## Rachel McCoy Jr (m. Micajah Burris in 1795)
The marriage bond is for Burris to marry Rachel McCoy Jun'r, stating that she is the daughter of Rachel McCoy Sen'r.
Most trees have Rachel as the daughter of Richard and Susannah McCoy.
The Harper Family Tree (Ancestry.com) has Richard McCoy as the son of William McCoy and Rachel Read, both said to have been born ca. 1730 (he in Scotland). No documentation is provided.
David McCoy's "McCoy + Sanders Main" tree on Ancestry-com provides reasoning without direct documentation to support the ideas that Richard McCoy (who married Susannah) was the brother of "Old William" McCoy, sire of the Pike County KY McCoys, and that their father was probably named William. He believes that the elder William's wife was named Rachel (unknown).
William McCoy (ca 1730, Scotland) + Rachel* (unknown) (ca 1730)
William (1749)
Richard (1750) + Susannah Moore
Elizabeth (1775-1852)
Rachel (1777-1855**) + Micajah Burris
[This tree does not include Mary Ann Burris as a daughter.]
William (1780-1855)
George Sr (1784-1870)
Walter (1760)
*The name Rachel is speculation based upon naming conventions and presence of later Rachels.
**Rachel Jr (m Micajah Burris) is given a death date of 1855 based upon a death register from Pike County KY. But it appears that this may have been a 7-1/2 year old child, but if that is the case, surely the parents' names would be given, which they are not.