Mary McCoy’s Journal
Author | Mary Eugene McCoy |
Publication information | Name: Private publication; |
Diary of Mary McCoy
- McCoy, Ida Alice
- Death, McCoy, Ida Alice
- Dunn, Hazel Adell
- Marriage, Family of Wallace, Guy Franklin and Dunn, Hazel Adell
- Wallace, Guy Franklin
Entry for May 13 and 14, 1908
- Death, Lester, Lachoma
- Lester, Lachoma
- Birth, Reichenbach, Charles Morris
- Reichenbach, Charles Morris
- Birth, Vance, Raleigh
- Vance, Raleigh
2 Aug 1916
- Morris travels to Colorado Springs for a week's vacation
- Reichenbach, Moritz "Morris"
- Diphtheria
- Hoylman, Edwin
- Burial, Lester, Lachoma
- Lester, Lachoma
- Mary McCoy's journal
- McCoy, Sidney James
- Smith, Cad Marie
19 May 1919
- Move to Nebraska State Fairgrounds as Superintendent
- Reichenbach, Moritz "Morris"
- Vance, Paul James
- Birth, Vance, Paul James
Entries for September 15-17, 1922
- McCoy, William Anderson
- He died at the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Julia and Fred Reichenbach in Arlington, Nebraska.
Entry for 17 March 1912
- Burial, McPherson, William
- McPherson, William
- Reichenbach, Donald DeVere
- Birth, Reichenbach, Donald DeVere
- Vance, James Milo
- , Lillian
- Marriage, Family of Vance, James Milo and , Lillian
- McCoy, William Anderson
- Burial, McCoy, William Anderson
Entries for 28 and 29 Mar 1910 confirm birth and location as Orum
- Birth, Reichenbach, Mildred Gracia Elizabeth
- Reichenbach, Mildred Gracia Elizabeth
- Birth date as given in journal of grandmother, Mary McCoy. Born at 7 PM.
- Reichenbach, Fred Paul "Fritz"