McCauley, Charles
Birth Name | McCauley, Charles |
Gender | male |
Age at Death | 29 years |
Birth date | 1835 (Orange, North Carolina, United States of America) |
Death date | January 1864 |
Note: 1
Charles McCauley of Orange County in the Civil War
The 1860 US Census shows three persons named Charles McCauley in Orange County NC, one 4 years old, one 9 years old and the other 25 years old living with his wife, Julia, and his 1-year-old daughter, Bettie in Hillsborough.
There are two Charles McCauley records among the Confederate records. One is for Charles Maurice Tallyrand McCauley, a colonel in the North Carolina Infantry and a Charles McCauley, a Lieutenant in the North Carolina Militia. It is the latter of these two whom I believe to be the Charles McCauley represented in this record. His service record consists of two entries. In 1862 he is compensated for expenses incurred while arresting and transporting to Camp Holmes (near Raleigh) four deserters from the North Carolina Infantry. In 1863 he receives compensation for escorting a conscript to Camp Holmes. There are no further records for this person,
The Charles McCauley who was husband to Julia Ann Watson is known by court documents to have died between between January and February of 1864.
Note: 2
The Hastings tree (FVHastings) on Ancestry-com alleges that Cornelia Watson's parents were Bennett Watson and Elizabeth Hastings and that they were also the parents of Wilson Watson, who married Margret Watson with whom he was a parents of Julia Ann Watson, wife of Charles McCauley. This would make Charles McCauley and Julia Ann Watson first cousins. Multiple sources state that first cousin marriages were not uncommon at this time (and are still allowed in several states).
Event | Date | Place | Description | Sources |
Birth | 1835 | Orange, North Carolina, United States of America | ||
_MILI | 24 December 1862 | Orange, North Carolina, United States of America | 46th Regimsnet North Carolina Miiitia | |
_MILI | November 1863 | Orange, North Carolina, United States of America | 46th Regiment North Carolina Militia | |
Will | 24 January 1864 | Orange, North Carolina, United States of America | ||
The very brief will was recorded in the Orange County NC will book. Whether it was actually made in Orange County is unclear. In it, Charles leaves the use of all of his property for life (or widowhood) to his wife, Julie Ann McCauley, after which it is to be inherited by his children, Bettie Irene and William Wilson McCauley. His third and posthumously born child, a daughter named Charles Anna McCauley, would be born in July of 1864. |
Death | January 1864 | |||
Relation to main person | Name | Birth date | Death date | Relation within this family (if not by birth) |
Father | McCauley, William M | 1812 | ||
Mother | Watson, Cornelia | 1812 | 1839 | |
McCauley, Charles | 1835 | January 1864 |
Family of McCauley, Charles and Watson, Julia Ann |
Married | Wife | Watson, Julia Ann ( * March 1835 + ... ) | |||||||||||||
Children |
Name | Birth Date | Death Date |
McCauley, Bettie Irene | 1859 | |
McCauley, William Wilson | about 1862 | |
McCauley, Charles Anna | 22 July 1864 | 21 December 1935 |

Other media: videos, pdfs...

Charles McCauley - Dec 1862 - NC Militia - arresting deserters

Charles McCauley - Nov 1863 - CSA - takes recruit to Camp Holmes

Charles McCauley - Dec 1862 - NC Militia - arresting deserters

Charles McCauley - Nov 1863 - CSA - takes recruit to Camp Holmes