Sons of Zachariah Marshall of Person County NC
With the exception of William Swaine Marshall, finding documentation linking other possible children to Zachariah Marshall and his wife, Sarah (Salley) Finn, has been difficult. The effort began by using census records to find the most likely parents for Joseph Marshall (b 1802). Zachariah (aka Sack, Sacky, Zach and even Isaac) of Person County, North Carolina, appeared the best candidate. When the brother relationship between Joseph and Edward Wilson Marshall became apparent, this too was consistent with them having Zachariah and Sarah as parents. There was, however, no documentation other than ticks on pre-1850 census records to support this.
Fortunately, a large number of Person County records are online at These include the annual lists of taxables. [Person County was formed in 1792 from the eastern half of Caswell County. Caswell County had been formed from the northern half of Orange County in 1777. St Luke's District appears to have been approximately the southwest quarter of Person County] Here are the entries for Marshalls:
No Marshall entries prior to 1797 (go back to 1792 when Person County was formed from Caswell Co)
1796 Gabriel Finn (St Luke's District; no land)
1797 Jesse Marshall (200 ac); Sack Marshall (no land) (St Luke's District)
1798 Sack Marshall (no land); Gabriel Finn (no land); Elizabeth Finn (73 ac)
1799 Sack Marshall (577 ac); Gabriel Finn (no land); Elizabeth Finn (70 ac)
1800 no entries for Marshall; Elizabeth Finn (70 ac)
1801 Zachariah Marshall (no land); Gabriel Finn (no land)
1802 no entries for Marshall; Gabriel Finn (no land)
1803 no entries for Marshall; Gabriel Finn (no land)
1804 no entries for Marshall; Gabriel Finn (no land)
1805 no entries for Marshall; Gabriel Finn (no land); Edward Finn (no land)
1806 no entries for Marshall; Gabriel Finn (no land)
1807 M William Marshall (no land); Gabriel Finn (no land)
1808 no entries for Marshall or Finn
1809 no entries for Marshall; Gabriel Finn (no land)
1810 M William Marshall (no land); no Finn
1811 M William Marshall (no land); no Finn
1812 William Marshall (no land); no Finn
1813 Sackey Marshall (230 ac); no Finn
1814 Sack Marshall (230 ac); no Finn
1815 Sacky Marshall (230 ac); William S Marshall (no land)
1817 Sacky Marshall (162.5 ac); M William Marshall (no land)
1818 Sacky Marshall (162.5 ac)
1821 Sacky Marshall (162.5 ac) "do Robt Purkill (sp?) (65.5 ac)
1822 Sack Marshall (151.5 ac)
1823 M William Marshall (no land); Sackey Marshall (151.5 ac); William S Marshall (11 ac)
1824 Sackey Marshall (151.5 ac); William S Marshall (11 ac) do Joseph Marshall
1824 inventory of Thomas Phelps estate notes judgment v Sacky and N Norfleet for $99.50)
1825 William S Marshall (11 ac) do Sackey Marshall (151.5 ac)
1833 William S Marshall (112 ac); Charles Marshall (no land)
1834 William Marshall (112 ac)
1835 William S Marshall (112 ac); John Marshall (no land)
1836 William S Marshall (112 ac); John Marshall (no land)
1837 John Marshall (57 ac); Edward Marshall (no land); William S Marshall (112 ac)
1838 Edward Marshall (no land); William S Marshall (112 ac)
1838/9 Sacky dies
1839 Gabriel Marshall (no land); William S Marshall (112 ac); John Marshall (no land)
1840 William S Marshall (112.5 ac); Edward Marshall (no land); John Marshall (60 ac)
1841 William S Marshall (112.5 ac); Edward Marshall (no land); John Marshall (57 ac)
1844 William S Marshall (112.5 ac); John Marshall (172.5 ac)
It appears that entries are made by name only for persons (generally males) over the age of 21. Joseph Marshall appears only once (1824, when he would have been 21/22 years old). Edward appears first in 1837 when he, too, would have turned 21. Gabriel, previously unknown to me, appears in conjunction with William Swaine Marshall in 1839, suggesting that he had been born in 1818. Since no other Marshall families were discovered, and these entries occurred within a few lines of each other, this appears to be strong evidence that Zachariah and Sarah were the parents of William Swaine, Joseph, Edward, John and Gabriel Marshall. The identity of M William Marshall is unknown. Also, Person County would have been the birthplace of Gabriel, because Zachariah is shown to have been there in 1818. He appears to have been named for his uncle, Gabriel Finn (who is found in St Luke's District, Person County beginning in 1796). This also agrees with the counts of persons in Zachariah's (Sack's) household in the census records. These are also the only records so far known demonstrating that Sack Marshall's real name was Zachariah.
The Family of Zachariah and Sarah Finn Marshall
Zachariah and Sarah Finn were married in Mecklenburg Co VA on 23 May 1795.
Zachariah Marshall 1800 Census - Person Co NC (Hillsborough)
Males < 10 1 (*1790-1800) William Swaine
16-25 1 (*1775-1784) [unknown]
26-44 1 (*1756-1774) Zachariah
Females < 10 2 (*1790-1800) Jane F., [unknown]
26-44 1 (*1756-1774) Sarah
Persons < 16: 3
Persons > 25: 2
Total persons: 6
The 1800 census for Person Co NC is not in alphabetical order, suggesting that it may have been written in geographic order. Zachariah Marshall is immediately followed by Elizabeth Finn (age >44 with 2 other females age 16-25); Gabriel Finn (brother of Sarah Finn Marshall and husband of Zachariah's sister, Rebecca Marshall Finn) is on the following page.
Zachariah Marshall 1810 Census - Person Co NC
Males < 10 3 (*1800-1810) Joseph, John D., [unknown]
10-15 1 (*1795-1800) William Swaine
26-44 1 (*1766-1784) Zachariah
Females < 10 2 (*1800-1810) [unknown], [unknown]
10-15 1 (*1795-1800) Jane F.
26-44 1 (1766-1784) Sarah
Free whites < 16: 7
Free whites > 25: 2
Total persons: 9
Zachariah Marshall 1820 Census - Person Co NC - Aug 7 1820
Males < 10 2 (*1810-1820) Edward, [Stephen]
10-15 2 (*1805-1810) John D (13), ??
16-18 2 (*1802-1804) Joseph (18), ??
16-25 2 (*1795-1804) Joseph (18) and William Swaine (22/3)
> 45 1 (*<1776) Zachariah
Females 16-25 1 (*1795-1804) (probably Jane F, see below)
26-44 1 (*1776-1794) wife Sarah
Foreigners not naturalized: 1
Slaves none
Free white persons < 16 4
Free white persons > 25 2 Zachariah and Sarah
Total persons of all types 9
The number < 16 (4) and number > 25 (2) leave 3 more to make the total of 9. One of those would be the 16-25 female. The other two had to be the 16-25 males. So, there were 6 males (Zachariah and 5 sons or Zachariah, 4 sons and 1 foreigner) and 2 females (Sarah and one daughter or Sarah and one foreigner).
The younger female was aged 16-25, therefore born between 1795 and 1804. That fits with the Jane F Marshall found with Edward Marshall in the 1850 census where she is listed as being 51 years old (born 1799).
Joseph Marshall is known to have been born in 1802.
William Swaine Marshall is 40-50 in the 1840 census and 52 in 1850 (born 1797/8). He remains in Person County and is the only child of Zachariah involved in settling his estate.
John D Marshall is 43 in the 1850 census and does not reliably appear in 1860 (born 1807).
Edward Marshall is 34 in the 1850 census and 44 in 1860 (born 1816).
Stephen Marshall (who may be the Stephen Marshall found in Forsyth Co NC and dying there in 1862). He is said to have been born in 1812. There is essentially no documentation for this person having a relationship with Zachariah and Sarah. Stephen does not even appear in the lists of taxables, so his presence in this family is even less supported than that of Gabriel Marshall.
Assuming all of the specific members are as described above, that leaves two males unnamed, one born between 1805 and 1810 and the other born between 1802 and 1804.
And there is the "Foreigner not naturalized" to account for; was he/she included in the total household count? Probably.
Zachariah ("Sacky") Marshall 1830 Census; Person CO
Male 10-14 1 Edward
15-19 1 [Stephen]
50-59 1 Zachariah
Female 5-9 1 [unknown]
20-29 1 [not present in 1820; neice?]
30-39 1 Jane F.
50-59 1 Sarah
Free white < 20 3
Free white 20-49 2
Total persons: 7
The 20-29 female is likely not a child of Z & S. The 5-9 child might be her child.
Sarah Marshall 1840 Census; Person Co (Zachariah deceased)
Male 20-29 1 Edward (probably)
Female 40-49 1 Jane F. (probably)
60-69 1 Sarah
Total persons: 3
In the 1850 census, Sarah no longer appears, Edward is married, and Jane F is living with him and his family.