Family of Marshall, William Swaine and Brooks, Jane


Married Husband Marshall, William Swaine ( * 18 February 1798 + 10 September 1878 )
Married Wife Brooks, Jane ( * 25 February 1804 + 4 March 1888 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 24 August 1824 Caswell County, North Carolina, USA    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Marshall, Mary Ann29 March 182629 December 1910
Marshall, Willis Lafayette14 September 1828after 1891
Marshall, Margaret Frances6 July 1830between 1888 and 1900
Marshall, Malenie Caroline28 February 183221 September 1907
Marshall, Martha Catholine8 July 18341 March 1915
Marshall, William Ruffin22 March 183618 September 1862
Marshall, Manurvy Jain28 August 1838after 1920
Marshall, Amanda Adline13 February 18408 May 1922
Marshall, Cornelia Walker17 June 1842before 1888
Marshall, James Albert24 January 1844after 1888