about 1080 |
Scudamore, Walter de
, Abilissa
about 1800 |
before 1850 |
Sturgis, Daniel
, Ada
1191 |
1225 |
Home, William Dominus De
, Adah
Sturgis, Isaiah
, Adaline
22 September 1822 |
6 May 1896 |
Miller, David H.
, Adelaide
about 1096 |
Savoie, Amadeus of III
, Aeffreda
Flanders, Baldwin Bald Comte de
, Alfred the Great
Giani, Ealhswith Mucill of
, Aelthryth
d'Alost, Baldwin “The Fat” II
, Alfred the Great
Giani, Ealhswith Mucill of
, Aethelbald
834 |
20 December 860 |
Wessex, Wulfthryth Of
West Saxon, Aethelwulf of
Wessex, Osburga of
, Aethelreda
1042 |
1092 |
DeDunbar, Gospatrick I MacCrinan Northumbria
England, Ethelred II Mucel DeWessex King
Gunnarsson DeDeira England, Alfgifu Aelfaed
, Aethelstan of Kent
about 838 |
about 850 |
West Saxon, Aethelwulf of
Wessex, Osburga of
, Afandrey
1021 |
1095 |
Knyvett, Alfred
, Agatha
, Griffith
, Algar
, Agnes
1657 |
Cann, John Rev.
, Agnes
1106 |
Deiville, John
, Agnes
1196 |
1283 |
Hocton, Adam
, Agnes
1219 |
1300 |
Westwick, Serlonis de
, Agnes
1235 |
Goushill, John de
, Agnes
1260 |
Hoghton, Adam de
, Agnes
1291 |
1374 |
Goushill, Thomas
, Agnes
1354 |
1384 |
Woley, Rafe De
, Agnes
1467 |
Rowland, John Governor Tower of London
, Agnes
1485 |
Carleton, Thomas Sir Beeford
, Agnes
1567 |
Hill, Richard
, Agnes
1579 |
23 January 1623 |
Davis, John
, Agnes J.
1465 |
1485 |
Allen, John
, Alberta K.
Wargo, Sylvester O.
, Alesia
1265 |
Ince, Alfredus
, Alexander
17 June 1453 |
5 April 1469 |
Graham, Malise
Rochford, Janet De
, Alfonso II King of Portugal and Algarve
23 April 1185 |
25 March 1223 |
Alfonsez, Urraca Princess of Castile
, Alfred the Great
12 May 849 |
26 October 899 |
Giani, Ealhswith Mucill of
West Saxon, Aethelwulf of
Wessex, Osburga of
, Algar
, Alice
Vere, Robert de “Magna Charta Baron”
, Alice
Skipwith, Richard
, Alice Lady of Somerset
1100 |
1164 |
Montacuto, Richard de
, Alice
1176 |
Gordon, Thomas Miles De
, Alice
1271 |
1292 |
DeHouby, Walter
, Alice
1280 |
Brett, John Le
, Alice
1296 |
1315 |
Tyldenne, Walter de
, Alice
1362 |
Seckford, John de
, Alice
1370 |
1399 |
Houghton, William de
, Alice
1413 |
1444 |
Sturgis, Roger
, Alice
1445 |
2 April 1509 |
Sotheron, William
, Alice
1460 |
1495 |
Standish, Christopher
, Alice
1477 |
1508 |
Godden, Walter
, Alice
1533 |
Brayne, William
, Alice
1545 |
Jacobs, Robert
, Alice
1571 |
1645 |
Golder, John
, Alice
April 1862 |
Rodabaugh, Isaac P.
, Alicia
1318 |
1378 |
Marbury, Randal De
, Aline Aelina
1129 |
20 August 1179 |
Dunbar, Waldeve Waltheof
, Allicia
Carleton, Henry
, Amanda
March 1856 |
1930 |
Claypool, Robert B.
, Amelia Ann
24 August 1829 |
18 August 1907 |
McAllister, Benjamin Hayden
, Amelie
970 |
1010 |
Chatellerault, Bose De I Vicomte
, Ameline
1054 |
1093 |
Thouars, Aimery De IV
Borel, Archimbaud
, Amey
1743 |
25 January 1783 |
Hollingsworth, Abraham
, Ane Marie
19 April 1821 |
23 February 1897 |
Petersen, Anders
, Ann
Cheney, Samuel
, Ann
Russell, Thomas
, Ann
Johnson, James
, Ann
after 1401 |
Sayer, Adam
, Ann
Sayer, Adam
, Ann
1350 |
Clumford, John
, Ann
1400 |
after 1430 |
Sayre, John
, Ann
between 1465 and 1475 |
Butter, John
, Ann
1485 |
Woley, John
, Ann
1537 |
West, John
, Ann
1614 |
1651 |
Robinson, Nicholas
, Anna
Clausen, Mikkel
, Anna
1520 |
1569 |
Carl, Dierwich Schlosser
, Anna
April 1853 |
21 July 1917 |
Anderson, Jens J.
, Anna
April 1858 |
Fleener, James H.
, Anna
February 1866 |
Bales, James H
, Anna Christina Marie
Pfeifer, Johann Jakob
, Anna M.
1895 |
1971 |
Kessler, George W.
, Anna Margaretha
1674 |
Carl, Peter Jakob
, Anna Marie
February 1852 |
1 December 1950 |
Carlberg, Carl Johan
, Annabella
1046 |
1100 |
Gordon, Adam De
, Annabella
1165 |
Deincourt, Oliver I
, Anne
22 February 1686 |
Davies, Nathaniel
, Anne
about 1597 |
Hyll, John
, Anne
1587 |
1631 |
Gibson, Thomas
, Annie
1856 |
Neill, Albert Torrance
, Aremburge
874 |
936 |
Thouars, Aimery De I
, Auda
568 |
640 |
, Cuthwine
, Audrea
1690 |
1783 |
Bratton, Andrew
, Augusta
15 February 1902 |
August 1987 |
Kessler, William Peter
, Baldwin VI
1029 |
1070 |
Namur, Richilda de
Flanders, Baldwin de V
Capet, Aelisadele Adela Alix
, Barbara
Whaley, Richard
, Barbara
Byrne, Donald Leslie
, Barbara
Carl, Dierwich Schlosser
, Barbara
1649 |
1714 |
Nuthall, John
, Barbara
1700 |
Carl, Friedrich
, Basilia
1045 |
Pons, Pons FitzPons de
, Basillia
1020 |
1130 |
Diencourt, Ralph
, Beatrice
1179 |
Duket, Richard
, Beatrice
1181 |
Stainford, Alexander
, Beatrice
1484 |
1530 |
Warner, William Palgrave
, Beatrice
1548 |
1585 |
Palyn, Robert
, Beatrix
1185 |
1200 |
Weyland, William
, Beatrix
1205 |
1230 |
Weyland, Nicholas de
, Beldaeg
about 243 |
330 |
Gewar, Nanna
Asgard, Woden
Cadwaladr, Friege
, Belle L.
September 1860 |
Elliott, Newton G. Jr.
, Bertel
about 1645 |
, Bertel
, Bertel
1647 |
, Bertel
, Beryln
1665 |
Knox, William James
, Betsy
1831 |
before 1870 |
Borup, Michael Singlersen “Charles”
, Bettie
1857 |
Randel, Nacy Meek
, Betty
Nelson, Eric
, Betty
1565 |
1610 |
Benison, John
, Beulah B.
1895 |
1951 |
Masters, Dwight Robert
, Blanche Laverne
March 1871 |
Curry, Samuel A
, Bonnie S.
Cooper, [Living]
, Bridget
before 26 October 1700 |
Hedger, John
, Bridget
1654 |
1719 |
Kirk, John
, Brites
1367 |
1410 |
Fitz Alan, Thomas
, Bubba
Asgard, Woden
Cadwaladr, Friege
, Caedbaed
Asgard, Woden
Cadwaladr, Friege
, Carolina
May 1858 |
Bergstrom, Frank
, Caroline
November 1856 |
Hollins, William H
, Carrie
1886 |
McPherson, William
, Cartismandua or Cartimandua
about 51 |
Ap Caradoc, Cyllin
, Catharina
about 1410 |
after 1474 |
von Pogwisch, Volf Volfsen
, Catharine
1755 |
1811 |
Delashmette, Selah
, Catherine
Ammon, Robert
, Catherine
Sturgis, Jacob
, Catherine
1518 |
7 October 1546 |
Pearson, John
, Catherine
1589 |
Swaine, William II
, Catherine
1641 |
1717 |
Boteler, Edward
, Catherine
about 1740 |
Hampton, Thomas Gill
, Catherine J.
December 1861 |
Crawford, Samuel E
, Cathrine Dorothe
1770 |
Duus, Claus Jessen
, Cecilia
1056 |
6 July 1126 |
Langtot, Ralph De
Normandie, William de The Conqueror
Flanders, Mathilda de
, Cedda
590 |
, Cuthwine
, Charlotte
1756 |
Henderson, Samuel
, Chava
Chanania\Khananie, Beynish (Binyamin)
, Christian
Crichton, Robert Laird van Sanquhar III
, Christiana
1121 |
Fitz Alan, William
, Christina
1245 |
1292 |
Musgrave, Richard De
, Christina
1661 |
Carl, Johann David
, Christina
1760 |
Hoylman, Henry
, Christina
about 1862 |
Rasmussen, Jorgen
, Christoph Bang
1535 |
6 December 1599 |
Clausdatter, Christine Marina,
Hansen Bang, Olof Oluf
Johannesdatter Slet, Anna
, Cicely
about 1630 |
9 March 1682 |
Herbert, Edward Edmund
, Clara
Rasmussen, Jorgen
, Clara Bell
1907 |
Naylor, Carl Charles
, Claus
about 1460 |
, Cleo M.
1889 |
Cloud, Thomas Louis
, Conan I Duke of Bretagne
944 |
27 June 992 |
Bretagne, Ermengarde de Duchesse de Anjou
, Constance
Capet, Louis VII
, Cordella
McCoy, William
, Cretta
Asgard, Woden
Cadwaladr, Friege
, Crystyan
Waller, John
, Cuthburh
Wessex, Cenred of
, Lady [Cenred]
, Cuthwine
565 |
, Auda,
Wessex, Ceawlin of
Ceawlin of Wessex, Wife of
, Cweldgils
Asgard, Woden
Cadwaladr, Friege
, Cwengyth
Wessex, Cenred of
, Lady [Cenred]
, Cynebald
585 |
, Cuthwine
, Debbie
Hughes, Thomas
, Deborah
1746 |
Crow, Thomas
, Deborah
1746 |
Crow, Thomas
, Delcy
1830 |
Walsworth, Frances
, Della
October 1860 |
Rodabaugh, Daniel
, Delphina
1869 |
Cordani, Jack
, Donna
Petersen, [Living]
, Dorothy
Vari, Frank George
, Dorothy
Komarek, Giles Hamilton
, Dorothy
1440 |
about 1460 |
Newman, John
1630 |
Veale, Morris
, Ealhmund Under-King of Kent
758 |
827 |
, Lady Ealhmund
, Eda
1240 |
1283 |
Crichton, Thomas De
, Eda
1240 |
1283 |
Crichton, Thomas De
, Edith “Edie”
August 1817 |
Waller, Manley Barksdale,
Bates, Henderson E.
, Efa
1349 |
Gruffudd, Leuan ap
, Efenda Grand Duchess
930 |
Rurik, Rurik
De Frisia, Halfdan
Bleja, Heluna
, Effie B.
10 September 1901 |
15 July 1982 |
Weaver, Sampson Nathaniel
, Egidia
1193 |
DeKilpek, Hugh
, Einridi
Trorsson, Loridi Hloritha De
, Sybil
, Eleanor
about 1574 |
Grantham, Walter
, Elena
1310 |
Rolph, John
, Elfrida
Wessex, Egbert of King of England
Autun of Wessex, Redburga de
, Elfthryth
Wessex, Egbert of King of England
Autun of Wessex, Redburga de
, Elgiva
28 October 1005 |
Aquitaine, Ebles De
, Elisenta
1230 |
1301 |
Bracebridge, John De
, Elizabeth
Austin, John
, Elizabeth
Anderson, [Living],
Sturman, [Living],
Hallowes, John
, Elizabeth
1726 |
Sturgis, Daniel
, Elizabeth
before 1739 |
Sturgis, John
, Elizabeth
Basford, Thomas
, Elizabeth
Perry, Thomas
, Elizabeth
December 1678 |
Grendon, Edward
, Elizabeth
1249 |
Kennedy, Fergus Mac
, Elizabeth
1249 |
Kennedy, Fergus Mac
, Elizabeth
1313 |
Bessylls, Matthew
, Elizabeth
1345 |
Jackson, John
, Elizabeth
1397 |
between 1442 and 1497 |
Jackson, William
, Elizabeth
1412 |
1474 |
Parbold, John
, Elizabeth
1426 |
Rokes of Fawley, Thomas
, Elizabeth
1480 |
September 1564 |
Asquith, John
, Elizabeth
1530 |
Hollowell, John
, Elizabeth
about 1545 |
Perry, Thomas
, Elizabeth
1563 |
Morris, John
, Elizabeth
1600 |
Ansley, William
, Elizabeth
1612 |
1666 |
Baker, John
, Elizabeth
1625 |
O Neill, William
, Elizabeth
1630 |
1690 |
Carter, William
, Elizabeth
about 1639 |
1673 |
Barton, Edward
, Elizabeth
1672 |
14 August 1714 |
Claypool, Nathaniel
, Elizabeth
1677 |
Wells, Francis
, Elizabeth
1704 |
Henderson, Francis
, Elizabeth
1740 |
1795 |
Iiams, John
, Elizabeth
1754 |
before 1854 |
Van Note, Jacob
, Elizabeth
15 December 1756 |
1806 |
Wright, Claiborne
, Elizabeth
1772 |
1860 |
Curry, David
, Elizabeth
1793 |
Kelly, James
, Elizabeth
1797 |
, Elizabeth
1800 |
Wright, John
, Elizabeth
1810 |
Crow, Robert Newton
, Elizabeth
about 1831 |
Forgey, John A.
, Elizabeth
about 1850 |
O'Brien, Daniele
, Elizabeth
1891 |
Misko, Michael
, Elizabeth Ann
1535 |
Kyd, John
, Ellen
Carter, John W.
, Ellen
1500 |
August 1559 |
Jacob, Hugh
, Elsie
1881 |
King, Orville Eugene
, Elsie M.
1928 |
1985 |
Kessler, [Living]
, Elyn
1508 |
1539 |
Kingsbury, John
, Emily Violet
15 October 1888 |
29 April 1930 |
Hollinshead, Glen Darwin
, Emma
Rawlins, William
, Emma
about 1020 |
van Varennes, Ranulf
, Emma
1162 |
, Emma
1246 |
26 January 1332 |
Fitz John, Richard
, Emma
1300 |
1332 |
Haydock, Gilbert de
, Emma
1335 |
1382 |
Halden, William de
, Emma
5 March 1335 |
3 August 1382 |
Halden, John de
, Emma Adele
5 September 1867 |
2 August 1953 |
Gottsch, Frederick Charles J.
, Emmanuelle
about 1295 |
Chamaillart, Jean de
, Eoppa
706 |
797 |
of Wessex
, Ingild
, Ermentrude
Auxerre, Conrad De
, Esther
1671 |
Henderson, James
, Ethelswith
, King Burgred of Mercia
West Saxon, Aethelwulf of
Wessex, Osburga of
, Fafertach
620 |
644 |
Wessex, Ceolwald of
, Favarre
1114 |
1208 |
Hocton, William
, Felicia
1225 |
Hillary, Roger de
, Flocwald
100 |
Asgard, Godwulf of
, Florence
Susman, Benjamin Raymond
, Fossifia
Rancon, Geoffroy II
, Frances
Roane, Robert
, Frances
1542 |
1572 |
Burbage, William
, Frances
1632 |
18 November 1676 |
Hill, Thomas
Hill, John Ellis
Tilden, Frances Mary
, Frances
1755 |
Cain, Robert
, Frances M.
June 1862 |
Wilson, Lee Fry
, Francis Ann
1615 |
1671 |
Hawley, James
, Frealaf King of the Trojans
168 |
, Frithuwulf
, Freda
24 December 1874 |
Robinson, Henry
, Freyde
1811 |
Chanania, Gershon
, Frithuwulf
146 |
Folcwalding, Finn Leader of Frisian Clan
1026 |
Chatellerault, Airauld De II
, Gertrude
1132 |
1187 |
Mortaigne, Everard De
, Gertrude L
27 December 1908 |
6 December 1994 |
Heise, Frederick J
, Geuvia
Deira, Brond
, Gherbod “the Fleming”
, Gillie
1889 |
Wilkey, Frank Leslie
, Gladys
1905 |
Lochner, Samuel J
, Godeliua
1305 |
Halden, William de
, Godolfr
Asgard, Godwulf of
, Gohilda
1005 |
Creil, Wes De
, Gondreda
Taillebois, Ivo De
, Grace
Wheeler, Robert
, Grace
1888 |
White Turkey, Fred
, Grace
1899 |
Steele, James Samuel
, Grace E.
19 February 1917 |
6 September 2004 |
Hugelman, Robert Leighton “Bob”
, Grace L
28 January 1927 |
28 January 1998 |
Borgmier, Robert Lee
, Griffith
, Agatha
, Gundreda
1051 |
27 May 1085 |
Warenne, William De
, Gherbod "the Fleming"
, Gwenllian ferch Hywel Gam
1350 |
Button, Thomas
, Gwenta
Dol, Alan Senecal
, Griffith
, Agatha
, Hannah
Adams, Simon
, Hannah
about 1620 |
after 1650 |
Wreyforde, Lewis
, Hannah
1645 |
Reford, Lewis
, Hannah
1663 |
1726 |
Cook, Stephen
, Hannah
1680 |
1719 |
Lingo, William
, Hannah
1712 |
Claypoole, George
, Hannah
26 May 1763 |
28 July 1840 |
Eastburn, John
, Harriet
about 1831 |
Bradley, James W.
, Hascouf
1068 |
Musard, Ruard D. Aboube
, Hassa
1852 |
Searls, George W.
, Hathra
, Hwala
, Hattie M.
2 January 1901 |
March 1982 |
Hoyleman, William
, Hebrea
1010 |
Courcy, Robert De
, Helen
Lewis, Richard
, Helen
1240 |
1295 |
Acton, John de
, Helen L.
Wargo, [Living]
, Helen Loretta
13 December 1886 |
4 August 1963 |
Hanson, Frederick E
, Helen M
1908 |
1994 |
Depuy, Glenn
, Helena
1136 |
1187 |
Plumpton, Peter De
, Helisendis
1005 |
Tancarville, Gerold de
, Hellen
1543 |
1569 |
Hobson, James
, Henriette
1172 |
Braybrook, Robert de
, Heremod
about 80 B.C.E. |
, Itermod
, Hilda
1092 |
1152 |
Plumpton, Nigel De
, Hilda
1902 |
Komarek, Sylvester P.
, Hildeburga
Vere, Henry de
, Hildegarde
Taillefer, Armand Manzer
, Hipolitus
Middleton, Hugh De
, Hwala
Sceaf, Bedwig
, Ida
September 1872 |
Larson, James
, Inez
23 September 1903 |
20 September 1982 |
Johansen, Wilhelm Kelly
, Ingar
between 1708 and 1710 |
2 May 1762 |
Knutsson, Jöns
, Ingibiorg
1021 |
about 1069 |
Caenmore, Malcolm III
, Ingild
about 680 |
718 |
Wessex, Cenred of
, Lady [Cenred]
, Isabel
D'Aubigny, William
, Isabel
1155 |
Meynell, Robert De
, Isabel
1274 |
1320 |
Giffard, William
, Isabel
1280 |
20 April 1322 |
Clare, Gilbert de
, Isabel
1280 |
20 April 1322 |
Clare, Gilbert de
, Isabel
April 1285 |
3 September 1337 |
Haliburton, Adam
, Isabel
1407 |
Hertlington, William
, Isabel
1635 |
5 July 1705 |
Atkinson, Stephen
, Isabella
1285 |
1369 |
Plessington, Robert
, Isabella
1511 |
1532 |
Emerson, John
, Isobel
1275 |
Munfode, John
, Isobel
1275 |
Munfode, John
, Isobella
1492 |
Frotbury, Alexander
, Itermod
, Hathra
, Iver
1540 |
1600 |
, Jacqueminte
1564 |
1591 |
Dutrieux, Phillipe
, Jamima
1763 |
1814 |
Cockerham, Humphrey
, Jane
Eastburn, Joseph
, Jane
Devereux, Walter de
, Jane
1260 |
1288 |
Russell, James
, Jane
1610 |
23 August 1673 |
Clagett, Nicholas
, Jane
1637 |
1707 |
Nelson, Judge John
, Jane
1724 |
Eastburn, Samuel
, Jane
1745 |
1781 |
Keys, Andrew
, Jane
about 1817 |
Fanning, Caleb
, Jane
21 January 1843 |
13 August 1927 |
Frieze, John Jacob
, Jane Anne
Peck, John
, Jane C.
Hyland, Thomas Wachter
, Jane C.
July 1827 |
24 August 1899 |
Conlee, Cole,
Sturgis, John R.
, Jane Johanna
1383 |
1463 |
Tylden, Thomas
, Janet
Sturgis, William Jr.
, Janet
1414 |
Rutherford, George O.
, Janet
1608 |
Wallace, Robert
, Jennetta
1193 |
1214 |
Knyvett, John
, Jennie
1902 |
Galbraith, George Washington
, Jens Lagesen
about 1380 |
, Jessie L.
1892 |
1974 |
Holmes, James Arthur
, Joan
Crophull, John De
, Joan
Marsead, John
, Joan
1244 |
1280 |
Haversham, Nicholas De
, Joan
1264 |
1281 |
Gifford, Baldwin
, Joan
1288 |
Clare, Richard de
, Joan
1288 |
Clare, Richard de
, Joan
1291 |
1344 |
Courcye, Miles De
, Joan
1456 |
1483 |
Ogden, Robert
, Joan
about 1465 |
Symonds, Andrew
, Joan
1542 |
Nethercote, William
, Joane
1530 |
Tynes, Richard
, Joane
1594 |
Warner, Thomas
, Joanna
1350 |
21 March 1411 |
Hussey, Edmund
, Joanne
Shelley, Edward
, Johanna
1179 |
1214 |
Cambrun, Johannes De
, Johanna
1310 |
Jackson, John
, John
Savage, Rebecca
, John
Hughes, Mary
, Josephine
about 1840 |
Smith, E. T.
, Josephine
1879 |
Bullock, George D.
, Josie
Moffi, Earnest
, Joyce
1635 |
1696 |
Smith, John
, Judith
1590 |
1660 |
Morris, Samuel
, Judith
1737 |
1768 |
Wright, Richard Jr.
, Julia T
1881 |
Neill, Richard Garrett
, Juliana
1285 |
1309 |
Honeypot, John
, Juliana
1805 |
Ettling, Frederick
, Jursella
1230 |
1301 |
Calverley, Roger Scot
, Karoline
1816 |
Heise, Christian
, Katharina
about 1826 |
Ettling, Johann Peter
, Katherina
13 July 1819 |
13 November 1900 |
Reichenbach, Vinzenz
, Katherine
1335 |
Gerard, Peter
, Katherine
1361 |
Keighley, Richard
, Katherine
1630 |
Masters, Victor
, Katherine
1875 |
Zerban, William F
, Katrina
15 February 1824 |
11 July 1880 |
Kempker, John
, Kenten
Wessex, Cenred of
, Lady [Cenred]
, King Burgred of Mercia
, Ethelswith
Burhulf, Mercia
, King Ine of Wessex
Wessex, Cenred of
, Lady [Cenred]
, Kirstine
1813 |
Rasmussen, Peter
, Lady Ealhmund
762 |
, Ealhmund Under-King of Kent
, Lady Oslac
Oslac, Earl
, Lady [Cenred]
648 |
Wessex, Cenred of
Wessex, Cutha Cathwulf of
, Lauritz
1540 |
1600 |
, Lavern E.
13 July 1905 |
16 August 1992 |
King, John
, Lena N.
Duus, Peter
, Leopirgis
Von Karantanien, Wilhelm
, Leticia
Howick, Bryan
, Lillian H.
3 August 1903 |
27 July 1984 |
Wigley, Ervin Atticus
, Lillie B.
April 1870 |
Cloud, Charles Albert
, Lilly A.
1881 |
Walsworth, Allen Eugene
, Lisey Silas
1869 |
1894 |
White Turkey, Samuel L. “Min Ne Hah”
, Liutgard
Normandy, William “Long Sword” de I
, Lizzie
1892 |
Hopper, Lee Edward
, Longina
30 October 1911 |
3 February 1994 |
Wargo, Lewis
, Lorena M
21 November 1823 |
12 February 1859 |
Swinford, William Washington
, Louis VII
, Lucie N.
May 1866 |
Wilson, Stephen N.
, Lucille
Crabtree, Kenneth Melvin
, Lucille
Crabtree, Kenneth Melvin
, Lucresy
1715 |
Hames, Charles
, Lucretia
Montgomery, William L.
, Lucy
Redman, Matthew
, Lucy
1290 |
1323 |
Wortley, Nicholas
, Lucy
1612 |
Claypoole, Henry
, Lucy B.
March 1872 |
Skaggs, Obediah D.
, Luitburge
1025 |
1103 |
Von Eppenstein, Markwart
Von Saizburggau, Liutold
, Willibirg
, Lydia
3 March 1719 |
16 December 1777 |
Knox, Thomas
, M‘un’on
, Tr‘o’an
, Mabe
1275 |
1307 |
Roscelin, Thomas
, Mabel
1204 |
1281 |
Turberville, Gilbert de III
, Mabel
1250 |
Roscelyn, Thomas
, Magdallen
1545 |
13 February 1607 |
Keene, Henry
, Magi
Troy, Einridi De
Troy, M'oda De
Troy, Sceldwa De
, Margaret
1247 |
1274 |
Lindsay, David De
, Margaret
1295 |
1340 |
Deiville, John
, Margaret
1334 |
Gray, Patrick
, Margaret
1405 |
1465 |
Standish, Sir James
, Margaret
1454 |
20 June 1488 |
Sayre, William
, Margaret
1454 |
1488 |
Sayre, William
, Margaret
1458 |
after 1478 |
Tilden, Thomas,
Tylden, Thomas
, Margaret
1526 |
1550 |
Coney, Roger
, Margaret
1584 |
19 June 1641 |
Shove, Edward
, Margaret
1610 |
after 1642 |
Teague, John
, Margaret
1660 |
Watson, William
, Margaret
March 1837 |
Sizemore, Solomon
, Margaret
1840 |
1 September 1883 |
Ashlock, William W
, Margaret McKelyy
1719 |
Scoby, Andrew
Watt, Jane
, Margareta
1631 |
17 October 1690 |
Vormkeller, Hans Michael
, Margaretha
1614 |
1678 |
Engelmann, Johann Georg
, Margarett
Poore, Wyllyam
, Margery
1267 |
25 September 1292 |
Goushill, Walter de
, Margery
1319 |
1380 |
Reade, Thomas
, Margery
1504 |
about 1604 |
Arpe, Henry
, Marguerite
1658 |
Matson, Johann Nils
, Marguerite of France
November 1157 |
August 1197 |
Plantagenet, Henry King of England Duke of Normandy Count of Anjou
, Louis VII
, Maria
1633 |
1659 |
Rankin, Alexander
, Maria Barbara
1775 |
Wolpert, Hans Caspar
, Marian
1450 |
Graham, Malise
, Marian
November 1862 |
Egbert, Adrian Olmsby
, Marie
Pulleyne, George
, Marie A.
1868 |
Broderson, John Black
, Marie B.
January 1858 |
Bruns, Jens Christian
, Marie J
1897 |
1976 |
Galbraith, John Warnock
, Mariette
1875 |
1896 |
Wright, William F.
, Marion Elizabeth
24 June 1916 |
19 June 1991 |
Goodrich, Wayne Albert
, Marjorie
Cokburn, Piers of Henderland de
, Marjorie
1198 |
3 September 1296 |
Gordon, Thomas De “The Younger”
, Marruss
about 1837 |
Bruns, Mads Nielsen
, Marsilia
Weyland, Thomas
, Martha
about 1600 |
Fairbrother, Richard
, Martha
1710 |
Sturgis, William
, Martha
8 March 1810 |
27 January 1888 |
Davis, Abner
, Martha B.
1861 |
Karr, William Alexander
, Martha Ethel
6 December 1898 |
3 February 1989 |
Jespersen, Jens Alfred
, Martha M.
1876 |
1947 |
Heise, Gustav
, Martha R.
about 1842 |
Hassell, George Washington
, Martha S.
11 January 1855 |
Kennon, Morris
, Mary
Wheeler, Robert
, Mary
Dennett, John
, Mary
Butler, William
, Mary
Bretz, Gene
, Mary
1196 |
Gifford, William
, Mary
1305 |
Saint Clare, John
, Mary
1310 |
1352 |
Aldeburgh, Ives de
, Mary
1515 |
1558 |
Loveland, John
, Mary
1528 |
1569 |
Cheney, Richard
, Mary
1540 |
27 August 1616 |
Warner, William
, Mary
1571 |
5 January 1625 |
Sturgis, Thomas
, Mary
1612 |
1630 |
, Mary
16 November 1640 |
April 1684 |
Hill, Charles
, Mary
1650 |
1685 |
Cann, John
, Mary
about 1700 |
after 1722 |
Hammond, William
, Mary
1715 |
1765 |
Casselberry, Derrick
, Mary
1735 |
Carter, Benjamin
, Mary
about 1740 |
Sturgis, Jonathan
, Mary
1786 |
6 May 1852 |
Wedgeworth, Richard
, Mary
1821 |
Cunningham, Elias
, Mary
1851 |
Frieze, James Henry
, Mary
about 1853 |
Fanning, Chauncey
, Mary
September 1867 |
Howell, Luther T.
, Mary A.
March 1873 |
Frazee, William
, Mary A.
1 June 1887 |
12 September 1972 |
Carlberg, Carl A. F.
, Mary Ann
Cann, Francis
, Mary E.
January 1875 |
Hayden, John J
, Mary Elizabeth
1614 |
Wheeler, William
, Mary Elizabeth “Lizzie”
1910 |
1995 |
Hyatt, Joe A.
, Mary F.
1837 |
21 June 1900 |
Whitwell, William Carroll
, Mary G.
1888 |
Brockman, William Herman
, Mary H.
about 1820 |
Miller, David H.
, Mary Margaret
1576 |
Frow, Thomas
, Mary Margery
1595 |
Deare, Peter
, Mary Patricia
Hughes, William F
, Mary T.
April 1873 |
Wilson, Matthew
, Mary V.
Schott, Joseph
, Mathilda
1043 |
Widness, Yarfrid de
, Matilda
1000 |
1065 |
D'iencourt, Walter
, Matilda
1162 |
1213 |
Brame, Hipolitus de
, Matilda
1352 |
1384 |
Graham, Patrick
, Matilda
1407 |
1485 |
Acton, Laurence
, Maud
Partriche, Richard
, Maud
Stradling, Peter
, Maud
1118 |
1185 |
Fitz Essulf, Richard
, Maud
1285 |
1327 |
Crophull, Ralph
, Maud
March 1881 |
Butler, William Jasper
, Maud De
1036 |
Crevecoeur, Hamon
Creil, Wes De
, Gohilda
, Maude
7 July 1882 |
10 August 1956 |
Hazard, Eli Samson
, Melissa
1856 |
Chamberlain, Manville
, Mercy Mary
1663 |
1722 |
Perkins, Ebenezer
, Metta
1843 |
Rasmussen, Peter
, Kirstine
, Minna
June 1846 |
Gottsch, Heinrich
, Minnie
April 1867 |
Ferguson, John Bing
, Minnie
1881 |
Skaggs, Dennis
, Minnie O.
August 1876 |
Weaver, David J.
, Mollie J.
June 1884 |
Cain, John H.
, Mother
1535 |
1585 |
Hornsey, John
, Myrtle
1290 |
1350 |
Melton, John De
, Nancy
1780 |
Mayo, Abner
, Nancy P.
1760 |
1860 |
Wigley, Jobe
, Nelle B.
about 1876 |
1951 |
Hancock, James Eaton
, Oleda
5 May 1929 |
2 April 2011 |
Butler, [Living]
, Olga
Kiev, Igor of
, Olivine
Carle, Clyde Eugene
, Ollie
1895 |
3 June 1954 |
Tensley, Clyde H.
, Opal
Schwein, George Jacob
, Orval H. Hodge
1913 |
1990 |
Hopper, Gladys Opal
, Patience
1740 |
Elder, Samuel
, Patricia
Hughes, Edward
, Pauline
1912 |
Naylor, Charles O.
, Payn
1138 |
1207 |
Turberville, Pagamus de
, Peder
1698 |
, Penelope
Clark, Christopher Captain
, Penelope
1600 |
1693 |
Waters, John
, Petronel
1425 |
1454 |
Brooke, Hugh
, Phebe
Sturgis, Stockley
, Phillipa
1200 |
1222 |
Hyde, Richard de la
, Phillippa
1320 |
1342 |
Hoghton, Adam De
, Phoebe
17 April 1586 |
5 August 1603 |
Bate, Robert
, Pocahontas
1 September 1595 |
21 March 1617 |
Rolfe, John
, Priam
, Priscilla
1638 |
28 June 1727 |
Odell, Reginald
, Priscilla
about 1719 |
Sturgis, Daniel
, Rachel
1644 |
24 January 1718 |
Claypool, Norton
, Rachel
1690 |
19 August 1734 |
Gaither, Edward
, Rachel
1727 |
1820 |
Sturgis, Joshua
, Ranulf
, Rebecca
Fielder, Isaac Harold
, Rebecca
1772 |
North, George
, Rebecca
1820 |
1870 |
Kimberling, Davis
, Richende
858 |
913 |
Tours, Theobald De
France, Robert Fortis
Adelheid, Adbelahide
, Robert I “The Frisian”
1071 |
1092/93 |
Flanders, Baldwin de V
Capet, Aelisadele Adela Alix
, Rochel-Sheva
Chananie, Yudel-Volf
, Rosa
1898 |
Naylor, Carl Charles
, Rose
Mowbray, Roger_de
, Rose R.
before 15 January 1890 |
Little, Leroy Sylvester
Koenig, Louise
, Ruby
Schwein, Leo Leroy
, Ruth
Maffei, [Living]
, Ruth
1713 |
October 1781 |
Hames, John
, Sarah
Ward, John
, Sarah
Roberts, James
, Sarah
Louthan, John
, Sarah
Cann, Robert
, Sarah
Magruder, Alexander “The Immigrant”
, Sarah
Purrington, John
, Sarah
Outten, John
, Sarah
1530 |
1619 |
Ramsey, John Pearce
, Sarah
1532 |
Murray, James
, Sarah
1590 |
21 February 1678 |
Kingsbury, Thomas
, Sarah
1628 |
14 April 1679 |
Pearse, John
, Sarah
about 1670 |
Frazee, Joseph
, Sarah
1744 |
Outten, Obed
, Sarah
1820 |
1853 |
Mitchell, James Boyd
, Sarah M
1865 |
Hoylman, Lycurgus Marshall
, Scaeldea (Sceaf Skjold)
, Heremod
, Sebilla
1276 |
1333 |
Woley, William De
, Sibbell
1380 |
Draper, John
, Sibella
Carleton, Adam
, Sibilla
1270 |
Wortley, Nicholas
, Sibilla Katharina
Frank, Andreas
, Sidsel
1757 |
Pedersen, Hans
, Skjold King Of The Danes
237 |
330 |
Danes, Gefion
Asgard, Woden
Cadwaladr, Friege
, Sophia Caroline
November 1856 |
Hollins, William H.
, Stuf
, Susan Cordelia
14 July 1858 |
18 August 1901 |
Wright, James Churchill “Church”
, Sybil
Trorsson, Loridi Hloritha De
, Sybil L
10 August 1904 |
6 February 1971 |
Holmes, Clint W. Josiah
, Tabitha
Sturgis, John
, Thelma D
Benson, John McCloud
, Tr‘o’an
, M‘un’on
, Priam
, U Sibil
, U Tr'or
, U Tr'or
, U Sibil
, M'un'on
, Tr'o'an
, Unknown
Verdan, Charles A.
, Unknown
1112 |
1200 |
Ingram, John
, Unknown
1515 |
Canyan, William
, Unnamed
1115 |
Musard, Hasculfus
, Varlene
about 1916 |
November 2008 |
Simmons, Darrel
, Velma
26 April 1909 |
20 December 1974 |
Swindle, Cecil Belton
, Veronie E
January 1877 |
Petersen, Lorenz Peter
, Virginia Ann
Jordan, John M.
, Wandelmode Gaudelmodis de
1045 |
Courcy, Richard de
, Waza
975 |
29 January 1042 |
Montferrat, William of III (Count of Vado; Marquess of Montferrat)
, Wife
1504 |
Fanning, Oliver
, Wife
2 June 1640 |
5 July 1707 |
Justes, Mounce
, Wife
9 April 1662 |
14 August 1741 |
Justice, Mounce
, Wife
4 February 1737 |
10 October 1805 |
Justice, Moses
, Wife
2 August 1762 |
1 October 1832 |
Justice, Moses
, Wigburn
Von Bayern, Hartwig I
, Wihtlaeg
Asgard, Woden
Cadwaladr, Friege
, Wilhemina Minnie
January 1839 |
1910 |
Heise, Frederick Fritz
, Willibirg
Von Saizburggau, Liutold
, Wilma
Hughes, James Joseph
, Wulfthryth
Wessex, Aethelred De I King
, Wymond D
1015 |
1066 |
D'Avranches, Guitmond
, Ysaive
Sachsen, Elesa de
, Zipporah
1736 |
1758 |
Purnell, John
, Zisle
Chanania\Khananie, Yankel (Jacob)
, [Living]
Hoyleman, George Jordan
, [Living]
Hugelman, [Living]
, [Living]
Gilpin, Earl Marion
, [Living]
Goodrich, [Living],
Goodrich, [Living]
, [Living]
Fett, Edward
, [Living]
Farnsley, Albert R.
, [Living]
Fett, Samuel A
, [Living]
Etling, Henry Joseph
, [Living]
Ettling, Jacob
, [Living]
Douglas, Robert
Erskine, Margaret
, [Living]
Frazier, Marlin Heskel
, [Living]
Clemens, Nick
, [Living]
Cain, James Perry
, [Living]
Cagle, Alfred H.
, [Living]
Johnson, Odin C.
, [Living]
Curry, Karl J
, [Living]
Wachter, Roland John
, [Living]
King, Ernest Jay
, [Living]
Kennedy, Virgil Asa
, [Living]
Cranford, Elzrow Dolphus
, [Living]
Cranford, Oliver Mc Donald
, [Living]
Claypool, Bert Melvin
, [Living]
Cranford, Elzrow Dolphus
, [Living]
Curry, Karl J
, [Living]
Kennedy, Virgil Asa
, [Living]
Kelsey, [Living]
, [Living]
Hoyleman, Samuel
, [Living]
Kennedy, [Living]
, [Living]
Handlen, Carl Leo
, [Living]
Walsworth, William Clarence
, [Living]
Ward, Elmer
, [Living]
Zeilmann, Edwin W.
, [Living]
Watts, Thomas Newton
, [Living]
Watts, Joseph H.
, [Living]
Johnson, Lars P.
, [Living]
Jackson, Edgar Leo
, [Living]
Williamsen, Clemens W.
, [Living]
Williamsen, Howard C.
, [Living]
Klopp, Carl J.
, [Living]
Vanatta, James Allen Russell
, [Living]
Van Horn, Vernon Dr.
, [Living]
Taffner, George Henry
, [Living]
Allen, [Living]
Schott, Judith Diane
, [Living]
Thomas, Hue H.
, [Living]
Thomas, [Living]
, [Living]
Thomas, Charley Samuel
, [Living]
Wargo, [Living]
, [Living]
Hartsell, [Living]
, [Living]
Jones, [Living]
, [Living]
Watts, Clarence Nick
, [Living]
Tinsley, Aubrey C.
, [Living]
Trippi, [Living]
, [Living]
Todhunter, Neill
, [Living]
Montgomery, [Living]
, [Living]
Shawver, William Arthur
, [Living]
Simmons, William Delmont “Bill”
, [Living]
Skaggs, James Walter
, [Living]
Spruiel, Luther Wages
, [Living]
Spruiell, John James
, [Living]
Stephens, Everett Olden
, [Living]
Susman, Moses Mendel
, [Living]
Susman, Abraham Bernard
, [Living]
Study, Ezra Clifton
, [Living]
Nelson, [Living]
, [Living]
Stewart, Levi G.
, [Living]
Montgomery, Benson Dan
, [Living]
Wilburn, Lex W.
, [Living]
Wilburn, Oliver Barett
, [Living]
Wilburn, Paul Lee
, [Living]
Schenck, William Egbert
, [Living]
Sturgis, George Miller
, [Living]
, [Living]
Sturgis, Morris E.
, [Living]
Reeves, William O.
, [Living]
Reichenbach, Glen Harry
, [Living]
Reynolds, John Steele
, [Living]
Wright, [Living]
, [Living]
Jennings, [Living]
, [Living]
Baer, [Living]
, [Living]
Ross, Joseph Doyle
, [Living]
Russell, Robert Cameron
, [Living]
Palmeri, Salvatore “Sam”
, [Living]
Perkins, Aro Nicholson
, [Living]
Petersen, [Living]
, [Living]
Cook, Roscoe Liem
, [Living]
Weaver, Doyle R.
, [Living]
Vanatta, William Maurice
, [Living]
Phillips, John Wesley
, [Living]
Thomas, Edward L.
, [Living]
Watts, Joseph Roy
, [Living]
Todd, Emberson Farner
, [Living]
Kelly, Edwin Burton
, [Living]
Hyneman, Lyle L
, [Living]
Sevier, Raymond Lowell
, [Living]
Tinsley, Daniel Franklin
, [Living]
Pritchard, George A.
, [Living]
Prentice, Richard Lincoln
, [Living]
Prentice, Pricely
, [Living]
Price, Walter Vernon
, [Living]
Price, Roy Lee
, [Living]
Curry, James Arlie
, [Living]
Plummer, [Living]
, [Living]
Plummer, [Living]
, [Living]
Prichard, William Harmon
, [Living]
Crowder, John W.
, [Living]
Crow, Lannie Edward
, [Living]
Forgey, Elza Carl
, [Living]
Forgey, Leslie Curtis
, [Living]
Claypool, David Everett
, [Living]
Morris, Elmer
, [Living]
Cain, Albert Augustus
, [Living]
Cain, Morris
, [Living]
Cain, Wilbur
, [Living]
Adams, William Perry
, [Living]
Ruffner, Kenneth R.
, [Living]
Wilkins, David Lee
, [Living]
Bergstrom, Arthur L.
, [Living]
Spiker, [Living]
, [Living]
Montgomery, Harold Mathew
, [Living]
Cooper, Bunah Wason
, [Living]
Spiker, Lloyd Eugene
, [Living]
Stewart, [Living]
, [Living]
, [Living]
Michael, Dorson Everett
Bretz, Nelda Fern
, [Living]
, Hwala
, [Living]
Nielsen, Christian Ejstrup
, [Living]
Moffi, [Living]
, [Living]
Neill, Harry A
, [Living]
Cameron, Malcolm “Mack”
, [Living]
Cameron, Whitney
, [Living]
Komarek, Joseph G
, [Living]
Komarek, Frank L
, [Living]
King, William Steele
, [Living]
Karr, George Washington
, [Living]
, [Living]
Jensen, [Living]
, [Living]
Hayden, Hugh Darnell
, [Living]
Heise, William
, [Living]
Hoffelt, John Michel