Family of McCoy, Asa and Burriss, Eleanor "Nelly"


Married Husband McCoy, Asa ( * 1810 + 1884 )
Married Wife Burriss, Eleanor “Nelly” ( * about 1806 + 1880 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 14 September 1832 Pike, Kentucky, United States of America Record on gives the location and date. The bride's name is recorded as "Eloner'.  
Name Birth Date Death Date
McCoy, SelkirkApril 18305 March 1910
McCoy, Alexabout 1832
McCoy, Parlee J22 June 183214 May 1915
McCoy, Alifairabout 1833
McCoy, Williamabout 1836
McCoy, Andrew Babout 1837
McCoy, Eliza Annabout 1839
McCoy, Emilyabout 1842
McCoy, Uriahabout 1844
McCoy, Sarahabout 1845
McCoy, Albert Gabout 1848
McCoy, Maryabout 18481924
