##Gabriel Finn and Mary Wilson##
The marriage between Gabriel Finn and Mary Wilson, at least in a legal sense, appears likely to have not existed.
Finn's probate file contains several documents relating to a suit brought in 1847, two years after his death, by his sisters Sarah Marshall and Elizabeth Satterfield, as well as several other natural heirs. This suit against Caleb Wilson/Willson alleges that Wilson took advantage of the circumstances of Finn's declining years to defraud him of land by substituting his own (Wilson's) name in place of Finn's as owner of the land that Wilson had purchased with Finn's money and at Finn's request. The suit further states that Finn had died "leaving neither wife nor children him surviving", thereby indicating that the family did not recognize any marriage between Mary Wilson (evidently Caleb's sister) and Gabriel Finn.
Wilson's reply to the complaint in the Orange County Court of Equity stated that the marriage of Finn and Wilson did exist and that Finn had come to Caleb Wilson in 1834 to request that he make a land purchase his request.
Court documents present in the probate record do not appear to contain the conclusion(s) of the court. [I have not found a record of such a marriage in the online North Carolina records as of the date of this note.]
These documents do establish or confirm several family relationships, specifically that Gabriel Finn had three sisters, two of whom survived him and one of whom left three children who likewise survived Gabriel. These were Sarah Marshall, widow of Zachariah Marshall, Elizabeth Satterfield (Mrs. James) and the deceased Equilla (sp?) Roberts, who left children, Geo W Roberts, Joseph Roberts and Sarah Underwood (Mrs. John). At one point in the suit, Sarah Marshall's eldest son, William Swaine Marshall, intervened in the attempt to bring Caleb Wilson to court. [No other family members are mentioned in the suit. Gabriel's brother, Edward, had died two years earlier.]
[Mary Wilson Finn's last will and testament of 14 Feb 1846 demonstrates that Caleb Wilson was her uncle.]