From the Washington County Genealogical Society's web site:
#1=Published in the Blair Pilot 1/30/1929
Jim Wild Died Friday
James Marion Wild died at the home of his daughter, Bella, Mrs. Geo. Stanley of Fort Calhoun at about 8 o'clock last Friday evening. He had the flu some four weeks about and didn't seem to get over it the way he should of, other complications set in and he grew steadily worst until the end came last Friday.
The funeral services were held at the Baptist Church at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Rev. L.J. Moran officiating. Mr. Wild was a pioneer settler in this county and there was a large attendance of relatives and friends to pay their last tribute of respect to his memory.
Mr. Wild was born in Rome, Scioto County; Ohio August 20, 1853 so was passed 75 years of age. He was of a family of eleven children born to Mr. And Mrs. Milton B. Wild, four of whom died in infancy but four of whom are now living; Ed Wild and Mrs. John Dulaney of this city; Elmer Wild of Fremont and Mrs. S. Leslie of Council Bluffs, Iowa. He came with his parents to the county before Blair was and stopped at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Carter, who then lived where Gifford Dixon now lives, in 1865. The children contracted measles on the way out here and they were seventeen persons sick at one time in the Carter home.
The family moved onto a farm, part of which is now occupied by Dana College, where they lived for several years, later moving on to the Andrew Beck farm in Cummings City Township. In the fall of 1876 they moved to Blair, which was started in 1869.
Jim was united in marriage to Miss Rebecca Smith, daughter of the late Mr. And Mrs. Martin H. Smith of DeSota, a sister to the late Lee Smith, on December 1879 at the Baptist Church in this city. One child was born to them, Belva, now Mrs. George Stanley of Fort Calhoun.
Mr. Wild and his bride settled on what is known as the Bum Wallace farm in DeSota Township. Later trading for his farm where Will Henkel is living, just south of town on the Washington highway, which was his home for many years. He farmed and followed the profession of his father, that of a veterinarian. The Jim Wild home was a popular and hospitable one for many years. Few men were better known in the county for his profession took him all over the county and his acquaintances was usually large.
Since the death of his wife ten years ago last August, his daughter lived with him for a while but he has been more or less lonesome sticking to the old home place until seize with illness.
So, another pioneer has left us closing the book of memories of pioneer days that was so often open to the many friends. He spent 63 of his 75 years in Blair and vicinity, a long while it seems he was satisfied and happy among his friends and acquaintances that will greatly miss him and his gentle ways.
Glen Wild came all the way from Cleveland, Ohio for the funeral but did not get there until Sunday evening service being held in the afternoon.
#2-1 Jan., 1929 - The Tribune
Pioneer Washington County Man Expires Friday Evening
James M. Wild died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George E. Stanley at Calhoun last Friday evening following a short illness. The deceased was born August 20, 1853 in Ohio and in 1865 moved with his parents to Bellevue, Nebraska, later coming to Blair.
After coming to Blair the deceased was married to Rebecca Smith, and to this union one child was born. Mr. Wild later purchased a tract of land at DeSoto where the family lived for over fifty years. Mrs. Wild died in August 1918, and since that time the deceased had made his home on the farm at DeSoto. He was one of the pioneers of Washington county, and often related stories of the hardships of the early settlers. He was open hearted and of a cheerful disposition, and leaves a large number of friends who will greatly mourn his loss.
Surviving him are a daughter, Mrs. George E. Stanley of Calhoun; two brothers, Ed Wilds of this city and Elmer Wilds of Fremont; and two sisters, Mrs. John Delaney of this city and Mrs. S. Leslie of Council Bluffs; besides a large circle of friends.
Funeral services were conducted from the Blair Baptist church last Sunday afternoon, the Rev. L. J. Moran officiating, after which interment was made in Blair cemetery.
~~~Obituaries courtesy of the Washington County Genealogical Society. Newspaper clippings on file at the Blair Public Library.~~~ FindaGrave Memorial #36865423