Family of Steel, Elijah Newton and Hicks, Mattie


Married Husband Steel, Elijah Newton ( * about 1866 + 3 January 1948 )
Married Wife Hicks, Mattie ( * July 1858 + 3 February 1901 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 23 February 1888 Dunklin, Missouri, USA   1a
Name Birth Date Death Date
Steele, James Samuel23 February 186615 January 1987
Steele, WilliamFebruary 1890
Steele, Ezekiel1891
Steele, John HMarch 1893
Steele, Pearl LJanuary 1899
Steele, ChristopherJuly 1899

Source References

  1. Edmund West, comp.: Family Data Collection - Individual Records