Family of Marshall, Edward Wilson and Woody, Sarah Jane


Married Husband Marshall, Edward Wilson ( * 1816 + 20 April 1881 )
Married Wife Woody, Sarah Jane ( * 11 December 1819 + 1 June 1899 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 9 September 1844 Halifax, Virginia, USA Why Edward moved from Person County NC to Halifax County VA is unknown. However, several Woody families resided contemporaneously in Person County NC, and that may be how he met his future wife./Home of Ms Nancy Woody 1 1
Name Birth Date Death Date
Marshall, Cleopatra Virginia25 August 184510 January 1876
Marshall, Nannie Ella15 March 184922 November 1915
Marshall, Lucy A23 May 185216 August 1870
Marshall, John Elisha19 April 185311 February 1926
Marshall, Zachariah Joseph19 April 18537 October 1925
Marshall, George W24 May 185615 August 1858
Marshall, Mary Lillie20 February 18595 January 1878
