family of DePuy, [Living] and McPherson, [Living]
McVicker, Alexander
Family of McVicker, Alexander and Leitch, Agness
McVicker, John
Family of McVicker, John and Allen, Jean A
24 April 1884 |
Family of McVicker, John
McVicker, John Roderick
Family of McVicker, John Roderick and Stricklett, Coral Jean
Mendenhall, Samantha Jane Jennie
Family of Gilmore, Wilder Hitchcock and Mendenhall, Samantha Jane Jennie
13 June 1886 |
Messenger, Mary Ann
Family of Miller, George Millard and Messenger, Mary Ann
Messenger, Mary Ann
Family of Wilson, Robert and Messenger, Mary Ann
Metcalf, Elizabeth
Family of Constable, Marmaduke and Metcalf, Elizabeth
Meyers, [Living]
Family of Palo, Renald Keith and Meyers, [Living]
Middleton, Bridget
Family of Constable, James and Middleton, Bridget
Miller, Catherine
Family of Kauffman, Jacob and Miller, Catherine
Miller, Charles W
Family of Miller, Charles W and Green, Minnie
Miller, Claire Marie
Family of Harrison, John Henry and Miller, Claire Marie
Miller, George Adelbert “Bert”
Family of Miller, George Adelbert “Bert” and Hoylman, Minnie Mae
1894 |
Miller, George Edwin
Family of Miller, George Edwin and Crook, Nellie
Miller, George Millard
Family of Miller, George Millard and Wilson, Nancy Jane
23 December 1869 |
Family of Miller, George Millard and Messenger, Mary Ann
Family of Miller, George Millard
Miller, Helen
Family of Wilmot, [Living] and Miller, Helen
Miller, Iva Marie
Family of Hoylman, Elray Eugene and Miller, Iva Marie
27 June 1954 |
Miller, James L
Family of Miller, James L and , Rebecca
Miller, Marie
Family of Best, [Living] and Miller, Marie
Miller, Martha Ellen
Family of McCoy, William and Miller, Martha Ellen
Miller, Mary Catherine
Family of Ermentraudt, Johan Heinrich and Miller, Mary Catherine
Miller, Peter
Family of Miller, Peter and Brewers, Anna Maria
Miller, Robert Edwin
Family of Miller, Robert Edwin and Hoylman, Adda
28 September 1898 |
Miller, Susanna
Family of Guengerich, Daniel P and Miller, Susanna
Miller, [Living]
Family of Whipple, [Living] and Miller, [Living]
Miller, [Living]
Family of Miller, [Living] and Lang, Ellen
Miller, [Living]
Family of Baer, Simon R and Miller, [Living]
Mills, Elizabeth
Family of Bottorff, Andrew and Mills, Elizabeth
16 May 1837 |
Mills, Iva Mae
Family of Fahnholz, August Carl and Mills, Iva Mae
Mills, John Silas
Family of Mills, John Silas and Hoylman, Laura Belle
6 February 1893 |
Mills, John Washington
Family of Mills, John Washington and Warden, Mary Elizabeth Lee
Montgomery, George W
Family of Montgomery, George W and Hugelman, Anna
25 February 1869 |
Moore, Mae Nettie
Family of Reichenbach, George Washington and Moore, Mae Nettie
24 June 1922 |
Moosbrugger, Barbara
Family of Schildknecht, Joseph and Moosbrugger, Barbara
Morgan, Margaret Jane
Family of Boone, James Henderson and Morgan, Margaret Jane
1860 |
Morgan, Minnie
Family of Hoylman, Victor R and Morgan, Minnie
1 December 1915 |
Morris, Judith
Family of Keesee, Richard and Morris, Judith
Morris, Letha
Family of Persinger, Michael M and Morris, Letha
Morrison, Richard Earl
Family of Morrison, Richard Earl and Winters, [Living]
Morrow, John
Family of Morrow, John and McCauley, Martha
Mortenson, Charles W
Family of Mortenson, Charles W and Bottorff, Frances Iona
Morton, [Living]
Family of Marshall, [Living] and Morton, [Living]
Moses, George Raymond
Family of Moses, George Raymond and McCoy, Angeline
31 August 1914 |
Mosher, [Living]
Family of Hoylman, Marcus Byron and Mosher, [Living]
Mullens, Martha
Family of Finn, Edward Wilson and Mullens, Martha
8 August 1805 |
Munroe, [Living]
Family of Hoylman, [Living] and Munroe, [Living]
Naumann, Gustav
Family of Naumann, Gustav and Malchow, Augusta
Naumann, William Fredrick
Family of Naumann, William Fredrick and Reichenbach, Inez Lucille
18 June 1940 |
Naumann, [Living]
Family of Stambaugh, [Living] and Naumann, [Living]
Naumann, [Living]
Family of Naumann, [Living] and , [Living]
Naumann, [Living]
Family of Naumann, [Living] and Dyer, [Living]
Neal, Thomas David
Family of Neal, Thomas David and Carter, Louisiana Franklin
Neal, Thomas H
Family of Neal, Thomas H and Williams, Wilmoth Mastin
Neeley, Florence Mae
Family of Cochrane, John Curtain and Neeley, Florence Mae
Negus, Nola
Family of Palo, Robert Eugene and Negus, Nola
Nehrwein, Karl
Family of Nehrwein, Karl and Ziegler, Maria
Nehrwein, [Living]
Family of Nehrwein, [Living] and , [Living]
Nehrwein, [Living]
Family of Nowak, [Living] and Nehrwein, [Living]
Nehrwein, [Living]
Family of Nehrwein, [Living] and , [Living]
Nehrwein, [Living]
Family of Lohrs, [Living] and Nehrwein, [Living]
Nehrwein, [Living]
Family of Nehrwein, [Living] and , [Living]
Nehrwein, [Living]
Family of Langenbacher, [Living] and Nehrwein, [Living]
Nelson, Eleanor
Family of McCollum, Levi and Nelson, Eleanor
30 April 1818 |
Nelson, Iva
Family of McCoy, Clarence and Nelson, Iva
1929 |
Nelson, Polly
Family of Marshall, Tandy and Nelson, Polly
26 March 1833 |
Nevill, Samuel
Family of Nevill, Samuel and McCauley, Elizabeth
14 January 1810 |
Neville, Synthia
Family of McCauley, Benjamin and Neville, Synthia
4 January 1830 |
Newcomer, Irma Adele
Family of Reichenbach, Glen Harry and Newcomer, Irma Adele
Newcomer, [Living]
Family of Newcomer, [Living] and Newcomer, [Living]
Newcomer, [Living]
Family of Newcomer, [Living] and Newcomer, [Living]
Nielsen, Maria Elizabeth
Family of Broderson, Christian Hansen and Nielsen, Maria Elizabeth
Nielsen, Sophia
Family of Petersen, Henry Christian and Nielsen, Sophia
7 October 1908 |
Nifong, John Hamilton
Family of Nifong, John Hamilton and Jenkins, Mary Ellen
Nifong, Mary
Family of Goodale, Ralph Everett and Nifong, Mary
Nifong, Walter Lee
Family of Nifong, Walter Lee and Marshall, Mary
17 February 1916 |
Novak, Joseph
Family of Novak, Joseph and Borup, Louise
16 January 1884 |
Nowak, [Living]
Family of Nowak, [Living] and Nehrwein, [Living]
Noyes, Bernice Catherine
Family of Noyes, Raymond Earl and Noyes, Bernice Catherine
Noyes, Clyde Clayton
Family of Noyes, Clyde Clayton and Viles, [Living]
Noyes, Raymond Earl
Family of Noyes, Raymond Earl and Steele, Ruth Arlene
29 February 1940 |
July 1963 |
Family of Noyes, Raymond Earl and Noyes, Bernice Catherine
Noyes, [Living]
Family of Noyes, [Living] and Gilliland, Grace Belle
Noyes, [Living]
Family of Zeleny, [Living] and Noyes, [Living]
Noyes, [Living]
Family of Snyder, Kenneth Duane Jr and Noyes, [Living]
Noyes, [Living]
Family of Noyes, [Living]
Nye, Prof. Fernando Cortez
Family of Nye, Prof. Fernando Cortez and McCauley, Bessie Grey
O'Brien, James F
Family of O'Brien, James F and Ferguson, Alice Virginia
19 November 1890 |
O'Brien, Ruth Hoyleman
Family of Jones, Samuel and O'Brien, Ruth Hoyleman
O'Kelly, Nancy Fletcher
Family of McCauley, John and O'Kelly, Nancy Fletcher
Oberdorfer, Verena
Family of Frey, Gregorius and Oberdorfer, Verena
Oberst, Elizabeth
Family of Smith, Martin H and Oberst, Elizabeth
1853 |
Oberst, Johannes
Family of Oberst, Johannes and Alt, Barbara
Oliver, Pinckney M
Family of Oliver, Pinckney M and Marshall, Cleopatra Virginia
1 March 1864 |
Family of Oliver, Pinckney M and Anderson, Louisa Jane
1877 |
Palo, Esaias
Family of Palo, Esaias and , [Living]
Palo, Renald Keith
Family of Palo, Renald Keith and Schmidt, [Living]
Family of Palo, Renald Keith and McCrary, [Living]
Family of Palo, Renald Keith and Meyers, [Living]
Palo, Robert Eugene
Family of Palo, Robert Eugene and Negus, Nola
Palo, Robert John
Family of Palo, Robert John and McCoy, Gladys Onieta
Palo, [Living]
Family of Palo, [Living] and , [Living]
Palo, [Living]
Family of Jensen and Palo, [Living]
Parrish, [Living]
Family of Parrish, [Living] and Bouvier, Ina May
Patterson, Elsie T
Family of Hopkins, Jean and Patterson, Elsie T
Patterson, Felix W
Family of Patterson, Felix W and Marshall, Mary Letitia
Patterson, James Spottswood
Family of Patterson, James Spottswood and Patterson, Martha
Patterson, Letitia
Family of Colton, George Chauncey and Patterson, Letitia
6 August 1920 |
Patterson, Marjorie Spotswood
Family of Windom, John Leroy and Patterson, Marjorie Spotswood
Patterson, Martha
Family of Patterson, James Spottswood and Patterson, Martha
Pedersdatter, Birthe
Family of Borup, Jens Senius and Pedersdatter, Birthe
Pedersen, Jens
Family of Pedersen, Jens and Broderson, Christina H
19 June 1886 |
Pedersen, Niels Henrich
Family of Pedersen, Niels Henrich and Broderson, Catherine M
10 December 1884 |
Peery, Rebecca
Family of Burriss, Daniel and Peery, Rebecca
11 January 1827 |
Peich, Huldena Pauline
Family of Petersen, Peter Detlef David and Peich, Huldena Pauline
Pennington, John
Family of Pennington, John and Linvill, Lydia
Pennington, Mary Jane
Family of Stricklett, John B and Pennington, Mary Jane
1866 |
Pernoud, Felicite Grand Guillume
Family of Courvoisier Piot, Hippolyte and Pernoud, Felicite Grand Guillume
Peros, Mary Marie
Family of Seltz, Charles and Peros, Mary Marie
Persinger, James
Family of Persinger, James and , Emeline
Persinger, James S
Family of Persinger, James S and Garten, Emeline
15 April 1858 |
Persinger, Michael M
Family of Persinger, Michael M and Morris, Letha
Family of Persinger, Michael M
17 November 1900 |
Family of Persinger, Michael M and Ferguson, Alice Virginia
17 November 1900 |
Peters, Anne Kathrine
Family of Hansen, Peter and Peters, Anne Kathrine
Peters, Elijah C
Family of Peters, Elijah C and Lester, Tamar
Petersdatter, Margrethe
Family of Broderson, Rasmus and Petersdatter, Margrethe
Petersdr, Maren
Family of Lauritzen, Jahn and Petersdr, Maren
Petersen, Anna
Family of Schmidt, Stanley Sylvester and Petersen, Anna
21 August 1918 |
Petersen, Anne Marie
Family of Lauritzen, Lorenz Peter and Petersen, Anne Marie
23 January 1830 |
Petersen, Arthur
Family of Petersen, Arthur and Huber, Edna Grace
Petersen, Carsten
Family of Petersen, Carsten and Fridrichsen, Anna
8 May 1825 |
Petersen, Christian
Family of Petersen, Christian and Hansen, Cæcilia Catharina
24 April 1825 |
Petersen, Christian Lauritz
Family of Petersen, Christian Lauritz and Knag, Maren Hansen
12 October 1891 |
Petersen, Christina
Family of Sorensen, Sam and Petersen, Christina
Petersen, Ella
Family of Huber, Frank George and Petersen, Ella
24 December 1926 |
Petersen, Hans Peter
Family of Petersen, Hans Peter and Sorensen, Caroline
23 April 1874 |
Petersen, Henry Christian
Family of Petersen, Henry Christian and Nielsen, Sophia
7 October 1908 |
Petersen, Herman J
Family of Petersen, Herman J and , Caroline K
Petersen, Ida K
Family of Sorensen, Fredrik and Petersen, Ida K
Petersen, Jens Lourance “Jim”
Family of Petersen, Jens Lourance “Jim” and , Belle
Petersen, Jess Christian
Family of Petersen, Jess Christian and Lauritzen, Marie
7 December 1866 |
Petersen, Jess Christian
Family of Petersen, Jess Christian and Reichenbach, Elsie Marie
1 June 1925 |
Petersen, Jess Laverne
Family of Petersen, Jess Laverne and Peterson, [Living]
Petersen, John F
Family of Petersen, John F and Petersen, Mary
Petersen, Laurence P
Family of Petersen, Laurence P and , Nelle M
Petersen, Leroy Christian
Family of Petersen, Leroy Christian and Helme, Jodeen Faye
Family of Petersen, Leroy Christian and Casper, Brenda S
Petersen, Lorenz Peter
Family of Petersen, Lorenz Peter and Reuland, Veronika
6 November 1895 |
Petersen, Lorraine M
Family of Delhay, Alfred Maurice and Petersen, Lorraine M
Petersen, Mary
Family of Dohse, Carl Frederick and Petersen, Mary
18 August 1910 |
Family of Petersen, John F and Petersen, Mary
Petersen, Niels
Family of Petersen, Niels and Kristiansdr, Katharina
Petersen, Peter Detlef David
Family of Petersen, Peter Detlef David and Peich, Huldena Pauline
Petersen, Rose
Family of Rasmussen, Thomas Wiggo and Petersen, Rose
Petersen, [Living]
Family of Stricklett, Roger Bouvier and Petersen, [Living]
Petersen, [Living]
Family of Waldo, [Living] and Petersen, [Living]
Petersen, [Living]
Family of Anderson, [Living] and Petersen, [Living]
Petersen, [Living]
Family of Shively, [Living] and Petersen, [Living]
Family of Jensen, [Living] and Petersen, [Living]
Petersen, [Living]
Family of Jamsgard, Thor Osmund and Petersen, [Living]
Family of Petersen, [Living]
Peterson, Anna Marie
Family of Hugelman, Leo Bernard Jr and Peterson, Anna Marie
26 June 1907 |
Family of Gwyn, Claude Cery and Peterson, Anna Marie
11 January 1933 |
Peterson, Ernest Christian
Family of Peterson, Ernest Christian and Huber, Pauline Catherine
4 December 1919 |
Peterson, Marjorie
Family of Fishko, William Howard George and Peterson, Marjorie
Peterson, [Living]
Family of Petersen, Jess Laverne and Peterson, [Living]
Phillips, [Living]
Family of Anding, [Living] and Phillips, [Living]
Pickens, Louisa
Family of Hatfield, Lawyer and Pickens, Louisa
17 May 1877 |
Family of Pickett and McCoy, Mary
Pierce, Helen Margaret
Family of Allen, Clyde Mills and Pierce, Helen Margaret
Plank, Rebecca
Family of Kauffman, Jacob and Plank, Rebecca
1821 |
Platt, Carrie
Family of McPherson, William and Platt, Carrie
27 June 1907 |
Plymale, John B
Family of Plymale, John B and , Martha J
Plymale, Mary Jane
Family of Booth, Benjamin Franklin and Plymale, Mary Jane
22 July 1866 |
Family of McCoy, Robert William and Plymale, Mary Jane
31 March 1886 |
Pond, [Living]
Family of Pond, [Living] and Reuland, Josephine
Pond, [Living]
Family of Pond, [Living] and Reuland, Josephine
Porter, Ezekiel
Family of Porter, Ezekiel and , Dolly
Powell, [Living]
Family of Powell, [Living] and Stricklett, [Living]
Price, Florence Leona
Family of Hoylman, John Lorenzo and Price, Florence Leona
19 September 1906 |
Price, Glen W
Family of Price, Glen W and Rasmussen, [Living]
Price, Martha
Family of Price, Martha
Price, Susannah
Family of Tusing, John and Price, Susannah
Prochnow, Lena Mae
Family of Knag, Hans C Jr and Prochnow, Lena Mae
Purdo, Esther A
Family of Bottorff, Thomas Walter and Purdo, Esther A
Putman, Rosy Ann
Family of Cover, John P and Putman, Rosy Ann
Quillen, Abraham Lincoln
Family of Quillen, Abraham Lincoln and McCoy, Phoeba Anna
1878 |
Quillen, Belle
Family of Serey, James and Quillen, Belle
Rader, Hannah
Family of Vance, John and Rader, Hannah
1810 |
Family of Raley and Finn, Jane
Rasing, Mary
Family of Heslarton, John and Rasing, Mary
Rasing, Richard
Family of Rasing, Richard and Hawtcliffe, Margaret
Rasing, William
Family of Rasing, William and Constable, Alice
1564 |
Rasmussen, Thomas Wiggo
Family of Rasmussen, Thomas Wiggo and Petersen, Rose
Rasmussen, [Living]
Family of Schakat and Rasmussen, [Living]
Rasmussen, [Living]
Family of Price, Glen W and Rasmussen, [Living]
Rasmusson, Safie
Family of Rasmusson, Safie
Rathbun, Joseph
Family of Rathbun, Joseph
Rathbun, Lola Elnora
Family of Smith, Columbus and Rathbun, Lola Elnora
1878 |
Rathbun, Nettie
Family of Lindley, William F and Rathbun, Nettie
Family of Smith, Lee and Rathman
Family of Smith, [Living] and Rathman
Reeves, George Jr.
Family of Reeves, George Jr. and Stuart, Sarah F.
1808 |
Reeves, George Sr.
Family of Reeves, George Sr. and McCauley, WmMc Daughter
Reeves, George Washington
Family of Reeves, George Washington and McCollum, Margret
8 September 1836 |
Reeves, Spencer Stuart
Family of Reeves, Spencer Stuart and Lightfood, Sarah G.
30 May 1832 |
Family of Reeves, Spencer Stuart and Duncan, Ann E.
17 July 1839 |
Reichenbach, Albertina
Family of Bürgin, Blasi and Reichenbach, Albertina
14 October 1850 |
Reichenbach, Charles Morris
Family of Reichenbach, Charles Morris and Shepard, Anna Marguerite
11 May 1935 |
Family of Reichenbach, Charles Morris and McCulloch, Idamae
11 June 1980 |
Reichenbach, Donald DeVere
Family of Reichenbach, Donald DeVere and Sharp Maher, Dena Pauline
5 August 1978 |
Reichenbach, Elisabeth
Family of Schneider and Reichenbach, Elisabeth
Family of Reichenbach, Elisabeth
Reichenbach, Elsie Marie
Family of Steele, James Samuel and Reichenbach, Elsie Marie
9 June 1920 |
1924 |
Family of Petersen, Jess Christian and Reichenbach, Elsie Marie
1 June 1925 |
Reichenbach, Ferdinand
Family of Reichenbach, Ferdinand and McCoy, Julia Edna
10 March 1900 |
Reichenbach, George Washington
Family of Reichenbach, George Washington and Moore, Mae Nettie
24 June 1922 |
Family of Reichenbach, George Washington and Crosby, Evelyn O
Reichenbach, George Wendell
Family of Reichenbach, George Wendell and Riley, Patricia M
Reichenbach, Glen Harry
Family of Reichenbach, Glen Harry and Newcomer, Irma Adele
Reichenbach, Inez Lucille
Family of Naumann, William Fredrick and Reichenbach, Inez Lucille
18 June 1940 |
Reichenbach, Jack William
Family of Reichenbach, Jack William and Schaaf, Jacqueline
22 April 1951 |
Reichenbach, Jakob
Family of Reichenbach, Jakob and Keller, Katharina
Reichenbach, Jakob
Family of Reichenbach, Jakob and Hofschneider, Kreszentia
14 April 1819 |
Reichenbach, Joh. Georg
Family of Reichenbach, Joh. Georg and Gut, Maria Anna
Reichenbach, Katherina
Family of Ziegler, Karl and Reichenbach, Katherina
Reichenbach, Klara
Family of Strub, Lorenz and Reichenbach, Klara
9 February 1857 |
Reichenbach, Konrad
Family of Reichenbach, Konrad and Bürgin, Maria Anna
16 November 1835 |
Reichenbach, Leo
Family of Reichenbach, Leo and , Marianne
Reichenbach, Magdelena
Family of Gerig, Ferdinand and Reichenbach, Magdelena
30 June 1862 |
Reichenbach, Maria Anna
Family of Baumgartner, Joseph and Reichenbach, Maria Anna
4 February 1867 |
Reichenbach, Maria Antonia
Family of Gut, Thomas and Reichenbach, Maria Antonia
25 April 1842 |
Family of Reichenbach, Maria Antonia
Reichenbach, Martina
Family of Reichenbach, Martina
Reichenbach, Mary Elizabeth
Family of Trumble, Lawrence George and Reichenbach, Mary Elizabeth
Reichenbach, Mathias
Family of Reichenbach, Mathias and Ipser, Ursula
16 November 1835 |
Reichenbach, Mathias
Family of Reichenbach, Mathias and Bech, Varena
Reichenbach, Michael
Family of Reichenbach, Michael and Wursthorn, Gertrud
12 November 1865 |
Reichenbach, Mildred Gracia Elizabeth
Family of Campbell, Charles W and Reichenbach, Mildred Gracia Elizabeth
17 December 1935 |
Reichenbach, Moritz “Morris”
Family of Reichenbach, Moritz “Morris” and McCoy, Geneva Frances
24 December 1906 |
Reichenbach, Moriz
Family of Reichenbach, Moriz and Beck, Johanna
22 February 1830 |
Reichenbach, Naomi Ruth
Family of Delhay, Arling Stanley and Reichenbach, Naomi Ruth
Reichenbach, Pantaleon
Family of Reinbolz, Therese and Reichenbach, Pantaleon
8 June 1818 |
Reichenbach, Robert Randall
Family of Reichenbach, Robert Randall and Harrison, [Living]
Reichenbach, Roman
Family of Reichenbach, Roman and Walser, Maria Eva
25 May 1829 |
Reichenbach, Roman
Family of Reichenbach, Roman and Gut, M Anna
Reichenbach, Vinzens
Family of Reichenbach, Vinzens and Leber, Katherina
23 November 1869 |
Reichenbach, Wilhelm
Family of Reichenbach, Wilhelm and , Berta
Reichenbach, [Living]
Family of Reichenbach, [Living] and Anding, [Living]
Reichenbach, [Living]
Family of Reichenbach, [Living] and , [Living]
Reichenbach, [Living]
Family of Wong, [Living] and Reichenbach, [Living]
Reichenbach, [Living]
Family of Reichenbach, [Living] and Rovayo, [Living]
Reichenbach, [Living]
Family of Walz, Peter and Reichenbach, [Living]
Family of Segebarth, Hermann and Reichenbach, [Living]
Reichenbach, [Living]
Family of Reichenbach, [Living]
Reichenbach, [Living]
Family of Reichenbach, [Living]
Reichenbach, [Living]
Family of Reichenbach, [Living]
Reick, Belaine
Family of Reick, Belaine and Hoylman, [Living]
Reinbolz, Therese
Family of Reinbolz, Therese and Reichenbach, Pantaleon
8 June 1818 |
Reiniger, Bernard B
Family of Reiniger, Bernard B and Kessler, Frieda C
Reiniger, [Living]
Family of Reiniger, [Living] and Reiniger, [Living]
Reiniger, [Living]
Family of Reiniger, [Living] and Reiniger, [Living]
Reuland, Clara
Family of Schuldtice, [Living] and Reuland, Clara
Family of Reuland, Clara
12 July 1915 |
Reuland, Clara
Family of Schuldtice, [Living] and Reuland, Clara
Family of Reuland, Clara
12 July 1915 |
Reuland, Josephine
Family of Pond, [Living] and Reuland, Josephine
Family of Pond, [Living] and Reuland, Josephine
Reuland, Mary
Family of Eckhardt, Charles and Reuland, Mary
1900 |
Reuland, Mary
Family of Eckhardt, Charles and Reuland, Mary
1900 |
Reuland, Perry
Family of Reuland, Perry and Strommen, Agnes Josephine
28 November 1947 |
Reuland, Perry
Family of Reuland, Perry and Strommen, Agnes Josephine
28 November 1947 |
Reuland, Perry John
Family of Reuland, Perry John and Hart, [Living]
Reuland, Perry John
Family of Reuland, Perry John and Hart, [Living]
Reuland, Peter
Family of Reuland, Peter and Manternich, Catherine
Reuland, Veronika
Family of Winters, John E and Reuland, Veronika
1910 |
Family of Strada, Joseph and Reuland, Veronika
18 May 1940 |
Family of Petersen, Lorenz Peter and Reuland, Veronika
6 November 1895 |
Reveal, Everett
Family of Reveal, Everett and McCoy, Betta
1913 |
Rhodes, Frances
Family of Beigh, George and Rhodes, Frances
Richards, Elizabeth Alice
Family of Bouvier, Samuel D and Richards, Elizabeth Alice
20 August 1880 |
Richards, William
Family of Richards, William and Gould, Fidelia Angelina
Richardson, Nancy
Family of McCoy, William and Richardson, Nancy
27 April 1857 |
Family of Richmond and , Nelle M
Riley, John J
Family of Riley, John J and , Patricia A
Riley, Patricia M
Family of Reichenbach, George Wendell and Riley, Patricia M
Ritter, Catharina Barbara
Family of Frey, Johan Andreas and Ritter, Catharina Barbara
3 February 17223 February 1722 |
Ritter, Johan Albrecht
Family of Ritter, Johan Albrecht
Family of Roberts and Finn, Equilla
Roberts, Ricely
Family of Roberts, Ricely and McCoy, Jane
30 August 1855 |
Roberts, [Living]
Family of Underwood, [Living] and Roberts, [Living]
Roehm, Elisabeth
Family of Sambas, Georg and Roehm, Elisabeth
Rogers, [Living]
Family of Lewis, [Living] and Rogers, [Living]
Rohwer, Elizabeth
Family of Fishko, William Johann and Rohwer, Elizabeth
Ross, David
Family of Ross, David and Woods, Mary Katherine
6 December 1865 |
Family of Ross, David and Hoylman, Leva Leavy
1889 |
Ross, David
Family of Ross, David and VanBibber, Margaret Peggy
1809 |
Ross, David
Family of Ross, David and Hoylman, Olivia Estelline
Ross, James A
Family of Ross, James A and Lyon, Sarah Sally
24 February 1842 |
Ross, M Sarah
Family of Hoylman, Lycurgus Marshall and Ross, M Sarah
18 January 1885 |
Rovayo, [Living]
Family of Reichenbach, [Living] and Rovayo, [Living]
Family of Rovayo, [Living]
Runyon, Nancy
Family of Stafford, John Miles and Runyon, Nancy
Runyon, Roland T
Family of Runyon, Roland T and Hatfield, Emma Alice
3 May 1901 |
Rupe, Nancy Alma
Family of Sharp, William H and Rupe, Nancy Alma
28 February 1884 |
Rupe, [Living]
Family of Rupe, [Living]
Rutherford, Mary
Family of McCoy, Floyd and Rutherford, Mary
27 March 187525 March 1875 |
Sabata, [Living]
Family of Sabata, [Living] and Zeleny, [Living]
Sadler, Sterling C.
Family of Sadler, Sterling C. and McCauley, Velina Anne
5 May 1853 |
Sambas, Catharina
Family of Hecker, Johannas and Sambas, Catharina
29 March 1831 |
Sambas, Georg
Family of Sambas, Georg and Roehm, Elisabeth
Sansom, Chloe
Family of McCoy, Hiram and Sansom, Chloe
Satterfield, William
Family of Satterfield, William and Finn, Elizabeth
Schaaf, Jacqueline
Family of Reichenbach, Jack William and Schaaf, Jacqueline
22 April 1951 |
Schaaf, [Living]
Family of Schaaf, [Living] and Schaaf, [Living]
Schaaf, [Living]
Family of Schaaf, [Living] and Schaaf, [Living]
Family of Schakat and Rasmussen, [Living]
Schatzle, [Living]
Family of Schatzle, [Living] and , [Living]
Schaub, Anna Maria
Family of Frey, Johann Jacob and Schaub, Anna Maria
21 October 1688 |
Schaub, Matthias
Family of Schaub, Matthias and Lange, Ursula
Schiffler, Emanuel
Family of Schiffler, Emanuel and Hoylman, Annie Maria
Schildknecht, Caroline
Family of Hugelman, Bernhardt and Schildknecht, Caroline
Schildknecht, Caroline
Family of Borup, Niels Peter Senius and Schildknecht, Caroline
1855 |
Family of Hugelman, Bernhardt and Schildknecht, Caroline
14 August 1844 |
Schildknecht, Joseph
Family of Schildknecht, Joseph and Moosbrugger, Barbara
Schlatter, Joseph
Family of Schlatter, Joseph and Christner, Magdalena
Schmidt, Geraldine Maren
Family of Stewart, [Living] and Schmidt, Geraldine Maren
Schmidt, Stanley Sylvester
Family of Schmidt, Stanley Sylvester and Petersen, Anna
21 August 1918 |
Schmidt, [Living]
Family of Palo, Renald Keith and Schmidt, [Living]
Family of Schneider and Reichenbach, Elisabeth
Schneider, [Living]
Family of Schneider, [Living] and , Agnes
Schneider, [Living]
Family of Schneider, [Living] and Walz, [Living]
Schrie, Pauline
Family of Huber, Ernst I and Schrie, Pauline
Schuldtice, [Living]
Family of Schuldtice, [Living] and Reuland, Clara
Schuldtice, [Living]
Family of Schuldtice, [Living] and Reuland, Clara
Schupp, [Living]
Family of Schupp, [Living] and , [Living]
Segebarth, Hermann
Family of Segebarth, Hermann and Reichenbach, [Living]
Seibel, Louisa
Family of Hecker, Peter and Seibel, Louisa
Sekler, Amelia
Family of Lester, Paris Pepper and Sekler, Amelia
1872 |
Seltz, Charles
Family of Seltz, Charles and Peros, Mary Marie
Seltz, Victoria
Family of Smith, Lee and Seltz, Victoria
7 October 1889 |
Serey, James
Family of Serey, James and Quillen, Belle
Serey, Robert
Family of Serey, Robert and Babcock, Barbara K
Sharp Maher, Dena Pauline
Family of Reichenbach, Donald DeVere and Sharp Maher, Dena Pauline
5 August 1978 |
Sharp, William H
Family of Sharp, William H and Rupe, Nancy Alma
28 February 1884 |
Shelton, Mary Frances
Family of Guthrie, Jackson and Shelton, Mary Frances
Shepard, Anna Marguerite
Family of Reichenbach, Charles Morris and Shepard, Anna Marguerite
11 May 1935 |
Family of Shepperd and Vass, Elizabeth
Shively, [Living]
Family of Shively, [Living] and Petersen, [Living]
Short, Mattye Lou
Family of McCoy, Eugene Morton and Short, Mattye Lou
Shrout, Alburn G
Family of Shrout, Alburn G and Lester, Zora
Shumate, Peter Conrad
Family of Shumate, Peter Conrad and Lester, Rachel Isabella
24 May 1889 |
Simmons, Beulah Viola
Family of Vance, Roscoe Henry and Simmons, Beulah Viola
Skov, Hans Andersen
Family of Skov, Hans Andersen and Hansdatter, Maren
Skov, Kirstine
Family of Knag, Jens Christian Jensen and Skov, Kirstine
27 November 18731900 |
Slater, John C
Family of Slater, John C and Kauffman, Mary Ella
13 December 1940 |
Slatter, Benjamin C
Family of Slatter, Benjamin C and Stutzman, Magdalena
8 November 1879 |
Family of Slatter, Benjamin C
Family of Slatter, Benjamin C and Baldwin, Ola
8 June 1910 |
Smith, Anna M
Family of Vance, William and Smith, Anna M
15 April 1857 |
Smith, Cad Marie
Family of McCoy, Sidney James and Smith, Cad Marie
27 September 1909 |
Smith, Catherine
Family of Armentrout, George and Smith, Catherine
20 November 1795 |
Smith, Columbus
Family of Smith, Columbus and Rathbun, Lola Elnora
1878 |
Family of Smith, Columbus and White, Caroline Louise
25 June 1894 |
Smith, Ida Elva
Family of Vance, William and Smith, Ida Elva
15 November 1849 |
Smith, J Gay
Family of Smith, J Gay and , Grace
Smith, James Claude
Family of Smith, James Claude and Lindley, Carrie
13 November 1909 |
Family of Smith, James Claude and Hagermaster, Anna Marie
27 September 1906 |
Smith, Lee
Family of Smith, Lee and Rathman
Family of Smith, Lee and Seltz, Victoria
7 October 1889 |
Smith, Lucretia
Family of McCoy, Selkirk and Smith, Lucretia
Smith, Martin H
Family of Smith, Martin H and Oberst, Elizabeth
1853 |
Family of Smith, Martin H and Hudson, Harriet
Smith, Mary Polly Goff
Family of Hatfield, Ephraim and Smith, Mary Polly Goff
1785 |
Smith, Nettie
Family of Dunn, Cyrus A and Smith, Nettie
October 1904 |
Smith, Rebecca
Family of Wild, James Marion and Smith, Rebecca
Smith, Seymour Leonal
Family of Smith, Seymour Leonal and Smith, [Living]
Smith, Stephen Sanford
Family of Smith, Stephen Sanford and Bishop, Lucretia
Smith, [Living]
Family of Smith, Seymour Leonal and Smith, [Living]
Smith, [Living]
Family of Smith, [Living] and Rathman
Snuffer, S J
Family of Snuffer, S J and Lester, Alethia
Snuffer, [Living]
Family of Welster, [Living] and Snuffer, [Living]
Snyder, Barbara
Family of Carper, John and Snyder, Barbara
25 December 1817 |
Snyder, Kenneth Duane Jr
Family of Snyder, Kenneth Duane Jr and Noyes, [Living]
Snyder, [Living]
Family of Snyder, [Living]
Snyder, [Living]
Family of Macomber, [Living] and Snyder, [Living]
Sohl, Emma
Family of Fishko, Michael and Sohl, Emma
189421 December 1893 |
Family of Sohl, Emma
189421 December 1893 |
Sørensdatter, Maren
Family of Sørensen, Peder and Sørensdatter, Maren
Sorensen, Calvin H
Family of Sorensen, Calvin H
Sorensen, Caroline
Family of Petersen, Hans Peter and Sorensen, Caroline
23 April 1874 |
Sorensen, Fredrik
Family of Sorensen, Fredrik and Petersen, Ida K
Sorensen, Sam
Family of Sorensen, Sam and Petersen, Christina
Sörensen, Anna
Family of Hansen, Hans Christian and Sörensen, Anna
Sørensen, Peder
Family of Sørensen, Peder and Sørensdatter, Maren
Spears, Almeada
Family of Steel, Samuel and Spears, Almeada
1859 |
Stafford, Compton
Family of Stafford, Compton and McCoy, Eleanor
22 April 1833 |
Family of Stafford, Compton and Brewer, Eliza
18 March 1866 |
Stafford, John Miles
Family of Stafford, John Miles and Runyon, Nancy
Stafford, Mary Ann
Family of McCoy, Randolph and Stafford, Mary Ann
11 November 1823 |
Stalberg, [Living]
Family of Delhay, Alfred Morse and Stalberg, [Living]
Stambaugh, [Living]
Family of Stambaugh, [Living] and Naumann, [Living]
Stanley, Cora N
Family of Hoylman, Marcus Byron and Stanley, Cora N
13 September 1892 |
Stanley, Della May
Family of Stanley, Isaiah M and Stanley, Della May
Stanley, Edwin
Family of Stanley, Edwin and Stanley, Sarah A
Stanley, Isaiah M
Family of Stanley, Isaiah M and Stanley, Della May
Stanley, Sarah A
Family of Stanley, Edwin and Stanley, Sarah A
Starr, Jessie
Family of McCoy, Chapman and Starr, Jessie
15 June 1931 |
Staton, Charles N
Family of Staton, Charles N and Keesee, Nancy
13 August 1820 |
Staton, John
Family of Staton, John and Staton, Priscilla
Staton, Piety
Family of Varney, Artillas Madison and Staton, Piety
6 June 1852 |
Staton, Priscilla
Family of Staton, John and Staton, Priscilla
Steckly, Mary
Family of Kauffman, Daniel W and Steckly, Mary
29 January 1885 |
Steel, Elijah Newton
Family of Steel, Elijah Newton and Hicks, Mattie
23 February 1888 |
Steel, Samuel
Family of Steel, Samuel and Spears, Almeada
1859 |
Family of Steele
Steele, James Samuel
Family of Steele, James Samuel and Reichenbach, Elsie Marie
9 June 1920 |
1924 |
Family of Steele, James Samuel and King, Gladys R
5 December 1943 |
Family of Steele, James Samuel and , Grace
between 1924 and 1930 |
Steele, Ruth Arlene
Family of Noyes, Raymond Earl and Steele, Ruth Arlene
29 February 1940 |
July 1963 |
Family of Costanzo, Emanuele Victor and Steele, Ruth Arlene
8 April 1972 |
before 1996 |
Stenstensen, [Living]
Family of Fridrichsen, [Living] and Stenstensen, [Living]
Stewart, Hubbard
Family of Stewart, Hubbard and Stewart, Mary
Stewart, Mary
Family of Stewart, Hubbard and Stewart, Mary
Stewart, [Living]
Family of Hoylman, Homer and Stewart, [Living]
Stewart, [Living]
Family of Stewart, [Living] and Schmidt, Geraldine Maren
Strada, Joseph
Family of Strada, Joseph and Reuland, Veronika
18 May 1940 |
Strain, George W
Family of Strain, George W and Andersen, [Living]
Stratton, Vicy
Family of Ferguson, John B and Stratton, Vicy
29 August 1880 |
Strayhorn, John
Family of Strayhorn, John and Johnston, Elizabeth
Street, Charles W
Family of Street, Charles W and Bouvier, Ina May
1924 4 March 1927 |
30 March 1934 |
Stricklett, Cecil Victor
Family of Stricklett, Cecil Victor and , Jean
January 1923 |
Stricklett, Charles
Family of Stricklett, Charles and McCoy, Gertrude Margaret
24 February 1895 |
Stricklett, Coral Jean
Family of McVicker, John Roderick and Stricklett, Coral Jean
Stricklett, Dorothy May
Family of Andersen, Francis and Stricklett, Dorothy May
16 March 1925 |
Stricklett, James
Family of Stricklett, James and Carter, Catherine
6 July 1854 |
Stricklett, John B
Family of Stricklett, John B and Pennington, Mary Jane
1866 |
Family of Stricklett, John B
Stricklett, Mary Etta
Family of Engelke, George Thomas and Stricklett, Mary Etta
21 April 1916 |
Stricklett, Peter
Family of Stricklett, Peter and Svengaard, Pearl
31 July 1929 |
Stricklett, Peter
Family of Stricklett, Peter and Bouvier, Esther Belle
Stricklett, Peter M
Family of Stricklett, Peter M and Ginn, Betsy
Stricklett, Peter M
Family of Stricklett, Peter M and Ginn, Elizabeth Ann
5 December 1831 |
Stricklett, Roger Bouvier
Family of Stricklett, Roger Bouvier and Petersen, [Living]
Stricklett, Walter E
Family of Stricklett, Walter E and Bouvier, Jessie V
Stricklett, William Louis
Family of Stricklett, William Louis and Allen, Elsie Lenora
4 May 1884 |
Stricklett, [Living]
Family of Powell, [Living] and Stricklett, [Living]
Strommen, Agnes Josephine
Family of Reuland, Perry and Strommen, Agnes Josephine
28 November 1947 |
Strommen, Agnes Josephine
Family of Reuland, Perry and Strommen, Agnes Josephine
28 November 1947 |
Strub, Lorenz
Family of Strub, Lorenz and Reichenbach, Klara
9 February 1857 |
Stuart, Sarah F.
Family of Reeves, George Jr. and Stuart, Sarah F.
1808 |
Family of Durham, Thomas M. and Stuart, Sarah F.
20 October 1835 |
Stuart, Virginia Jane
Family of McCauley, William and Stuart, Virginia Jane
30 August 1816 |
Stutzman, Abraham
Family of Stutzman, Abraham and Troyer, Magdalena
Stutzman, Magdalena
Family of Slatter, Benjamin C and Stutzman, Magdalena
8 November 1879 |
Sublet, Blanch May
Family of Beaman, Argie Orval and Sublet, Blanch May
7 October 1925 |
Summerland, [Living]
Family of Summerland, [Living] and Zeleny, [Living]
Sutherland, Francis Catherine
Family of McCoy, Alexander and Sutherland, Francis Catherine
1689 |
Svengaard, Pearl
Family of Stricklett, Peter and Svengaard, Pearl
31 July 1929 |
Svengaard, Peter
Family of Svengaard, Peter and Svengaard, [Living]
Svengaard, Soren Andrew
Family of Svengaard, Soren Andrew and Madsen, Anna Marie
2 March 1910 |
Svengaard, [Living]
Family of Svengaard, Peter and Svengaard, [Living]
Swing, Carrie Jane
Family of Goodale, [Living] and Swing, Carrie Jane
Talbott, Isaac
Family of Talbott, Isaac and Ingram, Comfort
Talbott, Margaret A
Family of Dunn, David and Talbott, Margaret A
8 August 1869 |
Family of Grant, Cyrus A and Talbott, Margaret A
25 September 1861 |
Talley, James Miller
Family of Talley, James Miller and McCauley, Catherine
8 January 1868 |
Taylor, John
Family of Taylor, John and Varney, Mary
Taylor, John
Family of Taylor, John and McCollum, Jane
Taylor, Margaret
Family of McCoy, Daniel and Taylor, Margaret
12 February 1817 |
Taylor, Margaret
Family of Duncalf, Thomas and Taylor, Margaret
Templeton, Dova Amanda
Family of Justice, Harvey and Templeton, Dova Amanda
14 November 1850 |
Templeton, Henry
Family of Templeton, Henry and , Sarah
Terry, Mary Ann
Family of Marshall, Tandy and Terry, Mary Ann
9 March 1848 |
Thiem, Catharina
Family of Lodes, Johann Laurenz and Thiem, Catharina
Thiem, Catharina
Family of Lodes, Johann Laurenz and Thiem, Catharina
Thomas, Emily
Family of Windom, John Howell and Thomas, Emily
Thompson, James
Family of Thompson, James and , Elizabeth
Thompson, James
Family of Thompson, James and Towes, Mary Polly
1715 |
Thompson, Mary Polly
Family of Hoilman, Simon and Thompson, Mary Polly
26 May 1808 |
Thompson, [Living]
Family of Thompson, [Living] and McCoy, Trinvilla
Thorn, Anna M
Family of Green and Thorn, Anna M
Family of Thorn, Anna M
Thorn, Job
Family of Thorn, Job and Anson, Anna Nancy
1828 |
Thorn, William M
Family of Thorn, William M and Hardy, Mary Baldwin
1860 |
Thorne, Israel
Family of Thorne, Israel and Jones, Hannah
Tice, Jennie Isabelle
Family of Wallace, Frank and Tice, Jennie Isabelle
Family of Tice, Jennie Isabelle
Timbrel, Mary
Family of Grant, Jonathan and Timbrel, Mary
9 November 18369 November 1836 |
Tomlinson, Sarah C
Family of Boone, Andrew Madison and Tomlinson, Sarah C
26 September 1900 |
Towes, Mary Polly
Family of Thompson, James and Towes, Mary Polly
1715 |
Towse, Daniel
Family of Towse, Daniel and Etherington, Ruth
6 June 1693 |
Towse, William
Family of Towse, William
Towse, William
Family of Towse, William
Towse, William
Family of Towse, William and Heslarton, Elizabeth
13 October 1612 |
Trent, [Living]
Family of Trent, [Living] and McCoy, Fannie
Trolinger, John
Family of Trolinger, John and Burris, Elizabeth
Trousdale, William
Family of Trousdale, William and McCauley, Catherine
26 December 1801 |
Troyer, Magdalena
Family of Stutzman, Abraham and Troyer, Magdalena
Trumble, Lawrence George
Family of Trumble, Lawrence George and Reichenbach, Mary Elizabeth
Tuite, Henry
Family of Tuite, Henry and Mabbot, Diana
Tuite, Jane
Family of Candler, Thomas and Tuite, Jane
1685 |
Tuite, Oliver
Family of Tuite, Oliver and Aylmer, Mabel
Turner, Melba
Family of Vance, Ilef J and Turner, Melba
17 March 1945 |
Turrentine, Carlton A.
Family of Turrentine, Carlton A. and Dunlap, Blanche E.
Turrentine, Michael
Family of Turrentine, Michael and Allen, Leliah
Turrentine, Michael E. Jr.
Family of Turrentine, Michael E. Jr. and Elligan, [Living]
Turrentine, W L
Family of Turrentine, W L and , Martha
Tusing, John
Family of Tusing, John and Price, Susannah
Tussing, Hannah
Family of Tussing, Hannah
Underwood, [Living]
Family of Underwood, [Living] and Roberts, [Living]
Unknown, McCauley Mother
Family of McCauley, Unknown Father and Unknown, McCauley Mother
Unknown, Unknown
Family of Marshall, William and Unknown, Unknown
Unknown, [Living]
Family of Vass, [Living] and Unknown, [Living]
Urbach, Henry William
Family of Urbach, Henry William and Baer, Effie R
Utley, Sallie S
Family of McCauley, Mathew Andrew and Utley, Sallie S
17 February 1876 |
Van Sickel, Walter
Family of Van Sickel, Walter and McCoy, Belva
VanBebber, James
Family of VanBebber, James and Hoover, Hannah
VanBibber, Margaret Peggy
Family of Ross, David and VanBibber, Margaret Peggy
1809 |
Vance, Abner
Family of Vance, Abner and Howard, Susannah
Vance, Elizabeth Deliz
Family of Hatfield, Joseph and Vance, Elizabeth Deliz
Vance, Ethel Gladys
Family of McCoy, William Aaron and Vance, Ethel Gladys
1 March 1916 |
Vance, Glenn Milo
Family of Vance, Glenn Milo and Derr, [Living]
Vance, Ilef
Family of Vance, Ilef and Hite, Jessie Flossie
28 February 1912 |
Vance, Ilef J
Family of Vance, Ilef J and Turner, Melba
17 March 1945 |
Vance, James Milo
Family of Vance, James Milo and McCoy, Texas Derensy
25 February 1886 |
Vance, James Milo
Family of Vance, James Milo and , Lillian
6 March 1912 |
Vance, John
Family of Vance, John and Rader, Hannah
1810 |
Vance, John Wesley
Family of Vance, John Wesley and Ground, Gwen Kathleen
Vance, Maynard Philip
Family of Vance, Maynard Philip and , Joan
Vance, Nancy
Family of Hatfield, Ephraim and Vance, Nancy
28 August 1828 |
Vance, Rachel
Family of Hatfield, Jeremiah and Vance, Rachel
1830 |
Vance, Raleigh
Family of Vance, Raleigh and James, Bertha Marie
Vance, Roscoe Henry
Family of Vance, Roscoe Henry and Simmons, Beulah Viola
Vance, Thomas
Family of Vance, Thomas and , Mary
Vance, William
Family of Vance, William and Smith, Ida Elva
15 November 1849 |
Family of Vance, William and Smith, Anna M
15 April 1857 |
Vance, [Living]
Family of Vance, [Living] and , [Living]
Vanderbilt, Nellie Grace
Family of Beller, William Swan Boyd and Vanderbilt, Nellie Grace
Vanstavern, Mary
Family of Hoylman, James Thompson and Vanstavern, Mary
Varney, Artillas Madison
Family of Varney, Artillas Madison and Staton, Piety
6 June 1852 |
Varney, Lovicia
Family of McCoy, Johnson and Varney, Lovicia
26 March 18961884 |
Varney, Mary
Family of Taylor, John and Varney, Mary
Vass, Apphia
Family of Ewing, George B and Vass, Apphia
15 November 1823 |
Family of Ewing, George B and Vass, Apphia
15 November 1823 |
Vass, Elizabeth
Family of Shepperd and Vass, Elizabeth
Vass, James P
Family of Vass, James P and Aiken, Nancy P
27 July 1818 |
Vass, Mary
Family of Boyd, Alexander and Vass, Mary
Vass, Mary Terry
Family of Marshall, Joseph W and Vass, Mary Terry
20 November 1847 |
Vass, Philip
Family of Vass, Philip and Webb, Mary
Vass, Philip P
Family of Vass, Philip P and Carter, Malinda
Family of Vass, Philip P
20 April 1848 |
Vass, Stephen Taylor
Family of Vass, Stephen Taylor and Lynn, Frances A
12 October 1867 |
Family of Vass, Stephen Taylor and Martin, Mary E
15 February 1866 |
Vass, [Living]
Family of Vass, [Living] and Unknown, [Living]
Velten, Henry John
Family of Velten, Henry John and Williams, Mildred
Velten, Nona Marie
Family of Hoylman, Byron Gilbert and Velten, Nona Marie
6 September 1942 |
Verdan, Charles A
Family of Verdan, Charles A
1893 |
Verdan, Louis
Family of Verdan, Louis and Bouvier, Adelaide
Viles, [Living]
Family of Noyes, Clyde Clayton and Viles, [Living]
Villiers, Anne
Family of Candler, William and Villiers, Anne
Villiers, Edward
Family of Villiers, Edward
Voltz, Cathererine X
Family of Carper, Nicholas and Voltz, Cathererine X
1789 |
Waggoner, Milluy
Family of Marshall, Thomas Riley and Waggoner, Milluy
Waldo, [Living]
Family of Waldo, [Living] and Petersen, [Living]
Wallace, Frank
Family of Wallace, Frank and Tice, Jennie Isabelle
Wallace, Guy Franklin
Family of Wallace, Guy Franklin and Dunn, Hazel Adell
5 February 1913 |
Family of Wallace, Guy Franklin and Gilmore, Inez Pearl
1 December 19371 December 1937 |
Wallace, Jennett
Family of McCoy, James Mackey and Wallace, Jennett
Walser, Johann
Family of Walser, Johann and Knöbel, Franziska
Walser, Maria Eva
Family of Reichenbach, Roman and Walser, Maria Eva
25 May 1829 |
Walz, Peter
Family of Walz, Peter and Reichenbach, [Living]
Walz, [Living]
Family of Schneider, [Living] and Walz, [Living]
Walz, [Living]
Family of Walz, [Living] and , [Living]
Warden, Mary Elizabeth Lee
Family of Mills, John Washington and Warden, Mary Elizabeth Lee
Warren, [Living]
Family of Winters, Perry John and Warren, [Living]
Watson, Cornelia
Family of McCauley, William M and Watson, Cornelia
23 January 1833 |
Watson, Julia Ann
Family of McCauley, Charles and Watson, Julia Ann
22 July 1856 |
Watson, Margret
Family of Watson, Wilson and Watson, Margret
6 January 1828 |
Watson, Wilson
Family of Watson, Wilson and Watson, Margret
6 January 1828 |
Webb, Mary
Family of Vass, Philip and Webb, Mary
Weddington, Martha
Family of Hatfield, Valentine Wall and Weddington, Martha
Wellman, Della
Family of McCoy, Erwin Monroe “Toney” and Wellman, Della
27 February 1907 |
Wells, Margaret
Family of Marshall, Thomas Martin and Wells, Margaret
5 March 1746 |
Welster, [Living]
Family of Welster, [Living] and Snuffer, [Living]
West, Ellender
Family of West, James Alphonzo and West, Ellender
1885 |
West, Elmon Dayton
Family of West, Elmon Dayton and Justice, Lela Marie
16 March 1925 |
West, James Alphonzo
Family of West, James Alphonzo and West, Ellender
1885 |
West, [Living]
Family of West, [Living] and Kruse, Norma Mae
Westcott, Richard N
Family of Westcott, Richard N and McCulloch, Idamae
12 August 1953 |
Wheaton, Mary
Family of McCauley, David and Wheaton, Mary
Wheeler, Bernice
Family of Wheeler, Bernice
Whipple, [Living]
Family of Whipple, [Living] and Miller, [Living]
Whitby, Jane
Family of Booth, Charles and Whitby, Jane
White, Caroline Louise
Family of Smith, Columbus and White, Caroline Louise
25 June 1894 |
Whitten, Mattie J
Family of Hoylman, David Newton and Whitten, Mattie J
26 April 1860 |
Wife of Wm McCauley, Cathrin
Family of McCauley, William Esq. and Wife of Wm McCauley, Cathrin
Wild, James Marion
Family of Wild, James Marion and Smith, Rebecca
Wilds, Louisa J
Family of Wilds, Louisa J
1892 |
Wilds, Milton Bird
Family of Wilds, Milton Bird and Carter, Vilena
10 June 1849 |
Wiley, Elizabeth Jane
Family of Boone, Henry and Wiley, Elizabeth Jane
Williams, Alfred B
Family of Williams, Alfred B and McCauley, Harriett Yancey
27 December 1887 |
Williams, Mildred
Family of Velten, Henry John and Williams, Mildred
Williams, Wilmoth Mastin
Family of Neal, Thomas H and Williams, Wilmoth Mastin
Williamson, John M
Family of Williamson, John M and Maynard, Nancy
Williamson, Jonah
Family of Williamson, Jonah and Bevins, Mary Ann
3 November 1853 |
Williamson, Louisa
Family of McCoy, Selkirk and Williamson, Louisa
Wilmot, [Living]
Family of Wilmot, [Living] and Miller, Helen
Wilson, Elizabeth
Family of McCauley, Charles and Wilson, Elizabeth
11 January 1820 |
Wilson, Elizabeth
Family of Allison and Wilson, Elizabeth
Wilson, Mary
Family of Johnston, George and Wilson, Mary
1720 |
Wilson, Mary
Family of Finn, Gabriel and Wilson, Mary
before 1830 |
Wilson, Mary
Family of McCauley, Charles and Wilson, Mary
2 October 1811 |
Wilson, Nancy Jane
Family of Miller, George Millard and Wilson, Nancy Jane
23 December 1869 |
Wilson, Robert
Family of Wilson, Robert and Messenger, Mary Ann
Wilson, Silva D
Family of McCauley, Matthew John Wilson and Wilson, Silva D
24 January 1848 |
Wilson, Unknown Father
Family of Wilson, Unknown Father and Wilson, UnknownMother
Wilson, Unknown Grandfather
Family of Wilson, Unknown Grandfather
Wilson, UnknownMother
Family of Wilson, Unknown Father and Wilson, UnknownMother
Windom, John Howell
Family of Windom, John Howell and Thomas, Emily
Windom, John Leroy
Family of Windom, John Leroy and Patterson, Marjorie Spotswood
Winkleman, Leora
Family of Hoylman, James L and Winkleman, Leora
5 December 1937 |
Winters, Edward
Family of Winters, Edward and Hennessey, Bridget
Family of Winters, Edward and Hennessey, Bridget
Winters, Jess Lawrence
Family of Winters, Jess Lawrence and Kelley, Harriet Hazel
30 October 1919 |
11 October 1929 |
Family of Winters, Jess Lawrence and , Frieda
8 February 1930 |
May 1939 |
Winters, John E
Family of Winters, John E and Reuland, Veronika
1910 |
Winters, Lawrence Mathew
Family of Winters, Lawrence Mathew and Kidwell, Helen P
10 February 1931 |
Winters, Marion Harriett
Family of Knudsen, Daniel and Winters, Marion Harriett
Winters, Perry John
Family of Winters, Perry John and Warren, [Living]
Winters, [Living]
Family of Morrison, Richard Earl and Winters, [Living]
Wolfersberger, Maria Margaret
Family of Carper, Frederick and Wolfersberger, Maria Margaret
Wolfson, [Living]
Family of Hoylman, [Living] and Wolfson, [Living]
Wong, [Living]
Family of Wong, [Living] and Reichenbach, [Living]
Wood, Dorothy
Family of Hope, Pearley and Wood, Dorothy
Woods, Mary Katherine
Family of Ross, David and Woods, Mary Katherine
6 December 1865 |
Woody, John
Family of Woody, John and Betts, Nancy
Woody, Sarah Jane
Family of Marshall, Edward Wilson and Woody, Sarah Jane
9 September 1844 |
Wozny, John F
Family of Wozny, John F and Knag, Christina
Wright, Lucinda
Family of McCoy, [Living] and Wright, Lucinda
Wursthorn, Gertrud
Family of Reichenbach, Michael and Wursthorn, Gertrud
12 November 1865 |
Zeilmann, [Living]
Family of Zeilmann, [Living] and Zeilmann, [Living]
Zeilmann, [Living]
Family of Zeilmann, [Living] and Zeilmann, [Living]
Zeleny, [Living]
Family of Zeleny, [Living] and Noyes, [Living]
Zeleny, [Living]
Family of Summerland, [Living] and Zeleny, [Living]
Zeleny, [Living]
Family of Anderson, [Living] and Zeleny, [Living]
Family of Brady, [Living] and Zeleny, [Living]
Family of Sabata, [Living] and Zeleny, [Living]
Family of Zeleny, [Living]
Zeleny, [Living]
Family of Kindler, [Living] and Zeleny, [Living]
Family of Lush, [Living] and Zeleny, [Living]
Zeleny, [Living]
Family of DeWine, [Living] and Zeleny, [Living]
Zeleny, [Living]
Family of Zeleny, [Living] and Lawver, [Living]
Ziegler, Josef
Family of Ziegler, Josef and Ziegler, Unknown wife of Josef
Ziegler, Karl
Family of Ziegler, Karl and Reichenbach, Katherina
Ziegler, Maria
Family of Nehrwein, Karl and Ziegler, Maria
Ziegler, Paul
Family of Ziegler, Paul and Ziegler, Unknown wife of Paul
Ziegler, Unknown wife of Josef
Family of Ziegler, Josef and Ziegler, Unknown wife of Josef
Ziegler, Unknown wife of Paul
Family of Ziegler, Paul and Ziegler, Unknown wife of Paul
Zinglersen, Andreas Samuel
Family of Zinglersen, Andreas Samuel and Borup, Elizabeth Sophie
8 September 1802 |