Family of McCoy, Sidney James and Smith, Cad Marie


Married Husband McCoy, Sidney James ( * 25 December 1886 + 1 October 1962 )
Married Wife Smith, Cad Marie ( * 6 January 1889 + 30 April 1966 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 27 September 1909 Washington County, Nebraska, USA Mary McCoy's journal 1a
Name Birth Date Death Date
McCoy, Gladys Onieta18 July 19101 June 1976
McCoy, Lowell Joyce10 August 19126 December 1987


Source References

  1. Mary Eugene McCoy: Mary McCoy's Journal
      • Source text:

        We all come to Blair. Fred went on to Omaha. Sid and Cad was married. I come home with them. Claud and Carrie stood up with them.