Family of Gottsch, Arthur Hans Henry and Huber, Mary Mabel


Married Husband Gottsch, Arthur Hans Henry ( * 8 March 1897 + 13 November 1994 )
Married Wife Huber, Mary Mabel ( * 10 March 1900 + 2 February 1987 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 8 January 1919 Nebraska, United States of America    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Gottsch, [Living]
Goettsch, [Living]
Gottsch, Opal Mylet12 March 19195 July 1998
Gottsch, Bernard George Pat192528 June 2002
Gottsch, Robert Glenn10 September 192628 June 2002
Gottsch, Betty Jean192822 May 2001
Gottsch, Rosemary Ann3 February 19352 August 2005