Family of Mills, John Silas and Hoylman, Laura Belle


Married Husband Mills, John Silas ( * 1 April 1865 + 8 August 1943 )
Married Wife Hoylman, Laura Belle ( * 24 November 1874 + 1 July 1954 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 6 February 1893 Wilsonville, Furnas, Nebraska, United States A letter dated February 11, 1892, by Minnie Hoylman to her mother, a sister and brother, discusses the wedding as recent news. However, it also refers to a birth known to have occurred in 1893, not 1892, so the letter date is most likely wrong. 1a 2a 1b 1c 1d
Name Birth Date Death Date
Mills, [Living]
Mills, Iva Mae12 December 189315 May 1969
Mills, OnaJanuary 1896
Mills, Violet L6 January 189626 June 1918
Mills, Calista Margaret20 November 19039 September 1954
Mills, Easter Dollie9 April 190926 April 1909
Mills, Doris27 April 191129 January 1945
Mills, Byron J26 April 1922December 1973

Source References

  1. 1900 United States Federal Census
  2. Furnas County, Nebraska Marriages