1860 United States Federal Census

Author Ancestry.com
Publication information Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2009. Images reproduced by FamilySearch.Original data - 1860 U.S. census, population schedule. NARA microfilm publication M653, 1,438 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records;


  1. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Finley, Washington, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 1020; Image: 457.
    1. Coulson, Mary Anna
  2. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Marys, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 373; Image: 117; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Bowman, James Barton
  3. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 517; Image: 261.
    1. Residence, Abbott, Charles Orlen
    2. Abbott, Charles Orlen
  4. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 178; Image: 366; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Magrum, Mary Ethel
  5. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fall River, Wasco, Oregon; Roll: M653_1056; Page: 611; Image: 474; Family History Library Film: 805056
    1. Walker, Arthur Morgan
    2. Birth, Walker, Arthur Morgan
  6. Year: 1860; Census Place: North East Revenue District, Fauquier, Virginia; Roll: M653_1344; Page: 103; Image: 110; Family History Library Film: 805344
    1. Fitzhugh, George Warren
  7. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 429; Image: 270; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Residence, Forgey, James G.
    2. Forgey, James G.
  8. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Jackson, Louisiana; Roll: ; Page: 430; Image: 450.
    1. Birth, Walsworth, Catherine Elizabeth
    2. Walsworth, Catherine Elizabeth
  9. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 14 Range 5 E, Moultrie, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 939; Image: 617; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Mitchell, Samuel Daniel
  10. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 756; Image: 434.
    1. Claypool, John Jay Crittenden
    2. Residence, Claypool, John Jay Crittenden
  11. Year: 1860; Census Place: Duchouquet, Auglaize, Ohio; Roll: M653_931; Page: 309; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 803931
    1. Birth, Bonnell, Mary Mercy
    2. Bonnell, Mary Mercy
  12. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mazarne, Montgomery, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 945; Image: 413.
    1. Birth, , Susan Cordelia
    2. , Susan Cordelia
  13. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 420; Image: 424; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Rodabaugh, Solomon
    2. Age: 36
  14. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Finley, Washington, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 1020; Image: 457.
    1. Birth, Coulson, Mary Anna
    2. Coulson, Mary Anna
  15. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cass, Stone, Missouri; Roll: M653_658; Page: 577; Image: 28; Family History Library Film: 803658
    1. Kimberling, Davis
  16. Year: 1860; Census Place: Murrayville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 492; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Masters, Nancy Officer
    2. Birth, Masters, Nancy Officer
  17. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bangor, Marshall, Iowa; Roll: M653_335; Page: 127; Image: 569; Family History Library Film: 803335
    1. Barker, Hannah
    2. Birth, Barker, Hannah
  18. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 18 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: M653_205; Page: 910; Image: 162; Family History Library Film: 803205
    1. Graham, John Christopher
  19. Year: 1860; Census Place: S W Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 854; Image: 336; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Bobbitt, William L
  20. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 36; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Holmes, George Lafayette
  21. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Dade, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 9; Image: 13.
    1. Van Beek, George Day
  22. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Knox, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1259; Page: 147; Image: 306; Family History Library Film: 805259
    1. Birth, Mynatt, Martin Lynnville
    2. Mynatt, Martin Lynnville
  23. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 181; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Residence, Sizemore, Sallie
    2. Sizemore, Sallie
  24. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 238; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Forgey, Thomas Newton
    2. Birth, Forgey, Thomas Newton
  25. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Mitchell, Sarah Ann
    2. Birth, Mitchell, Sarah Ann
  26. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_224; Page: 27; Image: 28; Family History Library Film: 803224
    1. Residence, Hill, John Wilburt "Burt"
    2. Hill, John Wilburt "Burt"
  27. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Wedgeworth, Rebecca Ann
  28. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 765; Image: 443.
    1. Claypoole, William Harrison
  29. Year: 1860; Census Place: White Rock, Franklin, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 329; Image: 329.
    1. Horner, Elias Witt
  30. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 457; Image: 330; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Forgey, Fidelia Caroline
  31. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 622; Image: 26; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Birth, Walker, Margaret B.
    2. Walker, Margaret B.
  32. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Frederick, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 707; Image: 363; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Residence, Carter, Lucinda
    2. Carter, Lucinda
  33. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lebanon, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 212; Image: 427; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Hutchinson, Thomas Jefferson
  34. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 591; Image: 269; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Austin, William Edgar
    2. Birth, Austin, William Edgar
  35. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Greene, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 629; Image: 33.
    1. Cain, Celina Elizabeth
  36. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Yadkin, North Carolina; Roll: ; Page: 349; Image: 198.
    1. Residence, Reece, Ellena J
    2. Reece, Ellena J
  37. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jones, Union, Iowa; Roll: M653_342; Page: 47; Family History Library Film: 803342
    1. Wedener, Elizabeth
  38. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 686; Image: 684; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Birth, Masters, Sarah Jane
    2. Masters, Sarah Jane
  39. Year: 1860; Census Place: Union, Dallas, Iowa; Roll: M653_317; Page: 594; Image: 82; Family History Library Film: 803317
    1. Cave, Caroline
    2. Birth, Cave, Caroline
  40. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Neill, Phebe Letitia
  41. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 134; Image: 276.
    1. Manley, Sarah Ann
    2. Residence, Manley, Sarah Ann
  42. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 694; Image: 692; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Van Note, Charles
    2. Age: 50
  43. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Page: 665; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Slusher, Annie M.
  44. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harp, DeWitt, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 755; Image: 267.
    1. White, Nancy Jane
    2. Residence, White, Nancy Jane
  45. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 511; Image: 375.
    1. Taylor, James Francis
  46. Year: 1860; Census Place: Berwick, Warren, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 619; Image: 619.
    1. Howard, George Washington
    2. Birth, Howard, George Washington
  47. Year: 1860; Census Place: De Soto, Washington, Nebraska Territory; Roll: ; Page: 855; Image: 47.
    1. Courvoisier-Piot, Eugenie C
    2. Residence, Courvoisier-Piot, Eugenie C
  48. Year: 1860; Census Place: Williamston, Anderson, South Carolina; Roll: ; Page: 182; Image: 367.
    1. Clement, William K.
    2. Birth, Clement, William K.
  49. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Wayne, Indiana; Roll: M653_308; Page: 266; Image: 268; Family History Library Film: 803308
    1. Davies, Joseph
  50. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gainesville, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_353; Page: 321; Image: 321; Family History Library Film: 803353
    1. Residence, Claypool, Matilda Elizabeth
    2. Claypool, Matilda Elizabeth
  51. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 13 Range 11, Scott, Illinois; Roll: M653_227; Page: 1032; Image: 208; Family History Library Film: 803227
    1. Hesser, Cornelia Frances
    2. Residence, Hesser, Cornelia Frances
  52. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 476; Image: 305.
    1. Residence, Wright, Malinda Malita
    2. Wright, Malinda Malita
  53. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Campbell, Amanda Ann
    2. Birth, Campbell, Amanda Ann
  54. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 96; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Fly, John Dalton
    2. Residence Post Office: Big Hill
  55. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Lafayette, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 631; Image: 281.
    1. Neill, Henry Alexander
    2. Residence, Neill, Henry Alexander
  56. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 777; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Young, John M.
    2. Birth, Young, John M.
  57. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 455; Image: 531.
    1. Frank, Elisha Albert
  58. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clear Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 314; Image: 634; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Miller, Solomon
  59. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 680; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Carter, Lucy Ann
    2. Residence, Carter, Lucy Ann
  60. Year: 1860; Census Place: Chattooga Valley, Chattooga, Georgia; Roll: M653_116; Page: 575; Image: 49; Family History Library Film: 803116
    1. Mayo, Daniel
  61. Year: 1860; Census Place: Norfolk, Norfolk, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 449; Image: 457.
    1. Gatewood, Thomas R.
    2. Birth, Gatewood, Thomas R.
  62. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 247.
    1. Forgey, Artemissa Emeline
  63. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bristol, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 110; Image: 115; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Cheney, Mary
  64. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 36; Image: 76.
    1. Birth, Burk, Sarah
    2. Burk, Sarah
  65. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 388; Image: 398; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Riggs, Samuel Henderson
  66. Year: 1860; Census Place: Woodland, Fulton, Illinois; Roll: M653_179; Page: 149; Image: 149; Family History Library Film: 803179
    1. Birth, Husted, Mary Amarilla
    2. Husted, Mary Amarilla
  67. Year: 1860; Census Place: Precinct 5, Dallas, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 345; Image: 167.
    1. Claypool, Josiah
  68. Year: 1860; Census Place: Moreau, Morgan, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 658; Image: 150.
    1. Chaney, Lavina Isabell
  69. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Page: 161; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Birth, Sturgis, John Wright
    2. Sturgis, John Wright
  70. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clark, Johnson, Arkansas; Roll: M653_44; Page: 943; Image: 449; Family History Library Film: 803044
    1. Smith, Eva
  71. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: M653_622; Page: 655; Family History Library Film: 803622
    1. Birth, Van Hoozer, John Pleasant
    2. Van Hoozer, John Pleasant
  72. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_25; Page: 254; Image: 256; Family History Library Film: 803025
    1. Denny, Edward Armstrong
  73. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 168; Image: 346; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Brown, Thomas Jefferson
  74. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 251; Image: 507; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Age in 1860: 16
    2. Egbert, Marion Dallas
  75. Year: 1860; Census Place: Rush, Buchanan, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 29; Image: 29.
    1. Parker, Harrett
    2. Residence, Parker, Harrett
  76. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 343; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Hinds, Simeon II Dr.
    2. Residence, Hinds, Simeon II Dr.
  77. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Benton, Arkansas; Roll: M653_37; Page: 424; Image: 426; Family History Library Film: 803037
    1. Reavis, James Morgan
    2. Age in 1860: 67
  78. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Wayne, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 65; Image: 543.
    1. Hopper, Zachariah P.
  79. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 510.
    1. Curry, George
  80. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 756; Image: 434.
    1. Claypool, John Jay Crittenden
  81. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Brown, Indiana; Roll: M653_246; Page: 145; Image: 147; Family History Library Film: 803246
    1. Residence, Coffland, Elizabeth
    2. Coffland, Elizabeth
  82. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 576; Image: 578; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Residence, Hart, William T.
    2. Hart, William T.
  83. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 756; Image: 434.
    1. Birth, Claypoole, Frederick J.
    2. Claypoole, Frederick J.
  84. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lynnville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 483; Image: 161.
    1. Birth, Ferguson, Benjamin Pendleton
    2. Ferguson, Benjamin Pendleton
  85. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Residence, Waller, Sarah Ann
    2. Waller, Sarah Ann
  86. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Virginia; Roll: M653_1351; Page: 868; Image: 358; Family History Library Film: 805351
    1. Residence, Rittenhouse, Bennett A.
    2. Rittenhouse, Bennett A.
  87. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 444; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Curry, John Cox
    2. Birth, Curry, John Cox
  88. Year: 1860; Census Place: , De Soto, Louisiana; Roll: ; Page: 857; Image: 433.
    1. Birth, Greenhaw, Caroline Margaret
    2. Greenhaw, Caroline Margaret
  89. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wells, Jefferson, Ohio; Roll: M653_993; Page: 63; Image: 129; Family History Library Film: 803993
    1. McCann, James Homer
    2. Birth, McCann, James Homer
  90. Year: 1860; Census Place: Morgan, Dade, Missouri; Roll: M653_617; Page: 148; Image: 152; Family History Library Film: 803617
    1. Butler, Moses Henry
    2. Residence, Butler, Moses Henry
  91. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Grainger, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 462; Image: 540.
    1. Birth, Hankins, Perry Elcannah "Canie"
    2. Hankins, Perry Elcannah "Canie"
  92. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 6, Winston, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 1258; Image: 502.
    1. Cranford, Celia
    2. Birth, Cranford, Celia
  93. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Lauderdale, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 365; Image: 72.
    1. Residence, Haynes, Sarah
    2. Haynes, Sarah
  94. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 167; Image: 344.
    1. Residence, Bryan, Margery
    2. Bryan, Margery
  95. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Shelby, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1273; Page: 337; Family History Library Film: 805273
    1. Lynn, Jesse
    2. Residence, Lynn, Jesse
  96. Year: 1860; Census Place: Livingston, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 289; Image: 589.
    1. Goodpasture, Thomas
    2. Birth, Goodpasture, Thomas
  97. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 85; Image: 85.
    1. Residence, Gammon, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Gammon, Mary Elizabeth
  98. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 327; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Chaney, Eliza N.
    2. Residence, Chaney, Eliza N.
  99. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 307; Image: 25; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Stallings, Joseph T.
  100. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Marshall, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 940; Image: 466.
    1. Residence, Cates, Malinda
    2. Cates, Malinda
  101. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Hot Spring, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 970; Image: 458.
    1. Kemp, John Coffey
  102. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 23; Image: 51; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Sizemore, Solomon Sr.
    2. Birth, Sizemore, Solomon Sr.
  103. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 81; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Holmes, Sarah Jane
    2. Birth, Holmes, Sarah Jane
  104. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 155; Image: 317.
    1. Birth, Cain, Amanda Catherine
    2. Cain, Amanda Catherine
  105. Year: 1860; Census Place: Royalton, Fulton, Ohio; Roll: M653_965; Page: 442; Family History Library Film: 803965
    1. Holt, Charles C. Alcides
    2. Birth, Holt, Charles C. Alcides
  106. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 83; Image: 83.
    1. Butler, Eliza Jane
    2. Birth, Butler, Eliza Jane
  107. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 252; Image: 515; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Jones, Catherine
    2. Residence, Jones, Catherine
  108. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Subdivision, Henrico, Virginia; Roll: M653_1353; Page: 1043; Image: 605; Family History Library Film: 805353
    1. Birth, Jordan, Mildred Hester
    2. Jordan, Mildred Hester
  109. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 96; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Fly, George Washington Lafayette
    2. Residence, Fly, George Washington Lafayette
  110. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 6 S Range 4 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: M653_177; Page: 569; Image: 569; Family History Library Film: 803177
    1. Summers, Priscilla
    2. Birth, Summers, Priscilla
  111. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 111; Image: 231; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Birth, Hudson, Martha Jane
    2. Hudson, Martha Jane
  112. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Fork, Montgomery, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 854; Image: 322.
    1. Cranford, Mathew Thomas
    2. Residence, Cranford, Mathew Thomas
  113. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Marion, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1263; Page: 266; Image: 535; Family History Library Film: 805263
    1. Parker, Eli S.
  114. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 2 Range 5, Marshall, Mississippi; Roll: M653_587; Page: 97; Family History Library Film: 803587
    1. Mitchell, Mary E.
  115. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nishnabotna, Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 586; Image: 90; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Gaines, Sarah
    2. Birth, Gaines, Sarah
  116. Year: 1860; Census Place: Paint, Ross, Ohio; Roll: M653_1031; Page: 335; Image: 136; Family History Library Film: 805031
    1. Tudor, Franklin Lewis "Frank"
  117. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 852; Image: 530.
    1. Claypool, George W.
  118. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Forsyth, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 532; Image: 532.
    1. Julian, Bailey Frazier
    2. Birth, Julian, Bailey Frazier
  119. Year: 1860; Census Place: Liberty, Henry, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 120; Image: 120; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Wiles, Luke
  120. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 683; Image: 681; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Spires, Sarah (Sallie) Petree
  121. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 3, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 217; Image: 217.
    1. Carter, Edna Eliza
  122. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Hickman, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 528; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Birth, O'Bryant, Indiana
    2. O'Bryant, Indiana
  123. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Pickaway, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 134; Image: 273.
    1. Gatewood, Margaret
    2. Birth, Gatewood, Margaret
  124. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 578; Image: 140; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Carter, Maria L.
  125. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Waller, Mary K.
  126. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Tippecanoe, Indiana; Roll: M653_300; Page: 513; Family History Library Film: 803300
    1. Birth, Forgey, Margaret Emmaline
    2. Forgey, Margaret Emmaline
  127. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Crittenden, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 429; Image: 429.
    1. Crisp, Andrew J
    2. Residence, Crisp, Andrew J
  128. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Lafayette, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 631; Image: 281.
    1. Neill, Henry Alexander
  129. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grayson, Kentucky; Roll: M653_369; Page: 480; Image: 480; Family History Library Film: 803369
    1. Woosley, Rebecca
    2. Residence, Woosley, Rebecca
  130. Year: 1860; Census Place: Murfreesboro, Rutherford, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1271; Page: 160; Image: 325; Family History Library Film: 805271
    1. Birth, Palmer, Joseph Benjamin
    2. Palmer, Joseph Benjamin
  131. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 752; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Howell, Thomas E.
  132. Year: 1860; Census Place: Licking, Muskingum, Ohio; Roll: M653_1018; Page: 116; Image: 238; Family History Library Film: 805018
    1. Residence, Claypool, Levi
    2. Claypool, Levi
  133. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Malinda M.
    2. Birth, Masters, Malinda M.
  134. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 222; Image: 221.
    1. Crow, James M.
    2. Residence, Crow, James M.
  135. Year: 1860; Census Place: N W Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 750; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Bobbitt, Sardina Polk
  136. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 252; Image: 515; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Watson, Martin Alexander
    2. Birth, Watson, Martin Alexander
  137. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hardin, Kentucky; Roll: M653_371; Page: 64; Image: 64; Family History Library Film: 803371
    1. Neill, Nancy
    2. Birth, Neill, Nancy
  138. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Perry, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 354; Image: 131.
    1. Horner, George W.
    2. Residence, Horner, George W.
  139. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 214; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Residence Post Office: Fair Play
    2. Watkins, John T.
  140. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 752; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Howell, Mary S.
  141. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Williamson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 123; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Prowell, Andrew Mitchell
    2. Birth, Prowell, Andrew Mitchell
  142. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 614; Image: 292; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Seymour, Edward D.
  143. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, White, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 81; Image: 169; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Residence, McKinney, Jane
    2. McKinney, Jane
  144. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sugar Loaf, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 912; Image: 462; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Manley, John Alexander Butler
  145. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Waller, Sarah Ann
  146. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 693; Image: 371.
    1. Birth, Badgett, Thomas Edwin
    2. Badgett, Thomas Edwin
  147. Year: 1860; Census Place: Brooks, Waldo, Maine; Roll: ; Page: 122; Image: 644.
    1. Residence, Watson, Rebecca Jane Jennie
    2. Watson, Rebecca Jane Jennie
  148. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 22; Image: 47.
    1. Naylor, Amanda Elaine
  149. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_25; Page: 254; Image: 256; Family History Library Film: 803025
    1. Residence, Denny, Edward Armstrong
    2. Denny, Edward Armstrong
  150. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 250; Image: 505; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Koogle, Elizabeth
    2. Age in 1860: 55
  151. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pike, Warren, Indiana; Roll: M653_305; Page: 654; Image: 206; Family History Library Film: 803305
    1. Birth, Magruder, Hezekiah C.
    2. Magruder, Hezekiah C.
  152. Year: 1860; Census Place: Shoal Creek, Johnson, Arkansas; Roll: M653_44; Page: 1059; Image: 567; Family History Library Film: 803044
    1. Spicer, William J.
  153. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Marshall, Alabama; Roll: M653_16; Page: 926; Image: 452; Family History Library Film: 803016
    1. Residence, Nabours, Jane Caroline
    2. Nabours, Jane Caroline
  154. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 455; Image: 531; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Gass, Mary Ann
    2. Birth, Gass, Mary Ann
  155. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Morris, Elmartha C.
    2. Birth, Morris, Elmartha C.
  156. Year: 1860; Census Place: Noble, Wabash, Indiana; Roll: M653_304; Page: 216; Image: 216; Family History Library Film: 803304
    1. Residence, Davis, John B.
    2. Davis, John B.
  157. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Mary, Mills, Iowa; Roll: M653_336; Page: 18; Family History Library Film: 803336
    1. , Betsy
  158. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Marys, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 373; Image: 117; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Residence, Bowman, James E.
    2. Bowman, James E.
  159. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 765; Image: 443; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Sears, Elizabeth A.
    2. Birth, Sears, Elizabeth A.
  160. Year: 1860; Census Place: Funkstown, Washington, Maryland; Roll: ; Page: 651; Image: 371.
    1. Eastburn, Sara Ann Nelson
    2. Residence, Eastburn, Sara Ann Nelson
  161. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 620; Image: 298; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Residence, Spires, Henry McDonal
    2. Spires, Henry McDonal
  162. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 356; Image: 360.
    1. Kessinger, Margrette Ellen
  163. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 620; Image: 618; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Sturgis, Sarah Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Sturgis, Sarah Elizabeth
  164. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 16; Image: 38; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Willis, Wilson W.
  165. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 119; Image: 247.
    1. Residence, Jones, Martha Patsy
    2. Jones, Martha Patsy
  166. Year: 1860; Census Place: Colbath, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 152; Image: 152.
    1. Wright, Margaret Melissa
  167. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 24; Image: 54; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Johnson, Sarah Sally
    2. Residence, Johnson, Sarah Sally
  168. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 511; Image: 374.
    1. Residence, Hawn, Jonathan N.
    2. Hawn, Jonathan N.
  169. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 4 Range 8, Clay, Illinois; Roll: M653_162; Page: 526; Image: 526; Family History Library Film: 803162
    1. Age in 1860: 15
    2. Stanley, Susan Frances
  170. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Clark, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 961; Image: 461.
    1. Crow, John
    2. Residence, Crow, John
  171. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carter, Spencer, Indiana; Roll: M653_297; Page: 132; Family History Library Film: 803297
    1. Ubelhor, Barbara (Ebelhart)
    2. Birth, Ubelhor, Barbara (Ebelhart)
  172. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 405; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Birth, Sitzlar, John
    2. Sitzlar, John
  173. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 756; Image: 434.
    1. Birth, Claypoole, Elijah
    2. Claypoole, Elijah
  174. Year: 1860; Census Place: Rappahannock, Virginia; Roll: M653_1374; Page: 156; Image: 171; Family History Library Film: 805374
    1. Brown, Mary Ella
    2. Birth, Brown, Mary Ella
  175. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 511; Image: 375.
    1. Hawn, Jacob
    2. Birth, Hawn, Jacob
  176. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 203; Image: 415.
    1. Butler, Jacob Jackson
    2. Birth, Butler, Jacob Jackson
  177. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Botetourt, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 167; Image: 171.
    1. Hoylman, Robert
  178. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nelson, Virginia; Roll: M653_1365; Page: 846; Image: 378; Family History Library Film: 805365
    1. Manley, Jesse A.
  179. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 582; Image: 584; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Birth, Story, Eliza Jennie
    2. Story, Eliza Jennie
  180. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Fentress, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1249; Page: 6; Image: 16; Family History Library Film: 805249
    1. Mangold, Tennessee
    2. Residence, Mangold, Tennessee
  181. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Warren, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 472; Image: 135.
    1. Wright, Lemuel Hogan
    2. Birth, Wright, Lemuel Hogan
  182. Year: 1860; Census Place: Armagh, Mifflin, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 4; Image: 8.
    1. Hawn, Jacob
    2. Birth, Hawn, Jacob
  183. Year: 1860; Census Place: Shawnee, Johnson, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 480; Image: 32.
    1. Gore, Jonathan
    2. Birth, Gore, Jonathan
  184. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Marys, Auglaize, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 396; Image: 190.
    1. Residence, Zimmerman, Amos McKee
    2. Zimmerman, Amos McKee
  185. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 680; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Louthen, John Kerfoot
  186. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 81; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Holmes, Matilda Elizabeth "Sallie"
    2. Birth, Holmes, Matilda Elizabeth "Sallie"
  187. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 752; Image: 430.
    1. Birth, Dodd, Malinda F.
    2. Dodd, Malinda F.
  188. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 754; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Claypool, Joseph J.
    2. Claypool, Joseph J.
  189. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Page: 167; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, John H.
  190. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 7, Cumberland, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1244; Page: 519; Image: 556; Family History Library Film: 805244
    1. Birth, Potter, Mary Caroline
    2. Potter, Mary Caroline
  191. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 774; Image: 452.
    1. Bratten, Rachel
  192. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 430; Image: 272; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Forgey, Lunsford Bramblett Dr.
  193. Year: 1860; Census Place: McComb, Hancock, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 108; Image: 220.
    1. Fout, Frederick
    2. Residence, Fout, Frederick
  194. Year: 1860; Census Place: Princeton, Green Lake, Wisconsin; Roll: M653_1410; Page: 1081; Family History Library Film: 805410
    1. Birth, Cook, Milan G.
    2. Cook, Milan G.
  195. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Grainger, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 462; Image: 540.
    1. Residence, Hankins, Perry Elcannah "Canie"
    2. Hankins, Perry Elcannah "Canie"
  196. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 582; Image: 584; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Story, Mary Frances
  197. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 388; Image: 398; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Stubblefield, Rebecca Jane
  198. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 140; Image: 289.
    1. Butler, Martha Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Butler, Martha Elizabeth
  199. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 205; Image: 204.
    1. Claypool, Jeremiah M.
  200. Year: 1860; Census Place: Deer Creek, Cass, Indiana; Roll: M653_247; Page: 686; Family History Library Film: 803247
    1. Birth, Gates, Mary Jane
    2. Gates, Mary Jane
  201. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Alleghany, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 82; Image: 86.
    1. Birth, Hoylman, William T.
    2. Hoylman, William T.
  202. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Montgomery, Maryland; Roll: M653_478; Page: 265; Image: 266; Family History Library Film: 803478
    1. Magruder, Samuel E.
    2. Birth, Magruder, Samuel E.
  203. Year: 1860; Census Place: Riley, Yell, Arkansas; Roll: M653_52; Page: 1069; Image: 597; Family History Library Film: 803052
    1. Birth, McBride, Lucinda Caroline
    2. McBride, Lucinda Caroline
  204. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 407; Image: 21.
    1. Crow, John C.
  205. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 1, Cass, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 351; Image: 15; Family History Library Film: 805290
    1. Penny, Hardy
  206. Year: 1860; Census Place: Elmwood, Peoria, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 566; Image: 196.
    1. Carrigan, Mary Jane
    2. Birth, Carrigan, Mary Jane
  207. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Amherst, Lorain, Ohio; Roll: M653_1002; Page: 319; Image: 278; Family History Library Film: 805002
    1. Fuller, Maria
    2. Residence, Fuller, Maria
  208. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 391; Image: 391.
    1. Ice, John Quincy D
  209. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carter, Spencer, Indiana; Roll: M653_297; Page: 132; Family History Library Film: 803297
    1. Ubelhor, Barbara (Ebelhart)
    2. Residence, Ubelhor, Barbara (Ebelhart)
  210. Year: 1860; Census Place: Macon, Illinois; Roll: M653_203; Page: 698; Image: 132; Family History Library Film: 803203
    1. Birth, Masters, Matilda
    2. Masters, Matilda
  211. Year: 1860; Census Place: Duck Creek, Stoddard, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 538; Image: 542.
    1. Curd, Samuel Trotter
    2. Birth, Curd, Samuel Trotter
  212. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Putnam, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 95; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Birth, Masters, Simeon
    2. Masters, Simeon
  213. Year: 1860; Census Place: Searcy, Phillips, Arkansas; Roll: M653_47; Page: 329; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 803047
    1. Hudson, William Allen
    2. Birth, Hudson, William Allen
  214. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Joseph, Buchanan, Missouri; Roll: M653_609; Page: 434; Image: 436; Family History Library Film: 803609
    1. Alley, Comfort Lanzel
    2. Birth, Alley, Comfort Lanzel
  215. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 756; Image: 434.
    1. Claypoole, Elijah
  216. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: M653_22; Page: 667; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 803022
    1. Age in 1860: 27
    2. Weathers, Mary Alice
  217. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hamilton, Butler, Ohio; Page: 418; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Residence Post Office: Hamilton
    2. DeVon, Mary
  218. Year: 1860; Census Place: Regiment 2, Pickens, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1225; Page: 31; Family History Library Film: 805225
    1. Residence, Johnson, Pensy
    2. Johnson, Pensy
  219. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Decatur, Indiana; Roll: M653_253; Page: 1003; Image: 368; Family History Library Film: 803253
    1. Alley, Doddridge
    2. Residence, Alley, Doddridge
  220. Year: 1860; Census Place: Northern Division, De Kalb, Alabama; Roll: M653_9; Page: 24; Image: 24; Family History Library Film: 803009
    1. Puckette, Miles
    2. Birth, Puckette, Miles
  221. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 647; Image: 325; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Deere, Anna Maria
    2. Birth, Deere, Anna Maria
  222. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 247.
    1. Holmes, Lewis Tucker "Tuck"
    2. Residence, Holmes, Lewis Tucker "Tuck"
  223. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 N Range 2 W (North two-thirds), Montgomery, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 225; Image: 225.
    1. Birth, Whitten, Thomas J.
    2. Whitten, Thomas J.
  224. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johns, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 468; Image: 82; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Residence, Thomas, Miranda C.
    2. Thomas, Miranda C.
  225. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Eastern District, Ashe, North Carolina; Roll: M653_887; Page: 372; Image: 304; Family History Library Film: 803887
    1. Sizemore, Owen
    2. Birth, Sizemore, Owen
  226. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 699; Image: 707; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. , Katrina
  227. Year: 1860; Census Place: Georgia Militia District 1029, Fannin, Georgia; Roll: M653_120; Page: 1055; Image: 518; Family History Library Film: 803120
    1. Anderson, Mary Malvina
  228. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, De Kalb, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1247; Page: 195; Image: 396; Family History Library Film: 805247
    1. Kelley, William
  229. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Barren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_354; Page: 841; Image: 281; Family History Library Film: 803354
    1. Age: 9
    2. Payne, Oscar Alonzo
  230. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Birth, Mitchell, John Wesley
    2. Mitchell, John Wesley
  231. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Marys, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 342; Image: 86; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Saddler, Mary Jane
    2. Birth, Saddler, Mary Jane
  232. Year: 1860; Census Place: York, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1228; Page: 461; Image: 332; Family History Library Film: 805228
    1. Schooley, Frances Alberta
  233. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Sevier, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 93; Image: 93.
    1. Jordan, Martha Ann
  234. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_25; Page: 254; Image: 256; Family History Library Film: 803025
    1. Birth, Denny, Edward Armstrong
    2. Denny, Edward Armstrong
  235. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Humphreys, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 121; Image: 249.
    1. Birth, Horner, Mary Jane
    2. Horner, Mary Jane
  236. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 85; Image: 85.
    1. Birth, Gammon, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Gammon, Mary Elizabeth
  237. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 499; Image: 350; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Chaney, Elizabeth
  238. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newburyport Ward 1, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_496; Page: 292; Image: 296; Family History Library Film: 803496
    1. Birth, Fowle, Alice Hale
    2. Fowle, Alice Hale
  239. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Perry, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 354; Image: 131.
    1. Horner, George W.
    2. Birth, Horner, George W.
  240. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sugar Creek, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: M653_622; Page: 712; Image: 226; Family History Library Film: 803622
    1. Alley, Jane
  241. Year: 1860; Census Place: Murrayville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 491; Image: 169; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Residence, Masters, James Madison
    2. Masters, James Madison
  242. Year: 1860; Census Place: Warren, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: M653_937; Page: 351; Image: 251; Family History Library Film: 803937
    1. Residence, Morris, Ruth Ann
    2. Morris, Ruth Ann
  243. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 35, Jackson, Missouri; Roll: M653_625; Page: 173; Image: 173; Family History Library Film: 803625
    1. Birth, Ragan, Jacob
    2. Ragan, Jacob
  244. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 322; Image: 274; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Nelson, Mary Sarah
  245. Year: 1860; Census Place: Crane, Wyandot, Ohio; Roll: M653_1054; Page: 404; Family History Library Film: 805054
    1. Spencer, Charles Ferrell
  246. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bangor, Marshall, Iowa; Roll: M653_335; Page: 134; Image: 576; Family History Library Film: 803335
    1. Residence, Moffitt, Lydia
    2. Moffitt, Lydia
  247. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Finley, Washington, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 1020; Image: 457.
    1. Birth, Iames, John
    2. Iames, John
  248. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 8, Shelby, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 419; Image: 471; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Birth, Beall, Elizabeth Thornton
    2. Beall, Elizabeth Thornton
  249. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fort Calhoun, Washington, Nebraska Territory; Roll: ; Page: 868; Image: 26.
    1. Schray, Jakob Frederich
    2. Birth, Schray, Jakob Frederich
  250. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 18, Madison, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 206; Image: 415.
    1. Residence, Dungan, Allen
    2. Dungan, Allen
  251. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bethany, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: M653_622; Page: 618; Image: 132; Family History Library Film: 803622
    1. Masters, Mary Ann
  252. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 622; Image: 26; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Walker, Margaret B.
    2. Birth, Walker, Margaret B.
  253. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 4, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 31; Image: 68; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Fitzgerald, William Francis
    2. Birth, Fitzgerald, William Francis
  254. Year: 1860; Census Place: Rock, Jefferson, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 566; Image: 97.
    1. Gorton, Sally Clark
  255. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 253; Image: 516.
    1. Butler, Mahala A.
  256. Year: 1860; Census Place: Salt River, Schuyler, Missouri; Roll: M653_646; Page: 764; Image: 152; Family History Library Film: 803646
    1. Residence, Tipton, Zacharia
    2. Tipton, Zacharia
  257. Year: 1860; Census Place: Somerset, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: M653_937; Page: 389; Image: 326; Family History Library Film: 803937
    1. Selby, Joseph
    2. Birth, Selby, Joseph
  258. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Hot Spring, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 959; Image: 447.
    1. Birth, Burnett, Elizabeth Adaline
    2. Burnett, Elizabeth Adaline
  259. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gainesville, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_353; Page: 317; Family History Library Film: 803353
    1. Rigsby, James Edward
  260. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wells, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 656; Image: 270; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Wilkinson, William Warner
    2. Birth, Wilkinson, William Warner
  261. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wythe, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 267; Image: 11.
    1. Butler, Thomas J.
  262. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 765; Image: 443.
    1. Butler, Henry Jackson
  263. Year: 1860; Census Place: Spencer, Lane, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 280; Image: 563; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Scott, Harrison
    2. Birth, Scott, Harrison
  264. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Birth, Crow, Sarah Jane
    2. Crow, Sarah Jane
  265. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lincoln, Kentucky; Roll: M653_382; Page: 12; Image: 12; Family History Library Film: 803382
    1. Residence, Ball, Almarinda
    2. Ball, Almarinda
  266. Year: 1860; Census Place: District Town Valley, Chattooga, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 645; Image: 119.
    1. Edmondson, Hester
  267. Year: 1860; Census Place: Augusta, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 809; Image: 555; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Woodard, David Dr.
    2. Residence, Woodard, David Dr.
  268. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrisburg, Jackson, Georgia; Roll: M653_128; Page: 179; Family History Library Film: 803128
    1. Hay, Sarah "Sallie"
  269. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 43; Image: 90.
    1. Residence, Farmer, Abner H.
    2. Farmer, Abner H.
  270. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Okaw, Coles, Illinois; Roll: M653_171; Page: 175; Image: 178; Family History Library Film: 803171
    1. Birth, Louthan, John L.
    2. Louthan, John L.
  271. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1, Merced, California; Roll: M653_60; Page: 902; Family History Library Film: 803060
    1. Blakemore, Sarah Douglass
    2. Birth, Blakemore, Sarah Douglass
  272. Year: 1860; Census Place: Battle Creek, Calhoun, Michigan; Roll: M653_539; Page: 347; Image: 346; Family History Library Film: 803539
    1. Mapes, Edith "Ettie" A.
  273. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wabash, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 564; Image: 568; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Raines, Elijah
  274. Year: 1860; Census Place: Little Rock, Kendall, Illinois; Roll: M653_194; Page: 300; Image: 321; Family History Library Film: 803194
    1. Gifford, Freeman H.
    2. Residence, Gifford, Freeman H.
  275. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Residence, Howell, James Henry
    2. Howell, James Henry
  276. Year: 1860; Census Place: Green, Platte, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 762; Image: 249.
    1. Keller, Mary Adelaide
  277. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Linn, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_351; Page: 99; Image: 99; Family History Library Film: 803351
    1. Husted, Benjamin Day
    2. Residence, Husted, Benjamin Day
  278. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wilson, Greene, Missouri; Roll: M653_621; Page: 184; Image: 184; Family History Library Film: 803621
    1. Manley, Caleb B.
  279. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 510.
    1. Curry, Ellen Francis
  280. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 176; Image: 359.
    1. Residence, Gibson, Lorinda
    2. Gibson, Lorinda
  281. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Lee, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 707.
    1. Kempker, John Henry
  282. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Subdivision, Henrico, Virginia; Roll: M653_1353; Page: 1043; Image: 605; Family History Library Film: 805353
    1. Jordan, Mildred Hester
  283. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Union, Fayette, Iowa; Roll: M653_322; Page: 152; Image: 152; Family History Library Film: 803322
    1. Waites, Mary Maria
  284. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 614; Image: 292; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Seymour, Jarred Jarrett
    2. Residence, Seymour, Jarred Jarrett
  285. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Alleghany, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 11; Image: 15.
    1. Hoylman, Henry Clay
    2. Residence, Hoylman, Henry Clay
  286. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hermon, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: ; Page: 89; Image: 94.
    1. Fanning, Chauncey
  287. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Shelby, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1273; Page: 337; Family History Library Film: 805273
    1. Sturgis, Elizabeth Synthia
  288. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Decatur, Indiana; Roll: M653_253; Page: 1003; Image: 368; Family History Library Film: 803253
    1. Phillips, Jane
  289. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 24; Image: 54; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Sizemore, Pharaba
  290. Year: 1860; Census Place: Panola, Mississippi; Roll: M653_589; Page: 212; Family History Library Film: 803589
    1. McCracken, Sarah Elizabeth
  291. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johns, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 468; Image: 82; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Birth, Thomas, Miranda C.
    2. Thomas, Miranda C.
  292. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 444; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Stubblefield, Elizabeth Ann
  293. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 150; Image: 150.
    1. Residence, Hall, Nancy C.
    2. Hall, Nancy C.
  294. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 214; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Watkins, John T.
  295. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 656; Image: 64; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Louthan, Robert Powell Page
  296. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 764; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Howell, Dudley Fletcher
    2. Howell, Dudley Fletcher
  297. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wythe, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 267; Image: 11.
    1. Butler, Jacob J.
  298. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Half of County, Crittenden, Kentucky; Roll: M653_363; Page: 310; Image: 310; Family History Library Film: 803363
    1. Residence, McKinney, Malvina Sarah
    2. McKinney, Malvina Sarah
  299. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richland, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 445; Image: 449; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Siegmunt, John Jacob
  300. Year: 1860; Census Place: York, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1228; Page: 384; Family History Library Film: 805228
    1. Sturgis, George Frederick
    2. Residence, Sturgis, George Frederick
  301. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_499; Page: 54; Image: 55; Family History Library Film: 803499
    1. Cheney, David J.
    2. Residence, Cheney, David J.
  302. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Crawford, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 629; Image: 35.
    1. Residence, Thomas, Martin
    2. Thomas, Martin
  303. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarksburg, Montgomery, Maryland; Roll: M653_478; Page: 164; Image: 164; Family History Library Film: 803478
    1. Magruder, Elizabeth Catherine
  304. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 N 5 W, Henderson, Illinois; Roll: M653_181; Page: 502; Image: 502; Family History Library Film: 803181
    1. Spiker, Samuel Richard
  305. Year: 1860; Census Place: Red Rock, Marion, Iowa; Roll: M653_335; Page: 156; Image: 160; Family History Library Film: 803335
    1. Carr, Catharine
    2. Birth, Carr, Catharine
  306. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland; Roll: ; Page: 290; Image: 10.
    1. Boteler, Susanna Nelson
    2. Residence, Boteler, Susanna Nelson
  307. Year: 1860; Census Place: Panola, Mississippi; Roll: M653_589; Page: 212; Family History Library Film: 803589
    1. Residence, McCracken, Sarah Elizabeth
    2. McCracken, Sarah Elizabeth
  308. Year: 1860; Census Place: Giles, Virginia; Roll: M653_1345; Page: 881; Image: 455; Family History Library Film: 805345
    1. Underwood, Talitha
    2. Birth, Underwood, Talitha
  309. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 85; Image: 85.
    1. Birth, Butler, Nancy C.
    2. Butler, Nancy C.
  310. Year: 1860; Census Place: Burnsville, Dallas, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 848; Image: 352.
    1. Residence, Andrews, Athelston
    2. Andrews, Athelston
  311. Year: 1860; Census Place: San Augustine, San Augustine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 352; Image: 335; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Fitzgerald, John Calvin
    2. Birth, Fitzgerald, John Calvin
  312. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 755; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Thomas, Martha Ann "Patsy"
    2. Thomas, Martha Ann "Patsy"
  313. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 391; Image: 391.
    1. Birth, Karr, Emily Matilda
    2. Karr, Emily Matilda
  314. Year: 1860; Census Place: Paint, Ross, Ohio; Roll: M653_1031; Page: 335; Image: 136; Family History Library Film: 805031
    1. Tudor, Franklin Lewis "Frank"
    2. Birth, Tudor, Franklin Lewis "Frank"
  315. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Williamson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 123; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Birth, Sparkman, Emily D.
    2. Sparkman, Emily D.
  316. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 765; Image: 443; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Claypool, John Marshall
  317. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 24; Image: 51.
    1. Naylor, Mary A.
  318. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 392; Image: 392.
    1. Ice, Elijah
  319. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mill Creek, Franklin, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 338; Image: 338.
    1. Birth, Jones, Wiley
    2. Jones, Wiley
  320. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pilot Grove, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 436.
    1. Jones, James M.
    2. Residence, Jones, James M.
  321. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Bourbon, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 361; Image: 361.
    1. Residence, Howard, Stephen
    2. Howard, Stephen
  322. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois; Roll: M653_156; Page: 175; Image: 175; Family History Library Film: 803156
    1. Birth, Sturgis, Daniel Bartlett Dr.
    2. Sturgis, Daniel Bartlett Dr.
  323. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newton, Barton, Missouri; Roll: M653_607; Page: 15; Image: 19; Family History Library Film: 803607
    1. Peak, Mary Jemima
  324. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gainesville, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 319; Image: 319.
    1. Claypool, Sidney Harrison
    2. Birth, Claypool, Sidney Harrison
  325. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 44 Range 16, Moniteau, Missouri; Roll: M653_634; Page: 614; Image: 114; Family History Library Film: 803634
    1. Butler, Martha Jane
  326. Year: 1860; Census Place: Meridian, Ingham, Michigan; Roll: M653_545; Page: 292; Family History Library Film: 803545
    1. Pfeifer, Margeretha
  327. Year: 1860; Census Place: Elberton, Elbert, Georgia; Roll: M653_120; Page: 815; Image: 276; Family History Library Film: 803120
    1. Tucker, Robert W.
  328. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 88; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Age: 15
    2. Carneal, Elijah Lee
  329. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 774; Image: 452; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Rector, Rebecca
    2. Birth, Rector, Rebecca
  330. Year: 1860; Census Place: Black, Posey, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 784; Image: 258.
    1. Woody, John Holmes
    2. Residence, Woody, John Holmes
  331. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 328; Image: 334; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Chaney, John Rauson
  332. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Frieze, Harriet Frances
    2. Birth, Frieze, Harriet Frances
  333. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 81; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Residence Post Office: Humansville
    2. Holmes, James Madison
  334. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fort Calhoun, Washington, Nebraska Territory; Roll: ; Page: 868; Image: 26.
    1. Schray, Pauline Katharine
  335. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 239; Image: 238; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Forgey, Robert J.
  336. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 388; Image: 397.
    1. Chaney, Elizabeth "Betsy"
    2. Residence, Chaney, Elizabeth "Betsy"
  337. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Subdivision, Giles, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1251; Page: 195; Image: 393; Family History Library Film: 805251
    1. Fitzgerald, Moses Christopher
  338. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 98; Image: 98; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Flint, Hannah Elizabeth
  339. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Bullitt, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 716; Image: 319.
    1. Birth, Wilson, Upton
    2. Wilson, Upton
  340. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 43; Image: 90.
    1. Farmer, Abner H.
  341. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 693; Image: 371.
    1. Residence, Badgett, Thomas Alexander
    2. Badgett, Thomas Alexander
  342. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Hardy, Virginia; Roll: M653_1351; Page: 541; Image: 29; Family History Library Film: 805351
    1. Combs, Charles
  343. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Smith, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 311; Image: 97.
    1. Donaho, Mary Elizabeth
  344. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Finley, Washington, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 1020; Image: 457.
    1. Coulson, Mary Anna
    2. Residence, Coulson, Mary Anna
  345. Year: 1860; Census Place: Georgia Militia District 1075, Polk, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 163; Image: 162.
    1. Watts, Hope Asbury
    2. Residence, Watts, Hope Asbury
  346. Year: 1860; Census Place: Honey Creek, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 730; Image: 730; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Davies, Isaac
    2. Residence, Davies, Isaac
  347. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Cherokee, Alabama; Roll: M653_5; Page: 54; Family History Library Film: 803005
    1. Morgan, Priscilla
    2. Birth, Morgan, Priscilla
  348. Year: 1860; Census Place: Austin, Travis, Texas; Roll: M653_1306; Page: 299; Family History Library Film: 805306
    1. Fly, Sophia Louisiana
  349. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jackson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 202; Image: 19; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Residence, Pharis, Amanda Mary Hiram
    2. Pharis, Amanda Mary Hiram
  350. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hardin, Kentucky; Roll: M653_371; Page: 64; Image: 64; Family History Library Film: 803371
    1. Birth, Hays, William Houston Col.
    2. Hays, William Houston Col.
  351. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Washington, Kentucky; Roll: M653_399; Page: 23; Image: 23; Family History Library Film: 803399
    1. Selby, Elizabeth
    2. Age in 1860: 90
  352. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1, Merced, California; Roll: M653_60; Page: 902; Family History Library Film: 803060
    1. Lewis, David Eason
  353. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 582; Image: 584; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Story, Mary Frances
    2. Age in 1860: 3
  354. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Subdivision, Giles, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1251; Page: 195; Image: 393; Family History Library Film: 805251
    1. Fitzgerald, Moses Christopher
    2. Birth, Fitzgerald, Moses Christopher
  355. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 894; Image: 146.
    1. Masters, Margaret L.
  356. Year: 1860; Census Place: Northern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 504; Image: 108.
    1. Hyatt, Daniel Franklin
    2. Birth, Hyatt, Daniel Franklin
  357. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 18, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 460; Image: 336; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Fitzgerald, Patrick Leonard
  358. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Forsyth, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 460; Image: 460.
    1. Residence, Clement, Christopher
    2. Clement, Christopher
  359. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 446; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Residence, Wright, William G.
    2. Wright, William G.
  360. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: M653_26; Page: 815; Image: 53; Family History Library Film: 803026
    1. Stacks, John Morgan
  361. Year: 1860; Census Place: Barnesville, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: M653_937; Page: 334; Image: 216; Family History Library Film: 803937
    1. McLane, William
  362. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 614; Image: 292; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Seymour, Jarred Jarrett
  363. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newburyport Ward 6, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_496; Page: 549; Image: 553; Family History Library Film: 803496
    1. Residence, Cheney, Samuel Colby
    2. Cheney, Samuel Colby
  364. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 13, Obion, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 141; Image: 290; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Tirey, Andrew Jackson
  365. Year: 1860; Census Place: Montevallo, Vernon, Missouri; Roll: M653_659; Page: 19; Image: 19; Family History Library Film: 803659
    1. Residence, Keithley, Obadiah
    2. Keithley, Obadiah
  366. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 74; Image: 154; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Pope, Mahalia
    2. Residence, Pope, Mahalia
  367. Year: 1860; Census Place: Henry, Virginia; Roll: M653_1354; Page: 118; Image: 122; Family History Library Film: 805354
    1. Morris, William
    2. Residence, Morris, William
  368. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 576; Image: 578; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Gill, John Henry
  369. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 407; Image: 21.
    1. Strunk, Lydia A.
  370. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 335; Image: 247.
    1. Wright, Aaron
  371. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 178; Image: 365; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Allen, Arkley McGinnis
    2. Birth, Allen, Arkley McGinnis
  372. Year: 1860; Census Place: Searcy, Phillips, Arkansas; Roll: M653_47; Page: 329; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 803047
    1. Hudson, William Allen
    2. Residence, Hudson, William Allen
  373. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Jackson, Louisiana; Roll: ; Page: 431; Image: 451.
    1. Walsworth, Mary Frances
    2. Birth, Walsworth, Mary Frances
  374. Year: 1860; Census Place: Augusta, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 812; Image: 558; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Bowman, Ezekial K.
    2. Residence, Bowman, Ezekial K.
  375. Year: 1860; Census Place: Salem, Daviess, Missouri; Roll: M653_617; Page: 414; Image: 418; Family History Library Film: 803617
    1. Birth, Kay, Sarah "Sallie" A.
    2. Kay, Sarah "Sallie" A.
  376. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southeast, Orange, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 556; Image: 30.
    1. Residence, Holmes, Henry
    2. Holmes, Henry
  377. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 1, Cass, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 351; Image: 15.
    1. Birth, Caldwell, Nancy
    2. Caldwell, Nancy
  378. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 16, Sangamon, Illinois; Page: 48; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Frazee, Samuel
    2. Residence Post Office: Chatham
  379. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 694; Image: 692; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Sturgis, James Bratton
    2. Residence, Sturgis, James Bratton
  380. Year: 1860; Census Place: Green, Platte, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 763; Image: 250.
    1. Cravens, Alice Rebecca
    2. Residence, Cravens, Alice Rebecca
  381. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Williamson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 124; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Prowell, Eleanor Reed
  382. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 7, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 182; Image: 371.
    1. Butler, Nancy Ames
    2. Birth, Butler, Nancy Ames
  383. Year: 1860; Census Place: York, Putnam, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 553; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Ogle, Martha G.
  384. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 511; Image: 375.
    1. Taylor, James Francis
    2. Residence, Taylor, James Francis
  385. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 541; Image: 219; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Angelo, Thomas David E. "dee"
  386. Year: 1860; Census Place: Polk, Washington, Indiana; Roll: M653_306; Page: 15; Image: 15; Family History Library Film: 803306
    1. Birth, Skeen, Martha
    2. Skeen, Martha
  387. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Cedar, Missouri; Roll: M653_613; Page: 123; Image: 127; Family History Library Film: 803613
    1. Birth, Hudson, Thomas A.
    2. Hudson, Thomas A.
  388. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Hardy, Virginia; Roll: M653_1351; Page: 546; Image: 34; Family History Library Film: 805351
    1. Residence, Combs, Pious
    2. Combs, Pious
  389. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 181; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Birth, Sizemore, Sallie
    2. Sizemore, Sallie
  390. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 111; Image: 231.
    1. Butler, William
    2. Birth, Butler, William
  391. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 656; Image: 64; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Residence, Louthan, Robert Powell Page
    2. Louthan, Robert Powell Page
  392. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 57; Image: 118.
    1. Birth, Oliver, Richard
    2. Oliver, Richard
  393. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 215; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Watkins, Sarah Jane
    2. Birth, Watkins, Sarah Jane
  394. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lower, Franklin, Arkansas; Roll: M653_41; Page: 359; Image: 359; Family History Library Film: 803041
    1. Arbuckle, Emily Susan
  395. Year: 1860; Census Place: Princeton, Green Lake, Wisconsin; Roll: M653_1410; Page: 1081; Family History Library Film: 805410
    1. Cook, Caleb Woodward
    2. Residence, Cook, Caleb Woodward
  396. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 477; Image: 307.
    1. Residence, Galbraith, Florence Jane
    2. Galbraith, Florence Jane
  397. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 773; Image: 451; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Howard, Charles
    2. Birth, Howard, Charles
  398. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 722; Image: 280.
    1. Howton, Elizabeth
  399. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 214; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Residence Post Office: Fair Play
    2. Watkins, William Columbus
  400. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 27; Image: 58.
    1. Burk, Christian V.
  401. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 327; Image: 333.
    1. Chaney, Abel A.
    2. Residence, Chaney, Abel A.
  402. Year: 1860; Census Place: Augusta, Hancock, Illinois; Page: 812; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Wade, Mary
    2. Birth, Wade, Mary
  403. Year: 1860; Census Place: Blythe, Caldwell, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 661; Image: 87.
    1. Claypool, Perry R.
  404. Year: 1860; Census Place: Salem, Carroll, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 1121; Image: 429.
    1. Birth, Hilty, Catherine
    2. Hilty, Catherine
  405. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 105; Image: 219; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Wilkey, Martha
    2. Birth, Wilkey, Martha
  406. Year: 1860; Census Place: Goochland, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 936; Image: 596; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Woodward, Laura A.
  407. Year: 1860; Census Place: New York Ward 19 District 1, New York, New York; Roll: ; Page: 585; Image: 162.
    1. Ettling, Johann Peter
  408. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 205; Image: 204.
    1. Claypool, Reuben
  409. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 859; Image: 409.
    1. Holmes, George Wayne
    2. Birth, Holmes, George Wayne
  410. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 706; Image: 254; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Patton, Manerva Adaline
  411. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carroll, Virginia; Roll: M653_1339; Page: 967; Image: 393; Family History Library Film: 805339
    1. Davis, Nathan
  412. Year: 1860; Census Place: Warren, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: M653_937; Page: 351; Image: 251; Family History Library Film: 803937
    1. Birth, Morris, Ruth Ann
    2. Morris, Ruth Ann
  413. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 2 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 100; Image: 101.
    1. Skaer, George Philip
    2. Birth, Skaer, George Philip
  414. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Waller, Elizabeth E.
  415. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 694; Image: 692; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Birth, Palmer, William Howard
    2. Palmer, William Howard
  416. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 852; Image: 530; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Carpenter, Mary Jane
    2. Carpenter, Mary Jane
  417. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 600; Image: 278; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Sevier, Charles Douglas
    2. Sevier, Charles Douglas
  418. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Jackson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 235; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Masters, Lafayette
  419. Year: 1860; Census Place: Austin, Travis, Texas; Roll: M653_1306; Page: 299; Family History Library Film: 805306
    1. Fly, Sophia Louisiana
    2. Residence Post Office: Austin
  420. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 452; Image: 320; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Harbison, Joshua Hull
  421. Year: 1860; Census Place: East Pike Run, Washington, Pennsylvania; Page: 368; Family History Library Film: 805191
    1. Birth, Harris, Mary Jane
    2. Harris, Mary Jane
  422. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lebanon, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 226; Image: 455; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Perrine, Nancy
  423. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 205; Image: 204; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Claypool, Joseph
  424. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Kosciusko, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 386; Image: 386.
    1. Birth, Carper, George F.
    2. Carper, George F.
  425. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jasper, Texas; Roll: M653_1298; Page: 408; Family History Library Film: 805298
    1. Seale, William Franklin
    2. Residence, Seale, William Franklin
  426. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 752; Image: 430.
    1. Howell, Rebecca J.
    2. Residence, Howell, Rebecca J.
  427. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Cranford, Sarah Ann Matilda
    2. Birth, Cranford, Sarah Ann Matilda
  428. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 243; Image: 497.
    1. Carmichael, Jacob Gardenhire
    2. Birth, Carmichael, Jacob Gardenhire
  429. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 58; Image: 119; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Birth, Duncan, Parthena
    2. Duncan, Parthena
  430. Year: 1860; Census Place: Berwick, Warren, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 620; Image: 620.
    1. Residence, Howard, Eleanor Ellen
    2. Howard, Eleanor Ellen
  431. Year: 1860; Census Place: Regiment 5, Pickens, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1225; Page: 190; Image: 385; Family History Library Film: 805225
    1. Residence, Hembree, Mary
    2. Hembree, Mary
  432. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 81; Image: 82.
    1. Ettling, George Philip
    2. Birth, Ettling, George Philip
  433. Year: 1860; Census Place: N W Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 750; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Residence, McCracken, Lewis Garrett
    2. McCracken, Lewis Garrett
  434. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 155; Image: 317.
    1. Cain, Amanda Catherine
    2. Residence, Cain, Amanda Catherine
  435. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 215; Image: 214; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Holmes, David Reed
    2. Residence, Holmes, David Reed
  436. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Kentucky; Roll: M653_363; Page: 69; Image: 69; Family History Library Film: 803363
    1. Birth, Sizemore, Henry Hunting Shirt
    2. Sizemore, Henry Hunting Shirt
  437. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 239; Image: 238.
    1. Holmes, Matilda Elizabeth
  438. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 13, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 85; Image: 177; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Holmes, Thomas
  439. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 752; Image: 430.
    1. Residence, Claypool, Daniel Lambert
    2. Claypool, Daniel Lambert
  440. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Cocke, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 397; Image: 303.
    1. Hawn, Catherine
  441. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 388; Image: 398; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Riggs, John Woodson
    2. Birth, Riggs, John Woodson
  442. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 363; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Residence, Chaney, Florence B.
    2. Chaney, Florence B.
  443. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 600; Image: 278; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sevier, Ananais Davidson
    2. Age in 1860: 34
  444. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 44; Image: 91.
    1. Birth, King, Phereba Phoebe
    2. King, Phereba Phoebe
  445. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 215; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Holmes, John Washington
    2. Residence Post Office: Fair Play
  446. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 97; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. White, Andrew F.
    2. Residence Post Office: Humansville
  447. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 100; Image: 100; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Ashlock, Sarah Ann "Sadie"
    2. Ashlock, Sarah Ann "Sadie"
  448. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lebanon, Cooper, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 704; Image: 294.
    1. Birth, Briscoe, Patsy B.
    2. Briscoe, Patsy B.
  449. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 582; Image: 584; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Birth, Sturgis, Margaret Melinda
    2. Sturgis, Margaret Melinda
  450. Year: 1860; Census Place: Warren, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: M653_937; Page: 355; Image: 258; Family History Library Film: 803937
    1. Birth, Dawson, Jesse Jr.
    2. Dawson, Jesse Jr.
  451. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Todd, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 723; Image: 213.
    1. Carneal, William Washington
  452. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 243; Image: 497.
    1. Carmichael, Jacob Gardenhire
    2. Residence, Carmichael, Jacob Gardenhire
  453. Year: 1860; Census Place: Levicy, Hancock, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1252; Page: 500; Image: 612; Family History Library Film: 805252
    1. Sizemore, Solomon
    2. Residence, Sizemore, Solomon
  454. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bangor, Marshall, Iowa; Roll: M653_335; Page: 129; Image: 571; Family History Library Film: 803335
    1. Birth, Burcham, Samuel
    2. Burcham, Samuel
  455. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Randolph, North Carolina; Roll: M653_910; Page: 158; Image: 320; Family History Library Film: 803910
    1. Barker, Hannah
    2. Birth, Barker, Hannah
  456. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newburyport Ward 6, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_496; Page: 547; Image: 551; Family History Library Film: 803496
    1. Cheney, William Argus
    2. Birth, Cheney, William Argus
  457. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 322; Image: 274; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Birth, Morris, Christopher Columbus
    2. Morris, Christopher Columbus
  458. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Williamson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 124; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Prowell, Calvin Hart
  459. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 452; Image: 320; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Harbison, Joshua Hull
    2. Residence, Harbison, Joshua Hull
  460. Year: 1860; Census Place: District Town Valley, Chattooga, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 642; Image: 116.
    1. Langston, Mariah
  461. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 629; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Lankford, Benjamin Seth
    2. Residence, Lankford, Benjamin Seth
  462. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sulpher Springs, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 670; Image: 348.
    1. Birth, Sturgis, Rebecca R.
    2. Sturgis, Rebecca R.
  463. Year: 1860; Census Place: Amherst, Lorain, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 319; Image: 278.
    1. Williams, Matilda
    2. Residence, Williams, Matilda
  464. Year: 1860; Census Place: Shoal Creek, Johnson, Arkansas; Roll: M653_44; Page: 1059; Image: 567; Family History Library Film: 803044
    1. Age in 1860: 26
    2. Spicer, Lewis Henry
  465. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 32; Image: 67; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Galbreath, William Harrison
  466. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: M653_658; Page: 995; Image: 429; Family History Library Film: 803658
    1. Chaney, Benjamin Jackson
  467. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 455; Image: 531.
    1. Residence, Chaney, Tabitha S.
    2. Chaney, Tabitha S.
  468. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 81; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Dunnegan, Mary Elizabeth
  469. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 57; Image: 118; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Oliver, Charlotte J.
    2. Birth, Oliver, Charlotte J.
  470. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 699; Image: 247; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Holmes, Margaret Matilda
  471. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 752; Image: 430.
    1. Claypool, Daniel Lambert
  472. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 699; Image: 707; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Birth, , Katrina
    2. , Katrina
  473. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Schuyler, Missouri; Roll: M653_646; Page: 736; Image: 124; Family History Library Film: 803646
    1. Gatlin, William S.
  474. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newburyport Ward 1, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_496; Page: 292; Image: 296; Family History Library Film: 803496
    1. Cheney, Moses S. B.
  475. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western District, Tazewell, Virginia; Roll: M653_1381; Page: 801; Image: 313; Family History Library Film: 805381
    1. Birth, Payton, Mary Jane
    2. Payton, Mary Jane
  476. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carolina, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_353; Page: 392; Image: 392; Family History Library Film: 803353
    1. Jewell, William David
    2. Age in 1860: 29
  477. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Page: 167; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, John H.
    2. Birth, Masters, John H.
  478. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 25; Image: 56; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Brown, Matilda S.
  479. Year: 1860; Census Place: Salt Rock, Marion, Ohio; Roll: M653_1006; Page: 291; Image: 52; Family History Library Film: 805006
    1. Birth, Snyder, Isaac
    2. Snyder, Isaac
  480. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 773; Image: 11.
    1. Residence, Tubbs, Samuel Sanders
    2. Tubbs, Samuel Sanders
  481. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_499; Page: 54; Image: 55; Family History Library Film: 803499
    1. Residence, Cheney, Mercy
    2. Cheney, Mercy
  482. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 421; Image: 425; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Rodabaugh, Adam
    2. Age: 73
  483. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nishnabotna, Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 586; Image: 90; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Birth, Morgan, James Bartlett
    2. Morgan, James Bartlett
  484. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 578; Image: 140; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Carter, Maria L.
    2. Residence, Carter, Maria L.
  485. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ervin, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 837; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Forgey, Andrew Jackson
  486. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 169; Image: 347; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Masters, Jane
    2. Masters, Jane
  487. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Page: 161; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Residence Post Office: Glasgow
    2. Sturgis, John Wright
  488. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beardstown, Cass, Illinois; Page: 261; Family History Library Film: 803160
    1. Anders (Andrews), Philip
    2. Residence Post Office: Beardstown
  489. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Hot Spring, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 970; Image: 458.
    1. Kemp, John Coffey
    2. Birth, Kemp, John Coffey
  490. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 388; Image: 398; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Riggs, William
  491. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 243; Image: 496; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Butler, Jacob Washington
    2. Residence, Butler, Jacob Washington
  492. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 2, Carter, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 454; Image: 350.
    1. Crow, Thomas
  493. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 39 Range 23, Benton, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 243; Image: 247.
    1. Looney, Mary Campbell
    2. Birth, Looney, Mary Campbell
  494. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 624; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Young, Eliza
  495. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lebanon, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 236; Image: 476; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Chamberlain, Henry Clay
    2. Age in 1860: 30
  496. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 599; Image: 277; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Age in 1860: 18
    2. Wright, Amanda Louise
  497. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 421; Image: 463; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Riley, Phoebe Ann
  498. Year: 1860; Census Place: Smith, Greene, Indiana; Roll: M653_262; Page: 545; Image: 123; Family History Library Film: 803262
    1. Throop, James Harvey
    2. Birth, Throop, James Harvey
  499. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 509.
    1. Chaney, William Sampson
    2. Birth, Chaney, William Sampson
  500. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 61, Gentry, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 662; Image: 16.
    1. Teel, Joel Hardin
    2. Birth, Teel, Joel Hardin
  501. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 132; Image: 272; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Age: 72
    2. Pickel, George
  502. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dinsmore, Shelby, Ohio; Roll: M653_1036; Page: 322; Image: 91; Family History Library Film: 805036
    1. Residence, Iames, Nancy
    2. Iames, Nancy
  503. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 96; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Fly, John Dalton
  504. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newburyport Ward 6, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_496; Page: 547; Image: 551; Family History Library Film: 803496
    1. Cheney, William Argus
    2. Residence, Cheney, William Argus
  505. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Lauderdale, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 344; Image: 29.
    1. Saunders, Alfurna
  506. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_25; Page: 271; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 803025
    1. Age in 1860: 35
    2. Sellers, Lavinia Ann
  507. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Marys, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 342; Image: 86; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Bowman, John Wright
  508. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 625; Image: 303; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Seymour, Nancy
    2. Age in 1860: 44
  509. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 710; Image: 260; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Wilburn, John M.
  510. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 96; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Birth, Fly, George Washington Lafayette
    2. Fly, George Washington Lafayette
  511. Year: 1860; Census Place: Shawnee, Johnson, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 480; Image: 32.
    1. Residence, Gore, Jonathan
    2. Gore, Jonathan
  512. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 476; Image: 305.
    1. Butler, James Polk
    2. Birth, Butler, James Polk
  513. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harmony, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 454; Image: 198; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Rucker, Oliver P.
    2. Birth, Rucker, Oliver P.
  514. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 622; Image: 26; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Walker, Margaret B.
    2. Residence, Walker, Margaret B.
  515. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 96; Image: 199.
    1. Searls, Evaline Eugenia "Jennie"
    2. Birth, Searls, Evaline Eugenia "Jennie"
  516. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Randolph, North Carolina; Roll: M653_910; Page: 158; Image: 320; Family History Library Film: 803910
    1. Hockett, Mahlon
    2. Birth, Hockett, Mahlon
  517. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 16, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 48; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Birth, Masters, Sarah C.
    2. Masters, Sarah C.
  518. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Jefferson, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 712; Image: 218.
    1. Cranford, John Monroe
    2. Birth, Cranford, John Monroe
  519. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 155; Image: 317.
    1. Birth, Cain, Marguerite Lucinda
    2. Cain, Marguerite Lucinda
  520. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 16; Image: 36.
    1. Fast, Christian C.
  521. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 167; Image: 344.
    1. Masters, John Simon
    2. Residence, Masters, John Simon
  522. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_25; Page: 271; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 803025
    1. Birth, Sellers, Lavinia Ann
    2. Sellers, Lavinia Ann
  523. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Greene, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 629; Image: 33.
    1. Cain, Emaline
    2. Birth, Cain, Emaline
  524. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana; Roll: M653_300; Page: 912; Image: 584; Family History Library Film: 803300
    1. Vanmeter, Julia Ann
    2. Age: 12
  525. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 205; Image: 204; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Claypool, Joseph
    2. Claypool, Joseph
  526. Year: 1860; Census Place: Armagh, Mifflin, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 4; Image: 8.
    1. Hawn, Jacob
  527. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: M653_22; Page: 667; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 803022
    1. Sturgis, Martha Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Sturgis, Martha Elizabeth
  528. Year: 1860; Census Place: Macon, Illinois; Roll: M653_203; Page: 809; Image: 243; Family History Library Film: 803203
    1. Residence, Masters, John
    2. Masters, John
  529. Year: 1860; Census Place: New Castle Hundred, New Castle, Delaware; Roll: ; Page: 148; Image: 149.
    1. Harris, Louisa
  530. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 96; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Bell, Mary Caroline
  531. Year: 1860; Census Place: N W Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 755; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. McCracken, Mary Jane
  532. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 88; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Carneal, Thomas Jefferson
    2. Residence, Carneal, Thomas Jefferson
  533. Year: 1860; Census Place: Meridian, Ingham, Michigan; Roll: M653_545; Page: 292; Family History Library Film: 803545
    1. Residence Post Office: Sanford
    2. Pfeifer, Margeretha
  534. Year: 1860; Census Place: Berwick, Warren, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 619; Image: 619.
    1. Howard, George Washington
  535. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 14; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Stapleton, Sarah Elizabeth
  536. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 176; Image: 359.
    1. Butler, Amos Hardin
    2. Birth, Butler, Amos Hardin
  537. Year: 1860; Census Place: Little Rock, Kendall, Illinois; Roll: M653_194; Page: 300; Image: 321; Family History Library Film: 803194
    1. Birth, Gifford, Freeman H.
    2. Gifford, Freeman H.
  538. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cumberland, Fayette, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 67; Image: 67.
    1. Birth, Woolsey, Nancy
    2. Woolsey, Nancy
  539. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 4, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 31; Image: 68; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Fields, Elizabeth Betsy
  540. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 765; Image: 443.
    1. Butler, Henry Jackson
    2. Residence, Butler, Henry Jackson
  541. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Monroe, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 217; Image: 440.
    1. Residence, Sheets, Jane Taylor
    2. Sheets, Jane Taylor
  542. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 155; Image: 317.
    1. Cain, Marguerite Lucinda
    2. Residence, Cain, Marguerite Lucinda
  543. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Crow, Jesse Ninon
  544. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Bourbon, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 361; Image: 361.
    1. Howard, Stephen
    2. Birth, Howard, Stephen
  545. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bangor, Marshall, Iowa; Roll: M653_335; Page: 128; Image: 570; Family History Library Film: 803335
    1. Residence, Adams, William
    2. Adams, William
  546. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Botetourt, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 167; Image: 171.
    1. Birth, Hoylman, Robert
    2. Hoylman, Robert
  547. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Panter, Sarah Lovel
  548. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 20, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 480; Image: 375; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Phillips, Leroy
  549. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 755; Image: 433.
    1. Hardcastle, Mary Ann
  550. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 155; Image: 318; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Deborah
  551. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_7; Page: 184; Image: 184; Family History Library Film: 803007
    1. Sanford, Martha A.
    2. Age in 1860: 26
  552. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 44; Image: 91.
    1. King, Lindsey
  553. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 8, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 617; Image: 619; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Gibson, Daniel Boone Rev.
  554. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Webster, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 749; Image: 188.
    1. Denny, Lucinda
  555. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 253; Image: 516.
    1. Residence, Gardenhire, Andrew J.
    2. Gardenhire, Andrew J.
  556. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 322; Image: 274; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Morris, Mary Ann
    2. Residence, Morris, Mary Ann
  557. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 215; Image: 214; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Holmes, Narcissus Adeline
  558. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 6 S Range 4 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: M653_177; Page: 569; Image: 569; Family History Library Film: 803177
    1. Summers, Priscilla
    2. Age: 74
  559. Year: 1860; Census Place: Panola, Mississippi; Roll: M653_589; Page: 162; Family History Library Film: 803589
    1. Residence, Lawson, Rachel
    2. Lawson, Rachel
  560. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ervin, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 837; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Forgey, Andrew Jackson
    2. Residence, Forgey, Andrew Jackson
  561. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 477; Image: 307.
    1. Butler, Martha Jane
    2. Residence, Butler, Martha Jane
  562. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dudley, Hardin, Ohio; Roll: M653_983; Page: 346; Image: 105; Family History Library Film: 803983
    1. Baltimore, Elizabeth
  563. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 656; Image: 64; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Louthan, Henrianna
  564. Year: 1860; Census Place: Deer Creek, Cass, Indiana; Roll: M653_247; Page: 686; Family History Library Film: 803247
    1. Forgey, Thomas Crawford
    2. Residence, Forgey, Thomas Crawford
  565. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mascoutah, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_225; Page: 854; Image: 91; Family History Library Film: 803225
    1. Ackerman, Leonhard John
    2. Birth, Ackerman, Leonhard John
  566. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 176; Image: 359.
    1. Butler, Amos Hardin
    2. Residence, Butler, Amos Hardin
  567. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, White, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 81; Image: 169; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Birth, McKinney, Jane
    2. McKinney, Jane
  568. Year: 1860; Census Place: Regiment 2, Pickens, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1225; Page: 31; Family History Library Film: 805225
    1. Masters, John
    2. Residence, Masters, John
  569. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 247.
    1. Residence, Forgey, Artemissa Emeline
    2. Forgey, Artemissa Emeline
  570. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Residence, Crow, Adda Merritt Addie
    2. Crow, Adda Merritt Addie
  571. Year: 1860; Census Place: Murfreesboro, Rutherford, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1271; Page: 160; Image: 325; Family History Library Film: 805271
    1. Residence, Palmer, Joseph Benjamin
    2. Palmer, Joseph Benjamin
  572. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 235; Image: 480; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Butler, John William
  573. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 165; Image: 339; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Age in 1860: 64
    2. Masters, Davis Coe
  574. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lower Division, Wilkes, North Carolina; Roll: ; Page: 30; Image: 60.
    1. Thompson, Mary
    2. Residence, Thompson, Mary
  575. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pilot Grove, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 436.
    1. Butler, Nancy Harriet
  576. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 510.
    1. Residence, Chaney, Emmaline
    2. Chaney, Emmaline
  577. Year: 1860; Census Place: War Eagle, Madison, Arkansas; Roll: M653_45; Page: 527; Image: 527; Family History Library Film: 803045
    1. Birth, Morris, John Shadrach
    2. Morris, John Shadrach
  578. Year: 1860; Census Place: Peoria Ward 2, Peoria, Illinois; Roll: M653_216; Page: 177; Image: 178; Family History Library Film: 803216
    1. Residence, Masters, Thomas Burley
    2. Masters, Thomas Burley
  579. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bear Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 418; Image: 162.
    1. Residence, King, Martha
    2. King, Martha
  580. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 478; Image: 309.
    1. Butler, Bolivar B.
  581. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 795; Image: 473; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Adair, Elisha Milton
    2. Adair, Elisha Milton
  582. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 693; Image: 371.
    1. Birth, Badgett, Thomas Alexander
    2. Badgett, Thomas Alexander
  583. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 626; Image: 304; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sturgis, William A.
  584. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 610; Image: 18; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Residence, Castleman, Emeline Frances
    2. Castleman, Emeline Frances
  585. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 629; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Little, Elijah
  586. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 167; Image: 344.
    1. Bryan, Margery
  587. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Kosciusko, Indiana; Roll: M653_273; Page: 43; Family History Library Film: 803273
    1. Burtwhistle, Mary Ann
    2. Residence Post Office: Milford
  588. Year: 1860; Census Place: Scott, Linn, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 16; Image: 16.
    1. Griffith, John Edward
  589. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 690; Image: 688; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Carter, Mary Melissa
    2. Birth, Carter, Mary Melissa
  590. Year: 1860; Census Place: Regiment 5, Pickens, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1225; Page: 190; Image: 385; Family History Library Film: 805225
    1. Hembree, Mary
  591. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Adair, Missouri; Roll: M653_605; Page: 54; Image: 58; Family History Library Film: 803605
    1. Jones, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Jones, Mary Elizabeth
  592. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wythe, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 267; Image: 11.
    1. Birth, Butler, Richard R.
    2. Butler, Richard R.
  593. Year: 1860; Census Place: Huntsville, Walker, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 98; Image: 204.
    1. Cranford, William
  594. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gallatin, Daviess, Missouri; Roll: M653_617; Page: 559; Image: 563; Family History Library Film: 803617
    1. Alley, Sampson
    2. Birth, Alley, Sampson
  595. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 859; Image: 409.
    1. Holmes, Gilliam Samuel
  596. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mendocino, Sonoma, California; Roll: ; Page: 459; Image: 459.
    1. Birth, Keys, Richard Riley
    2. Keys, Richard Riley
  597. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 477; Image: 307.
    1. Galbraith, California Jane
  598. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 501; Image: 354; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Duncan, Craven
    2. Birth, Duncan, Craven
  599. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 408; Image: 22; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Crow, Alice E.
  600. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Clair, Butler, Ohio; Roll: M653_941; Page: 338; Image: 242; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Residence, Anderson, Virginia C.
    2. Anderson, Virginia C.
  601. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Page: 166; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Freeze, Elizabeth Ann
    2. Birth, Freeze, Elizabeth Ann
  602. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 16; Image: 38; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Birth, Dotson, Barbarry Eliza
    2. Dotson, Barbarry Eliza
  603. Year: 1860; Census Place: Augusta, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 812; Image: 558; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Birth, Wade, Elias Earl
    2. Wade, Elias Earl
  604. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 630; Image: 34; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Johnson, Theodocia Ann
  605. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 11 Range 4, Winston, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 1266; Image: 510.
    1. Residence, Cranford, Winifred
    2. Cranford, Winifred
  606. Year: 1860; Census Place: Walnut, Madison, Iowa; Roll: M653_333; Page: 765; Image: 277; Family History Library Film: 803333
    1. Elledge, Sarah Jane
  607. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 754; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Rector, Stephen Claypool
    2. Rector, Stephen Claypool
  608. Year: 1860; Census Place: Neosho, Newton, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 876; Image: 368.
    1. Cravens, Alice Rebecca
    2. Birth, Cravens, Alice Rebecca
  609. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 600; Image: 278; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sevier, Charles Douglas
    2. Age in 1860: 6
  610. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 5 S Range 1 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: M653_177; Page: 481; Image: 481; Family History Library Film: 803177
    1. Brayfield, Florida Ludica
  611. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 161; Image: 156; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Birth, Sturgis, Robert Cole
    2. Sturgis, Robert Cole
  612. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newton, Barton, Missouri; Roll: M653_607; Page: 15; Image: 19; Family History Library Film: 803607
    1. Rector, Jacob
  613. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 499; Image: 350.
    1. Birth, Chaney, Elisha
    2. Chaney, Elisha
  614. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Blount, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 924; Image: 278.
    1. Cranford, Lewis Mason
  615. Year: 1860; Census Place: Canton, Benton, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 811; Image: 425.
    1. Residence, Hite, David
    2. Hite, David
  616. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 501; Image: 354; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Duncan, Craven
  617. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 164; Image: 338; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Hampton, Martha
    2. Birth, Hampton, Martha
  618. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pike, Warren, Indiana; Roll: M653_305; Page: 654; Image: 206; Family History Library Film: 803305
    1. Magruder, Hezekiah C.
  619. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 126; Image: 261.
    1. Jones, Mariah
  620. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marshall, Virginia; Roll: M653_1360; Page: 329; Image: 337; Family History Library Film: 805360
    1. Age: 63
    2. Parsons, Vincent
  621. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 19, Knox, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1259; Page: 326; Family History Library Film: 805259
    1. Birth, Forgey, Rachel Sawyer
    2. Forgey, Rachel Sawyer
  622. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bethany, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: M653_622; Page: 618; Image: 132; Family History Library Film: 803622
    1. Allen, Stephen Copeland
    2. Birth, Allen, Stephen Copeland
  623. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Christian, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 486; Image: 490.
    1. Israel, John Alexander Franklin
    2. Birth, Israel, John Alexander Franklin
  624. Year: 1860; Census Place: Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 513; Image: 515.
    1. Gottsch, Heinrich
  625. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 639; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Birth, Sisk, Amanda Jane
    2. Sisk, Amanda Jane
  626. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Jefferson, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 712; Image: 218.
    1. Thompson, Sarah Ann
    2. Birth, Thompson, Sarah Ann
  627. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 197; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Wells, John C. Galton
    2. Residence, Wells, John C. Galton
  628. Year: 1860; Census Place: Caney Fork, Pike, Arkansas; Roll: M653_47; Page: 497; Image: 501; Family History Library Film: 803047
    1. Pritchard, Job Esbond
    2. Birth, Pritchard, Job Esbond
  629. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Allen, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 20; Image: 20.
    1. Thaxton, Mary Ann
  630. Year: 1860; Census Place: Polk, Adair, Missouri; Roll: M653_605; Page: 172; Image: 176; Family History Library Film: 803605
    1. Cooter, Elizabeth
  631. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carrrollton, Carroll, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 393; Image: 395.
    1. Residence, Carneal, John Goodloe
    2. Carneal, John Goodloe
  632. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 868; Image: 546.
    1. Roberson, Cinderella
    2. Residence, Roberson, Cinderella
  633. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carroll, Virginia; Roll: M653_1339; Page: 967; Image: 393; Family History Library Film: 805339
    1. Residence, Davis, Abner
    2. Davis, Abner
  634. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 382; Image: 385.
    1. Residence, Fowler, Ruth
    2. Fowler, Ruth
  635. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_349; Page: 258; Image: 258; Family History Library Film: 803349
    1. Birth, Smith, Joseph Ferguson
    2. Smith, Joseph Ferguson
  636. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Pike, Kentucky; Roll: M653_392; Page: 921; Image: 495; Family History Library Film: 803392
    1. McCoy, William Anderson
  637. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Cedar, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 135; Image: 139.
    1. Denton, Susan A.
  638. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Eastern District, Ashe, North Carolina; Roll: M653_887; Page: 372; Image: 304; Family History Library Film: 803887
    1. Sizemore, Owen
  639. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern, Hampshire, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 19; Image: 23.
    1. Residence, Claypool, Priscilla
    2. Claypool, Priscilla
  640. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 995; Image: 429.
    1. Poindexter, Parthena
  641. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 788; Image: 26.
    1. Wood, Minerva Irena
  642. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 894; Image: 146.
    1. Goodpasture, Margaret Frances
    2. Birth, Goodpasture, Margaret Frances
  643. Year: 1860; Census Place: Austin, Travis, Texas; Roll: M653_1306; Page: 299; Family History Library Film: 805306
    1. Birth, Fly, Sophia Louisiana
    2. Fly, Sophia Louisiana
  644. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Van Hoozer, George Valentine
    2. Birth, Van Hoozer, George Valentine
  645. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 499; Image: 350; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Residence, Chaney, Elizabeth
    2. Chaney, Elizabeth
  646. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Clermont, Ohio; Roll: M653_945; Page: 454; Family History Library Film: 803945
    1. Trees, George W.
    2. Residence, Trees, George W.
  647. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 2, Morgan, Kentucky; Roll: M653_388; Page: 329; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 803388
    1. McKinney, Virginia
  648. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 7, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1265; Page: 185; Image: 376; Family History Library Film: 805265
    1. Green, Harriet
    2. Residence, Green, Harriet
  649. Year: 1860; Census Place: Scottsville, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_353; Page: 360; Image: 360; Family History Library Film: 803353
    1. Birth, Motley, Elizabeth Temperance
    2. Motley, Elizabeth Temperance
  650. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Hardy, Virginia; Roll: M653_1351; Page: 588; Image: 76; Family History Library Film: 805351
    1. Combs, Peter
    2. Residence, Combs, Peter
  651. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mountain, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 517; Image: 39.
    1. Montgomery, John Malcolm
  652. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 754; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Whitten, Martha
    2. Residence, Whitten, Martha
  653. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 7, Shelby, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 414; Image: 460; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Residence, Mitchell, Ephraim Miles
    2. Mitchell, Ephraim Miles
  654. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 478; Image: 309.
    1. Residence, Butler, Moses F.
    2. Butler, Moses F.
  655. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clark, Johnson, Arkansas; Roll: M653_44; Page: 943; Image: 449; Family History Library Film: 803044
    1. Smith, Eva
    2. Age in 1860: 30
  656. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 81; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Dunnegan, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Residence Post Office: Humansville
  657. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 390; Image: 390.
    1. Residence, Flannigan, Martha J.
    2. Flannigan, Martha J.
  658. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 399; Image: 420.
    1. Birth, Carter, Mary Caroline
    2. Carter, Mary Caroline
  659. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Half of County, Crittenden, Kentucky; Roll: M653_363; Page: 310; Image: 310; Family History Library Film: 803363
    1. McKinney, George A.
  660. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 233; Image: 477.
    1. Butler, Octavia Conn
  661. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 178; Image: 366; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Gore, William Phelps
  662. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 247.
    1. Holmes, Moses Carpenter
  663. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 S Range 10 W, Monroe, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 165; Image: 165.
    1. Ettling, George Phillip
  664. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 88; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Carneal, Elijah Lee
  665. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Birth, Crow, John Anderson
    2. Crow, John Anderson
  666. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Hawn, William Simpson
    2. Birth, Hawn, William Simpson
  667. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 358; Image: 337; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Rightsell, Rebecca Jane
  668. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Neill, Mary Arabella
  669. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 214; Image: 437; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Cullom, Sarah Ann
  670. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 444; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Chaney, Rebecca Amanda
  671. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Pickaway, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 134; Image: 273.
    1. Gatewood, Margaret
    2. Residence, Gatewood, Margaret
  672. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Daviess, Missouri; Roll: M653_617; Page: 449; Image: 453; Family History Library Film: 803617
    1. Birth, McDaniel, James Russell
    2. McDaniel, James Russell
  673. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 24; Image: 51.
    1. Naylor, James Fitch
  674. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Sevier, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 93; Image: 93.
    1. Residence, Jordan, Martha Ann
    2. Jordan, Martha Ann
  675. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Cobb, Georgia; Roll: M653_117; Page: 400; Image: 400; Family History Library Film: 803117
    1. Birth, Masters, Charlotte
    2. Masters, Charlotte
  676. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sugar Creek, Boone, Indiana; Roll: M653_245; Page: 893; Image: 373; Family History Library Film: 803245
    1. Birth, Brown, Isaac
    2. Brown, Isaac
  677. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Fayette, Indiana; Roll: M653_256; Page: 801; Image: 801; Family History Library Film: 803256
    1. Birth, Alley, Theresa
    2. Alley, Theresa
  678. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sugar Loaf, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 912; Image: 462; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Manley, John Alexander Butler
    2. Age: 55
  679. Year: 1860; Census Place: Rock Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 636; Image: 382; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Birth, Loewer, Andrew R.
    2. Loewer, Andrew R.
  680. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fox River, Davis, Iowa; Roll: M653_317; Page: 897; Image: 385; Family History Library Film: 803317
    1. Strunk, Daniel S.
  681. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 155; Image: 317.
    1. Cain, Nancy E.
    2. Birth, Cain, Nancy E.
  682. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 656; Image: 64; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Residence, Louthan, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Louthan, Mary Elizabeth
  683. Year: 1860; Census Place: Peoria Ward 2, Peoria, Illinois; Roll: M653_216; Page: 177; Image: 178; Family History Library Film: 803216
    1. Borland, Elizabeth
  684. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Birth, Neill, Phebe Letitia
    2. Neill, Phebe Letitia
  685. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Cherokee, Alabama; Roll: M653_5; Page: 54; Family History Library Film: 803005
    1. Morgan, Priscilla
  686. Year: 1860; Census Place: Oktibbeha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_589; Page: 104; Image: 108; Family History Library Film: 803589
    1. Masters, Charlotte
  687. Year: 1860; Census Place: McComb, Hancock, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 108; Image: 220.
    1. Fout, Frederick
  688. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 487; Image: 327.
    1. Residence, Young, Elizabeth
    2. Young, Elizabeth
  689. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 483; Image: 318.
    1. Birth, Justice, Abraham
    2. Justice, Abraham
  690. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Van Buren, Iowa; Roll: M653_342; Page: 79; Image: 322; Family History Library Film: 803342
    1. Residence, Gilchrist, William Nelson
    2. Gilchrist, William Nelson
  691. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Fentress, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1249; Page: 6; Image: 16; Family History Library Film: 805249
    1. Huddleston, Joel Green
  692. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Greene, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 629; Image: 33.
    1. Cain, George Jefferson
    2. Residence, Cain, George Jefferson
  693. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Sebastian, Arkansas; Roll: M653_50; Page: 1039; Image: 493; Family History Library Film: 803050
    1. Residence, Coy, Phoebe Jane
    2. Coy, Phoebe Jane
  694. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Greenbrier, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 426; Image: 434.
    1. Hoylman, John Jordan
  695. Year: 1860; Census Place: Salem, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 141; Image: 285; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Snyder, Hannah Jane
  696. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Residence, Frieze, Alfred Milburn
    2. Frieze, Alfred Milburn
  697. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 429; Image: 428.
    1. Residence, Christ, Magdalena
    2. Christ, Magdalena
  698. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wythe, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 267; Image: 11.
    1. Birth, Mitchell, Isabelle
    2. Mitchell, Isabelle
  699. Year: 1860; Census Place: Caldwell, Texas; Roll: M653_1289; Page: 205; Image: 417; Family History Library Film: 805289
    1. Reed, William Asa
  700. Year: 1860; Census Place: N E Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 789; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Mays, Jesse O.
  701. Year: 1860; Census Place: Olean, Cattaraugus, New York; Roll: ; Page: 751; Image: 168.
    1. Kelsey, James
    2. Residence, Kelsey, James
  702. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 1001; Image: 435.
    1. Stubbs, Martha Ann
  703. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fishing River, Ray, Missouri; Roll: M653_643; Page: 88; Image: 91; Family History Library Film: 803643
    1. Birth, O'Dell, Catherine
    2. O'Dell, Catherine
  704. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Clair, Butler, Ohio; Roll: M653_941; Page: 338; Image: 242; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Anderson, Virginia C.
  705. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 572; Image: 134.
    1. Carter, John R.
  706. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western District, Upshur, Texas; Roll: M653_1306; Page: 392; Image: 316; Family History Library Film: 805306
    1. Birth, Adams, Rebecca
    2. Adams, Rebecca
  707. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Blount, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 924; Image: 278.
    1. Cranford, Lewis Mason
    2. Birth, Cranford, Lewis Mason
  708. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 222; Image: 221.
    1. Birth, Kennon, Louisa Sarah
    2. Kennon, Louisa Sarah
  709. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 694; Image: 692.
    1. Near Franklin, Illinois
    2. Van Note, Jefferson
  710. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newark, Licking, Ohio; Roll: M653_998; Page: 136; Image: 276; Family History Library Film: 803998
    1. Birth, Claypool, Tirzah
    2. Claypool, Tirzah
  711. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 478; Image: 309; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Adkinson, William F.
    2. Residence, Adkinson, William F.
  712. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Franklin, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1249; Page: 99; Image: 205; Family History Library Film: 805249
    1. Birth, Stovall, John
    2. Stovall, John
  713. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 185; Image: 185.
    1. Birth, Green, John Wesley
    2. Green, John Wesley
  714. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 3, Rusk, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 229; Image: 82; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Davis, William Columbus
  715. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Lee, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 707.
    1. Kempker, Theressa
  716. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 392; Image: 392.
    1. Birth, Ice, Rachel Jane
    2. Ice, Rachel Jane
  717. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_224; Page: 680; Image: 679; Family History Library Film: 803224
    1. Age: 40
    2. Rodenmeyer, George
  718. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 N Range 2 W (North two-thirds), Montgomery, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 224; Image: 224.
    1. Residence, Whitten, Elizabeth Jane
    2. Whitten, Elizabeth Jane
  719. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 573; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Carter, John S.
    2. Age: 23
  720. Year: 1860; Census Place: North East Revenue District, Fauquier, Virginia; Roll: M653_1344; Page: 103; Image: 110; Family History Library Film: 805344
    1. Residence, Fitzhugh, George Warren
    2. Fitzhugh, George Warren
  721. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Thomas Davie
    2. Birth, Masters, Thomas Davie
  722. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 130; Image: 269; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Birth, Pickel, James L.
    2. Pickel, James L.
  723. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 210; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Ogletree, Reason O.
  724. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 754; Image: 432.
    1. Claypool, Lucenda Jane
  725. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 355; Image: 359.
    1. Residence, Farnsley, Martha G. Mattie
    2. Farnsley, Martha G. Mattie
  726. Year: 1860; Census Place: Alleghany, Virginia; Roll: M653_1332; Page: 82; Image: 86; Family History Library Film: 805332
    1. Residence, Porter, Minerva
    2. Porter, Minerva
  727. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 233; Image: 477; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Quarls, Margaret
  728. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Montgomery, Indiana; Roll: M653_283; Page: 129; Image: 133; Family History Library Film: 803283
    1. Residence, Miller, Lydia
    2. Miller, Lydia
  729. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 620; Image: 618; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Coons, James Harvey
    2. Residence, Coons, James Harvey
  730. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 795; Image: 33.
    1. Cranford, John Calvin
  731. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 510.
    1. Curry, Tabitha Elizabeth
  732. Year: 1860; Census Place: Unity, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 1119; Image: 489.
    1. Blumenauer, Catherina
  733. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nishnabotna, Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 586; Image: 90; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Residence, Morgan, Daniel Bartlett
    2. Morgan, Daniel Bartlett
  734. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Hawn, Melinda
  735. Year: 1860; Census Place: Crane, Wyandot, Ohio; Roll: M653_1054; Page: 404; Family History Library Film: 805054
    1. Spencer, Charles Ferrell
    2. Birth, Spencer, Charles Ferrell
  736. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 894; Image: 146.
    1. Goodpasture, Winborn Wellsbar
    2. Birth, Goodpasture, Winborn Wellsbar
  737. Year: 1860; Census Place: Panola, Mississippi; Roll: M653_589; Page: 212; Family History Library Film: 803589
    1. Magee, Bluford Ancil
  738. Year: 1860; Census Place: Graves, Kentucky; Roll: M653_369; Page: 85; Image: 85; Family History Library Film: 803369
    1. Birth, Simpson, Georgia Ann
    2. Simpson, Georgia Ann
  739. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 251; Image: 507; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Egbert, Marion Dallas
  740. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 172; Image: 353.
    1. Butler, Thomas Clark
  741. Year: 1860; Census Place: Amherst, Lorain, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 319; Image: 278.
    1. Remington, Benedict Bliss
  742. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bear Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 418; Image: 162.
    1. King, Henry T.
  743. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lebanon, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 236; Image: 476; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Birth, Chamberlain, Henry Clay
    2. Chamberlain, Henry Clay
  744. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Greene, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 629; Image: 33.
    1. Cain, Emaline
    2. Residence, Cain, Emaline
  745. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fredericksville Parish, Albemarle, Virginia; Roll: M653_1331; Page: 376; Image: 26; Family History Library Film: 805331
    1. Bibb, Helen M.
  746. Year: 1860; Census Place: Liberty, Henry, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 119; Image: 119; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Adams, Joel
    2. Birth, Adams, Joel
  747. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Page: 262; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Hair, Franklin D.
    2. Residence, Hair, Franklin D.
  748. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carroll, Platte, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 562; Image: 48.
    1. Bullock, Merida
  749. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 625; Image: 303; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Seymour, Nancy
  750. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richland, Vinton, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 219; Image: 22.
    1. Residence, England, Elizabeth "Betsy"
    2. England, Elizabeth "Betsy"
  751. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pleasant Grove, Coles, Illinois; Page: 349; Family History Library Film: 803171
    1. Kelly, Sarah Catherine "Kate"
  752. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 572; Image: 134.
    1. Birth, Carter, John R.
    2. Carter, John R.
  753. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gap, Montgomery, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 902; Image: 370.
    1. Birth, Hall, Samuel Carrol
    2. Hall, Samuel Carrol
  754. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 239; Image: 238.
    1. Forgey, John Henry
  755. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Greenbrier, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 426; Image: 434.
    1. Residence, Hoylman, John Jordan
    2. Hoylman, John Jordan
  756. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 13, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 85; Image: 177; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Bratton, George Washington
  757. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 688.
    1. Masters, Nancy
    2. Residence, Masters, Nancy
  758. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_224; Page: 429; Image: 428; Family History Library Film: 803224
    1. Christ, Nicolaus
  759. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 478; Image: 309.
    1. Winters, Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Winters, Elizabeth
  760. Year: 1860; Census Place: Des Moines, Boone, Iowa; Roll: M653_312; Page: 253; Image: 253; Family History Library Film: 803312
    1. Payne, Nancy Elizabeth
  761. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 74; Image: 154; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Pope, Mahalia
    2. Birth, Pope, Mahalia
  762. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 9, Rutherford, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1271; Page: 55; Image: 114; Family History Library Film: 805271
    1. Palmer, Horace Edward Judge
  763. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 111; Image: 231; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Peak, Susannah
  764. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 630; Image: 34; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Cain, John Harold
    2. Residence, Cain, John Harold
  765. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 140; Image: 289.
    1. Eldridge, James Harrison
  766. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Marshall, Alabama; Roll: M653_16; Page: 940; Image: 466; Family History Library Film: 803016
    1. Prentice, Samuel Wesley
  767. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Mitchell, Charles
  768. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sherrill, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 1100; Image: 529.
    1. McGiboney, Cora Anna Amanda
  769. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 614; Image: 292; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Spires, Anna W.
  770. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 355; Image: 332; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Birth, Baker, William
    2. Baker, William
  771. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 36; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Holmes, Janet M.
    2. Residence Post Office: Plenitude
  772. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 576; Image: 578; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Birth, Hart, Charles A.
    2. Hart, Charles A.
  773. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Van Hoozer, Rachel
  774. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Montgomery, Indiana; Roll: M653_283; Page: 129; Image: 133; Family History Library Film: 803283
    1. Griest, William
  775. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 150; Image: 150.
    1. Wright, Richard
  776. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Conway, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 583; Image: 585.
    1. Birth, Crow, Nancy Rosanna
    2. Crow, Nancy Rosanna
  777. Year: 1860; Census Place: San Jose, Santa Clara, California; Roll: M653_65; Page: 352; Image: 352; Family History Library Film: 803065
    1. Birth, Spencer, William C.
    2. Spencer, William C.
  778. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 36; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Holmes, Susan Callie
    2. Birth, Holmes, Susan Callie
  779. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 774; Image: 452; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Rector, Rebecca
  780. Year: 1860; Census Place: Persifer, Knox, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 598; Image: 263.
    1. Residence, Claypool, Margaret
    2. Claypool, Margaret
  781. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 397; Image: 416; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Millikan, Mary
    2. Birth, Millikan, Mary
  782. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Wayne, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 839; Image: 481.
    1. Crum, Calista
    2. Birth, Crum, Calista
  783. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Howell, Jesse
  784. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 832; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Carpenter, Mildred C.
    2. Carpenter, Mildred C.
  785. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 36; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Henson, Sarah Jane
    2. Henson, Sarah Jane
  786. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 238; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Forgey, Samuel Scott
    2. Birth, Forgey, Samuel Scott
  787. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Perry, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 346; Image: 115.
    1. Residence, McCaig, Mariah Adeline
    2. McCaig, Mariah Adeline
  788. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bristol, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 88; Image: 93; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Cheney, Moses
  789. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bangor, Marshall, Iowa; Roll: M653_335; Page: 129; Image: 571; Family History Library Film: 803335
    1. Residence, Burcham, Samuel
    2. Burcham, Samuel
  790. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 N Range 6 W, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_225; Page: 804; Image: 41; Family History Library Film: 803225
    1. Monken, Anna
    2. Birth, Monken, Anna
  791. Year: 1860; Census Place: Amherst, Virginia; Roll: M653_1332; Page: 413; Image: 421; Family History Library Film: 805332
    1. Residence, Cowell, Sarah "Sallie" A.
    2. Cowell, Sarah "Sallie" A.
  792. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 206; Image: 421; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Goodpasture, Abraham Hamilton Rev.
  793. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 140; Image: 289.
    1. Butler, Martha Elizabeth
  794. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 446; Image: 513.
    1. Birth, Jones, Winnie
    2. Jones, Winnie
  795. Year: 1860; Census Place: Shoal Creek, Johnson, Arkansas; Roll: M653_44; Page: 1059; Image: 567; Family History Library Film: 803044
    1. Spicer, William J.
    2. Age in 1860: 28
  796. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 27; Image: 58.
    1. Burk, Elizabeth Emily
  797. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 222; Image: 221.
    1. Crow, James M.
  798. Year: 1860; Census Place: Noble, Wabash, Indiana; Roll: M653_304; Page: 216; Image: 216; Family History Library Film: 803304
    1. Davis, Lydia
    2. Residence, Davis, Lydia
  799. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Grant, Lucy Ann
    2. Residence, Grant, Lucy Ann
  800. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 511; Image: 375.
    1. Birth, Taylor, James Francis
    2. Taylor, James Francis
  801. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 820; Image: 378; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Birth, Scott, Rebecca
    2. Scott, Rebecca
  802. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Morgan, Alabama; Roll: M653_19; Page: 494; Image: 496; Family History Library Film: 803019
    1. Weaver, William Sampson
  803. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Waller, Elizabeth E.
    2. Birth, Waller, Elizabeth E.
  804. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Van Buren, Iowa; Roll: M653_342; Page: 79; Image: 322; Family History Library Film: 803342
    1. Gilchrist, William Nelson
    2. Birth, Gilchrist, William Nelson
  805. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Louisiana; Roll: M653_423; Page: 303; Family History Library Film: 803423
    1. Aldredge, California Adeline Callie
  806. Year: 1860; Census Place: White Rock, Franklin, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 329; Image: 329.
    1. Horner, Elias Witt
    2. Birth, Horner, Elias Witt
  807. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 509.
    1. Chaney, William Henegar
  808. Year: 1860; Census Place: Northem District, Chesterfield, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 357; Image: 366.
    1. Birth, Ferguson, John Bing
    2. Ferguson, John Bing
  809. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 870; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Bell, James Miles Drew
  810. Year: 1860; Census Place: Precinct 5, Dallas, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 345; Image: 167.
    1. Claypool, Josiah
    2. Residence, Claypool, Josiah
  811. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 130; Image: 269.
    1. Residence, Butler, Mary E.
    2. Butler, Mary E.
  812. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sugar Creek, Barry, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 860; Image: 364; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Wright, Bartholomew
    2. Birth, Wright, Bartholomew
  813. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 13, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 85; Image: 177; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Holmes, Thomas
    2. Birth, Holmes, Thomas
  814. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 12; Image: 12; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Pickering, Jonathan
    2. Pickering, Jonathan
  815. Year: 1860; Census Place: Rock Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 635; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Tummons, Mary Jane
  816. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 13, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 85; Image: 177; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Birth, Bratton, George Washington
    2. Bratton, George Washington
  817. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 827; Image: 65.
    1. Residence, Gibson, Thomas Caid
    2. Gibson, Thomas Caid
  818. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 756; Image: 434.
    1. Residence, Claypoole, Elijah
    2. Claypoole, Elijah
  819. Year: 1860; Census Place: Chattooga Valley, Chattooga, Georgia; Roll: M653_116; Page: 575; Image: 49; Family History Library Film: 803116
    1. Mayo, Daniel
    2. Birth, Mayo, Daniel
  820. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 2, Morgan, Kentucky; Roll: M653_388; Page: 353; Image: 357; Family History Library Film: 803388
    1. Carter, Joseph IV
    2. Residence, Carter, Joseph IV
  821. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 161; Image: 156; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Birth, Sturgis, Joseph
    2. Sturgis, Joseph
  822. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Waller, George
  823. Year: 1860; Census Place: Duchouquet, Auglaize, Ohio; Roll: M653_931; Page: 309; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 803931
    1. Residence, Bonnell, Mary Mercy
    2. Bonnell, Mary Mercy
  824. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 509.
    1. Chaney, Nancy E.
  825. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 382; Image: 385.
    1. Birth, Fowler, Ruth
    2. Fowler, Ruth
  826. Year: 1860; Census Place: North Division, Robeson, North Carolina; Roll: M653_911; Page: 453; Image: 245; Family History Library Film: 803911
    1. Residence, Page, Ann Eliza
    2. Page, Ann Eliza
  827. Year: 1860; Census Place: Somerset, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: M653_937; Page: 389; Image: 326; Family History Library Film: 803937
    1. Birth, Davies, Phariba
    2. Davies, Phariba
  828. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 222; Image: 221.
    1. Crow, William Greenberry James
  829. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 429; Image: 428.
    1. Christ, Magdalena
  830. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Residence, Grant, Edward "Eddie"
    2. Grant, Edward "Eddie"
  831. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grayson, Virginia; Roll: M653_1348; Page: 163; Image: 167; Family History Library Film: 805348
    1. Birth, Barton, John D.
    2. Barton, John D.
  832. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: M653_26; Page: 815; Image: 53; Family History Library Film: 803026
    1. Stacks, John Morgan
    2. Birth, Stacks, John Morgan
  833. Year: 1860; Census Place: Covington Ward 7, Kenton, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 891; Image: 609.
    1. Hilker, Harry Henry
  834. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 688.
    1. Carter, Sarah Clarissa
  835. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Alamance, North Carolina; Roll: ; Page: 88; Image: 176.
    1. Holmes, Sarah "Sallie"
    2. Birth, Holmes, Sarah "Sallie"
  836. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Van Hoozer, William Preston
    2. Birth, Van Hoozer, William Preston
  837. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bourbon, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_346; Page: 357; Image: 357; Family History Library Film: 803346
    1. Birth, Duncan, Winiford
    2. Duncan, Winiford
  838. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 479; Image: 311.
    1. McKamey, Isabella
    2. Birth, McKamey, Isabella
  839. Year: 1860; Census Place: Alleghany, North Carolina; Roll: M653_886; Page: 186; Image: 371; Family History Library Film: 803886
    1. Birth, Davies, Ruth
    2. Davies, Ruth
  840. Year: 1860; Census Place: Precinct 3, Travis, Texas; Roll: M653_1306; Page: 248; Image: 26; Family History Library Film: 805306
    1. Age: 12
    2. Pearce, George Wright
  841. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 405; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Morris, Mahala N.
    2. Residence, Morris, Mahala N.
  842. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 493; Image: 338.
    1. Hawn, Elisha Addison
    2. Birth, Hawn, Elisha Addison
  843. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 457; Image: 535.
    1. Witt, Sarah Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Witt, Sarah Elizabeth
  844. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 777; Image: 455.
    1. Residence, Claypool, Hester Jane
    2. Claypool, Hester Jane
  845. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bristol, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 88; Image: 93; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Cheney, Moses
    2. Residence, Cheney, Moses
  846. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Howell, Luther T.
  847. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 397; Image: 397.
    1. Residence, Fleming, Daniel Henry
    2. Fleming, Daniel Henry
  848. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 247.
    1. Holmes, George Wayne
  849. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Coffee, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1245; Page: 60; Family History Library Film: 805245
    1. Residence Post Office: Manchester
    2. Carter, Rachel Ruth
  850. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 625; Image: 303; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Sturgis, John R.
    2. Sturgis, John R.
  851. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Christian, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 486; Image: 490.
    1. Israel, John Alexander Franklin
    2. Residence, Israel, John Alexander Franklin
  852. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 629; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Masters, Deborah Delong
  853. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 2, Carter, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 454; Image: 350.
    1. Crow, Thomas
    2. Residence, Crow, Thomas
  854. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richland, Delaware, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 13; Image: 237.
    1. Residence, Emerson, Susan Barbara
    2. Emerson, Susan Barbara
  855. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Birth, Hawn, Louisa
    2. Hawn, Louisa
  856. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Benton, Arkansas; Roll: M653_37; Page: 424; Image: 426; Family History Library Film: 803037
    1. Reavis, James Morgan
    2. Birth, Reavis, James Morgan
  857. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 478; Image: 309.
    1. Butler, Obediah L.
    2. Birth, Butler, Obediah L.
  858. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richland, Vinton, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 219; Image: 22.
    1. England, Elizabeth "Betsy"
  859. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 656; Image: 64; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Residence, Louthan, Carter Mckim
    2. Louthan, Carter Mckim
  860. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: M653_1013; Page: 96; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805013
    1. Searls, Mary Alice
    2. Age in 1860: 1
  861. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Polk, Oregon; Roll: M653_1056; Page: 530; Image: 311; Family History Library Film: 805056
    1. Scott, Ellen
  862. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pilot Grove, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 436.
    1. Butler, William Alexander
    2. Residence, Butler, William Alexander
  863. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Blount, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1241; Page: 89; Family History Library Film: 805241
    1. Badgett, Rufus C.
    2. Birth, Badgett, Rufus C.
  864. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Van Hoozer, Hugh
    2. Residence, Van Hoozer, Hugh
  865. Year: 1860; Census Place: Leake, Mississippi; Roll: M653_586; Page: 578; Image: 134; Family History Library Film: 803586
    1. Age in 1860: 52
    2. Sturgis, Melinda M.
  866. Year: 1860; Census Place: Rock Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 635; Image: 381.
    1. Jones, William
    2. Birth, Jones, William
  867. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Page: 638; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Birth, Snyder, Daniel Cleveland
    2. Snyder, Daniel Cleveland
  868. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 247.
    1. Holmes, Lewis Tucker "Tuck"
    2. Birth, Holmes, Lewis Tucker "Tuck"
  869. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 3, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 454; Image: 223; Family History Library Film: 805290
    1. Garrison, Ann Josephine
    2. Residence, Garrison, Ann Josephine
  870. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 214; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Watkins, John T.
    2. Watkins, John T.
  871. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 236; Image: 235.
    1. Fatherlee, Rebecca
  872. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Age: 46
    2. Panter, Sarah Lovel
  873. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 222; Image: 221.
    1. Birth, Frieze, Louisa Jane
    2. Frieze, Louisa Jane
  874. Year: 1860; Census Place: Northem District, Chesterfield, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 357; Image: 366.
    1. Ferguson, John Bing
    2. Residence, Ferguson, John Bing
  875. Year: 1860; Census Place: High Forest, Olmsted, Minnesota; Roll: M653_572; Page: 676; Image: 263; Family History Library Film: 803572
    1. Birth, Parker, Julia A.
    2. Parker, Julia A.
  876. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richardson, Lane, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 276; Image: 556; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Cook, Joel Beckwith
  877. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Fork, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 795; Image: 321.
    1. Birth, Rutherford, Joseph M.
    2. Rutherford, Joseph M.
  878. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richhill, Greene, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 733; Image: 507.
    1. Parsons, Priscella
  879. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 478; Image: 309.
    1. Residence, Butler, Elias
    2. Butler, Elias
  880. Year: 1860; Census Place: Chariton, Randolph, Missouri; Roll: M653_642; Page: 770; Image: 186; Family History Library Film: 803642
    1. Birth, Chrisman, Amelia B.
    2. Chrisman, Amelia B.
  881. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 74; Image: 155; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. , Mary F.
    2. Residence, , Mary F.
  882. Year: 1860; Census Place: Caney Fork, Pike, Arkansas; Roll: M653_47; Page: 497; Image: 501; Family History Library Film: 803047
    1. Pritchard, Job Esbond
  883. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bourbon, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_346; Page: 357; Image: 357; Family History Library Film: 803346
    1. Birth, Claypool, David Franklin
    2. Claypool, David Franklin
  884. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Richmond, Wayne, Indiana; Roll: M653_308; Page: 612; Image: 611; Family History Library Film: 803308
    1. Chandlee, John Goldsmith
    2. Residence, Chandlee, John Goldsmith
  885. Year: 1860; Census Place: Massie, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 341; Image: 688; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Nedry, Emma B.
  886. Year: 1860; Census Place: Boone, Greene, Missouri; Roll: M653_621; Page: 277; Image: 277; Family History Library Film: 803621
    1. Birth, Hendricks, Elenor Willa "Nilla"
    2. Hendricks, Elenor Willa "Nilla"
  887. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 111; Image: 231.
    1. Butler, Frances Matilda "Fannie"
    2. Residence, Butler, Frances Matilda "Fannie"
  888. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Frieze, Martha C.
    2. Birth, Frieze, Martha C.
  889. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 626; Image: 304; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sturgis, Nancy Elizabeth
  890. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 457; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Residence, Angelo, David Roberts
    2. Angelo, David Roberts
  891. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Residence, Hawn, Bersheba Ann
    2. Hawn, Bersheba Ann
  892. Year: 1860; Census Place: Persifer, Knox, Illinois; Roll: M653_195; Page: 598; Image: 263; Family History Library Film: 803195
    1. Dawson, James Albert
  893. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hamilton, Butler, Ohio; Page: 418; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Birth, Louthan, Mary Ellen
    2. Louthan, Mary Ellen
  894. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 81; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Holmes, Sarah Jane
  895. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 88; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Carneal, Thomas Jefferson
    2. Carneal, Thomas Jefferson
  896. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 169; Image: 347; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Dale, William "Bill"
    2. Residence, Dale, William "Bill"
  897. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 392; Image: 392.
    1. Ice, Elijah
    2. Birth, Ice, Elijah
  898. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 578; Image: 140; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Carter, Maria L.
    2. Birth, Carter, Maria L.
  899. Year: 1860; Census Place: Russell, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: ; Page: 38; Image: 43.
    1. Fanning, Caleb
    2. Residence, Fanning, Caleb
  900. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Franklin, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1249; Page: 99; Image: 205; Family History Library Film: 805249
    1. Staples, Elizabeth D.
  901. Year: 1860; Census Place: Georgia Militia District 1029, Fannin, Georgia; Roll: M653_120; Page: 1055; Image: 518; Family History Library Film: 803120
    1. Birth, Anderson, Mary Malvina
    2. Anderson, Mary Malvina
  902. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 512; Image: 376.
    1. Taylor, George M.
  903. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 599; Image: 277; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Ray, William Evermont
  904. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bourbon, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_346; Page: 362; Image: 362; Family History Library Film: 803346
    1. Bonner, Telitha Ellen
    2. Birth, Bonner, Telitha Ellen
  905. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 155; Image: 317.
    1. Cain, Amanda Catherine
  906. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 196; Image: 195.
    1. Christian, James
  907. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Carroll, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 94; Image: 192.
    1. Residence, Holmes, Joseph Rev.
    2. Holmes, Joseph Rev.
  908. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 576; Image: 578; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Birth, Hart, William T.
    2. Hart, William T.
  909. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sparta, White, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 83; Image: 172.
    1. Birth, Gardenhire, Alice Catherina
    2. Gardenhire, Alice Catherina
  910. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Pike, Kentucky; Roll: M653_392; Page: 921; Image: 495; Family History Library Film: 803392
    1. McCoy, William Anderson
    2. Birth, McCoy, William Anderson
  911. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 20, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 480; Image: 375; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Fitzgerald, Rebecca
  912. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Lauderdale, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 365; Image: 72.
    1. Haynes, Sarah
  913. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 251; Image: 507; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Birth, Egbert, Marion Dallas
    2. Egbert, Marion Dallas
  914. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Jackson, Louisiana; Roll: ; Page: 431; Image: 451.
    1. Walsworth, Mary Frances
    2. Residence, Walsworth, Mary Frances
  915. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 250; Image: 506; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Pauly, Arminda Frances
  916. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 388; Image: 398; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Counts, Sarah Margaret
    2. Residence, Counts, Sarah Margaret
  917. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Blount, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1241; Page: 89; Family History Library Film: 805241
    1. Badgett, Rufus C.
  918. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Marshall, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 329; Image: 337.
    1. Everly, Anna
    2. Residence, Everly, Anna
  919. Year: 1860; Census Place: Persifer, Knox, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 598; Image: 263.
    1. Birth, Claypool, Margaret
    2. Claypool, Margaret
  920. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 134; Image: 276.
    1. Residence, Williams, Robert
    2. Williams, Robert
  921. Year: 1860; Census Place: Regiment 22, Mecklenburg, Virginia; Roll: M653_1362; Page: 209; Image: 219; Family History Library Film: 805362
    1. Clarke, John Edward
  922. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 623; Image: 27; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Birth, Masters, Douglas
    2. Masters, Douglas
  923. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Masters, Mary Ann
    2. Masters, Mary Ann
  924. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dardenne, St Charles, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 861; Image: 366.
    1. Howell, Nancy
  925. Year: 1860; Census Place: Goochland, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 924; Image: 584; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Birth, Jordan, Eliza Browder
    2. Jordan, Eliza Browder
  926. Year: 1860; Census Place: Berkeley, Virginia; Page: 899; Family History Library Film: 805335
    1. Birth, Neill, Elizabeth
    2. Neill, Elizabeth
  927. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 630; Image: 34; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Cain, John Harold
    2. Birth, Cain, John Harold
  928. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 252; Image: 515; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Watson, Martin Alexander
    2. Residence, Watson, Martin Alexander
  929. Year: 1860; Census Place: Duchouquet, Auglaize, Ohio; Roll: M653_931; Page: 309; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 803931
    1. Parlett, Margaret Ann
  930. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Gardiner, Kennebec, Maine; Roll: M653_439; Page: 500; Image: 501; Family History Library Film: 803439
    1. Dearborn, Sarah
    2. Residence, Dearborn, Sarah
  931. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 504; Image: 360; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Green, Andrew Jackson
    2. Birth, Green, Andrew Jackson
  932. Year: 1860; Census Place: Rush, Buchanan, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 29; Image: 29.
    1. Van Hoozer, Isaac Callahan
  933. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fort Madison, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 608; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Forgey, James Allen
  934. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wells, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 656; Image: 270; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Wilkinson, William Warner
    2. Residence, Wilkinson, William Warner
  935. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 717; Image: 727.
    1. Residence, Hassell, George Washington
    2. Hassell, George Washington
  936. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 126; Image: 261.
    1. Harvey, Wilson N. Rev.
  937. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 13 Range 11, Scott, Illinois; Roll: M653_227; Page: 1029; Image: 205; Family History Library Film: 803227
    1. Residence, Allen, Elizabeth Jane
    2. Allen, Elizabeth Jane
  938. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: M653_22; Page: 667; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 803022
    1. Weathers, Jesse
    2. Birth, Weathers, Jesse
  939. Year: 1860; Census Place: Brick, Ocean, New Jersey; Roll: M653_705; Page: 99; Image: 97; Family History Library Film: 803705
    1. Birth, Fielder, Benjamin Hance
    2. Fielder, Benjamin Hance
  940. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fort Calhoun, Washington, Nebraska Territory; Roll: ; Page: 868; Image: 26.
    1. Huber, Paulena Helene
    2. Residence, Huber, Paulena Helene
  941. Year: 1860; Census Place: Kingston, Rockingham, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_678; Page: 570; Image: 572; Family History Library Film: 803678
    1. Cheney, Nathaniel Dearborn
    2. Residence, Cheney, Nathaniel Dearborn
  942. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Hickman, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 528; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Residence, Chaney, Abel
    2. Chaney, Abel
  943. Year: 1860; Census Place: Salem, Carroll, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 1121; Image: 429.
    1. Hilty, Catherine
  944. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 250; Image: 506; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Pauly, Arminda Frances
    2. Birth, Pauly, Arminda Frances
  945. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 446; Image: 513.
    1. Jones, Winnie
  946. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Annes Parish, Albemarle, Virginia; Roll: M653_1331; Page: 519; Image: 167; Family History Library Film: 805331
    1. McClain, George
  947. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wayne, Bartholomew, Indiana; Roll: M653_244; Page: 172; Image: 172; Family History Library Film: 803244
    1. Walker, Jesse
  948. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Knox, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1259; Page: 94; Image: 195; Family History Library Film: 805259
    1. Birth, Masters, Eliza Jane
    2. Masters, Eliza Jane
  949. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nishnabotna, Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 586; Image: 90; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Birth, Sturgis, Nancy Anna
    2. Sturgis, Nancy Anna
  950. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sparta, White, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 83; Image: 172.
    1. Gardenhire, Alice Catherina
  951. Year: 1860; Census Place: Macon, Illinois; Roll: M653_203; Page: 809; Image: 243; Family History Library Film: 803203
    1. Masters, Davis Coe
  952. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fairview, Jasper, Iowa; Roll: M653_325; Page: 25; Image: 239; Family History Library Film: 803325
    1. Davis, Sarah Maude
  953. Year: 1860; Census Place: Meridian, Ingham, Michigan; Roll: M653_545; Page: 292; Family History Library Film: 803545
    1. Pfeifer, Margeretha
    2. Birth, Pfeifer, Margeretha
  954. Year: 1860; Census Place: Liberty, Adair, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 113; Image: 117.
    1. Bradigum, Orpah
    2. Birth, Bradigum, Orpah
  955. Year: 1860; Census Place: Livingston, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 289; Image: 590.
    1. Goodbar, Andrew Jackson
    2. Birth, Goodbar, Andrew Jackson
  956. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 578; Image: 140; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Perring, Ezra
    2. Birth, Perring, Ezra
  957. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern, Hampshire, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 19; Image: 23.
    1. Claypool, Priscilla
    2. Birth, Claypool, Priscilla
  958. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Cranford, Nancy Emily
    2. Birth, Cranford, Nancy Emily
  959. Year: 1860; Census Place: Northeast, Orange, Indiana; Roll: M653_286; Page: 709; Image: 183; Family History Library Film: 803286
    1. Phillips, John M.
  960. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Putnam, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 38; Image: 82; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. McCulley, George Washington
  961. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 894; Image: 146.
    1. Goodpasture, Sarah Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Goodpasture, Sarah Elizabeth
  962. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Barren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_354; Page: 841; Image: 281; Family History Library Film: 803354
    1. Payne, Oscar Alonzo
    2. Birth, Payne, Oscar Alonzo
  963. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 68; Image: 141.
    1. Whitwell, William
    2. Residence, Whitwell, William
  964. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Page: 180; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Miller, Louise
  965. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Shelby, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1273; Page: 337; Family History Library Film: 805273
    1. Sturgis, Elizabeth Synthia
    2. Residence, Sturgis, Elizabeth Synthia
  966. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 624; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Van Note, Elizabeth Ann
    2. Birth, Van Note, Elizabeth Ann
  967. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 88; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Birth, Davidson, Lewis Asbury
    2. Davidson, Lewis Asbury
  968. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Montgomery, Indiana; Roll: M653_283; Page: 129; Image: 133; Family History Library Film: 803283
    1. Miller, Lydia
    2. Birth, Miller, Lydia
  969. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Knox, Illinois; Roll: M653_195; Page: 1026; Image: 681; Family History Library Film: 803195
    1. Crawford, John Rev.
  970. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richland, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 445; Image: 449; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Birth, Siegmunt, John Jacob
    2. Siegmunt, John Jacob
  971. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 8, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 605; Image: 607; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Samples, Rebecca A.
    2. Birth, Samples, Rebecca A.
  972. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Joseph, Buchanan, Missouri; Roll: M653_609; Page: 434; Image: 436; Family History Library Film: 803609
    1. Residence, Fowler, William
    2. Fowler, William
  973. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hamilton, Butler, Ohio; Page: 441; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Residence Post Office: Hamilton
    2. Shaffer, George Keck
  974. Year: 1860; Census Place: Berkeley, Virginia; Page: 899; Family History Library Film: 805335
    1. Neill, Elizabeth
  975. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Van Buren, Iowa; Roll: M653_342; Page: 281; Image: 522; Family History Library Film: 803342
    1. Birth, Stringfield, Matilda
    2. Stringfield, Matilda
  976. Year: 1860; Census Place: DeSoto, Mississippi; Roll: M653_581; Page: 70; Family History Library Film: 803581
    1. Residence Post Office: Looxahoma
    2. Mitchell, Andrew Tate
  977. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 696; Image: 244.
    1. Holmes, Artemissa Adaline
  978. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 477; Image: 307.
    1. Birth, Galbraith, Samuel F.
    2. Galbraith, Samuel F.
  979. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 614; Image: 292; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Seymour, Sarah E. "Nettie"
    2. Birth, Seymour, Sarah E. "Nettie"
  980. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 765; Image: 443; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Age in 1860: 40
    2. Sears, Elizabeth A.
  981. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 477; Image: 307.
    1. Butler, Martha Jane
  982. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Fork, Montgomery, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 854; Image: 322.
    1. Cranford, Mathew Thomas
  983. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Marion, Indiana; Roll: M653_280; Page: 847; Family History Library Film: 803280
    1. Residence Post Office: Indianapolis
    2. Dawson, John William
  984. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Greene, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 629; Image: 33.
    1. Cain, Emaline
  985. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 667; Image: 193.
    1. Morrison, Sarah P. "Sally"
    2. Birth, Morrison, Sarah P. "Sally"
  986. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nishnabotna, Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 586; Image: 90; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Buxton, Lestacia Ann "Tacy"
  987. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Blount, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 924; Image: 278.
    1. Cranford, Henrietta
    2. Residence, Cranford, Henrietta
  988. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 132; Image: 272; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Pickel, George
  989. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 356; Image: 360.
    1. Birth, Kessinger, Margrette Ellen
    2. Kessinger, Margrette Ellen
  990. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 134; Image: 276.
    1. Williams, Robert
  991. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 271; Image: 273.
    1. Wright, Alexander Augustus
    2. Residence, Wright, Alexander Augustus
  992. Year: 1860; Census Place: Princeton, Green Lake, Wisconsin; Roll: M653_1410; Page: 1081; Family History Library Film: 805410
    1. Cook, Caleb Woodward
  993. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 499; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Chaney, Elisha Tollivar
    2. Residence, Chaney, Elisha Tollivar
  994. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 752; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Howell, Mary S.
    2. Howell, Mary S.
  995. Year: 1860; Census Place: Amherst, Lorain, Ohio; Roll: M653_1002; Page: 319; Image: 278; Family History Library Film: 805002
    1. Age: 64
    2. Remington, Henry John
  996. Year: 1860; Census Place: Miami, Lykins, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 248; Image: 248.
    1. Doud, Pricilla May
  997. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 236; Image: 478; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Forgey, Burrell C.
    2. Residence, Forgey, Burrell C.
  998. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 868; Image: 546.
    1. Claypool, John Savage
    2. Residence, Claypool, John Savage
  999. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Sullivan, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 676; Image: 120.
    1. Residence, Bailey, Celia
    2. Bailey, Celia
  1000. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Kentucky; Roll: M653_363; Page: 186; Image: 186; Family History Library Film: 803363
    1. Reaves, Melinda Abston
  1001. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 717; Image: 727.
    1. Birth, Hall, Sarah Frances "Fanny"
    2. Hall, Sarah Frances "Fanny"
  1002. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 3, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Page: 190; Family History Library Film: 803655
    1. Carter, Sarah Elizabeth
    2. Residence Post Office: St Louis
  1003. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 172; Image: 353; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Chumley, Elizabeth Jane
  1004. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 252; Image: 515; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Jones, Catherine
  1005. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 523; Image: 522.
    1. Birth, Whiteside, John Henry
    2. Whiteside, John Henry
  1006. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Lafayette, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 631; Image: 281.
    1. Neill, Hyman G.
  1007. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: M653_658; Page: 1002; Image: 436; Family History Library Film: 803658
    1. Robertson, Jane
    2. Birth, Robertson, Jane
  1008. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 369, Putnam, Georgia; Roll: M653_134; Page: 399; Image: 394; Family History Library Film: 803134
    1. Residence, Masters, Patsy Martha
    2. Masters, Patsy Martha
  1009. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 203; Image: 414.
    1. Residence, Hood, Francis Albert
    2. Hood, Francis Albert
  1010. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 N Range 2 W (North two-thirds), Montgomery, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 225; Image: 225.
    1. Whitten, Thomas J.
  1011. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lincoln, Logan, Illinois; Page: 124; Family History Library Film: 803200
    1. Young, James E.
  1012. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 222; Image: 221.
    1. Frieze, Louisa Jane
  1013. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Masters, Mary Ann
    2. Masters, Mary Ann
  1014. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 3 E, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 970; Image: 170.
    1. Birth, Karr, Sydney
    2. Karr, Sydney
  1015. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 88; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Carneal, Thomas Jefferson
  1016. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Forsyth, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 532; Image: 532.
    1. Julian, Bailey Frazier
  1017. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gallatin, Daviess, Missouri; Roll: M653_617; Page: 559; Image: 563; Family History Library Film: 803617
    1. Alley, Sampson
  1018. Year: 1860; Census Place: Morris, Greene, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1114; Page: 658; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 805114
    1. Iams, Samuel
  1019. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 119; Image: 247; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Gholston, William
    2. Residence, Gholston, William
  1020. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 20, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 477; Image: 369; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Magrum, Mary Ethel
    2. Residence, Magrum, Mary Ethel
  1021. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lebanon, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 212; Image: 427; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Age in 1860: 22
    2. Van Note, Mary Jane
  1022. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fall River, Wasco, Oregon; Roll: M653_1056; Page: 611; Image: 474; Family History Library Film: 805056
    1. Residence, Walker, Arthur Morgan
    2. Walker, Arthur Morgan
  1023. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 476; Image: 305.
    1. Birth, Webster, John Wesley
    2. Webster, John Wesley
  1024. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 343; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Hinds, Simeon II Dr.
    2. Hinds, Simeon II Dr.
  1025. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 476; Image: 305.
    1. Birth, Wright, Malinda Malita
    2. Wright, Malinda Malita
  1026. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mequon, Ozaukee, Wisconsin; Roll: ; Page: 885; Image: 313.
    1. Taute, Martin
    2. Residence, Taute, Martin
  1027. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grayson, Virginia; Roll: M653_1348; Page: 79; Image: 83; Family History Library Film: 805348
    1. Simcock, John Kelly
  1028. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wayne, Bartholomew, Indiana; Page: 172; Family History Library Film: 803244
    1. Walker, John E.
  1029. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ervin, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 837; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Harness, Susan A.
  1030. Year: 1860; Census Place: Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine; Roll: M653_438; Page: 212; Image: 214; Family History Library Film: 803438
    1. Age in 1860: 83
    2. Sawyer, David
  1031. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Wright, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 967; Image: 406.
    1. Weatherman, John Calvin
  1032. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 7, Frederick, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 666; Image: 320; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Williams, Ellen Francis Melborn
  1033. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Hickman, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 529; Image: 89.
    1. Chaney, Hezekiah
  1034. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 206; Image: 421; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Goodpasture, Abraham Hamilton Rev.
    2. Goodpasture, Abraham Hamilton Rev.
  1035. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 599; Image: 277; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Van Note, Mary C.
    2. Van Note, Mary C.
  1036. Year: 1860; Census Place: York, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1228; Page: 426; Image: 261; Family History Library Film: 805228
    1. Sturgis, William
    2. Age in 1860: 57
  1037. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 133; Image: 274.
    1. Residence, Williams, Edward
    2. Williams, Edward
  1038. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois; Roll: M653_156; Page: 175; Image: 175; Family History Library Film: 803156
    1. Age in 1860: 49
    2. Sturgis, Daniel Bartlett Dr.
  1039. Year: 1860; Census Place: York, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1228; Page: 461; Image: 332; Family History Library Film: 805228
    1. Schooley, Frances Alberta
    2. Age: 47
  1040. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 499; Image: 350.
    1. Chaney, Elisha
  1041. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 656; Image: 64; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Louthan, Mary Elizabeth
  1042. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 178; Image: 365; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Allen, Arkley McGinnis
  1043. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 355; Image: 359.
    1. Farnsley, Julia N.
    2. Birth, Farnsley, Julia N.
  1044. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 81; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Holmes, Matilda Elizabeth "Sallie"
    2. Residence Post Office: Humansville
  1045. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richmond, Wayne, Indiana; Roll: M653_308; Page: 612; Image: 611; Family History Library Film: 803308
    1. Pitman, Esther
    2. Age: 36
  1046. Year: 1860; Census Place: Graves, Kentucky; Roll: M653_369; Page: 85; Image: 85; Family History Library Film: 803369
    1. Simpson, Georgia Ann
  1047. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 725; Image: 723.
    1. Thaxton, Mary Ann
  1048. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Neill, Matilda
  1049. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 4, Erath, Texas; Roll: M653_1293; Page: 141; Image: 287; Family History Library Film: 805293
    1. Birth, Harris, Judith
    2. Harris, Judith
  1050. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Putnam, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 95; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Masters, Simeon
  1051. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Hamilton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 142; Image: 292.
    1. Butler, Sarah J.
  1052. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 868; Image: 546.
    1. Residence, Claypool, Sidney S.
    2. Claypool, Sidney S.
  1053. Year: 1860; Census Place: Morgan, Dade, Missouri; Roll: M653_617; Page: 148; Image: 152; Family History Library Film: 803617
    1. Crawford, Sarah L. "Sally"
  1054. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 155; Image: 317.
    1. Cain, Marguerite Lucinda
  1055. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Subdivision, Giles, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1251; Page: 195; Image: 393; Family History Library Film: 805251
    1. Residence, Fitzgerald, Moses Christopher
    2. Fitzgerald, Moses Christopher
  1056. Year: 1860; Census Place: Middle Division, Fayette, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 490; Image: 496.
    1. Residence, Castleberry, Assella Dorcas
    2. Castleberry, Assella Dorcas
  1057. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 133; Image: 275.
    1. Williams, Samuel Manley
    2. Residence, Williams, Samuel Manley
  1058. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Union, Louisiana; Roll: ; Page: 558; Image: 94.
    1. Walsworth, Green Benjamin
  1059. Year: 1860; Census Place: Linn, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 324; Image: 652; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Claypool, Reuben
  1060. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 83; Image: 83; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Skaggs, James Daniel
    2. Age in 1860: 18
  1061. Year: 1860; Census Place: Udell, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 553; Image: 167; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Age in 1860: 2
    2. Swank, Mary Cornelia Isabel
  1062. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 773; Image: 11.
    1. Tubbs, Samuel Sanders
  1063. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 253; Image: 516.
    1. Gardenhire, Andrew J.
  1064. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 16, Jackson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 327; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Masters, Pyrilla
  1065. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 239; Image: 238.
    1. Forgey, John Henry
    2. In a request by wife Matilda for a pension from her son's Andrew's death, it is noted that John Henry was born with a deformed left arm.
  1066. Year: 1860; Census Place: DeSoto, Mississippi; Roll: M653_581; Page: 70; Family History Library Film: 803581
    1. Fitzgerald, Sarah
  1067. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 13 Range 13, Scott, Illinois; Roll: M653_227; Page: 989; Image: 165; Family History Library Film: 803227
    1. Hill, Sarah
    2. Age: 51
  1068. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bath, Kentucky; Roll: M653_355; Page: 45; Image: 45; Family History Library Film: 803355
    1. Residence, Ragland, Elizabeth Eliza
    2. Ragland, Elizabeth Eliza
  1069. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Allen, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 20; Image: 20.
    1. Birth, Thaxton, Mary Ann
    2. Thaxton, Mary Ann
  1070. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 162; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Willeford, James C.
  1071. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Howell, Sarah Jane
    2. Residence, Howell, Sarah Jane
  1072. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Cocke, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1244; Page: 472; Image: 459; Family History Library Film: 805244
    1. Morris, John
  1073. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bern, Athens, Ohio; Roll: M653_934; Page: 18; Image: 39; Family History Library Film: 803934
    1. Stanton, Peninnah
    2. Residence, Stanton, Peninnah
  1074. Year: 1860; Census Place: Moreau, Cole, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 212; Image: 216.
    1. Birth, Thomas, John Hall
    2. Thomas, John Hall
  1075. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 756; Image: 434.
    1. Claypool, John Jay Crittenden
    2. Birth, Claypool, John Jay Crittenden
  1076. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Cocke, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 397; Image: 303.
    1. Hawn, Catherine
    2. Birth, Hawn, Catherine
  1077. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 205; Image: 204.
    1. Birth, Claypool, Ellenor
    2. Claypool, Ellenor
  1078. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 868; Image: 546.
    1. Claypool, Sidney S.
    2. Birth, Claypool, Sidney S.
  1079. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 421; Image: 425; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Age: 66
    2. Pitsenbarger, Anna Catherine
  1080. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 247.
    1. Holmes, Robert Andrew "Andy"
  1081. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Robertson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 303; Image: 103.
    1. Crow, Sarah A.
    2. Residence, Crow, Sarah A.
  1082. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bear Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 418; Image: 162.
    1. King, John
    2. Residence, King, John
  1083. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grayson, Virginia; Roll: M653_1348; Page: 163; Image: 167; Family History Library Film: 805348
    1. Barton, John D.
    2. Residence, Barton, John D.
  1084. Year: 1860; Census Place: Elmwood, Peoria, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 566; Image: 196.
    1. Carrigan, Mary Jane
  1085. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 236; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Forgey, Martha M.
    2. Residence Post Office: Corsicana
  1086. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 13 Range 11, Scott, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 1041; Image: 217.
    1. Birth, Thaxton, Mary Ann
    2. Thaxton, Mary Ann
  1087. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carroll, Virginia; Roll: M653_1339; Page: 967; Image: 393; Family History Library Film: 805339
    1. Birth, Davis, Abner
    2. Davis, Abner
  1088. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Greenbrier, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 426; Image: 434.
    1. Residence, Hoylman, Lycurgus Marshall
    2. Hoylman, Lycurgus Marshall
  1089. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dardenne, St Charles, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 861; Image: 366.
    1. Birth, Castlio, John Harrison
    2. Castlio, John Harrison
  1090. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bristol, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 88; Image: 93; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Colby, Rebecca
  1091. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 81; Image: 82.
    1. Residence, Ettling, George Philip
    2. Ettling, George Philip
  1092. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wythe, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 267; Image: 11.
    1. Butler, Richard R.
  1093. Year: 1860; Census Place: Boone, Greene, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 272; Image: 272.
    1. Claypool, Elmina Jane
    2. Residence, Claypool, Elmina Jane
  1094. Year: 1860; Census Place: Elberton, Elbert, Georgia; Roll: M653_120; Page: 815; Image: 276; Family History Library Film: 803120
    1. Birth, Tucker, Robert W.
    2. Tucker, Robert W.
  1095. Year: 1860; Census Place: Alamance, North Carolina; Roll: M653_886; Page: 19; Image: 38; Family History Library Film: 803886
    1. Age: 77
    2. Rogers, John
  1096. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 35; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Birth, Holmes, Mary L.
    2. Holmes, Mary L.
  1097. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Lafayette, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 631; Image: 281.
    1. Residence, Elliott, Sarah Ann "Sallie"
    2. Elliott, Sarah Ann "Sallie"
  1098. Year: 1860; Census Place: Augusta, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 808; Image: 554; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Residence, Bowman, William Sturgis
    2. Bowman, William Sturgis
  1099. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 688.
    1. Carter, Sarah Clarissa
    2. Birth, Carter, Sarah Clarissa
  1100. Year: 1860; Census Place: Orange, Fayette, Indiana; Roll: M653_256; Page: 729; Image: 729; Family History Library Film: 803256
    1. Carter, Melvina Alvira
  1101. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 624; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Van Note, Jacob
    2. Van Note, Jacob
  1102. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Cedar, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 146; Image: 150.
    1. Dunnegan, Francis
    2. Residence, Dunnegan, Francis
  1103. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 371; Image: 364; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Provence, Martha E
    2. Residence, Provence, Martha E
  1104. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 406; Image: 433.
    1. Residence, Carter, John Wesley
    2. Carter, John Wesley
  1105. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 243; Image: 496; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Butler, Jacob Washington
    2. Birth, Butler, Jacob Washington
  1106. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 35; Image: 35.
    1. Devin, Alfred Harrison
    2. Residence, Devin, Alfred Harrison
  1107. Year: 1860; Census Place: Alexandria, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 138; Image: 143; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Birth, Cheney, Leonard
    2. Cheney, Leonard
  1108. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hamilton, Butler, Ohio; Page: 418; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Birth, Louthan, Frederick D. "Fred"
    2. Louthan, Frederick D. "Fred"
  1109. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bangor, Marshall, Iowa; Roll: M653_335; Page: 127; Image: 569; Family History Library Film: 803335
    1. Residence, Barker, Hannah
    2. Barker, Hannah
  1110. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 572; Image: 134; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Thompson, Amelia E.
  1111. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 222; Image: 221.
    1. Crow, John Wesley
  1112. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Lee, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 707.
    1. Kempker, Theressa
    2. Residence, Kempker, Theressa
  1113. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 343; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Mary E.
    2. Birth, Masters, Mary E.
  1114. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Hardy, Virginia; Roll: M653_1351; Page: 541; Image: 29; Family History Library Film: 805351
    1. Christman, Mary Jane
  1115. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 779; Image: 457.
    1. Butler, Alexander John
    2. Residence, Butler, Alexander John
  1116. Year: 1860; Census Place: New Boston, Mercer, Illinois; Roll: M653_211; Page: 928; Image: 286; Family History Library Film: 803211
    1. Chamberlain, Manville
    2. Birth, Chamberlain, Manville
  1117. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 334; Image: 289.
    1. Birth, Dunwoody, Martha Malinda
    2. Dunwoody, Martha Malinda
  1118. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 576; Image: 578; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Hart, William T.
  1119. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Marion, Indiana; Roll: M653_280; Page: 847; Image: 224; Family History Library Film: 803280
    1. Birth, Pierce, Catharine
    2. Pierce, Catharine
  1120. Year: 1860; Census Place: Regiment 4, Anderson, South Carolina; Roll: ; Page: 191; Image: 385.
    1. Clement, Nancy
  1121. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 178; Image: 365; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Allen, Arkley McGinnis
    2. Allen, Arkley McGinnis
  1122. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Cedar, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 135; Image: 139.
    1. Residence, Denton, Susan A.
    2. Denton, Susan A.
  1123. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carroll, Platte, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 562; Image: 48.
    1. Bullock, Merida
    2. Residence, Bullock, Merida
  1124. Year: 1860; Census Place: Amherst, Lorain, Ohio; Roll: M653_1002; Page: 319; Image: 278; Family History Library Film: 805002
    1. Birth, Remington, Henry John
    2. Remington, Henry John
  1125. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 624; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Van Note, Dorcas Waller
    2. Age in 1860: 14
  1126. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Sequatchie, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1271; Page: 251; Image: 508; Family History Library Film: 805271
    1. Hatfield, Oliver M.
    2. Birth, Hatfield, Oliver M.
  1127. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wayne, Bartholomew, Indiana; Roll: M653_244; Page: 172; Image: 172; Family History Library Film: 803244
    1. Walker, Jesse
    2. Birth, Walker, Jesse
  1128. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 894; Image: 146.
    1. Goodpasture, Margaret Frances
    2. Residence, Goodpasture, Margaret Frances
  1129. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Half of County, Crittenden, Kentucky; Roll: M653_363; Page: 310; Image: 310; Family History Library Film: 803363
    1. McKinney, Nancy Jane
    2. Residence, McKinney, Nancy Jane
  1130. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 827; Image: 65.
    1. Gibson, Thomas Caid
    2. Birth, Gibson, Thomas Caid
  1131. Year: 1860; Census Place: Virden, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 133; Image: 133; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Birth, Van Note, William
    2. Van Note, William
  1132. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cincinnati, Tazewell, Illinois; Roll: M653_232; Page: 359; Image: 359; Family History Library Film: 803232
    1. Hawley, Martha Nason
  1133. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 16, Sangamon, Illinois; Page: 48; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Frazee, Samuel
  1134. Year: 1860; Census Place: Shoal Creek, Johnson, Arkansas; Roll: M653_44; Page: 1045; Image: 553; Family History Library Film: 803044
    1. Caldwell, Martha Adeline
  1135. Year: 1860; Census Place: Rappahannock, Virginia; Roll: M653_1374; Page: 156; Image: 171; Family History Library Film: 805374
    1. Brown, Mary Ella
    2. Residence, Brown, Mary Ella
  1136. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: M653_22; Page: 771; Image: 377; Family History Library Film: 803022
    1. Weathers, Isham
  1137. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, White, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 81; Image: 169; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Goodbar, William Pearman
  1138. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 202; Image: 413; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Savage, Robert Henderson "Hadner"
  1139. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Linn, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_351; Page: 99; Image: 99; Family History Library Film: 803351
    1. Husted, Benjamin Day
    2. Birth, Husted, Benjamin Day
  1140. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 599; Image: 277; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Wright, Amanda Louise
    2. Wright, Amanda Louise
  1141. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Finley, Washington, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1192; Page: 1020; Image: 457; Family History Library Film: 805192
    1. Axtell, Silas
  1142. Year: 1860; Census Place: Duchouquet, Auglaize, Ohio; Roll: M653_931; Page: 309; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 803931
    1. Iames, John
  1143. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richland, Delaware, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 13; Image: 237.
    1. Emerson, Susan Barbara
  1144. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Campbell, Amanda Ann
  1145. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 894; Image: 146.
    1. Birth, Goodpasture, Melissa Jennie
    2. Goodpasture, Melissa Jennie
  1146. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 222; Image: 221.
    1. Residence, Frieze, Louisa Jane
    2. Frieze, Louisa Jane
  1147. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pilot Grove, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 436.
    1. Jones, Thomas Jackson
  1148. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 828; Image: 66.
    1. Cunningham, John Monroe
  1149. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 839; Image: 77.
    1. Birth, Cunningham, Elias
    2. Cunningham, Elias
  1150. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Samuel Thompson
  1151. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Residence, Frieze, John Jacob
    2. Frieze, John Jacob
  1152. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mazarne, Montgomery, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 945; Image: 413.
    1. Wright, Samuel S.
    2. Residence, Wright, Samuel S.
  1153. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 511; Image: 375.
    1. Hawn, Jacob
  1154. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bourbon, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_346; Page: 357; Image: 357; Family History Library Film: 803346
    1. Claypool, David Franklin
  1155. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 169; Image: 347; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Masters, Jane
    2. Masters, Jane
  1156. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 629; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Masters, Deborah Delong
    2. Birth, Masters, Deborah Delong
  1157. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 444; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Residence, Curry, Eliza A.
    2. Curry, Eliza A.
  1158. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 236; Image: 478; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Birth, Forgey, Hugh
    2. Forgey, Hugh
  1159. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gap, Montgomery, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 902; Image: 370.
    1. Residence, Childers, Mary
    2. Childers, Mary
  1160. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 214; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Forgey, Nancy Jane
    2. Birth, Forgey, Nancy Jane
  1161. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 578; Image: 140; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Pering, Alfred Hine
  1162. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 358; Image: 337; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Age: 5
    2. Rightsell, Rebecca Jane
  1163. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 322; Image: 274; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Morris, Lydia K.
  1164. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 765; Image: 443.
    1. Claypoole, William Harrison
    2. Residence, Claypoole, William Harrison
  1165. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 238; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Forgey, Thomas Newton
    2. Residence Post Office: Fair Play
  1166. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 176; Image: 359.
    1. Birth, Butler, John Jacob
    2. Butler, John Jacob
  1167. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 205; Image: 204.
    1. Birth, Smith, Mildred "Millie"
    2. Smith, Mildred "Millie"
  1168. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 859; Image: 409.
    1. Hopper, Eliza Leotia
    2. Residence, Hopper, Eliza Leotia
  1169. Year: 1860; Census Place: Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine; Roll: M653_438; Page: 212; Image: 214; Family History Library Film: 803438
    1. Birth, Sawyer, David
    2. Sawyer, David
  1170. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 721; Image: 279.
    1. Wilkey, William Jonathan
  1171. Year: 1860; Census Place: York, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1228; Page: 426; Family History Library Film: 805228
    1. Shillinglaw, Margaret Girardin
  1172. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Greenbrier, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 427; Image: 435.
    1. Birth, Hoyleman, William Rennick
    2. Hoyleman, William Rennick
  1173. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 478; Image: 309.
    1. Butler, Elias
  1174. Year: 1860; Census Place: Boone, Greene, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 272; Image: 272.
    1. Claypool, Susan Angelina
  1175. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 828; Image: 66.
    1. Residence, Cunningham, John Monroe
    2. Cunningham, John Monroe
  1176. Year: 1860; Census Place: Catoosa, Georgia; Roll: M653_114; Page: 977; Image: 353; Family History Library Film: 803114
    1. Birth, Roddy, Emma A
    2. Roddy, Emma A
  1177. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 111; Image: 231; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Hudson, Martha Jane
    2. Residence, Hudson, Martha Jane
  1178. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 721; Image: 279.
    1. Wilkey, Orlean
    2. Birth, Wilkey, Orlean
  1179. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 517; Image: 261.
    1. Jones, Nancy Jane
  1180. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1268; Page: 358; Image: 139; Family History Library Film: 805268
    1. Birth, Porter, James G.
    2. Porter, James G.
  1181. Year: 1860; Census Place: New Boston, Mercer, Illinois; Roll: M653_211; Page: 928; Image: 286; Family History Library Film: 803211
    1. Residence, Ivins, Mary Ann
    2. Ivins, Mary Ann
  1182. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 476; Image: 305.
    1. Wright, Malinda Malita
  1183. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bare Creek, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 335; Image: 300; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Morris, Amon Perry
    2. Birth, Morris, Amon Perry
  1184. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana; Roll: M653_300; Page: 820; Family History Library Film: 803300
    1. Mott, Mary Ann "Lucretia"
    2. Birth, Mott, Mary Ann "Lucretia"
  1185. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 511; Image: 374.
    1. Hawn, Jonathan N.
  1186. Year: 1860; Census Place: Line Creek, Spalding, Georgia; Roll: M653_136; Page: 265; Image: 267; Family History Library Film: 803136
    1. Birth, Reeves, Josiah F.
    2. Reeves, Josiah F.
  1187. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 36; Image: 76.
    1. Burk, Sarah
    2. Residence, Burk, Sarah
  1188. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 307; Image: 25; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Residence, Stallings, Joseph T.
    2. Stallings, Joseph T.
  1189. Year: 1860; Census Place: Chattooga Valley, Chattooga, Georgia; Roll: M653_116; Page: 575; Image: 49; Family History Library Film: 803116
    1. Pickens, Nancy Emilia
    2. Residence, Pickens, Nancy Emilia
  1190. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 444; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Hawn, Daniel
    2. Residence, Hawn, Daniel
  1191. Year: 1860; Census Place: Padua, McLean, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 269; Image: 269.
    1. Hull, Jacob W.
    2. Residence, Hull, Jacob W.
  1192. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 97; Image: 97; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Crawford, Martha Ellen
    2. Crawford, Martha Ellen
  1193. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 4, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 31; Image: 68; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Fitzgerald, William Francis
  1194. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: M653_22; Page: 774; Image: 380; Family History Library Film: 803022
    1. Birth, Weathers, America Jane
    2. Weathers, America Jane
  1195. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Lafayette, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 631; Image: 281.
    1. Neill, Henry Alexander
    2. Birth, Neill, Henry Alexander
  1196. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 146; Image: 146.
    1. Jones, Willis Cornelius
  1197. Year: 1860; Census Place: Murrayville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 491; Image: 169; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Dinwiddle, Rebecca Ann
    2. Residence, Dinwiddle, Rebecca Ann
  1198. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 185; Image: 185.
    1. Residence, Green, John Wesley
    2. Green, John Wesley
  1199. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lower, Franklin, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 359; Image: 359.
    1. Titsworth, Ada
  1200. Year: 1860; Census Place: Northern Division, Chambers, Alabama; Roll: M653_4; Page: 832; Image: 554; Family History Library Film: 803004
    1. Staples, William Thomas
    2. Birth, Staples, William Thomas
  1201. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 20, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 477; Image: 369; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Magrum, Mary Ethel
  1202. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois; Roll: M653_156; Page: 175; Image: 175; Family History Library Film: 803156
    1. Residence, Sturgis, Joseph
    2. Sturgis, Joseph
  1203. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Morgan, Alabama; Roll: M653_19; Page: 494; Image: 496; Family History Library Film: 803019
    1. Weaver, William Sampson
    2. Birth, Weaver, William Sampson
  1204. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Hamilton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 142; Image: 292.
    1. Butler, Sarah J.
    2. Residence, Butler, Sarah J.
  1205. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Williamson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 124; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Birth, Prowell, Eleanor Reed
    2. Prowell, Eleanor Reed
  1206. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 686; Image: 684; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Birth, Masters, Hillery C.
    2. Masters, Hillery C.
  1207. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 36; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Residence Post Office: Plenitude
    2. Holmes, George Lafayette
  1208. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 698; Image: 260; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Carter, Clara E.
    2. Residence, Carter, Clara E.
  1209. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 250; Image: 505; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Koogle, Elizabeth
  1210. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 696; Image: 244; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Hudson, Harris Wheat
  1211. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newburyport Ward 6, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_496; Page: 547; Image: 551; Family History Library Film: 803496
    1. Silloway, Sarah T.
    2. Residence, Silloway, Sarah T.
  1212. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Jackson, Louisiana; Roll: ; Page: 427; Image: 447.
    1. Wigley, John D.
    2. Birth, Wigley, John D.
  1213. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Rockbridge, Virginia; Roll: M653_1378; Page: 9; Image: 13; Family History Library Film: 805378
    1. Figgat, Hester Ann Rogers
    2. Birth, Figgat, Hester Ann Rogers
  1214. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newburyport Ward 6, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_496; Page: 547; Image: 551; Family History Library Film: 803496
    1. Cheney, William Argus
  1215. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richardson, Lane, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 276; Image: 556; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Rice, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Rice, Mary Elizabeth
  1216. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ervin, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 837; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Forgey, Andrew Jackson
    2. Birth, Forgey, Andrew Jackson
  1217. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 621; Image: 299; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Weller, Sarah Ann
    2. Weller, Sarah Ann
  1218. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Monroe, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 1011; Image: 511.
    1. Hoyleman, James Thompson
  1219. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 136; Image: 136.
    1. Birth, Jones, Mary Polly
    2. Jones, Mary Polly
  1220. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Putnam, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 95; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Birth, Goodbar, Julia Ann Ford
    2. Goodbar, Julia Ann Ford
  1221. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 243; Image: 497.
    1. Carmichael, Jacob Gardenhire
  1222. Year: 1860; Census Place: Penn, Jay, Indiana; Roll: M653_269; Page: 287; Image: 287; Family History Library Film: 803269
    1. Birth, Schlosser, Elmina Ella
    2. Schlosser, Elmina Ella
  1223. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Greenbrier, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 426; Image: 434.
    1. Hoylman, Coralena Moffatt
    2. Residence, Hoylman, Coralena Moffatt
  1224. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 774; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Howard, Nancy J.
  1225. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Randolph, North Carolina; Roll: M653_910; Page: 158; Image: 320; Family History Library Film: 803910
    1. Hockett, Mahlon
  1226. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 172; Image: 353.
    1. Butler, Thomas Clark
    2. Birth, Butler, Thomas Clark
  1227. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Carroll, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 94; Image: 192.
    1. Birth, Huffman, Amelia Millie
    2. Huffman, Amelia Millie
  1228. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 83; Image: 83; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Butler, Sarah
    2. Residence, Butler, Sarah
  1229. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 83; Image: 83.
    1. Residence, Butler, Charlotte Malinda
    2. Butler, Charlotte Malinda
  1230. Year: 1860; Census Place: Union, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 660; Image: 660; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. McCann, James Homer
    2. Birth, McCann, James Homer
  1231. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 36; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Residence Post Office: Bolivar
    2. Henson, Sarah Jane
  1232. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Waller, George
    2. Birth, Waller, George
  1233. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Half of County, Crittenden, Kentucky; Roll: M653_363; Page: 310; Image: 310; Family History Library Film: 803363
    1. McKinney, Nancy Jane
    2. Birth, McKinney, Nancy Jane
  1234. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Mitchell, Samuel
    2. Residence, Mitchell, Samuel
  1235. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 572; Image: 134.
    1. Carter, John R.
    2. Residence, Carter, John R.
  1236. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 238; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Forgey, James L.
    2. Birth, Forgey, James L.
  1237. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Williamson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 123; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Prowell, Thomas Washington III
  1238. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 568; Image: 246; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Dennis, Clementine Louise
    2. Residence, Dennis, Clementine Louise
  1239. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 688.
    1. Birth, Masters, Nancy
    2. Masters, Nancy
  1240. Year: 1860; Census Place: District Town Valley, Chattooga, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 642; Image: 116.
    1. Residence, Langston, Mariah
    2. Langston, Mariah
  1241. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Benton, Arkansas; Roll: M653_37; Page: 423; Image: 425; Family History Library Film: 803037
    1. Reavis, Nancy Harriet
  1242. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 752; Image: 430.
    1. Howell, Rebecca J.
  1243. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Lincoln, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 584; Image: 579.
    1. Gammon, George Washington
  1244. Year: 1860; Census Place: Columbia, Meigs, Ohio; Roll: M653_1008; Page: 336; Image: 675; Family History Library Film: 805008
    1. Walburn, Electa
  1245. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 100; Image: 100; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Age: 5/12
    2. Ashlock, Sarah Ann "Sadie"
  1246. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Greenbrier, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 426; Image: 434.
    1. Hoylman, Mary Eugene
    2. Residence, Hoylman, Mary Eugene
  1247. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fabius, Marion, Missouri; Roll: M653_632; Page: 972; Image: 465; Family History Library Film: 803632
    1. Todd, Samuel Blair
    2. Birth, Todd, Samuel Blair
  1248. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 429; Image: 428.
    1. Christ, Magdalena
    2. Birth, Christ, Magdalena
  1249. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: M653_22; Page: 667; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 803022
    1. Birth, Weathers, Mary Alice
    2. Weathers, Mary Alice
  1250. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 217; Image: 216.
    1. Carneal, Mary Jane
  1251. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 155; Image: 317.
    1. Cain, Martha
  1252. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Side of The NC RR, Orange, North Carolina; Roll: ; Page: 559; Image: 560.
    1. Holmes, Nicholas Gibbs
    2. Residence, Holmes, Nicholas Gibbs
  1253. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 777; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Cassiday, Addison C.
    2. Residence, Cassiday, Addison C.
  1254. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 35, Jackson, Missouri; Roll: M653_625; Page: 173; Image: 173; Family History Library Film: 803625
    1. Carter, Anna Chastain
  1255. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: M653_658; Page: 1001; Image: 435; Family History Library Film: 803658
    1. Sanders, Margaret Ann
    2. Age in 1860: 11
  1256. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 7, Menard, Illinois; Roll: M653_205; Page: 818; Image: 70; Family History Library Film: 803205
    1. Young, Lucinda
    2. Residence, Young, Lucinda
  1257. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 1, Cass, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 351; Image: 15.
    1. Caldwell, Nancy
  1258. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Residence, Grant, James Thomas
    2. Grant, James Thomas
  1259. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 510.
    1. Curry, Sarah L.
    2. Birth, Curry, Sarah L.
  1260. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 483; Image: 318; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Stonecipher, Mahattie
  1261. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richardson, Lane, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 276; Image: 556; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Residence, Cook, Joel Beckwith
    2. Cook, Joel Beckwith
  1262. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 1, Cass, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 352; Image: 17; Family History Library Film: 805290
    1. Birth, Swinford, Reuben Knox
    2. Swinford, Reuben Knox
  1263. Year: 1860; Census Place: Augusta, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 808; Image: 554; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Bowman, William Sturgis
  1264. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 197; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Residence, Mitchell, Sarah Ann
    2. Mitchell, Sarah Ann
  1265. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Smith, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 311; Image: 97.
    1. Donoho, Laura Catherine
  1266. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 582; Image: 584; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Story, Cyrus
  1267. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Jackson, Louisiana; Roll: M653_411; Page: 431; Image: 451; Family History Library Film: 803411
    1. Walsworth, Kisara Caroline
  1268. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 859; Image: 409.
    1. Hopper, Eliza Leotia
    2. Birth, Hopper, Eliza Leotia
  1269. Year: 1860; Census Place: Goochland, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 936; Image: 596; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Morrison, Mary
    2. Residence, Morrison, Mary
  1270. Year: 1860; Census Place: Regiment 4, Anderson, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1212; Page: 244; Image: 492; Family History Library Film: 805212
    1. Masters, Elias William
  1271. Year: 1860; Census Place: Radnor, Delaware, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 584; Image: 589.
    1. Crox, Henry A
  1272. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 752; Image: 430.
    1. Dodd, Malinda F.
  1273. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 222; Image: 221.
    1. Crow, John Wesley
    2. Residence, Crow, John Wesley
  1274. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 97; Image: 97; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Forgey, Margaret Rebecca
  1275. Year: 1860; Census Place: Monroe, Lincoln, Missouri; Roll: M653_629; Page: 379; Image: 375; Family History Library Film: 803629
    1. Age in 1860: 36
    2. Scott, Nancy
  1276. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Half of County, Crittenden, Kentucky; Roll: M653_363; Page: 310; Image: 310; Family History Library Film: 803363
    1. Long, Georgia Anna
    2. Residence, Long, Georgia Anna
  1277. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Champaign, Ohio; Roll: M653_942; Page: 251; Image: 506; Family History Library Film: 803942
    1. Merritte, Thomas J.
    2. Residence, Merritte, Thomas J.
  1278. Year: 1860; Census Place: Russell, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: ; Page: 38; Image: 43.
    1. Fanning, Caleb
  1279. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Putnam, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 95; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Masters, Simeon
    2. Residence, Masters, Simeon
  1280. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 639; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Sisk, Amanda Jane
  1281. Year: 1860; Census Place: Canton, Benton, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 810; Image: 424.
    1. Greaser, Mariah
  1282. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 203; Image: 415.
    1. Residence, Butler, Jacob Jackson
    2. Butler, Jacob Jackson
  1283. Year: 1860; Census Place: N W Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 750; Image: 232; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Residence, Mitchell, Elizbeth
    2. Mitchell, Elizbeth
  1284. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 215; Image: 214; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Holmes, David Reed
    2. Holmes, David Reed
  1285. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 85; Image: 85.
    1. Gammon, Caleb Butler
  1286. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Hamilton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 142; Image: 292.
    1. Butler, Sarah J.
    2. Birth, Butler, Sarah J.
  1287. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 2 Range 5, Marshall, Mississippi; Roll: M653_587; Page: 97; Family History Library Film: 803587
    1. Birth, Mitchell, Mary E.
    2. Mitchell, Mary E.
  1288. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 588; Image: 202; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Residence, Peek, Sarah Ann
    2. Peek, Sarah Ann
  1289. Year: 1860; Census Place: Davis, Lafayette, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 379; Image: 32.
    1. Neill, Stephen Thompson
    2. Residence, Neill, Stephen Thompson
  1290. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 S Range 10 W, Monroe, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 165; Image: 165.
    1. Ettling, George Phillip
    2. Birth, Ettling, George Phillip
  1291. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beardstown, Cass, Illinois; Page: 261; Family History Library Film: 803160
    1. Residence Post Office: Beardstown
    2. Morgan, Martha Ann
  1292. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greenville, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 263; Image: 267; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Birth, Sharp, John C.
    2. Sharp, John C.
  1293. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 236; Image: 478; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Birth, Forgey, Nancy S.
    2. Forgey, Nancy S.
  1294. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Wayne, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 65; Image: 543.
    1. Hopper, Zachariah P.
    2. Birth, Hopper, Zachariah P.
  1295. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 74; Image: 155; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Residence, Hufstedler, Alsey
    2. Hufstedler, Alsey
  1296. Year: 1860; Census Place: S W Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 854; Image: 336; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Bobbitt, William L
    2. Birth, Bobbitt, William L
  1297. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 23; Image: 51; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Birth, Anderson, Rhoda
    2. Anderson, Rhoda
  1298. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Vernon, Troup, Georgia; Page: 241; Family History Library Film: 803138
    1. Henderson, Thomas Boone
    2. Birth, Henderson, Thomas Boone
  1299. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pilot Grove, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 436.
    1. Jones, James M.
  1300. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 83; Image: 83.
    1. Butler, Charlotte Malinda
    2. Birth, Butler, Charlotte Malinda
  1301. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 11 Range 4, Winston, Alabama; Roll: M653_26; Page: 1266; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 803026
    1. Age in 1860: 54
    2. Speegle, David
  1302. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 620; Image: 618; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Sturgis, Sarah Elizabeth
  1303. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 756; Image: 434.
    1. Residence, Claypoole, Joseph R. W.
    2. Claypoole, Joseph R. W.
  1304. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Spencer, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 17; Image: 481.
    1. Birth, Heady, James Jackson
    2. Heady, James Jackson
  1305. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 236; Image: 478; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Forgey, Nancy S.
  1306. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 20, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 480; Image: 375; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Residence, Fitzgerald, Rebecca
    2. Fitzgerald, Rebecca
  1307. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 765; Image: 443; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Claypool, Mariah Walker
  1308. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 130; Image: 269; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Pickel, James L.
  1309. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 251; Image: 507; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Birth, Egbert, David P.
    2. Egbert, David P.
  1310. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 868; Image: 546.
    1. Claypool, John Savage
  1311. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 236; Image: 235; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Saye, Thomas P.
    2. Birth, Saye, Thomas P.
  1312. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 622; Image: 26; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Masters, Robert S.
  1313. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Lee, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 707.
    1. Birth, Kempker, Mary E.
    2. Kempker, Mary E.
  1314. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 210; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Ingober
  1315. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 478; Image: 309; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Residence, Lawson, Nicholas Fain
    2. Lawson, Nicholas Fain
  1316. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Birth, Van Hoozer, Samuel Callahan
    2. Van Hoozer, Samuel Callahan
  1317. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Crittenden, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 429; Image: 429.
    1. Birth, Crisp, Andrew J
    2. Crisp, Andrew J
  1318. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Howard, Missouri; Roll: M653_623; Page: 407; Image: 407; Family History Library Film: 803623
    1. Stewart, Martha W.
  1319. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Cedar, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 146; Image: 150.
    1. Dunnegan, Francis
  1320. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Botetourt, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 167; Image: 171.
    1. Birth, Hoyleman, Simon John
    2. Hoyleman, Simon John
  1321. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jessamine, Kentucky; Roll: M653_378; Page: 142; Image: 142; Family History Library Film: 803378
    1. Todhunter, Ryland Taylor
    2. Age in 1860: 19
  1322. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Page: 583; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Carter, John Clinton
    2. Birth, Carter, John Clinton
  1323. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 455; Image: 532.
    1. Residence, Thornhill, Joseph Marion
    2. Thornhill, Joseph Marion
  1324. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 371; Image: 364; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Birth, Provence, Martha E
    2. Provence, Martha E
  1325. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mazarne, Montgomery, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 945; Image: 413.
    1. , Susan Cordelia
  1326. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Howell, James Henry
    2. Birth, Howell, James Henry
  1327. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 868; Image: 546.
    1. Claypool, Sidney S.
  1328. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 164; Image: 338; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Montreville B.
  1329. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 247.
    1. Birth, Holmes, William Rufus "Bud"
    2. Holmes, William Rufus "Bud"
  1330. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 3 E, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 970; Image: 170.
    1. Karr, Keziah
    2. Birth, Karr, Keziah
  1331. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 777; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Cassiday, Addison C.
    2. Birth, Cassiday, Addison C.
  1332. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Tuscarawas, Ohio; Page: 306; Family History Library Film: 805043
    1. Schooley, William D.
    2. Birth, Schooley, William D.
  1333. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 454; Image: 530.
    1. Bettis, Cynthia Jane
    2. Birth, Bettis, Cynthia Jane
  1334. Year: 1860; Census Place: Concord, Miami, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 292; Image: 152.
    1. Brewer, Anna Mary
    2. Residence, Brewer, Anna Mary
  1335. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Marion, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 847; Image: 224.
    1. Dawson, John W.
  1336. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 511; Image: 374.
    1. Hawn, Nathaniel Conrad
    2. Birth, Hawn, Nathaniel Conrad
  1337. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 327; Image: 333.
    1. Chaney, Abel A.
  1338. Year: 1860; Census Place: North Salem, Hendricks, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 865; Image: 391.
    1. Woodard, John
    2. Birth, Woodard, John
  1339. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 164; Image: 338; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Hampton, Martha
    2. Residence, Hampton, Martha
  1340. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bear Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 418; Image: 162.
    1. Birth, King, Martha
    2. King, Martha
  1341. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 698; Image: 260.
    1. Carter, James Williamson
    2. Birth, Carter, James Williamson
  1342. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 477; Image: 307.
    1. Galbraith, California Jane
    2. Birth, Galbraith, California Jane
  1343. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 3 Range 9, Madison, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 669; Image: 671.
    1. Gipson, Helen Celess
  1344. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 219; Image: 218; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Kennon, James William
  1345. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fluvanna, Virginia; Roll: M653_1345; Page: 764; Image: 338; Family History Library Film: 805345
    1. Abbott, Sarah Jane
    2. Residence, Abbott, Sarah Jane
  1346. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Boone, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 826; Image: 306.
    1. Residence, Handlen, Joseph Moore
    2. Handlen, Joseph Moore
  1347. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 444; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Birth, Chaney, Rebecca Amanda
    2. Chaney, Rebecca Amanda
  1348. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 24; Image: 54; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Brown, Clinton A.
    2. Birth, Brown, Clinton A.
  1349. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 22; Image: 47.
    1. Residence, Fast, Julian Eugene
    2. Fast, Julian Eugene
  1350. Year: 1860; Census Place: Kelley, Ripley, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 491; Image: 493.
    1. Residence, Kennon, Hughes Owen
    2. Kennon, Hughes Owen
  1351. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 3 E, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 970; Image: 170.
    1. Birth, Karr, Newton
    2. Karr, Newton
  1352. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 243; Image: 496; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Butler, Jacob Washington
  1353. Year: 1860; Census Place: Neosho, Newton, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 876; Image: 368.
    1. Cravens, Alice Rebecca
    2. Residence, Cravens, Alice Rebecca
  1354. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 13, Obion, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 141; Image: 290; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Age in 1860: 52
    2. Tirey, Andrew Jackson
  1355. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 752; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Claypool, Sarah Ann
    2. Claypool, Sarah Ann
  1356. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_224; Page: 680; Image: 679; Family History Library Film: 803224
    1. Rodenmeyer, George
  1357. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 161; Image: 156; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Sturgis, Rebecca Ann
  1358. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 160; Image: 155; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Residence, Stewart, Susan Ava
    2. Stewart, Susan Ava
  1359. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 206; Image: 421; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Goodpasture, Abraham Hamilton Rev.
    2. Goodpasture, Abraham Hamilton Rev.
  1360. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 852; Image: 530.
    1. Residence, Claypool, George W.
    2. Claypool, George W.
  1361. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nishnabotna, Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 586; Image: 90; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Sturgis, Nancy Anna
  1362. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 452; Image: 320; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Residence, Oliphant, Araminta J.
    2. Oliphant, Araminta J.
  1363. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jersey, Licking, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 360; Image: 239.
    1. Birth, Dove, Mary Magdalene
    2. Dove, Mary Magdalene
  1364. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Jackson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 242; Image: 101; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Residence, Morris, Nancy
    2. Morris, Nancy
  1365. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carolina, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_353; Page: 382; Image: 382; Family History Library Film: 803353
    1. Claypoole, Luther D.
    2. Residence, Claypoole, Luther D.
  1366. Year: 1860; Census Place: Elberton, Elbert, Georgia; Roll: M653_120; Page: 815; Image: 276; Family History Library Film: 803120
    1. Tucker, Robert W.
    2. Residence, Tucker, Robert W.
  1367. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bath, Kentucky; Roll: M653_355; Page: 45; Image: 45; Family History Library Film: 803355
    1. Ragland, Elizabeth Eliza
    2. Birth, Ragland, Elizabeth Eliza
  1368. Year: 1860; Census Place: Norfolk, Norfolk, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 449; Image: 457.
    1. Gatewood, Thomas R.
  1369. Year: 1860; Census Place: Battle Creek, Calhoun, Michigan; Roll: M653_539; Page: 347; Image: 346; Family History Library Film: 803539
    1. Birth, Mapes, Edith "Ettie" A.
    2. Mapes, Edith "Ettie" A.
  1370. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Residence, Crow, Adda Merritt Addie
    2. Crow, Adda Merritt Addie
  1371. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ervin, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 830; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Birth, Salmons, George Washington
    2. Salmons, George Washington
  1372. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ervin, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 830; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Salmons, George Washington
  1373. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 355; Image: 359.
    1. Birth, Farnsley, James Martin
    2. Farnsley, James Martin
  1374. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 667; Image: 193.
    1. Montgomery, John
    2. Residence, Montgomery, John
  1375. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 610; Image: 18; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Residence, Louthan, James Thomas
    2. Louthan, James Thomas
  1376. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: M653_658; Page: 1003; Image: 437; Family History Library Film: 803658
    1. Denney, Elliot "Elt"
    2. Birth, Denney, Elliot "Elt"
  1377. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 203; Image: 415.
    1. Gibson, Mary Matilda
    2. Residence, Gibson, Mary Matilda
  1378. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Lafayette, Mississippi; Roll: ; Page: 16; Image: 20.
    1. Birth, Whitwell, Elizabeth
    2. Whitwell, Elizabeth
  1379. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 161; Image: 156; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Sturgis, Eliza Jane
  1380. Year: 1860; Census Place: Noble, Wabash, Indiana; Roll: M653_304; Page: 216; Image: 216; Family History Library Film: 803304
    1. Birth, Davis, Lydia
    2. Davis, Lydia
  1381. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Perry, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 354; Image: 131.
    1. Curry, Mary Ann"Polly"
  1382. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 18, Madison, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1263; Page: 206; Image: 415; Family History Library Film: 805263
    1. McFarland, William Isaac
    2. Residence, McFarland, William Isaac
  1383. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fishing River, Ray, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 92; Image: 95.
    1. Van Hoozer, Alfred
    2. Birth, Van Hoozer, Alfred
  1384. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 334; Image: 289.
    1. Residence, Gass, John Cox
    2. Gass, John Cox
  1385. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 859; Image: 409.
    1. Holmes, Robert Enos
    2. Birth, Holmes, Robert Enos
  1386. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 27; Image: 57.
    1. Burk, Esther Ann
    2. Birth, Burk, Esther Ann
  1387. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 236; Image: 235.
    1. Wollard, William Ross
  1388. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 444; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Hawn, Daniel
  1389. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Birth, Grant, Mary A.
    2. Grant, Mary A.
  1390. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ozark, Lawrence, Missouri; Roll: M653_628; Page: 717; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 803628
    1. Davis, Nancy
  1391. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Grainger, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1250; Page: 405; Image: 427; Family History Library Film: 805250
    1. Bull, Hannah
    2. Residence, Bull, Hannah
  1392. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 420; Image: 461.
    1. Jenkins, Talitha Jane Jennie
    2. Birth, Jenkins, Talitha Jane Jennie
  1393. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 696; Image: 244; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Holmes, Samuel Boyd
    2. Birth, Holmes, Samuel Boyd
  1394. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hamilton, Butler, Ohio; Page: 418; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Birth, Louthan, George William
    2. Louthan, George William
  1395. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 832; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Carpenter, Mildred C.
    2. Carpenter, Mildred C.
  1396. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 12; Image: 12; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Pickering, Jonathan
    2. Age: 51
  1397. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bangor, Marshall, Iowa; Roll: M653_335; Page: 127; Image: 569; Family History Library Film: 803335
    1. Barker, Hannah
  1398. Year: 1860; Census Place: San Jose, Santa Clara, California; Roll: M653_65; Page: 352; Image: 352; Family History Library Film: 803065
    1. Spencer, William C.
  1399. Year: 1860; Census Place: Adams, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 462; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Naylor, Charles Carl
  1400. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 96; Image: 199.
    1. Birth, Van Camp, Mary
    2. Van Camp, Mary
  1401. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 133; Image: 274.
    1. Williams, Edward
    2. Birth, Williams, Edward
  1402. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fairview, Fulton, Illinois; Roll: M653_179; Page: 613; Image: 611; Family History Library Film: 803179
    1. Residence, Lamb, Lydia
    2. Lamb, Lydia
  1403. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wythe, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 269; Image: 13.
    1. King, Jemima
    2. Birth, King, Jemima
  1404. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 932; Image: 532.
    1. Neill, Sally
  1405. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 251; Image: 507; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Age in 1860: 2
    2. Egbert, Asa M.
  1406. Year: 1860; Census Place: Augusta, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 812; Image: 558; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Wade, Elias Earl
  1407. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: M653_22; Page: 774; Image: 380; Family History Library Film: 803022
    1. Birth, Barrett, Thomas Valentine Sr.
    2. Barrett, Thomas Valentine Sr.
  1408. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Maury, Tennessee; Page: 299; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Clendenin, Thomas C.
  1409. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 696; Image: 256; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Sisk, Milton
  1410. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Maury, Tennessee; Page: 299; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Clendenin, Thomas C.
    2. Residence Post Office: Santa Fee
  1411. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bare Creek, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 335; Image: 300; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Morris, Amon Perry
  1412. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 27; Image: 58.
    1. Burk, Jesse F.
    2. Residence, Burk, Jesse F.
  1413. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sulpher Springs, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 670; Image: 348; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sample, Lydia
  1414. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 140; Image: 289.
    1. Eldridge, Roger Abbott
  1415. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 429; Image: 270; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Birth, Forgey, James G.
    2. Forgey, James G.
  1416. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 8, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 617; Image: 619; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Sturgis, Anna R.
    2. Residence, Sturgis, Anna R.
  1417. Year: 1860; Census Place: Buena Vista, Jasper, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 59; Image: 387.
    1. Carter, Ruth
  1418. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Sequatchie, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1271; Page: 251; Image: 508; Family History Library Film: 805271
    1. Hatfield, Oliver M.
  1419. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Lauderdale, Alabama; Roll: M653_13; Page: 105; Family History Library Film: 803013
    1. Rice, Rachel F.
  1420. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Todd, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 723; Image: 213.
    1. Residence, Carneal, William Washington
    2. Carneal, William Washington
  1421. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gainesville, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 313; Image: 313.
    1. Harston, Thomas
    2. Birth, Harston, Thomas
  1422. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 517; Image: 261.
    1. Abbott, Charles Orlen
  1423. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: M653_177; Page: 390; Image: 390; Family History Library Film: 803177
    1. Maddox, Elizabeth Ann
  1424. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harp, DeWitt, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 755; Image: 267.
    1. White, Nancy Jane
  1425. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Page: 161; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Sturgis, John Wright
  1426. Year: 1860; Census Place: Livingston, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 289; Image: 590.
    1. Birth, Goodbar, Joseph Lafayette
    2. Goodbar, Joseph Lafayette
  1427. Year: 1860; Census Place: Spencer, Lane, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 280; Image: 563; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Scott, Rodney
  1428. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lower, Franklin, Arkansas; Roll: M653_41; Page: 359; Image: 359; Family History Library Film: 803041
    1. Arbuckle, Emily Susan
    2. Birth, Arbuckle, Emily Susan
  1429. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 765; Image: 443; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Claypool, Thomas Simeon
    2. Claypool, Thomas Simeon
  1430. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 614; Image: 292; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sturgis, Hannah
    2. Residence, Sturgis, Hannah
  1431. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 8, Shelby, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 419; Image: 471; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Reeves, William Allen
    2. Birth, Reeves, William Allen
  1432. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 85; Image: 85; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Residence, Ashlock, Obediah
    2. Ashlock, Obediah
  1433. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 620; Image: 298; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Spires, John R.
    2. Spires, John R.
  1434. Year: 1860; Census Place: Macon, Illinois; Roll: M653_203; Page: 809; Image: 243; Family History Library Film: 803203
    1. Masters, James V.
    2. Birth, Masters, James V.
  1435. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hot Spring, Napa, California; Roll: M653_61; Page: 28; Image: 28; Family History Library Film: 803061
    1. Rector, William Alexander
    2. Birth, Rector, William Alexander
  1436. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 894; Image: 146.
    1. Goodpasture, Winborn Wellsbar
  1437. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 750; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Hardcastle, John Henry
  1438. Year: 1860; Census Place: Salem, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 141; Image: 285; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Chamberlain, Lewis
    2. Birth, Chamberlain, Lewis
  1439. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Polk, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1268; Page: 399; Image: 224; Family History Library Film: 805268
    1. Hagler, Abraham Waden
  1440. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lynnville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 483; Image: 161; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sandusky, Susan
  1441. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 6, Winston, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 1258; Image: 502.
    1. Cranford, Celia
    2. Residence, Cranford, Celia
  1442. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 57; Image: 118; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Oliver, Charlotte J.
    2. Age in 1860: 23
  1443. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Van Hoozer, William Preston
    2. Residence, Van Hoozer, William Preston
  1444. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 390; Image: 390.
    1. Flannigan, Martha J.
  1445. Year: 1860; Census Place: Russell, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: ; Page: 53; Image: 58.
    1. Fanning, Eliza Samantha
  1446. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Thomaston, Knox, Maine; Roll: M653_443; Page: 361; Image: 361; Family History Library Film: 803443
    1. Rackliffe, Charles W.
  1447. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hardin, Hardin, Iowa; Roll: M653_323; Page: 732; Image: 250; Family History Library Film: 803323
    1. Miller, Ann
  1448. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 44; Image: 91; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Birth, Parks, Nancy
    2. Parks, Nancy
  1449. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sherrill, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 1100; Image: 529.
    1. Birth, McGiboney, Cora Anna Amanda
    2. McGiboney, Cora Anna Amanda
  1450. Year: 1860; Census Place: Springboro, Warren, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 330; Image: 666.
    1. Residence, Neill, Phoebe
    2. Neill, Phoebe
  1451. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Lafayette, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 631; Image: 281.
    1. Birth, Neill, Anna W.
    2. Neill, Anna W.
  1452. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bristol, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 111; Image: 116; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Brown, Amos Rev.
    2. Residence, Brown, Amos Rev.
  1453. Year: 1860; Census Place: McArthur, Vinton, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 332; Image: 248.
    1. Kaler, Joseph Judge
    2. Residence, Kaler, Joseph Judge
  1454. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hamilton, Butler, Ohio; Page: 441; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Shaffer, George Keck
  1455. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 35; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Holmes, Mary L.
  1456. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 251; Image: 507; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Egbert, David F.
    2. Age in 1860: 4
  1457. Year: 1860; Census Place: De Soto, Louisiana; Roll: M653_410; Page: 857; Image: 433; Family History Library Film: 803410
    1. Birth, Sebastian, Charles Edward
    2. Sebastian, Charles Edward
  1458. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 391; Image: 391.
    1. Ice, John Quincy D
    2. Birth, Ice, John Quincy D
  1459. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 140; Image: 289.
    1. Residence, Eldridge, John Harrison
    2. Eldridge, John Harrison
  1460. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nishnabotna, Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 586; Image: 90; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Morgan, James Bartlett
  1461. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 202; Image: 413; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Margaret T.
  1462. Year: 1860; Census Place: Regiment 2, Pickens, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1225; Page: 31; Family History Library Film: 805225
    1. Masters, John
    2. Birth, Masters, John
  1463. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Eastern District, Ashe, North Carolina; Roll: M653_887; Page: 372; Image: 304; Family History Library Film: 803887
    1. Anderson, Rebecca
    2. Birth, Anderson, Rebecca
  1464. Year: 1860; Census Place: Goochland, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 924; Image: 584; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Jordan, Eliza Browder
  1465. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 576; Image: 578; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Residence, Gill, Martha Jane
    2. Gill, Martha Jane
  1466. Year: 1860; Census Place: McComb, Hancock, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 108; Image: 220.
    1. Fout, Frederick
    2. Birth, Fout, Frederick
  1467. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 683; Image: 681; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Birth, Spires, Sarah (Sallie) Petree
    2. Spires, Sarah (Sallie) Petree
  1468. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 S Range 10 W, Monroe, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 165; Image: 165.
    1. Residence, Ettling, George Phillip
    2. Ettling, George Phillip
  1469. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 591; Image: 269; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Age: 30
    2. Van Note, Eleanor
  1470. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Lampasas, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 178; Image: 365.
    1. Watson, David R.
  1471. Year: 1860; Census Place: , De Soto, Louisiana; Roll: ; Page: 857; Image: 433.
    1. Greenhaw, Caroline Margaret
  1472. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western District, Upshur, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 392; Image: 316.
    1. Residence, Crow, William M
    2. Crow, William M
  1473. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 699; Image: 247; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Holmes, Margaret Matilda
    2. Age in 1860: 4/12
  1474. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_224; Page: 429; Image: 428; Family History Library Film: 803224
    1. Christ, Theresa
    2. Residence, Christ, Theresa
  1475. Year: 1860; Census Place: Green, Platte, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 763; Image: 250.
    1. Cravens, Alice Rebecca
    2. Residence, Cravens, Alice Rebecca
  1476. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 34; Image: 73; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Pinson, Laurissa Elizabeth
  1477. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Elizabeth
  1478. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Hardy, Virginia; Roll: M653_1351; Page: 588; Image: 76; Family History Library Film: 805351
    1. Combs, Peter
  1479. Year: 1860; Census Place: Noble, Rush, Indiana; Roll: M653_294; Page: 757; Image: 260; Family History Library Film: 803294
    1. Residence, Warren, Anna Elizabeth
    2. Warren, Anna Elizabeth
  1480. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 172; Image: 353; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Knox, John Dennis
    2. Birth, Knox, John Dennis
  1481. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 444; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Curry, Martha Ann
    2. Residence, Curry, Martha Ann
  1482. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 457; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Angelo, Hardin Robert
    2. Angelo, Hardin Robert
  1483. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 2 Range 7, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 743; Image: 742.
    1. Residence, Elbin, Maria Josephine
    2. Elbin, Maria Josephine
  1484. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 795; Image: 473; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Adair, Elizabeth J.
    2. Adair, Elizabeth J.
  1485. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 27; Image: 58.
    1. Burk, William W.
  1486. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nelson, Virginia; Roll: M653_1365; Page: 846; Image: 378; Family History Library Film: 805365
    1. Birth, Manley, Jesse A.
    2. Manley, Jesse A.
  1487. 1860 United States Federal Census
    1. Masters, Robert
  1488. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fall River, Wasco, Oregon; Roll: M653_1056; Page: 611; Image: 474; Family History Library Film: 805056
    1. Walker, Arthur Morgan
  1489. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 582; Image: 584; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Story, Eliza Jennie
  1490. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 251; Image: 507; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Egbert, David P.
    2. Age in 1860: 44
  1491. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Birth, Crow, Sarah Jane
    2. Crow, Sarah Jane
  1492. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 840; Image: 518; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Kirby, Mary Thomas Mollie
    2. Birth, Kirby, Mary Thomas Mollie
  1493. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 620; Image: 298; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Spires, John R.
    2. Residence, Spires, John R.
  1494. Year: 1860; Census Place: Butler, Kentucky; Roll: M653_358; Page: 955; Image: 555; Family History Library Film: 803358
    1. Residence, Sharer, James Burgess
    2. Sharer, James Burgess
  1495. Year: 1860; Census Place: Oktibbeha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_589; Page: 104; Image: 108; Family History Library Film: 803589
    1. Birth, Masters, Charlotte
    2. Masters, Charlotte
  1496. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 629; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Little, Elijah
    2. Birth, Little, Elijah
  1497. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western District, Tazewell, Virginia; Roll: M653_1381; Page: 801; Image: 313; Family History Library Film: 805381
    1. Sizemore, Anderson
    2. Birth, Sizemore, Anderson
  1498. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 483; Image: 318.
    1. Justice, Abraham
  1499. Year: 1860; Census Place: McArthur, Vinton, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 332; Image: 248.
    1. Claypool, Leah
    2. Birth, Claypool, Leah
  1500. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 16; Image: 36.
    1. Naylor, Charles C.
  1501. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Jefferson, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 712; Image: 218.
    1. Cranford, John Monroe
  1502. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 756; Image: 434.
    1. Claypoole, Charlotte
    2. Birth, Claypoole, Charlotte
  1503. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 750; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Hardcastle, John Henry
    2. Birth, Hardcastle, John Henry
  1504. Year: 1860; Census Place: Shauswick, Lawrence, Indiana; Roll: M653_276; Page: 716; Image: 134; Family History Library Film: 803276
    1. Residence, Davies, Seliah
    2. Davies, Seliah
  1505. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 646; Image: 324; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Palmer, Moses N.
    2. Birth, Palmer, Moses N.
  1506. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 322; Image: 274; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Nelson, Mary Sarah
    2. Birth, Nelson, Mary Sarah
  1507. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 100; Image: 100.
    1. Residence, Forgey, Mary Fidelia
    2. Forgey, Mary Fidelia
  1508. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Williamson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 124; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Residence, Prowell, Mary Agnes
    2. Prowell, Mary Agnes
  1509. Year: 1860; Census Place: York, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1228; Page: 426; Image: 261; Family History Library Film: 805228
    1. Sturgis, William Draper
  1510. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 3 E, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: M653_239; Page: 968; Image: 168; Family History Library Film: 803239
    1. Age in 1860: 30
    2. Swofford, Martha Ann
  1511. Year: 1860; Census Place: Guilford, Hendricks, Indiana; Roll: M653_265; Page: 606; Image: 132; Family History Library Film: 803265
    1. Birth, Davies, Thomas
    2. Davies, Thomas
  1512. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 476; Image: 305.
    1. Butler, Mary Charlotte
    2. Residence, Butler, Mary Charlotte
  1513. Year: 1860; Census Place: McArthur, Vinton, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 332; Image: 248.
    1. Claypool, Leah
    2. Residence, Claypool, Leah
  1514. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gainesville, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_353; Page: 317; Family History Library Film: 803353
    1. Rigsby, James Edward
    2. Residence, Rigsby, James Edward
  1515. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 859; Image: 409.
    1. Holmes, George Wayne
    2. Residence, Holmes, George Wayne
  1516. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bangor, Marshall, Iowa; Roll: M653_335; Page: 128; Image: 570; Family History Library Film: 803335
    1. Adams, William
  1517. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Page: 583; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Cron, Theresa Lucretia
    2. Residence Post Office: Bloomington
  1518. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Shelby, Kentucky; Roll: M653_395; Page: 198; Image: 198; Family History Library Film: 803395
    1. Wells, Nathan
    2. Age in 1860: 95
  1519. Year: 1860; Census Place: Meramec, Jefferson, Missouri; Roll: M653_626; Page: 627; Image: 158; Family History Library Film: 803626
    1. Age: 60
    2. Wallace, Nancy Carol
  1520. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southeast, Orange, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 556; Image: 30.
    1. Holmes, Henry
  1521. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrisburg, Jackson, Georgia; Roll: M653_128; Page: 179; Family History Library Film: 803128
    1. Hay, Sarah "Sallie"
    2. Residence, Hay, Sarah "Sallie"
  1522. Year: 1860; Census Place: Woodland, Fulton, Illinois; Roll: M653_179; Page: 149; Image: 149; Family History Library Film: 803179
    1. Sturgis, Sarah Jane
    2. Age in 1860: 63
  1523. Year: 1860; Census Place: Leake, Mississippi; Roll: M653_586; Page: 578; Image: 134; Family History Library Film: 803586
    1. Sturgis, Melinda M.
  1524. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 656; Image: 64; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Louthan, Henrianna
    2. Birth, Louthan, Henrianna
  1525. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 752; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Howell, Elizabeth Ann
    2. Howell, Elizabeth Ann
  1526. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sugar Creek, Logan, Illinois; Page: 80; Family History Library Film: 803200
    1. Birth, Comstock, Andrew M.
    2. Comstock, Andrew M.
  1527. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: M653_177; Page: 390; Image: 390; Family History Library Film: 803177
    1. Maddox, Elizabeth Ann
    2. Residence, Maddox, Elizabeth Ann
  1528. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Marshall, Alabama; Roll: M653_16; Page: 940; Image: 466; Family History Library Film: 803016
    1. Prentice, Samuel Wesley
    2. Birth, Prentice, Samuel Wesley
  1529. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Owen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_391; Page: 91; Family History Library Film: 803391
    1. Claypool, Lutitia
  1530. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 222; Image: 221.
    1. Birth, Crow, Elvira A.
    2. Crow, Elvira A.
  1531. Year: 1860; Census Place: Butler, Kentucky; Roll: M653_358; Page: 955; Image: 555; Family History Library Film: 803358
    1. Sharer, James Burgess
  1532. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 429; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Rasor, Henry Harrison
  1533. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 214; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Watkins, William Columbus
    2. Watkins, William Columbus
  1534. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 81; Image: 81; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Holmes, Andrew Roger
    2. Holmes, Andrew Roger
  1535. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 859; Image: 409.
    1. Residence, Holmes, Gilliam Samuel
    2. Holmes, Gilliam Samuel
  1536. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Residence, Waller, Mary K.
    2. Waller, Mary K.
  1537. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Greenbrier, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 427; Image: 435.
    1. Residence, Hoyleman, Olivia Estelline
    2. Hoyleman, Olivia Estelline
  1538. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 721; Image: 279.
    1. Residence, Wilkey, Samuel Houston
    2. Wilkey, Samuel Houston
  1539. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Hot Spring, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 959; Image: 447.
    1. Burnett, Elizabeth Adaline
  1540. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_224; Page: 429; Image: 428; Family History Library Film: 803224
    1. Residence, Christ, Nicholas
    2. Christ, Nicholas
  1541. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Lafayette, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 631; Image: 281.
    1. Elliott, Sarah Ann "Sallie"
  1542. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Birth, Howell, Sarah Jane
    2. Howell, Sarah Jane
  1543. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 8, Shelby, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 419; Image: 471; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Reeves, William Allen
  1544. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Mitchell, Joseph Elliot
  1545. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Knox, Illinois; Roll: M653_195; Page: 1026; Image: 681; Family History Library Film: 803195
    1. Crawford, John Rev.
    2. Birth, Crawford, John Rev.
  1546. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sims, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 267; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. LaForge, Mary
  1547. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bristol, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 110; Image: 115; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Cheney, Mary
    2. Birth, Cheney, Mary
  1548. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grand River, Carroll, Missouri; Roll: M653_612; Page: 576; Image: 93; Family History Library Film: 803612
    1. Anderson, Mathew
    2. Residence, Anderson, Mathew
  1549. Year: 1860; Census Place: Henry, Henry, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 22; Image: 22.
    1. Residence, Templeton, Dovey Amanda
    2. Templeton, Dovey Amanda
  1550. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 236; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Owens, Nelson
  1551. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Jackson, Tennessee; Page: 235; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Savage, Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Savage, Elizabeth
  1552. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Warren, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 415; Image: 22.
    1. Birth, Wright, Eli J.
    2. Wright, Eli J.
  1553. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 764; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Howell, Henry B.
    2. Howell, Henry B.
  1554. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Schuyler, Missouri; Roll: M653_646; Page: 736; Image: 124; Family History Library Film: 803646
    1. Gatlin, William S.
    2. Birth, Gatlin, William S.
  1555. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Hickman, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 517; Image: 77; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Riley, Lucy
  1556. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Franklin, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1249; Page: 99; Image: 205; Family History Library Film: 805249
    1. Residence, Staples, Elizabeth D.
    2. Staples, Elizabeth D.
  1557. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Hamilton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1253; Page: 142; Image: 292; Family History Library Film: 805253
    1. Spicer, Elizabeth Wash
    2. Birth, Spicer, Elizabeth Wash
  1558. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 58; Image: 119; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Wright, Sarah Ann
  1559. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 2 Range 5, Marshall, Mississippi; Roll: M653_587; Page: 97; Family History Library Film: 803587
    1. Boyd, Robert Lewis
  1560. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Louisiana; Roll: M653_423; Page: 303; Family History Library Film: 803423
    1. Birth, Aldredge, California Adeline Callie
    2. Aldredge, California Adeline Callie
  1561. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newburyport Ward 6, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_496; Page: 547; Image: 551; Family History Library Film: 803496
    1. Birth, Silloway, Sarah T.
    2. Silloway, Sarah T.
  1562. Year: 1860; Census Place: N E Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 789; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Residence Post Office: Oakland
    2. McCracken, Margaret A.
  1563. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 3 E, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 970; Image: 170.
    1. Residence, Karr, Keziah
    2. Karr, Keziah
  1564. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 476; Image: 573.
    1. Cate, Samuel F.
    2. Residence, Cate, Samuel F.
  1565. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Carter, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 402; Image: 243.
    1. Crow, Robert Campbell
    2. Residence, Crow, Robert Campbell
  1566. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Hamilton, Indiana; Roll: M653_263; Page: 302; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 803263
    1. Stoneman, Mark Davis
  1567. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 157; Image: 322; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Maxwell, Mary Jane
    2. Birth, Maxwell, Mary Jane
  1568. Year: 1860; Census Place: York, Putnam, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 553; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Ogle, Martha G.
    2. Ogle, Martha G.
  1569. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 18, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 460; Image: 336; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Birth, Fitzgerald, Mary E.
    2. Fitzgerald, Mary E.
  1570. Year: 1860; Census Place: Morris, Greene, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1114; Page: 658; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 805114
    1. Iams, Samuel
    2. Residence, Iams, Samuel
  1571. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 12; Image: 30; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Brown, Owen Montgomery MD
  1572. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bethany, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: M653_622; Page: 605; Image: 119; Family History Library Film: 803622
    1. Bunyard, Nancy Lum
  1573. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 680; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Residence, Louthen, John Kerfoot
    2. Louthen, John Kerfoot
  1574. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richland, Guernsey, Ohio; Roll: M653_969; Page: 75; Family History Library Film: 803969
    1. Johnson, Armentha Ann
  1575. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Perry, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 354; Image: 131.
    1. Curry, Mary Ann"Polly"
    2. Birth, Curry, Mary Ann"Polly"
  1576. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lamoine, McDonough, Illinois; Roll: M653_201; Page: 834; Image: 474; Family History Library Film: 803201
    1. Trammell, William Benjamin
    2. Birth, Trammell, William Benjamin
  1577. Year: 1860; Census Place: Towns, Georgia; Roll: M653_138; Page: 136; Image: 137; Family History Library Film: 803138
    1. Birth, Johnson, Ann
    2. Johnson, Ann
  1578. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 44; Image: 44.
    1. Wollard, William D.
  1579. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mason City, Mason, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 607; Image: 606.
    1. Hibberd, Israel
  1580. 1860 United States Federal Census
    1. Masters, Robert
    2. Residence, Masters, Robert
  1581. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pike, Jay, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 33; Image: 33.
    1. Iames, Sarah
  1582. Year: 1860; Census Place: Floyd, Kentucky; Roll: M653_367; Page: 82; Image: 82; Family History Library Film: 803367
    1. Sizemore, Rhoda
    2. Birth, Sizemore, Rhoda
  1583. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richland, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 445; Image: 449; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Siegmunt, Barbara Ann
  1584. Year: 1860; Census Place: Peoria Ward 2, Peoria, Illinois; Roll: M653_216; Page: 177; Image: 178; Family History Library Film: 803216
    1. Masters, Thomas Burley
  1585. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 217; Image: 216; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Age: 42
    2. Pickel, Christian
  1586. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dardenne, St Charles, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 861; Image: 366.
    1. Howell, Nancy
    2. Residence, Howell, Nancy
  1587. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Residence, Howell, Amanda Elizabeth
    2. Howell, Amanda Elizabeth
  1588. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Van Hoozer, Samuel Callahan
  1589. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Residence, Campbell, Amanda Ann
    2. Campbell, Amanda Ann
  1590. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 752; Image: 430.
    1. Howell, Moses J.
  1591. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fox River, Davis, Iowa; Roll: M653_317; Page: 897; Image: 385; Family History Library Film: 803317
    1. Age in 1860: 60
    2. Strunk, Daniel S.
  1592. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 16; Image: 38; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Willis, Wilson W.
    2. Residence, Willis, Wilson W.
  1593. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarksburg, Montgomery, Maryland; Roll: M653_478; Page: 164; Image: 164; Family History Library Film: 803478
    1. Magruder, Elizabeth Catherine
    2. Residence, Magruder, Elizabeth Catherine
  1594. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 81; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Holmes, Nancy Ann
    2. Holmes, Nancy Ann
  1595. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 146; Image: 146.
    1. Carpenter, Green Q.
    2. Residence, Carpenter, Green Q.
  1596. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 83; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Residence, Whitton, Lindsey Franklin
    2. Whitton, Lindsey Franklin
  1597. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Lincoln, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 584; Image: 579.
    1. Residence, Gammon, George Washington
    2. Gammon, George Washington
  1598. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 868; Image: 546.
    1. Roberson, Cinderella
  1599. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 236; Image: 235.
    1. Birth, Wollard, William Ross
    2. Wollard, William Ross
  1600. Year: 1860; Census Place: Amherst, Virginia; Roll: M653_1332; Page: 413; Image: 421; Family History Library Film: 805332
    1. Residence, Manley, George Washington
    2. Manley, George Washington
  1601. Year: 1860; Census Place: Regiment 4, Anderson, South Carolina; Roll: ; Page: 191; Image: 385.
    1. Birth, Clement, Nancy
    2. Clement, Nancy
  1602. Year: 1860; Census Place: Augusta, Hancock, Illinois; Page: 812; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Wade, Mary
    2. Residence Post Office: Augusta
  1603. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Hawn, William Simpson
    2. Residence, Hawn, William Simpson
  1604. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 44 Range 17, Moniteau, Missouri; Roll: M653_634; Page: 732; Image: 232; Family History Library Film: 803634
    1. Reeves, Henry A. "Peg-Leg"
  1605. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 3 E, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 970; Image: 170.
    1. Karr, Newton
  1606. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 81; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Holmes, Nancy Ann
  1607. Year: 1860; Census Place: Vermontville, Eaton, Michigan; Roll: M653_542; Page: 853; Image: 357; Family History Library Film: 803542
    1. Sutton, Abigail
  1608. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cass, Pulaski, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 1030; Image: 504.
    1. Williams, Alfred W
  1609. Year: 1860; Census Place: Panola, Mississippi; Roll: M653_589; Page: 162; Family History Library Film: 803589
    1. Casey, Samuel Otterson
    2. Residence, Casey, Samuel Otterson
  1610. Year: 1860; Census Place: Livingston, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 289; Image: 590.
    1. Residence, Goodbar, Andrew Jackson
    2. Goodbar, Andrew Jackson
  1611. Year: 1860; Census Place: Liberty, Henry, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 120; Image: 120; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Wiles, Luke
    2. Birth, Wiles, Luke
  1612. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Hawn, Melinda
    2. Birth, Hawn, Melinda
  1613. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Bear Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 417; Image: 161; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Residence, Loftis, Rebecca
    2. Loftis, Rebecca
  1614. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Wright, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 986; Image: 425.
    1. Freels, Parmelia
  1615. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richhill, Greene, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 733; Image: 507.
    1. Parsons, Priscella
    2. Residence, Parsons, Priscella
  1616. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Cedar, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 146; Image: 150.
    1. Dunnegan, Francis
    2. Birth, Dunnegan, Francis
  1617. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Boone, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 826; Image: 306.
    1. Handlen, William
    2. Residence, Handlen, William
  1618. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grayson, Virginia; Roll: M653_1348; Page: 74; Image: 78; Family History Library Film: 805348
    1. Davis, Margaret
  1619. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 444; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Birth, Stubblefield, Elizabeth Ann
    2. Stubblefield, Elizabeth Ann
  1620. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 721; Image: 279.
    1. McCulley, Sarah Jane
  1621. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Montgomery, Caroline V.
  1622. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 355; Image: 359.
    1. Farnsley, Julia N.
    2. Residence, Farnsley, Julia N.
  1623. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 85; Image: 85.
    1. Butler, Leah Ellender
  1624. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 691; Image: 253; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Residence, Carter, Thomas
    2. Carter, Thomas
  1625. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 752; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Howell, Elizabeth Ann
    2. Birth, Howell, Elizabeth Ann
  1626. Year: 1860; Census Place: Regiment 2, Pickens, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1225; Page: 31; Family History Library Film: 805225
    1. Masters, John
  1627. Year: 1860; Census Place: De Soto, Washington, Nebraska Territory; Roll: ; Page: 855; Image: 47.
    1. Courvoisier-Piot, Eugenie C
    2. Residence, Courvoisier-Piot, Eugenie C
  1628. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fabius, Marion, Missouri; Roll: M653_632; Page: 972; Image: 465; Family History Library Film: 803632
    1. Todd, Samuel Blair
    2. Age in 1860: 26
  1629. Year: 1860; Census Place: Rock Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 636; Image: 382; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Jones, Alcey
    2. Residence, Jones, Alcey
  1630. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 18, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 463; Image: 342.
    1. Woody, Samuel Willis
    2. Birth, Woody, Samuel Willis
  1631. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Cranford, Nancy Emily
  1632. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 517; Image: 261.
    1. Birth, Jones, Nancy Jane
    2. Jones, Nancy Jane
  1633. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1265; Page: 146; Image: 298; Family History Library Film: 805265
    1. Standifer, Nancy Jane
    2. Age in 1860: 19
  1634. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Putnam, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 7; Image: 17.
    1. Burton, Stephen Decatur
  1635. Year: 1860; Census Place: Columbia, Meigs, Ohio; Roll: M653_1008; Page: 336; Image: 675; Family History Library Film: 805008
    1. Searls, William Grant
  1636. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 455; Image: 531; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Frank, Mary Jane
  1637. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lincoln, Kentucky; Roll: M653_382; Page: 12; Image: 12; Family History Library Film: 803382
    1. Birth, Ball, Almarinda
    2. Ball, Almarinda
  1638. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Birth, Mitchell, Joseph Elliot
    2. Mitchell, Joseph Elliot
  1639. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clear Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 312; Image: 630; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Miller, Lewis Neill
  1640. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Morgan, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 494; Image: 496.
    1. Weaver, David J.
    2. Birth, Weaver, David J.
  1641. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 327; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Chaney, Hester Ann
    2. Residence, Chaney, Hester Ann
  1642. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 196; Image: 195.
    1. Residence, Christian, James
    2. Christian, James
  1643. Year: 1860; Census Place: Deer Creek, Cass, Indiana; Roll: M653_247; Page: 686; Family History Library Film: 803247
    1. Gates, Mary Jane
    2. Residence, Gates, Mary Jane
  1644. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Cheatham, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 216; Image: 435.
    1. Residence, Felts, Fanny F
    2. Felts, Fanny F
  1645. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richland, Guernsey, Ohio; Roll: M653_969; Page: 75; Family History Library Film: 803969
    1. Johnson, Armentha Ann
    2. Residence, Johnson, Armentha Ann
  1646. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Cedar, Missouri; Roll: M653_613; Page: 123; Image: 127; Family History Library Film: 803613
    1. Hudson, Thomas A.
  1647. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Cheatham, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 216; Image: 435.
    1. Felts, Fanny F
    2. Birth, Felts, Fanny F
  1648. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 111; Image: 231; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Age: 65
    2. Peak, Susannah
  1649. Year: 1860; Census Place: De Soto, Washington, Nebraska Territory; Roll: ; Page: 855; Image: 47.
    1. Courvoisier-Piot, Eugenie C
    2. Birth, Courvoisier-Piot, Eugenie C
  1650. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Residence, Frieze, Sarah C.
    2. Frieze, Sarah C.
  1651. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Crow, William G.
  1652. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 12; Image: 12; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Pickering, Jonathan
    2. Pickering, Jonathan
  1653. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 205; Image: 204.
    1. Claypool, George Clarence
    2. Birth, Claypool, George Clarence
  1654. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 795; Image: 473; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Adair, Elisha Milton
    2. Adair, Elisha Milton
  1655. Year: 1860; Census Place: Buena Vista, Jasper, Iowa; Roll: M653_325; Page: 59; Image: 387; Family History Library Film: 803325
    1. Birth, Likins, Leonard
    2. Likins, Leonard
  1656. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Decatur, Indiana; Roll: M653_253; Page: 993; Image: 358; Family History Library Film: 803253
    1. Nelson, Charity Margaret
  1657. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 625; Image: 303; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Seymour, Nancy
    2. Birth, Seymour, Nancy
  1658. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 81; Image: 82.
    1. Residence, Reitz, Johanette
    2. Reitz, Johanette
  1659. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 420; Image: 461.
    1. Jenkins, Talitha Jane Jennie
  1660. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Decatur, Indiana; Roll: M653_253; Page: 993; Image: 358; Family History Library Film: 803253
    1. Residence, Nelson, Charity Margaret
    2. Nelson, Charity Margaret
  1661. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Kosciusko, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 386; Image: 386.
    1. Carper, George F.
  1662. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Shelby, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1273; Page: 337; Family History Library Film: 805273
    1. Lynn, Jesse
    2. Birth, Lynn, Jesse
  1663. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 505; Image: 362; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Guffey, Malissa
    2. Age: 3
  1664. Year: 1860; Census Place: Albany, Green, Wisconsin; Roll: M653_1411; Page: 45; Image: 50; Family History Library Film: 805411
    1. Coats, Hestler Palmer
    2. Birth, Coats, Hestler Palmer
  1665. Year: 1860; Census Place: Catoosa, Georgia; Roll: M653_114; Page: 977; Image: 353; Family History Library Film: 803114
    1. Roddy, Emma A
    2. Age: 10
  1666. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 591; Image: 269; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Van Note, Eleanor
    2. Van Note, Eleanor
  1667. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Boone, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 826; Image: 306.
    1. Handlen, Joseph Moore
    2. Birth, Handlen, Joseph Moore
  1668. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 622; Image: 26; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Masters, Robert S.
    2. Residence, Masters, Robert S.
  1669. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carter, Spencer, Indiana; Roll: M653_297; Page: 132; Family History Library Film: 803297
    1. Ubelhor, Barbara (Ebelhart)
  1670. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Crow, Jesse Ninon
    2. Residence, Crow, Jesse Ninon
  1671. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 511; Image: 375.
    1. Green, Sarah
  1672. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 697; Image: 257.
    1. Blue, Mary Ann
  1673. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Polk, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1268; Page: 399; Image: 224; Family History Library Film: 805268
    1. Peak, Elizabeth
    2. Age: 69
  1674. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Joseph, Buchanan, Missouri; Roll: M653_609; Page: 434; Image: 436; Family History Library Film: 803609
    1. Alley, Comfort Lanzel
  1675. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 452; Image: 320; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Harbison, Joshua Hull
    2. Birth, Harbison, Joshua Hull
  1676. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 828; Image: 66.
    1. Cranford, Julia Ann
    2. Birth, Cranford, Julia Ann
  1677. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 517; Image: 261.
    1. Birth, Abbott, Charles Orlen
    2. Abbott, Charles Orlen
  1678. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Masters, Isaac Bird
    2. Masters, Isaac Bird
  1679. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 98; Image: 98; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Flint, Hannah Elizabeth
    2. Flint, Hannah Elizabeth
  1680. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Perry, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 342; Image: 108.
    1. Birth, Horner, Sarah Elizabeth
    2. Horner, Sarah Elizabeth
  1681. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 235; Image: 480; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Butler, John William
    2. Birth, Butler, John William
  1682. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grayson, Virginia; Roll: M653_1348; Page: 79; Image: 83; Family History Library Film: 805348
    1. Birth, Simcock, John Kelly
    2. Simcock, John Kelly
  1683. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 10 Range 4, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: M653_239; Page: 1104; Image: 304; Family History Library Film: 803239
    1. Residence, Parks, Charles L.
    2. Parks, Charles L.
  1684. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: M653_22; Page: 774; Image: 380; Family History Library Film: 803022
    1. Age in 1860: 25
    2. Weathers, America Jane
  1685. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 677; Image: 237; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Roberts, James
  1686. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 455; Image: 531; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Gass, Mary Ann
  1687. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cahaba, Dallas, Alabama; Roll: M653_8; Page: 945; Image: 449; Family History Library Film: 803008
    1. Andrews, Warren B.
  1688. Year: 1860; Census Place: Somerset, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: M653_937; Page: 368; Image: 284; Family History Library Film: 803937
    1. Vernon, Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Vernon, Elizabeth
  1689. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 1001; Image: 435.
    1. Stubbs, Martha Ann
    2. Birth, Stubbs, Martha Ann
  1690. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 179; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Bradley, Matilda
    2. Residence, Bradley, Matilda
  1691. Year: 1860; Census Place: Salem, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 141; Image: 285; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Chamberlain, Lewis
    2. Age in 1860: 25
  1692. Year: 1860; Census Place: Brooklyn Ward 15 District 1, Kings, New York; Page: 102; Family History Library Film: 803773
    1. Birth, Ogden, George Henry
    2. Ogden, George Henry
  1693. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Waller, Elizabeth E.
    2. Residence, Waller, Elizabeth E.
  1694. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Marys, Hancock, Illinois; Page: 343; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Residence Post Office: Plymouth
    2. Ritchey, Frances J.
  1695. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 582; Image: 260; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Stice, Sarah E.
    2. Birth, Stice, Sarah E.
  1696. Year: 1860; Census Place: Monroe, Lincoln, Missouri; Roll: M653_629; Page: 379; Image: 375; Family History Library Film: 803629
    1. Scott, Nancy
    2. Birth, Scott, Nancy
  1697. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Mitchell, Samuel
  1698. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 852; Image: 530; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Carpenter, Mary Jane
  1699. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 765; Image: 443.
    1. Residence, Claypool, Rebecca Osborn
    2. Claypool, Rebecca Osborn
  1700. Year: 1860; Census Place: Windsor, Lawrence, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 146; Image: 295.
    1. Goff, Lorenzo Dow
    2. Birth, Goff, Lorenzo Dow
  1701. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 606; Image: 605.
    1. Wachter, John Anton
  1702. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 694; Image: 692; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Sturgis, Rebecca K.
    2. Residence, Sturgis, Rebecca K.
  1703. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 827; Image: 65.
    1. Residence, Cranford, Charlotte
    2. Cranford, Charlotte
  1704. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_25; Page: 373; Image: 375; Family History Library Film: 803025
    1. Moon, Jacob
    2. Birth, Moon, Jacob
  1705. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 606; Image: 605.
    1. Residence, Richard, Margaretha
    2. Richard, Margaretha
  1706. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 126; Image: 261.
    1. Birth, Harvey, Wilson N. Rev.
    2. Harvey, Wilson N. Rev.
  1707. Year: 1860; Census Place: Monegaw, St Clair, Missouri; Page: 1013; Family History Library Film: 803644
    1. Heazle, Elizabeth
    2. Residence Post Office: Monegaw
  1708. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 3, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Page: 190; Family History Library Film: 803655
    1. Birth, Carter, Sarah Elizabeth
    2. Carter, Sarah Elizabeth
  1709. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pilot Grove, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 436.
    1. Birth, Jenkins, Margaret Peggy
    2. Jenkins, Margaret Peggy
  1710. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 342; Image: 346; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Barker, Phebe
  1711. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mequon, Ozaukee, Wisconsin; Roll: ; Page: 885; Image: 313.
    1. Taute, Martin
  1712. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 694; Image: 692.
    1. Van Note, Simon
    2. Birth, Van Note, Simon
  1713. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 750; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence Post Office: Bowling Green
    2. Hardcastle, John Henry
  1714. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 697; Image: 257.
    1. Howton, David
  1715. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 859; Image: 409.
    1. Holmes, Luke Prier
    2. Birth, Holmes, Luke Prier
  1716. Year: 1860; Census Place: Capps Creek, Barry, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 918; Image: 422; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Browning, Nancy
  1717. Year: 1860; Census Place: Red Rock, Marion, Iowa; Roll: M653_335; Page: 156; Image: 160; Family History Library Film: 803335
    1. Residence, Alley, Elihu
    2. Alley, Elihu
  1718. Year: 1860; Census Place: Butler, Franklin, Indiana; Roll: M653_259; Page: 68; Image: 70; Family History Library Film: 803259
    1. Hoagland, Sarah Ann
  1719. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Greenbrier, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 427; Image: 435.
    1. Hoyleman, William Rennick
  1720. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1265; Page: 176; Image: 359; Family History Library Film: 805265
    1. Peak, Jacob
  1721. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_224; Page: 27; Image: 28; Family History Library Film: 803224
    1. Hill, John Wilburt "Burt"
    2. Birth, Hill, John Wilburt "Burt"
  1722. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: M653_930; Page: 16; Image: 36; Family History Library Film: 803930
    1. Naylor, Mary Elizabeth
  1723. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 752; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Howell, Sarah E.
    2. Howell, Sarah E.
  1724. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Lafayette, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 646; Image: 296.
    1. Neill, Jane H.
    2. Birth, Neill, Jane H.
  1725. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jersey, Licking, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 360; Image: 239.
    1. Dove, Mary Magdalene
    2. Residence, Dove, Mary Magdalene
  1726. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Thomas Davie
  1727. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 199; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence Post Office: Oak Hill
    2. Goodbar, James Madison
  1728. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 429; Image: 270; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Forgey, Mary Catherine
  1729. Year: 1860; Census Place: Rappahannock, Virginia; Roll: M653_1374; Page: 156; Image: 171; Family History Library Film: 805374
    1. Brown, Mary Ella
  1730. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Williamson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 123; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Sparkman, Emily D.
  1731. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Marys, Auglaize, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 396; Image: 190.
    1. Zimmerman, Amos McKee
  1732. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sugar Creek, Logan, Illinois; Page: 80; Family History Library Film: 803200
    1. Comstock, Andrew M.
  1733. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 478; Image: 309; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Adkinson, William F.
  1734. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Division, Guilford, North Carolina; Roll: M653_900; Page: 5; Image: 14; Family History Library Film: 803900
    1. Coble, Peter
    2. Residence, Coble, Peter
  1735. Year: 1860; Census Place: Des Moines, Boone, Iowa; Roll: M653_312; Page: 253; Image: 253; Family History Library Film: 803312
    1. Birth, Payne, Nancy Elizabeth
    2. Payne, Nancy Elizabeth
  1736. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Hawn, Nathaniel Woodson
    2. Birth, Hawn, Nathaniel Woodson
  1737. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Schuyler, Missouri; Roll: M653_646; Page: 736; Image: 124; Family History Library Film: 803646
    1. Gatlin, William S.
    2. Residence, Gatlin, William S.
  1738. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Morgan, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 494; Image: 496.
    1. Residence, Weaver, David J.
    2. Weaver, David J.
  1739. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ozark, Missouri; Roll: M653_637; Page: 446; Family History Library Film: 803637
    1. Holmes, Robert
    2. Residence, Holmes, Robert
  1740. Year: 1860; Census Place: Neosho, Newton, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 876; Image: 368.
    1. Cravens, Alice Rebecca
    2. Residence, Cravens, Alice Rebecca
  1741. Year: 1860; Census Place: High Forest, Olmsted, Minnesota; Roll: M653_572; Page: 676; Image: 263; Family History Library Film: 803572
    1. Naylor, Ellen
    2. Birth, Naylor, Ellen
  1742. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 388; Image: 398; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Counts, Sarah Margaret
    2. Birth, Counts, Sarah Margaret
  1743. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 203; Image: 415.
    1. Butler, William Amos
  1744. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 686; Image: 684; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Masters, Hillery C.
  1745. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_224; Page: 606; Image: 605; Family History Library Film: 803224
    1. Age: 2
    2. Wachter, Louis
  1746. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Putnam, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 95; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Goodbar, Julia Ann Ford
  1747. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Page: 638; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Louthan, Rachel Athalia
  1748. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 164; Image: 338; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Hampton, Martha
  1749. Year: 1860; Census Place: Howell, Howell, Missouri; Roll: M653_624; Page: 541; Family History Library Film: 803624
    1. Baker, Rufus M.
  1750. Year: 1860; Census Place: Line Creek, Spalding, Georgia; Roll: M653_136; Page: 265; Image: 267; Family History Library Film: 803136
    1. Reeves, Josiah F.
  1751. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 457; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Residence, Angelo, Samantha Jane
    2. Angelo, Samantha Jane
  1752. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mazarne, Montgomery, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 945; Image: 413.
    1. Birth, Wright, Samuel S.
    2. Wright, Samuel S.
  1753. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 16, Jackson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 327; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Masters, Pyrilla
    2. Residence, Masters, Pyrilla
  1754. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 499; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Chaney, Sampson
  1755. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Hickman, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 529; Image: 89.
    1. Residence, Brogdon, Deborah Low
    2. Brogdon, Deborah Low
  1756. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 622; Image: 26; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Masters, Edwin Luther
  1757. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cass, Pulaski, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 1030; Image: 504.
    1. Birth, Williams, Alfred W
    2. Williams, Alfred W
  1758. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 24; Image: 54; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Wyatt, William Henry
  1759. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Birth, Waller, Jesse H.
    2. Waller, Jesse H.
  1760. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 239; Image: 238.
    1. Forgey, Amanda M.
    2. Residence, Forgey, Amanda M.
  1761. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 639; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Age in 1860: 8
    2. Sisk, Amanda Jane
  1762. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois; Roll: M653_156; Page: 175; Image: 175; Family History Library Film: 803156
    1. Sturgis, James B.
  1763. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grayson, Virginia; Roll: M653_1348; Page: 78; Image: 82; Family History Library Film: 805348
    1. Boyer, Robert B.
    2. Residence, Boyer, Robert B.
  1764. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 150; Image: 150.
    1. Wright, William W.
  1765. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 88; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Birth, Fly, Mary Malinda
    2. Fly, Mary Malinda
  1766. Year: 1860; Census Place: Regiment 4, Anderson, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1212; Page: 244; Image: 492; Family History Library Film: 805212
    1. Johnson, Edith
    2. Birth, Johnson, Edith
  1767. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 58; Image: 119; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Wright, Thomas Clark
    2. Birth, Wright, Thomas Clark
  1768. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 81; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Holmes, Sarah Jane
    2. Residence Post Office: Humansville
  1769. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 429; Image: 270; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Forgey, James G.
  1770. Year: 1860; Census Place: Macon, Illinois; Roll: M653_203; Page: 786; Image: 220; Family History Library Film: 803203
    1. Orr, John Morgan
  1771. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 318; Image: 320.
    1. Green, Joseph H.
  1772. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 10 Range 4, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: M653_239; Page: 1104; Image: 304; Family History Library Film: 803239
    1. Parks, Charles L.
  1773. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 271; Image: 273.
    1. Wright, Alexander Augustus
    2. Birth, Wright, Alexander Augustus
  1774. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Joseph, Buchanan, Missouri; Roll: M653_609; Page: 434; Image: 436; Family History Library Film: 803609
    1. Residence, Alley, Comfort Lanzel
    2. Alley, Comfort Lanzel
  1775. Year: 1860; Census Place: Russell, Virginia; Roll: M653_1376; Page: 183; Image: 191; Family History Library Film: 805376
    1. Birth, Dickenson, Oscar Fitzallen
    2. Dickenson, Oscar Fitzallen
  1776. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois; Roll: M653_156; Page: 175; Image: 175; Family History Library Film: 803156
    1. Sturgis, Isaac
  1777. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Bullitt, Kentucky; Roll: M653_358; Page: 765; Image: 368; Family History Library Film: 803358
    1. Age: 76
    2. Ridgway, Joseph
  1778. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Sugar Loaf, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 912; Image: 462; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Mathis, Mirriam Ann
  1779. Year: 1860; Census Place: High Forest, Olmsted, Minnesota; Roll: M653_572; Page: 676; Image: 263; Family History Library Film: 803572
    1. Parker, Julia A.
    2. Age in 1860: 35
  1780. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 7, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1265; Page: 185; Image: 376; Family History Library Film: 805265
    1. Green, Harriet
  1781. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hamilton, Butler, Ohio; Roll: M653_941; Page: 418; Image: 402; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Louthan, Henderson
  1782. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wabash, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 564; Image: 568; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Raines, Elijah
    2. Age: 38
  1783. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 236; Image: 478; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Forgey, Hugh
  1784. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 9 Range 8 E, Gallatin, Illinois; Roll: M653_180; Page: 1015; Family History Library Film: 803180
    1. Dempsey, John D.
  1785. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Marys, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 373; Image: 117; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Bowman, James E.
  1786. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 172; Image: 353; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Knox, John Dennis
  1787. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 3, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 233; Image: 233.
    1. Carter, Thornton DeWitt
    2. Residence, Carter, Thornton DeWitt
  1788. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: M653_658; Page: 1001; Image: 435; Family History Library Film: 803658
    1. Birth, Sanders, Margaret Ann
    2. Sanders, Margaret Ann
  1789. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Carroll, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 94; Image: 192.
    1. Huffman, Amelia Millie
  1790. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 6, Winston, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 1258; Image: 502.
    1. Cranford, Celia
    2. Residence, Cranford, Celia
  1791. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Residence, Crow, Jesse Ninon
    2. Crow, Jesse Ninon
  1792. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 13 Range 13, Scott, Illinois; Roll: M653_227; Page: 989; Image: 165; Family History Library Film: 803227
    1. Hill, Sarah
  1793. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western District, Upshur, Texas; Roll: M653_1306; Page: 392; Image: 316; Family History Library Film: 805306
    1. Adams, Rebecca
  1794. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 233; Image: 477.
    1. Residence, Kington, William M.
    2. Kington, William M.
  1795. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Crow, Sarah Jane
  1796. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 210; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Masters, Ingober
    2. Masters, Ingober
  1797. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Montgomery, Maryland; Roll: M653_478; Page: 265; Image: 266; Family History Library Film: 803478
    1. Magruder, Samuel E.
    2. Residence, Magruder, Samuel E.
  1798. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 97; Image: 97; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Crawford, Martha Ellen
  1799. Year: 1860; Census Place: Goochland, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 936; Image: 596; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Birth, Woodward, George B.
    2. Woodward, George B.
  1800. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 391; Image: 391.
    1. Ice, William Arthur
  1801. Year: 1860; Census Place: Middle Division, Fayette, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 490; Image: 496.
    1. Castleberry, Assella Dorcas
  1802. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 36; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Holmes, U. J.
  1803. Year: 1860; Census Place: Smith, Posey, Indiana; Roll: M653_290; Page: 609; Image: 83; Family History Library Film: 803290
    1. Birth, Chastain, Magdalene Sarah
    2. Chastain, Magdalene Sarah
  1804. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Jackson, Louisiana; Roll: M653_411; Page: 385; Image: 405; Family History Library Film: 803411
    1. Pearce, Allen Ulysses
  1805. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Masters, Malinda M.
    2. Masters, Malinda M.
  1806. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Blount, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 924; Image: 278.
    1. Residence, Posey, Towning Docty
    2. Posey, Towning Docty
  1807. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 696; Image: 244; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Birth, Holmes, William Rilan
    2. Holmes, William Rilan
  1808. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 7, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 182; Image: 371.
    1. Butler, Nancy Ames
  1809. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fluvanna, Virginia; Roll: M653_1345; Page: 764; Image: 338; Family History Library Film: 805345
    1. Birth, Mayo, John Williamson
    2. Mayo, John Williamson
  1810. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 457; Image: 330; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Forgey, Fidelia Caroline
    2. Birth, Forgey, Fidelia Caroline
  1811. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Sebastian, Arkansas; Roll: M653_50; Page: 1039; Image: 493; Family History Library Film: 803050
    1. Coy, Phoebe Jane
    2. Birth, Coy, Phoebe Jane
  1812. Year: 1860; Census Place: Persifer, Knox, Illinois; Roll: M653_195; Page: 598; Image: 263; Family History Library Film: 803195
    1. Dawson, James Albert
    2. Residence, Dawson, James Albert
  1813. Year: 1860; Census Place: Linn, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 324; Image: 652; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Claypool, Reuben
    2. Residence, Claypool, Reuben
  1814. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 155; Image: 318; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Masters, Deborah
    2. Masters, Deborah
  1815. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sugar Creek, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: M653_622; Page: 712; Image: 226; Family History Library Film: 803622
    1. Residence, Alley, Jane
    2. Alley, Jane
  1816. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 214; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Residence Post Office: Fair Play
    2. Forgey, Nancy Jane
  1817. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richland, Vinton, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 219; Image: 22.
    1. Residence, Claypool, Alexander
    2. Claypool, Alexander
  1818. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 64, Gentry, Missouri; Roll: M653_620; Page: 844; Image: 198; Family History Library Film: 803620
    1. Residence, Hill, Franklin Harris
    2. Hill, Franklin Harris
  1819. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 96; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Residence Post Office: Big Hill
    2. Bell, Mary Caroline
  1820. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 165; Image: 339.
    1. Hinds, Susannah
    2. Residence, Hinds, Susannah
  1821. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Kentucky; Roll: M653_363; Page: 69; Image: 69; Family History Library Film: 803363
    1. Sizemore, Henry Hunting Shirt
  1822. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 698; Image: 260.
    1. Dunn, Lucinda E.
    2. Residence, Dunn, Lucinda E.
  1823. Year: 1860; Census Place: Haddon, Sullivan, Indiana; Roll: M653_298; Page: 709; Image: 269; Family History Library Film: 803298
    1. Age in 1860: 5
    2. Simrell, Clara Bell
  1824. Year: 1860; Census Place: Seminary, Fayette, Illinois; Roll: M653_177; Page: 237; Image: 237; Family History Library Film: 803177
    1. Birth, Brown, Henry Wesley
    2. Brown, Henry Wesley
  1825. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 355; Image: 332; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Baker, William
  1826. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Marys, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 373; Image: 117; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Birth, Bowman, James Barton
    2. Bowman, James Barton
  1827. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Lafayette, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 631; Image: 281.
    1. Residence, Neill, Mary D.
    2. Neill, Mary D.
  1828. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 206; Image: 421; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Masters, Mary "Polly" D.
    2. Masters, Mary "Polly" D.
  1829. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 16; Image: 38; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Birth, Willis, Wilson W.
    2. Willis, Wilson W.
  1830. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 406; Image: 433; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Tribune, Martha N.
    2. Birth, Tribune, Martha N.
  1831. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 457; Image: 535.
    1. Witt, Sarah Elizabeth
  1832. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Marys, Auglaize, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 396; Image: 190.
    1. Zimmerman, Amos McKee
    2. Birth, Zimmerman, Amos McKee
  1833. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 3 Range 9, Madison, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 669; Image: 671.
    1. Gipson, Helen Celess
    2. Birth, Gipson, Helen Celess
  1834. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: M653_658; Page: 1002; Image: 436; Family History Library Film: 803658
    1. Robertson, Jane
    2. Age: 49
  1835. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 222; Image: 221.
    1. Kennon, Louisa Sarah
  1836. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wilson, Greene, Missouri; Roll: M653_621; Page: 184; Image: 184; Family History Library Film: 803621
    1. Appleberry, Rebecca S
    2. Birth, Appleberry, Rebecca S
  1837. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Page: 262; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Birth, Hair, Franklin D.
    2. Hair, Franklin D.
  1838. Year: 1860; Census Place: Morris, Greene, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1114; Page: 658; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 805114
    1. Grimes, Nancy Graham
    2. Residence, Grimes, Nancy Graham
  1839. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 392; Image: 392.
    1. Birth, Ice, Frederick H
    2. Ice, Frederick H
  1840. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Wright, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 967; Image: 406.
    1. Weatherman, John Calvin
    2. Birth, Weatherman, John Calvin
  1841. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 722; Image: 280.
    1. Birth, Castleberry, Elizabeth
    2. Castleberry, Elizabeth
  1842. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 155; Image: 317.
    1. Residence, Cain, George Washington
    2. Cain, George Washington
  1843. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 24; Image: 51.
    1. Birth, Naylor, William Willis
    2. Naylor, William Willis
  1844. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 452; Image: 320; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Oliphant, Araminta J.
  1845. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 327; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Millikan, Mary Edith
  1846. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 763; Image: 441; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Roberson, Jessee Bazel
  1847. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 181; Image: 176; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Residence, Carver, Rachel E.
    2. Carver, Rachel E.
  1848. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Cocke, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1244; Page: 472; Image: 459; Family History Library Film: 805244
    1. Millikan, Cynthia
    2. Birth, Millikan, Cynthia
  1849. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 7, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1265; Page: 183; Image: 372; Family History Library Film: 805265
    1. Peak, Malinda H.
  1850. Year: 1860; Census Place: Scott, Virginia; Page: 411; Family History Library Film: 805376
    1. Birth, Tyler, Sarah Edna Moncure
    2. Tyler, Sarah Edna Moncure
  1851. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Pike, Kentucky; Roll: M653_392; Page: 921; Image: 495; Family History Library Film: 803392
    1. Residence, McCoy, William Anderson
    2. McCoy, William Anderson
  1852. Year: 1860; Census Place: Padua, McLean, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 269; Image: 269.
    1. Hull, Jacob W.
    2. Birth, Hull, Jacob W.
  1853. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fairview, Fayette, Indiana; Roll: M653_256; Page: 759; Image: 759; Family History Library Film: 803256
    1. Manlove, Malinda G.
    2. Birth, Manlove, Malinda G.
  1854. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Fork, Montgomery, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 854; Image: 322.
    1. Cranford, Mathew Thomas
    2. Residence, Cranford, Mathew Thomas
  1855. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 582; Image: 260; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Stice, Sarah E.
  1856. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Half of County, Crittenden, Kentucky; Roll: M653_363; Page: 310; Image: 310; Family History Library Film: 803363
    1. Long, Georgia Anna
    2. Birth, Long, Georgia Anna
  1857. Year: 1860; Census Place: White, Georgia; Roll: M653_140; Page: 491; Image: 491; Family History Library Film: 803140
    1. Birth, Masters, Zachariah
    2. Masters, Zachariah
  1858. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 146; Image: 146.
    1. Wright, Mary Adeline
  1859. Year: 1860; Census Place: Goochland, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 924; Image: 584; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Residence, Jordan, Eliza Browder
    2. Jordan, Eliza Browder
  1860. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Darke, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 420; Image: 424.
    1. Rodabaugh, Elijah Ananais
    2. Residence, Rodabaugh, Elijah Ananais
  1861. Year: 1860; Census Place: North Salem, Hendricks, Indiana; Roll: M653_265; Page: 863; Image: 389; Family History Library Film: 803265
    1. Birth, Claypool, Eleanor "Nelley"
    2. Claypool, Eleanor "Nelley"
  1862. Year: 1860; Census Place: Woodland, Fulton, Illinois; Roll: M653_179; Page: 159; Image: 159; Family History Library Film: 803179
    1. Hopping, Mary Ammerilla
  1863. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 97; Image: 97; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Forgey, Margaret Rebecca
    2. Birth, Forgey, Margaret Rebecca
  1864. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 334; Image: 289.
    1. Dunwoody, Martha Malinda
  1865. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 85; Image: 85.
    1. Residence, Gammon, Caleb Butler
    2. Gammon, Caleb Butler
  1866. Year: 1860; Census Place: Freedom, Carroll, Illinois; Roll: M653_159; Page: 860; Image: 168; Family History Library Film: 803159
    1. Arnold, Susan Malinda Hader
    2. Residence, Arnold, Susan Malinda Hader
  1867. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 509.
    1. Residence, Chaney, Nancy E.
    2. Chaney, Nancy E.
  1868. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 686; Image: 684; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Residence, Masters, Sarah Jane
    2. Masters, Sarah Jane
  1869. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Howell, Julia Ann
    2. Residence, Howell, Julia Ann
  1870. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 363; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Chaney, Florence B.
  1871. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 827; Image: 65.
    1. Birth, Cranford, Charlotte
    2. Cranford, Charlotte
  1872. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 397; Image: 416; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Morris, Gideon W.
    2. Birth, Morris, Gideon W.
  1873. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jones, Union, Iowa; Roll: M653_342; Page: 47; Family History Library Film: 803342
    1. Forgey, James Allen
    2. Residence, Forgey, James Allen
  1874. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ozark, Missouri; Roll: M653_637; Page: 415; Image: 426; Family History Library Film: 803637
    1. Claypool, Rebecca
    2. Birth, Claypool, Rebecca
  1875. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 24; Image: 54; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Brown, Jesse
  1876. Year: 1860; Census Place: Padua, McLean, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 269; Image: 269.
    1. Hull, Jacob W.
  1877. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 85; Image: 85.
    1. Residence, Gammon, John Robertson
    2. Gammon, John Robertson
  1878. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 161; Image: 156; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Sturgis, Sarah Ann
  1879. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 390; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Birth, Thompson, Martha Emaline
    2. Thompson, Martha Emaline
  1880. Year: 1860; Census Place: Boone, Greene, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 272; Image: 272.
    1. Claypool, Elmina Jane
  1881. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 9, Jackson, Tennessee; Page: 328; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Birth, Masters, Sarah
    2. Masters, Sarah
  1882. Year: 1860; Census Place: Canton, Benton, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 811; Image: 425.
    1. Hite, David
  1883. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grand River, Carroll, Missouri; Roll: M653_612; Page: 576; Image: 93; Family History Library Film: 803612
    1. Residence, Woosley, Mary "Polly"
    2. Woosley, Mary "Polly"
  1884. Year: 1860; Census Place: Massie, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 341; Image: 688; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Residence, Nedry, Emma B.
    2. Nedry, Emma B.
  1885. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 483; Image: 318.
    1. Residence, Justice, Abraham
    2. Justice, Abraham
  1886. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bern, Athens, Ohio; Roll: M653_934; Page: 19; Image: 42; Family History Library Film: 803934
    1. Birth, Vernon, Amos
    2. Vernon, Amos
  1887. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Lampasas, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 178; Image: 365.
    1. Birth, Watson, David R.
    2. Watson, David R.
  1888. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 24; Image: 25.
    1. Ettling, Conrad
  1889. Year: 1860; Census Place: Shawnee, Johnson, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 480; Image: 32.
    1. Gore, Jonathan
  1890. Year: 1860; Census Place: De Soto, Washington, Nebraska Territory; Roll: ; Page: 855; Image: 47.
    1. Courvoisier-Piot, Eugenie C
  1891. Year: 1860; Census Place: Goochland, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 936; Image: 596; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Woodward, George B.
  1892. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 696; Image: 244.
    1. Holmes, Artemissa Adaline
    2. Birth, Holmes, Artemissa Adaline
  1893. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 12; Image: 30; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Residence, Brown, Owen Montgomery MD
    2. Brown, Owen Montgomery MD
  1894. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 S Range 10 W, Monroe, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 166; Image: 166.
    1. Culli, Carolina
  1895. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 773; Image: 11.
    1. Birth, Tubbs, Samuel Sanders
    2. Tubbs, Samuel Sanders
  1896. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Cedar, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 135; Image: 139.
    1. Fleener, James H.
  1897. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 200; Image: 199.
    1. Harper, Mary Elvira Nancy
  1898. Year: 1860; Census Place: Linn, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 324; Image: 652; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Adair, Isabel Ann
    2. Birth, Adair, Isabel Ann
  1899. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Half of County, Crittenden, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 310; Image: 310.
    1. Crow, Mary Johnson
    2. Residence, Crow, Mary Johnson
  1900. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 755; Image: 433.
    1. Birth, Claypool, Burwell Prunty Dr.
    2. Claypool, Burwell Prunty Dr.
  1901. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gallatin, Daviess, Missouri; Roll: M653_617; Page: 559; Image: 563; Family History Library Film: 803617
    1. Residence, Alley, Sampson
    2. Alley, Sampson
  1902. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 222; Image: 221.
    1. Kennon, Louisa Sarah
    2. Residence, Kennon, Louisa Sarah
  1903. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Page: 156; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Gore, Isaac Thomas
    2. Residence Post Office: Livingston
  1904. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pilot Grove, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 691; Image: 437.
    1. Birth, Haggard, Harriet C.
    2. Haggard, Harriet C.
  1905. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fredericksville Parish, Albemarle, Virginia; Roll: M653_1331; Page: 384; Image: 34; Family History Library Film: 805331
    1. Residence, Louthan, William Page
    2. Louthan, William Page
  1906. Year: 1860; Census Place: North Salem, Hendricks, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 865; Image: 391.
    1. Birth, Claypool, Charity
    2. Claypool, Charity
  1907. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Scott, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 511; Image: 525.
    1. Birth, Burnett, Jane
    2. Burnett, Jane
  1908. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 222; Image: 221.
    1. Residence, Crow, John Wesley
    2. Crow, John Wesley
  1909. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 236; Image: 478; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Shorter, Salina M.
  1910. Year: 1860; Census Place: Scott, Fremont, Iowa; Roll: M653_321; Page: 36; Image: 76; Family History Library Film: 803321
    1. Study, Francis Marion
    2. At Morman settlement
  1911. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bloomfield, Fillmore, Minnesota; Page: 274; Family History Library Film: 803569
    1. Birth, Rundell, Ida E.
    2. Rundell, Ida E.
  1912. Year: 1860; Census Place: N W Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 750; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Residence, McCracken, William Hall
    2. McCracken, William Hall
  1913. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dardenne, St Charles, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 861; Image: 366.
    1. Castlio, John Harrison
  1914. Year: 1860; Census Place: District Town Valley, Chattooga, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 623; Image: 97.
    1. Watts, Joseph McConnell
  1915. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Birth, Mitchell, Susan
    2. Mitchell, Susan
  1916. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clark, Johnson, Arkansas; Roll: M653_44; Page: 943; Image: 449; Family History Library Film: 803044
    1. Spicer, Jacob N.
    2. Birth, Spicer, Jacob N.
  1917. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Putnam, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 7; Image: 17.
    1. Birth, Burton, Stephen Decatur
    2. Burton, Stephen Decatur
  1918. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 646; Image: 324; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Palmer, Moses N.
  1919. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 165; Image: 339; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Goodpasture, Marena
  1920. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cuivre, St Charles, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 555; Image: 60.
    1. Keithley, William
    2. Residence, Keithley, William
  1921. Year: 1860; Census Place: Union, Humboldt, California; Roll: M653_59; Page: 188; Image: 188; Family History Library Film: 803059
    1. Handy, Samuel
  1922. Year: 1860; Census Place: Persifer, Knox, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 598; Image: 263.
    1. Claypool, Margaret
  1923. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Cedar, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 21; Image: 25.
    1. Residence, Kennedy, Asa Scott
    2. Kennedy, Asa Scott
  1924. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 27; Image: 58.
    1. Burk, Perlina Alice
  1925. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 455; Image: 531.
    1. Residence, Frank, Jackson
    2. Frank, Jackson
  1926. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 7, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 381; Image: 383; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Mitchell, James Lewis
  1927. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Clarke, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 63.
    1. Carter, Lydia Anne
    2. Birth, Carter, Lydia Anne
  1928. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 83; Image: 83.
    1. Butler, Eliza Jane
  1929. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Hot Spring, Arkansas; Roll: M653_42; Page: 970; Image: 458; Family History Library Film: 803042
    1. Birth, Phillips, Mary
    2. Phillips, Mary
  1930. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Kosciusko, Indiana; Roll: M653_273; Page: 43; Family History Library Film: 803273
    1. Burtwhistle, Mary Ann
  1931. Year: 1860; Census Place: Livingston, Overton, Tennessee; Page: 288; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Goodbar, Jessie Franklin
  1932. Year: 1860; Census Place: Giles, Virginia; Roll: M653_1345; Page: 881; Image: 455; Family History Library Film: 805345
    1. Underwood, Talitha
    2. Residence, Underwood, Talitha
  1933. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Boone, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 826; Image: 306.
    1. Handlen, Joseph Moore
  1934. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Sequatchie, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1271; Page: 251; Image: 508; Family History Library Film: 805271
    1. Spicer, Sarah J.
  1935. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Thomaston, Knox, Maine; Roll: M653_443; Page: 361; Image: 361; Family History Library Film: 803443
    1. Age: 30
    2. Rackliffe, Charles W.
  1936. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Cedar, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 21; Image: 25.
    1. Birth, Kennedy, Asa Scott
    2. Kennedy, Asa Scott
  1937. Year: 1860; Census Place: Union, Montgomery, Indiana; Roll: M653_283; Page: 293; Image: 297; Family History Library Film: 803283
    1. Phillips, Sidney S.
  1938. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bangor, Marshall, Iowa; Roll: M653_335; Page: 129; Image: 571; Family History Library Film: 803335
    1. Burcham, Samuel
  1939. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 930; Image: 192.
    1. Gailbreath, George H.
    2. Birth, Gailbreath, George H.
  1940. Year: 1860; Census Place: McArthur, Vinton, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 332; Image: 248.
    1. Kaler, Joseph Judge
  1941. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 7, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 381; Image: 383; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Birth, Mitchell, James Lewis
    2. Mitchell, James Lewis
  1942. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Hawn, Tabitha
  1943. Year: 1860; Census Place: Click, Hancock, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1252; Page: 476; Image: 563; Family History Library Film: 805252
    1. Biggs, Nancy
    2. Residence, Biggs, Nancy
  1944. Year: 1860; Census Place: Line Creek, Spalding, Georgia; Roll: M653_136; Page: 265; Image: 267; Family History Library Film: 803136
    1. Residence, Reeves, Josiah F.
    2. Reeves, Josiah F.
  1945. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Frederick, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 477; Image: 131; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Residence, Carter, Elizabeth
    2. Carter, Elizabeth
  1946. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 247.
    1. Holmes, Moses Carpenter
    2. Birth, Holmes, Moses Carpenter
  1947. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 363; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Chaney, Andrew Jackson
  1948. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bern, Athens, Ohio; Roll: M653_934; Page: 19; Image: 42; Family History Library Film: 803934
    1. Residence, Way, Jane
    2. Way, Jane
  1949. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 698; Image: 260.
    1. Dunn, Lucinda E.
  1950. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 247.
    1. Residence, Holmes, George Wayne
    2. Holmes, George Wayne
  1951. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Greene, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 629; Image: 33.
    1. Cain, George Jefferson
  1952. Year: 1860; Census Place: Rush, Buchanan, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 29; Image: 29.
    1. Birth, Parker, Harrett
    2. Parker, Harrett
  1953. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 58; Image: 119; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Manley, Elizabeth Odle
  1954. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Crow, John Anderson
    2. Birth, Crow, John Anderson
  1955. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Crow, William Henderson "Billy"
    2. Birth, Crow, William Henderson "Billy"
  1956. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Hickman, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 517; Image: 77.
    1. Chaney, Charles
  1957. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Greene, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 629; Image: 33.
    1. Residence, Cain, Celina Elizabeth
    2. Cain, Celina Elizabeth
  1958. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 164; Image: 338; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Masters, William Jordan
    2. Masters, William Jordan
  1959. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 36; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Holmes, Janet M.
  1960. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Alleghany, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 11; Image: 15.
    1. Birth, Thompson, Mary Polly
    2. Thompson, Mary Polly
  1961. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bourbon, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_346; Page: 362; Image: 362; Family History Library Film: 803346
    1. Bonner, Telitha Ellen
    2. Residence, Bonner, Telitha Ellen
  1962. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 457; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Angelo, David Roberts
  1963. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ervin, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 830; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Residence, Salmons, George Washington
    2. Salmons, George Washington
  1964. Year: 1860; Census Place: North Salem, Hendricks, Indiana; Roll: M653_265; Page: 863; Image: 389; Family History Library Film: 803265
    1. Residence, Claypool, Eleanor "Nelley"
    2. Claypool, Eleanor "Nelley"
  1965. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 754; Image: 432.
    1. Whitten, Sarah Charity "Sally"
    2. Residence, Whitten, Sarah Charity "Sally"
  1966. Year: 1860; Census Place: District Town Valley, Chattooga, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 642; Image: 116.
    1. Birth, Langston, Mariah
    2. Langston, Mariah
  1967. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richmond, Wayne, Indiana; Roll: M653_308; Page: 612; Image: 611; Family History Library Film: 803308
    1. Birth, Pitman, Esther
    2. Pitman, Esther
  1968. Year: 1860; Census Place: Huntsville, Walker, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 98; Image: 204.
    1. Residence, Cranford, William
    2. Cranford, William
  1969. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 694; Image: 692; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Palmer, Thomas Jefferson
    2. Age in 1860: 9
  1970. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 N Range 2 W (North two-thirds), Montgomery, Illinois; Roll: M653_214; Page: 224; Image: 224; Family History Library Film: 803214
    1. Whitten, William P.
  1971. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 322; Image: 274; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Residence, Morris, Lydia K.
    2. Morris, Lydia K.
  1972. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Decatur, Indiana; Roll: M653_253; Page: 1064; Image: 429; Family History Library Film: 803253
    1. Claypool, Katherine
  1973. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Kennon, Lee
    2. Birth, Kennon, Lee
  1974. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Callahan, Rebecca
    2. Birth, Callahan, Rebecca
  1975. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Mathis, Marah B
  1976. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 754; Image: 432.
    1. Whitten, Sarah Charity "Sally"
    2. Birth, Whitten, Sarah Charity "Sally"
  1977. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 446; Image: 513.
    1. Frank, George Henegar
    2. Birth, Frank, George Henegar
  1978. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Cherokee, Alabama; Roll: M653_5; Page: 185; Image: 191; Family History Library Film: 803005
    1. Wade, Sarah Jane
    2. Birth, Wade, Sarah Jane
  1979. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 894; Image: 146.
    1. Goodpasture, Sarah Elizabeth
  1980. Year: 1860; Census Place: Murrayville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 492; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Masters, Nancy Officer
  1981. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 4, Erath, Texas; Roll: M653_1293; Page: 141; Image: 287; Family History Library Film: 805293
    1. Osborn, Newman
  1982. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 624; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Van Note, Martha Malissa "Mattie"
    2. Age in 1860: 4
  1983. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richhill, Greene, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 733; Image: 507.
    1. Newburn, Francis Julius Lemoyne
    2. Birth, Newburn, Francis Julius Lemoyne
  1984. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Greene, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 623; Image: 27.
    1. Birth, Wyatt, William W.
    2. Wyatt, William W.
  1985. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Waller, Jacob Carlo
    2. Residence, Waller, Jacob Carlo
  1986. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Jackson, Louisiana; Roll: ; Page: 427; Image: 447.
    1. Wigley, John D.
  1987. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Frederick, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 477; Image: 131; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Carter, Elizabeth
  1988. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 235; Image: 480.
    1. Residence, Butler, Nertha Fine J
    2. Butler, Nertha Fine J
  1989. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Page: 165; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence Post Office: Livingston
    2. McGee, Margaret R
  1990. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 572; Image: 134; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Age: 49
    2. Thompson, Amelia E.
  1991. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 867; Image: 545; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Roberson, Elijah D.
    2. Roberson, Elijah D.
  1992. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ozark, Missouri; Roll: M653_637; Page: 446; Family History Library Film: 803637
    1. Holmes, Robert
    2. Birth, Holmes, Robert
  1993. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 14; Image: 34; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Sizemore, Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Sizemore, Elizabeth
  1994. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1265; Page: 146; Image: 298; Family History Library Film: 805265
    1. Standifer, Nancy Jane
  1995. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richhill, Greene, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 733; Image: 507.
    1. Newburn, Francis Julius Lemoyne
  1996. Year: 1860; Census Place: Panola, Mississippi; Roll: M653_589; Page: 162; Family History Library Film: 803589
    1. Casey, Samuel Otterson
  1997. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 699; Image: 707; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. , Katrina
    2. Residence, , Katrina
  1998. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Daviess, Missouri; Roll: M653_617; Page: 449; Image: 453; Family History Library Film: 803617
    1. McDaniel, James Russell
    2. Residence, McDaniel, James Russell
  1999. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 247.
    1. Holmes, Moses Carpenter
    2. Residence, Holmes, Moses Carpenter
  2000. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 393; Image: 7.
    1. Manson, William Sutherland
    2. Birth, Manson, William Sutherland
  2001. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Page: 165; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. McGee, Margaret R
  2002. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 765; Image: 443; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Claypool, John Marshall
    2. Claypool, John Marshall
  2003. Year: 1860; Census Place: Vermontville, Eaton, Michigan; Roll: M653_542; Page: 853; Image: 357; Family History Library Film: 803542
    1. Birth, Sutton, Abigail
    2. Sutton, Abigail
  2004. Year: 1860; Census Place: Northern Division, Spartanburg, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1226; Page: 226; Image: 66; Family History Library Film: 805226
    1. Cannon, Emily
  2005. Year: 1860; Census Place: White, Georgia; Roll: M653_140; Page: 491; Image: 491; Family History Library Film: 803140
    1. Masters, Zachariah
  2006. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hamilton, Butler, Ohio; Page: 418; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Louthan, Frederick D. "Fred"
  2007. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 236; Image: 235; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Saye, Thomas P.
  2008. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bath, Kentucky; Roll: M653_355; Page: 45; Image: 45; Family History Library Film: 803355
    1. Carter, Elijah
  2009. Year: 1860; Census Place: Paint, Ross, Ohio; Roll: M653_1031; Page: 335; Image: 136; Family History Library Film: 805031
    1. Tudor, Franklin Lewis "Frank"
    2. Age: 3
  2010. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 754; Image: 432.
    1. Claypool, Austin Jefferson
    2. Residence, Claypool, Austin Jefferson
  2011. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 455; Image: 531; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Gass, Mary Ann
    2. Residence, Gass, Mary Ann
  2012. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 391; Image: 391.
    1. Birth, Ice, Andrew Jackson
    2. Ice, Andrew Jackson
  2013. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 1, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: M653_647; Page: 366; Image: 365; Family History Library Film: 803647
    1. Birth, Dettmar, Emma Barbara
    2. Dettmar, Emma Barbara
  2014. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Blount, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 924; Image: 278.
    1. Residence, Cranford, Lewis Mason
    2. Cranford, Lewis Mason
  2015. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 20, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 480; Image: 375; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Fitzgerald, Rebecca
    2. Birth, Fitzgerald, Rebecca
  2016. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 235; Image: 480; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Crowe, Nancy A.
  2017. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Buchanan, Missouri; Roll: M653_609; Page: 297; Image: 297; Family History Library Film: 803609
    1. Winters, Dorinda Eliza "Dora"
    2. Birth, Winters, Dorinda Eliza "Dora"
  2018. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 696; Image: 694.
    1. Harris, Emberson Taylor
    2. Birth, Harris, Emberson Taylor
  2019. Year: 1860; Census Place: Regiment 22, Mecklenburg, Virginia; Roll: M653_1362; Page: 209; Image: 219; Family History Library Film: 805362
    1. Clarke, John Edward
    2. Birth, Clarke, John Edward
  2020. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Howard, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 407; Image: 407.
    1. Residence, Elliott, Newton Glasgow
    2. Elliott, Newton Glasgow
  2021. Year: 1860; Census Place: Morgan, Dade, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 147; Image: 151.
    1. Claypool, Matthew
  2022. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 206; Image: 422.
    1. Draper, Edward Bradley
  2023. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 2 Range 5, Marshall, Mississippi; Roll: M653_587; Page: 97; Family History Library Film: 803587
    1. Boyd, Robert Lewis
    2. Birth, Boyd, Robert Lewis
  2024. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 407; Image: 21; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Residence, Crow, Samuel E.
    2. Crow, Samuel E.
  2025. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 421; Image: 425; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Birth, Pitsenbarger, Anna Catherine
    2. Pitsenbarger, Anna Catherine
  2026. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 764; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Howell, Dudley Fletcher
  2027. Year: 1860; Census Place: Edmonson, Kentucky; Roll: M653_365; Page: 4; Image: 4; Family History Library Film: 803365
    1. Anderson, Daniel Kelly
    2. Residence, Anderson, Daniel Kelly
  2028. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wayne, Kentucky; Roll: M653_399; Page: 276; Image: 272; Family History Library Film: 803399
    1. Peak, Rhoda
    2. Age: 56
  2029. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 499; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Chaney, Sampson
    2. Residence, Chaney, Sampson
  2030. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 16; Image: 38; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Brown, Thomas Eastman
  2031. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 2 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 100; Image: 101.
    1. Ettling, Mary Catharina
  2032. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Sabine, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 322; Image: 274.
    1. Morris, Shadrach H.
    2. Residence, Morris, Shadrach H.
  2033. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 599; Image: 277; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Ray, William Evermont
    2. Age: 36
  2034. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 238; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Forgey, Samuel Scott
    2. Residence Post Office: Fair Play
  2035. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Masters, Robert Simon
    2. Masters, Robert Simon
  2036. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Crawford, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 629; Image: 35.
    1. Thomas, Levi Whitfield
    2. Birth, Thomas, Levi Whitfield
  2037. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Page: 167; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence Post Office: Hilham
    2. Masters, John H.
  2038. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 615; Image: 613; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Coons, George Madison
    2. Residence, Coons, George Madison
  2039. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grayson, Virginia; Roll: M653_1348; Page: 163; Image: 167; Family History Library Film: 805348
    1. Barton, John D.
  2040. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 756; Image: 434.
    1. Claypoole, George Perry
  2041. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 44; Image: 91.
    1. Farmer, Agnes
  2042. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ervin, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 837; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Harness, Susan A.
    2. Residence, Harness, Susan A.
  2043. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cuivre, St Charles, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 555; Image: 60.
    1. Keithley, William
    2. Residence, Keithley, William
  2044. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Buchanan, Missouri; Roll: M653_609; Page: 297; Image: 297; Family History Library Film: 803609
    1. Winters, Dorinda Eliza "Dora"
  2045. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harp, DeWitt, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 756; Image: 268.
    1. Birth, Jackson, Joshua S.
    2. Jackson, Joshua S.
  2046. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bethany, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: M653_622; Page: 605; Image: 119; Family History Library Film: 803622
    1. Alley, Samuel Jay
  2047. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 3, Rusk, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 229; Image: 82; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Residence, Davis, William Columbus
    2. Davis, William Columbus
  2048. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Van Hoozer, Mary Elizabeth
  2049. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 233; Image: 477.
    1. Kington, William M.
  2050. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 408; Image: 22; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Crow, Amanda A.
    2. Birth, Crow, Amanda A.
  2051. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Cedar, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 135; Image: 139.
    1. Birth, Denton, Susan A.
    2. Denton, Susan A.
  2052. Year: 1860; Census Place: Brown, Linn, Iowa; Roll: M653_332; Page: 127; Image: 127; Family History Library Film: 803332
    1. Hanson, Eliza
  2053. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 235; Image: 480; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Residence, Crowe, Nancy A.
    2. Crowe, Nancy A.
  2054. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Mitchell, James L.
    2. Birth, Mitchell, James L.
  2055. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wythe, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 285; Image: 29; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Smith, Amanda J.
  2056. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Hawn, Louisa
  2057. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grayson, Virginia; Roll: M653_1348; Page: 74; Image: 78; Family History Library Film: 805348
    1. Davis, Hugh
  2058. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Sabine, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 322; Image: 274.
    1. Morris, Shadrach H.
    2. Birth, Morris, Shadrach H.
  2059. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nishnabotna, Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 580; Image: 84; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Cox, Martha Ann
    2. Birth, Cox, Martha Ann
  2060. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lincoln, Logan, Illinois; Page: 124; Family History Library Film: 803200
    1. Residence Post Office: Lincoln
    2. Young, James E.
  2061. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Half of County, Crittenden, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 310; Image: 310.
    1. Crow, Mary Johnson
  2062. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_25; Page: 373; Image: 375; Family History Library Film: 803025
    1. Moon, Jacob
  2063. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 859; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Birth, Morgan, Sarah E.
    2. Morgan, Sarah E.
  2064. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois; Roll: M653_156; Page: 175; Image: 175; Family History Library Film: 803156
    1. Sturgis, Julia A.
    2. Birth, Sturgis, Julia A.
  2065. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 68; Image: 141.
    1. Whitwell, William
  2066. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 499; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Staples, Jane
    2. Residence, Staples, Jane
  2067. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 19, Knox, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1259; Page: 326; Family History Library Film: 805259
    1. Coram, John Sherman
    2. Residence, Coram, John Sherman
  2068. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 252; Image: 515; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Jones, Catherine
    2. Birth, Jones, Catherine
  2069. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Marys, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 373; Image: 117; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Residence, Bowman, James Barton
    2. Bowman, James Barton
  2070. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newton, Barton, Missouri; Roll: M653_607; Page: 15; Image: 19; Family History Library Film: 803607
    1. Peak, Mary Jemima
    2. Age: 60
  2071. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bourbon, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_346; Page: 357; Image: 357; Family History Library Film: 803346
    1. Duncan, Winiford
  2072. Year: 1860; Census Place: Caldwell, Texas; Roll: M653_1289; Page: 205; Image: 417; Family History Library Film: 805289
    1. Reed, William Asa
    2. Residence, Reed, William Asa
  2073. Year: 1860; Census Place: Augusta, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 828; Image: 574; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Birth, Philbrook, Lydia
    2. Philbrook, Lydia
  2074. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center, Dade, Missouri; Roll: M653_617; Page: 83; Image: 87; Family History Library Film: 803617
    1. Birth, Stockard, Eleanor
    2. Stockard, Eleanor
  2075. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 236; Image: 478; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Forgey, Burrell C.
    2. Birth, Forgey, Burrell C.
  2076. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois; Roll: M653_156; Page: 175; Image: 175; Family History Library Film: 803156
    1. Sturgis, Daniel Bartlett Dr.
  2077. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Marys, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 373; Image: 117; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Residence, Bowman, Arcadia E. "Katie"
    2. Bowman, Arcadia E. "Katie"
  2078. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 894; Image: 146.
    1. Goodpasture, Melissa Jennie
  2079. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 576; Image: 578; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Residence, Gill, John W.
    2. Gill, John W.
  2080. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 2; Image: 3.
    1. Wachter, Johann Christian
  2081. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newton, Barton, Missouri; Roll: M653_607; Page: 15; Image: 19; Family History Library Film: 803607
    1. Age in 1860: 66
    2. Rector, Jacob
  2082. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Nelson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 261; Image: 261.
    1. Young, James
    2. Birth, Young, James
  2083. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Gardiner, Kennebec, Maine; Roll: M653_439; Page: 500; Image: 501; Family History Library Film: 803439
    1. Dearborn, Sarah
  2084. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 13, Obion, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 141; Image: 290; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Tirey, Andrew
    2. Age in 1860: 52
  2085. Year: 1860; Census Place: Alexandria, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 138; Image: 143; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Cheney, Leonard
    2. Residence, Cheney, Leonard
  2086. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hamilton, Butler, Ohio; Page: 418; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Louthan, Mary Ellen
  2087. Year: 1860; Census Place: Salt River, Schuyler, Missouri; Roll: M653_646; Page: 764; Image: 152; Family History Library Film: 803646
    1. Tipton, Zacharia
    2. Birth, Tipton, Zacharia
  2088. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 429; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Residence, Rasor, Henry Harrison
    2. Rasor, Henry Harrison
  2089. Year: 1860; Census Place: Amherst, Virginia; Roll: M653_1332; Page: 413; Image: 421; Family History Library Film: 805332
    1. Manley, George Washington
  2090. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gainesville, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_353; Page: 326; Image: 326; Family History Library Film: 803353
    1. Pulliam, Lucinda M.
  2091. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 421; Image: 425; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Rodabaugh, Adam
  2092. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 154; Image: 316; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Cleek, Lucinda Anne "Lucy"
    2. Residence, Cleek, Lucinda Anne "Lucy"
  2093. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Jackson, Tennessee; Page: 235; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Savage, Elizabeth
  2094. Year: 1860; Census Place: Edmonson, Kentucky; Roll: M653_365; Page: 4; Image: 4; Family History Library Film: 803365
    1. Birth, Nash, Milly
    2. Nash, Milly
  2095. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Jackson, Louisiana; Roll: ; Page: 431; Image: 451.
    1. Birth, Walsworth, Samuel Whitfield
    2. Walsworth, Samuel Whitfield
  2096. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 568; Image: 246; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Dennis, Clementine Louise
    2. Birth, Dennis, Clementine Louise
  2097. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Monroe, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 1011; Image: 511.
    1. Hoyleman, James Thompson
    2. Birth, Hoyleman, James Thompson
  2098. Year: 1860; Census Place: District Town Valley, Chattooga, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 623; Image: 97.
    1. Residence, Watts, Joseph McConnell
    2. Watts, Joseph McConnell
  2099. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 691; Image: 253; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Carter, Frances "Fannie"
  2100. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 993; Image: 427.
    1. Butler, Mary Jane
  2101. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Waller, Thomas J.
  2102. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Marion, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1263; Page: 266; Image: 536; Family History Library Film: 805263
    1. Spicer, Martha E
    2. Age: 36
  2103. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 755; Image: 433.
    1. Birth, Claypool, Easton T.
    2. Claypool, Easton T.
  2104. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 510.
    1. Curry, Sarah L.
    2. Residence, Curry, Sarah L.
  2105. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: M653_930; Page: 24; Image: 51; Family History Library Film: 803930
    1. Dibler, Priscilla
    2. Residence, Dibler, Priscilla
  2106. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 476; Image: 305.
    1. Butler, Mary Charlotte
  2107. Year: 1860; Census Place: Meridian, Ingham, Michigan; Roll: M653_545; Page: 292; Image: 382; Family History Library Film: 803545
    1. Schray, Conrad
    2. Birth, Schray, Conrad
  2108. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 165; Image: 339; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Clinton
  2109. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Blount, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 924; Image: 278.
    1. Posey, Towning Docty
    2. Birth, Posey, Towning Docty
  2110. Year: 1860; Census Place: Liberty, Adair, Missouri; Roll: M653_605; Page: 113; Image: 117; Family History Library Film: 803605
    1. See, Edmund
  2111. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Warren, Indiana; Roll: M653_305; Page: 687; Image: 239; Family History Library Film: 803305
    1. Residence, Magruder, Sarah Ann Maria
    2. Magruder, Sarah Ann Maria
  2112. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 754; Image: 432.
    1. Residence, Claypool, Lucenda Jane
    2. Claypool, Lucenda Jane
  2113. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Shakopee, Scott, Minnesota; Roll: M653_574; Page: 679; Image: 101; Family History Library Film: 803574
    1. Davis, Benjamin Franklin
  2114. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 479; Image: 311.
    1. Residence, McKamey, Isabella
    2. McKamey, Isabella
  2115. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Thomas Davie
    2. Residence, Masters, Thomas Davie
  2116. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 83; Image: 83.
    1. Carneal, Elizabeth
  2117. Year: 1860; Census Place: McComb, Hancock, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 108; Image: 220.
    1. Residence, Chilcott, Margaret
    2. Chilcott, Margaret
  2118. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grayson, Virginia; Roll: M653_1348; Page: 78; Image: 82; Family History Library Film: 805348
    1. Boyer, Robert B.
    2. Birth, Boyer, Robert B.
  2119. Year: 1860; Census Place: Scott, Linn, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 16; Image: 16.
    1. Birth, Griffith, John Edward
    2. Griffith, John Edward
  2120. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Mansfield, Jane
    2. Residence, Mansfield, Jane
  2121. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 388; Image: 397.
    1. Chaney, Elizabeth "Betsy"
    2. Birth, Chaney, Elizabeth "Betsy"
  2122. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Fentress, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1249; Page: 6; Image: 16; Family History Library Film: 805249
    1. Huddleston, Joel Green
    2. Birth, Huddleston, Joel Green
  2123. Year: 1860; Census Place: Russell, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: ; Page: 47; Image: 52.
    1. Fanning, Amanda
  2124. Year: 1860; Census Place: Honey Creek, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 730; Image: 730; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Birth, Davies, Isaac
    2. Davies, Isaac
  2125. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Montgomery, Indiana; Roll: M653_283; Page: 129; Image: 133; Family History Library Film: 803283
    1. Residence, Griest, William
    2. Griest, William
  2126. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 774; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Howard, Nancy J.
    2. Residence, Howard, Nancy J.
  2127. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Grainger, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 462; Image: 540.
    1. Hankins, Perry Elcannah "Canie"
  2128. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 11 Range 4, Winston, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 1266; Image: 510.
    1. Birth, Cranford, Winifred
    2. Cranford, Winifred
  2129. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 606; Image: 605.
    1. Wachter, Jacon Anton
    2. Residence, Wachter, Jacon Anton
  2130. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Scott, Indiana; Roll: M653_294; Page: 934; Image: 436; Family History Library Film: 803294
    1. Birth, Reed, Louisa Jane
    2. Reed, Louisa Jane
  2131. Year: 1860; Census Place: Montgomery, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: M653_930; Page: 111; Image: 225; Family History Library Film: 803930
    1. Myers, Jacob A.
  2132. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: M653_177; Page: 390; Image: 390; Family History Library Film: 803177
    1. Maddox, Elizabeth Ann
    2. Birth, Maddox, Elizabeth Ann
  2133. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Grant, James Thomas
  2134. Year: 1860; Census Place: Freedom, Carroll, Illinois; Roll: M653_159; Page: 860; Image: 168; Family History Library Film: 803159
    1. Arnold, Susan Malinda Hader
  2135. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Champaign, Ohio; Roll: M653_942; Page: 251; Image: 506; Family History Library Film: 803942
    1. Merritte, Thomas J.
    2. Birth, Merritte, Thomas J.
  2136. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 16; Image: 38; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Dotson, Barbarry Eliza
  2137. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richland, Guernsey, Ohio; Roll: M653_969; Page: 75; Family History Library Film: 803969
    1. Johnson, Armentha Ann
    2. Birth, Johnson, Armentha Ann
  2138. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Jackson, Louisiana; Roll: ; Page: 430; Image: 450.
    1. Walsworth, William Thomas "Billy"
    2. Residence, Walsworth, William Thomas "Billy"
  2139. Year: 1860; Census Place: Augusta, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 809; Image: 555; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Residence, Bowman, Malinda J.
    2. Bowman, Malinda J.
  2140. Year: 1860; Census Place: Liberty, Adair, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 113; Image: 117.
    1. Bradigum, Orpah
  2141. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sulpher Springs, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 670; Image: 348; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Sample, Lydia
    2. Sample, Lydia
  2142. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 97; Image: 97; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Residence, Crawford, Jane M.
    2. Crawford, Jane M.
  2143. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Residence, Butler, Mariah
    2. Butler, Mariah
  2144. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 397; Image: 416; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Millikan, Mary
  2145. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Okaw, Coles, Illinois; Roll: M653_171; Page: 175; Image: 178; Family History Library Film: 803171
    1. Residence, Louthan, John L.
    2. Louthan, John L.
  2146. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 97; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. White, Andrew F.
    2. Birth, White, Andrew F.
  2147. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Age: 21
    2. Mitchell, Jabez
  2148. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 146; Image: 146.
    1. Birth, Carpenter, Green Q.
    2. Carpenter, Green Q.
  2149. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 14 Range 5, Attala, Mississippi; Roll: M653_577; Page: 456; Image: 456; Family History Library Film: 803577
    1. Birth, Lloyd, William Butler
    2. Lloyd, William Butler
  2150. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 335; Image: 247.
    1. Wright, Aaron
    2. Residence, Wright, Aaron
  2151. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 3 E, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: M653_239; Page: 968; Image: 168; Family History Library Film: 803239
    1. Swofford, Martha Ann
  2152. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fort Calhoun, Washington, Nebraska Territory; Roll: ; Page: 868; Image: 26.
    1. Huber, Ernest Imanuel
  2153. Year: 1860; Census Place: Alamance, North Carolina; Roll: M653_886; Page: 19; Image: 38; Family History Library Film: 803886
    1. Rogers, John
  2154. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 155; Image: 317.
    1. Birth, Cain, George Washington
    2. Cain, George Washington
  2155. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 393; Image: 7.
    1. Gibbs, Isabelle Belle
  2156. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 420; Image: 424; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Rodabaugh, Solomon
    2. Birth, Rodabaugh, Solomon
  2157. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 81; Image: 82.
    1. Reitz, Johanette
    2. Birth, Reitz, Johanette
  2158. Year: 1860; Census Place: DeSoto, Mississippi; Roll: M653_581; Page: 70; Family History Library Film: 803581
    1. Birth, Mitchell, Andrew Tate
    2. Mitchell, Andrew Tate
  2159. Year: 1860; Census Place: Swan, Taney, Missouri; Roll: M653_658; Page: 886; Image: 328; Family History Library Film: 803658
    1. Stover, William Martin
    2. Age in 1860: 1
  2160. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrisburg, Jackson, Georgia; Roll: M653_128; Page: 179; Family History Library Film: 803128
    1. Residence, Burns, David Mitchell Gen.
    2. Burns, David Mitchell Gen.
  2161. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Montgomery, Maryland; Roll: M653_478; Page: 265; Image: 266; Family History Library Film: 803478
    1. Magruder, Samuel E.
  2162. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harmony, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 445; Image: 189.
    1. Butler, Martha Ellen
  2163. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 446; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Wright, William G.
  2164. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 160; Image: 155; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Stewart, Susan Ava
  2165. Year: 1860; Census Place: Olmsted, Cuyahoga, Ohio; Roll: M653_954; Page: 179; Image: 184; Family History Library Film: 803954
    1. Wright, Catherine
    2. Birth, Wright, Catherine
  2166. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Clark, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 961; Image: 461.
    1. Crow, John
  2167. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 83; Image: 83; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Skaggs, James Daniel
  2168. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 479; Image: 311.
    1. Butler, Emily Jane
    2. Birth, Butler, Emily Jane
  2169. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 15 Range 13, Scott, Illinois; Roll: M653_227; Page: 908; Image: 84; Family History Library Film: 803227
    1. Peak, Absalom
  2170. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 367; Image: 355; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Residence, Morris, Adaline
    2. Morris, Adaline
  2171. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 717; Image: 727.
    1. Hassell, George Washington
    2. Birth, Hassell, George Washington
  2172. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 83; Image: 83; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Butler, Rebecca Ann
    2. Residence, Butler, Rebecca Ann
  2173. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Shakopee, Scott, Minnesota; Roll: M653_574; Page: 679; Image: 101; Family History Library Film: 803574
    1. Davis, Benjamin Franklin
    2. Residence, Davis, Benjamin Franklin
  2174. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 58; Image: 119; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Wright, Melissa
  2175. Year: 1860; Census Place: Howell, Monmouth, New Jersey; Roll: M653_701; Page: 53; Image: 58; Family History Library Film: 803701
    1. Birth, Fielder, Francis A.
    2. Fielder, Francis A.
  2176. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Robertson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 303; Image: 103.
    1. Crow, Sarah A.
    2. Birth, Crow, Sarah A.
  2177. Year: 1860; Census Place: New Boston, Mercer, Illinois; Roll: M653_211; Page: 928; Image: 286; Family History Library Film: 803211
    1. Ivins, Mary Ann
  2178. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 61, Gentry, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 662; Image: 16.
    1. Teel, Joel Hardin
    2. Residence, Teel, Joel Hardin
  2179. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 38; Image: 80.
    1. Manley, Ancil Washington Woolen
  2180. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 620; Image: 298; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Spires, Henry McDonal
  2181. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 746; Image: 424; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Scrivener, Elizabeth E.
  2182. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 97; Image: 97; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Crawford, Thomas Reynolds
    2. Residence, Crawford, Thomas Reynolds
  2183. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 155; Image: 317.
    1. Birth, Cain, Martha
    2. Cain, Martha
  2184. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 457; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Angelo, Hardin Robert
  2185. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 335; Image: 247.
    1. Birth, Wright, Aaron
    2. Wright, Aaron
  2186. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Sequatchie, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1271; Page: 251; Image: 508; Family History Library Film: 805271
    1. Age: 19
    2. Spicer, Sarah J.
  2187. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 205; Image: 204.
    1. Claypool, Jeremiah M.
    2. Birth, Claypool, Jeremiah M.
  2188. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Hot Spring, Arkansas; Roll: M653_42; Page: 970; Image: 458; Family History Library Film: 803042
    1. Age: 38
    2. Phillips, Mary
  2189. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Carter, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1242; Page: 393; Image: 224; Family History Library Film: 805242
    1. Residence, Potter, Mary Ann
    2. Potter, Mary Ann
  2190. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western District, Tazewell, Virginia; Roll: M653_1381; Page: 801; Image: 313; Family History Library Film: 805381
    1. Residence, Payton, Mary Jane
    2. Payton, Mary Jane
  2191. Year: 1860; Census Place: N W Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 755; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. McCracken, Mary Jane
    2. Birth, McCracken, Mary Jane
  2192. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 582; Image: 584; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Story, Mary Frances
    2. Birth, Story, Mary Frances
  2193. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fox River, Davis, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 385.
    1. Birth, Wyant, Mary Polly
    2. Wyant, Mary Polly
  2194. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Perry, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 351; Image: 125.
    1. Whitwell, Nancy
    2. Residence, Whitwell, Nancy
  2195. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 74; Image: 155; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Hufstedler, Alsey
  2196. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Decatur, Indiana; Roll: M653_253; Page: 1003; Image: 368; Family History Library Film: 803253
    1. Alley, Doddridge
  2197. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 23; Image: 23.
    1. Birth, Dysart, Charity A. E.
    2. Dysart, Charity A. E.
  2198. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 328; Image: 334; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Birth, Chaney, John Rauson
    2. Chaney, John Rauson
  2199. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 178; Image: 365; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Allen, Hyram McGinnis
    2. Residence, Allen, Hyram McGinnis
  2200. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 397; Image: 415; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Age in 1860: 74
    2. Reece, Rachel
  2201. Year: 1860; Census Place: Noblesville, Hamilton, Indiana; Roll: M653_263; Page: 247; Image: 247; Family History Library Film: 803263
    1. Cottingham, Elizabeth "Eliza"
    2. Birth, Cottingham, Elizabeth "Eliza"
  2202. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Decatur, Indiana; Roll: M653_253; Page: 1064; Image: 429; Family History Library Film: 803253
    1. Claypool, Katherine
    2. Residence, Claypool, Katherine
  2203. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Page: 665; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Birth, Slusher, Annie M.
    2. Slusher, Annie M.
  2204. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 765; Image: 443; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Claypool, Mariah Walker
    2. Claypool, Mariah Walker
  2205. Year: 1860; Census Place: Huntsville, Walker, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 98; Image: 204.
    1. Birth, Cranford, William
    2. Cranford, William
  2206. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Fayette, Indiana; Roll: M653_256; Page: 801; Image: 801; Family History Library Film: 803256
    1. McCarty, William
    2. Residence, McCarty, William
  2207. Year: 1860; Census Place: De Soto, Louisiana; Roll: M653_410; Page: 857; Image: 433; Family History Library Film: 803410
    1. Sebastian, William W.
    2. Birth, Sebastian, William W.
  2208. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 161; Image: 156; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Birth, Sturgis, Sarah Ann
    2. Sturgis, Sarah Ann
  2209. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 446; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Birth, Frank, Adaline
    2. Frank, Adaline
  2210. Year: 1860; Census Place: Morris, Greene, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1114; Page: 658; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 805114
    1. Grimes, Nancy Graham
  2211. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dinsmore, Shelby, Ohio; Roll: M653_1036; Page: 322; Image: 91; Family History Library Film: 805036
    1. Iames, Nancy
  2212. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Fentress, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1249; Page: 6; Image: 16; Family History Library Film: 805249
    1. Residence, Huddleston, Joel Green
    2. Huddleston, Joel Green
  2213. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 721; Image: 279.
    1. Residence, Wilkey, Orlean
    2. Wilkey, Orlean
  2214. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 96; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Fly, George Washington Lafayette
  2215. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 36; Image: 76.
    1. Birth, Werts, Daniel Rex
    2. Werts, Daniel Rex
  2216. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: M653_1013; Page: 96; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805013
    1. Searls, Olive Amanda
  2217. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 222; Image: 221.
    1. Residence, Crow, Elvira A.
    2. Crow, Elvira A.
  2218. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 586; Image: 200.
    1. Earnest, Martha Jane
  2219. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, White, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 81; Image: 169; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Goodbar, William Pearman
    2. Residence, Goodbar, William Pearman
  2220. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Wayne, Indiana; Roll: M653_308; Page: 266; Image: 268; Family History Library Film: 803308
    1. Davies, Joseph
    2. Birth, Davies, Joseph
  2221. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 11 Range 4, Winston, Alabama; Roll: M653_26; Page: 1266; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 803026
    1. Birth, Speegle, David
    2. Speegle, David
  2222. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 355; Image: 359.
    1. Farnsley, Holby G.
  2223. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 995; Image: 429.
    1. Poindexter, Parthena
    2. Residence, Poindexter, Parthena
  2224. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hamilton, Butler, Ohio; Page: 418; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Louthan, George William
    2. Residence Post Office: Hamilton
  2225. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Jackson, Louisiana; Roll: ; Page: 430; Image: 450.
    1. Birth, Walsworth, William Thomas "Billy"
    2. Walsworth, William Thomas "Billy"
  2226. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: M653_1013; Page: 96; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805013
    1. Searls, Melvina
    2. Birth, Searls, Melvina
  2227. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 406; Image: 433.
    1. Carter, Jacob Milton
    2. Residence, Carter, Jacob Milton
  2228. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Fork, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 794; Image: 320.
    1. Residence, Phillips, Samuel
    2. Phillips, Samuel
  2229. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 13 Range 11, Scott, Illinois; Roll: M653_227; Page: 1032; Image: 208; Family History Library Film: 803227
    1. Hesser, Cornelia Frances
  2230. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 203; Image: 414.
    1. Hood, Francis Albert
  2231. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Jackson, Louisiana; Roll: ; Page: 431; Image: 451.
    1. Walsworth, Mary Frances
  2232. Year: 1860; Census Place: Augusta, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 809; Image: 555; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Birth, Bowman, Malinda J.
    2. Bowman, Malinda J.
  2233. Year: 1860; Census Place: Alamance, North Carolina; Roll: M653_886; Page: 96; Image: 192; Family History Library Film: 803886
    1. Thompson, Jane Anderson
  2234. Year: 1860; Census Place: Freelands, Jefferson, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 724; Image: 82.
    1. Wilkey, Samuel Houston
    2. Residence, Wilkey, Samuel Houston
  2235. Year: 1860; Census Place: Morgan, Dade, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 148; Image: 152.
    1. Wheeler, Lenander M.
  2236. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 9, Rutherford, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1271; Page: 55; Image: 114; Family History Library Film: 805271
    1. Birth, Palmer, Horace Edward Judge
    2. Palmer, Horace Edward Judge
  2237. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sugar Creek, Boone, Indiana; Roll: M653_245; Page: 893; Image: 373; Family History Library Film: 803245
    1. Residence, Childre, Phebe
    2. Childre, Phebe
  2238. Year: 1860; Census Place: Union, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 660; Image: 660; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. McCann, James Homer
  2239. Year: 1860; Census Place: Warren, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: M653_937; Page: 351; Image: 251; Family History Library Film: 803937
    1. Hunt, Joseph
    2. Birth, Hunt, Joseph
  2240. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 480; Image: 312.
    1. Justice, John
  2241. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 13 Range 11, Scott, Illinois; Roll: M653_227; Page: 1029; Image: 205; Family History Library Film: 803227
    1. Allen, Elizabeth Jane
  2242. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Jackson, Tennessee; Page: 242; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Masters, Thomas Carrol
    2. Residence Post Office: Celina
  2243. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 205; Image: 418; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Age: 28
    2. Reed, Harriet
  2244. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Greenbrier, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 426; Image: 434.
    1. Birth, Hoylman, Coralena Moffatt
    2. Hoylman, Coralena Moffatt
  2245. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johns, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 468; Image: 82; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Crow, William Gideon
    2. Residence, Crow, William Gideon
  2246. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1265; Page: 176; Image: 359; Family History Library Film: 805265
    1. Peak, Jacob
    2. Age: 59
  2247. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jasper, Texas; Roll: M653_1298; Page: 408; Family History Library Film: 805298
    1. Seale, William Franklin
  2248. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 457; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Angelo, Hardin Robert
    2. Residence, Angelo, Hardin Robert
  2249. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Bullitt, Kentucky; Roll: M653_358; Page: 760; Image: 363; Family History Library Film: 803358
    1. Neill, Julia
  2250. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sims, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 267; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. LaForge, Mary
    2. Birth, LaForge, Mary
  2251. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 504; Image: 360; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Green, Andrew Jackson
    2. Residence, Green, Andrew Jackson
  2252. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 9, Bradley, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1241; Page: 232; Image: 473; Family History Library Film: 805241
    1. Residence, Marr, Eli
    2. Marr, Eli
  2253. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 203; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Mitchell, William Yarborough Higgins
  2254. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Hardy, Virginia; Roll: M653_1351; Page: 546; Image: 34; Family History Library Film: 805351
    1. Combs, Pious
  2255. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 35; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Residence Post Office: Plenitude
    2. Holmes, Mary L.
  2256. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Hickman, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 528; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. O'Bryant, Indiana
  2257. Year: 1860; Census Place: Brown, Linn, Iowa; Roll: M653_332; Page: 127; Image: 127; Family History Library Film: 803332
    1. Birth, Vernon, James
    2. Vernon, James
  2258. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 511; Image: 374.
    1. Hawn, Emaline
    2. Residence, Hawn, Emaline
  2259. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pike, Warren, Indiana; Roll: M653_305; Page: 654; Image: 206; Family History Library Film: 803305
    1. Magruder, Hezekiah C.
    2. Residence, Magruder, Hezekiah C.
  2260. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Cranford, Abner
  2261. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, Hamilton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 38; Image: 81.
    1. Waller, Manley Barksdale
  2262. Year: 1860; Census Place: Scott, Johnson, Iowa; Roll: M653_327; Page: 583; Image: 99; Family History Library Film: 803327
    1. Whitacre, Rebecca Potts
    2. Age: 38
  2263. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 706; Image: 254; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Patton, Manerva Adaline
    2. Duck Creek Area
  2264. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: M653_22; Page: 667; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 803022
    1. Age in 1860: 61
    2. Sturgis, Martha Elizabeth
  2265. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 765; Image: 443.
    1. Claypool, Stephen H.
  2266. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 1, Cass, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 352; Image: 17; Family History Library Film: 805290
    1. Swinford, William Washington
    2. Birth, Swinford, William Washington
  2267. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 694; Image: 692; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Van Note, Charles
  2268. Year: 1860; Census Place: N W Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 750; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Birth, Bobbitt, Sardina Polk
    2. Bobbitt, Sardina Polk
  2269. Year: 1860; Census Place: Shakopee, Scott, Minnesota; Roll: M653_574; Page: 679; Image: 101; Family History Library Film: 803574
    1. Chandlee, Ruth Jane
    2. Birth, Chandlee, Ruth Jane
  2270. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Jackson, Tennessee; Page: 235; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Savage, Elizabeth
    2. Residence Post Office: Clintsvill
  2271. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Maury, Tennessee; Page: 299; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Clendenin, Thomas C.
    2. Birth, Clendenin, Thomas C.
  2272. Year: 1860; Census Place: Berkeley, Virginia; Page: 899; Family History Library Film: 805335
    1. Neill, Elizabeth
    2. Residence Post Office: Gerardstown
  2273. Year: 1860; Census Place: Russell, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: ; Page: 47; Image: 52.
    1. Fanning, Amanda
    2. Birth, Fanning, Amanda
  2274. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 512; Image: 377; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Hickman, Mahala
    2. Residence, Hickman, Mahala
  2275. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 655; Image: 63; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Birth, Louthan, John
    2. Louthan, John
  2276. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 827; Image: 65.
    1. Gibson, Thomas Caid
  2277. Year: 1860; Census Place: Spencer, Lane, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 280; Image: 563; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Scott, Harrison
  2278. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Cedar, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 135; Image: 139.
    1. Fleener, James H.
    2. Birth, Fleener, James H.
  2279. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Alleghany, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 11; Image: 15.
    1. Hoylman, Henry Clay
    2. Birth, Hoylman, Henry Clay
  2280. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Crow, James Pleasant
    2. Birth, Crow, James Pleasant
  2281. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_349; Page: 258; Image: 258; Family History Library Film: 803349
    1. Age: 37
    2. Riggs, Malinda
  2282. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Blount, Alabama; Roll: M653_2; Page: 1010; Image: 364; Family History Library Film: 803002
    1. Oden, Rebecca Louan
  2283. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 691; Image: 253; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Carter, Frances "Fannie"
    2. Birth, Carter, Frances "Fannie"
  2284. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 655; Image: 63; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Residence, Louthan, John
    2. Louthan, John
  2285. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newburyport Ward 6, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_496; Page: 547; Image: 551; Family History Library Film: 803496
    1. Silloway, Sarah T.
  2286. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Milton, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 597; Image: 61.
    1. Davenport, Sara"Sallie"
    2. Birth, Davenport, Sara"Sallie"
  2287. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 22; Image: 47.
    1. Birth, Fast, Clarence Leslie
    2. Fast, Clarence Leslie
  2288. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 165; Image: 339; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Goodpasture, Marena
    2. Residence, Goodpasture, Marena
  2289. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Allen, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 20; Image: 20.
    1. Thaxton, Mary Ann
    2. Residence, Thaxton, Mary Ann
  2290. Year: 1860; Census Place: Butler, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 59; Image: 63; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Odell, Martha Jane
    2. Residence, Odell, Martha Jane
  2291. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 236; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Residence, Owens, Nelson
    2. Owens, Nelson
  2292. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jasper, Texas; Roll: M653_1298; Page: 408; Family History Library Film: 805298
    1. Birth, Mitchell, Margaret Alabama
    2. Mitchell, Margaret Alabama
  2293. Year: 1860; Census Place: Augusta, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 809; Image: 555; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Woodard, David Dr.
  2294. Year: 1860; Census Place: Russell, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: ; Page: 53; Image: 58.
    1. Residence, Fanning, Lewis Elmer
    2. Fanning, Lewis Elmer
  2295. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Perry, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 342; Image: 108.
    1. Residence, Horner, Sarah Elizabeth
    2. Horner, Sarah Elizabeth
  2296. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Clermont, Ohio; Roll: M653_945; Page: 454; Family History Library Film: 803945
    1. Trees, George W.
    2. Birth, Trees, George W.
  2297. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 162; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Willeford, James C.
    2. Willeford, James C.
  2298. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: M653_1013; Page: 96; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805013
    1. Searls, Olive Amanda
    2. Age in 1860: 4
  2299. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mason City, Mason, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 607; Image: 606.
    1. Hibberd, Israel
    2. Birth, Hibberd, Israel
  2300. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 322; Image: 274; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Morris, Benjamin Franklin
  2301. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wythe, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 267; Image: 11.
    1. Residence, Butler, Thomas J.
    2. Butler, Thomas J.
  2302. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 623; Image: 27; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Masters, Douglas
  2303. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Morgan, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 494; Image: 496.
    1. Weaver, David J.
  2304. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bristol, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 111; Image: 116; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Brown, Amos Rev.
  2305. Year: 1860; Census Place: Peoria Ward 2, Peoria, Illinois; Roll: M653_216; Page: 177; Image: 178; Family History Library Film: 803216
    1. Birth, Masters, Wilbourne J.
    2. Masters, Wilbourne J.
  2306. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 22; Image: 47.
    1. Fast, Julian Eugene
    2. Birth, Fast, Julian Eugene
  2307. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bristol, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 88; Image: 93; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Birth, Cheney, Moses
    2. Cheney, Moses
  2308. Year: 1860; Census Place: Northeast, Orange, Indiana; Roll: M653_286; Page: 709; Image: 183; Family History Library Film: 803286
    1. Phillips, John M.
    2. Age: 17
  2309. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 39 Range 23, Benton, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 243; Image: 247.
    1. Residence, Matthews, Mary Jane
    2. Matthews, Mary Jane
  2310. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 870; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Bell, James Miles Drew
    2. Birth, Bell, James Miles Drew
  2311. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: M653_658; Page: 1001; Image: 435; Family History Library Film: 803658
    1. Sanders, Margaret Ann
  2312. Year: 1860; Census Place: Noble, Wabash, Indiana; Roll: M653_304; Page: 216; Image: 216; Family History Library Film: 803304
    1. Davis, John B.
  2313. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: M653_1013; Page: 96; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805013
    1. Birth, Searls, George W.
    2. Searls, George W.
  2314. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 509.
    1. Chaney, Nancy E.
    2. Birth, Chaney, Nancy E.
  2315. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 N Range 2 W (North two-thirds), Montgomery, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 224; Image: 224.
    1. Whitten, Josiah
  2316. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 746; Image: 424.
    1. Birth, Claypool, Mary Fletcher
    2. Claypool, Mary Fletcher
  2317. Year: 1860; Census Place: Chattooga Valley, Chattooga, Georgia; Roll: M653_116; Page: 575; Image: 49; Family History Library Film: 803116
    1. Birth, Pickens, Nancy Emilia
    2. Pickens, Nancy Emilia
  2318. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 393; Image: 7.
    1. Gibbs, Isabelle Belle
    2. Residence, Gibbs, Isabelle Belle
  2319. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 995; Image: 429.
    1. Birth, Poindexter, Parthena
    2. Poindexter, Parthena
  2320. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 43; Image: 90.
    1. Farmer, Abner H.
    2. Birth, Farmer, Abner H.
  2321. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 647; Image: 325; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Deere, Anna Maria
    2. Residence, Deere, Anna Maria
  2322. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newton, Barton, Missouri; Roll: M653_607; Page: 15; Image: 19; Family History Library Film: 803607
    1. Rector, Jacob
    2. Birth, Rector, Jacob
  2323. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mazarne, Montgomery, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 945; Image: 413.
    1. Wright, Samuel S.
  2324. Year: 1860; Census Place: Haddon, Sullivan, Indiana; Roll: M653_298; Page: 709; Image: 269; Family History Library Film: 803298
    1. Simrell, Clara Bell
    2. Birth, Simrell, Clara Bell
  2325. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_25; Page: 373; Image: 375; Family History Library Film: 803025
    1. Staples, Mary Ann
  2326. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 694; Image: 692; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Palmer, William Howard
  2327. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 894; Image: 146.
    1. Masters, Margaret L.
    2. Birth, Masters, Margaret L.
  2328. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 629; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Cain, Sarah
    2. Residence, Cain, Sarah
  2329. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Page: 156; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Gore, Isaac Thomas
    2. Birth, Gore, Isaac Thomas
  2330. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Finley, Washington, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1192; Page: 1020; Image: 457; Family History Library Film: 805192
    1. Birth, Axtell, Silas
    2. Axtell, Silas
  2331. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carolina, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 383; Image: 383.
    1. Residence, Howell, Dudley T.
    2. Howell, Dudley T.
  2332. Year: 1860; Census Place: S W Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 854; Image: 336; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Bobbitt, William L
    2. Residence, Bobbitt, William L
  2333. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Jackson, Louisiana; Roll: ; Page: 427; Image: 447.
    1. Wigley, John D.
    2. Residence, Wigley, John D.
  2334. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pike, Jay, Indiana; Roll: M653_269; Page: 33; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 803269
    1. Harford, George Washington
  2335. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 756; Image: 434.
    1. Claypoole, Frederick J.
    2. Residence, Claypoole, Frederick J.
  2336. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 328; Image: 334; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Chaney, Matilda
    2. Residence, Chaney, Matilda
  2337. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sugar Creek, Boone, Indiana; Roll: M653_245; Page: 893; Image: 373; Family History Library Film: 803245
    1. Brown, Isaac
    2. Residence, Brown, Isaac
  2338. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Riley, Judith Barbara
    2. Birth, Riley, Judith Barbara
  2339. Year: 1860; Census Place: Macon, Illinois; Roll: M653_203; Page: 809; Image: 243; Family History Library Film: 803203
    1. Residence, Masters, Robert
    2. Masters, Robert
  2340. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 161; Image: 156; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Sturgis, Robert Cole
  2341. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Knox, Illinois; Roll: M653_195; Page: 1026; Image: 681; Family History Library Film: 803195
    1. Residence, Howard, Elizabeth
    2. Howard, Elizabeth
  2342. Year: 1860; Census Place: Warren, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: M653_937; Page: 355; Image: 258; Family History Library Film: 803937
    1. Residence, Dawson, Jesse Jr.
    2. Dawson, Jesse Jr.
  2343. Year: 1860; Census Place: Livingston, Overton, Tennessee; Page: 288; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Goodbar, Jessie Franklin
    2. Residence Post Office: Livingston
  2344. Year: 1860; Census Place: White, Georgia; Roll: M653_140; Page: 491; Image: 491; Family History Library Film: 803140
    1. Masters, Zachariah
    2. Residence, Masters, Zachariah
  2345. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 8, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 605; Image: 607; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Samples, Rebecca A.
  2346. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Hot Spring, Arkansas; Roll: M653_42; Page: 970; Image: 458; Family History Library Film: 803042
    1. Phillips, Mary
  2347. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 591; Image: 269; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Austin, William Edgar
    2. Residence, Austin, William Edgar
  2348. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 44; Image: 44; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Age in 1860: 25
    2. Stockton, Cordelia
  2349. Year: 1860; Census Place: North Salem, Hendricks, Indiana; Roll: M653_265; Page: 863; Image: 389; Family History Library Film: 803265
    1. Claypool, Eleanor "Nelley"
  2350. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 162; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Willeford, Samuel Lee
  2351. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richhill, Greene, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 733; Image: 507.
    1. Parsons, Priscella
    2. Birth, Parsons, Priscella
  2352. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Monongalia, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 213; Image: 225.
    1. Farmer, Nancy Ann
  2353. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 236; Image: 235.
    1. Birth, Wollard, James Madison
    2. Wollard, James Madison
  2354. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Page: 583; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Carter, John Clinton
  2355. Year: 1860; Census Place: Scott, Johnson, Iowa; Roll: M653_327; Page: 583; Image: 99; Family History Library Film: 803327
    1. Whitacre, Rebecca Potts
  2356. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Subdivision, Henrico, Virginia; Roll: M653_1353; Page: 1043; Image: 605; Family History Library Film: 805353
    1. Birth, Nuckols, Jacob Woodson
    2. Nuckols, Jacob Woodson
  2357. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bear Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 417; Image: 161.
    1. King, Robert
  2358. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 9 Range 4 E, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: M653_239; Page: 880; Image: 80; Family History Library Film: 803239
    1. Absher, Patience L.
  2359. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 765; Image: 443.
    1. Butler, Henry Jackson
    2. Birth, Butler, Henry Jackson
  2360. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Smith, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 311; Image: 97.
    1. Birth, Donaho, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Donaho, Mary Elizabeth
  2361. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 236; Image: 235.
    1. Residence, Wollard, William Ross
    2. Wollard, William Ross
  2362. Year: 1860; Census Place: Northern Division, De Kalb, Alabama; Roll: M653_9; Page: 24; Image: 24; Family History Library Film: 803009
    1. Puckette, Miles
    2. Residence, Puckette, Miles
  2363. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: M653_1013; Page: 96; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805013
    1. Searls, Heber G.
    2. Birth, Searls, Heber G.
  2364. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 407; Image: 21.
    1. Strunk, Lydia A.
    2. Birth, Strunk, Lydia A.
  2365. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 24; Image: 54; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Birth, Sizemore, Pharaba
    2. Sizemore, Pharaba
  2366. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 421; Image: 463; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Riley, Phoebe Ann
    2. Age: 1/12
  2367. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 625; Image: 303; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sturgis, Sarah
    2. Birth, Sturgis, Sarah
  2368. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Page: 583; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Residence Post Office: Bloomington
    2. Carter, John Clinton
  2369. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 57; Image: 118.
    1. Residence, Oliver, Richard
    2. Oliver, Richard
  2370. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 83; Image: 83.
    1. Butler, Eliza Jane
    2. Residence, Butler, Eliza Jane
  2371. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sugar Creek, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: M653_622; Page: 712; Image: 226; Family History Library Film: 803622
    1. Alley, Jane
    2. Birth, Alley, Jane
  2372. Year: 1860; Census Place: York, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1228; Page: 456; Family History Library Film: 805228
    1. Sturgis, Thomas White
    2. Birth, Sturgis, Thomas White
  2373. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Carter, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 402; Image: 243.
    1. Crow, Robert Campbell
    2. Residence, Crow, Robert Campbell
  2374. Year: 1860; Census Place: North Salem, Hendricks, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 865; Image: 391.
    1. Claypool, Charity
  2375. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 430; Image: 272; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Forgey, Lunsford Bramblett Dr.
    2. Birth, Forgey, Lunsford Bramblett Dr.
  2376. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Monroe, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 217; Image: 440.
    1. Sheets, Jane Taylor
  2377. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Cowlitz, Washington; Roll: ; Page: 145; Image: 152.
    1. Jackson, Henry
  2378. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Morris, Elmartha C.
    2. Residence, Morris, Elmartha C.
  2379. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Isaac Bird
  2380. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Barren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_354; Page: 841; Image: 281; Family History Library Film: 803354
    1. Payne, Oscar Alonzo
  2381. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 455; Image: 531.
    1. Frank, Jackson
  2382. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 478; Image: 309; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Birth, Butler, Elizabeth Matilda
    2. Butler, Elizabeth Matilda
  2383. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Clair, Butler, Ohio; Page: 338; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Residence Post Office: Hamilton
    2. Anderson, Alberta J.
  2384. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dudley, Hardin, Ohio; Roll: M653_983; Page: 346; Image: 105; Family History Library Film: 803983
    1. Residence, Baltimore, Elizabeth
    2. Baltimore, Elizabeth
  2385. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dardenne, St Charles, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 838; Image: 343.
    1. Keithley, Absalom
  2386. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 698; Image: 260; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Carter, Clara E.
  2387. Year: 1860; Census Place: New Boston, Mercer, Illinois; Roll: M653_211; Page: 928; Image: 286; Family History Library Film: 803211
    1. Birth, Ivins, Mary Ann
    2. Ivins, Mary Ann
  2388. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 3, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: M653_655; Page: 190; Image: 190; Family History Library Film: 803655
    1. Smith, Elizabeth C.
  2389. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Half of County, Crittenden, Kentucky; Roll: M653_363; Page: 310; Image: 310; Family History Library Film: 803363
    1. McKinney, Malvina Sarah
    2. Birth, McKinney, Malvina Sarah
  2390. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 499; Image: 351; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Young, William M.
  2391. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 81; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Holmes, James Madison
    2. Birth, Holmes, James Madison
  2392. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 696; Image: 244; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Holmes, Margaret Lavinia
    2. Residence, Holmes, Margaret Lavinia
  2393. Year: 1860; Census Place: District Town Valley, Chattooga, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 623; Image: 97.
    1. Birth, Watts, Joseph McConnell
    2. Watts, Joseph McConnell
  2394. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 3, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 233; Image: 233.
    1. Carter, Thornton DeWitt
    2. Birth, Carter, Thornton DeWitt
  2395. Year: 1860; Census Place: Click, Hancock, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1252; Page: 476; Image: 563; Family History Library Film: 805252
    1. Biggs, Nancy
    2. Birth, Biggs, Nancy
  2396. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 7, Menard, Illinois; Roll: M653_205; Page: 818; Image: 70; Family History Library Film: 803205
    1. Masters, Squire Davis
    2. Birth, Masters, Squire Davis
  2397. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Warren, Indiana; Roll: M653_305; Page: 687; Image: 239; Family History Library Film: 803305
    1. Birth, Magruder, Sarah Ann Maria
    2. Magruder, Sarah Ann Maria
  2398. Year: 1860; Census Place: Berwick, Warren, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 620; Image: 620.
    1. Birth, Howard, Eleanor Ellen
    2. Howard, Eleanor Ellen
  2399. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cane Hill, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: M653_52; Page: 567; Family History Library Film: 803052
    1. Birth, Bates, Henderson E.
    2. Bates, Henderson E.
  2400. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 420; Image: 461.
    1. Jenkins, Talitha Jane Jennie
    2. Residence, Jenkins, Talitha Jane Jennie
  2401. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 3, Ellis, Texas; Roll: M653_1293; Page: 8; Family History Library Film: 805293
    1. Grove, Angelina "Angie" Jemina
    2. Birth, Grove, Angelina "Angie" Jemina
  2402. Year: 1860; Census Place: Livingston, Overton, Tennessee; Page: 288; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Goodbar, Jessie Franklin
    2. Birth, Goodbar, Jessie Franklin
  2403. Year: 1860; Census Place: Crane, Wyandot, Ohio; Roll: M653_1054; Page: 404; Family History Library Film: 805054
    1. Residence Post Office: Upper Sandusky
    2. Spencer, Charles Ferrell
  2404. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sherrill, Texas, Missouri; Roll: M653_658; Page: 1100; Image: 529; Family History Library Film: 803658
    1. Crow, Francis Marion
    2. Residence, Crow, Francis Marion
  2405. Year: 1860; Census Place: North Salem, Hendricks, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 865; Image: 391.
    1. Residence, Claypool, Charity
    2. Claypool, Charity
  2406. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, White, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 81; Image: 169; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Birth, Goodbar, William Pearman
    2. Goodbar, William Pearman
  2407. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 754; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Age in 1860: 22
    2. Rector, Stephen Claypool
  2408. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 691; Image: 253; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Carter, Thomas
    2. Birth, Carter, Thomas
  2409. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Lauderdale, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 344; Image: 29.
    1. Residence, Saunders, Alfurna
    2. Saunders, Alfurna
  2410. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 97; Image: 97; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Crawford, Thomas Reynolds
    2. Crawford, Thomas Reynolds
  2411. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Birth, Van Hoozer, Hugh
    2. Van Hoozer, Hugh
  2412. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 88; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Davidson, Lewis Asbury
  2413. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 476; Image: 305.
    1. Butler, James Polk
  2414. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 358; Image: 337; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Rightsell, Rebecca Jane
    2. Birth, Rightsell, Rebecca Jane
  2415. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 614; Image: 292; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Spires, Anna W.
    2. Spires, Anna W.
  2416. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 722; Image: 280.
    1. Residence, Howton, Abraham
    2. Howton, Abraham
  2417. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Randolph, North Carolina; Roll: M653_910; Page: 213; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 803910
    1. Crow, Ruth
    2. Residence, Crow, Ruth
  2418. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 787; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. O'Neil?, Sarah
    2. Birth, O'Neil?, Sarah
  2419. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Birth, Mitchell, Hannah Ann
    2. Mitchell, Hannah Ann
  2420. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Hickman, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 529; Image: 89.
    1. Residence, Chaney, Hezekiah
    2. Chaney, Hezekiah
  2421. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Richmond, Wayne, Indiana; Roll: M653_308; Page: 612; Image: 611; Family History Library Film: 803308
    1. Chandlee, John Goldsmith
  2422. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Blount, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 924; Image: 278.
    1. Residence, Cranford, Avenent V
    2. Cranford, Avenent V
  2423. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 11 Range 4, Winston, Alabama; Roll: M653_26; Page: 1266; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 803026
    1. Speegle, David
  2424. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Illinois; Roll: M653_163; Page: 767; Image: 137; Family History Library Film: 803163
    1. Dettmar, Emma Barbara
    2. Residence, Dettmar, Emma Barbara
  2425. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 44; Image: 91; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Parks, Nancy
    2. Age: 70
  2426. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 367; Image: 355; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Birth, Morris, Adaline
    2. Morris, Adaline
  2427. Year: 1860; Census Place: Smith, Greene, Indiana; Roll: M653_262; Page: 545; Image: 123; Family History Library Film: 803262
    1. Throop, James Harvey
    2. Residence, Throop, James Harvey
  2428. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 9, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 63; Image: 130; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Pope, Araminta Adeline
    2. Birth, Pope, Araminta Adeline
  2429. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 620; Image: 298; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Spires, John
  2430. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 2, Carter, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 454; Image: 350.
    1. Birth, Crow, Thomas
    2. Crow, Thomas
  2431. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Knox, Illinois; Roll: M653_195; Page: 1026; Image: 681; Family History Library Film: 803195
    1. Birth, Howard, Elizabeth
    2. Howard, Elizabeth
  2432. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Tippecanoe, Indiana; Roll: M653_300; Page: 513; Family History Library Film: 803300
    1. Taylor, Egbert T.
    2. Residence, Taylor, Egbert T.
  2433. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 7, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 182; Image: 371.
    1. Birth, Mccallon, Newton H.
    2. Mccallon, Newton H.
  2434. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 74; Image: 155.
    1. Whitwell, Andrew Jackson
    2. Residence, Whitwell, Andrew Jackson
  2435. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 795; Image: 33.
    1. Cranford, John Calvin
    2. Residence, Cranford, John Calvin
  2436. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 322; Image: 274; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Residence, Morris, Christopher Columbus
    2. Morris, Christopher Columbus
  2437. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 146; Image: 146.
    1. Carpenter, Green Q.
  2438. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richhill, Greene, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1114; Page: 736; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805114
    1. Residence, Iams, John
    2. Iams, John
  2439. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 696; Image: 244.
    1. Residence, Holmes, Artemissa Adaline
    2. Holmes, Artemissa Adaline
  2440. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 181; Image: 176; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Carver, Rachel E.
  2441. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 89; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Catchings, Thomas Jefferson
  2442. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Jackson, Tennessee; Page: 242; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Masters, Thomas Carrol
  2443. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 752; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Claypool, Jane Emily
    2. Claypool, Jane Emily
  2444. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 870; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. McCracken, Lucy Matilda
  2445. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 197; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Wells, John C. Galton
  2446. Year: 1860; Census Place: Union, Dallas, Iowa; Roll: M653_317; Page: 594; Image: 82; Family History Library Film: 803317
    1. Age in 1860: 4
    2. Cave, Caroline
  2447. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Fork, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: M653_52; Page: 794; Family History Library Film: 803052
    1. Phillips, Lucinda C.
    2. Residence Post Office: Fayetteville
  2448. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lynnville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 483; Image: 161.
    1. Ferguson, Benjamin Pendleton
    2. Residence, Ferguson, Benjamin Pendleton
  2449. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 239; Image: 238.
    1. Holmes, Matilda Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Holmes, Matilda Elizabeth
  2450. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 44; Image: 91.
    1. Residence, King, Phereba Phoebe
    2. King, Phereba Phoebe
  2451. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 9 Range 4 E, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: M653_239; Page: 880; Image: 80; Family History Library Film: 803239
    1. Residence, Absher, Patience L.
    2. Absher, Patience L.
  2452. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 788; Image: 26.
    1. Birth, Wood, Minerva Irena
    2. Wood, Minerva Irena
  2453. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bangor, Marshall, Iowa; Roll: M653_335; Page: 129; Image: 571; Family History Library Film: 803335
    1. Birth, Stoneman, Emily
    2. Stoneman, Emily
  2454. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jessamine, Kentucky; Roll: M653_378; Page: 142; Image: 142; Family History Library Film: 803378
    1. Todhunter, Ryland Taylor
    2. Birth, Todhunter, Ryland Taylor
  2455. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 176; Image: 359.
    1. Butler, John Jacob
  2456. Year: 1860; Census Place: Union, Rush, Indiana; Roll: M653_294; Page: 820; Image: 323; Family History Library Film: 803294
    1. Gifford, John
  2457. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois; Roll: M653_156; Page: 175; Image: 175; Family History Library Film: 803156
    1. Sturgis, Joseph
    2. Birth, Sturgis, Joseph
  2458. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 47; Image: 47; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Devin, Nathaniel Madison "Matt"
  2459. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Crawford, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 629; Image: 35.
    1. Thomas, Levi Whitfield
    2. Residence, Thomas, Levi Whitfield
  2460. Year: 1860; Census Place: N W Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 750; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Birth, McCracken, Lewis Garrett
    2. McCracken, Lewis Garrett
  2461. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 656; Image: 64; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Louthan, Carter Mckim
  2462. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_499; Page: 54; Image: 55; Family History Library Film: 803499
    1. Cheney, David J.
  2463. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Decatur, Indiana; Roll: M653_253; Page: 1003; Image: 368; Family History Library Film: 803253
    1. Residence, Phillips, Jane
    2. Phillips, Jane
  2464. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Scott, Indiana; Roll: M653_294; Page: 934; Image: 436; Family History Library Film: 803294
    1. Residence, Reed, Louisa Jane
    2. Reed, Louisa Jane
  2465. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 244; Image: 498.
    1. Crow, Margaret Angeline
    2. Birth, Crow, Margaret Angeline
  2466. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 363; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Chaney, Leonard Franklin
    2. Residence, Chaney, Leonard Franklin
  2467. Year: 1860; Census Place: Livingston, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 289; Image: 590.
    1. Goodbar, Andrew Jackson
  2468. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Side of The NC RR, Orange, North Carolina; Roll: ; Page: 559; Image: 560.
    1. Holmes, Nicholas Gibbs
  2469. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clark, Johnson, Arkansas; Roll: M653_44; Page: 938; Image: 444; Family History Library Film: 803044
    1. Birth, Spicer, Thomas J.
    2. Spicer, Thomas J.
  2470. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 406; Image: 433.
    1. Residence, Carter, Daniel
    2. Carter, Daniel
  2471. Year: 1860; Census Place: Woodstock, Cherokee, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 822; Image: 296.
    1. Tallent, Margaret
    2. Residence, Tallent, Margaret
  2472. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dinsmore, Shelby, Ohio; Roll: M653_1036; Page: 322; Image: 91; Family History Library Film: 805036
    1. Lambert, Gabriel
  2473. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fort Madison, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 608; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Forgey, James Allen
    2. Residence, Forgey, James Allen
  2474. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bath, Kentucky; Roll: M653_355; Page: 45; Image: 45; Family History Library Film: 803355
    1. Ragland, Elizabeth Eliza
  2475. Year: 1860; Census Place: Woodland, Fulton, Illinois; Roll: M653_179; Page: 159; Image: 159; Family History Library Film: 803179
    1. Hopping, Mary Ammerilla
    2. Residence, Hopping, Mary Ammerilla
  2476. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: M653_22; Page: 771; Image: 377; Family History Library Film: 803022
    1. Birth, Weathers, Isham
    2. Weathers, Isham
  2477. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mountain, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 517; Image: 39.
    1. Crow, Catherine
    2. Birth, Crow, Catherine
  2478. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Residence, Hawn, Tabitha
    2. Hawn, Tabitha
  2479. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Monroe, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 1011; Image: 511.
    1. Birth, Van Stavern, Mary Magdaline
    2. Van Stavern, Mary Magdaline
  2480. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 582; Image: 584; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Story, Eliza Jennie
    2. Residence, Story, Eliza Jennie
  2481. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lamoine, McDonough, Illinois; Roll: M653_201; Page: 834; Image: 474; Family History Library Film: 803201
    1. Trammell, William Benjamin
  2482. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 696; Image: 694.
    1. Residence, Harris, Emberson Taylor
    2. Harris, Emberson Taylor
  2483. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 206; Image: 421; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Masters, Mary "Polly" D.
    2. Masters, Mary "Polly" D.
  2484. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 18, Madison, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1263; Page: 206; Image: 415; Family History Library Film: 805263
    1. Dungan, Parthenia Ann Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Dungan, Parthenia Ann Elizabeth
  2485. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carolina, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 383; Image: 383.
    1. Birth, Howell, Dudley T.
    2. Howell, Dudley T.
  2486. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 576; Image: 578; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Sturgis, Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Sturgis, Elizabeth
  2487. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hardin, Kentucky; Roll: M653_371; Page: 64; Image: 64; Family History Library Film: 803371
    1. Hays, William Houston Col.
  2488. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: M653_622; Page: 655; Family History Library Film: 803622
    1. Residence, Van Hoozer, John Pleasant
    2. Van Hoozer, John Pleasant
  2489. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Howell, Lucy Ellen
  2490. Year: 1860; Census Place: Miami, Cass, Indiana; Roll: M653_247; Page: 638; Image: 124; Family History Library Film: 803247
    1. Flory, William S. Dr.
    2. Birth, Flory, William S. Dr.
  2491. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Lafayette, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 646; Image: 296.
    1. Residence, Neill, Jane H.
    2. Neill, Jane H.
  2492. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 624; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Young, Eliza
    2. Birth, Young, Eliza
  2493. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Lafayette, Mississippi; Roll: ; Page: 16; Image: 20.
    1. Residence, Whitwell, Elizabeth
    2. Whitwell, Elizabeth
  2494. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 694; Image: 692; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Residence, Palmer, William Howard
    2. Palmer, William Howard
  2495. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Jackson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 235; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Residence, Masters, Lafayette
    2. Masters, Lafayette
  2496. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 44 Range 16, Moniteau, Missouri; Roll: M653_634; Page: 614; Image: 114; Family History Library Film: 803634
    1. Butler, Martha Jane
    2. Residence, Butler, Martha Jane
  2497. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Shelby, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1273; Page: 334; Family History Library Film: 805273
    1. Birth, Sturgis, Daniel
    2. Sturgis, Daniel
  2498. Year: 1860; Census Place: Warren, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: M653_937; Page: 351; Image: 251; Family History Library Film: 803937
    1. Morris, Ruth Ann
  2499. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 477; Image: 307.
    1. Galbraith, Mary Jane
    2. Birth, Galbraith, Mary Jane
  2500. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pike, Jay, Indiana; Roll: M653_269; Page: 33; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 803269
    1. Harford, George Washington
    2. Residence, Harford, George Washington
  2501. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 367; Image: 355; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Morris, Adaline
  2502. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Clinton, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 186; Image: 186.
    1. Taylor, Thomas A.
  2503. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wayne, Bartholomew, Indiana; Roll: M653_244; Page: 172; Image: 172; Family History Library Film: 803244
    1. Age: 39
    2. Walker, Jesse
  2504. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 83; Image: 83; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Butler, Sarah
  2505. Year: 1860; Census Place: New Castle Hundred, New Castle, Delaware; Roll: ; Page: 148; Image: 149.
    1. Residence, Cann, Francis
    2. Cann, Francis
  2506. Year: 1860; Census Place: Precinct 3, Travis, Texas; Roll: M653_1306; Page: 248; Image: 26; Family History Library Film: 805306
    1. Birth, Pearce, George Wright
    2. Pearce, George Wright
  2507. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Fayette, Indiana; Roll: M653_256; Page: 801; Image: 801; Family History Library Film: 803256
    1. Residence, Alley, Theresa
    2. Alley, Theresa
  2508. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 600; Image: 278; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sevier, Ananais Davidson
    2. Birth, Sevier, Ananais Davidson
  2509. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 165; Image: 339; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Masters, Clinton
    2. Masters, Clinton
  2510. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 100; Image: 100; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Ashlock, Sarah Ann "Sadie"
  2511. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 74; Image: 155.
    1. Whitwell, William Carroll
    2. Birth, Whitwell, William Carroll
  2512. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Jackson, Tennessee; Page: 238; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Residence Post Office: Celina
    2. Adkins, Emeline
  2513. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dinsmore, Shelby, Ohio; Roll: M653_1036; Page: 323; Image: 93; Family History Library Film: 805036
    1. Scott, Absolom
  2514. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Adair, Missouri; Roll: M653_605; Page: 54; Image: 58; Family History Library Film: 803605
    1. Stubbs, Claiborn Washburn
  2515. Year: 1860; Census Place: Woodland, Fulton, Illinois; Roll: M653_179; Page: 159; Image: 159; Family History Library Film: 803179
    1. Hopping, Mary Ammerilla
    2. Birth, Hopping, Mary Ammerilla
  2516. Year: 1860; Census Place: Union, Rush, Indiana; Roll: M653_294; Page: 820; Image: 323; Family History Library Film: 803294
    1. Gifford, John
    2. Birth, Gifford, John
  2517. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Subdivision, Henrico, Virginia; Roll: M653_1353; Page: 1043; Image: 605; Family History Library Film: 805353
    1. Nuckols, Jacob Woodson
  2518. Year: 1860; Census Place: Woodland, Fulton, Illinois; Roll: M653_179; Page: 149; Image: 149; Family History Library Film: 803179
    1. Sturgis, Sarah Jane
  2519. Year: 1860; Census Place: Floyd, Kentucky; Roll: M653_367; Page: 82; Image: 82; Family History Library Film: 803367
    1. Sizemore, Rhoda
  2520. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dardenne, St Charles, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 838; Image: 343.
    1. Residence, Keithley, Absalom
    2. Keithley, Absalom
  2521. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round, Shelby, Iowa; Roll: M653_339; Page: 680; Image: 242; Family History Library Film: 803339
    1. Richards, Alice Elizabeth
    2. Age: 9/12
  2522. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 576; Image: 578; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Hart, Mary Ann
  2523. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Page: 156; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Gore, Isaac Thomas
  2524. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 146; Image: 146.
    1. Residence, Jones, Willis Cornelius
    2. Jones, Willis Cornelius
  2525. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 610; Image: 18; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Birth, Louthan, James Thomas
    2. Louthan, James Thomas
  2526. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hardin, Kentucky; Roll: M653_371; Page: 64; Image: 64; Family History Library Film: 803371
    1. Neill, Nancy
  2527. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 318; Image: 320.
    1. Gaulding, Agnes
  2528. Year: 1860; Census Place: , De Soto, Louisiana; Roll: ; Page: 857; Image: 433.
    1. Greenhaw, Caroline Margaret
    2. Residence, Greenhaw, Caroline Margaret
  2529. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 746; Image: 424; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Scrivener, Elizabeth E.
    2. Scrivener, Elizabeth E.
  2530. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 236; Image: 478; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Forgey, Mary Francis
  2531. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 773; Image: 451; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Howard, Charles
    2. Howard, Charles
  2532. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Birth, Hawn, Anthony Wayne
    2. Hawn, Anthony Wayne
  2533. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern, Hampshire, Virginia; Roll: M653_1350; Page: 19; Image: 23; Family History Library Film: 805350
    1. Claypool, Priscilla Nancy
    2. Residence, Claypool, Priscilla Nancy
  2534. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 215; Image: 214; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Holmes, Narcissus Adeline
    2. Residence, Holmes, Narcissus Adeline
  2535. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Milton, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 597; Image: 61.
    1. Morris, Drury Drissy Hampton
  2536. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 388; Image: 397.
    1. Chaney, Elizabeth "Betsy"
  2537. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 764; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Howell, Henry B.
    2. Howell, Henry B.
  2538. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Fork, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 794; Image: 320.
    1. Phillips, Samuel
    2. Birth, Phillips, Samuel
  2539. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 391; Image: 391.
    1. Ice, Andrew Jackson
  2540. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 599; Image: 277; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Wright, Amanda Louise
  2541. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grayson, Virginia; Roll: M653_1348; Page: 74; Image: 78; Family History Library Film: 805348
    1. Birth, Davis, Margaret
    2. Davis, Margaret
  2542. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hamilton, Butler, Ohio; Page: 441; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Birth, Shaffer, George Keck
    2. Shaffer, George Keck
  2543. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 392; Image: 392.
    1. Ice, James Marion
    2. Birth, Ice, James Marion
  2544. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 167; Image: 344.
    1. Masters, John Simon
  2545. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Holmes, Mississippi; Roll: ; Page: 739; Image: 271.
    1. Wigley, Joseph
  2546. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 251; Image: 507; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Egbert, William A.
  2547. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 691; Image: 253; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Carter, Thomas
  2548. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wilson, Greene, Missouri; Roll: M653_621; Page: 184; Image: 184; Family History Library Film: 803621
    1. Residence, Manley, Caleb B.
    2. Manley, Caleb B.
  2549. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 694; Image: 692; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Van Note, Charles
    2. Birth, Van Note, Charles
  2550. Year: 1860; Census Place: Columbus Ward 3, Franklin, Ohio; Page: 99; Family History Library Film: 803964
    1. Miller, George Manypenny
  2551. Year: 1860; Census Place: Albany, Green, Wisconsin; Roll: M653_1411; Page: 45; Image: 50; Family History Library Film: 805411
    1. Residence, Coats, Hestler Palmer
    2. Coats, Hestler Palmer
  2552. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 34; Image: 73; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Cox, Thomas Jefferson
    2. Residence, Cox, Thomas Jefferson
  2553. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sugar Creek, Barry, Missouri; Page: 860; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Barnes, Nancy
    2. Birth, Barnes, Nancy
  2554. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Residence, Crow, John Anderson
    2. Crow, John Anderson
  2555. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 85; Image: 85; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Ashlock, Obediah
  2556. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Residence, Mitchell, Susan
    2. Mitchell, Susan
  2557. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 690; Image: 688; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Carter, John Wesley
  2558. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 510.
    1. Chaney, Emmaline
  2559. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 477; Image: 307.
    1. Galbraith, Samuel F.
  2560. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 457; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Angelo, Samantha Jane
    2. Angelo, Samantha Jane
  2561. Year: 1860; Census Place: Shakopee, Scott, Minnesota; Roll: M653_574; Page: 679; Image: 101; Family History Library Film: 803574
    1. Chandlee, Ruth Jane
  2562. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clear Creek, Warren, Ohio; Page: 314; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Neill, Ruth
  2563. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Martin, Indiana; Roll: M653_278; Page: 800; Family History Library Film: 803278
    1. Birth, Steele, Hannah "Hattie"
    2. Steele, Hannah "Hattie"
  2564. Year: 1860; Census Place: Georgia Militia District 1075, Polk, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 163; Image: 162.
    1. Birth, Watts, Hope Asbury
    2. Watts, Hope Asbury
  2565. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 38; Image: 80.
    1. Butler, Elizabeth "Betsy"
  2566. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gainesville, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 319; Image: 319.
    1. Residence, Claypool, Sidney Harrison
    2. Claypool, Sidney Harrison
  2567. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cahaba, Dallas, Alabama; Roll: M653_8; Page: 945; Image: 449; Family History Library Film: 803008
    1. Andrews, Warren B.
    2. Residence, Andrews, Warren B.
  2568. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Knox, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1259; Page: 147; Image: 306; Family History Library Film: 805259
    1. Age in 1860: 65
    2. Mynatt, Martin Lynnville
  2569. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Morgan, Alabama; Roll: M653_19; Page: 494; Image: 496; Family History Library Film: 803019
    1. Residence, Weaver, William Sampson
    2. Weaver, William Sampson
  2570. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bristol, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 88; Image: 93; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Birth, Colby, Rebecca
    2. Colby, Rebecca
  2571. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 787; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. O'Neil?, Sarah
  2572. Year: 1860; Census Place: Liberty, Henry, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 119; Image: 119; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Adams, Joel
    2. Residence, Adams, Joel
  2573. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 327; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Birth, Millikan, Mary Edith
    2. Millikan, Mary Edith
  2574. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Residence, Kennon, Lee
    2. Kennon, Lee
  2575. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 755; Image: 433.
    1. Hardcastle, Mary Ann
    2. Birth, Hardcastle, Mary Ann
  2576. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sherrill, Texas, Missouri; Roll: M653_658; Page: 1100; Image: 529; Family History Library Film: 803658
    1. Crow, Francis Marion
  2577. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 455; Image: 531.
    1. Birth, Frank, Elisha Albert
    2. Frank, Elisha Albert
  2578. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 57; Image: 118.
    1. Hudson, Thomas Berry
  2579. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 13 Range 11, Scott, Illinois; Roll: M653_227; Page: 1029; Image: 205; Family History Library Film: 803227
    1. Lemon, Hiram Horace
  2580. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gainesville, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_353; Page: 326; Image: 326; Family History Library Film: 803353
    1. Birth, Pulliam, Lucinda M.
    2. Pulliam, Lucinda M.
  2581. Year: 1860; Census Place: Democrat, Carroll, Indiana; Roll: M653_246; Page: 490; Image: 492; Family History Library Film: 803246
    1. Ford, Rosanna
  2582. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 624; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Van Note, Dorcas Waller
  2583. Year: 1860; Census Place: Olmsted, Cuyahoga, Ohio; Roll: M653_954; Page: 179; Image: 184; Family History Library Film: 803954
    1. Wright, Catherine
  2584. Year: 1860; Census Place: Somerset, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: M653_937; Page: 389; Image: 326; Family History Library Film: 803937
    1. Selby, Joseph
  2585. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 84; Image: 85.
    1. Birth, Mehan, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Mehan, Mary Elizabeth
  2586. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Mitchell, Samuel
    2. Birth, Mitchell, Samuel
  2587. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 8, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 617; Image: 619; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Sturgis, Anna R.
    2. Birth, Sturgis, Anna R.
  2588. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Alleghany, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 11; Image: 15.
    1. Davidson, Salina Ann
    2. Birth, Davidson, Salina Ann
  2589. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Birth, Cranford, Elizabeth Druhamy
    2. Cranford, Elizabeth Druhamy
  2590. Year: 1860; Census Place: Duck Creek, Stoddard, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 538; Image: 542.
    1. Residence, Curd, Samuel Trotter
    2. Curd, Samuel Trotter
  2591. Year: 1860; Census Place: Liberty, Adair, Missouri; Roll: M653_605; Page: 113; Image: 117; Family History Library Film: 803605
    1. See, Edmund
    2. Age in 1860: 47
  2592. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Wayne, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 839; Image: 481.
    1. Residence, Crum, Calista
    2. Crum, Calista
  2593. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cass, Stone, Missouri; Roll: M653_658; Page: 577; Image: 28; Family History Library Film: 803658
    1. Kimberling, Davis
    2. Residence, Kimberling, Davis
  2594. Year: 1860; Census Place: Salem, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 141; Image: 285; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Snyder, Hannah Jane
    2. Birth, Snyder, Hannah Jane
  2595. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 656; Image: 64; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Louthan, Carter Mckim
    2. Birth, Louthan, Carter Mckim
  2596. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 14 Range 5 E, Moultrie, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 939; Image: 617; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Lansden, Martha Elizabeth
    2. Lansden, Martha Elizabeth
  2597. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Greene, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 629; Image: 33.
    1. Cain, George Washington
    2. Birth, Cain, George Washington
  2598. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 476; Image: 305; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Birth, Hudson, Alexander
    2. Hudson, Alexander
  2599. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Forsyth, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 532; Image: 532.
    1. Johnson, Stella
  2600. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 97; Image: 97; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Age in 1860: 60
    2. Forgey, Margaret Rebecca
  2601. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bern, Athens, Ohio; Roll: M653_934; Page: 19; Image: 42; Family History Library Film: 803934
    1. Way, Jane
  2602. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 342; Image: 346; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Barker, Phebe
    2. Birth, Barker, Phebe
  2603. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Smith, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 311; Image: 97.
    1. Donoho, Laura Catherine
    2. Residence, Donoho, Laura Catherine
  2604. Year: 1860; Census Place: North East Revenue District, Fauquier, Virginia; Roll: M653_1344; Page: 103; Image: 110; Family History Library Film: 805344
    1. Birth, Fitzhugh, George Warren
    2. Fitzhugh, George Warren
  2605. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 35; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Birth, Holmes, Sarah Angie
    2. Holmes, Sarah Angie
  2606. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 206; Image: 421; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Mary "Polly" D.
  2607. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Greenbrier, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 376; Image: 382.
    1. Fleshman, Nancy Ann
    2. Birth, Fleshman, Nancy Ann
  2608. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lebanon, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 226; Image: 455; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Perrine, Nancy
    2. Birth, Perrine, Nancy
  2609. Year: 1860; Census Place: Walnut, Madison, Iowa; Roll: M653_333; Page: 765; Image: 277; Family History Library Film: 803333
    1. Residence, Elledge, Sarah Jane
    2. Elledge, Sarah Jane
  2610. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Williamson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 124; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Residence, Prowell, Eleanor Reed
    2. Prowell, Eleanor Reed
  2611. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 828; Image: 66.
    1. Cunningham, Mary Susan
  2612. Year: 1860; Census Place: Smith, Greene, Indiana; Roll: M653_262; Page: 545; Image: 123; Family History Library Film: 803262
    1. Throop, James Harvey
  2613. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Sebastian, Arkansas; Roll: M653_50; Page: 1039; Image: 493; Family History Library Film: 803050
    1. Coy, Phoebe Jane
  2614. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sugar Creek, Boone, Indiana; Roll: M653_245; Page: 893; Image: 373; Family History Library Film: 803245
    1. Brown, Isaac
  2615. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_224; Page: 680; Image: 679; Family History Library Film: 803224
    1. Birth, Rodenmeyer, George
    2. Rodenmeyer, George
  2616. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 178; Image: 366; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Gore, William Phelps
    2. Gore, William Phelps
  2617. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 327; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Residence, Millikan, Mary Edith
    2. Millikan, Mary Edith
  2618. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 476; Image: 573.
    1. Cate, Samuel F.
    2. Birth, Cate, Samuel F.
  2619. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Greene, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 629; Image: 33.
    1. Cain, George Washington
  2620. Year: 1860; Census Place: Russell, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: ; Page: 38; Image: 43.
    1. , Jane
    2. Birth, , Jane
  2621. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Benton, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 424; Image: 426.
    1. Residence, Nail, Thomas B.
    2. Nail, Thomas B.
  2622. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Sequatchie, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1271; Page: 251; Image: 508; Family History Library Film: 805271
    1. Residence, Hatfield, Oliver M.
    2. Hatfield, Oliver M.
  2623. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 591; Image: 269; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Van Note, Eleanor
  2624. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 14 Range 6 E, Moultrie, Illinois; Page: 1036; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Miller, John Martin Pvt.
    2. Residence Post Office: Sullivan
  2625. Year: 1860; Census Place: Caldwell, Texas; Roll: M653_1289; Page: 205; Image: 417; Family History Library Film: 805289
    1. Reed, William Asa
    2. Birth, Reed, William Asa
  2626. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 754; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Claypool, Joseph J.
  2627. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 457; Image: 330; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Alderson, Fidelia
    2. Birth, Alderson, Fidelia
  2628. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 355; Image: 359.
    1. Birth, Farnsley, Eurah T.
    2. Farnsley, Eurah T.
  2629. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Randolph, North Carolina; Roll: M653_910; Page: 158; Image: 320; Family History Library Film: 803910
    1. Barker, Hannah
  2630. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 161; Image: 156; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Sturgis, Robert Cole
    2. Residence, Sturgis, Robert Cole
  2631. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 588; Image: 202; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Birth, Peek, Sarah Ann
    2. Peek, Sarah Ann
  2632. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 307; Image: 25; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Oliphant, Mary Ann
  2633. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 24; Image: 54; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Johnson, Sarah Sally
  2634. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 14; Image: 34; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Sizemore, Elizabeth
  2635. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 7, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 182; Image: 371.
    1. Residence, Butler, Nancy Ames
    2. Butler, Nancy Ames
  2636. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 271; Image: 273.
    1. Wright, Alexander Augustus
  2637. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cumberland, Fayette, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 67; Image: 67.
    1. Gatewood, Thomas A
  2638. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 499; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Chaney, Catherine
    2. Birth, Chaney, Catherine
  2639. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 756; Image: 434; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Mitchell, Mary Jane
    2. Mitchell, Mary Jane
  2640. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 606; Image: 605.
    1. Wachter, Jacon Anton
  2641. Year: 1860; Census Place: Shauswick, Lawrence, Indiana; Roll: M653_276; Page: 716; Image: 134; Family History Library Film: 803276
    1. Davies, Seliah
  2642. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harp, DeWitt, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 755; Image: 267.
    1. Jackson, Joshua C.
  2643. Year: 1860; Census Place: Noble, Rush, Indiana; Roll: M653_294; Page: 757; Family History Library Film: 803294
    1. Birth, Armstrong, John M.
    2. Armstrong, John M.
  2644. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 397; Image: 397.
    1. Birth, Fleming, Daniel Henry
    2. Fleming, Daniel Henry
  2645. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carroll, Virginia; Roll: M653_1339; Page: 967; Image: 393; Family History Library Film: 805339
    1. Davis, Abner
  2646. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 765; Image: 443.
    1. Claypoole, William Harrison
    2. Birth, Claypoole, William Harrison
  2647. Year: 1860; Census Place: Somerset, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: M653_937; Page: 368; Image: 284; Family History Library Film: 803937
    1. Vernon, Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Vernon, Elizabeth
  2648. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 58; Image: 119.
    1. Birth, Wright, William W.
    2. Wright, William W.
  2649. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mountain, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 517; Image: 39.
    1. Residence, Montgomery, John Malcolm
    2. Montgomery, John Malcolm
  2650. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gainesville, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 313; Image: 313.
    1. Harston, Thomas
  2651. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 13, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 85; Image: 177; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Nichols, Margaret
  2652. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Birth, Howell, Jesse
    2. Howell, Jesse
  2653. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 363; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Birth, Chaney, Leonard Franklin
    2. Chaney, Leonard Franklin
  2654. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Birth, Waller, Thomas J.
    2. Waller, Thomas J.
  2655. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 88; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. White, James A.
  2656. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 25; Image: 56; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Residence, Brown, Matilda S.
    2. Brown, Matilda S.
  2657. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 236; Image: 478; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Forgey, Burrell C.
  2658. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 244; Image: 498; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Qualls, William
    2. Birth, Qualls, William
  2659. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 58; Image: 119; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Birth, Manley, Elizabeth Odle
    2. Manley, Elizabeth Odle
  2660. Year: 1860; Census Place: Honey Creek, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 730; Image: 730; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Endicott, Mariah Ann
    2. Residence, Endicott, Mariah Ann
  2661. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 388; Image: 398; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Riggs, James Walker
    2. Birth, Riggs, James Walker
  2662. Year: 1860; Census Place: Swan, Taney, Missouri; Roll: M653_658; Page: 886; Image: 328; Family History Library Film: 803658
    1. Birth, Stover, William Martin
    2. Stover, William Martin
  2663. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fairview, Fayette, Indiana; Roll: M653_256; Page: 759; Image: 759; Family History Library Film: 803256
    1. Residence, Manlove, Malinda G.
    2. Manlove, Malinda G.
  2664. Year: 1860; Census Place: Koo Wee Skoo Wee District, Indian Lands, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 1174; Image: 702.
    1. Keys, Isaac William
    2. Residence, Keys, Isaac William
  2665. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 754; Image: 432.
    1. Claypool, Stephen Sr. Major
  2666. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bristol, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 88; Image: 93; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Residence, Colby, Rebecca
    2. Colby, Rebecca
  2667. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Cedar, Missouri; Roll: M653_613; Page: 18; Family History Library Film: 803613
    1. Hopper, Charles H.
  2668. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 155; Image: 317; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Cain, John H. "Jack"
  2669. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Marys, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 342; Image: 86; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Bowman, John Wright
    2. Birth, Bowman, John Wright
  2670. Year: 1860; Census Place: Springboro, Warren, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 330; Image: 666.
    1. Neill, Phoebe
  2671. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 2 Range 7, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 743; Image: 742.
    1. Birth, Elbin, Maria Josephine
    2. Elbin, Maria Josephine
  2672. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Bullitt, Kentucky; Roll: M653_358; Page: 760; Image: 363; Family History Library Film: 803358
    1. Neill, Julia
    2. Birth, Neill, Julia
  2673. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 454; Image: 529; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Bettis, Prior Caswell
    2. Birth, Bettis, Prior Caswell
  2674. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 480; Image: 312.
    1. Butler, Nancy
  2675. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 512; Image: 377; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Hickman, Mahala
    2. Birth, Hickman, Mahala
  2676. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 2 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 100; Image: 101.
    1. Ettling, Mary Catharina
    2. Birth, Ettling, Mary Catharina
  2677. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cincinnati, Tazewell, Illinois; Roll: M653_232; Page: 359; Image: 359; Family History Library Film: 803232
    1. Birth, Hawley, Martha Nason
    2. Hawley, Martha Nason
  2678. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hermon, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: ; Page: 89; Image: 94.
    1. Fanning, Chauncey
    2. Residence, Fanning, Chauncey
  2679. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fort Calhoun, Washington, Nebraska Territory; Roll: ; Page: 868; Image: 26.
    1. Schray, Jakob Frederich
  2680. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 859; Image: 409.
    1. Hopper, Eliza Leotia
  2681. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 582; Image: 260; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Residence, Stice, Sarah E.
    2. Stice, Sarah E.
  2682. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carolina, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_353; Page: 382; Image: 382; Family History Library Film: 803353
    1. Claypoole, Luther D.
  2683. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fishing River, Ray, Missouri; Roll: M653_643; Page: 88; Image: 91; Family History Library Film: 803643
    1. O'Dell, Catherine
    2. Residence, O'Dell, Catherine
  2684. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western District, Tazewell, Virginia; Roll: M653_1381; Page: 801; Image: 313; Family History Library Film: 805381
    1. Payton, Mary Jane
  2685. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Cherokee, Alabama; Roll: M653_5; Page: 185; Image: 191; Family History Library Film: 803005
    1. Wade, Sarah Jane
    2. Age: 11
  2686. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 455; Image: 531.
    1. Residence, Frank, Elisha Albert
    2. Frank, Elisha Albert
  2687. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 222; Image: 221.
    1. Crow, Elvira A.
  2688. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hot Spring, Napa, California; Roll: ; Page: 28; Image: 28.
    1. Birth, Butler, Mary A. "Polly"
    2. Butler, Mary A. "Polly"
  2689. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 327; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Chaney, Alexander
    2. Residence, Chaney, Alexander
  2690. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 10; Image: 25; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Birth, Parvin, Martha Jane
    2. Parvin, Martha Jane
  2691. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 6 S Range 4 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: M653_177; Page: 569; Image: 569; Family History Library Film: 803177
    1. Summers, Priscilla
  2692. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 599; Image: 277; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Age: 24
    2. Van Note, Mary C.
  2693. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 1, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: M653_647; Page: 366; Image: 365; Family History Library Film: 803647
    1. Dettmar, Emma Barbara
  2694. Year: 1860; Census Place: Northern Division, Chambers, Alabama; Roll: M653_4; Page: 832; Image: 554; Family History Library Film: 803004
    1. Staples, William Thomas
  2695. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 745; Image: 423; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Butler, Sarah Ann
  2696. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 995; Image: 429.
    1. Chaney, Elisha Thomas
    2. Birth, Chaney, Elisha Thomas
  2697. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bolivar, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 3; Image: 3; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Residence, Wollard, Mary Caroline
    2. Wollard, Mary Caroline
  2698. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_7; Page: 184; Image: 184; Family History Library Film: 803007
    1. Sanford, Martha A.
  2699. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 615; Image: 613; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Sturgis, Mary Jane
  2700. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 100; Image: 100; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Ashlock, Thomas H.
    2. Ashlock, Thomas H.
  2701. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 756; Image: 434; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Mitchell, Mary Jane
    2. Mitchell, Mary Jane
  2702. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Grant, Caroline E. "Carrie"
  2703. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 480; Image: 312.
    1. Birth, Butler, Nancy
    2. Butler, Nancy
  2704. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 478; Image: 309; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Butler, Louisa Ann
  2705. Year: 1860; Census Place: San Jose, Santa Clara, California; Roll: M653_65; Page: 352; Image: 352; Family History Library Film: 803065
    1. Scott, Juliett
  2706. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fabius, Marion, Missouri; Roll: M653_632; Page: 972; Image: 465; Family History Library Film: 803632
    1. Todd, Samuel Blair
  2707. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 614; Image: 292; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Seymour, Edward D.
    2. Birth, Seymour, Edward D.
  2708. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: M653_22; Page: 771; Image: 377; Family History Library Film: 803022
    1. Weathers, Mary "Polly"
  2709. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richland, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 353; Image: 359; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Pence, Emanuel
    2. Residence, Pence, Emanuel
  2710. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois; Roll: M653_156; Page: 175; Image: 175; Family History Library Film: 803156
    1. Birth, Sturgis, Isaac
    2. Sturgis, Isaac
  2711. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 765; Image: 443; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Claypool, James Harrison
    2. Claypool, James Harrison
  2712. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 7, Menard, Illinois; Roll: M653_205; Page: 818; Image: 70; Family History Library Film: 803205
    1. Young, Lucinda
    2. Birth, Young, Lucinda
  2713. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 222; Image: 221.
    1. Crow, Lafayette
    2. Birth, Crow, Lafayette
  2714. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 624; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Van Note, Dorcas Waller
    2. Birth, Van Note, Dorcas Waller
  2715. Year: 1860; Census Place: Rush, Buchanan, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 29; Image: 29.
    1. Van Hoozer, Isaac Callahan
    2. Birth, Van Hoozer, Isaac Callahan
  2716. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Joseph, Buchanan, Missouri; Roll: M653_609; Page: 434; Image: 436; Family History Library Film: 803609
    1. Birth, Fowler, William
    2. Fowler, William
  2717. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 243; Image: 497; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Residence, Oliver, Sarah E.
    2. Oliver, Sarah E.
  2718. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 774; Image: 452.
    1. Residence, Bratten, Rachel
    2. Bratten, Rachel
  2719. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Martin, Indiana; Roll: M653_278; Page: 800; Family History Library Film: 803278
    1. Residence, Steele, Hannah "Hattie"
    2. Steele, Hannah "Hattie"
  2720. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Cedar, Missouri; Roll: M653_613; Page: 123; Image: 127; Family History Library Film: 803613
    1. Hudson, Thomas A.
    2. Residence, Hudson, Thomas A.
  2721. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Warren, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 472; Image: 135.
    1. Taylor, Priscilla
  2722. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Lafayette, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 646; Image: 296.
    1. Neill, Jane H.
  2723. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 406; Image: 433; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Age in 1860: 36
    2. Tribune, Martha N.
  2724. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 694; Image: 692.
    1. Van Note, Mary Elizabeth
  2725. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Gardiner, Kennebec, Maine; Roll: M653_439; Page: 500; Image: 501; Family History Library Film: 803439
    1. Birth, Dearborn, Sarah
    2. Dearborn, Sarah
  2726. Year: 1860; Census Place: Rock Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 636; Image: 382; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Birth, Jones, Alcey
    2. Jones, Alcey
  2727. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sugar Creek, Logan, Illinois; Page: 80; Family History Library Film: 803200
    1. Residence Post Office: Lawndale
    2. Comstock, Andrew M.
  2728. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Lauderdale, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 344; Image: 30.
    1. McClelland, Narcissa E.
  2729. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 322; Image: 274; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Morris, William Gideon
    2. Birth, Morris, William Gideon
  2730. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Howard, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 407; Image: 407.
    1. Elliott, Newton Glasgow
  2731. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lamoine, McDonough, Illinois; Roll: M653_201; Page: 834; Image: 474; Family History Library Film: 803201
    1. Bowman, Rebecca Jane
  2732. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 199; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Goodbar, James Madison
  2733. Year: 1860; Census Place: Regiment 4, Anderson, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1212; Page: 244; Image: 492; Family History Library Film: 805212
    1. Masters, Elias William
    2. Residence, Masters, Elias William
  2734. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center, Knox, Missouri; Roll: M653_627; Page: 81; Image: 84; Family History Library Film: 803627
    1. Claypool, Cornelius
    2. Residence, Claypool, Cornelius
  2735. Year: 1860; Census Place: White River, Johnson, Indiana; Roll: M653_271; Page: 407; Image: 407; Family History Library Film: 803271
    1. Carter, Rachel
  2736. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 96; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Fly, David Williamson Rev.
  2737. Year: 1860; Census Place: Simpson, Kentucky; Roll: M653_395; Page: 36; Family History Library Film: 803395
    1. Howell, Dudley Harvey
    2. Birth, Howell, Dudley Harvey
  2738. Year: 1860; Census Place: North East Revenue District, Fauquier, Virginia; Page: 94; Family History Library Film: 805344
    1. Birth, Gray, Bettie Frances
    2. Gray, Bettie Frances
  2739. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 3 E, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 970; Image: 170.
    1. Residence, Karr, Newton
    2. Karr, Newton
  2740. Year: 1860; Census Place: North East Revenue District, Fauquier, Virginia; Page: 94; Family History Library Film: 805344
    1. Gray, Bettie Frances
  2741. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 235; Image: 480; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Birth, Crowe, Nancy A.
    2. Crowe, Nancy A.
  2742. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Lampasas, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 178; Image: 365.
    1. Residence, Watson, David R.
    2. Watson, David R.
  2743. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 407; Image: 21; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Birth, Crow, Mary Jane
    2. Crow, Mary Jane
  2744. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lebanon, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 226; Image: 455; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Residence, Chamberlain, Viola
    2. Chamberlain, Viola
  2745. Year: 1860; Census Place: Miami, Lykins, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 248; Image: 248.
    1. Residence, Doud, Pricilla May
    2. Doud, Pricilla May
  2746. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Residence, Mitchell, Hannah Ann
    2. Mitchell, Hannah Ann
  2747. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 476; Image: 573.
    1. Cate, Samuel F.
  2748. Year: 1860; Census Place: Rock Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 635; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Tummons, Mary Jane
    2. Birth, Tummons, Mary Jane
  2749. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Alamance, North Carolina; Roll: ; Page: 88; Image: 176.
    1. Holmes, Sarah "Sallie"
  2750. Year: 1860; Census Place: Chariton, Macon, Missouri; Roll: M653_631; Page: 293; Image: 289; Family History Library Film: 803631
    1. Sturgis, James
  2751. Year: 1860; Census Place: Floyd, Kentucky; Roll: M653_367; Page: 82; Image: 82; Family History Library Film: 803367
    1. Sizemore, Rhoda
    2. Residence, Sizemore, Rhoda
  2752. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bristol, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 110; Image: 115; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Cheney, Mary
    2. Residence, Cheney, Mary
  2753. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 355; Image: 359.
    1. Farnsley, Eurah T.
  2754. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Howell, Amanda Elizabeth
  2755. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 894; Image: 146.
    1. Goodpasture, Jefferson Dillard
    2. Residence, Goodpasture, Jefferson Dillard
  2756. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 36; Image: 76.
    1. Werts, Daniel Rex
  2757. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 421; Image: 425; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Pitsenbarger, Anna Catherine
  2758. Year: 1860; Census Place: Philadelphia Ward 19, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1169; Page: 33; Family History Library Film: 805169
    1. Geiger, John Frederick
    2. Birth, Geiger, John Frederick
  2759. Year: 1860; Census Place: Polk, Washington, Indiana; Roll: M653_306; Page: 15; Image: 15; Family History Library Film: 803306
    1. Skeen, Martha
  2760. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 477; Image: 307.
    1. Residence, Galbraith, Samuel F.
    2. Galbraith, Samuel F.
  2761. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dardenne, St Charles, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 861; Image: 366.
    1. Howell, Nancy
    2. Birth, Howell, Nancy
  2762. Year: 1860; Census Place: Honey Creek, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 730; Image: 730; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Endicott, Mariah Ann
  2763. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Marshall, Alabama; Roll: M653_16; Page: 940; Image: 466; Family History Library Film: 803016
    1. Prentice, James Franklin
  2764. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lower, Franklin, Arkansas; Roll: M653_41; Page: 359; Image: 359; Family History Library Film: 803041
    1. Titsworth, John Randolph
    2. Age in 1860: 29
  2765. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 694; Image: 692.
    1. Van Note, Charles
    2. Birth, Van Note, Charles
  2766. Year: 1860; Census Place: Macon, Illinois; Roll: M653_203; Page: 786; Image: 220; Family History Library Film: 803203
    1. Birth, Orr, John Morgan
    2. Orr, John Morgan
  2767. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 932; Image: 532.
    1. Neill, Sally
    2. Birth, Neill, Sally
  2768. Year: 1860; Census Place: Amherst, Virginia; Roll: M653_1332; Page: 413; Image: 421; Family History Library Film: 805332
    1. Manley, George Washington
    2. Birth, Manley, George Washington
  2769. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 96; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Residence Post Office: Big Hill
    2. Harper, Frances Rachel
  2770. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 1, Cass, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 351; Image: 15.
    1. Residence, Caldwell, Nancy
    2. Caldwell, Nancy
  2771. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Page: 165; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, McGee, Margaret R
    2. McGee, Margaret R
  2772. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lake, Buchanan, Missouri; Roll: M653_609; Page: 81; Image: 81; Family History Library Film: 803609
    1. Smith, Polly Ann
    2. Birth, Smith, Polly Ann
  2773. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nishnabotna, Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 586; Image: 90; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Buxton, Lestacia Ann "Tacy"
    2. Residence, Buxton, Lestacia Ann "Tacy"
  2774. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 157; Image: 322; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Maxwell, Mary Jane
  2775. Year: 1860; Census Place: North Salem, Hendricks, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 865; Image: 391.
    1. Woodard, John
  2776. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 172; Image: 353; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Chumley, Elizabeth Jane
    2. Residence, Chumley, Elizabeth Jane
  2777. Year: 1860; Census Place: Regiment 4, Anderson, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1212; Page: 244; Image: 492; Family History Library Film: 805212
    1. Residence, Johnson, Edith
    2. Johnson, Edith
  2778. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bangor, Marshall, Iowa; Roll: M653_335; Page: 134; Image: 576; Family History Library Film: 803335
    1. Moffitt, Lydia
    2. Birth, Moffitt, Lydia
  2779. Year: 1860; Census Place: Smith, Posey, Indiana; Roll: M653_290; Page: 609; Image: 83; Family History Library Film: 803290
    1. Birth, Carter, Rane Chastain
    2. Carter, Rane Chastain
  2780. Year: 1860; Census Place: Macon, Illinois; Roll: M653_203; Page: 809; Image: 243; Family History Library Film: 803203
    1. Birth, Whorton, Elizabeth Isabell
    2. Whorton, Elizabeth Isabell
  2781. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern, Hampshire, Virginia; Roll: M653_1350; Page: 19; Image: 23; Family History Library Film: 805350
    1. Claypool, Priscilla Nancy
    2. Birth, Claypool, Priscilla Nancy
  2782. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sulpher Springs, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 670; Image: 348.
    1. Sturgis, Rebecca R.
  2783. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 478; Image: 309.
    1. Butler, Bolivar B.
    2. Residence, Butler, Bolivar B.
  2784. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 614; Image: 292; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sturgis, Hannah
    2. Birth, Sturgis, Hannah
  2785. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 13, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 85; Image: 177; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Birth, Holmes, Elizabeth Jones
    2. Holmes, Elizabeth Jones
  2786. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 512; Image: 377; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Birth, Potter, Sarah Ann
    2. Potter, Sarah Ann
  2787. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 421; Image: 425; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Rodabaugh, Adam
    2. Birth, Rodabaugh, Adam
  2788. Year: 1860; Census Place: Woodland, Fulton, Illinois; Roll: M653_179; Page: 149; Image: 149; Family History Library Film: 803179
    1. Hopping, William Sturgis
    2. Residence, Hopping, William Sturgis
  2789. Year: 1860; Census Place: Smith, Posey, Indiana; Roll: M653_290; Page: 609; Image: 83; Family History Library Film: 803290
    1. Carter, Rane Chastain
  2790. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 388; Image: 398; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Riggs, James Walker
  2791. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 388; Image: 398; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Riggs, John Woodson
  2792. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wells, Jefferson, Ohio; Roll: M653_993; Page: 63; Image: 129; Family History Library Film: 803993
    1. McCann, James Homer
  2793. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 493; Image: 338.
    1. Residence, Hawn, Elisha Addison
    2. Hawn, Elisha Addison
  2794. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 13, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 85; Image: 177; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Nichols, Margaret
    2. Birth, Nichols, Margaret
  2795. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mapleton, Blue Earth, Minnesota; Roll: M653_567; Page: 209; Family History Library Film: 803567
    1. Middlebrook, Horace Judson
    2. Birth, Middlebrook, Horace Judson
  2796. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 721; Image: 279.
    1. Wilkey, William Jonathan
    2. Residence, Wilkey, William Jonathan
  2797. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Frieze, John Jacob
    2. Birth, Frieze, John Jacob
  2798. Year: 1860; Census Place: Panola, Mississippi; Roll: M653_589; Page: 212; Family History Library Film: 803589
    1. Birth, Magee, Bluford Ancil
    2. Magee, Bluford Ancil
  2799. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 236; Image: 478; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Forgey, Nancy S.
    2. Residence, Forgey, Nancy S.
  2800. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 27; Image: 57.
    1. Burk, Esther Ann
  2801. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Clair, Butler, Ohio; Page: 341; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Lindley, Sarah Alice
  2802. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clear Creek, Warren, Ohio; Page: 314; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Residence Post Office: Lebanon
    2. Neill, Ruth
  2803. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 511; Image: 375.
    1. Green, Sarah
    2. Residence, Green, Sarah
  2804. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hermon, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: ; Page: 89; Image: 94.
    1. Fanning, Chauncey
    2. Birth, Fanning, Chauncey
  2805. Year: 1860; Census Place: Barnesville, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: M653_937; Page: 334; Image: 216; Family History Library Film: 803937
    1. Residence, McLane, William
    2. McLane, William
  2806. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 721; Image: 279; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Wilkey, Sarah Catherine
  2807. Year: 1860; Census Place: Chester, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1217; Page: 84; Family History Library Film: 805217
    1. Sturgis, William
    2. Birth, Sturgis, William
  2808. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hamilton, Butler, Ohio; Roll: M653_941; Page: 418; Image: 402; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Louthan, Henderson
    2. Birth, Louthan, Henderson
  2809. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 706; Image: 254; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Patton, Manerva Adaline
    2. Age: 22
  2810. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 N Range 2 W (North two-thirds), Montgomery, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 224; Image: 224.
    1. Whitten, Sarah A.
  2811. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 828; Image: 66.
    1. Cunningham, Mary Susan
    2. Residence, Cunningham, Mary Susan
  2812. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mendocino, Sonoma, California; Roll: ; Page: 459; Image: 459.
    1. Keys, Richard Riley
  2813. Year: 1860; Census Place: Neosho, Newton, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 876; Image: 368.
    1. Cravens, Alice Rebecca
  2814. Year: 1860; Census Place: Shoal Creek, Johnson, Arkansas; Roll: M653_44; Page: 1045; Image: 553; Family History Library Film: 803044
    1. Residence, Caldwell, Martha Adeline
    2. Caldwell, Martha Adeline
  2815. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western District, Tazewell, Virginia; Roll: M653_1381; Page: 801; Image: 313; Family History Library Film: 805381
    1. Sizemore, Anderson
  2816. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Carroll, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 94; Image: 192.
    1. Residence, Huffman, Amelia Millie
    2. Huffman, Amelia Millie
  2817. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 88; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Carneal, Elijah Lee
    2. Carneal, Elijah Lee
  2818. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Marys, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 373; Image: 117; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Bowman, Arcadia E. "Katie"
  2819. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Fayette, Indiana; Roll: M653_256; Page: 801; Image: 801; Family History Library Film: 803256
    1. Alley, Theresa
  2820. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Wayne, Indiana; Roll: M653_308; Page: 266; Image: 268; Family History Library Film: 803308
    1. Davies, Joseph
    2. Residence, Davies, Joseph
  2821. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 36; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Birth, Holmes, George Lafayette
    2. Holmes, George Lafayette
  2822. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Birth, Frieze, James Henry
    2. Frieze, James Henry
  2823. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lower, Franklin, Arkansas; Roll: M653_41; Page: 359; Image: 359; Family History Library Film: 803041
    1. Titsworth, Edwin Randolph
  2824. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 327; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Chaney, David T.
  2825. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Greenbrier, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 426; Image: 434.
    1. Hoylman, John Jordan
    2. Birth, Hoylman, John Jordan
  2826. Year: 1860; Census Place: Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_352; Page: 668; Image: 134; Family History Library Film: 803352
    1. Birth, Simerwell, Robert
    2. Simerwell, Robert
  2827. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Perry, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 346; Image: 115.
    1. McCaig, Mariah Adeline
    2. Birth, McCaig, Mariah Adeline
  2828. Year: 1860; Census Place: Regiment 4, Anderson, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1212; Page: 199; Image: 402; Family History Library Film: 805212
    1. Major, Haskey
    2. Birth, Major, Haskey
  2829. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 1001; Image: 435.
    1. Stubbs, Martha Ann
    2. Residence, Stubbs, Martha Ann
  2830. Year: 1860; Census Place: Shoal Creek, Johnson, Arkansas; Roll: M653_44; Page: 1059; Image: 567; Family History Library Film: 803044
    1. Spicer, Lewis Henry
  2831. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Residence, Neill, Matilda
    2. Neill, Matilda
  2832. Year: 1860; Census Place: Barnesville, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: M653_937; Page: 334; Image: 216; Family History Library Film: 803937
    1. Vernon, Theodate
    2. Residence, Vernon, Theodate
  2833. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lassen, Tehama, California; Roll: M653_70; Page: 879; Image: 183; Family History Library Film: 803070
    1. Scott, Sarah J.
  2834. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 407; Image: 21.
    1. Crow, John C.
    2. Birth, Crow, John C.
  2835. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cass, Stone, Missouri; Roll: M653_658; Page: 577; Image: 28; Family History Library Film: 803658
    1. Birth, Kimberling, Davis
    2. Kimberling, Davis
  2836. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 9 Range 4 E, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: M653_239; Page: 880; Image: 80; Family History Library Film: 803239
    1. Absher, Patience L.
    2. Birth, Absher, Patience L.
  2837. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 511; Image: 374.
    1. Hawn, Emaline
  2838. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 399; Image: 420.
    1. Jett, Robert Edwin
    2. Birth, Jett, Robert Edwin
  2839. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Greene, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 629; Image: 33.
    1. Cain, George Washington
    2. Residence, Cain, George Washington
  2840. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 392; Image: 392.
    1. Residence, Ice, Rachel Jane
    2. Ice, Rachel Jane
  2841. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 610; Image: 18; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Castleman, Emeline Frances
  2842. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 615; Image: 613; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Coons, George Madison
    2. Birth, Coons, George Madison
  2843. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ervin, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 830; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Residence Post Office: Poplar Grove
    2. Forgey, Mary Anne
  2844. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 457; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Angelo, Andrew Jackson
    2. Birth, Angelo, Andrew Jackson
  2845. Year: 1860; Census Place: Simpson, Kentucky; Roll: M653_395; Page: 24; Family History Library Film: 803395
    1. Blewett, Mary Susan "Susie"
  2846. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 478; Image: 309; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Butler, Elizabeth Matilda
    2. Residence, Butler, Elizabeth Matilda
  2847. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Pike, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 921; Image: 495.
    1. Residence, Burress, Mary Ann
    2. Burress, Mary Ann
  2848. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Hardy, Virginia; Roll: M653_1351; Page: 541; Image: 29; Family History Library Film: 805351
    1. Combs, Charles
    2. Residence, Combs, Charles
  2849. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 455; Image: 531; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Frank, Mary Jane
    2. Birth, Frank, Mary Jane
  2850. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 172; Image: 353; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Knox, James Asbury Rev.
  2851. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 763; Image: 441; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Roberson, Jessee Bazel
    2. Age: 55
  2852. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dardenne, St Charles, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 861; Image: 366.
    1. Residence, Castlio, John Harrison
    2. Castlio, John Harrison
  2853. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 407; Image: 21; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Birth, Crow, Samuel E.
    2. Crow, Samuel E.
  2854. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 9, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 63; Image: 130; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Pope, Araminta Adeline
  2855. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 764; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Howell, Daniel William
    2. Howell, Daniel William
  2856. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Crawford, Arkansas; Roll: M653_40; Page: 629; Image: 35; Family History Library Film: 803040
    1. Ross, Elizabeth Rice
  2857. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 363; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Birth, Chaney, Andrew Jackson
    2. Chaney, Andrew Jackson
  2858. Year: 1860; Census Place: York, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1228; Page: 426; Family History Library Film: 805228
    1. Shillinglaw, Margaret Girardin
    2. Residence, Shillinglaw, Margaret Girardin
  2859. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dooleys, Hart, Georgia; Roll: M653_126; Page: 447; Image: 447; Family History Library Film: 803126
    1. McCurry, Mary
  2860. Year: 1860; Census Place: Montgomery, Gibson, Indiana; Roll: M653_260; Page: 795; Image: 285; Family History Library Film: 803260
    1. Williams, Rachel Catherine
    2. Residence, Williams, Rachel Catherine
  2861. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 690; Image: 688; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Carter, Margaret Ellen
  2862. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 119; Image: 247.
    1. Jones, Martha Patsy
    2. Birth, Jones, Martha Patsy
  2863. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 746; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Scrivener, Mary A.
  2864. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 44; Image: 91; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Parks, Nancy
  2865. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 3 E, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 970; Image: 170.
    1. Residence, Karr, Sydney
    2. Karr, Sydney
  2866. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Finley, Washington, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 1020; Image: 457.
    1. Residence, Iames, John
    2. Iames, John
  2867. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 35, Jackson, Missouri; Roll: M653_625; Page: 173; Image: 173; Family History Library Film: 803625
    1. Ragan, Jacob
    2. Residence, Ragan, Jacob
  2868. Year: 1860; Census Place: Several Districts, Coweta, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 811; Image: 263.
    1. Residence, Johnson, James Archie
    2. Johnson, James Archie
  2869. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 125; Image: 259; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Residence, Crowder, John W.
    2. Crowder, John W.
  2870. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 126; Image: 261.
    1. Jones, Mariah
    2. Birth, Jones, Mariah
  2871. Year: 1860; Census Place: Unity, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 1119; Image: 489.
    1. Residence, Blumenauer, Catherina
    2. Blumenauer, Catherina
  2872. Year: 1860; Census Place: Columbia, Meigs, Ohio; Roll: M653_1008; Page: 336; Image: 675; Family History Library Film: 805008
    1. Age in 1860: 21
    2. Walburn, Electa
  2873. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 74; Image: 154; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Pope, Mahalia
  2874. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 328; Image: 334; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Chaney, John Rauson
    2. Residence, Chaney, John Rauson
  2875. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 247.
    1. Holmes, James D.
    2. Residence, Holmes, James D.
  2876. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Frieze, John Jacob
  2877. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Kentucky; Roll: M653_363; Page: 186; Image: 186; Family History Library Film: 803363
    1. Reaves, Melinda Abston
    2. Age in 1860: 59
  2878. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Forsyth, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 460; Image: 460.
    1. Clement, Christopher
  2879. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 25; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Mead, Mary Jane
    2. Mead, Mary Jane
  2880. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Page: 583; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Cron, Theresa Lucretia
    2. Birth, Cron, Theresa Lucretia
  2881. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 3, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: M653_655; Page: 190; Image: 190; Family History Library Film: 803655
    1. Carter, Adam Clark
  2882. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sugar Creek, Barry, Missouri; Page: 860; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Barnes, Nancy
  2883. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Finley, Washington, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1192; Page: 1020; Image: 457; Family History Library Film: 805192
    1. Residence, Axtell, Silas
    2. Axtell, Silas
  2884. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 512; Image: 377; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Potter, Nancy Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Potter, Nancy Elizabeth
  2885. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 14 Range 12, Scott, Illinois; Roll: M653_227; Page: 859; Image: 35; Family History Library Film: 803227
    1. Age: 15
    2. Summers, Martha Jane
  2886. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 233; Image: 477.
    1. Birth, Butler, Octavia Conn
    2. Butler, Octavia Conn
  2887. Year: 1860; Census Place: Several Districts, Coweta, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 811; Image: 263.
    1. Birth, Johnson, James Archie
    2. Johnson, James Archie
  2888. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 504; Image: 360; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Green, Andrew Jackson
  2889. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 512; Image: 376.
    1. Taylor, George M.
    2. Residence, Taylor, George M.
  2890. Year: 1860; Census Place: Goochland, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 936; Image: 596; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Woodward, Laura A.
    2. Birth, Woodward, Laura A.
  2891. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1268; Page: 334; Image: 92; Family History Library Film: 805268
    1. Randel, Nacy Meek
    2. Residence, Randel, Nacy Meek
  2892. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 810; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Bunch, William David
    2. Residence, Bunch, William David
  2893. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 754; Image: 432.
    1. Whitten, Sarah Charity "Sally"
  2894. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 499; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Staples, Jane
  2895. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lower Division, Wilkes, North Carolina; Roll: ; Page: 30; Image: 60.
    1. Thompson, Mary
  2896. Year: 1860; Census Place: Chariton, Randolph, Missouri; Roll: M653_642; Page: 769; Image: 185; Family History Library Film: 803642
    1. Carter, Watson
    2. Birth, Carter, Watson
  2897. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dudley, Hardin, Ohio; Roll: M653_983; Page: 346; Image: 105; Family History Library Film: 803983
    1. Birth, Baltimore, Elizabeth
    2. Baltimore, Elizabeth
  2898. Year: 1860; Census Place: Polk, Adair, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 172; Image: 176.
    1. Crow, Russel Taylor
  2899. Year: 1860; Census Place: El Monte, Los Angeles, California; Roll: ; Page: 249; Image: 249.
    1. Guess, Harriet Newell
  2900. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 205; Image: 418; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Reed, Harriet
  2901. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 754; Image: 432.
    1. Birth, Claypool, Austin Jefferson
    2. Claypool, Austin Jefferson
  2902. Year: 1860; Census Place: Kingston, Rockingham, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_678; Page: 570; Image: 572; Family History Library Film: 803678
    1. Birth, Cheney, Nathaniel Dearborn
    2. Cheney, Nathaniel Dearborn
  2903. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ervin, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 837; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Harness, Susan A.
    2. Birth, Harness, Susan A.
  2904. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 995; Image: 429.
    1. Residence, Chaney, Hezekiah
    2. Chaney, Hezekiah
  2905. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Howard, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 407; Image: 407.
    1. Birth, Elliott, Rose Wallace
    2. Elliott, Rose Wallace
  2906. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 420; Image: 424; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Rodabaugh, Isaac P.
    2. Age: 5
  2907. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 656; Image: 64; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Residence, Louthan, Anna Amanda
    2. Louthan, Anna Amanda
  2908. Year: 1860; Census Place: Augusta, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 809; Image: 555; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Bowman, Malinda J.
  2909. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Polk, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1268; Page: 399; Image: 224; Family History Library Film: 805268
    1. Birth, Peak, Elizabeth
    2. Peak, Elizabeth
  2910. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fort Calhoun, Washington, Nebraska Territory; Roll: ; Page: 868; Image: 26.
    1. Birth, Huber, Ernest Imanuel
    2. Huber, Ernest Imanuel
  2911. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bangor, Marshall, Iowa; Roll: M653_335; Page: 131; Image: 573; Family History Library Film: 803335
    1. Vernon, Jesse
    2. Birth, Vernon, Jesse
  2912. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Marshall, Alabama; Roll: M653_16; Page: 940; Image: 466; Family History Library Film: 803016
    1. Birth, Prentice, James Franklin
    2. Prentice, James Franklin
  2913. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 N Range 2 W (North two-thirds), Montgomery, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 224; Image: 224.
    1. Birth, Whitten, Sarah A.
    2. Whitten, Sarah A.
  2914. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 236; Image: 478; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Birth, Forgey, Mary Francis
    2. Forgey, Mary Francis
  2915. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 13, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 85; Image: 176.
    1. Woody, Robert
  2916. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 165; Image: 339; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Masters, Joseph Marion
    2. Masters, Joseph Marion
  2917. Year: 1860; Census Place: Searcy, Phillips, Arkansas; Roll: M653_47; Page: 329; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 803047
    1. Hudson, William Allen
  2918. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 710; Image: 260; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Wilburn, Lavina V.
    2. Birth, Wilburn, Lavina V.
  2919. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 626; Image: 304; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Sturgis, Thomas I.
    2. Sturgis, Thomas I.
  2920. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harp, DeWitt, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 756; Image: 268.
    1. Residence, Jackson, Joshua S.
    2. Jackson, Joshua S.
  2921. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 408; Image: 22; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Crow, Amanda A.
  2922. Year: 1860; Census Place: Macon, Illinois; Roll: M653_203; Page: 809; Image: 243; Family History Library Film: 803203
    1. Masters, Davis Coe
    2. Birth, Masters, Davis Coe
  2923. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bangor, Marshall, Iowa; Roll: M653_335; Page: 128; Image: 570; Family History Library Film: 803335
    1. Birth, Adams, William
    2. Adams, William
  2924. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 388; Image: 398; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Birth, Riggs, William
    2. Riggs, William
  2925. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 8, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 519; Image: 354; Family History Library Film: 805290
    1. Birth, Jarratt, Devereaux
    2. Jarratt, Devereaux
  2926. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Hot Spring, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 967; Image: 455.
    1. Fowler, America
  2927. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 35; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Holmes, Sarah Angie
  2928. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 499; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Chaney, Sampson
    2. Birth, Chaney, Sampson
  2929. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 511; Image: 374.
    1. Residence, Chaney, Icy Elizabeth
    2. Chaney, Icy Elizabeth
  2930. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 88; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Fly, Mary Malinda
  2931. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 697; Image: 257.
    1. Residence, Howton, David
    2. Howton, David
  2932. Year: 1860; Census Place: Panola, Mississippi; Roll: M653_589; Page: 162; Family History Library Film: 803589
    1. Casey, Samuel Otterson
    2. Birth, Casey, Samuel Otterson
  2933. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grayson, Virginia; Roll: M653_1348; Page: 163; Image: 167; Family History Library Film: 805348
    1. Davis, Elizabeth
  2934. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 576; Image: 578; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Hart, Charles A.
    2. Residence, Hart, Charles A.
  2935. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 155; Image: 317.
    1. Cain, Martha
    2. Residence, Cain, Martha
  2936. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Polk, Oregon; Roll: M653_1056; Page: 530; Image: 311; Family History Library Film: 805056
    1. Scott, Ellen
    2. Age in 1860: 35
  2937. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 179; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Bradley, Matilda
  2938. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Masters, Madison Mayhew
    2. Masters, Madison Mayhew
  2939. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 342; Image: 346; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Residence, Potter, Stephen
    2. Potter, Stephen
  2940. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 754; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Rector, Stephen Claypool
  2941. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clark, Johnson, Arkansas; Roll: M653_44; Page: 938; Image: 444; Family History Library Film: 803044
    1. Spicer, Thomas J.
  2942. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 690; Image: 688; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Carter, Margaret Ellen
    2. Age: 10
  2943. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 995; Image: 429.
    1. Chaney, Hezekiah Cannon
  2944. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 9, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 63; Image: 130; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Pope, Araminta Adeline
    2. Residence, Pope, Araminta Adeline
  2945. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Howard, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 407; Image: 407.
    1. Elliott, Newton G. Jr.
    2. Residence, Elliott, Newton G. Jr.
  2946. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 478; Image: 309.
    1. Butler, Moses F.
  2947. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 406; Image: 433.
    1. Carter, Jacob Milton
    2. Birth, Carter, Jacob Milton
  2948. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 111; Image: 231.
    1. Birth, Butler, Frances Matilda "Fannie"
    2. Butler, Frances Matilda "Fannie"
  2949. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Botetourt, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 166; Image: 170.
    1. Hoylman, Addison Sidney
    2. Birth, Hoylman, Addison Sidney
  2950. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grand River, Livingston, Missouri; Roll: M653_630; Page: 818; Family History Library Film: 803630
    1. Munro, William Porter
    2. Birth, Munro, William Porter
  2951. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 44; Image: 44.
    1. Wollard, William D.
    2. Birth, Wollard, William D.
  2952. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dinsmore, Shelby, Ohio; Roll: M653_1036; Page: 323; Image: 93; Family History Library Film: 805036
    1. Iames, Elenora
  2953. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 407; Image: 21; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Crow, Scott Theophuis Lameroux (Name Change)
    2. Residence, Crow, Scott Theophuis Lameroux (Name Change)
  2954. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 699; Image: 707; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Kempker, Katie
    2. Residence, Kempker, Katie
  2955. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 235; Image: 480.
    1. Birth, Butler, George W.
    2. Butler, George W.
  2956. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Lafayette, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 631; Image: 281.
    1. Birth, Neill, Mary D.
    2. Neill, Mary D.
  2957. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 477; Image: 307.
    1. Residence, Galbraith, Mary Jane
    2. Galbraith, Mary Jane
  2958. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grayson, Virginia; Roll: M653_1348; Page: 74; Image: 78; Family History Library Film: 805348
    1. Residence, Davis, Hugh
    2. Davis, Hugh
  2959. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 241; Image: 493; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. McKinney, Lucinda
    2. Residence, McKinney, Lucinda
  2960. Year: 1860; Census Place: Henry, Henry, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 22; Image: 22.
    1. Justice, Emily A.
  2961. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 130; Image: 269; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Age: 37
    2. Pickel, James L.
  2962. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 894; Image: 146.
    1. Goodpasture, Nancy Hester
  2963. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 764; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Howell, Daniel William
  2964. Year: 1860; Census Place: Murfreesboro, Rutherford, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1271; Page: 160; Image: 325; Family History Library Film: 805271
    1. Palmer, Joseph Benjamin
  2965. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Page: 180; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Birth, Miller, Louise
    2. Miller, Louise
  2966. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Hamilton, Indiana; Roll: M653_263; Page: 302; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 803263
    1. Birth, White, Aletha Catherine
    2. White, Aletha Catherine
  2967. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 478; Image: 309; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Birth, Lawson, Nicholas Fain
    2. Lawson, Nicholas Fain
  2968. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 216; Image: 443; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Carmack, Elisabeth Ann "Bettie"
  2969. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Marion, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 692; Image: 254.
    1. Residence, Crosley, John Lucas
    2. Crosley, John Lucas
  2970. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrisburg, Jackson, Georgia; Roll: M653_128; Page: 179; Family History Library Film: 803128
    1. Hay, Sarah "Sallie"
    2. Birth, Hay, Sarah "Sallie"
  2971. Year: 1860; Census Place: Elmwood, Peoria, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 566; Image: 196.
    1. Carrigan, Mary Jane
    2. Residence, Carrigan, Mary Jane
  2972. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Fork, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 794; Image: 320.
    1. Phillips, Samuel
  2973. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 393; Image: 7.
    1. Gibbs, Isabelle Belle
    2. Birth, Gibbs, Isabelle Belle
  2974. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Humphreys, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 121; Image: 249.
    1. Whitwell, Willis H.
    2. Residence, Whitwell, Willis H.
  2975. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Warren, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 472; Image: 135.
    1. Wright, Lemuel Hogan
  2976. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 13, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 85; Image: 177; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Residence, Bratton, George Washington
    2. Bratton, George Washington
  2977. Year: 1860; Census Place: Macon, Illinois; Roll: M653_203; Page: 809; Image: 243; Family History Library Film: 803203
    1. Birth, Masters, Robert
    2. Masters, Robert
  2978. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 511; Image: 374.
    1. Hawn, Nathaniel Conrad
    2. Residence, Hawn, Nathaniel Conrad
  2979. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nishnabotna, Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 586; Image: 90; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Birth, Morgan, William Charles
    2. Morgan, William Charles
  2980. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bear Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 418; Image: 162.
    1. King, Martha
  2981. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 85; Image: 85.
    1. Birth, Gammon, John Robertson
    2. Gammon, John Robertson
  2982. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 322; Image: 274; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Nelson, Mary Sarah
    2. Residence, Nelson, Mary Sarah
  2983. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Greene, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 623; Image: 27.
    1. Wyatt, William W.
  2984. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 754; Image: 432.
    1. Birth, Claypool, Stephen Sr. Major
    2. Claypool, Stephen Sr. Major
  2985. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 236; Image: 478; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Forgey, James Henry
    2. Birth, Forgey, James Henry
  2986. Year: 1860; Census Place: Goochland, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 936; Image: 596; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Morrison, Mary
  2987. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 699; Image: 707; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Kempker, Katie
  2988. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 307; Image: 25; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Birth, Stallings, Joseph T.
    2. Stallings, Joseph T.
  2989. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sugar Loaf, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 912; Image: 462; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Manley, John Alexander Butler
    2. Birth, Manley, John Alexander Butler
  2990. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 756; Image: 434.
    1. Claypoole, Frederick J.
  2991. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 710; Image: 260; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Wilburn, John M.
    2. Age in 1860: 9
  2992. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Hamilton, Indiana; Roll: M653_263; Page: 302; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 803263
    1. Stoneman, Mark Davis
    2. Residence, Stoneman, Mark Davis
  2993. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Cedar, Missouri; Roll: M653_613; Page: 18; Family History Library Film: 803613
    1. Birth, Hopper, Charles H.
    2. Hopper, Charles H.
  2994. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 155; Image: 317.
    1. Cain, Thomas Benjamin
  2995. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clear Creek, Warren, Ohio; Page: 314; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Neill, Ruth
    2. Birth, Neill, Ruth
  2996. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 624; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Dennis, William P.
  2997. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Panter, Sarah Lovel
    2. Birth, Panter, Sarah Lovel
  2998. Year: 1860; Census Place: Austin, Travis, Texas; Roll: M653_1306; Page: 299; Family History Library Film: 805306
    1. Seat, William Henry Rev.
  2999. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pilot Grove, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 436.
    1. Jenkins, Margaret Peggy
  3000. Year: 1860; Census Place: Portville, Cattaraugus, New York; Roll: M653_726; Page: 853; Image: 270; Family History Library Film: 803726
    1. Smith, Jane Ann
    2. Age in 1860: 17
  3001. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Warren, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 472; Image: 135.
    1. Taylor, Priscilla
    2. Residence, Taylor, Priscilla
  3002. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Blount, Alabama; Roll: M653_2; Page: 1010; Image: 364; Family History Library Film: 803002
    1. Birth, Oden, Rebecca Louan
    2. Oden, Rebecca Louan
  3003. Year: 1860; Census Place: Koo Wee Skoo Wee District, Indian Lands, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 1174; Image: 702.
    1. Keys, Isaac William
    2. Birth, Keys, Isaac William
  3004. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Kosciusko, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 386; Image: 386.
    1. Birth, Carper, Amanda
    2. Carper, Amanda
  3005. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 125; Image: 259; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Birth, Crowder, John W.
    2. Crowder, John W.
  3006. Year: 1860; Census Place: McArthur, Vinton, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 332; Image: 248.
    1. Birth, Kaler, Joseph Judge
    2. Kaler, Joseph Judge
  3007. Year: 1860; Census Place: De Soto, Louisiana; Roll: M653_410; Page: 857; Image: 433; Family History Library Film: 803410
    1. Sebastian, William W.
  3008. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 457; Image: 330; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Alderson, Fidelia
  3009. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Frieze, William M.
    2. Birth, Frieze, William M.
  3010. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana; Roll: M653_300; Page: 912; Image: 584; Family History Library Film: 803300
    1. Vanmeter, Julia Ann
  3011. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 620; Image: 298; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Age: 62
    2. Spires, John
  3012. Year: 1860; Census Place: Chariton, Randolph, Missouri; Roll: M653_642; Page: 769; Image: 185; Family History Library Film: 803642
    1. Residence, Carter, Watson
    2. Carter, Watson
  3013. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: M653_26; Page: 898; Image: 136; Family History Library Film: 803026
    1. Odom, William
    2. Residence, Odom, William
  3014. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 155; Image: 317; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Masters, Isaac Gore Lt.
    2. Masters, Isaac Gore Lt.
  3015. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 19, Knox, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1259; Page: 326; Family History Library Film: 805259
    1. Forgey, Rachel Sawyer
  3016. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 478; Image: 309.
    1. Butler, Obediah L.
  3017. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 778; Image: 456.
    1. Claypool, Elijah
  3018. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 444; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Hawn, Daniel
    2. Birth, Hawn, Daniel
  3019. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dinsmore, Shelby, Ohio; Roll: M653_1036; Page: 323; Image: 94; Family History Library Film: 805036
    1. Age in 1860: 52
    2. Toland, Erasmus Bruce
  3020. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Benton, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 423; Image: 425.
    1. Nail, Fox Taylor
    2. Birth, Nail, Fox Taylor
  3021. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 181; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Sizemore, Sallie
  3022. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 15 Range 13, Scott, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 908; Image: 84.
    1. Butler, Rebecca
  3023. Year: 1860; Census Place: Elbert District, Elbert, Georgia; Roll: M653_120; Page: 757; Image: 218; Family History Library Film: 803120
    1. Staples, Lucy
  3024. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wythe, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 267; Image: 11.
    1. Butler, Jacob J.
    2. Residence, Butler, Jacob J.
  3025. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dinsmore, Shelby, Ohio; Roll: M653_1036; Page: 323; Image: 94; Family History Library Film: 805036
    1. Residence, Iames, Mary
    2. Iames, Mary
  3026. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 161; Image: 156; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Residence, Sturgis, Joseph
    2. Sturgis, Joseph
  3027. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hamilton, Butler, Ohio; Roll: M653_941; Page: 418; Image: 402; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Louthan, Martha Jane "Jennie"
  3028. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Mitchell, John Wesley
  3029. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 573; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Carter, Amanda
    2. Birth, Carter, Amanda
  3030. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 327; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Birth, Chaney, Eliza N.
    2. Chaney, Eliza N.
  3031. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 586; Image: 200.
    1. Birth, Earnest, Martha Jane
    2. Earnest, Martha Jane
  3032. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 205; Image: 418; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Woolsey, Mary Jane
    2. Residence, Woolsey, Mary Jane
  3033. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 615; Image: 613; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Residence, Sturgis, Mary Jane
    2. Sturgis, Mary Jane
  3034. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Putnam, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 95; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Residence, McGee, Mary Jane
    2. McGee, Mary Jane
  3035. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Howell, Julia Ann
  3036. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western District, Upshur, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 392; Image: 316.
    1. Crow, William M
  3037. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: M653_22; Page: 667; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 803022
    1. Birth, Lee, Isham Bailey
    2. Lee, Isham Bailey
  3038. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Marion, Indiana; Roll: M653_280; Page: 847; Family History Library Film: 803280
    1. Dawson, John William
  3039. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: M653_22; Page: 771; Image: 377; Family History Library Film: 803022
    1. Age in 1860: 84
    2. Weathers, Isham
  3040. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Thompson, Elizabeth "Betty"
  3041. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 205; Image: 418; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Residence, Woolsey, Samuel James
    2. Woolsey, Samuel James
  3042. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Hickman, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 517; Image: 77; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Chaney, William J.
    2. Residence, Chaney, William J.
  3043. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Monroe, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 217; Image: 440.
    1. Birth, Sheets, Jane Taylor
    2. Sheets, Jane Taylor
  3044. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Marshall, Alabama; Roll: M653_16; Page: 940; Image: 466; Family History Library Film: 803016
    1. Residence, Prentice, David Samuel Bud
    2. Prentice, David Samuel Bud
  3045. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Residence, Frieze, William M.
    2. Frieze, William M.
  3046. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Lee, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 707.
    1. Kempker, Otto
  3047. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 667; Image: 193.
    1. Residence, Montgomery, Joseph B.
    2. Montgomery, Joseph B.
  3048. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 27; Image: 58.
    1. Burk, William W.
    2. Birth, Burk, William W.
  3049. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 828; Image: 66.
    1. Cunningham, Nancy Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Cunningham, Nancy Elizabeth
  3050. Year: 1860; Census Place: Upper Sandusky, Wyandot, Ohio; Roll: M653_1054; Page: 376; Image: 55; Family History Library Film: 805054
    1. McCann, James Homer
  3051. Year: 1860; Census Place: Spencer, Lane, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 280; Image: 563; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Scott, Harrison
    2. Age in 1860: 21
  3052. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 35; Image: 76.
    1. Holmes, John H.
  3053. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 752; Image: 430.
    1. Birth, Claypool, Daniel Lambert
    2. Claypool, Daniel Lambert
  3054. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Birth, Cranford, Abner
    2. Cranford, Abner
  3055. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Hickman, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 528; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Chaney, Abel
    2. Birth, Chaney, Abel
  3056. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 32; Image: 67; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Residence, Galbreath, William Harrison
    2. Galbreath, William Harrison
  3057. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 81; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Holmes, Martha Frances "Fannie"
  3058. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 13, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 85; Image: 177; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Residence, Holmes, Elizabeth Jones
    2. Holmes, Elizabeth Jones
  3059. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 754; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Whitten, Martha
    2. Birth, Whitten, Martha
  3060. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 44; Image: 91.
    1. King, Calloway
    2. Residence, King, Calloway
  3061. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 58; Image: 119; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Wright, Sarah Ann
    2. Birth, Wright, Sarah Ann
  3062. Year: 1860; Census Place: Salem, Daviess, Missouri; Roll: M653_617; Page: 414; Image: 418; Family History Library Film: 803617
    1. Kay, Sarah "Sallie" A.
    2. Residence, Kay, Sarah "Sallie" A.
  3063. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 3, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 233; Image: 233.
    1. Carter, Thornton DeWitt
  3064. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Morgan, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 498; Image: 500.
    1. Cranford, Mary Polly
    2. Residence, Cranford, Mary Polly
  3065. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 140; Image: 289.
    1. Eldridge, Roger Abbott
    2. Residence, Eldridge, Roger Abbott
  3066. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 390; Image: 401; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Riggs, Clisby D.
    2. Birth, Riggs, Clisby D.
  3067. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 3 Range 9, Madison, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 669; Image: 671.
    1. Gipson, Helen Celess
    2. Residence, Gipson, Helen Celess
  3068. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Union, Fayette, Iowa; Roll: M653_322; Page: 152; Image: 152; Family History Library Film: 803322
    1. Birth, Waites, Mary Maria
    2. Waites, Mary Maria
  3069. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 96; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Birth, Harper, Frances Rachel
    2. Harper, Frances Rachel
  3070. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 233; Image: 477; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Birth, Quarls, Margaret
    2. Quarls, Margaret
  3071. Year: 1860; Census Place: N W Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 750; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Mathews, Nancy Lee
    2. Birth, Mathews, Nancy Lee
  3072. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 808; Image: 486; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Claypool, Stephen
    2. Birth, Claypool, Stephen
  3073. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Frederick, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 707; Image: 363; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Chrisman, John Henry
    2. Birth, Chrisman, John Henry
  3074. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 752; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Claypool, Jane Emily
    2. Birth, Claypool, Jane Emily
  3075. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 57; Image: 118; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Oliver, Charlotte J.
  3076. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 480; Image: 312.
    1. Justice, John
    2. Residence, Justice, John
  3077. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Clair, Butler, Ohio; Page: 341; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Lindley, Sarah Alice
    2. Birth, Lindley, Sarah Alice
  3078. Year: 1860; Census Place: N W Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: ; Page: 754; Image: 236.
    1. Woody, Moses
  3079. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Benton, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 424; Image: 426.
    1. Nail, Thomas B.
  3080. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 9, Jackson, Tennessee; Page: 328; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Whitaker, Washington Hampton
    2. Birth, Whitaker, Washington Hampton
  3081. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 478; Image: 309; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Birth, Butler, Louisa Ann
    2. Butler, Louisa Ann
  3082. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 694; Image: 692.
    1. Residence, Van Note, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Van Note, Mary Elizabeth
  3083. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 2, Morgan, Kentucky; Roll: M653_388; Page: 353; Image: 357; Family History Library Film: 803388
    1. Carter, Joseph IV
    2. Birth, Carter, Joseph IV
  3084. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grayson, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 148; Image: 300; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Robinson, Serena Elvira
    2. Residence, Robinson, Serena Elvira
  3085. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 161; Image: 156; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Birth, Sturgis, Rebecca Ann
    2. Sturgis, Rebecca Ann
  3086. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Hawn, Amanda
    2. Birth, Hawn, Amanda
  3087. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Grant, Mary A.
  3088. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 430; Image: 272; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Forgey, Lunsford Bramblett Dr.
    2. Residence, Forgey, Lunsford Bramblett Dr.
  3089. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Licking, Ohio; Roll: M653_998; Page: 157; Image: 319; Family History Library Film: 803998
    1. Elliot, William
  3090. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 828; Image: 66.
    1. Cunningham, Mary Susan
    2. Birth, Cunningham, Mary Susan
  3091. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Lauderdale, Alabama; Roll: M653_13; Page: 105; Family History Library Film: 803013
    1. Residence, Rice, Rachel F.
    2. Rice, Rachel F.
  3092. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 88; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Fly, Mary Malinda
    2. Residence Post Office: Gonzales
  3093. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Greenbrier, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 426; Image: 434.
    1. Hoylman, Coralena Moffatt
  3094. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 19, Knox, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1259; Page: 326; Family History Library Film: 805259
    1. Residence, Forgey, Rachel Sawyer
    2. Forgey, Rachel Sawyer
  3095. Year: 1860; Census Place: Warren, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: M653_937; Page: 351; Image: 251; Family History Library Film: 803937
    1. Hunt, Joseph
    2. Residence, Hunt, Joseph
  3096. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Putnam, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 95; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Marchbanks, Burton
    2. Residence, Marchbanks, Burton
  3097. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Hot Spring, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 970; Image: 458.
    1. Residence, Kemp, William Milton
    2. Kemp, William Milton
  3098. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ervin, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 838; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Sawyers, Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Sawyers, Elizabeth
  3099. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clark, Johnson, Arkansas; Roll: M653_44; Page: 943; Image: 449; Family History Library Film: 803044
    1. Smith, Eva
    2. Birth, Smith, Eva
  3100. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Greenbrier, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 376; Image: 382.
    1. Fleshman, Nancy Ann
  3101. Year: 1860; Census Place: Udell, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 553; Image: 167; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Swank, Mary Cornelia Isabel
  3102. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 690; Image: 688; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Age: 11
    2. Carter, Mary Melissa
  3103. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 388; Image: 398; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Riggs, James Walker
    2. Residence, Riggs, James Walker
  3104. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 236; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Birth, Owens, Nelson
    2. Owens, Nelson
  3105. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 2 Range 5, Marshall, Mississippi; Roll: M653_587; Page: 97; Image: 101; Family History Library Film: 803587
    1. Birth, McClean, Martha Patsy
    2. McClean, Martha Patsy
  3106. Year: 1860; Census Place: Linn, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 324; Image: 652; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Claypool, Reuben
    2. Birth, Claypool, Reuben
  3107. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 620; Image: 618; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Coons, James Harvey
    2. Birth, Coons, James Harvey
  3108. Year: 1860; Census Place: Russell, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: ; Page: 53; Image: 58.
    1. Fanning, Clinton Nathaniel
  3109. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hartland, Huron, Ohio; Roll: M653_991; Page: 303; Image: 242; Family History Library Film: 803991
    1. Phillips, Luke
    2. Birth, Phillips, Luke
  3110. Year: 1860; Census Place: Amherst, Virginia; Roll: M653_1332; Page: 413; Image: 421; Family History Library Film: 805332
    1. Cowell, Sarah "Sallie" A.
  3111. Year: 1860; Census Place: Chattooga Valley, Chattooga, Georgia; Roll: M653_116; Page: 575; Image: 49; Family History Library Film: 803116
    1. Residence, Mayo, Daniel
    2. Mayo, Daniel
  3112. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Forsyth, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 423; Image: 423.
    1. Clement, Isaac
    2. Birth, Clement, Isaac
  3113. Year: 1860; Census Place: McComb, Hancock, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 108; Image: 220.
    1. Chilcott, Margaret
  3114. Year: 1860; Census Place: War Eagle, Madison, Arkansas; Roll: M653_45; Page: 527; Image: 527; Family History Library Film: 803045
    1. Hudson, Nancy Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Hudson, Nancy Elizabeth
  3115. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Williamson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 124; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Birth, Prowell, Sarah Elizabeth
    2. Prowell, Sarah Elizabeth
  3116. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Joseph, Buchanan, Missouri; Roll: M653_609; Page: 434; Image: 436; Family History Library Film: 803609
    1. Fowler, William
  3117. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 16; Image: 36.
    1. Close, Albert
    2. Birth, Close, Albert
  3118. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Holmes, Mississippi; Roll: ; Page: 739; Image: 271.
    1. Wigley, Joseph
    2. Residence, Wigley, Joseph
  3119. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ervin, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 830; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Birth, Forgey, Mary Anne
    2. Forgey, Mary Anne
  3120. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Union, Fayette, Iowa; Roll: M653_322; Page: 152; Image: 152; Family History Library Film: 803322
    1. Residence, Waites, Mary Maria
    2. Waites, Mary Maria
  3121. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 827; Image: 65.
    1. Cranford, Charlotte
  3122. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 3 Range 5, Marshall, Mississippi; Roll: M653_587; Page: 120; Family History Library Film: 803587
    1. Residence Post Office: Watson
    2. Mitchell, Cynthia I.
  3123. Year: 1860; Census Place: North Division, Robeson, North Carolina; Roll: M653_911; Page: 453; Image: 245; Family History Library Film: 803911
    1. Jordan, Thomas Page
  3124. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 40; Image: 83; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Sienknecht, Theodore F.
    2. Age in 1860: 26
  3125. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 155; Image: 317; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Lawson, Mary
    2. Lawson, Mary
  3126. Year: 1860; Census Place: Alamance, North Carolina; Roll: M653_886; Page: 96; Image: 192; Family History Library Film: 803886
    1. Birth, Thompson, Jane Anderson
    2. Thompson, Jane Anderson
  3127. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Fork, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: M653_52; Page: 794; Family History Library Film: 803052
    1. Birth, Phillips, Lucinda C.
    2. Phillips, Lucinda C.
  3128. Year: 1860; Census Place: Noble, Rush, Indiana; Roll: M653_294; Page: 757; Family History Library Film: 803294
    1. Armstrong, John M.
  3129. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Williamson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 124; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Prowell, Mary Agnes
  3130. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 894; Image: 146.
    1. Birth, Goodpasture, Jefferson Dillard
    2. Goodpasture, Jefferson Dillard
  3131. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mapleton, Blue Earth, Minnesota; Roll: M653_567; Page: 209; Family History Library Film: 803567
    1. Middlebrook, Horace Judson
  3132. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 606; Image: 605.
    1. Birth, Wachter, Jacon Anton
    2. Wachter, Jacon Anton
  3133. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 61, Gentry, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 662; Image: 16.
    1. Teel, Joel Hardin
  3134. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Knox, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1259; Page: 94; Image: 195; Family History Library Film: 805259
    1. Masters, Eliza Jane
  3135. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 205; Image: 204.
    1. Residence, Claypool, George Clarence
    2. Claypool, George Clarence
  3136. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 24; Image: 51.
    1. Residence, Naylor, William Willis
    2. Naylor, William Willis
  3137. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 355; Image: 359.
    1. Farnsley, Alice Phoebe
  3138. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 746; Image: 424.
    1. Residence, Claypool, Mary Fletcher
    2. Claypool, Mary Fletcher
  3139. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 795; Image: 473; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Adair, Elizabeth J.
  3140. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Webster, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 749; Image: 188.
    1. Denny, Lucinda
    2. Residence, Denny, Lucinda
  3141. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 764; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Howell, Henry B.
  3142. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Residence, Grant, Caroline E. "Carrie"
    2. Grant, Caroline E. "Carrie"
  3143. Year: 1860; Census Place: Boonville, Cooper, Missouri; Roll: M653_616; Page: 436; Image: 20; Family History Library Film: 803616
    1. Speed, Laura T.
  3144. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Riley, Judith Barbara
    2. Residence, Riley, Judith Barbara
  3145. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 20 Range 7, Mason, Illinois; Page: 571; Family History Library Film: 803210
    1. Birth in Illinois?
    2. Dobson, Mason
  3146. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 510.
    1. Curry, James Cox
    2. Residence, Curry, James Cox
  3147. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Howell, Mary Fanny
    2. Birth, Howell, Mary Fanny
  3148. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 40; Image: 83; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Sienknecht, Theodore F.
    2. Birth, Sienknecht, Theodore F.
  3149. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Botetourt, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 167; Image: 171.
    1. Hoylman, Robert
    2. Residence, Hoylman, Robert
  3150. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 477; Image: 307.
    1. Galbraith, Florence Jane
  3151. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 83; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Whitton, Lindsey Franklin
    2. Birth, Whitton, Lindsey Franklin
  3152. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Residence, Cranford, Nancy Emily
    2. Cranford, Nancy Emily
  3153. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 179; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, James Bartee
    2. Birth, Masters, James Bartee
  3154. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Daviess, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 449; Image: 453.
    1. Holmes, Hannah
    2. Birth, Holmes, Hannah
  3155. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Bullitt, Kentucky; Roll: M653_358; Page: 760; Image: 363; Family History Library Film: 803358
    1. Neill, Julia
    2. Age in 1860: 22
  3156. Year: 1860; Census Place: Meridian, Ingham, Michigan; Roll: M653_545; Page: 292; Image: 382; Family History Library Film: 803545
    1. Schray, Conrad
    2. Age: 43
  3157. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cuivre, St Charles, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 555; Image: 60.
    1. Keithley, William
    2. Birth, Keithley, William
  3158. Year: 1860; Census Place: Russell, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: ; Page: 53; Image: 58.
    1. Birth, Fanning, Lewis Elmer
    2. Fanning, Lewis Elmer
  3159. Year: 1860; Census Place: Chariton, Randolph, Missouri; Roll: M653_642; Page: 769; Image: 185; Family History Library Film: 803642
    1. Carter, Watson
  3160. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Richland, Ohio; Roll: M653_1028; Page: 104; Image: 212; Family History Library Film: 805028
    1. Bretz, Abraham
  3161. Year: 1860; Census Place: Regiment 4, Anderson, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1212; Page: 199; Image: 402; Family History Library Film: 805212
    1. Major, Haskey
  3162. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Marion, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 847; Image: 224.
    1. Dawson, John W.
    2. Residence, Dawson, John W.
  3163. Year: 1860; Census Place: North Division, Robeson, North Carolina; Roll: M653_911; Page: 453; Image: 245; Family History Library Film: 803911
    1. Residence, Jordan, William Miles
    2. Jordan, William Miles
  3164. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 444; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Curry, Eliza A.
  3165. Year: 1860; Census Place: Amherst, Lorain, Ohio; Roll: M653_1002; Page: 319; Image: 278; Family History Library Film: 805002
    1. Remington, Henry John
  3166. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 851; Image: 401.
    1. Hopper, Moses
    2. Birth, Hopper, Moses
  3167. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Williamson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 123; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Birth, Prowell, Thomas Washington III
    2. Prowell, Thomas Washington III
  3168. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greenville, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 263; Image: 267; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Sharp, John C.
  3169. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 161; Image: 156; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Sturgis, Eliza Jane
    2. Birth, Sturgis, Eliza Jane
  3170. Year: 1860; Census Place: Battle Creek, Calhoun, Michigan; Roll: M653_539; Page: 347; Image: 346; Family History Library Film: 803539
    1. Residence, Mapes, Edith "Ettie" A.
    2. Mapes, Edith "Ettie" A.
  3171. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 457; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Angelo, David Roberts
    2. Angelo, David Roberts
  3172. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Masters, Elizabeth
    2. Masters, Elizabeth
  3173. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bern, Athens, Ohio; Roll: M653_934; Page: 19; Image: 42; Family History Library Film: 803934
    1. Birth, Way, Jane
    2. Way, Jane
  3174. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 3 Range 5, Marshall, Mississippi; Roll: M653_587; Page: 120; Family History Library Film: 803587
    1. Birth, Mitchell, Cynthia I.
    2. Mitchell, Cynthia I.
  3175. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 499; Image: 350; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Birth, Chaney, Elizabeth
    2. Chaney, Elizabeth
  3176. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 38; Image: 80.
    1. Residence, Manley, Ancil Washington Woolen
    2. Manley, Ancil Washington Woolen
  3177. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 44; Image: 91; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Shinliver, Johann Fredrick
    2. Birth, Shinliver, Johann Fredrick
  3178. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 721; Image: 279.
    1. Birth, Wilkey, Jonathan Jackson
    2. Wilkey, Jonathan Jackson
  3179. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 477; Image: 307.
    1. Butler, Martha Jane
    2. Birth, Butler, Martha Jane
  3180. Year: 1860; Census Place: York, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1228; Page: 456; Family History Library Film: 805228
    1. Sturgis, Thomas White
  3181. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Botetourt, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 167; Image: 171.
    1. Armentrout, Malinda
    2. Residence, Armentrout, Malinda
  3182. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 13 Range 11, Scott, Illinois; Roll: M653_227; Page: 1032; Image: 208; Family History Library Film: 803227
    1. Masters, William Lafayette
    2. Residence, Masters, William Lafayette
  3183. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Lauderdale, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 365; Image: 72.
    1. Haynes, Sarah
    2. Birth, Haynes, Sarah
  3184. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Spencer, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 17; Image: 481.
    1. Eastburn, Lois
    2. Residence, Eastburn, Lois
  3185. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: M653_22; Page: 667; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 803022
    1. Weathers, Mary Alice
  3186. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 89; Image: 89.
    1. Wollard, Allen Barrett
  3187. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 13 Range 11, Scott, Illinois; Roll: M653_227; Page: 1029; Image: 205; Family History Library Film: 803227
    1. Lemon, Hiram Horace
    2. Residence, Lemon, Hiram Horace
  3188. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mazarne, Montgomery, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 945; Image: 413.
    1. , Susan Cordelia
    2. Residence, , Susan Cordelia
  3189. Year: 1860; Census Place: Woodland, Fulton, Illinois; Roll: M653_179; Page: 149; Image: 149; Family History Library Film: 803179
    1. Residence, Hopping, Gideon Jerry
    2. Hopping, Gideon Jerry
  3190. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 355; Image: 359.
    1. Neill, Margaret Cornelia
  3191. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Blount, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 924; Image: 278.
    1. Cranford, Henrietta
    2. Birth, Cranford, Henrietta
  3192. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Marion, Indiana; Roll: M653_280; Page: 847; Family History Library Film: 803280
    1. Dawson, John William
    2. Birth, Dawson, John William
  3193. Year: 1860; Census Place: Koo Wee Skoo Wee District, Indian Lands, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 1174; Image: 702.
    1. Keys, Isaac William
  3194. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 765; Image: 443.
    1. Residence, Claypool, Stephen H.
    2. Claypool, Stephen H.
  3195. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 1002; Image: 436.
    1. Walker, Norvel
    2. Residence, Walker, Norvel
  3196. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: M653_26; Page: 815; Image: 53; Family History Library Film: 803026
    1. Stacks, John Morgan
    2. Age in 1860: 18
  3197. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 454; Image: 530.
    1. Residence, Bettis, Cynthia Jane
    2. Bettis, Cynthia Jane
  3198. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 688.
    1. Residence, Carter, Sarah Clarissa
    2. Carter, Sarah Clarissa
  3199. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gainesville, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_353; Page: 317; Family History Library Film: 803353
    1. Rigsby, James Edward
    2. Birth, Rigsby, James Edward
  3200. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 397; Image: 397.
    1. Fleming, Daniel Henry
  3201. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lassen, Tehama, California; Roll: M653_70; Page: 879; Image: 183; Family History Library Film: 803070
    1. Age: 15
    2. Scott, Sarah J.
  3202. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Wright, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 967; Image: 406.
    1. Weatherman, John Calvin
    2. Residence, Weatherman, John Calvin
  3203. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richhill, Greene, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1114; Page: 736; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805114
    1. Wright, Sarah
    2. Residence, Wright, Sarah
  3204. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois; Roll: M653_156; Page: 175; Image: 175; Family History Library Film: 803156
    1. Birth, Sturgis, Jacob
    2. Sturgis, Jacob
  3205. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Milton, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 597; Image: 61.
    1. Davenport, Sara"Sallie"
  3206. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 444; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Curry, John Cox
  3207. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 765; Image: 443.
    1. Birth, Butler, John Thomas
    2. Butler, John Thomas
  3208. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Jefferson, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 712; Image: 218.
    1. Residence, Cranford, John Monroe
    2. Cranford, John Monroe
  3209. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 406; Image: 433.
    1. Carter, Daniel
  3210. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Jackson, Louisiana; Roll: M653_411; Page: 431; Image: 451; Family History Library Film: 803411
    1. Walsworth, Kisara Caroline
    2. Birth, Walsworth, Kisara Caroline
  3211. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lake, Buchanan, Missouri; Roll: M653_609; Page: 81; Image: 81; Family History Library Film: 803609
    1. Smith, Polly Ann
    2. Age in 1860: 37
  3212. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 625; Image: 303; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sturgis, John R.
  3213. Year: 1860; Census Place: Alexandria, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 138; Image: 143; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Residence, Haynes, Rebecca B.
    2. Haynes, Rebecca B.
  3214. Year: 1860; Census Place: Berwick, Warren, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 620; Image: 620.
    1. White, Asa
    2. Birth, White, Asa
  3215. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carroll, Virginia; Roll: M653_1339; Page: 967; Image: 393; Family History Library Film: 805339
    1. Davis, Nathan
    2. Birth, Davis, Nathan
  3216. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 S Range 10 W, Monroe, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 166; Image: 166.
    1. Ettling, Jacob
  3217. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Lauderdale, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 344; Image: 30.
    1. McClelland, Narcissa E.
    2. Birth, McClelland, Narcissa E.
  3218. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 236; Image: 235.
    1. Fatherlee, Rebecca
    2. Residence, Fatherlee, Rebecca
  3219. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 233; Image: 477.
    1. Birth, Butler, William Lafayette Napoleon
    2. Butler, William Lafayette Napoleon
  3220. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Kosciusko, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 386; Image: 386.
    1. Carper, George F.
    2. Residence, Carper, George F.
  3221. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Hardy, Virginia; Roll: M653_1351; Page: 541; Image: 29; Family History Library Film: 805351
    1. Birth, Christman, Mary Jane
    2. Christman, Mary Jane
  3222. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 58; Image: 119; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Manley, Elizabeth Odle
    2. Age: 53
  3223. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 251; Image: 507; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Egbert, Eva H.
  3224. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 694; Image: 692.
    1. Residence, Van Note, Jefferson
    2. Van Note, Jefferson
  3225. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 7, Shelby, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 414; Image: 460; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Mitchell, Ephraim Miles
  3226. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 236; Image: 235.
    1. Birth, Holmes, Eleanor
    2. Holmes, Eleanor
  3227. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 327; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Birth, Chaney, David T.
    2. Chaney, David T.
  3228. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Subdivision, Giles, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1251; Page: 195; Image: 393; Family History Library Film: 805251
    1. Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Jane
  3229. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 406; Image: 433.
    1. Carter, John Wesley
    2. Birth, Carter, John Wesley
  3230. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 478; Image: 309; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Lawson, Nicholas Fain
  3231. Year: 1860; Census Place: Princeton, Green Lake, Wisconsin; Roll: M653_1410; Page: 1081; Family History Library Film: 805410
    1. Birth, Bessy, Laura Ann
    2. Bessy, Laura Ann
  3232. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_224; Page: 429; Image: 428; Family History Library Film: 803224
    1. Christ, Nicholas
  3233. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Richland, Ohio; Roll: M653_1028; Page: 104; Image: 212; Family History Library Film: 805028
    1. Tombstone says 1832; Death certificate says 1845
    2. Bretz, Abraham
  3234. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Frederick, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 477; Image: 131; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Carter, Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Carter, Elizabeth
  3235. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Marion, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1263; Page: 266; Image: 536; Family History Library Film: 805263
    1. Spicer, Martha E
  3236. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 239; Image: 238.
    1. Forgey, John Henry
    2. Residence, Forgey, John Henry
  3237. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 499; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Chaney, Elisha Tollivar
    2. Birth, Chaney, Elisha Tollivar
  3238. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois; Roll: M653_156; Page: 175; Image: 175; Family History Library Film: 803156
    1. Sturgis, James B.
    2. Birth, Sturgis, James B.
  3239. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Residence, Hawn, Amanda
    2. Hawn, Amanda
  3240. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Morgan, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 498; Image: 500.
    1. Cranford, Mary Polly
    2. Birth, Cranford, Mary Polly
  3241. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Smith, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 311; Image: 97.
    1. Donoho, Laura Catherine
    2. Birth, Donoho, Laura Catherine
  3242. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrells, Dallas, Alabama; Roll: M653_8; Page: 922; Image: 426; Family History Library Film: 803008
    1. Roark, Jesse Vaughn
    2. Birth, Roark, Jesse Vaughn
  3243. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nishnabotna, Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 586; Image: 90; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Morgan, Ralph L.
    2. Birth, Morgan, Ralph L.
  3244. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Daviess, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 449; Image: 453.
    1. Residence, Holmes, Hannah
    2. Holmes, Hannah
  3245. Year: 1860; Census Place: Philadelphia Ward 19, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1169; Page: 33; Family History Library Film: 805169
    1. Geiger, John Frederick
    2. Residence, Geiger, John Frederick
  3246. Year: 1860; Census Place: New Orleans Ward 3, Orleans, Louisiana; Roll: M653_417; Page: 462; Image: 462; Family History Library Film: 803417
    1. Morris, Minerva Jane
  3247. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western District, Campbell, Virginia; Roll: M653_1338; Page: 434; Image: 445; Family History Library Film: 805338
    1. Residence, Bransam, Obediah
    2. Bransam, Obediah
  3248. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Alleghany, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 11; Image: 15.
    1. Residence, Thompson, Mary Polly
    2. Thompson, Mary Polly
  3249. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 4 Range 8, Clay, Illinois; Roll: M653_162; Page: 526; Image: 526; Family History Library Film: 803162
    1. Birth, Stanley, Susan Frances
    2. Stanley, Susan Frances
  3250. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 859; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Morgan, Sarah E.
    2. Residence, Morgan, Sarah E.
  3251. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dover, Stewart, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1272; Page: 519; Image: 520; Family History Library Film: 805272
    1. Scarborough, Martha Anna Elizabeth "Lizzie"
  3252. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 510.
    1. Residence, Curry, Ellen Francis
    2. Curry, Ellen Francis
  3253. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Birth, Cranford, John Edward
    2. Cranford, John Edward
  3254. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: M653_22; Page: 774; Image: 380; Family History Library Film: 803022
    1. Residence, Barrett, Thomas Valentine Sr.
    2. Barrett, Thomas Valentine Sr.
  3255. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 58; Image: 119; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Wright, Thomas Clark
    2. Age: 23
  3256. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 4, Erath, Texas; Roll: M653_1293; Page: 141; Image: 287; Family History Library Film: 805293
    1. Birth, Osborn, Newman
    2. Osborn, Newman
  3257. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Marion, Indiana; Roll: M653_280; Page: 847; Image: 224; Family History Library Film: 803280
    1. Pierce, Catharine
    2. Residence, Pierce, Catharine
  3258. Year: 1860; Census Place: Regiment 4, Anderson, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1212; Page: 199; Image: 402; Family History Library Film: 805212
    1. Major, Haskey
    2. Residence, Major, Haskey
  3259. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carolina, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_353; Page: 382; Image: 382; Family History Library Film: 803353
    1. Age: 22
    2. Ritchey, Mary
  3260. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 582; Image: 584; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Birth, Story, Cyrus
    2. Story, Cyrus
  3261. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gainesville, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 321; Image: 321.
    1. Claypool, Ann Eliza
    2. Residence, Claypool, Ann Eliza
  3262. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Marshall, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 329; Image: 337.
    1. Everly, Anna
    2. Birth, Everly, Anna
  3263. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Jackson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 242; Image: 101; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Morris, Nancy
  3264. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fairview, Fulton, Illinois; Roll: M653_179; Page: 613; Image: 611; Family History Library Film: 803179
    1. Birth, Lamb, Lydia
    2. Lamb, Lydia
  3265. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 85; Image: 85.
    1. Gammon, John Robertson
  3266. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 167; Image: 344.
    1. Masters, John Simon
    2. Birth, Masters, John Simon
  3267. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mountain, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 517; Image: 39.
    1. Birth, Montgomery, William B.
    2. Montgomery, William B.
  3268. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 499; Image: 351; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Young, William M.
    2. Age: 15
  3269. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 3, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 454; Image: 223; Family History Library Film: 805290
    1. Garrison, Ann Josephine
  3270. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 57; Image: 118.
    1. Residence, Hudson, Thomas Berry
    2. Hudson, Thomas Berry
  3271. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Cranford, Elizabeth Druhamy
  3272. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fairview, Jasper, Iowa; Roll: M653_325; Page: 25; Image: 239; Family History Library Film: 803325
    1. Davis, Sarah Maude
    2. Residence, Davis, Sarah Maude
  3273. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harp, DeWitt, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 756; Image: 268.
    1. Jackson, Joshua S.
  3274. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jasper, Texas; Roll: M653_1298; Page: 408; Family History Library Film: 805298
    1. Birth, Seale, William Franklin
    2. Seale, William Franklin
  3275. Year: 1860; Census Place: Little Black, Randolph, Arkansas; Roll: M653_49; Page: 309; Image: 309; Family History Library Film: 803049
    1. Residence, Forgey, Robert Bruce
    2. Forgey, Robert Bruce
  3276. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bolivar, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 3; Image: 3; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Wollard, Mary Caroline
    2. Wollard, Mary Caroline
  3277. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pilot Grove, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 436.
    1. Birth, Butler, Nancy Harriet
    2. Butler, Nancy Harriet
  3278. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Side of the NC RR, Orange, North Carolina; Page: 559; Family History Library Film: 803908
    1. Moore, Nancy Ann
    2. Residence Post Office: Rocky Springs
  3279. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carrrollton, Carroll, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 393; Image: 395.
    1. Carneal, John Goodloe
  3280. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Louisiana; Roll: M653_423; Page: 303; Family History Library Film: 803423
    1. Residence Post Office: Many
    2. Aldredge, California Adeline Callie
  3281. Year: 1860; Census Place: Peoria Ward 2, Peoria, Illinois; Roll: M653_216; Page: 177; Image: 178; Family History Library Film: 803216
    1. Masters, Wilbourne J.
  3282. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 746; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Scrivener, Mary A.
    2. Scrivener, Mary A.
  3283. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1268; Page: 334; Image: 92; Family History Library Film: 805268
    1. Whitwell, Rebecca Caroline
    2. Birth, Whitwell, Rebecca Caroline
  3284. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Hickman, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 528; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. O'Bryant, Indiana
    2. Residence, O'Bryant, Indiana
  3285. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Williamson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 123; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Residence, Prowell, Andrew Mitchell
    2. Prowell, Andrew Mitchell
  3286. Year: 1860; Census Place: Georgia Militia District 1029, Fannin, Georgia; Roll: M653_120; Page: 1055; Image: 518; Family History Library Film: 803120
    1. Residence, Anderson, Thomas Farmer
    2. Anderson, Thomas Farmer
  3287. Year: 1860; Census Place: Columbus Ward 3, Franklin, Ohio; Page: 99; Family History Library Film: 803964
    1. Miller, George Manypenny
    2. Residence Post Office: Columbus
  3288. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 219; Image: 218; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Kennon, James William
    2. Birth, Kennon, James William
  3289. Year: 1860; Census Place: Alexandria, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 134; Image: 139; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Ballou, Laura C.
  3290. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 755; Image: 433; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. McMurry, Sarah Margaret
    2. Residence, McMurry, Sarah Margaret
  3291. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 755; Image: 433; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. McMurry, Sarah Margaret
  3292. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 27; Image: 57.
    1. Burk, Esther Ann
    2. Residence, Burk, Esther Ann
  3293. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jones, Union, Iowa; Roll: M653_342; Page: 47; Family History Library Film: 803342
    1. Residence, Wedener, Elizabeth
    2. Wedener, Elizabeth
  3294. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 146; Image: 146.
    1. Birth, Jones, Willis Cornelius
    2. Jones, Willis Cornelius
  3295. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Lee, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 707.
    1. Residence, Kempker, Otto
    2. Kempker, Otto
  3296. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nishnabotna, Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 586; Image: 90; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Morgan, Ralph L.
  3297. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 388; Image: 398; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Age: 14
    2. Stubblefield, Rebecca Jane
  3298. Year: 1860; Census Place: Noble, Rush, Indiana; Roll: M653_294; Page: 757; Family History Library Film: 803294
    1. Residence, Armstrong, John M.
    2. Armstrong, John M.
  3299. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 111; Image: 231; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Birth, Peak, Susannah
    2. Peak, Susannah
  3300. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 167; Image: 344.
    1. Bryan, Margery
    2. Birth, Bryan, Margery
  3301. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 251; Image: 507; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Van Note, Elizabeth H.
  3302. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 215; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Holmes, John Washington
    2. Birth, Holmes, John Washington
  3303. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 430; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Adkins, Sarah Dorcas
  3304. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_25; Page: 340; Image: 342; Family History Library Film: 803025
    1. Birth, Solley, Seaborn Alexander
    2. Solley, Seaborn Alexander
  3305. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 510.
    1. Birth, Curry, Ellen Francis
    2. Curry, Ellen Francis
  3306. Year: 1860; Census Place: Honey Creek, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 730; Image: 730; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Endicott, Mariah Ann
    2. Birth, Endicott, Mariah Ann
  3307. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Hamilton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1253; Page: 142; Image: 292; Family History Library Film: 805253
    1. Age in 1860: 31
    2. Spicer, Elizabeth Wash
  3308. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Subdivision, Blount, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 1084; Image: 438.
    1. Residence, Doyle, James L.
    2. Doyle, James L.
  3309. Year: 1860; Census Place: Moreau, Morgan, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 658; Image: 150.
    1. Chaney, Lavina Isabell
    2. Residence, Chaney, Lavina Isabell
  3310. Year: 1860; Census Place: Tumlinson, Scott, Arkansas; Roll: M653_50; Page: 797; Family History Library Film: 803050
    1. Cantrell, Martha Ida
    2. Birth, Cantrell, Martha Ida
  3311. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois; Roll: M653_156; Page: 175; Image: 175; Family History Library Film: 803156
    1. Sturgis, Julia A.
    2. Residence, Sturgis, Julia A.
  3312. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 146; Image: 146.
    1. Wright, Mary Adeline
    2. Birth, Wright, Mary Adeline
  3313. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Hickman, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 517; Image: 77; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Birth, Riley, Lucy
    2. Riley, Lucy
  3314. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 510.
    1. Curry, James Cox
  3315. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bear Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 418; Image: 162.
    1. Birth, King, John
    2. King, John
  3316. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrisburg, Jackson, Georgia; Roll: M653_128; Page: 179; Family History Library Film: 803128
    1. Burns, David Mitchell Gen.
  3317. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Van Buren, Iowa; Roll: M653_342; Page: 281; Image: 522; Family History Library Film: 803342
    1. Stringfield, Matilda
    2. Residence, Stringfield, Matilda
  3318. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bath, Kentucky; Roll: M653_355; Page: 124; Image: 124; Family History Library Film: 803355
    1. Robbins, Miranda
  3319. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 111; Image: 231.
    1. Butler, Frances Matilda "Fannie"
  3320. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Frieze, Martha C.
  3321. Year: 1860; Census Place: Auburn, Shawnee, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_352; Page: 679; Image: 145; Family History Library Film: 803352
    1. Birth, Simerwell, Anna J.
    2. Simerwell, Anna J.
  3322. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western District, Upshur, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 392; Image: 316.
    1. Residence, Crow, William M
    2. Crow, William M
  3323. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Linn, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_351; Page: 99; Image: 99; Family History Library Film: 803351
    1. Husted, Benjamin Day
  3324. Year: 1860; Census Place: Russell, Virginia; Roll: M653_1376; Page: 183; Image: 191; Family History Library Film: 805376
    1. Dickenson, Oscar Fitzallen
  3325. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Residence, Waller, George
    2. Waller, George
  3326. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 342; Image: 346; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Potter, Stephen
    2. Birth, Potter, Stephen
  3327. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 397; Image: 415; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Birth, Reece, Rachel
    2. Reece, Rachel
  3328. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 13, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 85; Image: 176.
    1. Woody, Robert
    2. Residence, Woody, Robert
  3329. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richland, Vinton, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 219; Image: 22.
    1. Claypool, Alexander
  3330. Year: 1860; Census Place: Salem, Daviess, Missouri; Roll: M653_617; Page: 414; Image: 418; Family History Library Film: 803617
    1. Kay, Sarah "Sallie" A.
  3331. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 14; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Birth, Stapleton, Sarah Elizabeth
    2. Stapleton, Sarah Elizabeth
  3332. Year: 1860; Census Place: Scott, Linn, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 16; Image: 16.
    1. Residence, Griffith, John Edward
    2. Griffith, John Edward
  3333. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 9, Rutherford, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1271; Page: 55; Image: 114; Family History Library Film: 805271
    1. Palmer, Horace Edward Judge
    2. Age: 4
  3334. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Blount, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1241; Page: 89; Family History Library Film: 805241
    1. Residence Post Office: Rockford
    2. Badgett, Rufus C.
  3335. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Benton, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 423; Image: 425.
    1. Nail, Fox Taylor
  3336. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 499; Image: 350; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Birth, Chaney, Emaline "Emily"
    2. Chaney, Emaline "Emily"
  3337. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 722; Image: 280.
    1. Residence, Howton, Elizabeth
    2. Howton, Elizabeth
  3338. Year: 1860; Census Place: Boone, Greene, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 272; Image: 272.
    1. Claypool, Robert B.
  3339. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 14; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Residence, Stapleton, Sarah Elizabeth
    2. Stapleton, Sarah Elizabeth
  3340. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 85; Image: 85.
    1. Butler, Leah Ellender
    2. Residence, Butler, Leah Ellender
  3341. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 369, Putnam, Georgia; Roll: M653_134; Page: 399; Image: 394; Family History Library Film: 803134
    1. Masters, Patsy Martha
  3342. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Alleghany, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 11; Image: 15.
    1. Thompson, Mary Polly
  3343. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 98; Image: 98; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Residence, Flint, Hannah Elizabeth
    2. Flint, Hannah Elizabeth
  3344. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Kennon, Joseph Clark Josia
    2. Residence, Kennon, Joseph Clark Josia
  3345. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: M653_22; Page: 667; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 803022
    1. Age in 1860: 55
    2. Weathers, Jesse
  3346. Year: 1860; Census Place: Murrayville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 491; Image: 169; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Masters, James Madison
  3347. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lebanon, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 226; Image: 455; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Birth, Chamberlain, Viola
    2. Chamberlain, Viola
  3348. Year: 1860; Census Place: Butler, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 59; Image: 63; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Odell, Martha Jane
  3349. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 244; Image: 498; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Age: 51
    2. Qualls, William
  3350. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Greenbrier, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 427; Image: 435.
    1. Hoyleman, Olivia Estelline
  3351. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 476; Image: 305; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Residence, Hudson, Alexander
    2. Hudson, Alexander
  3352. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 233; Image: 477.
    1. Residence, Butler, Octavia Conn
    2. Butler, Octavia Conn
  3353. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washburn, Scott, Arkansas; Roll: M653_50; Page: 749; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 803050
    1. Birth, Herron, Joshua H.
    2. Herron, Joshua H.
  3354. Year: 1860; Census Place: White, Georgia; Roll: M653_140; Page: 491; Image: 491; Family History Library Film: 803140
    1. Franks, Nancy
    2. Birth, Franks, Nancy
  3355. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 859; Image: 409.
    1. Holmes, Luke Prier
  3356. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 161; Image: 156; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Residence, Sturgis, Eliza Jane
    2. Sturgis, Eliza Jane
  3357. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 686; Image: 684; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Birth, Masters, Chauncy Monroe
    2. Masters, Chauncy Monroe
  3358. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 752; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Claypool, Sarah Ann
    2. Claypool, Sarah Ann
  3359. Year: 1860; Census Place: Black, Posey, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 784; Image: 258.
    1. Woody, John Holmes
  3360. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Decatur, Indiana; Roll: M653_253; Page: 1003; Image: 368; Family History Library Film: 803253
    1. Birth, Alley, Doddridge
    2. Alley, Doddridge
  3361. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Lafayette, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 631; Image: 281.
    1. Residence, Neill, Anna W.
    2. Neill, Anna W.
  3362. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Sugar Loaf, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 912; Image: 462; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Mathis, Mirriam Ann
    2. Residence, Mathis, Mirriam Ann
  3363. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newburyport Ward 1, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_496; Page: 292; Image: 296; Family History Library Film: 803496
    1. Residence, Cheney, Moses S. B.
    2. Cheney, Moses S. B.
  3364. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Lee, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 707.
    1. Kempker, John Henry
    2. Residence, Kempker, John Henry
  3365. Year: 1860; Census Place: Polk, Washington, Indiana; Roll: M653_306; Page: 15; Image: 15; Family History Library Film: 803306
    1. Residence, Skeen, Martha
    2. Skeen, Martha
  3366. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 399; Image: 420.
    1. Carter, Mary Caroline
    2. Residence, Carter, Mary Caroline
  3367. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: M653_26; Page: 898; Image: 136; Family History Library Film: 803026
    1. Birth, Odom, William
    2. Odom, William
  3368. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Martin, Indiana; Roll: M653_278; Page: 800; Family History Library Film: 803278
    1. Steele, Hannah "Hattie"
  3369. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Howell, Amanda Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Howell, Amanda Elizabeth
  3370. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Darke, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 420; Image: 424.
    1. Rodabaugh, Elijah Ananais
  3371. Year: 1860; Census Place: Russell, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: ; Page: 53; Image: 58.
    1. Fanning, Lewis Elmer
  3372. Year: 1860; Census Place: San Augustine, San Augustine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 352; Image: 335; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Residence, Fitzgerald, Nancy Ann
    2. Fitzgerald, Nancy Ann
  3373. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 215; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Holmes, John Washington
  3374. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 722; Image: 280.
    1. Birth, Howton, Elizabeth
    2. Howton, Elizabeth
  3375. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Frieze, Alfred Milburn
    2. Birth, Frieze, Alfred Milburn
  3376. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greenville, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 263; Image: 267; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Age in 1860: 14
    2. Sharp, John C.
  3377. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Bourbon, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 361; Image: 361.
    1. Howard, Stephen
  3378. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Marion, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 692; Image: 254.
    1. Birth, Crosley, John Lucas
    2. Crosley, John Lucas
  3379. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mapleton, Blue Earth, Minnesota; Roll: M653_567; Page: 209; Family History Library Film: 803567
    1. Residence, Middlebrook, Horace Judson
    2. Middlebrook, Horace Judson
  3380. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pilot Grove, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 436.
    1. Butler, Nancy Harriet
    2. Residence, Butler, Nancy Harriet
  3381. Year: 1860; Census Place: Chariton, Randolph, Missouri; Roll: M653_642; Page: 770; Image: 186; Family History Library Film: 803642
    1. Birth, Carter, James Kerfoot
    2. Carter, James Kerfoot
  3382. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 388; Image: 398; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Birth, Riggs, Caswell Chaney Dr.
    2. Riggs, Caswell Chaney Dr.
  3383. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hardin, Kentucky; Roll: M653_371; Page: 64; Image: 64; Family History Library Film: 803371
    1. Residence, Neill, Nancy
    2. Neill, Nancy
  3384. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 244; Image: 498; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Wright, John H.
  3385. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrells, Dallas, Alabama; Roll: M653_8; Page: 922; Image: 426; Family History Library Film: 803008
    1. Roark, Jesse Vaughn
    2. Age: 76
  3386. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dover, Stewart, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1272; Page: 519; Image: 520; Family History Library Film: 805272
    1. Scarborough, Martha Anna Elizabeth "Lizzie"
    2. Residence, Scarborough, Martha Anna Elizabeth "Lizzie"
  3387. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bear Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 417; Image: 161.
    1. Residence, King, Thomas Wiley
    2. King, Thomas Wiley
  3388. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hardin, Kentucky; Roll: M653_371; Page: 64; Image: 64; Family History Library Film: 803371
    1. Hays, William Houston Col.
    2. Residence, Hays, William Houston Col.
  3389. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 754; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Rector, Sarah Ann
    2. Rector, Sarah Ann
  3390. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 215; Image: 214; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Holmes, Narcissus Adeline
    2. Birth, Holmes, Narcissus Adeline
  3391. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Grant, Samuel S.
    2. Birth, Grant, Samuel S.
  3392. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Sullivan, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 676; Image: 120.
    1. Bailey, Celia
  3393. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Cherokee, Alabama; Roll: M653_5; Page: 54; Family History Library Film: 803005
    1. Morgan, Priscilla
    2. Residence, Morgan, Priscilla
  3394. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: M653_22; Page: 667; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 803022
    1. Lee, Isham Bailey
    2. Residence, Lee, Isham Bailey
  3395. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 510.
    1. Residence, Curry, George
    2. Curry, George
  3396. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Benton, Arkansas; Roll: M653_37; Page: 424; Image: 426; Family History Library Film: 803037
    1. Reavis, James Morgan
  3397. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 140; Image: 289.
    1. Eldridge, John Harrison
    2. Birth, Eldridge, John Harrison
  3398. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 136; Image: 136.
    1. Jones, Mary Polly
    2. Residence, Jones, Mary Polly
  3399. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Mitchell, Sarah Ann
    2. Residence, Mitchell, Sarah Ann
  3400. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Monroe, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 1011; Image: 511.
    1. Van Stavern, Mary Magdaline
  3401. Year: 1860; Census Place: Duchouquet, Auglaize, Ohio; Roll: M653_931; Page: 309; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 803931
    1. Parlett, Margaret Ann
    2. Birth, Parlett, Margaret Ann
  3402. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 752; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Howell, John S.
    2. Howell, John S.
  3403. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 24; Image: 25.
    1. Birth, Huck, Caroline
    2. Huck, Caroline
  3404. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Grant, Cynthia Jane
    2. Residence, Grant, Cynthia Jane
  3405. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 235; Image: 480.
    1. Butler, Nertha Fine J
  3406. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 74; Image: 155; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. , Mary F.
  3407. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 83; Image: 83.
    1. Carneal, Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Carneal, Elizabeth
  3408. Year: 1860; Census Place: N W Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 750; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Mathews, Nancy Lee
  3409. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Hamilton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1253; Page: 142; Image: 292; Family History Library Film: 805253
    1. Spicer, Elizabeth Wash
  3410. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 770; Image: 8.
    1. Residence, Cranford, Nancy Emily
    2. Cranford, Nancy Emily
  3411. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 88; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Residence Post Office: Humansville
    2. White, James A.
  3412. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 4, Erath, Texas; Roll: M653_1293; Page: 141; Image: 287; Family History Library Film: 805293
    1. Harris, Judith
  3413. Year: 1860; Census Place: Concord, Miami, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 292; Image: 152.
    1. Brewer, Anna Mary
    2. Birth, Brewer, Anna Mary
  3414. Year: 1860; Census Place: Chester, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1217; Page: 84; Family History Library Film: 805217
    1. Sturgis, William
    2. Residence, Sturgis, William
  3415. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 244; Image: 498.
    1. Crow, Margaret Angeline
  3416. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 444; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Birth, Curry, William Charlton
    2. Curry, William Charlton
  3417. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 203; Image: 415.
    1. Birth, Butler, William Amos
    2. Butler, William Amos
  3418. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 1, Cass, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 351; Image: 15.
    1. Penny, John Warren
  3419. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 74; Image: 155.
    1. Residence, Whitwell, William Carroll
    2. Whitwell, William Carroll
  3420. Year: 1860; Census Place: Berwick, Warren, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 619; Image: 619.
    1. Howard, George Washington
    2. Residence, Howard, George Washington
  3421. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 217; Image: 216.
    1. Birth, Carneal, Mary Jane
    2. Carneal, Mary Jane
  3422. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Montgomery, Caroline V.
    2. Birth, Montgomery, Caroline V.
  3423. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lincoln, Logan, Illinois; Page: 124; Family History Library Film: 803200
    1. Birth, Young, James E.
    2. Young, James E.
  3424. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 696; Image: 256; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Sisk, Milton
    2. Age in 1860: 44
  3425. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 615; Image: 613; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Birth, Sturgis, Mary Jane
    2. Sturgis, Mary Jane
  3426. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: M653_622; Page: 655; Family History Library Film: 803622
    1. Van Hoozer, John Pleasant
  3427. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Birth, Van Hoozer, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Van Hoozer, Mary Elizabeth
  3428. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 397; Image: 416; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Morris, Gideon W.
  3429. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 694; Image: 692; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Palmer, Thomas Jefferson
  3430. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Williamson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 124; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Birth, Prowell, Mary Agnes
    2. Prowell, Mary Agnes
  3431. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 210; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Ogletree, Reason O.
    2. Ogletree, Reason O.
  3432. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 523; Image: 522.
    1. Whiteside, John Henry
    2. Residence, Whiteside, John Henry
  3433. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Rockbridge, Virginia; Roll: M653_1378; Page: 9; Image: 13; Family History Library Film: 805378
    1. Figgat, Hester Ann Rogers
    2. Residence, Figgat, Hester Ann Rogers
  3434. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Hickman, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 517; Image: 77; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Chaney, William J.
  3435. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 150; Image: 150.
    1. Wright, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Wright, Mary Elizabeth
  3436. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 894; Image: 146.
    1. Goodpasture, Nancy Hester
    2. Birth, Goodpasture, Nancy Hester
  3437. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 686; Image: 684; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Masters, Chauncy Monroe
  3438. Year: 1860; Census Place: Green, Platte, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 762; Image: 249.
    1. Residence, Keller, Octavia
    2. Keller, Octavia
  3439. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 752; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Howell, Sarah E.
    2. Howell, Sarah E.
  3440. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ervin, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 838; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Sawyers, Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Sawyers, Elizabeth
  3441. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 16; Image: 36.
    1. Close, Albert
  3442. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Greene, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 629; Image: 33.
    1. Birth, Cain, Celina Elizabeth
    2. Cain, Celina Elizabeth
  3443. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grayson, Virginia; Roll: M653_1348; Page: 78; Image: 82; Family History Library Film: 805348
    1. Boyer, Robert B.
  3444. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 23; Image: 23.
    1. Dysart, Charity A. E.
  3445. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 214; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Watkins, William Columbus
  3446. Year: 1860; Census Place: Shoal Creek, Johnson, Arkansas; Roll: M653_44; Page: 1059; Image: 567; Family History Library Film: 803044
    1. Spicer, Lewis Henry
    2. Birth, Spicer, Lewis Henry
  3447. Year: 1860; Census Place: Alexandria, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 138; Image: 143; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Cheney, Leonard
  3448. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 773; Image: 11.
    1. Cranford, Malinda
  3449. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Lincoln, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 584; Image: 579.
    1. Birth, Gammon, George Washington
    2. Gammon, George Washington
  3450. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 3 E, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 980; Image: 180.
    1. Residence, Avery, Elizabeth Ann
    2. Avery, Elizabeth Ann
  3451. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Residence, Frieze, James Henry
    2. Frieze, James Henry
  3452. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Blandville, Ballard, Kentucky; Roll: M653_354; Page: 568; Image: 8; Family History Library Film: 803354
    1. Howard, Nancy
  3453. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: M653_658; Page: 995; Image: 429; Family History Library Film: 803658
    1. Birth, Chaney, Benjamin Jackson
    2. Chaney, Benjamin Jackson
  3454. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 205; Image: 204.
    1. Claypool, Ellenor
    2. Residence, Claypool, Ellenor
  3455. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 764; Image: 442.
    1. Howell, Eli
    2. Birth, Howell, Eli
  3456. Year: 1860; Census Place: Augusta, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 812; Image: 558; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Residence, Wade, Elias Earl
    2. Wade, Elias Earl
  3457. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pilot Grove, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 436.
    1. Jones, Thomas Jackson
    2. Birth, Jones, Thomas Jackson
  3458. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 251; Image: 507; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Residence, Egbert, Charles Quincy
    2. Egbert, Charles Quincy
  3459. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 18, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 460; Image: 336; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Residence, Pigg, Martha Delila
    2. Pigg, Martha Delila
  3460. Year: 1860; Census Place: Morgan, Dade, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 147; Image: 151.
    1. Birth, Claypool, Matthew
    2. Claypool, Matthew
  3461. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wayne, Kentucky; Roll: M653_399; Page: 276; Image: 272; Family History Library Film: 803399
    1. Peak, Rhoda
  3462. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Shelby, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1273; Page: 337; Family History Library Film: 805273
    1. Lynn, Jesse
  3463. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dinsmore, Shelby, Ohio; Roll: M653_1036; Page: 322; Image: 91; Family History Library Film: 805036
    1. Iames, Nancy
    2. Birth, Iames, Nancy
  3464. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 161; Image: 156; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Cole, Maria
  3465. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pleasant, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 169; Image: 175; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Sutton, Ransom Platt
  3466. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ozark, Missouri; Roll: M653_637; Page: 446; Family History Library Film: 803637
    1. Birth, Forgey, Nancy Elizabeth
    2. Forgey, Nancy Elizabeth
  3467. Year: 1860; Census Place: Salem, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 141; Image: 285; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Snyder, Hannah Jane
    2. Age: 19
  3468. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cahaba, Dallas, Alabama; Roll: M653_8; Page: 945; Image: 449; Family History Library Film: 803008
    1. Birth, Andrews, Warren B.
    2. Andrews, Warren B.
  3469. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 576; Image: 578; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Gill, John Henry
    2. Residence, Gill, John Henry
  3470. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 446; Image: 513.
    1. Residence, Jones, Winnie
    2. Jones, Winnie
  3471. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bowling Green, Marion, Ohio; Roll: M653_1006; Page: 322; Image: 115; Family History Library Film: 805006
    1. Manley, Richard
  3472. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grayson, Virginia; Roll: M653_1348; Page: 163; Image: 167; Family History Library Film: 805348
    1. Birth, Davis, Elizabeth
    2. Davis, Elizabeth
  3473. Year: 1860; Census Place: Adams, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 462; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Naylor, Charles Carl
    2. Birth, Naylor, Charles Carl
  3474. Year: 1860; Census Place: Austin, Travis, Texas; Roll: M653_1306; Page: 299; Family History Library Film: 805306
    1. Residence Post Office: Austin
    2. Seat, William Henry Rev.
  3475. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bristol, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 110; Image: 115; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Mudgett, William
  3476. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lincoln, Kentucky; Roll: M653_382; Page: 12; Image: 12; Family History Library Film: 803382
    1. Ball, Almarinda
  3477. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 343; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Mary E.
    2. Residence, Masters, Mary E.
  3478. Year: 1860; Census Place: Capps Creek, Barry, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 918; Image: 422; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Residence, Browning, Nancy
    2. Browning, Nancy
  3479. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 24; Image: 51.
    1. Family Vault Geneology
    2. Naylor, James Fitch
  3480. Year: 1860; Census Place: Barnesville, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: M653_937; Page: 334; Image: 216; Family History Library Film: 803937
    1. Birth, Vernon, Theodate
    2. Vernon, Theodate
  3481. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 206; Image: 422.
    1. Draper, Edward Bradley
    2. Residence, Draper, Edward Bradley
  3482. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Kosciusko, Indiana; Roll: M653_273; Page: 43; Family History Library Film: 803273
    1. Birth, Burtwhistle, Mary Ann
    2. Burtwhistle, Mary Ann
  3483. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 239; Image: 238.
    1. Holmes, Matilda Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Holmes, Matilda Elizabeth
  3484. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 27; Image: 58.
    1. Birth, Burk, Christian V.
    2. Burk, Christian V.
  3485. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 14 Range 5 E, Moultrie, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 939; Image: 617; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Residence, Lansden, Martha Elizabeth
    2. Lansden, Martha Elizabeth
  3486. Year: 1860; Census Place: Macon, Illinois; Roll: M653_203; Page: 698; Image: 132; Family History Library Film: 803203
    1. Residence, Masters, Matilda
    2. Masters, Matilda
  3487. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois; Roll: M653_156; Page: 175; Image: 175; Family History Library Film: 803156
    1. Sturgis, James B.
    2. Residence, Sturgis, James B.
  3488. Year: 1860; Census Place: Williamston, Anderson, South Carolina; Roll: ; Page: 182; Image: 367.
    1. Clement, William K.
    2. Residence, Clement, William K.
  3489. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Monroe, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 216; Image: 439.
    1. Birth, Cook, Jacob
    2. Cook, Jacob
  3490. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois; Roll: M653_156; Page: 175; Image: 175; Family History Library Film: 803156
    1. Jackson, Susannah
    2. Residence, Jackson, Susannah
  3491. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Birth, Crow, Adda Merritt Addie
    2. Crow, Adda Merritt Addie
  3492. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Residence, Crow, James Pleasant
    2. Crow, James Pleasant
  3493. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Linn, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_351; Page: 99; Image: 99; Family History Library Film: 803351
    1. Hopping, Anna R.
  3494. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 408; Image: 22; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Crow, Rebecca Moria
    2. Residence, Crow, Rebecca Moria
  3495. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 667; Image: 193.
    1. Montgomery, John
  3496. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 429; Image: 270; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Birth, Forgey, Mary Catherine
    2. Forgey, Mary Catherine
  3497. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Grant, Mary A.
    2. Residence, Grant, Mary A.
  3498. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 197; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Birth, Wells, John C. Galton
    2. Wells, John C. Galton
  3499. Year: 1860; Census Place: Warren, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: M653_937; Page: 355; Image: 258; Family History Library Film: 803937
    1. Dawson, Jesse Jr.
  3500. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fort Calhoun, Washington, Nebraska Territory; Roll: ; Page: 868; Image: 26.
    1. Huber, Paulena Helene
  3501. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 35, Jackson, Missouri; Roll: M653_625; Page: 173; Image: 173; Family History Library Film: 803625
    1. Carter, Anna Chastain
    2. Residence, Carter, Anna Chastain
  3502. Year: 1860; Census Place: Virden, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 133; Image: 133; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Age in 1860: 31
    2. Van Note, William
  3503. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 699; Image: 247; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Holmes, Margaret Matilda
    2. Birth, Holmes, Margaret Matilda
  3504. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Birth, Butler, Mariah
    2. Butler, Mariah
  3505. Year: 1860; Census Place: Edmonson, Kentucky; Roll: M653_365; Page: 4; Image: 4; Family History Library Film: 803365
    1. Nash, Milly
  3506. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 363; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Birth, Maupin, Margaret Ann
    2. Maupin, Margaret Ann
  3507. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Hawn, Nathaniel Woodson
    2. Residence, Hawn, Nathaniel Woodson
  3508. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 318; Image: 320.
    1. Residence, Green, Joseph H.
    2. Green, Joseph H.
  3509. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 2 Range 5, Marshall, Mississippi; Roll: M653_587; Page: 97; Image: 101; Family History Library Film: 803587
    1. Residence, McClean, Martha Patsy
    2. McClean, Martha Patsy
  3510. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Jackson, Tennessee; Page: 242; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Birth, Masters, Thomas Carrol
    2. Masters, Thomas Carrol
  3511. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dinsmore, Shelby, Ohio; Roll: M653_1036; Page: 323; Image: 94; Family History Library Film: 805036
    1. Birth, Toland, Erasmus Bruce
    2. Toland, Erasmus Bruce
  3512. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 239; Image: 238.
    1. Forgey, Samuel
    2. Birth, Forgey, Samuel
  3513. Year: 1860; Census Place: Panola, Mississippi; Roll: M653_589; Page: 212; Family History Library Film: 803589
    1. Birth, McCracken, Sarah Elizabeth
    2. McCracken, Sarah Elizabeth
  3514. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 236; Image: 478; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Shorter, Salina M.
    2. Birth, Shorter, Salina M.
  3515. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 251; Image: 507; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Birth, Egbert, William A.
    2. Egbert, William A.
  3516. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_224; Page: 429; Image: 428; Family History Library Film: 803224
    1. Christ, Nicholas
    2. Birth, Christ, Nicholas
  3517. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bowling Green, Marion, Ohio; Roll: M653_1006; Page: 322; Image: 115; Family History Library Film: 805006
    1. Residence, Clements, Mecha
    2. Clements, Mecha
  3518. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cuivre, St Charles, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 555; Image: 60.
    1. Keithley, William
  3519. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 8, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 617; Image: 619; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Birth, Gibson, Daniel Boone Rev.
    2. Gibson, Daniel Boone Rev.
  3520. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 150; Image: 150.
    1. Wright, Reuben
    2. Birth, Wright, Reuben
  3521. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bristol, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 110; Image: 115; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Mudgett, William
    2. Birth, Mudgett, William
  3522. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mountain, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 517; Image: 39.
    1. Birth, Montgomery, John Malcolm
    2. Montgomery, John Malcolm
  3523. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 16, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 48; Image: 46; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Frazee, Samuel S.
  3524. Year: 1860; Census Place: Morgan, Dade, Missouri; Roll: M653_617; Page: 148; Image: 152; Family History Library Film: 803617
    1. Birth, Crawford, Sarah L. "Sally"
    2. Crawford, Sarah L. "Sally"
  3525. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 630; Image: 34; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Cain, John Harold
  3526. Year: 1860; Census Place: Tumlinson, Scott, Arkansas; Roll: M653_50; Page: 797; Family History Library Film: 803050
    1. Residence, Cantrell, Martha Ida
    2. Cantrell, Martha Ida
  3527. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 3 Range 5, Marshall, Mississippi; Roll: M653_587; Page: 120; Family History Library Film: 803587
    1. Mitchell, Cynthia I.
  3528. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wayne, Bartholomew, Indiana; Page: 172; Family History Library Film: 803244
    1. Walker, John E.
    2. Residence Post Office: Walesboro
  3529. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 16; Image: 36.
    1. Residence, Weisner, Diana Cartwright
    2. Weisner, Diana Cartwright
  3530. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 355; Image: 359.
    1. Residence, Farnsley, Eurah T.
    2. Farnsley, Eurah T.
  3531. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Marion, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1263; Page: 266; Image: 536; Family History Library Film: 805263
    1. Spicer, Martha E
    2. Birth, Spicer, Martha E
  3532. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dooleys, Hart, Georgia; Roll: M653_126; Page: 447; Image: 447; Family History Library Film: 803126
    1. McCurry, Mary
    2. Birth, McCurry, Mary
  3533. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 81; Image: 82.
    1. Reitz, Johanette
  3534. Year: 1860; Census Place: Livingston, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 289; Image: 589.
    1. Goodpasture, Thomas
    2. Residence, Goodpasture, Thomas
  3535. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Eastern District, Ashe, North Carolina; Roll: M653_887; Page: 372; Image: 304; Family History Library Film: 803887
    1. Residence, Sizemore, Owen
    2. Sizemore, Owen
  3536. Year: 1860; Census Place: Augusta, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 809; Image: 555; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Birth, Woodard, David Dr.
    2. Woodard, David Dr.
  3537. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Hardy, Virginia; Roll: M653_1351; Page: 546; Image: 34; Family History Library Film: 805351
    1. Birth, Coby, Elizabeth
    2. Coby, Elizabeth
  3538. Year: 1860; Census Place: Rush, Buchanan, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 29; Image: 29.
    1. Van Hoozer, Isaac Callahan
    2. Residence, Van Hoozer, Isaac Callahan
  3539. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Crawford, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 628; Image: 34.
    1. Residence, West, Lavina Jane
    2. West, Lavina Jane
  3540. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Hardy, Virginia; Roll: M653_1351; Page: 546; Image: 34; Family History Library Film: 805351
    1. Residence, Coby, Elizabeth
    2. Coby, Elizabeth
  3541. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 622; Image: 26; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Masters, Robert S.
    2. Birth, Masters, Robert S.
  3542. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 596; Image: 274.
    1. Dennis, Nancy Arnett
  3543. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Buchanan, Missouri; Roll: M653_609; Page: 297; Image: 297; Family History Library Film: 803609
    1. Winters, Dorinda Eliza "Dora"
    2. Residence, Winters, Dorinda Eliza "Dora"
  3544. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sugar Creek, Boone, Indiana; Roll: M653_245; Page: 893; Image: 373; Family History Library Film: 803245
    1. Childre, Phebe
  3545. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 140; Image: 289.
    1. Eldridge, John Harrison
  3546. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 721; Image: 279.
    1. McCulley, Sarah Jane
    2. Residence, McCulley, Sarah Jane
  3547. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Page: 638; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Snyder, Daniel Cleveland
    2. Residence Post Office: Castlemans Ferry
  3548. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 457; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Masters, Mary Jane
  3549. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fredericksville Parish, Albemarle, Virginia; Roll: M653_1331; Page: 376; Image: 26; Family History Library Film: 805331
    1. Residence, Bibb, Helen M.
    2. Bibb, Helen M.
  3550. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Perry, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 342; Image: 108.
    1. Horner, Sarah Elizabeth
  3551. Year: 1860; Census Place: High Forest, Olmsted, Minnesota; Roll: M653_572; Page: 676; Image: 263; Family History Library Film: 803572
    1. Residence, Naylor, Ellen
    2. Naylor, Ellen
  3552. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Hot Spring, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 970; Image: 458.
    1. Kemp, William Milton
    2. Birth, Kemp, William Milton
  3553. Year: 1860; Census Place: Duchouquet, Auglaize, Ohio; Roll: M653_931; Page: 309; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 803931
    1. Bonnell, Mary Mercy
  3554. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 27; Image: 58.
    1. Birth, Burk, Elizabeth Emily
    2. Burk, Elizabeth Emily
  3555. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 205; Image: 204.
    1. Claypool, Ellenor
  3556. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 510.
    1. Curry, George
    2. Birth, Curry, George
  3557. Year: 1860; Census Place: Boone, Greene, Missouri; Roll: M653_621; Page: 277; Image: 277; Family History Library Film: 803621
    1. Hendricks, Elenor Willa "Nilla"
  3558. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 322; Image: 274; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Birth, Morris, Lydia K.
    2. Morris, Lydia K.
  3559. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 355; Image: 359.
    1. Birth, Farnsley, Alice Phoebe
    2. Farnsley, Alice Phoebe
  3560. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fredericksville Parish, Albemarle, Virginia; Roll: M653_1331; Page: 384; Image: 34; Family History Library Film: 805331
    1. Louthan, William Page
  3561. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Virginia; Roll: M653_1351; Page: 868; Image: 358; Family History Library Film: 805351
    1. Rittenhouse, Bennett A.
  3562. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 355; Image: 359.
    1. Residence, Farnsley, Alice Phoebe
    2. Farnsley, Alice Phoebe
  3563. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 1, Cass, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 352; Image: 17; Family History Library Film: 805290
    1. Age: 41
    2. Swinford, William Washington
  3564. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Waller, Thomas J.
    2. Residence, Waller, Thomas J.
  3565. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 509.
    1. Birth, Chaney, William Henegar
    2. Chaney, William Henegar
  3566. Year: 1860; Census Place: San Jose, Santa Clara, California; Roll: M653_65; Page: 352; Image: 352; Family History Library Film: 803065
    1. Scott, Juliett
    2. Age in 1860: 32
  3567. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Pike, Mississippi; Roll: ; Page: 367; Image: 373.
    1. Cranford, William
    2. Residence, Cranford, William
  3568. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Spencer, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 17; Image: 481.
    1. Residence, Heady, James Jackson
    2. Heady, James Jackson
  3569. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 9, Bradley, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1241; Page: 232; Image: 473; Family History Library Film: 805241
    1. Marr, Eli
  3570. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 74; Image: 155; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Birth, , Mary F.
    2. , Mary F.
  3571. Year: 1860; Census Place: Upper Sandusky, Wyandot, Ohio; Roll: M653_1054; Page: 376; Image: 55; Family History Library Film: 805054
    1. McCann, James Homer
    2. Residence, McCann, James Homer
  3572. Year: 1860; Census Place: Augusta, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 812; Image: 558; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Bowman, Ezekial K.
  3573. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 155; Image: 317; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Cain, John H. "Jack"
    2. Cain, John H. "Jack"
  3574. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 203; Image: 414.
    1. Hood, Francis Albert
    2. Birth, Hood, Francis Albert
  3575. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 88; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Carneal, Thomas Jefferson
    2. Age: 27
  3576. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Monroe, Mississippi; Roll: ; Page: 458; Image: 462.
    1. Residence, Butler, Angelina Boyd
    2. Butler, Angelina Boyd
  3577. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 4, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 31; Image: 68; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Fields, Elizabeth Betsy
    2. Birth, Fields, Elizabeth Betsy
  3578. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 22; Image: 47.
    1. Birth, Naylor, Amanda Elaine
    2. Naylor, Amanda Elaine
  3579. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 693; Image: 371.
    1. Residence, Badgett, Thomas Edwin
    2. Badgett, Thomas Edwin
  3580. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Lee, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 707.
    1. Kempker, Mary E.
  3581. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 721; Image: 279.
    1. Birth, Wilkey, Samuel Houston
    2. Wilkey, Samuel Houston
  3582. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 34; Image: 73; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Birth, Pinson, Laurissa Elizabeth
    2. Pinson, Laurissa Elizabeth
  3583. Year: 1860; Census Place: War Eagle, Madison, Arkansas; Roll: M653_45; Page: 527; Image: 527; Family History Library Film: 803045
    1. Morris, John Shadrach
  3584. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Decatur, Indiana; Roll: M653_253; Page: 993; Image: 358; Family History Library Film: 803253
    1. Residence, Alley, Cyrus
    2. Alley, Cyrus
  3585. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hamilton, Butler, Ohio; Page: 418; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Louthan, George William
  3586. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Fork, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: M653_52; Page: 794; Family History Library Film: 803052
    1. Phillips, Lucinda C.
  3587. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Brown, Indiana; Roll: M653_246; Page: 145; Image: 147; Family History Library Film: 803246
    1. Coffland, Elizabeth
  3588. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 1, Cass, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 351; Image: 15; Family History Library Film: 805290
    1. Penny, Hardy
    2. Age: 45
  3589. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 694; Image: 692.
    1. Van Note, Charles
    2. Residence, Van Note, Charles
  3590. Year: 1860; Census Place: Georgia Militia District 1029, Fannin, Georgia; Roll: M653_120; Page: 1055; Image: 518; Family History Library Film: 803120
    1. Anderson, Thomas Farmer
  3591. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Howard, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 407; Image: 407.
    1. Elliott, Newton Glasgow
    2. Birth, Elliott, Newton Glasgow
  3592. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Annes Parish, Albemarle, Virginia; Roll: M653_1331; Page: 519; Image: 167; Family History Library Film: 805331
    1. McClain, George
    2. Birth, McClain, George
  3593. Year: 1860; Census Place: East Feliciana, Louisiana; Roll: M653_411; Page: 31; Family History Library Film: 803411
    1. Rabb, Mary Ellen
  3594. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 44 Range 17, Moniteau, Missouri; Roll: M653_634; Page: 732; Image: 232; Family History Library Film: 803634
    1. Residence, Reeves, Henry A. "Peg-Leg"
    2. Reeves, Henry A. "Peg-Leg"
  3595. Year: 1860; Census Place: Butler, Franklin, Indiana; Roll: M653_259; Page: 68; Image: 70; Family History Library Film: 803259
    1. Hoagland, Sarah Ann
    2. Birth, Hoagland, Sarah Ann
  3596. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 3, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 217; Image: 217.
    1. Carter, Edna Eliza
    2. Residence, Carter, Edna Eliza
  3597. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Hendricks, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 647; Image: 173.
    1. Rector, Benjamin Ona
    2. Residence, Rector, Benjamin Ona
  3598. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carrrollton, Carroll, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 393; Image: 395.
    1. Carneal, John Goodloe
    2. Birth, Carneal, John Goodloe
  3599. Year: 1860; Census Place: Boone, Greene, Missouri; Roll: M653_621; Page: 277; Image: 277; Family History Library Film: 803621
    1. Residence, Hendricks, Elenor Willa "Nilla"
    2. Hendricks, Elenor Willa "Nilla"
  3600. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 3 E, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 980; Image: 180.
    1. Birth, Avery, Elizabeth Ann
    2. Avery, Elizabeth Ann
  3601. Year: 1860; Census Place: Flint, Benton, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 316; Image: 318.
    1. Hubbard, Anderson
  3602. Year: 1860; Census Place: York, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1228; Page: 456; Family History Library Film: 805228
    1. Sturgis, Mary
    2. Birth, Sturgis, Mary
  3603. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 161; Image: 156; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Residence, Cole, Maria
    2. Cole, Maria
  3604. Year: 1860; Census Place: North Division, Robeson, North Carolina; Roll: M653_911; Page: 453; Image: 245; Family History Library Film: 803911
    1. Residence, Jordan, Thomas Page
    2. Jordan, Thomas Page
  3605. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Morgan, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 498; Image: 500.
    1. Residence, Cranford, Mary Polly
    2. Cranford, Mary Polly
  3606. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nishnabotna, Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 586; Image: 90; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Buxton, Lestacia Ann "Tacy"
    2. Birth, Buxton, Lestacia Ann "Tacy"
  3607. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Marion, Indiana; Roll: M653_280; Page: 847; Image: 224; Family History Library Film: 803280
    1. Pierce, Catharine
  3608. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 205; Image: 204.
    1. Residence, Claypool, Reuben
    2. Claypool, Reuben
  3609. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 478; Image: 309.
    1. Birth, Butler, Elias
    2. Butler, Elias
  3610. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 178; Image: 366; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Gore, William Phelps
    2. Gore, William Phelps
  3611. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois; Roll: M653_156; Page: 175; Image: 175; Family History Library Film: 803156
    1. Sturgis, Jacob
  3612. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 765; Image: 443; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Claypool, William Hayden
  3613. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 721; Image: 279.
    1. McCulley, Sarah Jane
    2. Birth, McCulley, Sarah Jane
  3614. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 22; Image: 50; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Stapleton, James
    2. Birth, Stapleton, James
  3615. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 656; Image: 64; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Birth, Louthan, Robert Powell Page
    2. Louthan, Robert Powell Page
  3616. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 22; Image: 47.
    1. Fast, William Nicholas
  3617. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 235; Image: 480.
    1. Butler, Nertha Fine J
    2. Birth, Butler, Nertha Fine J
  3618. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 859; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Birth, McCracken, Joseph L.
    2. McCracken, Joseph L.
  3619. Year: 1860; Census Place: Boonville, Cooper, Missouri; Roll: M653_616; Page: 436; Image: 20; Family History Library Film: 803616
    1. Birth, Speed, Laura T.
    2. Speed, Laura T.
  3620. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 512; Image: 377; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Potter, Sarah Ann
  3621. Year: 1860; Census Place: Caney Fork, Pike, Arkansas; Roll: M653_47; Page: 497; Image: 501; Family History Library Film: 803047
    1. Pritchard, Job Esbond
    2. Residence, Pritchard, Job Esbond
  3622. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 517; Image: 261.
    1. Jones, Nancy Jane
    2. Residence, Jones, Nancy Jane
  3623. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Perry, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 351; Image: 125.
    1. Whitwell, Nancy
  3624. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pilot Grove, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 436.
    1. Residence, Jenkins, Margaret Peggy
    2. Jenkins, Margaret Peggy
  3625. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richland, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 445; Image: 449; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Age in 1860: 16
    2. Siegmunt, Barbara Ann
  3626. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lamoine, McDonough, Illinois; Roll: M653_201; Page: 834; Image: 474; Family History Library Film: 803201
    1. Trammell, William Benjamin
    2. Residence, Trammell, William Benjamin
  3627. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Williamson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 124; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Prowell, Calvin Hart
    2. Residence, Prowell, Calvin Hart
  3628. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Marion, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 692; Image: 254.
    1. Residence, Crosley, John Lucas
    2. Crosley, John Lucas
  3629. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 132; Image: 272; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Pickel, George
    2. Birth, Pickel, George
  3630. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clear Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 314; Image: 634; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Birth, Miller, Solomon
    2. Miller, Solomon
  3631. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marshall, Virginia; Roll: M653_1360; Page: 329; Image: 337; Family History Library Film: 805360
    1. Parsons, Vincent
  3632. Year: 1860; Census Place: Peoria Ward 2, Peoria, Illinois; Roll: M653_216; Page: 177; Image: 178; Family History Library Film: 803216
    1. Birth, Masters, Thomas Burley
    2. Masters, Thomas Burley
  3633. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 2, Morgan, Kentucky; Roll: M653_388; Page: 329; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 803388
    1. Birth, Carter, David B.
    2. Carter, David B.
  3634. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 217; Image: 216.
    1. Carneal, Catherine
  3635. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 765; Image: 443; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Claypool, John Marshall
    2. Claypool, John Marshall
  3636. Year: 1860; Census Place: Russell, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: ; Page: 53; Image: 58.
    1. Fanning, Clinton Nathaniel
    2. Residence, Fanning, Clinton Nathaniel
  3637. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dinsmore, Shelby, Ohio; Roll: M653_1036; Page: 323; Image: 93; Family History Library Film: 805036
    1. Scott, Absolom
    2. Age in 1860: 39
  3638. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bare Creek, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 335; Image: 300; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Birth, Watkins, Mary Ann
    2. Watkins, Mary Ann
  3639. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 870; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Residence, McCracken, Lucy Matilda
    2. McCracken, Lucy Matilda
  3640. Year: 1860; Census Place: Northern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 504; Image: 108.
    1. Hyatt, Daniel Franklin
  3641. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 694; Image: 692; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Sturgis, James Bratton
  3642. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Page: 638; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Snyder, Daniel Cleveland
  3643. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 83; Image: 83.
    1. Butler, Thomas Henry
    2. Residence, Butler, Thomas Henry
  3644. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Frieze, James Henry
  3645. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Smith, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 311; Image: 97.
    1. Donaho, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Donaho, Mary Elizabeth
  3646. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lebanon, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 226; Image: 455; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Perrine, Nancy
    2. Residence, Perrine, Nancy
  3647. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 457; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Angelo, James Martin
  3648. Year: 1860; Census Place: Middle Division, Fayette, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 490; Image: 496.
    1. Birth, Castleberry, Assella Dorcas
    2. Castleberry, Assella Dorcas
  3649. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 327; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Chaney, Hester Ann
  3650. Year: 1860; Census Place: Monroe, Kentucky; Roll: M653_388; Page: 85; Image: 85; Family History Library Film: 803388
    1. Counts, Eve J.
  3651. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Polk, Oregon; Roll: M653_1056; Page: 530; Image: 311; Family History Library Film: 805056
    1. Birth, Scott, Ellen
    2. Scott, Ellen
  3652. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Hawn, Anthony Wayne
    2. Residence, Hawn, Anthony Wayne
  3653. Year: 1860; Census Place: De Soto, Louisiana; Roll: M653_410; Page: 857; Image: 433; Family History Library Film: 803410
    1. Sebastian, Charles Edward
  3654. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 9, Bradley, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1241; Page: 232; Image: 473; Family History Library Film: 805241
    1. Marr, Eli
    2. Birth, Marr, Eli
  3655. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 18, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 460; Image: 336; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Forgey, William Columbus
    2. Birth, Forgey, William Columbus
  3656. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wythe, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 270; Image: 14; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Loper, Mary Eliza
  3657. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fredericksville Parish, Albemarle, Virginia; Roll: M653_1331; Page: 376; Image: 26; Family History Library Film: 805331
    1. Bibb, Helen M.
    2. Birth, Bibb, Helen M.
  3658. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 89; Image: 89; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Wollard, Barton Marshall
    2. Residence, Wollard, Barton Marshall
  3659. Year: 1860; Census Place: DeSoto, Mississippi; Roll: M653_581; Page: 70; Family History Library Film: 803581
    1. Mitchell, Andrew Tate
  3660. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 499; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Chaney, William C.
    2. Birth, Chaney, William C.
  3661. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 499; Image: 350; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Chaney, Emaline "Emily"
  3662. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Marshall, Alabama; Roll: M653_16; Page: 940; Image: 466; Family History Library Film: 803016
    1. Prentice, David Samuel Bud
  3663. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Birth, Mitchell, Jabez
    2. Mitchell, Jabez
  3664. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 993; Image: 427.
    1. Butler, Mary Jane
    2. Residence, Butler, Mary Jane
  3665. Year: 1860; Census Place: Goochland, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 936; Image: 596; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Woodward, Lucille Sewella
    2. Residence, Woodward, Lucille Sewella
  3666. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 126; Image: 261.
    1. Harvey, Wilson N. Rev.
    2. Residence, Harvey, Wilson N. Rev.
  3667. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: M653_930; Page: 24; Image: 51; Family History Library Film: 803930
    1. Dibler, Priscilla
    2. Birth, Dibler, Priscilla
  3668. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 96; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Fly, John Dalton
    2. Birth, Fly, John Dalton
  3669. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 408; Image: 22; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Crow, Alice E.
    2. Birth, Crow, Alice E.
  3670. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Blount, Alabama; Roll: M653_2; Page: 922; Image: 276; Family History Library Film: 803002
    1. Posey, Joseph Harrison
    2. Residence, Posey, Joseph Harrison
  3671. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 752; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Howell, John S.
    2. Howell, John S.
  3672. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 165; Image: 339; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Goodpasture, Marena
    2. Birth, Goodpasture, Marena
  3673. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 697; Image: 245; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Holmes, Robert John
    2. Birth, Holmes, Robert John
  3674. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ozark, Missouri; Roll: M653_637; Page: 446; Family History Library Film: 803637
    1. Residence, Forgey, Nancy Elizabeth
    2. Forgey, Nancy Elizabeth
  3675. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carroll, Virginia; Roll: M653_1339; Page: 967; Image: 393; Family History Library Film: 805339
    1. Residence, Davis, Nathan
    2. Davis, Nathan
  3676. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 614; Image: 292; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sturgis, Hannah
  3677. Year: 1860; Census Place: East Pike Run, Washington, Pennsylvania; Page: 368; Family History Library Film: 805191
    1. Harris, Mary Jane
    2. Residence Post Office: Greenfield
  3678. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 407; Image: 21; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Crow, John William
    2. Residence, Crow, John William
  3679. Year: 1860; Census Place: Shakopee, Scott, Minnesota; Roll: M653_574; Page: 679; Image: 101; Family History Library Film: 803574
    1. Chandlee, Ruth Jane
    2. Residence, Chandlee, Ruth Jane
  3680. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 586; Image: 200.
    1. Earnest, Martha Jane
    2. Residence, Earnest, Martha Jane
  3681. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Marion, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1263; Page: 266; Image: 535; Family History Library Film: 805263
    1. Parker, Eli S.
    2. Age in 1860: 48
  3682. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bethany, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: M653_622; Page: 618; Image: 132; Family History Library Film: 803622
    1. Masters, Mary Ann
    2. Residence, Masters, Mary Ann
  3683. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 13 Range 11, Scott, Illinois; Roll: M653_227; Page: 1029; Image: 205; Family History Library Film: 803227
    1. Birth, Allen, Elizabeth Jane
    2. Allen, Elizabeth Jane
  3684. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 19, Knox, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1259; Page: 326; Family History Library Film: 805259
    1. Coram, John Sherman
  3685. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Webster, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 749; Image: 188.
    1. Birth, Butler, Jacob Lewis Ronny
    2. Butler, Jacob Lewis Ronny
  3686. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: M653_1013; Page: 96; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805013
    1. Birth, Searls, Mary Alice
    2. Searls, Mary Alice
  3687. Year: 1860; Census Place: Freetown, Cortland, New York; Roll: ; Page: 484; Image: 483.
    1. Birth, Tanner, George W.
    2. Tanner, George W.
  3688. Year: 1860; Census Place: Guilford, Hendricks, Indiana; Roll: M653_265; Page: 606; Image: 132; Family History Library Film: 803265
    1. Davies, Thomas
    2. Residence, Davies, Thomas
  3689. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 779; Image: 457.
    1. Butler, Alexander John
    2. Birth, Butler, Alexander John
  3690. Year: 1860; Census Place: Townships 4 and 5 N Range 8, Clay, Illinois; Roll: M653_162; Page: 528; Image: 528; Family History Library Film: 803162
    1. Nottingham, LaVerna Catherine
  3691. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 721; Image: 279.
    1. Wilkey, Orlean
  3692. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clear Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 314; Image: 634; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Miller, Solomon
    2. Residence, Miller, Solomon
  3693. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 148; Image: 304; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Baker, James M.
    2. Birth, Baker, James M.
  3694. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Champaign, Ohio; Roll: M653_942; Page: 251; Image: 506; Family History Library Film: 803942
    1. Merritte, Thomas J.
  3695. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 405; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Sitzlar, John
  3696. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 199; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Goodbar, James Madison
    2. Goodbar, James Madison
  3697. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 7, Cumberland, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1244; Page: 519; Image: 556; Family History Library Film: 805244
    1. Residence, Potter, Mary Caroline
    2. Potter, Mary Caroline
  3698. Year: 1860; Census Place: Guilford, Hendricks, Indiana; Roll: M653_265; Page: 606; Image: 132; Family History Library Film: 803265
    1. Davies, Thomas
  3699. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_25; Page: 373; Image: 375; Family History Library Film: 803025
    1. Residence, Staples, Mary Ann
    2. Staples, Mary Ann
  3700. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 N Range 6 W, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_225; Page: 804; Image: 41; Family History Library Film: 803225
    1. Residence, Monken, Anna
    2. Monken, Anna
  3701. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Barren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_354; Page: 902; Image: 342; Family History Library Film: 803354
    1. Birth, Cole, Nancy "Nannie" A.
    2. Cole, Nancy "Nannie" A.
  3702. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 58 Range 22, Linn, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 739; Image: 139.
    1. Harryman, Nancy E.
    2. Residence, Harryman, Nancy E.
  3703. Year: 1860; Census Place: Edmonson, Kentucky; Roll: M653_365; Page: 4; Image: 4; Family History Library Film: 803365
    1. Residence, Nash, Milly
    2. Nash, Milly
  3704. Year: 1860; Census Place: Macon, Illinois; Roll: M653_203; Page: 786; Image: 220; Family History Library Film: 803203
    1. Orr, John Morgan
    2. Residence, Orr, John Morgan
  3705. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 24; Image: 54; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Brown, Clinton A.
  3706. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 83; Image: 83.
    1. Butler, Thomas Henry
    2. Birth, Butler, Thomas Henry
  3707. Year: 1860; Census Place: Twin, Darke, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 126; Image: 130.
    1. Burk, Isaac
    2. Residence, Burk, Isaac
  3708. Year: 1860; Census Place: Macon, Illinois; Roll: M653_203; Page: 809; Image: 243; Family History Library Film: 803203
    1. Whorton, Elizabeth Isabell
  3709. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, De Kalb, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1247; Page: 195; Image: 396; Family History Library Film: 805247
    1. Kelley, William
    2. Residence, Kelley, William
  3710. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 27; Image: 58.
    1. Birth, Burk, Perlina Alice
    2. Burk, Perlina Alice
  3711. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 165; Image: 339; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Joseph Marion
  3712. Year: 1860; Census Place: Alamance, North Carolina; Roll: M653_886; Page: 19; Image: 38; Family History Library Film: 803886
    1. Rogers, John
    2. Birth, Rogers, John
  3713. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 499; Image: 350.
    1. Chaney, Elisha
    2. Residence, Chaney, Elisha
  3714. Year: 1860; Census Place: N W Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 755; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Residence, McCracken, Mary Jane
    2. McCracken, Mary Jane
  3715. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 88; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, White, James A.
    2. White, James A.
  3716. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 172; Image: 353; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Masters, Amanda Frances
    2. Masters, Amanda Frances
  3717. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 523; Image: 522.
    1. Whiteside, John Henry
  3718. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 160; Image: 155; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Stewart, Susan Ava
    2. Birth, Stewart, Susan Ava
  3719. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Mathis, Marah B
    2. Residence, Mathis, Marah B
  3720. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wilson, Greene, Missouri; Roll: M653_621; Page: 184; Image: 184; Family History Library Film: 803621
    1. Birth, Manley, Caleb B.
    2. Manley, Caleb B.
  3721. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Forsyth, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 532; Image: 532.
    1. Julian, Bailey Frazier
    2. Residence, Julian, Bailey Frazier
  3722. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 12; Image: 12; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Residence, Pickering, Jonathan
    2. Pickering, Jonathan
  3723. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Okaw, Coles, Illinois; Roll: M653_171; Page: 175; Image: 178; Family History Library Film: 803171
    1. Louthan, John L.
  3724. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 241; Image: 493; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Jones, George W. M Rev.
    2. Birth, Jones, George W. M Rev.
  3725. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pleasant, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 169; Image: 175; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Residence, Sutton, Ransom Platt
    2. Sutton, Ransom Platt
  3726. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sulpher Springs, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 670; Image: 348; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sample, Washington "Wort"
    2. Residence, Sample, Washington "Wort"
  3727. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 13, Obion, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 141; Image: 290; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Tirey, Andrew
  3728. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Humphreys, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 121; Image: 249.
    1. Horner, Mary Jane
  3729. Year: 1860; Census Place: York, Putnam, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 553; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Residence, Ogle, Martha G.
    2. Ogle, Martha G.
  3730. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 693; Image: 371; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Mitchell, Minerva Ann
    2. Residence, Mitchell, Minerva Ann
  3731. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 27; Image: 58.
    1. Burk, Jesse F.
  3732. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dardenne, St Charles, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 838; Image: 343.
    1. Birth, Keithley, Absalom
    2. Keithley, Absalom
  3733. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_349; Page: 258; Image: 258; Family History Library Film: 803349
    1. Smith, Joseph Ferguson
    2. Age in 1860: 23
  3734. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 626; Image: 304; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sturgis, Nancy Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Sturgis, Nancy Elizabeth
  3735. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harmony, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 445; Image: 189.
    1. Butler, Martha Ellen
    2. Birth, Butler, Martha Ellen
  3736. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nishnabotna, Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 580; Image: 84; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Residence, Cox, Martha Ann
    2. Cox, Martha Ann
  3737. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newark, Licking, Ohio; Roll: M653_998; Page: 136; Image: 276; Family History Library Film: 803998
    1. Residence, Claypool, Tirzah
    2. Claypool, Tirzah
  3738. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 454; Image: 529; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Bettis, Prior Caswell
  3739. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richland, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 353; Image: 359; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Pence, Emanuel
  3740. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 795; Image: 33.
    1. Birth, Wilkes, Elizabeth
    2. Wilkes, Elizabeth
  3741. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mascoutah, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_225; Page: 854; Image: 91; Family History Library Film: 803225
    1. Ackerman, Leonhard John
    2. Residence, Ackerman, Leonhard John
  3742. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Botetourt, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 166; Image: 170.
    1. Hoylman, Addison Sidney
  3743. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 205; Image: 204; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Claypool, Elizabeth Ann
    2. Claypool, Elizabeth Ann
  3744. Year: 1860; Census Place: Green, Platte, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 762; Image: 249.
    1. Keller, Mary Adelaide
    2. Birth, Keller, Mary Adelaide
  3745. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Alleghany, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 11; Image: 15.
    1. Davidson, Salina Ann
    2. Residence, Davidson, Salina Ann
  3746. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 74; Image: 154.
    1. Whitwell, Jesse Curry
  3747. Year: 1860; Census Place: Morgan, Dade, Missouri; Roll: M653_617; Page: 148; Image: 152; Family History Library Film: 803617
    1. Butler, Moses Henry
  3748. Year: 1860; Census Place: Northern Division, Chambers, Alabama; Roll: M653_4; Page: 832; Image: 554; Family History Library Film: 803004
    1. Residence, Staples, William Thomas
    2. Staples, William Thomas
  3749. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 140; Image: 289.
    1. Residence, Eldridge, James Harrison
    2. Eldridge, James Harrison
  3750. Year: 1860; Census Place: Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_352; Page: 668; Image: 134; Family History Library Film: 803352
    1. Simerwell, Robert
  3751. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richmond, Wayne, Indiana; Roll: M653_308; Page: 612; Image: 611; Family History Library Film: 803308
    1. Pitman, Esther
  3752. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Boone, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 826; Image: 306.
    1. Handlen, William
    2. Birth, Handlen, William
  3753. Year: 1860; Census Place: DeSoto, Mississippi; Roll: M653_581; Page: 70; Family History Library Film: 803581
    1. Fitzgerald, Sarah
    2. Residence Post Office: Looxahoma
  3754. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 96; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Residence Post Office: Big Hill
    2. Fly, David Williamson Rev.
  3755. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 510.
    1. Curry, James Cox
    2. Birth, Curry, James Cox
  3756. Year: 1860; Census Place: Kelley, Ripley, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 491; Image: 493.
    1. Kennon, Hughes Owen
  3757. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Sebastian, Arkansas; Roll: M653_50; Page: 1039; Image: 493; Family History Library Film: 803050
    1. Howard, John
    2. Residence, Howard, John
  3758. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_224; Page: 31; Image: 32; Family History Library Film: 803224
    1. Ackerman, Leonhard John
  3759. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 405; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Sitzlar, John
    2. Residence, Sitzlar, John
  3760. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wythe, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 269; Image: 13.
    1. King, Jemima
  3761. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 39 Range 23, Benton, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 243; Image: 247.
    1. Residence, Looney, Mary Campbell
    2. Looney, Mary Campbell
  3762. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Scott, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 511; Image: 525.
    1. Burnett, Jane
  3763. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 81; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Residence Post Office: Humansville
    2. Holmes, Martha Frances "Fannie"
  3764. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fort Calhoun, Washington, Nebraska Territory; Roll: ; Page: 868; Image: 26.
    1. Schray, Pauline Katharine
    2. Residence, Schray, Pauline Katharine
  3765. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 8, Shelby, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 419; Image: 471; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Beall, Elizabeth Thornton
  3766. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Subdivision, Henrico, Virginia; Roll: M653_1353; Page: 1043; Image: 605; Family History Library Film: 805353
    1. Residence, Jordan, Mildred Hester
    2. Jordan, Mildred Hester
  3767. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 205; Image: 418; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Reed, Harriet
    2. Birth, Reed, Harriet
  3768. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Frieze, Harriet Frances
  3769. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 765; Image: 443; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Claypool, Thomas Simeon
  3770. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Van Buren, Iowa; Roll: M653_342; Page: 281; Image: 522; Family History Library Film: 803342
    1. Claypool, Jesse Jr.
    2. Residence, Claypool, Jesse Jr.
  3771. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grayson, Kentucky; Roll: M653_369; Page: 480; Image: 480; Family History Library Film: 803369
    1. Woosley, Rebecca
    2. Birth, Woosley, Rebecca
  3772. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Mitchell, Joseph Elliot
    2. Residence, Mitchell, Joseph Elliot
  3773. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 34; Image: 73; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Cox, Thomas Jefferson
  3774. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Jackson, Louisiana; Roll: ; Page: 430; Image: 450.
    1. Walsworth, Catherine Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Walsworth, Catherine Elizabeth
  3775. Year: 1860; Census Place: Burnsville, Dallas, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 848; Image: 352.
    1. Morris, Sarah A.
  3776. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois; Roll: M653_156; Page: 175; Image: 175; Family History Library Film: 803156
    1. Sturgis, Julia A.
  3777. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 620; Image: 298; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Spires, James B.
    2. Spires, James B.
  3778. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Pickaway, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 134; Image: 273.
    1. Gatewood, Margaret
  3779. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fluvanna, Virginia; Roll: M653_1345; Page: 764; Image: 338; Family History Library Film: 805345
    1. Residence, Mayo, John Williamson
    2. Mayo, John Williamson
  3780. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 197; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Birth, Mitchell, Sarah Ann
    2. Mitchell, Sarah Ann
  3781. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 81; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Holmes, Nancy Ann
    2. Residence Post Office: Humansville
  3782. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Union, Louisiana; Roll: ; Page: 558; Image: 94.
    1. Residence, Walsworth, Green Benjamin
    2. Walsworth, Green Benjamin
  3783. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Finley, Washington, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 1020; Image: 457.
    1. Residence, Coulson, Mary Anna
    2. Coulson, Mary Anna
  3784. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richhill, Greene, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1114; Page: 736; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805114
    1. Birth, Wright, Sarah
    2. Wright, Sarah
  3785. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 16, Sangamon, Illinois; Page: 48; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Frazee, Samuel
    2. Birth, Frazee, Samuel
  3786. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 995; Image: 429.
    1. Chaney, John G.
  3787. Year: 1860; Census Place: Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine; Roll: M653_438; Page: 212; Image: 214; Family History Library Film: 803438
    1. Sawyer, David
  3788. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 573; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Residence, Carter, Amanda
    2. Carter, Amanda
  3789. Year: 1860; Census Place: Virden, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 133; Image: 133; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Van Note, William
  3790. Year: 1860; Census Place: Covington Ward 7, Kenton, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 891; Image: 609.
    1. Hilker, Harry Henry
    2. Birth, Hilker, Harry Henry
  3791. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Randolph, North Carolina; Roll: M653_910; Page: 158; Image: 320; Family History Library Film: 803910
    1. Residence, Hockett, Mahlon
    2. Hockett, Mahlon
  3792. Year: 1860; Census Place: Rush, Buchanan, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 29; Image: 29.
    1. Parker, Harrett
  3793. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Robert Simon
  3794. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 179; Image: 363; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Anderson, Griffin
    2. Birth, Anderson, Griffin
  3795. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 326; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Buroker, Susan
  3796. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lebanon, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 226; Image: 455; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Chamberlain, Viola
  3797. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jasper, Texas; Roll: M653_1298; Page: 408; Family History Library Film: 805298
    1. Mitchell, Margaret Alabama
  3798. Year: 1860; Census Place: Henry, Henry, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 22; Image: 22.
    1. Templeton, Dovey Amanda
  3799. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Nelson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 261; Image: 261.
    1. Residence, Young, James
    2. Young, James
  3800. Year: 1860; Census Place: Alamance, North Carolina; Roll: M653_886; Page: 96; Image: 192; Family History Library Film: 803886
    1. Residence, Thompson, Jane Anderson
    2. Thompson, Jane Anderson
  3801. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beardstown, Cass, Illinois; Page: 261; Family History Library Film: 803160
    1. Birth, Morgan, Martha Ann
    2. Morgan, Martha Ann
  3802. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 247.
    1. Holmes, Robert Andrew "Andy"
    2. Birth, Holmes, Robert Andrew "Andy"
  3803. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 852; Image: 530; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Carpenter, Mary Jane
    2. Residence, Carpenter, Mary Jane
  3804. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 408; Image: 22; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Birth, Crow, Rebecca Moria
    2. Crow, Rebecca Moria
  3805. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1, Merced, California; Roll: M653_60; Page: 902; Family History Library Film: 803060
    1. Blakemore, Sarah Douglass
  3806. Year: 1860; Census Place: Miami, Lykins, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 248; Image: 248.
    1. Residence, Doud, Pricilla May
    2. Doud, Pricilla May
  3807. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Amherst, Lorain, Ohio; Roll: M653_1002; Page: 319; Image: 278; Family History Library Film: 805002
    1. Fuller, Maria
  3808. Year: 1860; Census Place: York, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1228; Page: 461; Image: 332; Family History Library Film: 805228
    1. Schooley, Frances Alberta
    2. Birth, Schooley, Frances Alberta
  3809. Year: 1860; Census Place: Berwick, Warren, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 619; Image: 619.
    1. Whitten, Mary Ann
    2. Residence, Whitten, Mary Ann
  3810. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois; Roll: M653_156; Page: 175; Image: 175; Family History Library Film: 803156
    1. Jackson, Susannah
  3811. Year: 1860; Census Place: Goochland, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 924; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Clarke, Alice L.
    2. Residence, Clarke, Alice L.
  3812. Year: 1860; Census Place: Morgan, Dade, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 148; Image: 152.
    1. Residence, Wheeler, Lenander M.
    2. Wheeler, Lenander M.
  3813. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lavaca, Lavaca, Texas; Roll: M653_1299; Page: 190; Family History Library Film: 805299
    1. Fly, Benjamin Franklin
  3814. Year: 1860; Census Place: Little Rock, Kendall, Illinois; Roll: M653_194; Page: 300; Image: 321; Family History Library Film: 803194
    1. Gifford, Freeman H.
  3815. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Hardy, Virginia; Roll: M653_1351; Page: 588; Image: 76; Family History Library Film: 805351
    1. Combs, Peter
    2. Birth, Combs, Peter
  3816. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 13 Range 11, Scott, Illinois; Roll: M653_227; Page: 1029; Image: 205; Family History Library Film: 803227
    1. Birth, Lemon, Hiram Horace
    2. Lemon, Hiram Horace
  3817. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Crawford, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 629; Image: 35.
    1. Birth, Thomas, Martin
    2. Thomas, Martin
  3818. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jones, Union, Iowa; Roll: M653_342; Page: 47; Family History Library Film: 803342
    1. Birth, Wedener, Elizabeth
    2. Wedener, Elizabeth
  3819. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wythe, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 270; Image: 14; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Loper, Mary Eliza
    2. Residence, Loper, Mary Eliza
  3820. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Virginia; Roll: M653_1351; Page: 868; Image: 358; Family History Library Film: 805351
    1. Birth, Rittenhouse, Bennett A.
    2. Rittenhouse, Bennett A.
  3821. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 763; Image: 441; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Roberson, Jessee Bazel
    2. Birth, Roberson, Jessee Bazel
  3822. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 161; Image: 156; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Cole, Maria
    2. Birth, Cole, Maria
  3823. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 328; Image: 334; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Babb, William
    2. Residence, Babb, William
  3824. Year: 1860; Census Place: Levicy, Hancock, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1252; Page: 500; Image: 612; Family History Library Film: 805252
    1. Sizemore, Solomon
    2. Birth, Sizemore, Solomon
  3825. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 455; Image: 531; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Frank, Mary Jane
    2. Residence, Frank, Mary Jane
  3826. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 765; Image: 443; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Sears, Elizabeth A.
  3827. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 318; Image: 320.
    1. Birth, Green, Joseph H.
    2. Green, Joseph H.
  3828. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Warren, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 472; Image: 135.
    1. Taylor, Priscilla
    2. Birth, Taylor, Priscilla
  3829. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clear Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 312; Image: 630; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Miller, Lewis Neill
    2. Birth, Miller, Lewis Neill
  3830. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 9, Jackson, Tennessee; Page: 328; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Whitaker, Washington Hampton
  3831. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 250; Image: 505; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Van Note, William
    2. Birth, Van Note, William
  3832. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 699; Image: 707; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Residence, Kempker, John
    2. Kempker, John
  3833. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 322; Image: 274; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Morris, Mary Ann
  3834. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newburyport Ward 1, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_496; Page: 292; Image: 296; Family History Library Film: 803496
    1. Fowle, Alice Hale
  3835. Year: 1860; Census Place: Russell, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: ; Page: 16; Image: 21.
    1. Fanning, Zerviah Sophia
    2. Birth, Fanning, Zerviah Sophia
  3836. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 629; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Masters, Deborah Delong
    2. Residence, Masters, Deborah Delong
  3837. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 203; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Mitchell, William Yarborough Higgins
    2. Birth, Mitchell, William Yarborough Higgins
  3838. Year: 1860; Census Place: Brooklyn Ward 15 District 1, Kings, New York; Page: 102; Family History Library Film: 803773
    1. Ogden, George Henry
  3839. Year: 1860; Census Place: York, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1228; Page: 456; Family History Library Film: 805228
    1. Sturgis, Mary
  3840. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richland, Delaware, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 13; Image: 237.
    1. Birth, Emerson, Susan Barbara
    2. Emerson, Susan Barbara
  3841. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Knox, Illinois; Roll: M653_195; Page: 1026; Image: 681; Family History Library Film: 803195
    1. Howard, Elizabeth
  3842. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 8, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 519; Image: 354; Family History Library Film: 805290
    1. Jarratt, Devereaux
  3843. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 696; Image: 244; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Birth, Latta, Rachel Emeline
    2. Latta, Rachel Emeline
  3844. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 388; Image: 398; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Age: 14
    2. Riggs, John Woodson
  3845. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 97; Image: 97; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Crawford, Jane M.
  3846. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Lauderdale, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 344; Image: 29.
    1. Residence, McClelland, John Craig
    2. McClelland, John Craig
  3847. Year: 1860; Census Place: High Forest, Olmsted, Minnesota; Roll: M653_572; Page: 676; Image: 263; Family History Library Film: 803572
    1. Naylor, Ellen
  3848. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 454; Image: 530.
    1. Bettis, Cynthia Jane
  3849. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Polk, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1268; Page: 399; Image: 224; Family History Library Film: 805268
    1. Birth, Hagler, Abraham Waden
    2. Hagler, Abraham Waden
  3850. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Marshall, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 329; Image: 337.
    1. Everly, Anna
  3851. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 690; Image: 688; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Carter, Marion Davis
    2. Birth, Carter, Marion Davis
  3852. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 600; Image: 278; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sevier, Charles Douglas
  3853. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 3, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 217; Image: 217.
    1. Wilkerson, George Washington
  3854. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 236; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Forgey, Martha M.
  3855. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wythe, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 267; Image: 11.
    1. Butler, Richard R.
    2. Residence, Butler, Richard R.
  3856. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 667; Image: 193.
    1. Morrison, Sarah P. "Sally"
  3857. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 2 Range 7, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 743; Image: 742.
    1. Elbin, Maria Josephine
  3858. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 233; Image: 477.
    1. Butler, William Lafayette Napoleon
  3859. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 210; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Masters, Ingober
    2. Masters, Ingober
  3860. Year: 1860; Census Place: Livingston, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 289; Image: 590.
    1. Goodbar, Thomas Porter
    2. Residence, Goodbar, Thomas Porter
  3861. Year: 1860; Census Place: Woodland, Fulton, Illinois; Roll: M653_179; Page: 149; Image: 149; Family History Library Film: 803179
    1. Sturgis, Sarah Jane
    2. Birth, Sturgis, Sarah Jane
  3862. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Putnam, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 37; Image: 80; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Rector, Elizabeth Jane
    2. Birth, Rector, Elizabeth Jane
  3863. Year: 1860; Census Place: Goochland, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 936; Image: 596; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Residence, Woodward, George B.
    2. Woodward, George B.
  3864. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 178; Image: 366; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Magrum, Mary Ethel
    2. Residence, Magrum, Mary Ethel
  3865. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 205; Image: 418; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Woolsey, Mary Jane
  3866. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grand River, Carroll, Missouri; Roll: M653_612; Page: 576; Image: 93; Family History Library Film: 803612
    1. Anderson, Mathew
    2. Birth, Anderson, Mathew
  3867. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lebanon, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 212; Image: 427; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Residence, Hutchinson, Thomas Jefferson
    2. Hutchinson, Thomas Jefferson
  3868. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Kennon, Joseph Clark Josia
  3869. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 407; Image: 21.
    1. Crow, John C.
    2. Residence, Crow, John C.
  3870. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Greene, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 629; Image: 33.
    1. Birth, Cain, George Jefferson
    2. Cain, George Jefferson
  3871. Year: 1860; Census Place: Giles, Virginia; Roll: M653_1345; Page: 881; Image: 455; Family History Library Film: 805345
    1. Underwood, Talitha
  3872. Year: 1860; Census Place: Berwick, Warren, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 619; Image: 619.
    1. Whitten, Mary Ann
    2. Birth, Whitten, Mary Ann
  3873. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 510.
    1. Chaney, Henry Joseph
  3874. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Maury, Tennessee; Page: 299; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Dortin, Melvina Elizabeth
    2. Residence Post Office: Santa Fee
  3875. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 479; Image: 311.
    1. Butler, Emily Jane
    2. Residence, Butler, Emily Jane
  3876. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 155; Image: 317; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Cain, John H. "Jack"
    2. Residence, Cain, John H. "Jack"
  3877. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Half of County, Crittenden, Kentucky; Roll: M653_363; Page: 310; Image: 310; Family History Library Film: 803363
    1. Age: 27
    2. Long, Hadley P.
  3878. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Neill, Mary Arabella
    2. Birth, Neill, Mary Arabella
  3879. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bristol, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 102; Image: 107; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Residence, Cheney, Edmund W.
    2. Cheney, Edmund W.
  3880. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 859; Image: 409.
    1. Holmes, Luke Prier
    2. Residence, Holmes, Luke Prier
  3881. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bangor, Marshall, Iowa; Roll: M653_335; Page: 129; Image: 571; Family History Library Film: 803335
    1. Stoneman, Emily
  3882. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Randolph, North Carolina; Roll: M653_910; Page: 213; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 803910
    1. Birth, Crow, Ruth
    2. Crow, Ruth
  3883. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: M653_930; Page: 22; Image: 47; Family History Library Film: 803930
    1. Birth, Close, Alice A.
    2. Close, Alice A.
  3884. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: M653_22; Page: 667; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 803022
    1. Sturgis, Martha Elizabeth
  3885. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 100; Image: 100; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Ashlock, Thomas H.
    2. Residence, Ashlock, Thomas H.
  3886. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 3 E, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: M653_239; Page: 968; Image: 168; Family History Library Film: 803239
    1. Odle, Matilda E.
  3887. Year: 1860; Census Place: Livingston, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 289; Image: 590.
    1. Goodbar, Joseph Lafayette
  3888. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 N Range 2 W (North two-thirds), Montgomery, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 224; Image: 224.
    1. Residence, Whitten, Rebecca R.
    2. Whitten, Rebecca R.
  3889. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 244; Image: 498; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Wright, John H.
    2. Birth, Wright, John H.
  3890. Year: 1860; Census Place: Murrayville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 491; Image: 169; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Dinwiddle, Rebecca Ann
  3891. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Hickman, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 517; Image: 77.
    1. Chaney, Charles
    2. Residence, Chaney, Charles
  3892. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Robertson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 303; Image: 103.
    1. Crow, Sarah A.
  3893. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Monroe, Mississippi; Roll: M653_587; Page: 458; Image: 462; Family History Library Film: 803587
    1. Shaw, William Mansfield
    2. Age: 46
  3894. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mendocino, Sonoma, California; Roll: ; Page: 459; Image: 459.
    1. Keys, Richard Riley
    2. Residence, Keys, Richard Riley
  3895. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 721; Image: 279.
    1. Residence, Wilkey, Jonathan Jackson
    2. Wilkey, Jonathan Jackson
  3896. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana; Roll: M653_300; Page: 820; Family History Library Film: 803300
    1. Residence, Mott, Mary Ann "Lucretia"
    2. Mott, Mary Ann "Lucretia"
  3897. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Marys, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 342; Image: 86; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Saddler, Mary Jane
    2. Residence, Saddler, Mary Jane
  3898. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Cocke, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1244; Page: 472; Image: 459; Family History Library Film: 805244
    1. Millikan, Cynthia
  3899. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fort Madison, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 608; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Forgey, James Allen
    2. Birth, Forgey, James Allen
  3900. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 688.
    1. Masters, Nancy
  3901. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_499; Page: 54; Image: 55; Family History Library Film: 803499
    1. Cheney, David J.
    2. Birth, Cheney, David J.
  3902. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 119; Image: 247.
    1. Residence, Jones, Martha Patsy
    2. Jones, Martha Patsy
  3903. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 710; Image: 260; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Residence, Wilburn, Lavina V.
    2. Wilburn, Lavina V.
  3904. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carolina, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_353; Page: 382; Image: 382; Family History Library Film: 803353
    1. Ritchey, Mary
  3905. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 35; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Residence Post Office: Plenitude
    2. Holmes, Sarah Angie
  3906. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Frieze, Sarah C.
  3907. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Jefferson, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 712; Image: 218.
    1. Thompson, Sarah Ann
  3908. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 894; Image: 146.
    1. Goodpasture, Jefferson Dillard
  3909. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 444; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Residence, Curry, William Charlton
    2. Curry, William Charlton
  3910. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 253; Image: 516.
    1. Butler, Mahala A.
    2. Residence, Butler, Mahala A.
  3911. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hot Spring, Napa, California; Roll: ; Page: 28; Image: 28.
    1. Residence, Butler, Mary A. "Polly"
    2. Butler, Mary A. "Polly"
  3912. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_25; Page: 255; Image: 257; Family History Library Film: 803025
    1. Wyndham, Nancy
    2. Birth, Wyndham, Nancy
  3913. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 624; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Van Note, Martha Malissa "Mattie"
    2. Van Note, Martha Malissa "Mattie"
  3914. Year: 1860; Census Place: San Augustine, San Augustine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 352; Image: 335; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Fitzgerald, John Calvin
    2. Residence, Fitzgerald, John Calvin
  3915. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Mitchell, Sarah Ann
  3916. Year: 1860; Census Place: Princeton, Green Lake, Wisconsin; Roll: M653_1410; Page: 1081; Family History Library Film: 805410
    1. Cook, Milan G.
    2. Residence Post Office: Princeton
  3917. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Howell, Julia Ann
    2. Birth, Howell, Julia Ann
  3918. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 610; Image: 18; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Louthan, James Thomas
  3919. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 3, Mariposa, California; Roll: M653_60; Page: 616; Image: 80; Family History Library Film: 803060
    1. Lewis, Jacob
    2. Residence, Lewis, Jacob
  3920. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 150; Image: 150.
    1. Residence, Fowler, Elizabeth " Betsy"
    2. Fowler, Elizabeth " Betsy"
  3921. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1268; Page: 358; Image: 139; Family History Library Film: 805268
    1. Porter, James G.
    2. Residence, Porter, James G.
  3922. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Crawford, Arkansas; Roll: M653_40; Page: 629; Image: 35; Family History Library Film: 803040
    1. Ross, Elizabeth Rice
    2. Birth, Ross, Elizabeth Rice
  3923. Year: 1860; Census Place: Springfield, Greene, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 749; Image: 523.
    1. Residence, Sabin, Marian
    2. Sabin, Marian
  3924. Year: 1860; Census Place: Freetown, Cortland, New York; Roll: ; Page: 484; Image: 483.
    1. Residence, Tanner, George W.
    2. Tanner, George W.
  3925. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Cranford, Elizabeth Druhamy
    2. Residence, Cranford, Elizabeth Druhamy
  3926. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 696; Image: 244; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Residence, Hudson, Harris Wheat
    2. Hudson, Harris Wheat
  3927. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Conway, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 583; Image: 585.
    1. Crow, Nancy Rosanna
    2. Residence, Crow, Nancy Rosanna
  3928. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 36; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Residence Post Office: Plenitude
    2. Holmes, Susan Callie
  3929. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 795; Image: 473; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Adair, Elizabeth J.
    2. Residence, Adair, Elizabeth J.
  3930. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Grainger, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1250; Page: 405; Image: 427; Family History Library Film: 805250
    1. Bull, Hannah
  3931. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 74; Image: 155.
    1. Whitwell, William Carroll
  3932. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 251; Image: 507; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Egbert, David F.
    2. Birth, Egbert, David F.
  3933. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 32; Image: 67; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Birth, Galbreath, William Harrison
    2. Galbreath, William Harrison
  3934. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Casey, Kentucky; Roll: M653_361; Page: 388; Image: 388; Family History Library Film: 803361
    1. Richardson, Thomas W.
  3935. Year: 1860; Census Place: North Division, Robeson, North Carolina; Roll: M653_911; Page: 453; Image: 245; Family History Library Film: 803911
    1. Jordan, William Miles
  3936. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 499; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Chaney, William C.
    2. Residence, Chaney, William C.
  3937. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1268; Page: 334; Image: 92; Family History Library Film: 805268
    1. Whitwell, Rebecca Caroline
  3938. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 26; Image: 57; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Residence, Sizemore, Tabitha
    2. Sizemore, Tabitha
  3939. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lavaca, Lavaca, Texas; Roll: M653_1299; Page: 190; Family History Library Film: 805299
    1. Residence Post Office: Hallettsville
    2. Chambliss, Mary Rutledge
  3940. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Thompson, Elizabeth "Betty"
    2. Age: 61
  3941. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Lee, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 707.
    1. Kempker, John Henry
    2. Birth, Kempker, John Henry
  3942. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 58 Range 22, Linn, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 739; Image: 139.
    1. Harryman, Nancy E.
    2. Birth, Harryman, Nancy E.
  3943. Year: 1860; Census Place: N W Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 750; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Birth, McCracken, William Hall
    2. McCracken, William Hall
  3944. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 512; Image: 377; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Potter, Nancy Elizabeth
  3945. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 8, Shelby, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 419; Image: 471; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Reeves, William Allen
    2. Residence, Reeves, William Allen
  3946. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dinsmore, Shelby, Ohio; Roll: M653_1036; Page: 323; Image: 93; Family History Library Film: 805036
    1. Birth, Iames, Elenora
    2. Iames, Elenora
  3947. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Cobb, Georgia; Roll: M653_117; Page: 400; Image: 400; Family History Library Film: 803117
    1. Masters, Charlotte
  3948. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 765; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Claypool, Elizabeth "Betty"
    2. Claypool, Elizabeth "Betty"
  3949. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Jackson, Louisiana; Roll: ; Page: 430; Image: 450.
    1. Walsworth, Catherine Elizabeth
  3950. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Knox, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1259; Page: 147; Image: 306; Family History Library Film: 805259
    1. Mynatt, Martin Lynnville
  3951. Year: 1860; Census Place: Woodstock, Cherokee, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 822; Image: 296.
    1. Birth, Tallent, Margaret
    2. Tallent, Margaret
  3952. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 36; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Henson, Sarah Jane
  3953. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Clair, Butler, Ohio; Page: 338; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Birth, Anderson, Alberta J.
    2. Anderson, Alberta J.
  3954. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 140; Image: 289.
    1. Eldridge, Susan Jane
    2. Birth, Eldridge, Susan Jane
  3955. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Carter, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1242; Page: 393; Image: 224; Family History Library Film: 805242
    1. Potter, Mary Ann
    2. Birth, Potter, Mary Ann
  3956. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 64, Gentry, Missouri; Roll: M653_620; Page: 844; Image: 198; Family History Library Film: 803620
    1. Hill, Franklin Harris
  3957. Year: 1860; Census Place: Livingston, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 289; Image: 590.
    1. Goodbar, Joseph Lafayette
    2. Residence, Goodbar, Joseph Lafayette
  3958. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hartland, Huron, Ohio; Roll: M653_991; Page: 303; Image: 242; Family History Library Film: 803991
    1. Phillips, Luke
  3959. Year: 1860; Census Place: Miami, Lykins, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 248; Image: 248.
    1. Doud, Pricilla May
  3960. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 16, Jackson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 327; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Masters, Pyrilla
    2. Birth, Masters, Pyrilla
  3961. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 24; Image: 54; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Birth, Brown, Jesse
    2. Brown, Jesse
  3962. Year: 1860; Census Place: Alexandria, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 138; Image: 143; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Birth, Haynes, Rebecca B.
    2. Haynes, Rebecca B.
  3963. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jasper, Texas; Roll: M653_1298; Page: 408; Family History Library Film: 805298
    1. Residence, Mitchell, Margaret Alabama
    2. Mitchell, Margaret Alabama
  3964. Year: 1860; Census Place: Linn, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 324; Image: 652; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Adair, Isabel Ann
  3965. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gainesville, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_353; Page: 329; Image: 329; Family History Library Film: 803353
    1. Birth, Morehead, John W.
    2. Morehead, John W.
  3966. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 808; Image: 486; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Claypool, Stephen
    2. Claypool, Stephen
  3967. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 691; Image: 253; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Residence, Carter, Frances "Fannie"
    2. Carter, Frances "Fannie"
  3968. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 457; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Angelo, James Martin
    2. Residence, Angelo, James Martin
  3969. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 20 Range 7, Mason, Illinois; Page: 571; Family History Library Film: 803210
    1. Residence Post Office: Walker Grove
    2. Dobson, Mason
  3970. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 756; Image: 434.
    1. Claypoole, John Whitten
  3971. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 1, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: M653_647; Page: 366; Image: 365; Family History Library Film: 803647
    1. Residence, Dettmar, Emma Barbara
    2. Dettmar, Emma Barbara
  3972. Year: 1860; Census Place: Unionville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 543; Image: 157.
    1. Bray, Augusta Emmaline
  3973. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1, Merced, California; Roll: M653_60; Page: 902; Family History Library Film: 803060
    1. Lewis, David Eason
    2. Residence Post Office: Snelling
  3974. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: M653_1013; Page: 96; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805013
    1. Searls, Melvina
  3975. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 13 Range 12, Scott, Illinois; Roll: M653_227; Page: 993; Image: 169; Family History Library Film: 803227
    1. Peak, Samuel "Bird"
  3976. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bloomfield, Fillmore, Minnesota; Page: 274; Family History Library Film: 803569
    1. Rundell, Ida E.
  3977. Year: 1860; Census Place: Green, Platte, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 763; Image: 250.
    1. Cravens, Alice Rebecca
    2. Birth, Cravens, Alice Rebecca
  3978. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mill Creek, Franklin, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 338; Image: 338.
    1. Residence, Jones, Wiley
    2. Jones, Wiley
  3979. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hamilton, Butler, Ohio; Page: 418; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. A twin
    2. Louthan, John Albert
  3980. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 214; Image: 437; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Cullom, Sarah Ann
    2. Cullom, Sarah Ann
  3981. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Subdivision, Giles, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1251; Page: 195; Image: 393; Family History Library Film: 805251
    1. Sparkman, Louisa Maria
  3982. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 755; Image: 433.
    1. Claypool, Easton T.
  3983. Year: 1860; Census Place: Taylor, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 673; Image: 673; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Residence, Adams, Ann
    2. Adams, Ann
  3984. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 696; Image: 244; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Holmes, Margaret Lavinia
    2. Birth, Holmes, Margaret Lavinia
  3985. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 688.
    1. Carter, Nathan
  3986. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 624; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Van Note, Jacob
    2. Age in 1860: 55
  3987. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 894; Image: 146.
    1. Birth, Goodpasture, Sarah Elizabeth
    2. Goodpasture, Sarah Elizabeth
  3988. Year: 1860; Census Place: Rock Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 635; Image: 381.
    1. Jones, William
  3989. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 696; Image: 244; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Holmes, Samuel Boyd
    2. Residence, Holmes, Samuel Boyd
  3990. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carrrollton, Carroll, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 393; Image: 395.
    1. Carneal, John Goodlear
  3991. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 247.
    1. Holmes, William Rufus "Bud"
  3992. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 407; Image: 21; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Crow, Scott Theophuis Lameroux (Name Change)
    2. Birth, Crow, Scott Theophuis Lameroux (Name Change)
  3993. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Frederick, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 707; Image: 363; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Chrisman, John Henry
  3994. Year: 1860; Census Place: Amherst, Lorain, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 319; Image: 278.
    1. Williams, Matilda
    2. Birth, Williams, Matilda
  3995. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 388; Image: 398; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Age: 12
    2. Riggs, Samuel Henderson
  3996. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Owen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_391; Page: 91; Family History Library Film: 803391
    1. Claypool, Lutitia
    2. Residence, Claypool, Lutitia
  3997. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana; Roll: M653_300; Page: 820; Family History Library Film: 803300
    1. Mott, Mary Ann "Lucretia"
  3998. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 97; Image: 97; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Crawford, Thomas Reynolds
  3999. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Morris, Elmartha C.
  4000. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Shelby, Kentucky; Roll: M653_395; Page: 198; Image: 198; Family History Library Film: 803395
    1. Wells, Nathan
  4001. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 614; Image: 292; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Seymour, Sarah E. "Nettie"
    2. Residence, Seymour, Sarah E. "Nettie"
  4002. Year: 1860; Census Place: Green, Platte, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 763; Image: 250.
    1. Birth, Hampton, Elijah F
    2. Hampton, Elijah F
  4003. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Lafayette, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 631; Image: 281.
    1. Neill, Mary D.
  4004. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 13, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 85; Image: 177; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Nichols, Margaret
    2. Residence, Nichols, Margaret
  4005. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 721; Image: 279; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Wilkey, Sarah Catherine
    2. Birth, Wilkey, Sarah Catherine
  4006. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Putnam, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 95; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. McGee, Mary Jane
  4007. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 622; Image: 26; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Birth, Masters, Edwin Luther
    2. Masters, Edwin Luther
  4008. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 36; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Residence Post Office: Plenitude
    2. Holmes, U. J.
  4009. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dudley, Hardin, Ohio; Roll: M653_983; Page: 346; Image: 105; Family History Library Film: 803983
    1. Manley, Thomas
    2. Residence, Manley, Thomas
  4010. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 22; Image: 50; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Stapleton, James
  4011. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 S Range 10 W, Monroe, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 166; Image: 166.
    1. Birth, Culli, Carolina
    2. Culli, Carolina
  4012. Year: 1860; Census Place: Macon, Illinois; Roll: M653_203; Page: 809; Image: 243; Family History Library Film: 803203
    1. Whorton, Elizabeth Isabell
    2. Residence, Whorton, Elizabeth Isabell
  4013. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Alleghany, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 82; Image: 86.
    1. Hoylman, William T.
    2. Residence, Hoylman, William T.
  4014. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lebanon, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 212; Image: 427; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Birth, Van Note, Mary Jane
    2. Van Note, Mary Jane
  4015. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fox River, Davis, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 385.
    1. Wyant, Mary Polly
  4016. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pilot Grove, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 691; Image: 437.
    1. Residence, Haggard, Harriet C.
    2. Haggard, Harriet C.
  4017. Year: 1860; Census Place: Augusta, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 808; Image: 554; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Bowman, William Sturgis
    2. Birth, Bowman, William Sturgis
  4018. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 629; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Lankford, Benjamin Seth
  4019. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Bullitt, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 716; Image: 319.
    1. Wilson, Upton
    2. Residence, Wilson, Upton
  4020. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Cobb, Georgia; Roll: M653_117; Page: 400; Image: 400; Family History Library Film: 803117
    1. Residence, Masters, Charlotte
    2. Masters, Charlotte
  4021. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 202; Image: 413; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Savage, Robert Henderson "Hadner"
    2. Savage, Robert Henderson "Hadner"
  4022. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 600; Image: 278; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sevier, Ananais Davidson
  4023. Year: 1860; Census Place: El Monte, Los Angeles, California; Roll: ; Page: 249; Image: 249.
    1. Birth, Guess, Harriet Newell
    2. Guess, Harriet Newell
  4024. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 620; Image: 618; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Coons, James Harvey
  4025. Year: 1860; Census Place: Boone, Greene, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 271; Image: 271.
    1. Residence, Christian, Rebecca Melinda
    2. Christian, Rebecca Melinda
  4026. Year: 1860; Census Place: Buena Vista, Jasper, Iowa; Roll: M653_325; Page: 59; Image: 387; Family History Library Film: 803325
    1. Residence, Likins, Leonard
    2. Likins, Leonard
  4027. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carolina, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_353; Page: 392; Image: 392; Family History Library Film: 803353
    1. Jewell, William David
    2. Birth, Jewell, William David
  4028. Year: 1860; Census Place: Griggsville, Pike, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 14.
    1. Elledge, Alice Medora
  4029. Year: 1860; Census Place: White, Georgia; Roll: M653_140; Page: 491; Image: 491; Family History Library Film: 803140
    1. Franks, Nancy
  4030. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Maries, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 592; Image: 88.
    1. Howard, Rebecca
  4031. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 764; Image: 442.
    1. Claypool, Eleanor "Ellen" Scott
    2. Residence, Claypool, Eleanor "Ellen" Scott
  4032. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 36; Image: 76.
    1. Burk, Sarah
  4033. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 722; Image: 280.
    1. Castleberry, Elizabeth
  4034. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 155; Image: 317.
    1. Residence, Cain, Thomas Benjamin
    2. Cain, Thomas Benjamin
  4035. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Pike, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 921; Image: 495.
    1. Burress, Mary Ann
  4036. Year: 1860; Census Place: Panola, Mississippi; Roll: M653_589; Page: 162; Family History Library Film: 803589
    1. Lawson, Rachel
  4037. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 477; Image: 307; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Galbraith, James
  4038. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_224; Page: 429; Image: 428; Family History Library Film: 803224
    1. Birth, Christ, Nicolaus
    2. Christ, Nicolaus
  4039. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Birth, Cranford, Newton Middleton
    2. Cranford, Newton Middleton
  4040. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Thompson, Elizabeth "Betty"
    2. Birth, Thompson, Elizabeth "Betty"
  4041. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 N Range 7 W, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 785; Image: 22.
    1. Worms, Joseph
  4042. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 9, Jackson, Tennessee; Page: 328; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Masters, Sarah
  4043. Year: 1860; Census Place: Freetown, Cortland, New York; Roll: ; Page: 484; Image: 483.
    1. Tanner, George W.
  4044. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 646; Image: 324; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Palmer, Moses N.
    2. Age in 1860: 21
  4045. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 236; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Forgey, Martha M.
    2. Birth, Forgey, Martha M.
  4046. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 217; Image: 216.
    1. Birth, Ashlock, William
    2. Ashlock, William
  4047. Year: 1860; Census Place: High Forest, Olmsted, Minnesota; Roll: M653_572; Page: 676; Image: 263; Family History Library Film: 803572
    1. Birth, Naylor, Joseph Seeley
    2. Naylor, Joseph Seeley
  4048. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 388; Image: 398; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Riggs, Caswell Chaney Dr.
  4049. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 499; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Chaney, Catherine
  4050. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 N 5 W, Henderson, Illinois; Roll: M653_181; Page: 502; Image: 502; Family History Library Film: 803181
    1. Age in 1860: 16
    2. Spiker, Samuel Richard
  4051. Year: 1860; Census Place: Abbeville, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1212; Page: 94; Image: 192; Family History Library Film: 805212
    1. Cockburn, Francis
  4052. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 47; Image: 47; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Devin, Nathaniel Madison "Matt"
    2. Devin, Nathaniel Madison "Matt"
  4053. Year: 1860; Census Place: North Division, Robeson, North Carolina; Roll: M653_911; Page: 453; Image: 245; Family History Library Film: 803911
    1. Jordan, William Miles
    2. Birth, Jordan, William Miles
  4054. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 105; Image: 219; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Wilkey, Martha
  4055. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clark, Johnson, Arkansas; Roll: M653_44; Page: 943; Image: 449; Family History Library Film: 803044
    1. Spicer, Jacob N.
    2. Age in 1860: 35
  4056. Year: 1860; Census Place: Livingston, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 289; Image: 589.
    1. Goodpasture, Thomas
  4057. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 806; Image: 484.
    1. Birth, Carter, Walter H.
    2. Carter, Walter H.
  4058. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richhill, Greene, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 733; Image: 507.
    1. Newburn, Francis Julius Lemoyne
    2. Residence, Newburn, Francis Julius Lemoyne
  4059. Year: 1860; Census Place: Black, Posey, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 784; Image: 258.
    1. Birth, Woody, John Holmes
    2. Woody, John Holmes
  4060. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 667; Image: 193.
    1. Montgomery, Joseph B.
    2. Birth, Montgomery, Joseph B.
  4061. Year: 1860; Census Place: Alexandria, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 134; Image: 139; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Ballou, Laura C.
    2. Birth, Ballou, Laura C.
  4062. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hardin, Hardin, Iowa; Roll: M653_323; Page: 732; Image: 250; Family History Library Film: 803323
    1. Residence, Miller, Ann
    2. Miller, Ann
  4063. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richland, Vinton, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 219; Image: 22.
    1. Birth, Claypool, Alexander
    2. Claypool, Alexander
  4064. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 752; Image: 430.
    1. Dodd, Malinda F.
    2. Residence, Dodd, Malinda F.
  4065. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 202; Image: 413; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Margaret T.
    2. Residence, Masters, Margaret T.
  4066. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Butler, Mariah
  4067. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lavaca, Lavaca, Texas; Roll: M653_1299; Page: 190; Family History Library Film: 805299
    1. Chambliss, Mary Rutledge
    2. Birth, Chambliss, Mary Rutledge
  4068. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richland, Vinton, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 219; Image: 22.
    1. Birth, England, Elizabeth "Betsy"
    2. England, Elizabeth "Betsy"
  4069. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 1, Cass, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 351; Image: 15; Family History Library Film: 805290
    1. Penny, Hardy
    2. Birth, Penny, Hardy
  4070. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Cocke, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1244; Page: 472; Image: 459; Family History Library Film: 805244
    1. Residence, Morris, John
    2. Morris, John
  4071. Year: 1860; Census Place: North Division, Robeson, North Carolina; Roll: M653_911; Page: 453; Image: 245; Family History Library Film: 803911
    1. Birth, Page, Ann Eliza
    2. Page, Ann Eliza
  4072. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 754; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Whitten, Martha
  4073. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 14 Range 6 E, Moultrie, Illinois; Page: 1036; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Miller, John Martin Pvt.
  4074. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Howell, Sarah Jane
  4075. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 217; Image: 216.
    1. Ashlock, William
  4076. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 391; Image: 391.
    1. Ice, William Arthur
    2. Birth, Ice, William Arthur
  4077. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 756; Image: 434.
    1. Claypoole, Joseph R. W.
    2. Birth, Claypoole, Joseph R. W.
  4078. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 407; Image: 21; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Residence, Crow, Mary Jane
    2. Crow, Mary Jane
  4079. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 760; Image: 438; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Pearson, Mary Angeline
    2. Birth, Pearson, Mary Angeline
  4080. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 795; Image: 33.
    1. Cranford, John Calvin
    2. Birth, Cranford, John Calvin
  4081. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 178; Image: 365; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Allen, Hyram McGinnis
  4082. Year: 1860; Census Place: Livingston, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 289; Image: 590.
    1. Birth, Goodbar, Thomas Porter
    2. Goodbar, Thomas Porter
  4083. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 752; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Howell, Thomas E.
    2. Birth, Howell, Thomas E.
  4084. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 162; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Willeford, James C.
    2. Willeford, James C.
  4085. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bethany, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: M653_622; Page: 605; Image: 119; Family History Library Film: 803622
    1. Alley, Samuel Jay
    2. Residence, Alley, Samuel Jay
  4086. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Scott, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 511; Image: 525.
    1. Burnett, Jane
    2. Residence, Burnett, Jane
  4087. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bristol, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 102; Image: 107; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Johnson, Hannah U.
    2. Birth, Johnson, Hannah U.
  4088. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Mary Ann
  4089. Year: 1860; Census Place: Green, Platte, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 763; Image: 250.
    1. Hampton, Elijah F
  4090. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 499; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Chaney, William C.
  4091. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 205; Image: 418; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Woolsey, Samuel James
    2. Birth, Woolsey, Samuel James
  4092. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nelson, Virginia; Roll: M653_1365; Page: 846; Image: 378; Family History Library Film: 805365
    1. Residence, Manley, Jesse A.
    2. Manley, Jesse A.
  4093. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 770; Image: 8.
    1. Cranford, Nancy Emily
  4094. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Holmes, Mississippi; Roll: ; Page: 739; Image: 271.
    1. Wigley, Joseph
    2. Birth, Wigley, Joseph
  4095. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: M653_658; Page: 995; Image: 429; Family History Library Film: 803658
    1. Residence, Chaney, Benjamin Jackson
    2. Chaney, Benjamin Jackson
  4096. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 35, Jackson, Missouri; Roll: M653_625; Page: 173; Image: 173; Family History Library Film: 803625
    1. Ragan, Jacob
  4097. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Humphreys, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 121; Image: 249.
    1. Residence, Horner, Mary Jane
    2. Horner, Mary Jane
  4098. Year: 1860; Census Place: Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 513; Image: 515.
    1. Residence, Gottsch, Heinrich
    2. Gottsch, Heinrich
  4099. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newburyport Ward 5, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_496; Page: 498; Image: 502; Family History Library Film: 803496
    1. Residence, Cheney, Charles
    2. Cheney, Charles
  4100. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wabash, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 564; Image: 568; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Raines, Elijah
    2. Birth, Raines, Elijah
  4101. Year: 1860; Census Place: Linn, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 311; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Michael, Hannah
    2. Residence, Michael, Hannah
  4102. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Hamilton, Indiana; Roll: M653_263; Page: 302; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 803263
    1. Residence, White, Aletha Catherine
    2. White, Aletha Catherine
  4103. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 656; Image: 64; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Birth, Louthan, Anna Amanda
    2. Louthan, Anna Amanda
  4104. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Alleghany, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 11; Image: 15.
    1. Hoylman, Henry Clay
  4105. Year: 1860; Census Place: Somerset, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: M653_937; Page: 389; Image: 326; Family History Library Film: 803937
    1. Residence, Davies, Phariba
    2. Davies, Phariba
  4106. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Benton, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 423; Image: 425.
    1. Residence, Nail, Fox Taylor
    2. Nail, Fox Taylor
  4107. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Randolph, North Carolina; Page: 232; Family History Library Film: 803910
    1. Allen, John A.
  4108. Year: 1860; Census Place: DeSoto, Mississippi; Roll: M653_581; Page: 155; Family History Library Film: 803581
    1. Mitchell, James Boyd
  4109. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 199; Image: 408.
    1. Residence, Cullom, Verlinder
    2. Cullom, Verlinder
  4110. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 168; Image: 346; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Brown, Thomas Jefferson
    2. Brown, Thomas Jefferson
  4111. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Lafayette, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 631; Image: 281.
    1. Birth, Elliott, Sarah Ann "Sallie"
    2. Elliott, Sarah Ann "Sallie"
  4112. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Perry, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 351; Image: 125.
    1. Whitwell, Nancy
    2. Birth, Whitwell, Nancy
  4113. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round, Shelby, Iowa; Roll: M653_339; Page: 680; Image: 242; Family History Library Film: 803339
    1. Richards, Alice Elizabeth
  4114. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Residence, Hawn, Melinda
    2. Hawn, Melinda
  4115. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newburyport Ward 1, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_496; Page: 292; Image: 296; Family History Library Film: 803496
    1. Birth, Cheney, Moses S. B.
    2. Cheney, Moses S. B.
  4116. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Berrien, Michigan; Roll: M653_537; Page: 223; Image: 223; Family History Library Film: 803537
    1. Wilder, Oscar
    2. Birth, Wilder, Oscar
  4117. Year: 1860; Census Place: Indian Point, Knox, Illinois; Roll: M653_195; Page: 703; Image: 368; Family History Library Film: 803195
    1. Birth, Lomax, John H.
    2. Lomax, John H.
  4118. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 164; Image: 338; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Montreville B.
    2. Residence, Masters, Montreville B.
  4119. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 N Range 7 W, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 785; Image: 22.
    1. Worms, Joseph
    2. Birth, Worms, Joseph
  4120. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 852; Image: 530.
    1. Birth, Claypool, George W.
    2. Claypool, George W.
  4121. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richland, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 353; Image: 359; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Pence, Emanuel
    2. Birth, Pence, Emanuel
  4122. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 457; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Angelo, Julia Ann
  4123. Year: 1860; Census Place: Regiment 5, Pickens, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1225; Page: 190; Image: 385; Family History Library Film: 805225
    1. Birth, Hembree, Mary
    2. Hembree, Mary
  4124. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 624; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Young, Eliza
    2. Age in 1860: 52
  4125. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 150; Image: 150.
    1. Wright, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Wright, Mary Elizabeth
  4126. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 765; Image: 443; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Claypool, James Harrison
  4127. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wells, Jefferson, Ohio; Roll: M653_993; Page: 63; Image: 129; Family History Library Film: 803993
    1. McCann, James Homer
    2. Residence, McCann, James Homer
  4128. Year: 1860; Census Place: Radnor, Delaware, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 584; Image: 589.
    1. Crox, Henry A
    2. Residence, Crox, Henry A
  4129. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 155; Image: 317; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Lawson, Mary
    2. Lawson, Mary
  4130. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 429; Image: 270; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Forgey, Mary Catherine
    2. Residence, Forgey, Mary Catherine
  4131. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 995; Image: 429.
    1. Chaney, John G.
    2. Birth, Chaney, John G.
  4132. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 399; Image: 420.
    1. Residence, Jett, Robert Edwin
    2. Jett, Robert Edwin
  4133. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 150; Image: 150.
    1. Birth, Hall, Nancy C.
    2. Hall, Nancy C.
  4134. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fairview, Jasper, Iowa; Roll: M653_325; Page: 25; Image: 239; Family History Library Film: 803325
    1. Gifford, Manly
    2. Birth, Gifford, Manly
  4135. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 995; Image: 429.
    1. Residence, Chaney, Elisha Thomas
    2. Chaney, Elisha Thomas
  4136. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 478; Image: 309.
    1. Birth, Butler, Moses F.
    2. Butler, Moses F.
  4137. Year: 1860; Census Place: Morgan, Dade, Missouri; Roll: M653_617; Page: 148; Image: 152; Family History Library Film: 803617
    1. Butler, Moses Henry
    2. Birth, Butler, Moses Henry
  4138. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Spencer, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 17; Image: 481.
    1. Eastburn, Lois
    2. Birth, Eastburn, Lois
  4139. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Monroe, Mississippi; Roll: ; Page: 458; Image: 462.
    1. Butler, Angelina Boyd
  4140. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 22; Image: 50; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Residence, Stapleton, James
    2. Stapleton, James
  4141. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pleasant Grove, Coles, Illinois; Page: 349; Family History Library Film: 803171
    1. Kelly, Sarah Catherine "Kate"
    2. Birth, Kelly, Sarah Catherine "Kate"
  4142. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 859; Image: 409.
    1. Birth, Holmes, Gilliam Samuel
    2. Holmes, Gilliam Samuel
  4143. Year: 1860; Census Place: Columbia, Meigs, Ohio; Roll: M653_1008; Page: 336; Image: 675; Family History Library Film: 805008
    1. Searls, William Grant
    2. Age in 1860: 26
  4144. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 134; Image: 276.
    1. Birth, Williams, Robert
    2. Williams, Robert
  4145. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 18, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 460; Image: 336; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Pigg, Martha Delila
  4146. Year: 1860; Census Place: Alleghany, North Carolina; Roll: M653_886; Page: 186; Image: 371; Family History Library Film: 803886
    1. Residence, Davies, Ruth
    2. Davies, Ruth
  4147. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bear Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 417; Image: 161.
    1. Birth, King, Thomas Wiley
    2. King, Thomas Wiley
  4148. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 205; Image: 204; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Claypool, Elizabeth Ann
  4149. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 74; Image: 154.
    1. Birth, Whitwell, Jesse Curry
    2. Whitwell, Jesse Curry
  4150. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 391; Image: 391.
    1. Karr, Emily Matilda
    2. Residence, Karr, Emily Matilda
  4151. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 58 Range 22, Linn, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 739; Image: 139.
    1. Harryman, Nancy E.
  4152. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Cocke, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 397; Image: 303.
    1. Hawn, Catherine
    2. Residence, Hawn, Catherine
  4153. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Cocke, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1244; Page: 472; Image: 459; Family History Library Film: 805244
    1. Residence, Millikan, Cynthia
    2. Millikan, Cynthia
  4154. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 219; Image: 218; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Kennon, James William
    2. Residence, Kennon, James William
  4155. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 8, Shelby, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 419; Image: 471; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Residence, Beall, Elizabeth Thornton
    2. Beall, Elizabeth Thornton
  4156. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 19, Knox, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1259; Page: 326; Family History Library Film: 805259
    1. Coram, John Sherman
    2. Birth, Coram, John Sherman
  4157. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 688.
    1. Birth, Carter, Nathan
    2. Carter, Nathan
  4158. Year: 1860; Census Place: Red Rock, Marion, Iowa; Roll: M653_335; Page: 156; Image: 160; Family History Library Film: 803335
    1. Alley, Elihu
  4159. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 2, Morgan, Kentucky; Roll: M653_388; Page: 329; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 803388
    1. Residence, McKinney, Virginia
    2. McKinney, Virginia
  4160. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 16, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 48; Image: 46; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Frazee, Samuel S.
    2. Residence, Frazee, Samuel S.
  4161. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 236; Image: 478; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Forgey, Hugh
    2. Residence, Forgey, Hugh
  4162. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 233; Image: 477; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Age: 20
    2. Quarls, Margaret
  4163. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 172; Image: 353; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Birth, Chumley, Elizabeth Jane
    2. Chumley, Elizabeth Jane
  4164. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Page: 166; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Freeze, Elizabeth Ann
    2. Residence Post Office: Hilham
  4165. Year: 1860; Census Place: Macon, Illinois; Roll: M653_203; Page: 809; Image: 243; Family History Library Film: 803203
    1. Masters, John
  4166. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 446; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Residence, Frank, Adaline
    2. Frank, Adaline
  4167. Year: 1860; Census Place: Graves, Kentucky; Roll: M653_369; Page: 85; Image: 85; Family History Library Film: 803369
    1. Simpson, Georgia Ann
    2. Age in 1860: 2
  4168. Year: 1860; Census Place: Canton, Benton, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 810; Image: 424.
    1. Residence, Greaser, Mariah
    2. Greaser, Mariah
  4169. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Randolph, North Carolina; Roll: M653_910; Page: 213; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 803910
    1. Crow, Ruth
  4170. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Side of The NC RR, Orange, North Carolina; Roll: ; Page: 559; Image: 560.
    1. Holmes, Nicholas Gibbs
    2. Birth, Holmes, Nicholas Gibbs
  4171. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 457; Image: 330; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Alderson, Fidelia
    2. Residence, Alderson, Fidelia
  4172. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 N Range 2 W (North two-thirds), Montgomery, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 224; Image: 224.
    1. Residence, Whitten, Sarah A.
    2. Whitten, Sarah A.
  4173. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 24; Image: 25.
    1. Residence, Ettling, Conrad
    2. Ettling, Conrad
  4174. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 399; Image: 420.
    1. Residence, Clayton, Lucretia Trecy
    2. Clayton, Lucretia Trecy
  4175. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Crow, Samuel Marion William
    2. Birth, Crow, Samuel Marion William
  4176. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 576; Image: 578; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Gill, Martha Jane
  4177. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 155; Image: 317; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Isaac Gore Lt.
  4178. Year: 1860; Census Place: North Salem, Hendricks, Indiana; Roll: M653_265; Page: 863; Image: 389; Family History Library Film: 803265
    1. Residence, Claypool, Eleanor "Nelley"
    2. Claypool, Eleanor "Nelley"
  4179. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marshall, Virginia; Roll: M653_1360; Page: 329; Image: 337; Family History Library Film: 805360
    1. Birth, Parsons, Vincent
    2. Parsons, Vincent
  4180. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 97; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. White, Andrew F.
  4181. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bethany, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: M653_622; Page: 618; Image: 132; Family History Library Film: 803622
    1. Allen, Stephen Copeland
  4182. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 S Range 10 W, Monroe, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 166; Image: 166.
    1. Residence, Culli, Carolina
    2. Culli, Carolina
  4183. Year: 1860; Census Place: Union, Montgomery, Indiana; Roll: M653_283; Page: 293; Image: 297; Family History Library Film: 803283
    1. Age: 21
    2. Phillips, Sidney S.
  4184. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 407; Image: 21; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Crow, Samuel E.
  4185. Year: 1860; Census Place: Butler, Kentucky; Roll: M653_358; Page: 955; Image: 555; Family History Library Film: 803358
    1. Birth, Sharer, James Burgess
    2. Sharer, James Burgess
  4186. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Fork, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 795; Image: 321.
    1. Rutherford, Joseph M.
  4187. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 327; Image: 333.
    1. Chaney, Abel A.
    2. Birth, Chaney, Abel A.
  4188. Year: 1860; Census Place: Elbert District, Elbert, Georgia; Roll: M653_120; Page: 757; Image: 218; Family History Library Film: 803120
    1. Staples, Lucy
    2. Birth, Staples, Lucy
  4189. Year: 1860; Census Place: Funkstown, Washington, Maryland; Roll: ; Page: 651; Image: 371.
    1. Eastburn, Sara Ann Nelson
    2. Birth, Eastburn, Sara Ann Nelson
  4190. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bare Creek, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 335; Image: 300; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Residence, Watkins, Mary Ann
    2. Watkins, Mary Ann
  4191. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 407; Image: 21; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Birth, Crow, John William
    2. Crow, John William
  4192. Year: 1860; Census Place: War Eagle, Madison, Arkansas; Roll: M653_45; Page: 527; Image: 527; Family History Library Film: 803045
    1. Hudson, Nancy Elizabeth
  4193. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 2, Morgan, Kentucky; Roll: M653_388; Page: 329; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 803388
    1. Birth, McKinney, Virginia
    2. McKinney, Virginia
  4194. Year: 1860; Census Place: Russell, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: ; Page: 16; Image: 21.
    1. Residence, Fanning, Zerviah Sophia
    2. Fanning, Zerviah Sophia
  4195. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 756; Image: 434.
    1. Claypoole, George Perry
    2. Birth, Claypoole, George Perry
  4196. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 18, Madison, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1263; Page: 206; Image: 415; Family History Library Film: 805263
    1. Dungan, Parthenia Ann Elizabeth
  4197. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Adair, Missouri; Roll: M653_605; Page: 54; Image: 58; Family History Library Film: 803605
    1. Jones, Mary Elizabeth
  4198. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Lafayette, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 631; Image: 281.
    1. Neill, Hyman G.
    2. Birth, Neill, Hyman G.
  4199. Year: 1860; Census Place: Riley, Yell, Arkansas; Roll: M653_52; Page: 1069; Image: 597; Family History Library Film: 803052
    1. McBride, Lucinda Caroline
  4200. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 27; Image: 58.
    1. Burk, William T.
  4201. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 808; Image: 486; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Roberson, Elizabeth F.
    2. Residence, Roberson, Elizabeth F.
  4202. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 452; Image: 320; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Oliphant, Araminta J.
    2. Birth, Oliphant, Araminta J.
  4203. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 27; Image: 58.
    1. Burk, William W.
    2. Residence, Burk, William W.
  4204. Year: 1860; Census Place: Northern Division, Spartanburg, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1226; Page: 226; Image: 66; Family History Library Film: 805226
    1. Residence, Fitzgerald, Matthew Vannerson
    2. Fitzgerald, Matthew Vannerson
  4205. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 3 E, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: M653_239; Page: 968; Image: 168; Family History Library Film: 803239
    1. Residence, Odle, Matilda E.
    2. Odle, Matilda E.
  4206. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 7, Frederick, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 666; Image: 320; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Birth, Williams, Ellen Francis Melborn
    2. Williams, Ellen Francis Melborn
  4207. Year: 1860; Census Place: Alleghany, North Carolina; Roll: M653_886; Page: 186; Image: 371; Family History Library Film: 803886
    1. Davies, Ruth
  4208. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 16; Image: 36.
    1. Close, Albert
    2. Residence, Close, Albert
  4209. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 501; Image: 354; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Duncan, Craven
    2. Residence, Duncan, Craven
  4210. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 100; Image: 100.
    1. Forgey, Mary Fidelia
  4211. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 455; Image: 531.
    1. Chaney, Tabitha S.
  4212. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 238; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Forgey, Thomas Newton
  4213. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Illinois; Roll: M653_163; Page: 767; Image: 137; Family History Library Film: 803163
    1. Dettmar, Emma Barbara
  4214. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 322; Image: 274; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Morris, William Gideon
  4215. Year: 1860; Census Place: Buena Vista, Jasper, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 59; Image: 387.
    1. Carter, Ruth
    2. Residence, Carter, Ruth
  4216. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Blount, Alabama; Roll: M653_2; Page: 1010; Image: 364; Family History Library Film: 803002
    1. Birth, Chaney, George Washington
    2. Chaney, George Washington
  4217. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 429; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Rasor, Henry Harrison
    2. Birth, Rasor, Henry Harrison
  4218. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 203; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Mitchell, William Yarborough Higgins
    2. Residence, Mitchell, William Yarborough Higgins
  4219. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 755; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Thomas, Martha Ann "Patsy"
  4220. Year: 1860; Census Place: High Forest, Olmsted, Minnesota; Roll: M653_572; Page: 676; Image: 263; Family History Library Film: 803572
    1. Naylor, Joseph C.
  4221. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 236; Image: 235.
    1. Birth, Fatherlee, Rebecca
    2. Fatherlee, Rebecca
  4222. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 18 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: M653_205; Page: 910; Image: 162; Family History Library Film: 803205
    1. Residence, Graham, John Christopher
    2. Graham, John Christopher
  4223. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newburyport Ward 5, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_496; Page: 498; Image: 502; Family History Library Film: 803496
    1. Cheney, Charles
    2. Birth, Cheney, Charles
  4224. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: M653_658; Page: 1000; Family History Library Film: 803658
    1. Roper, Laura Emerald
    2. Residence, Roper, Laura Emerald
  4225. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center, Dade, Missouri; Roll: M653_617; Page: 83; Image: 87; Family History Library Film: 803617
    1. Stockard, Eleanor
  4226. Year: 1860; Census Place: New Castle Hundred, New Castle, Delaware; Roll: ; Page: 148; Image: 149.
    1. Birth, Harris, Louisa
    2. Harris, Louisa
  4227. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Residence, Mitchell, Mary
    2. Mitchell, Mary
  4228. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round, Shelby, Iowa; Roll: M653_339; Page: 680; Image: 242; Family History Library Film: 803339
    1. Birth, Richards, Alice Elizabeth
    2. Richards, Alice Elizabeth
  4229. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 446; Image: 513.
    1. Frank, George Henegar
  4230. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fairview, Jasper, Iowa; Roll: M653_325; Page: 25; Image: 239; Family History Library Film: 803325
    1. Gifford, Manly
  4231. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 10 Range 4, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: M653_239; Page: 1104; Image: 304; Family History Library Film: 803239
    1. Birth, Parks, Charles L.
    2. Parks, Charles L.
  4232. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 686; Image: 684; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Residence, Masters, Chauncy Monroe
    2. Masters, Chauncy Monroe
  4233. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Residence, Mitchell, John Wesley
    2. Mitchell, John Wesley
  4234. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Shakopee, Scott, Minnesota; Roll: M653_574; Page: 679; Image: 101; Family History Library Film: 803574
    1. Birth, Davis, Benjamin Franklin
    2. Davis, Benjamin Franklin
  4235. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Greenbrier, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 426; Image: 434.
    1. Hoylman, Lycurgus Marshall
    2. Birth, Hoylman, Lycurgus Marshall
  4236. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 247.
    1. Birth, Forgey, Artemissa Emeline
    2. Forgey, Artemissa Emeline
  4237. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 511; Image: 374.
    1. Hawn, Nathaniel Conrad
  4238. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_499; Page: 54; Image: 55; Family History Library Film: 803499
    1. Birth, Cheney, William P.
    2. Cheney, William P.
  4239. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 215; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Watkins, Sarah Jane
  4240. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 4 Range 8, Clay, Illinois; Roll: M653_162; Page: 526; Image: 526; Family History Library Film: 803162
    1. Stanley, Susan Frances
  4241. Year: 1860; Census Place: York, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1228; Page: 426; Family History Library Film: 805228
    1. Birth, Shillinglaw, Margaret Girardin
    2. Shillinglaw, Margaret Girardin
  4242. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pilot Grove, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 436.
    1. Jones, Thomas Jackson
    2. Residence, Jones, Thomas Jackson
  4243. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 25; Image: 56; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Birth, Brown, Matilda S.
    2. Brown, Matilda S.
  4244. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 176; Image: 359.
    1. Gibson, Lorinda
  4245. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Daviess, Missouri; Roll: M653_617; Page: 449; Image: 453; Family History Library Film: 803617
    1. McDaniel, James Russell
  4246. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Kennon, Lee
  4247. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 457; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Angelo, Julia Ann
    2. Residence, Angelo, Julia Ann
  4248. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Subdivision, Henrico, Virginia; Roll: M653_1353; Page: 1043; Image: 605; Family History Library Film: 805353
    1. Nuckols, Jacob Woodson
    2. Residence, Nuckols, Jacob Woodson
  4249. Year: 1860; Census Place: York, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1228; Page: 426; Image: 261; Family History Library Film: 805228
    1. Sturgis, William
  4250. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 164; Image: 338; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, William Jordan
    2. Residence, Masters, William Jordan
  4251. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 693; Image: 371; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Mitchell, Minerva Ann
    2. Birth, Mitchell, Minerva Ann
  4252. Year: 1860; Census Place: Baughman, Wayne, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 393; Image: 373.
    1. Conrad, John
  4253. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, De Kalb, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1247; Page: 195; Image: 396; Family History Library Film: 805247
    1. Kelley, William
    2. Birth, Kelley, William
  4254. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hamilton, Butler, Ohio; Roll: M653_941; Page: 418; Image: 402; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Louthan, Henderson
    2. Residence, Louthan, Henderson
  4255. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grand River, Livingston, Missouri; Roll: M653_630; Page: 818; Family History Library Film: 803630
    1. Munro, William Porter
  4256. Year: 1860; Census Place: Chariton, Randolph, Missouri; Roll: M653_642; Page: 770; Image: 186; Family History Library Film: 803642
    1. Carter, James Kerfoot
  4257. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 217; Image: 216.
    1. Residence, Ashlock, William
    2. Ashlock, William
  4258. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Williamson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 124; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Residence, Prowell, Sarah Elizabeth
    2. Prowell, Sarah Elizabeth
  4259. Year: 1860; Census Place: Russell, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: ; Page: 53; Image: 58.
    1. Fanning, Eliza Samantha
    2. Residence, Fanning, Eliza Samantha
  4260. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 859; Image: 409.
    1. Holmes, Robert Enos
    2. Residence, Holmes, Robert Enos
  4261. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dinsmore, Shelby, Ohio; Roll: M653_1036; Page: 323; Image: 93; Family History Library Film: 805036
    1. Scott, Absolom
    2. Birth, Scott, Absolom
  4262. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 588; Image: 202; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Peek, Sarah Ann
  4263. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 582; Image: 584; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Sturgis, Margaret Melinda
  4264. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 697; Image: 245; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Holmes, Robert John
  4265. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Crow, James Pleasant
  4266. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, White, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 81; Image: 169; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. McKinney, Jane
  4267. Year: 1860; Census Place: New Orleans Ward 3, Orleans, Louisiana; Roll: M653_417; Page: 462; Image: 462; Family History Library Film: 803417
    1. Residence, Morris, Minerva Jane
    2. Morris, Minerva Jane
  4268. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pike, Mississippi; Roll: M653_589; Page: 367; Image: 373; Family History Library Film: 803589
    1. Age in 1860: 41
    2. Tubb, Sidie Emmaline
  4269. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 444; Image: 509; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Witt, Nancy Elvira
    2. Birth, Witt, Nancy Elvira
  4270. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jessamine, Kentucky; Roll: M653_378; Page: 142; Image: 142; Family History Library Film: 803378
    1. Todhunter, Ryland Taylor
  4271. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gainesville, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_353; Page: 329; Image: 329; Family History Library Film: 803353
    1. Morehead, John W.
  4272. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Residence, Grant, Samuel S.
    2. Grant, Samuel S.
  4273. Year: 1860; Census Place: Regiment 4, Anderson, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1212; Page: 244; Image: 492; Family History Library Film: 805212
    1. Johnson, Edith
  4274. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dinsmore, Shelby, Ohio; Roll: M653_1036; Page: 323; Image: 94; Family History Library Film: 805036
    1. Iames, Mary
  4275. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 318; Image: 320.
    1. Gaulding, Agnes
    2. Residence, Gaulding, Agnes
  4276. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Putnam, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 7; Image: 17.
    1. Residence, Goodbar, Mary Coe
    2. Goodbar, Mary Coe
  4277. Year: 1860; Census Place: Portville, Cattaraugus, New York; Roll: M653_726; Page: 853; Image: 270; Family History Library Film: 803726
    1. Smith, Jane Ann
    2. Birth, Smith, Jane Ann
  4278. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 38; Image: 80.
    1. Butler, Elizabeth "Betsy"
    2. Birth, Butler, Elizabeth "Betsy"
  4279. Year: 1860; Census Place: New Boston, Mercer, Illinois; Roll: M653_211; Page: 928; Image: 286; Family History Library Film: 803211
    1. Chamberlain, Manville
  4280. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fairview, Jasper, Iowa; Roll: M653_325; Page: 25; Image: 239; Family History Library Film: 803325
    1. Gifford, Manly
    2. Residence, Gifford, Manly
  4281. Year: 1860; Census Place: Shauswick, Lawrence, Indiana; Roll: M653_276; Page: 716; Image: 134; Family History Library Film: 803276
    1. Birth, Davies, Seliah
    2. Davies, Seliah
  4282. Year: 1860; Census Place: Epping Forest, Granville, North Carolina; Roll: M653_898; Page: 364; Family History Library Film: 803898
    1. Birth, Taylor, Emily Tillinghast
    2. Taylor, Emily Tillinghast
  4283. Year: 1860; Census Place: North East Revenue District, Fauquier, Virginia; Page: 94; Family History Library Film: 805344
    1. Residence Post Office: Warrenton
    2. Gray, Bettie Frances
  4284. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Pickaway, Ohio; Roll: M653_1023; Page: 135; Family History Library Film: 805023
    1. Hall, Lydia
  4285. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fairview, Fayette, Indiana; Roll: M653_256; Page: 759; Image: 759; Family History Library Film: 803256
    1. Manlove, Malinda G.
  4286. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Subdivision, Giles, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1251; Page: 195; Image: 393; Family History Library Film: 805251
    1. Sparkman, William M.
  4287. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 355; Image: 359.
    1. Neill, Margaret Cornelia
    2. Residence, Neill, Margaret Cornelia
  4288. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Lauderdale, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 344; Image: 29.
    1. Birth, McClelland, John Craig
    2. McClelland, John Craig
  4289. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Finley, Washington, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1192; Page: 1020; Image: 457; Family History Library Film: 805192
    1. Iams, Charity Christine "Christy"
  4290. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 16; Image: 36.
    1. Weisner, Diana Cartwright
  4291. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 7, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 182; Image: 371.
    1. Mccallon, Newton H.
    2. Residence, Mccallon, Newton H.
  4292. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 696; Image: 244; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Hudson, Harris Wheat
    2. Birth, Hudson, Harris Wheat
  4293. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 322; Image: 274; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Morris, Fountain M.
  4294. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Benton, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 424; Image: 426.
    1. Hubbard, Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Hubbard, Elizabeth
  4295. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 356; Image: 360.
    1. Residence, Kessinger, Margrette Ellen
    2. Kessinger, Margrette Ellen
  4296. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dinsmore, Shelby, Ohio; Roll: M653_1036; Page: 322; Image: 91; Family History Library Film: 805036
    1. Birth, Lambert, Gabriel
    2. Lambert, Gabriel
  4297. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 111; Image: 231; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Hudson, Martha Jane
  4298. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 169; Image: 347; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Jane
  4299. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 629; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Birth, Lankford, Benjamin Seth
    2. Lankford, Benjamin Seth
  4300. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wythe, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 285; Image: 29; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Smith, Amanda J.
    2. Birth, Smith, Amanda J.
  4301. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Clarke, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 63.
    1. Residence, Carter, Lydia Anne
    2. Carter, Lydia Anne
  4302. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 165; Image: 339; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Corder Wilson
    2. Birth, Masters, Corder Wilson
  4303. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 752; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Howell, Elizabeth Ann
  4304. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 119; Image: 247.
    1. Jones, Martha Patsy
  4305. Year: 1860; Census Place: Platte, Clinton, Missouri; Roll: M653_615; Page: 121; Image: 125; Family History Library Film: 803615
    1. Residence, Shoemaker, Sarah Catherine
    2. Shoemaker, Sarah Catherine
  4306. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Bear Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 417; Image: 161; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Loftis, Rebecca
    2. Birth, Loftis, Rebecca
  4307. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western District, Tazewell, Virginia; Roll: M653_1381; Page: 801; Image: 313; Family History Library Film: 805381
    1. Sizemore, Anderson
    2. Residence, Sizemore, Anderson
  4308. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Residence, Van Hoozer, Rachel Emaline
    2. Van Hoozer, Rachel Emaline
  4309. Year: 1860; Census Place: Green, Platte, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 762; Image: 249.
    1. Birth, Keller, Octavia
    2. Keller, Octavia
  4310. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 181; Image: 176; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Carver, Rachel E.
    2. Birth, Carver, Rachel E.
  4311. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 89; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Residence Post Office: Belmont and Gonzales
    2. Catchings, Thomas Jefferson
  4312. Year: 1860; Census Place: Seminary, Fayette, Illinois; Roll: M653_177; Page: 237; Image: 237; Family History Library Film: 803177
    1. Birth, Sturgis, Sarah
    2. Sturgis, Sarah
  4313. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Botetourt, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 166; Image: 170.
    1. Residence, Hoylman, Addison Sidney
    2. Hoylman, Addison Sidney
  4314. Year: 1860; Census Place: Northeast, Orange, Indiana; Roll: M653_286; Page: 709; Image: 183; Family History Library Film: 803286
    1. Phillips, John M.
    2. Birth, Phillips, John M.
  4315. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 307; Image: 25; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Oliphant, Mary Ann
    2. Birth, Oliphant, Mary Ann
  4316. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 696; Image: 244; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Residence, Latta, Rachel Emeline
    2. Latta, Rachel Emeline
  4317. Year: 1860; Census Place: Licking, Muskingum, Ohio; Roll: M653_1018; Page: 116; Image: 238; Family History Library Film: 805018
    1. Claypool, Levi
    2. Birth, Claypool, Levi
  4318. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Waller, Mary K.
    2. Birth, Waller, Mary K.
  4319. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dinsmore, Shelby, Ohio; Roll: M653_1036; Page: 323; Image: 94; Family History Library Film: 805036
    1. Birth, Iames, Mary
    2. Iames, Mary
  4320. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 20, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 480; Image: 375; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Birth, Phillips, Leroy
    2. Phillips, Leroy
  4321. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Perry, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 354; Image: 131.
    1. Residence, Curry, Mary Ann"Polly"
    2. Curry, Mary Ann"Polly"
  4322. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 13 Range 12, Scott, Illinois; Roll: M653_227; Page: 993; Image: 169; Family History Library Film: 803227
    1. Birth, Peak, Samuel "Bird"
    2. Peak, Samuel "Bird"
  4323. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Marion, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 847; Image: 224.
    1. Dawson, John W.
    2. Birth, Dawson, John W.
  4324. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ozark, Missouri; Roll: M653_637; Page: 415; Image: 426; Family History Library Film: 803637
    1. Claypool, Rebecca
  4325. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Cranford, Sarah Ann Matilda
    2. Residence, Cranford, Sarah Ann Matilda
  4326. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Crow, William Henderson "Billy"
    2. Birth, Crow, William Henderson "Billy"
  4327. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 444; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Curry, Martha Ann
  4328. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Van Hoozer, William Preston
  4329. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 44 Range 16, Moniteau, Missouri; Roll: M653_634; Page: 614; Image: 114; Family History Library Film: 803634
    1. Birth, Butler, Martha Jane
    2. Butler, Martha Jane
  4330. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Franklin, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1249; Page: 99; Image: 205; Family History Library Film: 805249
    1. Staples, Elizabeth D.
    2. Birth, Staples, Elizabeth D.
  4331. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Putnam, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 38; Image: 82; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. McCulley, George Washington
    2. Residence, McCulley, George Washington
  4332. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Marys, Hancock, Illinois; Page: 343; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Ritchey, Frances J.
  4333. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carolina, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_353; Page: 382; Image: 382; Family History Library Film: 803353
    1. Ritchey, Mary
    2. Birth, Ritchey, Mary
  4334. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Rockbridge, Virginia; Roll: M653_1378; Page: 9; Image: 13; Family History Library Film: 805378
    1. Figgat, Hester Ann Rogers
  4335. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sulpher Springs, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 670; Image: 348; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sample, Washington "Wort"
  4336. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 24; Image: 25.
    1. Residence, Huck, Caroline
    2. Huck, Caroline
  4337. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 828; Image: 66.
    1. Birth, Cunningham, John Monroe
    2. Cunningham, John Monroe
  4338. Year: 1860; Census Place: Massie, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 341; Image: 688; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Nedry, Emma B.
    2. Birth, Nedry, Emma B.
  4339. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1265; Page: 146; Image: 298; Family History Library Film: 805265
    1. Spicer, Benjamin Franklin
    2. Age in 1860: 19
  4340. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dinsmore, Shelby, Ohio; Roll: M653_1036; Page: 323; Image: 93; Family History Library Film: 805036
    1. Residence, Iames, Elenora
    2. Iames, Elenora
  4341. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 444; Image: 509; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Witt, Nancy Elvira
    2. Residence, Witt, Nancy Elvira
  4342. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 217; Image: 216.
    1. Carneal, Catherine
    2. Birth, Carneal, Catherine
  4343. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: M653_930; Page: 16; Image: 36; Family History Library Film: 803930
    1. Age in 1860: 18
    2. Naylor, Mary Elizabeth
  4344. Year: 1860; Census Place: Murrayville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 491; Image: 169; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Dinwiddle, Rebecca Ann
    2. Birth, Dinwiddle, Rebecca Ann
  4345. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 25; Image: 56; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Herd, Hiram
  4346. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 764; Image: 442.
    1. Residence, Howell, Eli
    2. Howell, Eli
  4347. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 686; Image: 684; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Masters, Hillery C.
    2. Residence, Masters, Hillery C.
  4348. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sulpher Springs, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 670; Image: 348; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Sample, Lucinda
    2. Sample, Lucinda
  4349. Year: 1860; Census Place: San Augustine, San Augustine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 352; Image: 335; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Fitzgerald, Nancy Ann
  4350. Year: 1860; Census Place: Walnut, Madison, Iowa; Roll: M653_333; Page: 765; Image: 277; Family History Library Film: 803333
    1. Lewis, John
  4351. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 479; Image: 311.
    1. Butler, Emily Jane
  4352. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 16; Image: 38; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Residence, Dotson, Barbarry Eliza
    2. Dotson, Barbarry Eliza
  4353. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 777; Image: 455.
    1. Claypool, Hester Jane
  4354. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 136; Image: 136.
    1. Jones, Mary Polly
  4355. Year: 1860; Census Place: De Soto, Louisiana; Roll: M653_410; Page: 857; Image: 433; Family History Library Film: 803410
    1. Sebastian, William W.
    2. Age in 1860: 42
  4356. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 694; Image: 692; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Sturgis, Rebecca K.
    2. Birth, Sturgis, Rebecca K.
  4357. Year: 1860; Census Place: White, Georgia; Roll: M653_140; Page: 491; Image: 491; Family History Library Film: 803140
    1. Franks, Nancy
    2. Residence, Franks, Nancy
  4358. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harp, DeWitt, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 755; Image: 267.
    1. White, Nancy Jane
    2. Birth, White, Nancy Jane
  4359. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Bullitt, Kentucky; Roll: M653_358; Page: 765; Image: 368; Family History Library Film: 803358
    1. Ridgway, Joseph
  4360. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Benton, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 424; Image: 426.
    1. Birth, Nail, Thomas B.
    2. Nail, Thomas B.
  4361. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 155; Image: 317; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Lawson, Mary
  4362. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 656; Image: 64; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Louthan, Henrianna
    2. Residence, Louthan, Henrianna
  4363. Year: 1860; Census Place: Levicy, Hancock, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1252; Page: 500; Image: 612; Family History Library Film: 805252
    1. Sizemore, Solomon
  4364. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Decatur, Indiana; Roll: M653_253; Page: 1064; Image: 429; Family History Library Film: 803253
    1. Claypool, Katherine
    2. Birth, Claypool, Katherine
  4365. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 236; Image: 235.
    1. Holmes, Eleanor
  4366. Year: 1860; Census Place: Penn, Jay, Indiana; Roll: M653_269; Page: 287; Image: 287; Family History Library Film: 803269
    1. Schlosser, Elmina Ella
  4367. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nishnabotna, Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 586; Image: 90; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Morgan, William Charles
  4368. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Decatur, Indiana; Roll: M653_253; Page: 993; Image: 358; Family History Library Film: 803253
    1. Alley, Cyrus
  4369. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dardenne, St Charles, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 838; Image: 343.
    1. Keithley, Absalom
    2. Residence, Keithley, Absalom
  4370. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Randolph, North Carolina; Page: 232; Family History Library Film: 803910
    1. Allen, John A.
    2. Birth, Allen, John A.
  4371. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 381; Image: 59; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Humphrey, Miriam Elizabeth
  4372. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern, Hampshire, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 19; Image: 23.
    1. Claypool, Priscilla
  4373. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bath, Kentucky; Roll: M653_355; Page: 45; Image: 45; Family History Library Film: 803355
    1. Birth, Carter, Elijah
    2. Carter, Elijah
  4374. Year: 1860; Census Place: Twin, Darke, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 126; Image: 130.
    1. Burk, Isaac
    2. Birth, Burk, Isaac
  4375. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 205; Image: 418; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Woolsey, Samuel James
  4376. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Crawford, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 628; Image: 34.
    1. West, Lavina Jane
  4377. Year: 1860; Census Place: Auburn, Shawnee, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_352; Page: 679; Image: 145; Family History Library Film: 803352
    1. Age: 2
    2. Simerwell, Anna J.
  4378. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 620; Image: 618; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Sturgis, Sarah Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Sturgis, Sarah Elizabeth
  4379. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 392; Image: 392.
    1. Ice, Frederick H
  4380. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ervin, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 838; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Sawyers, Elizabeth
  4381. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 233; Image: 477.
    1. Residence, Butler, William Lafayette Napoleon
    2. Butler, William Lafayette Napoleon
  4382. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Williamson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 124; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Prowell, Calvin Hart
    2. Birth, Prowell, Calvin Hart
  4383. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 9, Jackson, Tennessee; Page: 328; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Whitaker, Washington Hampton
    2. Residence Post Office: Frank Branch
  4384. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 355; Image: 359.
    1. Farnsley, James Martin
  4385. Year: 1860; Census Place: San Augustine, San Augustine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 352; Image: 335; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Fitzgerald, John Calvin
  4386. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 752; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Claypool, Sarah Ann
  4387. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, Hamilton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 38; Image: 81.
    1. Residence, Waller, Manley Barksdale
    2. Waller, Manley Barksdale
  4388. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Mary, Mills, Iowa; Roll: M653_336; Page: 18; Family History Library Film: 803336
    1. Borup, Michael Singlersen "Charles"
    2. Birth, Borup, Michael Singlersen "Charles"
  4389. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Subdivision, Giles, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1251; Page: 195; Image: 393; Family History Library Film: 805251
    1. Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Jane
    2. Residence, Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Jane
  4390. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Greenbrier, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 376; Image: 382.
    1. Hoylman, George Washington
  4391. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 512; Image: 377; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Residence, Potter, Sarah Ann
    2. Potter, Sarah Ann
  4392. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: M653_22; Page: 667; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 803022
    1. Weathers, Jesse
  4393. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 N 5 W, Henderson, Illinois; Roll: M653_181; Page: 502; Image: 502; Family History Library Film: 803181
    1. Birth, Spiker, Samuel Richard
    2. Spiker, Samuel Richard
  4394. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 251; Image: 507; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Birth, Egbert, Charles Quincy
    2. Egbert, Charles Quincy
  4395. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_25; Page: 373; Image: 375; Family History Library Film: 803025
    1. Staples, Mary Ann
    2. Birth, Staples, Mary Ann
  4396. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Waller, Jesse H.
  4397. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Residence, Van Hoozer, George Valentine
    2. Van Hoozer, George Valentine
  4398. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 161; Image: 156; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Sturgis, Rhoda
    2. Birth, Sturgis, Rhoda
  4399. Year: 1860; Census Place: Haddon, Sullivan, Indiana; Roll: M653_298; Page: 709; Image: 269; Family History Library Film: 803298
    1. Simrell, Clara Bell
  4400. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_224; Page: 429; Image: 428; Family History Library Film: 803224
    1. Christ, Theresa
    2. Birth, Christ, Theresa
  4401. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 205; Image: 204.
    1. Residence, Smith, Mildred "Millie"
    2. Smith, Mildred "Millie"
  4402. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 27; Image: 58.
    1. Residence, Burk, William T.
    2. Burk, William T.
  4403. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 85; Image: 85.
    1. Butler, Nancy C.
    2. Residence, Butler, Nancy C.
  4404. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 14; Image: 34; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Residence, Sizemore, Elizabeth
    2. Sizemore, Elizabeth
  4405. Year: 1860; Census Place: Macon, Illinois; Roll: M653_203; Page: 809; Image: 243; Family History Library Film: 803203
    1. Birth, Masters, Mary
    2. Masters, Mary
  4406. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 406; Image: 433.
    1. Birth, Carter, Daniel
    2. Carter, Daniel
  4407. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 250; Image: 505; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Van Note, William
  4408. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Residence, Hawn, George Washington
    2. Hawn, George Washington
  4409. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grayson, Virginia; Roll: M653_1348; Page: 163; Image: 167; Family History Library Film: 805348
    1. Residence, Davis, Elizabeth
    2. Davis, Elizabeth
  4410. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bloomfield, Fillmore, Minnesota; Page: 274; Family History Library Film: 803569
    1. Rundell, Ida E.
    2. Residence Post Office: Aetna
  4411. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Hardy, Virginia; Roll: M653_1351; Page: 541; Image: 29; Family History Library Film: 805351
    1. Residence, Christman, Mary Jane
    2. Christman, Mary Jane
  4412. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 14 Range 6 E, Moultrie, Illinois; Page: 1036; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Miller, John Martin Pvt.
    2. Birth, Miller, John Martin Pvt.
  4413. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: M653_658; Page: 1003; Image: 437; Family History Library Film: 803658
    1. Residence, Denney, Elliot "Elt"
    2. Denney, Elliot "Elt"
  4414. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 576; Image: 578; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Gill, Martha Jane
    2. Birth, Gill, Martha Jane
  4415. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 222; Image: 221.
    1. Crow, John Wesley
    2. Birth, Crow, John Wesley
  4416. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 457; Image: 535.
    1. Witt, Sarah Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Witt, Sarah Elizabeth
  4417. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fredericksville Parish, Albemarle, Virginia; Roll: M653_1331; Page: 384; Image: 34; Family History Library Film: 805331
    1. Birth, Louthan, William Page
    2. Louthan, William Page
  4418. Year: 1860; Census Place: Howell, Howell, Missouri; Roll: M653_624; Page: 541; Family History Library Film: 803624
    1. Birth, Baker, Rufus M.
    2. Baker, Rufus M.
  4419. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 765; Image: 443.
    1. Butler, Caleb Daniel
    2. Residence, Butler, Caleb Daniel
  4420. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 446; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Frank, Adaline
  4421. Year: 1860; Census Place: Scott, Fremont, Iowa; Roll: M653_321; Page: 36; Image: 76; Family History Library Film: 803321
    1. Study, Francis Marion
  4422. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 392; Image: 392.
    1. Ice, James Marion
  4423. Year: 1860; Census Place: Colbath, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 152; Image: 152.
    1. Birth, Wright, Margaret Melissa
    2. Wright, Margaret Melissa
  4424. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Sevier, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 93; Image: 93.
    1. Birth, Jordan, Martha Ann
    2. Jordan, Martha Ann
  4425. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 828; Image: 66.
    1. Cunningham, Nancy Elizabeth
  4426. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Blount, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 924; Image: 278.
    1. Cranford, Henrietta
  4427. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Warren, Indiana; Roll: M653_305; Page: 687; Image: 239; Family History Library Film: 803305
    1. Magruder, Sarah Ann Maria
  4428. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 512; Image: 376.
    1. Taylor, George M.
    2. Birth, Taylor, George M.
  4429. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 12, Wilson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 348; Image: 204.
    1. Butler, Louisa Jane
  4430. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gap, Montgomery, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 902; Image: 370.
    1. Residence, Hall, Samuel Carrol
    2. Hall, Samuel Carrol
  4431. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Jefferson, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 712; Image: 218.
    1. Cranford, John Monroe
    2. Residence, Cranford, John Monroe
  4432. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 406; Image: 433; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Tribune, Martha N.
  4433. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Marshall, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 940; Image: 466.
    1. Cates, Malinda
  4434. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 626; Image: 304; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sturgis, Nancy Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Sturgis, Nancy Elizabeth
  4435. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 694; Image: 692.
    1. Van Note, Jefferson
  4436. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 235; Image: 480.
    1. Butler, George W.
    2. Residence, Butler, George W.
  4437. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 511; Image: 375.
    1. Hawn, Jacob
    2. Residence, Hawn, Jacob
  4438. Year: 1860; Census Place: Murrayville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 492; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Residence Post Office: Jatan
    2. Masters, Nancy Officer
  4439. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 342; Image: 346; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Residence, Barker, Phebe
    2. Barker, Phebe
  4440. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carroll, Platte, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 562; Image: 48.
    1. Birth, Bullock, Merida
    2. Bullock, Merida
  4441. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Maries, Missouri; Roll: M653_632; Page: 592; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 803632
    1. Satterfield, Moses
    2. Birth, Satterfield, Moses
  4442. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 9, Jackson, Tennessee; Page: 328; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Residence Post Office: Frank Branch
    2. Masters, Sarah
  4443. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 239; Image: 238.
    1. Forgey, Amanda M.
    2. Birth, Forgey, Amanda M.
  4444. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 839; Image: 77.
    1. Cunningham, Elias
    2. Residence, Cunningham, Elias
  4445. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 1, Cass, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 351; Image: 15.
    1. Penny, John Warren
    2. Birth, Penny, John Warren
  4446. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Waller, Nancy B.
    2. Residence, Waller, Nancy B.
  4447. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dudley, Hardin, Ohio; Roll: M653_983; Page: 346; Image: 105; Family History Library Film: 803983
    1. Birth, Manley, Thomas
    2. Manley, Thomas
  4448. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lower Division, Wilkes, North Carolina; Roll: ; Page: 30; Image: 60.
    1. Thompson, Mary
    2. Birth, Thompson, Mary
  4449. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 828; Image: 66.
    1. Cunningham, Mary Susan
    2. Residence, Cunningham, Mary Susan
  4450. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 140; Image: 289.
    1. Eldridge, Susan Jane
  4451. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Benton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1240; Page: 290; Image: 29; Family History Library Film: 805240
    1. Residence, Duckett, Susanna "Sookie"
    2. Duckett, Susanna "Sookie"
  4452. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wythe, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 270; Image: 14.
    1. Residence, King, William Butler
    2. King, William Butler
  4453. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grayson, Virginia; Roll: M653_1348; Page: 79; Image: 83; Family History Library Film: 805348
    1. Residence, Simcock, John Kelly
    2. Simcock, John Kelly
  4454. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 N Range 2 W (North two-thirds), Montgomery, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 224; Image: 224.
    1. Whitten, Rebecca R.
  4455. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Greenbrier, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 427; Image: 435.
    1. Residence, Hoyleman, William Rennick
    2. Hoyleman, William Rennick
  4456. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 499; Image: 350; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Chaney, Emaline "Emily"
    2. Residence, Chaney, Emaline "Emily"
  4457. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 420; Image: 424; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Rodabaugh, Solomon
  4458. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 859; Image: 409.
    1. Holmes, Robert Enos
  4459. Year: 1860; Census Place: Colbath, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 152; Image: 152.
    1. Wright, Margaret Melissa
    2. Residence, Wright, Margaret Melissa
  4460. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 392; Image: 392.
    1. Ice, Elijah
    2. Residence, Ice, Elijah
  4461. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_224; Page: 31; Image: 32; Family History Library Film: 803224
    1. Ackerman, Leonhard John
    2. Residence, Ackerman, Leonhard John
  4462. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 N Range 2 W (North two-thirds), Montgomery, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 224; Image: 224.
    1. Birth, Whitten, Rebecca R.
    2. Whitten, Rebecca R.
  4463. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 690; Image: 688; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Age: 10
    2. Carter, Matilda Elizabeth "Mattie"
  4464. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Residence, Van Hoozer, Samuel Callahan
    2. Van Hoozer, Samuel Callahan
  4465. Year: 1860; Census Place: Woodland, Fulton, Illinois; Roll: M653_179; Page: 149; Image: 149; Family History Library Film: 803179
    1. Husted, Mary Amarilla
  4466. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 667; Image: 193.
    1. Montgomery, Thomas R.
  4467. Year: 1860; Census Place: Henry, Henry, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 22; Image: 22.
    1. Templeton, Dovey Amanda
    2. Birth, Templeton, Dovey Amanda
  4468. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 236; Image: 478; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Forgey, James Henry
  4469. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Birth, Waller, Sarah Ann
    2. Waller, Sarah Ann
  4470. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bristol, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 102; Image: 107; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Johnson, Hannah U.
    2. Residence, Johnson, Hannah U.
  4471. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 722; Image: 280.
    1. Howton, Abraham
    2. Birth, Howton, Abraham
  4472. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lower, Franklin, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 359; Image: 359.
    1. Titsworth, Ada
    2. Birth, Titsworth, Ada
  4473. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Dade, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 9; Image: 13.
    1. Van Beek, George Day
    2. Birth, Van Beek, George Day
  4474. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 806; Image: 484.
    1. Residence, Carter, Walter H.
    2. Carter, Walter H.
  4475. Year: 1860; Census Place: Davenport, Scott, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 513; Image: 515.
    1. Gottsch, Heinrich
    2. Birth, Gottsch, Heinrich
  4476. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Linn, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_351; Page: 99; Image: 99; Family History Library Film: 803351
    1. Residence, Hopping, Anna R.
    2. Hopping, Anna R.
  4477. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 7, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1265; Page: 183; Image: 372; Family History Library Film: 805265
    1. Peak, Malinda H.
    2. Age: 46
  4478. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 752; Image: 430.
    1. Howell, Moses J.
    2. Residence, Howell, Moses J.
  4479. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 134; Image: 276.
    1. Manley, Sarah Ann
    2. Birth, Manley, Sarah Ann
  4480. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 752; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Claypool, Jane Emily
  4481. Year: 1860; Census Place: Amherst, Lorain, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 319; Image: 278.
    1. Birth, Remington, Benedict Bliss
    2. Remington, Benedict Bliss
  4482. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 7, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 381; Image: 383; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Residence, Mitchell, James Lewis
    2. Mitchell, James Lewis
  4483. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Marion, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 692; Image: 254.
    1. Crosley, John Lucas
  4484. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 995; Image: 429.
    1. Birth, Chaney, Hezekiah
    2. Chaney, Hezekiah
  4485. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Adair, Missouri; Roll: M653_605; Page: 54; Image: 58; Family History Library Film: 803605
    1. Age in 1860: 49
    2. Stubbs, Claiborn Washburn
  4486. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 12; Image: 30; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Birth, Brown, Owen Montgomery MD
    2. Brown, Owen Montgomery MD
  4487. Year: 1860; Census Place: Spencer, Lane, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 280; Image: 563; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Scott, Rodney
    2. Birth, Scott, Rodney
  4488. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 355; Image: 359.
    1. Birth, Farnsley, Virgil
    2. Farnsley, Virgil
  4489. Year: 1860; Census Place: Kingston, Rockingham, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_678; Page: 570; Image: 572; Family History Library Film: 803678
    1. Cheney, Nathaniel Dearborn
  4490. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: M653_22; Page: 667; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 803022
    1. Lee, Isham Bailey
  4491. Year: 1860; Census Place: Woodland, Fulton, Illinois; Roll: M653_179; Page: 149; Image: 149; Family History Library Film: 803179
    1. Residence, Husted, Mary Amarilla
    2. Husted, Mary Amarilla
  4492. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 355; Image: 359.
    1. Birth, Neill, Margaret Cornelia
    2. Neill, Margaret Cornelia
  4493. Year: 1860; Census Place: Northern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 504; Image: 108.
    1. Hyatt, Daniel Franklin
    2. Residence, Hyatt, Daniel Franklin
  4494. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Tippecanoe, Indiana; Roll: M653_300; Page: 513; Family History Library Film: 803300
    1. Residence Post Office: Westpoint
    2. Forgey, Margaret Emmaline
  4495. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 388; Image: 398; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Riggs, Samuel Henderson
    2. Birth, Riggs, Samuel Henderson
  4496. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 18, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 460; Image: 336; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Pigg, Martha Delila
    2. Birth, Pigg, Martha Delila
  4497. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Lauderdale, Alabama; Roll: M653_13; Page: 105; Family History Library Film: 803013
    1. Birth, Rice, Rachel F.
    2. Rice, Rachel F.
  4498. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 244; Image: 498.
    1. Residence, Crow, Margaret Angeline
    2. Crow, Margaret Angeline
  4499. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 85; Image: 85.
    1. Butler, Nancy C.
  4500. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 623; Image: 27; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Masters, Douglas
    2. Residence, Masters, Douglas
  4501. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 477; Image: 307.
    1. Galbraith, Mary Jane
  4502. Year: 1860; Census Place: Springfield, Greene, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 749; Image: 523.
    1. Birth, Sabin, Marian
    2. Sabin, Marian
  4503. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Coffee, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1245; Page: 60; Family History Library Film: 805245
    1. Carter, Rachel Ruth
  4504. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 322; Image: 274; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Birth, Morris, Benjamin Franklin
    2. Morris, Benjamin Franklin
  4505. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 N Range 6 W, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_225; Page: 804; Image: 41; Family History Library Film: 803225
    1. Monken, Anna
  4506. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 140; Image: 289.
    1. Eldridge, Roger Abbott
    2. Birth, Eldridge, Roger Abbott
  4507. Year: 1860; Census Place: Click, Hancock, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1252; Page: 476; Image: 563; Family History Library Film: 805252
    1. Biggs, Nancy
  4508. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 236; Image: 235.
    1. Wollard, James Madison
  4509. Year: 1860; Census Place: Deer Creek, Cass, Indiana; Roll: M653_247; Page: 686; Family History Library Film: 803247
    1. Birth, Forgey, Thomas Crawford
    2. Forgey, Thomas Crawford
  4510. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 328; Image: 334; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Chaney, Matilda
  4511. Year: 1860; Census Place: Augusta, Hancock, Illinois; Page: 812; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Wade, Mary
  4512. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 22; Image: 47.
    1. Residence, Fast, Clarence Leslie
    2. Fast, Clarence Leslie
  4513. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mountain, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 517; Image: 39.
    1. Montgomery, James Malcolm
  4514. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland; Roll: ; Page: 290; Image: 10.
    1. Birth, Boteler, Susanna Nelson
    2. Boteler, Susanna Nelson
  4515. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 397; Image: 416; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Residence, Millikan, Mary
    2. Millikan, Mary
  4516. Year: 1860; Census Place: N E Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 789; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. McCracken, Margaret A.
  4517. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ozark, Lawrence, Missouri; Roll: M653_628; Page: 717; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 803628
    1. Masters, James
    2. Birth, Masters, James
  4518. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 7, Menard, Illinois; Roll: M653_205; Page: 818; Image: 70; Family History Library Film: 803205
    1. Masters, Squire Davis
    2. Residence, Masters, Squire Davis
  4519. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 765; Image: 443.
    1. Claypool, Rebecca Osborn
    2. Birth, Claypool, Rebecca Osborn
  4520. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 154; Image: 316; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Cleek, Lucinda Anne "Lucy"
    2. Birth, Cleek, Lucinda Anne "Lucy"
  4521. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 626; Image: 304; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sturgis, Thomas I.
  4522. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sulpher Springs, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 670; Image: 348; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Residence, Sample, Lucinda
    2. Sample, Lucinda
  4523. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 787; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. O'Neil?, Sarah
    2. Residence Post Office: Bowling Green
  4524. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 205; Image: 204; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Residence, Claypool, Joseph
    2. Claypool, Joseph
  4525. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 253; Image: 516.
    1. Butler, Mahala A.
    2. Birth, Butler, Mahala A.
  4526. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 7, Frederick, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 666; Image: 320; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Residence, Williams, Ellen Francis Melborn
    2. Williams, Ellen Francis Melborn
  4527. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Page: 180; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Residence Post Office: Glasgow
    2. Miller, Louise
  4528. Year: 1860; Census Place: Meridian, Ingham, Michigan; Roll: M653_545; Page: 292; Image: 382; Family History Library Film: 803545
    1. Schray, Conrad
  4529. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Marys, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 373; Image: 117; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Birth, Sturgis, Arcadia Cordelia
    2. Sturgis, Arcadia Cordelia
  4530. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrells, Dallas, Alabama; Roll: M653_8; Page: 922; Image: 426; Family History Library Film: 803008
    1. Roark, Jesse Vaughn
  4531. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 14 Range 5, Attala, Mississippi; Roll: M653_577; Page: 456; Image: 456; Family History Library Film: 803577
    1. Residence, Lloyd, William Butler
    2. Lloyd, William Butler
  4532. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Waller, Jacob Carlo
  4533. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mountain, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 517; Image: 39.
    1. Montgomery, James Malcolm
    2. Residence, Montgomery, James Malcolm
  4534. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 185; Image: 185.
    1. Green, John Wesley
  4535. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bare Creek, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 335; Image: 300; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Morris, Amon Perry
    2. Residence, Morris, Amon Perry
  4536. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois; Roll: M653_156; Page: 175; Image: 175; Family History Library Film: 803156
    1. Sturgis, Joseph
  4537. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 18, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 463; Image: 342.
    1. Woody, Samuel Willis
  4538. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 777; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Young, John M.
  4539. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wythe, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 270; Image: 14.
    1. King, William Butler
    2. Birth, King, William Butler
  4540. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Hawn, Anthony Wayne
  4541. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 7, Shelby, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 414; Image: 460; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Jones, Rebecca B.
    2. Residence, Jones, Rebecca B.
  4542. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 995; Image: 429.
    1. Chaney, James H.
    2. Birth, Chaney, James H.
  4543. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Putnam, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 37; Image: 80; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Rector, Elizabeth Jane
    2. Age: 16
  4544. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Mary, Mills, Iowa; Roll: M653_336; Page: 18; Family History Library Film: 803336
    1. Birth, , Betsy
    2. , Betsy
  4545. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Blount, Alabama; Roll: M653_2; Page: 1010; Image: 364; Family History Library Film: 803002
    1. Chaney, George Washington
    2. Residence, Chaney, George Washington
  4546. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Frieze, Martha C.
    2. Residence, Frieze, Martha C.
  4547. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 511; Image: 374.
    1. Birth, Hawn, Jonathan N.
    2. Hawn, Jonathan N.
  4548. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 770; Image: 8.
    1. Birth, Cranford, Nancy Emily
    2. Cranford, Nancy Emily
  4549. Year: 1860; Census Place: Berwick, Warren, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 619; Image: 619.
    1. Whitten, Mary Ann
  4550. Year: 1860; Census Place: Howell, Monmouth, New Jersey; Roll: M653_701; Page: 53; Image: 58; Family History Library Film: 803701
    1. Fielder, Francis A.
  4551. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nishnabotna, Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 586; Image: 90; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Morgan, William Charles
    2. Residence, Morgan, William Charles
  4552. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carolina, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_353; Page: 392; Image: 392; Family History Library Film: 803353
    1. Jewell, William David
  4553. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cumberland, Fayette, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 67; Image: 67.
    1. Residence, Gatewood, Thomas A
    2. Gatewood, Thomas A
  4554. Year: 1860; Census Place: Princeton, Caldwell, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 58; Image: 58.
    1. Howton, Arthecia N.
  4555. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Hardy, Virginia; Roll: M653_1351; Page: 541; Image: 29; Family History Library Film: 805351
    1. Birth, Combs, Charles
    2. Combs, Charles
  4556. Year: 1860; Census Place: Baughman, Wayne, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 393; Image: 373.
    1. Conrad, John
    2. Birth, Conrad, John
  4557. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 83; Image: 83; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Skaggs, James Daniel
    2. Birth, Skaggs, James Daniel
  4558. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 3, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: M653_655; Page: 190; Image: 190; Family History Library Film: 803655
    1. Residence, Carter, Adam Clark
    2. Carter, Adam Clark
  4559. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Finley, Washington, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 1020; Image: 457.
    1. Iames, John
  4560. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newton, Barton, Missouri; Roll: M653_607; Page: 15; Image: 19; Family History Library Film: 803607
    1. Birth, Peak, Mary Jemima
    2. Peak, Mary Jemima
  4561. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lebanon, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 236; Image: 476; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Chamberlain, Henry Clay
  4562. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Blandville, Ballard, Kentucky; Roll: M653_354; Page: 568; Image: 8; Family History Library Film: 803354
    1. Birth, Howard, Nancy
    2. Howard, Nancy
  4563. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 722; Image: 280.
    1. Residence, Howton, Tabitha
    2. Howton, Tabitha
  4564. Year: 1860; Census Place: Duck Creek, Stoddard, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 538; Image: 542.
    1. Curd, Samuel Trotter
    2. Residence, Curd, Samuel Trotter
  4565. Year: 1860; Census Place: Shoal Creek, Johnson, Arkansas; Roll: M653_44; Page: 1059; Image: 567; Family History Library Film: 803044
    1. Birth, Spicer, William J.
    2. Spicer, William J.
  4566. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 777; Image: 455.
    1. Claypool, Hester Jane
    2. Birth, Claypool, Hester Jane
  4567. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bear Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 418; Image: 162.
    1. King, John
  4568. Year: 1860; Census Place: Goochland, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 936; Image: 596; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Woodward, Lucille Sewella
  4569. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 96; Image: 199.
    1. Searls, Evaline Eugenia "Jennie"
  4570. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hamilton, Butler, Ohio; Page: 418; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Louthan, Frederick D. "Fred"
    2. Residence Post Office: Hamilton
  4571. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 3, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: M653_655; Page: 190; Image: 190; Family History Library Film: 803655
    1. Carter, Adam Clark
    2. Birth, Carter, Adam Clark
  4572. Year: 1860; Census Place: Woodland, Fulton, Illinois; Roll: M653_179; Page: 149; Image: 149; Family History Library Film: 803179
    1. Birth, Hopping, Gideon Jerry
    2. Hopping, Gideon Jerry
  4573. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: M653_1013; Page: 96; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805013
    1. Searls, Mary Alice
  4574. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 36; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Birth, Holmes, U. J.
    2. Holmes, U. J.
  4575. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Cranford, Sarah Ann Matilda
  4576. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 3, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 454; Image: 223; Family History Library Film: 805290
    1. Birth, Reeves, James Washington
    2. Reeves, James Washington
  4577. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 399; Image: 420.
    1. Clayton, Lucretia Trecy
  4578. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 10; Image: 25; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Parvin, Martha Jane
    2. Residence, Parvin, Martha Jane
  4579. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Riley, Judith Barbara
  4580. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 479; Image: 311.
    1. Butler, William Preston
    2. Birth, Butler, William Preston
  4581. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fort Bend, Texas; Roll: M653_1294; Page: 372; Family History Library Film: 805294
    1. Sherrard, Emma Blanche
    2. Residence, Sherrard, Emma Blanche
  4582. Year: 1860; Census Place: Russell, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: ; Page: 38; Image: 43.
    1. , Jane
  4583. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 621; Image: 299; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Weller, Sarah Ann
    2. Residence, Weller, Sarah Ann
  4584. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Crow, Adda Merritt Addie
  4585. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Kentucky; Roll: M653_363; Page: 69; Image: 69; Family History Library Film: 803363
    1. Residence, Sizemore, Henry Hunting Shirt
    2. Sizemore, Henry Hunting Shirt
  4586. Year: 1860; Census Place: Salt Rock, Marion, Ohio; Roll: M653_1006; Page: 291; Image: 52; Family History Library Film: 805006
    1. Residence, Snyder, Isaac
    2. Snyder, Isaac
  4587. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 510.
    1. Birth, Chaney, Henry Joseph
    2. Chaney, Henry Joseph
  4588. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 690; Image: 688; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Carter, Matilda Elizabeth "Mattie"
  4589. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 165; Image: 339; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Corder Wilson
  4590. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Fayette, Indiana; Roll: M653_256; Page: 801; Image: 801; Family History Library Film: 803256
    1. Birth, McCarty, William
    2. McCarty, William
  4591. Year: 1860; Census Place: Warren, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: M653_937; Page: 351; Image: 251; Family History Library Film: 803937
    1. Hunt, Joseph
  4592. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 247.
    1. Holmes, James D.
  4593. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bowling Green, Marion, Ohio; Roll: M653_1006; Page: 322; Image: 115; Family History Library Film: 805006
    1. Residence, Manley, Richard
    2. Manley, Richard
  4594. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 236; Image: 478; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Forgey, James Henry
    2. Residence, Forgey, James Henry
  4595. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 512; Image: 377; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Potter, Nancy Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Potter, Nancy Elizabeth
  4596. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Blount, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 924; Image: 278.
    1. Cranford, Joseph William
  4597. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Malinda M.
  4598. Year: 1860; Census Place: Scott, Fremont, Iowa; Roll: M653_321; Page: 36; Image: 76; Family History Library Film: 803321
    1. Study, Francis Marion
    2. Age in 1860: 21
  4599. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Putnam, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 95; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. McGee, Mary Jane
    2. Birth, McGee, Mary Jane
  4600. Year: 1860; Census Place: High Forest, Olmsted, Minnesota; Roll: M653_572; Page: 676; Image: 263; Family History Library Film: 803572
    1. Naylor, Joseph C.
    2. Birth, Naylor, Joseph C.
  4601. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 251; Image: 507; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Egbert, David P.
  4602. Year: 1860; Census Place: Taylor, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 673; Image: 673; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Birth, Adams, Ann
    2. Adams, Ann
  4603. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 243; Image: 497; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Oliver, Sarah E.
  4604. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fort Calhoun, Washington, Nebraska Territory; Roll: ; Page: 868; Image: 26.
    1. Residence, Huber, Ernest Imanuel
    2. Huber, Ernest Imanuel
  4605. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 181; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Stapleton, Andrew
    2. Birth, Stapleton, Andrew
  4606. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Kentucky; Roll: M653_363; Page: 186; Image: 186; Family History Library Film: 803363
    1. Birth, Reaves, Melinda Abston
    2. Reaves, Melinda Abston
  4607. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 20 Range 7, Mason, Illinois; Page: 571; Family History Library Film: 803210
    1. Dobson, Mason
  4608. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Lauderdale, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 344; Image: 29.
    1. McClelland, John Craig
  4609. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 96; Image: 196; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Birth, Mitchell, Mary
    2. Mitchell, Mary
  4610. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Blount, Alabama; Roll: M653_2; Page: 1010; Image: 364; Family History Library Film: 803002
    1. Oden, Rebecca Louan
    2. Residence, Oden, Rebecca Louan
  4611. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 96; Image: 199.
    1. Residence, Searls, Evaline Eugenia "Jennie"
    2. Searls, Evaline Eugenia "Jennie"
  4612. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 721; Image: 279.
    1. Wilkey, Jonathan Jackson
  4613. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 13 Range 11, Scott, Illinois; Roll: M653_227; Page: 1032; Image: 208; Family History Library Film: 803227
    1. Birth, Hesser, Cornelia Frances
    2. Hesser, Cornelia Frances
  4614. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Decatur, Indiana; Roll: M653_253; Page: 1003; Image: 368; Family History Library Film: 803253
    1. Birth, Phillips, Jane
    2. Phillips, Jane
  4615. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Wayne, Indiana; Roll: M653_308; Page: 266; Image: 268; Family History Library Film: 803308
    1. Birth, Morgan, Hanna
    2. Morgan, Hanna
  4616. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 399; Image: 420.
    1. Jett, Robert Edwin
  4617. Year: 1860; Census Place: Northern Division, Spartanburg, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1226; Page: 226; Image: 66; Family History Library Film: 805226
    1. Birth, Cannon, Emily
    2. Cannon, Emily
  4618. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 184; Image: 184.
    1. Green, John H.
    2. Birth, Green, John H.
  4619. Year: 1860; Census Place: Oktibbeha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_589; Page: 104; Image: 108; Family History Library Film: 803589
    1. Residence, Masters, Charlotte
    2. Masters, Charlotte
  4620. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 393; Image: 7.
    1. Manson, William Sutherland
  4621. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1268; Page: 334; Image: 92; Family History Library Film: 805268
    1. Randel, Nacy Meek
  4622. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Benton, Arkansas; Roll: M653_37; Page: 423; Image: 425; Family History Library Film: 803037
    1. Reavis, Nancy Harriet
    2. Birth, Reavis, Nancy Harriet
  4623. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 870; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Bell, James Miles Drew
    2. Residence, Bell, James Miles Drew
  4624. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 44; Image: 44; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Stockton, Cordelia
  4625. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Richmond, Wayne, Indiana; Roll: M653_308; Page: 612; Image: 611; Family History Library Film: 803308
    1. Birth, Chandlee, John Goldsmith
    2. Chandlee, John Goldsmith
  4626. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 222; Image: 221.
    1. Crow, Lafayette
  4627. Year: 1860; Census Place: Regiment 4, Anderson, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1212; Page: 244; Image: 492; Family History Library Film: 805212
    1. Masters, Elias William
    2. Birth, Masters, Elias William
  4628. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 97; Image: 97; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Crawford, Jane M.
    2. Crawford, Jane M.
  4629. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 444; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Residence, Chaney, Rebecca Amanda
    2. Chaney, Rebecca Amanda
  4630. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 2, De Kalb, Alabama; Roll: M653_9; Page: 170; Image: 174; Family History Library Film: 803009
    1. Birth, Masters, George Washington
    2. Masters, George Washington
  4631. Year: 1860; Census Place: Walnut, Madison, Iowa; Roll: M653_333; Page: 765; Image: 277; Family History Library Film: 803333
    1. Lewis, John
    2. Birth, Lewis, John
  4632. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 199; Image: 408.
    1. Cullom, Verlinder
  4633. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fredonia, Caldwell, Kentucky; Roll: M653_359; Page: 173; Family History Library Film: 803359
    1. Birth, Wigginton, Alfred Marion
    2. Wigginton, Alfred Marion
  4634. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 165; Image: 339; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Masters, Clinton
    2. Masters, Clinton
  4635. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 511; Image: 374.
    1. Chaney, Icy Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Chaney, Icy Elizabeth
  4636. Year: 1860; Census Place: Indian Point, Knox, Illinois; Roll: M653_195; Page: 703; Image: 368; Family History Library Film: 803195
    1. Lomax, John H.
  4637. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Residence, Mitchell, Charles
    2. Mitchell, Charles
  4638. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 326; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Birth, Buroker, Susan
    2. Buroker, Susan
  4639. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 667; Image: 193.
    1. Residence, Montgomery, Thomas R.
    2. Montgomery, Thomas R.
  4640. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Howell, Luther T.
    2. Birth, Howell, Luther T.
  4641. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Howard, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 407; Image: 407.
    1. Residence, Elliott, Rose Wallace
    2. Elliott, Rose Wallace
  4642. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Polina
  4643. Year: 1860; Census Place: Butler, Franklin, Indiana; Roll: M653_259; Page: 68; Image: 70; Family History Library Film: 803259
    1. Hoagland, Sarah Ann
    2. Residence, Hoagland, Sarah Ann
  4644. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 683; Image: 681; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Residence, Spires, Sarah (Sallie) Petree
    2. Spires, Sarah (Sallie) Petree
  4645. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 2; Image: 3.
    1. Birth, Wachter, Johann Christian
    2. Wachter, Johann Christian
  4646. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 392; Image: 392.
    1. Ice, Frederick H
    2. Residence, Ice, Frederick H
  4647. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 576; Image: 578; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Hart, Mary Ann
    2. Birth, Hart, Mary Ann
  4648. Year: 1860; Census Place: Springfield, Greene, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 749; Image: 523.
    1. Sabin, Marian
  4649. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 408; Image: 22; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Crow, Rebecca Moria
  4650. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 178; Image: 365; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Allen, Hyram McGinnis
    2. Allen, Hyram McGinnis
  4651. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Birth, Hawn, Bersheba Ann
    2. Hawn, Bersheba Ann
  4652. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 58; Image: 119.
    1. Residence, Wright, William W.
    2. Wright, William W.
  4653. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 698; Image: 260; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Carter, Clara E.
    2. Birth, Carter, Clara E.
  4654. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 778; Image: 456; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Moore, Mary Banks
    2. Moore, Mary Banks
  4655. Year: 1860; Census Place: Liberty, Henry, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 120; Image: 120; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Wiles, Luke
    2. Residence, Wiles, Luke
  4656. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Cowlitz, Washington; Roll: ; Page: 145; Image: 152.
    1. Jackson, Henry
    2. Residence, Jackson, Henry
  4657. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 176; Image: 359.
    1. Residence, Butler, John Jacob
    2. Butler, John Jacob
  4658. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 169; Image: 347; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Dale, William "Bill"
    2. Birth, Dale, William "Bill"
  4659. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois; Roll: M653_156; Page: 175; Image: 175; Family History Library Film: 803156
    1. Residence, Sturgis, Jacob
    2. Sturgis, Jacob
  4660. Year: 1860; Census Place: Olmsted, Cuyahoga, Ohio; Roll: M653_954; Page: 179; Image: 184; Family History Library Film: 803954
    1. Wright, Catherine
    2. Residence, Wright, Catherine
  4661. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Lafayette, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 631; Image: 281.
    1. Residence, Neill, Hyman G.
    2. Neill, Hyman G.
  4662. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarksburg, Montgomery, Maryland; Roll: M653_478; Page: 164; Image: 164; Family History Library Film: 803478
    1. Magruder, Elizabeth Catherine
    2. Birth, Magruder, Elizabeth Catherine
  4663. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 322; Image: 274; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Morris, Mary Ann
    2. Birth, Morris, Mary Ann
  4664. Year: 1860; Census Place: Unionville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 543; Image: 157.
    1. Bray, Augusta Emmaline
    2. Birth, Bray, Augusta Emmaline
  4665. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 251; Image: 507; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Van Note, Elizabeth H.
    2. Age: 37
  4666. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 13, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 85; Image: 177; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Residence, Holmes, Thomas
    2. Holmes, Thomas
  4667. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 126; Image: 261.
    1. Jones, Mariah
    2. Residence, Jones, Mariah
  4668. Year: 1860; Census Place: Regiment 4, Anderson, South Carolina; Roll: ; Page: 191; Image: 385.
    1. Residence, Clement, Nancy
    2. Clement, Nancy
  4669. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Washington, Kentucky; Roll: M653_399; Page: 23; Image: 23; Family History Library Film: 803399
    1. Selby, Elizabeth
  4670. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_349; Page: 258; Image: 258; Family History Library Film: 803349
    1. Riggs, Malinda
  4671. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 752; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Howell, John S.
  4672. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Putnam, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 7; Image: 17.
    1. Burton, Stephen Decatur
    2. Residence, Burton, Stephen Decatur
  4673. Year: 1860; Census Place: Abbeville, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1212; Page: 94; Image: 192; Family History Library Film: 805212
    1. Cockburn, Francis
    2. Residence, Cockburn, Francis
  4674. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 722; Image: 280.
    1. Howton, Tabitha
  4675. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 624; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Residence, Van Note, Elizabeth Ann
    2. Van Note, Elizabeth Ann
  4676. Year: 1860; Census Place: DeSoto, Mississippi; Roll: M653_581; Page: 155; Family History Library Film: 803581
    1. Mitchell, James Boyd
    2. Birth, Mitchell, James Boyd
  4677. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Subdivision, Tippah, Mississippi; Roll: M653_592; Page: 681; Family History Library Film: 803592
    1. Birth, Smith, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Smith, Mary Elizabeth
  4678. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 164; Image: 338; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, William Jordan
  4679. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Madison Mayhew
  4680. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 3, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: M653_655; Page: 190; Image: 190; Family History Library Film: 803655
    1. Smith, Elizabeth C.
    2. Birth, Smith, Elizabeth C.
  4681. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bern, Athens, Ohio; Roll: M653_934; Page: 19; Image: 42; Family History Library Film: 803934
    1. Vernon, Amos
    2. Residence, Vernon, Amos
  4682. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 778; Image: 456.
    1. Birth, Claypool, Elijah
    2. Claypool, Elijah
  4683. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Mitchell, Jabez
  4684. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 3, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Page: 190; Family History Library Film: 803655
    1. Carter, Sarah Elizabeth
  4685. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 7, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1265; Page: 185; Image: 376; Family History Library Film: 805265
    1. Green, Harriet
    2. Birth, Green, Harriet
  4686. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 7, Shelby, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 414; Image: 460; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Jones, Rebecca B.
  4687. Year: 1860; Census Place: Morgan, Dade, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 147; Image: 151.
    1. Residence, Claypool, Matthew
    2. Claypool, Matthew
  4688. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Cheatham, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 216; Image: 435.
    1. Felts, Fanny F
  4689. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Morgan, Alabama; Roll: M653_19; Page: 498; Image: 500; Family History Library Film: 803019
    1. Stringer, William Lowe
  4690. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Jackson, Louisiana; Roll: M653_411; Page: 385; Image: 405; Family History Library Film: 803411
    1. Pearce, Allen Ulysses
    2. Birth, Pearce, Allen Ulysses
  4691. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 381; Image: 59; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Humphrey, Miriam Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Humphrey, Miriam Elizabeth
  4692. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Grant, Cynthia Jane
  4693. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 343; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Hinds, Simeon II Dr.
  4694. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 808; Image: 486; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Roberson, Elizabeth F.
    2. Birth, Roberson, Elizabeth F.
  4695. Year: 1860; Census Place: Augusta, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 812; Image: 558; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Bowman, Ezekial K.
    2. Birth, Bowman, Ezekial K.
  4696. Year: 1860; Census Place: Peoria Ward 2, Peoria, Illinois; Roll: M653_216; Page: 177; Image: 178; Family History Library Film: 803216
    1. Borland, Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Borland, Elizabeth
  4697. Year: 1860; Census Place: Montevallo, Vernon, Missouri; Roll: M653_659; Page: 19; Image: 19; Family History Library Film: 803659
    1. Keithley, Obadiah
  4698. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Crow, Jesse Ninon
    2. Birth, Crow, Jesse Ninon
  4699. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 778; Image: 456.
    1. Residence, Claypool, Elijah
    2. Claypool, Elijah
  4700. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: M653_658; Page: 1002; Image: 436; Family History Library Film: 803658
    1. Robertson, Jane
  4701. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Van Hoozer, Mary Elizabeth
  4702. Year: 1860; Census Place: Scott, Johnson, Iowa; Roll: M653_327; Page: 583; Image: 99; Family History Library Film: 803327
    1. Whitacre, Rebecca Potts
    2. Birth, Whitacre, Rebecca Potts
  4703. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 778; Image: 456; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Moore, Mary Banks
    2. Moore, Mary Banks
  4704. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Casey, Kentucky; Roll: M653_361; Page: 388; Image: 388; Family History Library Film: 803361
    1. Birth, Richardson, Thomas W.
    2. Richardson, Thomas W.
  4705. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sherrill, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 1100; Image: 529.
    1. McGiboney, Cora Anna Amanda
    2. Residence, McGiboney, Cora Anna Amanda
  4706. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Williamson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 124; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Prowell, Sarah Elizabeth
  4707. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 613; Image: 611; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Morgan, Jesse Russell
  4708. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 517; Image: 261.
    1. Residence, Jones, Nancy Jane
    2. Jones, Nancy Jane
  4709. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 795; Image: 33.
    1. Wilkes, Elizabeth
  4710. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 16, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 48; Image: 46; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Birth, Frazee, Samuel S.
    2. Frazee, Samuel S.
  4711. Year: 1860; Census Place: Deer Creek, Cass, Indiana; Roll: M653_247; Page: 686; Family History Library Film: 803247
    1. Forgey, Thomas Crawford
  4712. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 3, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 217; Image: 217.
    1. Carter, Virginia Ann
  4713. Year: 1860; Census Place: Liberty, Adair, Missouri; Roll: M653_605; Page: 113; Image: 117; Family History Library Film: 803605
    1. Birth, See, Edmund
    2. See, Edmund
  4714. Year: 1860; Census Place: Spencer, Lane, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 280; Image: 563; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Age in 1860: 14
    2. Scott, Jane Linn
  4715. Year: 1860; Census Place: Macon, Illinois; Roll: M653_203; Page: 809; Image: 243; Family History Library Film: 803203
    1. Residence, Masters, James V.
    2. Masters, James V.
  4716. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 511; Image: 375.
    1. Birth, Green, Sarah
    2. Green, Sarah
  4717. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 40; Image: 83; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Sienknecht, Theodore F.
  4718. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Hawn, Amanda
  4719. Year: 1860; Census Place: New Castle Hundred, New Castle, Delaware; Roll: ; Page: 148; Image: 149.
    1. Cann, Francis
  4720. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 455; Image: 532.
    1. Residence, Thornhill, Rachel J.
    2. Thornhill, Rachel J.
  4721. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 576; Image: 578; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Gill, John W.
  4722. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 754; Image: 432.
    1. Claypool, Austin Jefferson
  4723. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 15 Range 13, Scott, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 908; Image: 84.
    1. Birth, Butler, Rebecca
    2. Butler, Rebecca
  4724. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 111; Image: 231.
    1. Butler, William
  4725. Year: 1860; Census Place: Northern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 504; Image: 108.
    1. Residence, Hill, Martha Emily
    2. Hill, Martha Emily
  4726. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Carter, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1242; Page: 393; Image: 224; Family History Library Film: 805242
    1. Potter, Mary Ann
  4727. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fort Calhoun, Washington, Nebraska Territory; Roll: ; Page: 868; Image: 26.
    1. Schray, Jakob Frederich
    2. Residence, Schray, Jakob Frederich
  4728. Year: 1860; Census Place: Union, Rush, Indiana; Roll: M653_294; Page: 820; Image: 323; Family History Library Film: 803294
    1. Gifford, John
    2. Residence, Gifford, John
  4729. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sulpher Springs, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 670; Image: 348.
    1. Residence, Sturgis, Rebecca R.
    2. Sturgis, Rebecca R.
  4730. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 859; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Morgan, Sarah E.
  4731. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Half of County, Crittenden, Kentucky; Roll: M653_363; Page: 310; Image: 310; Family History Library Film: 803363
    1. Birth, Long, Hadley P.
    2. Long, Hadley P.
  4732. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southeast, Orange, Indiana; Roll: M653_286; Page: 556; Image: 30; Family History Library Film: 803286
    1. Lindley, Hannah
  4733. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Van Buren, Iowa; Roll: M653_342; Page: 281; Image: 522; Family History Library Film: 803342
    1. Claypool, Jesse Jr.
    2. Birth, Claypool, Jesse Jr.
  4734. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Jackson, Tennessee; Page: 238; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Adkins, Emeline
    2. Birth, Adkins, Emeline
  4735. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 754; Image: 432.
    1. Residence, Claypool, Stephen Sr. Major
    2. Claypool, Stephen Sr. Major
  4736. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Conway, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 583; Image: 585.
    1. Crow, Nancy Rosanna
  4737. Year: 1860; Census Place: Red Rock, Marion, Iowa; Roll: M653_335; Page: 156; Image: 160; Family History Library Film: 803335
    1. Alley, Elihu
    2. Birth, Alley, Elihu
  4738. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fort Calhoun, Washington, Nebraska Territory; Roll: ; Page: 868; Image: 26.
    1. Huber, Paulena Helene
    2. Birth, Huber, Paulena Helene
  4739. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 696; Image: 256; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Pittman, Martha Ann
    2. Age: 41
  4740. Year: 1860; Census Place: Union, Rush, Indiana; Roll: M653_294; Page: 820; Image: 323; Family History Library Film: 803294
    1. Residence, Iles, Priscilla
    2. Iles, Priscilla
  4741. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 13, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 85; Image: 177; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Holmes, Elizabeth Jones
  4742. Year: 1860; Census Place: Howell, Howell, Missouri; Roll: M653_624; Page: 541; Family History Library Film: 803624
    1. Residence, Baker, Rufus M.
    2. Baker, Rufus M.
  4743. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 765; Image: 443.
    1. Residence, Butler, John Thomas
    2. Butler, John Thomas
  4744. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Wright, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 986; Image: 425.
    1. Birth, Freels, Parmelia
    2. Freels, Parmelia
  4745. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 N Range 7 W, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 785; Image: 22.
    1. Residence, Worms, Joseph
    2. Worms, Joseph
  4746. Year: 1860; Census Place: District Town Valley, Chattooga, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 645; Image: 119.
    1. Edmondson, Hester
    2. Birth, Edmondson, Hester
  4747. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 105; Image: 219; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Wilkey, Martha
    2. Age: 13
  4748. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Grainger, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1250; Page: 405; Image: 427; Family History Library Film: 805250
    1. Birth, Bull, Hannah
    2. Bull, Hannah
  4749. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 251; Image: 507; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Egbert, Asa M.
  4750. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 476; Image: 305.
    1. Birth, Butler, Mary Charlotte
    2. Butler, Mary Charlotte
  4751. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bath, Kentucky; Roll: M653_355; Page: 124; Image: 124; Family History Library Film: 803355
    1. Robbins, Miranda
    2. Birth, Robbins, Miranda
  4752. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ozark, Lawrence, Missouri; Roll: M653_628; Page: 717; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 803628
    1. Masters, James
  4753. Year: 1860; Census Place: Northern Division, Spartanburg, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1226; Page: 226; Image: 66; Family History Library Film: 805226
    1. Fitzgerald, Matthew Vannerson
  4754. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Spencer, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 17; Image: 481.
    1. Heady, James Jackson
  4755. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 477; Image: 307.
    1. Galbraith, California Jane
    2. Residence, Galbraith, California Jane
  4756. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wells, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 656; Image: 270; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Wilkinson, William Warner
  4757. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mountain, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 517; Image: 39.
    1. Montgomery, William B.
  4758. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Clinton, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 186; Image: 186.
    1. Residence, Taylor, Thomas A.
    2. Taylor, Thomas A.
  4759. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 34; Image: 73; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Residence, Pinson, Laurissa Elizabeth
    2. Pinson, Laurissa Elizabeth
  4760. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pilot Grove, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 691; Image: 437.
    1. Haggard, Harriet C.
  4761. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 613; Image: 611; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Morgan, Jesse Russell
    2. Residence, Morgan, Jesse Russell
  4762. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 690; Image: 688; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Carter, Marion Davis
    2. Age: 3
  4763. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Washington, Kentucky; Roll: M653_399; Page: 23; Image: 23; Family History Library Film: 803399
    1. Birth, Selby, Elizabeth
    2. Selby, Elizabeth
  4764. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Monroe, Mississippi; Roll: ; Page: 458; Image: 462.
    1. Birth, Butler, Angelina Boyd
    2. Butler, Angelina Boyd
  4765. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bolivar, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 4; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Reeves, Elizabeth Jane
    2. Reeves, Elizabeth Jane
  4766. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 35; Image: 76.
    1. Holmes, John H.
    2. Residence, Holmes, John H.
  4767. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Harrison, Kentucky; Roll: M653_372; Page: 485; Image: 31; Family History Library Film: 803372
    1. Claypool, Elizabeth
  4768. Year: 1860; Census Place: Adams, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 462; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Residence, Naylor, Charles Carl
    2. Naylor, Charles Carl
  4769. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Residence, Crow, Samuel Marion William
    2. Crow, Samuel Marion William
  4770. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 765; Image: 443; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Claypool, Benjamin Franklin
  4771. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 859; Image: 409.
    1. Holmes, George Wayne
  4772. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Frederick, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 707; Image: 363; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Chrisman, John Henry
    2. Residence, Chrisman, John Henry
  4773. Year: 1860; Census Place: Riley, Yell, Arkansas; Roll: M653_52; Page: 1069; Image: 597; Family History Library Film: 803052
    1. Residence, McBride, Lucinda Caroline
    2. McBride, Lucinda Caroline
  4774. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Frieze, Harriet Frances
    2. Residence, Frieze, Harriet Frances
  4775. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 388; Image: 398; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Riggs, William
    2. Age: 23
  4776. Year: 1860; Census Place: Epping Forest, Granville, North Carolina; Roll: M653_898; Page: 364; Family History Library Film: 803898
    1. Taylor, Emily Tillinghast
  4777. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 626; Image: 304; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sturgis, William A.
    2. Birth, Sturgis, William A.
  4778. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 745; Image: 423; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Butler, Sarah Ann
    2. Butler, Sarah Ann
  4779. Year: 1860; Census Place: Linn, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 311; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Forgey, William Alexander
    2. Birth, Forgey, William Alexander
  4780. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fort Calhoun, Washington, Nebraska Territory; Roll: ; Page: 868; Image: 26.
    1. Schray, Pauline Katharine
    2. Birth, Schray, Pauline Katharine
  4781. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Tippecanoe, Indiana; Roll: M653_300; Page: 513; Family History Library Film: 803300
    1. Taylor, Egbert T.
  4782. Year: 1860; Census Place: Buena Vista, Jasper, Iowa; Roll: M653_325; Page: 59; Image: 387; Family History Library Film: 803325
    1. Likins, Leonard
  4783. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Blount, Alabama; Roll: M653_2; Page: 1010; Image: 364; Family History Library Film: 803002
    1. Chaney, George Washington
  4784. Year: 1860; Census Place: Windsor, Lawrence, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 146; Image: 295.
    1. Goff, Lorenzo Dow
    2. Residence, Goff, Lorenzo Dow
  4785. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 420; Image: 424; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Rodabaugh, Isaac P.
  4786. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Sullivan, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 676; Image: 120.
    1. Birth, Bailey, Celia
    2. Bailey, Celia
  4787. Year: 1860; Census Place: Orange, Fayette, Indiana; Roll: M653_256; Page: 729; Image: 729; Family History Library Film: 803256
    1. Carter, Melvina Alvira
    2. Birth, Carter, Melvina Alvira
  4788. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 205; Image: 204.
    1. Claypool, George Clarence
  4789. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pike, Mississippi; Roll: M653_589; Page: 367; Image: 373; Family History Library Film: 803589
    1. Tubb, Sidie Emmaline
  4790. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 397; Image: 416; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Residence, Morris, Gideon W.
    2. Morris, Gideon W.
  4791. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 614; Image: 292; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Residence, Spires, Anna W.
    2. Spires, Anna W.
  4792. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 480; Image: 312.
    1. Residence, Butler, Nancy
    2. Butler, Nancy
  4793. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 236; Image: 235; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Saye, Thomas P.
    2. Age in 1860: 29
  4794. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 184; Image: 184.
    1. Green, John H.
  4795. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Wayne, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 839; Image: 481.
    1. Birth, Crum, Calista
    2. Crum, Calista
  4796. Year: 1860; Census Place: Macon, Illinois; Roll: M653_203; Page: 809; Image: 243; Family History Library Film: 803203
    1. Masters, James V.
  4797. Year: 1860; Census Place: Panola, Mississippi; Roll: M653_589; Page: 162; Family History Library Film: 803589
    1. Lawson, Rachel
    2. Birth, Lawson, Rachel
  4798. Year: 1860; Census Place: Columbia, Meigs, Ohio; Roll: M653_1008; Page: 336; Image: 675; Family History Library Film: 805008
    1. Walburn, Electa
    2. Birth, Walburn, Electa
  4799. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 755; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence Post Office: Bowling Green
    2. Thomas, Martha Ann "Patsy"
  4800. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 606; Image: 605.
    1. Richard, Margaretha
  4801. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 203; Image: 415.
    1. Gibson, Mary Matilda
    2. Birth, Gibson, Mary Matilda
  4802. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Maury, Tennessee; Page: 299; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Birth, Dortin, Melvina Elizabeth
    2. Dortin, Melvina Elizabeth
  4803. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 8, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 617; Image: 619; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Residence, Gibson, Daniel Boone Rev.
    2. Gibson, Daniel Boone Rev.
  4804. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Bullitt, Kentucky; Roll: M653_358; Page: 765; Image: 368; Family History Library Film: 803358
    1. Birth, Ridgway, Joseph
    2. Ridgway, Joseph
  4805. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 621; Image: 299; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Weller, Sarah Ann
  4806. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Birth, Mansfield, Jane
    2. Mansfield, Jane
  4807. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 455; Image: 532.
    1. Birth, Thornhill, Joseph Marion
    2. Thornhill, Joseph Marion
  4808. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 169; Image: 347; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Dale, William "Bill"
  4809. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washburn, Scott, Arkansas; Roll: M653_50; Page: 749; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 803050
    1. Residence, Herron, Joshua H.
    2. Herron, Joshua H.
  4810. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Putnam, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 95; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Marchbanks, Burton
  4811. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 3, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 217; Image: 217.
    1. Residence, Carter, Virginia Ann
    2. Carter, Virginia Ann
  4812. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jones, Union, Iowa; Roll: M653_342; Page: 47; Family History Library Film: 803342
    1. Forgey, James Allen
    2. Birth, Forgey, James Allen
  4813. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hardin, Hardin, Iowa; Roll: M653_323; Page: 732; Image: 250; Family History Library Film: 803323
    1. Birth, Miller, Ann
    2. Miller, Ann
  4814. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 995; Image: 429.
    1. Chaney, Hezekiah
  4815. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Howard, Missouri; Roll: M653_623; Page: 407; Image: 407; Family History Library Film: 803623
    1. Birth, Stewart, Martha W.
    2. Stewart, Martha W.
  4816. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center, Knox, Missouri; Roll: M653_627; Page: 81; Image: 84; Family History Library Film: 803627
    1. Claypool, Cornelius
  4817. Year: 1860; Census Place: Smith, Posey, Indiana; Roll: M653_290; Page: 609; Image: 83; Family History Library Film: 803290
    1. Residence, Chastain, Magdalene Sarah
    2. Chastain, Magdalene Sarah
  4818. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 399; Image: 420.
    1. Carter, Mary Caroline
  4819. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clear Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 312; Image: 630; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Miller, Lewis Neill
    2. Residence, Miller, Lewis Neill
  4820. Year: 1860; Census Place: York, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1228; Page: 426; Image: 261; Family History Library Film: 805228
    1. Age in 1860: 57
    2. Sturgis, William Draper
  4821. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bear Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 417; Image: 161.
    1. Birth, King, Robert
    2. King, Robert
  4822. Year: 1860; Census Place: Russell, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: ; Page: 47; Image: 52.
    1. Fanning, Amanda
    2. Residence, Fanning, Amanda
  4823. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ozark, Lawrence, Missouri; Roll: M653_628; Page: 717; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 803628
    1. Davis, Nancy
    2. Birth, Davis, Nancy
  4824. Year: 1860; Census Place: Morgan, Dade, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 148; Image: 152.
    1. Wheeler, Lenander M.
    2. Birth, Wheeler, Lenander M.
  4825. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Van Buren, Iowa; Roll: M653_342; Page: 281; Image: 522; Family History Library Film: 803342
    1. Claypool, Jesse Jr.
  4826. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 217; Image: 216.
    1. Residence, Carneal, Catherine
    2. Carneal, Catherine
  4827. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 620; Image: 298; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Spires, James B.
  4828. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 455; Image: 532.
    1. Thornhill, Rachel J.
  4829. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Conway, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 583; Image: 585.
    1. Crow, Nancy Rosanna
    2. Residence, Crow, Nancy Rosanna
  4830. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 363; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Residence, Maupin, Margaret Ann
    2. Maupin, Margaret Ann
  4831. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Marys, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 373; Image: 117; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Sturgis, Arcadia Cordelia
  4832. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 476; Image: 305.
    1. Webster, John Wesley
  4833. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southeast, Orange, Indiana; Roll: M653_286; Page: 556; Image: 30; Family History Library Film: 803286
    1. Birth, Lindley, Hannah
    2. Lindley, Hannah
  4834. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 993; Image: 427.
    1. Birth, Butler, Mary Jane
    2. Butler, Mary Jane
  4835. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cumberland, Fayette, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 67; Image: 67.
    1. Gatewood, Thomas A
    2. Birth, Gatewood, Thomas A
  4836. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Grundy, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1252; Page: 438; Family History Library Film: 805252
    1. Residence, Casey, Elizabeth
    2. Casey, Elizabeth
  4837. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 827; Image: 65.
    1. Residence, Cranford, Charlotte
    2. Cranford, Charlotte
  4838. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 752; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Howell, Mary S.
    2. Howell, Mary S.
  4839. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 510.
    1. Curry, Sarah L.
  4840. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 216; Image: 443; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Carmack, Elisabeth Ann "Bettie"
    2. Carmack, Elisabeth Ann "Bettie"
  4841. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Johnson, Iowa; Roll: M653_327; Page: 501; Image: 17; Family History Library Film: 803327
    1. Residence, Davis, Neziah
    2. Davis, Neziah
  4842. Year: 1860; Census Place: De Soto, Louisiana; Roll: M653_410; Page: 857; Image: 433; Family History Library Film: 803410
    1. Sebastian, Daniel H.
  4843. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 164; Image: 338; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Masters, Montreville B.
    2. Masters, Montreville B.
  4844. Year: 1860; Census Place: Regiment 22, Mecklenburg, Virginia; Roll: M653_1362; Page: 209; Image: 219; Family History Library Film: 805362
    1. Clarke, John Edward
    2. Residence, Clarke, John Edward
  4845. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Half of County, Crittenden, Kentucky; Roll: M653_363; Page: 310; Image: 310; Family History Library Film: 803363
    1. Birth, McKinney, George A.
    2. McKinney, George A.
  4846. Year: 1860; Census Place: High Forest, Olmsted, Minnesota; Roll: M653_572; Page: 676; Image: 263; Family History Library Film: 803572
    1. Parker, Julia A.
  4847. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Eastern District, Ashe, North Carolina; Roll: M653_887; Page: 372; Image: 304; Family History Library Film: 803887
    1. Anderson, Rebecca
  4848. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sherrill, Texas, Missouri; Roll: M653_658; Page: 1100; Image: 529; Family History Library Film: 803658
    1. Birth, Crow, Francis Marion
    2. Crow, Francis Marion
  4849. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 96; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Summers, John Madison
  4850. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gainesville, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 321; Image: 321.
    1. Claypool, Ann Eliza
  4851. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bristol, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 102; Image: 107; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Birth, Cheney, Edmund W.
    2. Cheney, Edmund W.
  4852. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 696; Image: 256; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Sisk, Milton
    2. Birth, Sisk, Milton
  4853. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 96; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Birth, Summers, John Madison
    2. Summers, John Madison
  4854. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 764; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Howell, Daniel William
    2. Howell, Daniel William
  4855. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 478; Image: 309; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Birth, Adkinson, William F.
    2. Adkinson, William F.
  4856. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pike, Jay, Indiana; Roll: M653_269; Page: 33; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 803269
    1. Harford, George Washington
    2. Birth, Harford, George Washington
  4857. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 8, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 617; Image: 619; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Sturgis, Anna R.
  4858. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Tippecanoe, Indiana; Roll: M653_300; Page: 513; Family History Library Film: 803300
    1. Taylor, Egbert T.
    2. Birth, Taylor, Egbert T.
  4859. Year: 1860; Census Place: Griggsville, Pike, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 14.
    1. Residence, Elledge, Alice Medora
    2. Elledge, Alice Medora
  4860. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bath, Kentucky; Roll: M653_355; Page: 124; Image: 124; Family History Library Film: 803355
    1. Age: 16
    2. Robbins, Miranda
  4861. Year: 1860; Census Place: Townships 4 and 5 N Range 8, Clay, Illinois; Roll: M653_162; Page: 528; Image: 528; Family History Library Film: 803162
    1. Residence, Nottingham, LaVerna Catherine
    2. Nottingham, LaVerna Catherine
  4862. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sulpher Springs, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 670; Image: 348; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sample, Washington "Wort"
    2. Birth, Sample, Washington "Wort"
  4863. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 334; Image: 289.
    1. Birth, Gass, John Cox
    2. Gass, John Cox
  4864. Year: 1860; Census Place: Henry, Henry, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 22; Image: 22.
    1. Birth, Justice, Emily A.
    2. Justice, Emily A.
  4865. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 25; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Mead, Mary Jane
    2. Residence Post Office: Bolivar
  4866. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 27; Image: 58.
    1. Residence, Burk, Elizabeth Emily
    2. Burk, Elizabeth Emily
  4867. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 717; Image: 727.
    1. Residence, Hall, Sarah Frances "Fanny"
    2. Hall, Sarah Frances "Fanny"
  4868. Year: 1860; Census Place: Montgomery, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: M653_930; Page: 111; Image: 225; Family History Library Film: 803930
    1. Myers, Jacob A.
    2. Birth, Myers, Jacob A.
  4869. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 89; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Birth, Catchings, Thomas Jefferson
    2. Catchings, Thomas Jefferson
  4870. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Vernon, Troup, Georgia; Page: 241; Family History Library Film: 803138
    1. Henderson, Thomas Boone
  4871. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_224; Page: 429; Image: 428; Family History Library Film: 803224
    1. Christ, Nicolaus
    2. Residence, Christ, Nicolaus
  4872. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: M653_22; Page: 774; Image: 380; Family History Library Film: 803022
    1. Barrett, Thomas Valentine Sr.
  4873. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mason City, Mason, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 607; Image: 606.
    1. Hibberd, Israel
    2. Residence, Hibberd, Israel
  4874. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 363; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Chaney, Leonard Franklin
  4875. Year: 1860; Census Place: Union, Rush, Indiana; Roll: M653_294; Page: 820; Image: 323; Family History Library Film: 803294
    1. Birth, Iles, Priscilla
    2. Iles, Priscilla
  4876. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 752; Image: 430.
    1. Birth, Howell, Moses J.
    2. Howell, Moses J.
  4877. Year: 1860; Census Place: Boone, Greene, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 272; Image: 272.
    1. Claypool, Robert B.
    2. Birth, Claypool, Robert B.
  4878. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Kosciusko, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 386; Image: 386.
    1. Carper, Amanda
  4879. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 764; Image: 442.
    1. Howell, Eli
  4880. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 155; Image: 317.
    1. Cain, Nancy E.
  4881. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 444; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Age in 1860: 51
    2. Stubblefield, Elizabeth Ann
  4882. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 355; Image: 359.
    1. Residence, Farnsley, James Martin
    2. Farnsley, James Martin
  4883. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Linn, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_351; Page: 99; Image: 99; Family History Library Film: 803351
    1. Birth, Hopping, Anna R.
    2. Hopping, Anna R.
  4884. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 778; Image: 456; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Moore, Mary Banks
  4885. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bellbrook, Greene, Ohio; Roll: M653_968; Page: 25; Image: 53; Family History Library Film: 803968
    1. Searls, Brittanna D.
    2. Birth, Searls, Brittanna D.
  4886. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 44; Image: 91.
    1. Residence, Farmer, Agnes
    2. Farmer, Agnes
  4887. Year: 1860; Census Place: San Jose, Santa Clara, California; Roll: M653_65; Page: 352; Image: 352; Family History Library Film: 803065
    1. Scott, Juliett
    2. Birth, Scott, Juliett
  4888. Year: 1860; Census Place: Chariton, Macon, Missouri; Roll: M653_631; Page: 293; Image: 289; Family History Library Film: 803631
    1. Birth, Sturgis, James
    2. Sturgis, James
  4889. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Williamson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 123; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Prowell, Andrew Mitchell
  4890. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Sugar Loaf, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 912; Image: 462; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Birth, Mathis, Mirriam Ann
    2. Mathis, Mirriam Ann
  4891. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Hardy, Virginia; Roll: M653_1351; Page: 546; Image: 34; Family History Library Film: 805351
    1. Coby, Elizabeth
  4892. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beardstown, Cass, Illinois; Page: 261; Family History Library Film: 803160
    1. Morgan, Martha Ann
  4893. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bourbon, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_346; Page: 357; Image: 357; Family History Library Film: 803346
    1. Claypool, David Franklin
    2. Residence, Claypool, David Franklin
  4894. Year: 1860; Census Place: Burnsville, Dallas, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 848; Image: 352.
    1. Andrews, Athelston
  4895. Year: 1860; Census Place: Chariton, Macon, Missouri; Roll: M653_631; Page: 293; Image: 289; Family History Library Film: 803631
    1. Residence, Sturgis, James
    2. Sturgis, James
  4896. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 74; Image: 154.
    1. Residence, Whitwell, Jesse Curry
    2. Whitwell, Jesse Curry
  4897. Year: 1860; Census Place: Alleghany, Virginia; Roll: M653_1332; Page: 82; Image: 86; Family History Library Film: 805332
    1. Porter, Minerva
  4898. Year: 1860; Census Place: North Division, Robeson, North Carolina; Roll: M653_911; Page: 453; Image: 245; Family History Library Film: 803911
    1. Page, Ann Eliza
  4899. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 9 Range 8 E, Gallatin, Illinois; Roll: M653_180; Page: 1015; Family History Library Film: 803180
    1. Dempsey, John D.
    2. Residence Post Office: Equality
  4900. Year: 1860; Census Place: Livingston, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 289; Image: 590.
    1. Goodbar, Thomas Porter
  4901. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 47; Image: 47; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Residence, Devin, Nathaniel Madison "Matt"
    2. Devin, Nathaniel Madison "Matt"
  4902. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 222; Image: 221.
    1. Crow, William Greenberry James
    2. Birth, Crow, William Greenberry James
  4903. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Marys, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 342; Image: 86; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Saddler, Mary Jane
  4904. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fayette, Lafayette, Wisconsin; Roll: M653_1416; Page: 725; Image: 221; Family History Library Film: 805416
    1. Hunter, Flora E.
  4905. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 630; Image: 34; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Johnson, Theodocia Ann
    2. Birth, Johnson, Theodocia Ann
  4906. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 381; Image: 59; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Humphrey, Miriam Elizabeth
    2. Humphrey, Miriam Elizabeth
  4907. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 44; Image: 91.
    1. King, Phereba Phoebe
  4908. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 7, Shelby, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 414; Image: 460; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Birth, Mitchell, Ephraim Miles
    2. Mitchell, Ephraim Miles
  4909. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Shelby, Kentucky; Roll: M653_395; Page: 198; Image: 198; Family History Library Film: 803395
    1. Wells, Nathan
    2. Birth, Wells, Nathan
  4910. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Masters, Isaac Bird
    2. Masters, Isaac Bird
  4911. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 12, Wilson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 348; Image: 204.
    1. Birth, Butler, Louisa Jane
    2. Butler, Louisa Jane
  4912. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 239; Image: 238.
    1. Forgey, Amanda M.
  4913. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 578; Image: 140; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Carter, Frances Edmonia "Eddie"
  4914. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 12, Wilson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 348; Image: 204.
    1. Residence, Butler, Louisa Jane
    2. Butler, Louisa Jane
  4915. Year: 1860; Census Place: Goochland, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 936; Image: 596; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Woodward, Laura A.
    2. Residence, Woodward, Laura A.
  4916. Year: 1860; Census Place: Russell, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: ; Page: 53; Image: 58.
    1. Birth, Fanning, Eliza Samantha
    2. Fanning, Eliza Samantha
  4917. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 244; Image: 498; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Qualls, William
  4918. Year: 1860; Census Place: Democrat, Carroll, Indiana; Roll: M653_246; Page: 490; Image: 492; Family History Library Film: 803246
    1. Ford, Rosanna
    2. Residence, Ford, Rosanna
  4919. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 764; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Howell, Dudley Fletcher
    2. Howell, Dudley Fletcher
  4920. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 355; Image: 359.
    1. Residence, Farnsley, Virgil
    2. Farnsley, Virgil
  4921. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Jackson, Tennessee; Page: 238; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Adkins, Emeline
  4922. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Licking, Ohio; Roll: M653_998; Page: 157; Image: 319; Family History Library Film: 803998
    1. Elliot, William
    2. Residence, Elliot, William
  4923. 1860 United States Federal Census
    1. Residence, Masters, Robert
    2. Masters, Robert
  4924. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 510.
    1. Birth, Chaney, Emmaline
    2. Chaney, Emmaline
  4925. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 765; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Claypool, Elizabeth "Betty"
    2. Claypool, Elizabeth "Betty"
  4926. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 85; Image: 85.
    1. Gammon, Mary Elizabeth
  4927. Year: 1860; Census Place: Rock, Jefferson, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 566; Image: 97.
    1. Residence, Gorton, Sally Clark
    2. Gorton, Sally Clark
  4928. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 820; Image: 378; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Scott, Rebecca
  4929. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western District, Upshur, Texas; Roll: M653_1306; Page: 392; Image: 316; Family History Library Film: 805306
    1. Residence, Adams, Rebecca
    2. Adams, Rebecca
  4930. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mequon, Ozaukee, Wisconsin; Roll: ; Page: 885; Image: 313.
    1. Taute, Martin
    2. Birth, Taute, Martin
  4931. Year: 1860; Census Place: Goochland, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 924; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Clarke, Alice L.
  4932. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 1, Cass, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 352; Image: 17; Family History Library Film: 805290
    1. Swinford, Reuben Knox
  4933. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 24; Image: 54; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Wyatt, William Henry
    2. Residence, Wyatt, William Henry
  4934. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Carroll, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1243; Page: 79; Image: 161; Family History Library Film: 805243
    1. Birth, Wren, Elizabeth
    2. Wren, Elizabeth
  4935. Year: 1860; Census Place: Northern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 504; Image: 108.
    1. Birth, Hill, Martha Emily
    2. Hill, Martha Emily
  4936. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Putnam, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 37; Image: 80; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Rector, Elizabeth Jane
  4937. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Frieze, William M.
  4938. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 150; Image: 150.
    1. Wright, William W.
    2. Birth, Wright, William W.
  4939. Year: 1860; Census Place: Russell, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: ; Page: 38; Image: 43.
    1. , Jane
    2. Residence, , Jane
  4940. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 16; Image: 36.
    1. Census records differ on place of birth; Pennsylvania other option
    2. Naylor, Charles C.
  4941. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Marys, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 373; Image: 117; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Birth, Bowman, James E.
    2. Bowman, James E.
  4942. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 371; Image: 364; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Provence, Martha E
  4943. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dinsmore, Shelby, Ohio; Roll: M653_1036; Page: 323; Image: 94; Family History Library Film: 805036
    1. Toland, Erasmus Bruce
  4944. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 327; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Chaney, Alexander
    2. Birth, Chaney, Alexander
  4945. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 N Range 2 W (North two-thirds), Montgomery, Illinois; Roll: M653_214; Page: 224; Image: 224; Family History Library Film: 803214
    1. Whitten, William P.
    2. Residence, Whitten, William P.
  4946. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lake, Buchanan, Missouri; Roll: M653_609; Page: 81; Image: 81; Family History Library Film: 803609
    1. Smith, Polly Ann
  4947. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 686; Image: 684; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Masters, Sarah Jane
  4948. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 250; Image: 505; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Van Note, William
    2. Age in 1860: 23
  4949. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Putnam, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 38; Image: 82; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. McCulley, George Washington
    2. Birth, McCulley, George Washington
  4950. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 995; Image: 429.
    1. Residence, Chaney, Hezekiah Cannon
    2. Chaney, Hezekiah Cannon
  4951. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 4, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 31; Image: 68; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Residence, Fitzgerald, William Francis
    2. Fitzgerald, William Francis
  4952. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wythe, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 269; Image: 13.
    1. Residence, King, Jemima
    2. King, Jemima
  4953. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richardson, Lane, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 276; Image: 556; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Birth, Rice, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Rice, Mary Elizabeth
  4954. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 11, Crawford, Illinois; Roll: M653_171; Page: 426; Image: 429; Family History Library Film: 803171
    1. Crow, Grace
    2. Residence, Crow, Grace
  4955. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Birth, Mitchell, Mary
    2. Mitchell, Mary
  4956. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Pickaway, Ohio; Roll: M653_1023; Page: 135; Family History Library Film: 805023
    1. Hall, Lydia
    2. Residence Post Office: Probsts Store
  4957. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 390; Image: 401; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Riggs, Clisby D.
  4958. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 150; Image: 150.
    1. Residence, Wright, Reuben
    2. Wright, Reuben
  4959. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bourbon, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_346; Page: 357; Image: 357; Family History Library Film: 803346
    1. Residence, Duncan, Winiford
    2. Duncan, Winiford
  4960. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 696; Image: 256; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Pittman, Martha Ann
  4961. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Barren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_354; Page: 902; Image: 342; Family History Library Film: 803354
    1. Cole, Nancy "Nannie" A.
  4962. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 236; Image: 478; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Forgey, Mary Francis
    2. Residence, Forgey, Mary Francis
  4963. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 760; Image: 438; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Pearson, Mary Angeline
  4964. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 196; Image: 195.
    1. Birth, Christian, James
    2. Christian, James
  4965. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Lee, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 707.
    1. Birth, Kempker, Otto
    2. Kempker, Otto
  4966. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Birth, Grant, Lucy Ann
    2. Grant, Lucy Ann
  4967. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 96; Image: 199.
    1. Van Camp, Mary
  4968. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 16; Image: 36.
    1. Residence, Naylor, Charles C.
    2. Naylor, Charles C.
  4969. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 13, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 85; Image: 176.
    1. Birth, Woody, Robert
    2. Woody, Robert
  4970. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 693; Image: 371.
    1. Badgett, Andrew
    2. Residence, Badgett, Andrew
  4971. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 322; Image: 274; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Morris, Fountain M.
    2. Birth, Morris, Fountain M.
  4972. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Tuscarawas, Ohio; Page: 306; Family History Library Film: 805043
    1. Residence Post Office: Cadwallader
    2. Schooley, William D.
  4973. Year: 1860; Census Place: Amherst, Virginia; Roll: M653_1332; Page: 413; Image: 421; Family History Library Film: 805332
    1. Birth, Cowell, Sarah "Sallie" A.
    2. Cowell, Sarah "Sallie" A.
  4974. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 355; Image: 359.
    1. Farnsley, Julia N.
  4975. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Hickman, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 528; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Chaney, Abel
  4976. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sugar Creek, Boone, Indiana; Roll: M653_245; Page: 893; Image: 373; Family History Library Film: 803245
    1. Birth, Childre, Phebe
    2. Childre, Phebe
  4977. Year: 1860; Census Place: Polk, Adair, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 172; Image: 176.
    1. Birth, Crow, Russel Taylor
    2. Crow, Russel Taylor
  4978. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 710; Image: 260; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Wilburn, Lavina V.
  4979. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 613; Image: 611; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Residence, Willson, Margaritt J.
    2. Willson, Margaritt J.
  4980. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 251; Image: 507; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Egbert, Eva H.
    2. Birth, Egbert, Eva H.
  4981. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 578; Image: 140; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Perring, Ezra
  4982. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harmony, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 454; Image: 198; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Rucker, Oliver P.
    2. Age: 18
  4983. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 58; Image: 119; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Birth, Wright, Melissa
    2. Wright, Melissa
  4984. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Masters, Samuel Thompson
    2. Masters, Samuel Thompson
  4985. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 130; Image: 269.
    1. Birth, Butler, Mary E.
    2. Butler, Mary E.
  4986. Year: 1860; Census Place: Boone, Greene, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 272; Image: 272.
    1. Residence, Claypool, Susan Angelina
    2. Claypool, Susan Angelina
  4987. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 808; Image: 486; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Claypool, Stephen
  4988. Year: 1860; Census Place: Brooks, Waldo, Maine; Roll: ; Page: 122; Image: 644.
    1. Watson, Rebecca Jane Jennie
  4989. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 247.
    1. Holmes, Robert Andrew "Andy"
    2. Residence, Holmes, Robert Andrew "Andy"
  4990. Year: 1860; Census Place: Union, Humboldt, California; Roll: M653_59; Page: 188; Image: 188; Family History Library Film: 803059
    1. Handy, Samuel
    2. Birth, Handy, Samuel
  4991. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 752; Image: 430.
    1. Howell, Rebecca J.
    2. Birth, Howell, Rebecca J.
  4992. Year: 1860; Census Place: Kelley, Ripley, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 491; Image: 493.
    1. Birth, Kennon, Hughes Owen
    2. Kennon, Hughes Owen
  4993. Year: 1860; Census Place: Duchouquet, Auglaize, Ohio; Roll: M653_931; Page: 309; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 803931
    1. Iames, John
    2. Residence, Iames, John
  4994. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Casey, Kentucky; Roll: M653_361; Page: 388; Image: 388; Family History Library Film: 803361
    1. Age: 9
    2. Richardson, Thomas W.
  4995. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Sebastian, Arkansas; Roll: M653_50; Page: 1039; Image: 493; Family History Library Film: 803050
    1. Howard, John
  4996. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 667; Image: 193.
    1. Residence, Morrison, Sarah P. "Sally"
    2. Morrison, Sarah P. "Sally"
  4997. Year: 1860; Census Place: Monroe, Kentucky; Roll: M653_388; Page: 85; Image: 85; Family History Library Film: 803388
    1. Riggs, Ellis
    2. Residence, Riggs, Ellis
  4998. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pleasant Grove, Coles, Illinois; Page: 349; Family History Library Film: 803171
    1. Kelly, Sarah Catherine "Kate"
    2. Residence Post Office: Farmington
  4999. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gainesville, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 313; Image: 313.
    1. Harston, Thomas
    2. Residence, Harston, Thomas
  5000. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Birth, Hawn, George Washington
    2. Hawn, George Washington
  5001. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 499; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Birth, Staples, Jane
    2. Staples, Jane
  5002. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 480; Image: 312.
    1. Justice, John
    2. Birth, Justice, John
  5003. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 765; Image: 443.
    1. Birth, Claypool, Stephen H.
    2. Claypool, Stephen H.
  5004. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Mitchell, James L.
  5005. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 150; Image: 150.
    1. Wright, William W.
    2. Residence, Wright, William W.
  5006. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lavaca, Lavaca, Texas; Roll: M653_1299; Page: 190; Family History Library Film: 805299
    1. Birth, Fly, Benjamin Franklin
    2. Fly, Benjamin Franklin
  5007. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wythe, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 267; Image: 11.
    1. Mitchell, Isabelle
  5008. Year: 1860; Census Place: N W Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 750; Image: 232; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Mitchell, Elizbeth
  5009. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 499; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Chaney, Elisha Tollivar
  5010. Year: 1860; Census Place: Goochland, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 936; Image: 596; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Birth, Woodward, Lucille Sewella
    2. Woodward, Lucille Sewella
  5011. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 154; Image: 316; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Cleek, Lucinda Anne "Lucy"
  5012. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 172; Image: 353; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Knox, John Dennis
    2. Knox, John Dennis
  5013. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 483; Image: 318; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Age in 1860: 66
    2. Stonecipher, Mahattie
  5014. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 44; Image: 44; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Stockton, Cordelia
    2. Stockton, Cordelia
  5015. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 624; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Van Note, Elizabeth Ann
  5016. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 690; Image: 688; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Carter, John Wesley
    2. Age: 8
  5017. Year: 1860; Census Place: Miami, Lykins, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 248; Image: 248.
    1. Doud, Pricilla May
    2. Birth, Doud, Pricilla May
  5018. Year: 1860; Census Place: York, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1228; Page: 426; Image: 261; Family History Library Film: 805228
    1. Sturgis, William
    2. Birth, Sturgis, William
  5019. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ozark, Missouri; Roll: M653_637; Page: 415; Image: 426; Family History Library Film: 803637
    1. Claypool, Rebecca
    2. Residence, Claypool, Rebecca
  5020. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Cherokee, Alabama; Roll: M653_5; Page: 185; Image: 191; Family History Library Film: 803005
    1. Wade, Sarah Jane
  5021. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 7, Shelby, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 414; Image: 460; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Jones, Rebecca B.
    2. Birth, Jones, Rebecca B.
  5022. Year: 1860; Census Place: Monroe, Kentucky; Roll: M653_388; Page: 85; Image: 85; Family History Library Film: 803388
    1. Birth, Counts, Eve J.
    2. Counts, Eve J.
  5023. Year: 1860; Census Place: Seminary, Fayette, Illinois; Roll: M653_177; Page: 237; Image: 237; Family History Library Film: 803177
    1. Residence, Sturgis, Sarah
    2. Sturgis, Sarah
  5024. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 725; Image: 723.
    1. Thaxton, Mary Ann
    2. Residence, Thaxton, Mary Ann
  5025. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fishing River, Ray, Missouri; Roll: M653_643; Page: 88; Image: 91; Family History Library Film: 803643
    1. O'Dell, Catherine
  5026. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Howard, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 407; Image: 407.
    1. Elliott, Newton G. Jr.
  5027. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 236; Image: 235.
    1. Residence, Wollard, James Madison
    2. Wollard, James Madison
  5028. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Pike, Mississippi; Roll: ; Page: 367; Image: 373.
    1. Cranford, William
    2. Birth, Cranford, William
  5029. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 391; Image: 391.
    1. Ice, John Quincy D
    2. Residence, Ice, John Quincy D
  5030. Year: 1860; Census Place: Simpson, Kentucky; Roll: M653_395; Page: 24; Family History Library Film: 803395
    1. Birth, Blewett, Mary Susan "Susie"
    2. Blewett, Mary Susan "Susie"
  5031. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 236; Image: 235.
    1. Residence, Holmes, Eleanor
    2. Holmes, Eleanor
  5032. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 38; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Wrenn, Sophronia M.
  5033. Year: 1860; Census Place: War Eagle, Madison, Arkansas; Roll: M653_45; Page: 527; Image: 527; Family History Library Film: 803045
    1. Residence, Morris, John Shadrach
    2. Morris, John Shadrach
  5034. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1, Merced, California; Roll: M653_60; Page: 902; Family History Library Film: 803060
    1. Blakemore, Sarah Douglass
    2. Residence Post Office: Snelling
  5035. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carrrollton, Carroll, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 393; Image: 395.
    1. Carneal, John Goodlear
    2. Birth, Carneal, John Goodlear
  5036. Year: 1860; Census Place: Griggsville, Pike, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 14.
    1. Birth, Elledge, Alice Medora
    2. Elledge, Alice Medora
  5037. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wayne, Kentucky; Roll: M653_399; Page: 276; Image: 272; Family History Library Film: 803399
    1. Peak, Rhoda
    2. Birth, Peak, Rhoda
  5038. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wythe, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 270; Image: 14; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Birth, Loper, Mary Eliza
    2. Loper, Mary Eliza
  5039. Year: 1860; Census Place: Linn, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 311; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Residence, Forgey, William Alexander
    2. Forgey, William Alexander
  5040. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 13, Obion, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 141; Image: 290; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Tirey, Andrew Jackson
    2. Tirey, Andrew Jackson
  5041. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 493; Image: 338.
    1. Hawn, Elisha Addison
  5042. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 2 Range 5, Marshall, Mississippi; Roll: M653_587; Page: 97; Image: 101; Family History Library Film: 803587
    1. McClean, Martha Patsy
  5043. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: M653_1013; Page: 96; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805013
    1. Searls, Olive Amanda
    2. Birth, Searls, Olive Amanda
  5044. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Frederick, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 707; Image: 363; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Birth, Carter, Lucinda
    2. Carter, Lucinda
  5045. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 694; Image: 692.
    1. Birth, Van Note, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Van Note, Mary Elizabeth
  5046. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 197; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Mitchell, Sarah Ann
  5047. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 810; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Bunch, William David
  5048. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Page: 262; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Hair, Franklin D.
  5049. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Hendricks, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 647; Image: 173.
    1. Rector, Benjamin Ona
    2. Birth, Rector, Benjamin Ona
  5050. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 391; Image: 391.
    1. Residence, Ice, Andrew Jackson
    2. Ice, Andrew Jackson
  5051. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Side of the NC RR, Orange, North Carolina; Page: 559; Family History Library Film: 803908
    1. Moore, Nancy Ann
  5052. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 N Range 2 W (North two-thirds), Montgomery, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 224; Image: 224.
    1. Evans, John P.
    2. Birth, Evans, John P.
  5053. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 18, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 460; Image: 336; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Residence, Fitzgerald, Mary E.
    2. Fitzgerald, Mary E.
  5054. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Nelson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 261; Image: 261.
    1. Young, James
  5055. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lynnville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 483; Image: 161; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sandusky, Susan
    2. Age in 1860: 63
  5056. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 146; Image: 146.
    1. Residence, Wright, Mary Adeline
    2. Wright, Mary Adeline
  5057. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 457; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Residence, Masters, Mary Jane
    2. Masters, Mary Jane
  5058. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jones, Union, Iowa; Roll: M653_342; Page: 47; Family History Library Film: 803342
    1. Forgey, James Allen
  5059. Year: 1860; Census Place: N W Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 750; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Residence, Bobbitt, Sardina Polk
    2. Bobbitt, Sardina Polk
  5060. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Union, Louisiana; Roll: ; Page: 558; Image: 94.
    1. Birth, Walsworth, Green Benjamin
    2. Walsworth, Green Benjamin
  5061. Year: 1860; Census Place: Baughman, Wayne, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 393; Image: 373.
    1. Residence, Conrad, John
    2. Conrad, John
  5062. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 165; Image: 339.
    1. Birth, Hinds, Susannah
    2. Hinds, Susannah
  5063. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_7; Page: 184; Image: 184; Family History Library Film: 803007
    1. Birth, Sanford, Martha A.
    2. Sanford, Martha A.
  5064. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 479; Image: 311.
    1. Butler, William Preston
  5065. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Blount, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 924; Image: 278.
    1. Birth, Cranford, Avenent V
    2. Cranford, Avenent V
  5066. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hamilton, Butler, Ohio; Page: 418; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Louthan, Mary Ellen
    2. Residence Post Office: Hamilton
  5067. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 795; Image: 473; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Adair, Elisha Milton
  5068. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 808; Image: 486; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Roberson, Elizabeth F.
  5069. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clark, Johnson, Arkansas; Roll: M653_44; Page: 938; Image: 444; Family History Library Film: 803044
    1. Coleman, Nancy Jane
  5070. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 134; Image: 276.
    1. Manley, Sarah Ann
  5071. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 390; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Residence, Thompson, Martha Emaline
    2. Thompson, Martha Emaline
  5072. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wilson, Greene, Missouri; Roll: M653_621; Page: 184; Image: 184; Family History Library Film: 803621
    1. Appleberry, Rebecca S
    2. Residence, Appleberry, Rebecca S
  5073. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Dade, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 9; Image: 13.
    1. Van Beek, George Day
    2. Residence, Van Beek, George Day
  5074. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 26; Image: 57; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Sizemore, Tabitha
  5075. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 217; Image: 216.
    1. Residence, Carneal, Mary Jane
    2. Carneal, Mary Jane
  5076. Year: 1860; Census Place: Somerset, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: M653_937; Page: 389; Image: 326; Family History Library Film: 803937
    1. Selby, Joseph
    2. Residence, Selby, Joseph
  5077. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 755; Image: 433.
    1. Residence, Claypool, Burwell Prunty Dr.
    2. Claypool, Burwell Prunty Dr.
  5078. Year: 1860; Census Place: Freelands, Jefferson, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 724; Image: 82.
    1. Wilkey, Samuel Houston
    2. Birth, Wilkey, Samuel Houston
  5079. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Residence, Crow, Sarah Jane
    2. Crow, Sarah Jane
  5080. Year: 1860; Census Place: Radnor, Delaware, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 584; Image: 589.
    1. Crox, Henry A
    2. Birth, Crox, Henry A
  5081. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Carroll, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 94; Image: 192.
    1. Holmes, Joseph Rev.
  5082. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nishnabotna, Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 586; Image: 90; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Morgan, Ralph L.
    2. Residence, Morgan, Ralph L.
  5083. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 179; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, James Bartee
  5084. Year: 1860; Census Place: Little Black, Randolph, Arkansas; Roll: M653_49; Page: 309; Family History Library Film: 803049
    1. Ealeazer, Comfort
    2. Birth, Ealeazer, Comfort
  5085. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_25; Page: 255; Image: 257; Family History Library Film: 803025
    1. Wyndham, Nancy
    2. Residence, Wyndham, Nancy
  5086. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 83; Image: 83.
    1. Birth, Carneal, Elizabeth
    2. Carneal, Elizabeth
  5087. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Harrison, Kentucky; Roll: M653_372; Page: 485; Image: 31; Family History Library Film: 803372
    1. Residence, Claypool, Elizabeth
    2. Claypool, Elizabeth
  5088. Year: 1860; Census Place: Catoosa, Georgia; Roll: M653_114; Page: 977; Image: 353; Family History Library Film: 803114
    1. Roddy, Emma A
  5089. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Hot Spring, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 959; Image: 447.
    1. Residence, Burnett, Elizabeth Adaline
    2. Burnett, Elizabeth Adaline
  5090. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 578; Image: 140; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Birth, Carter, Frances Edmonia "Eddie"
    2. Carter, Frances Edmonia "Eddie"
  5091. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 155; Image: 317.
    1. Cain, George Washington
  5092. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 13, Obion, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 141; Image: 290; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Tirey, Andrew
    2. Birth, Tirey, Andrew
  5093. Year: 1860; Census Place: White River, Johnson, Indiana; Roll: M653_271; Page: 407; Image: 407; Family History Library Film: 803271
    1. Birth, Carter, Rachel
    2. Carter, Rachel
  5094. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: M653_658; Page: 1003; Image: 437; Family History Library Film: 803658
    1. Denney, Elliot "Elt"
  5095. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 26; Image: 57; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Birth, Sizemore, Tabitha
    2. Sizemore, Tabitha
  5096. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 23; Image: 51; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Anderson, Rhoda
  5097. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 181; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Stapleton, Andrew
  5098. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_349; Page: 258; Image: 258; Family History Library Film: 803349
    1. Smith, Joseph Ferguson
  5099. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 613; Image: 611; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Morgan, Jesse Russell
    2. Birth, Morgan, Jesse Russell
  5100. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Marys, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 342; Image: 86; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Residence, Bowman, John Wright
    2. Bowman, John Wright
  5101. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 444; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Curry, William Charlton
  5102. Year: 1860; Census Place: Moreau, Morgan, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 658; Image: 150.
    1. Chaney, Lavina Isabell
    2. Birth, Chaney, Lavina Isabell
  5103. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 777; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Young, John M.
    2. Young, John M.
  5104. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 477; Image: 307.
    1. Birth, Galbraith, Florence Jane
    2. Galbraith, Florence Jane
  5105. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 27; Image: 58.
    1. Birth, Burk, William T.
    2. Burk, William T.
  5106. Year: 1860; Census Place: Davis, Lafayette, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 379; Image: 32.
    1. Neill, Stephen Thompson
    2. Birth, Neill, Stephen Thompson
  5107. Year: 1860; Census Place: Chariton, Randolph, Missouri; Roll: M653_642; Page: 770; Image: 186; Family History Library Film: 803642
    1. Residence, Chrisman, Amelia B.
    2. Chrisman, Amelia B.
  5108. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pike, Jay, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 33; Image: 33.
    1. Iames, Sarah
    2. Residence, Iames, Sarah
  5109. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Maries, Missouri; Roll: M653_632; Page: 592; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 803632
    1. Satterfield, Moses
  5110. Year: 1860; Census Place: Spencer, Lane, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 280; Image: 563; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Scott, Jane Linn
    2. Birth, Scott, Jane Linn
  5111. Year: 1860; Census Place: Green, Platte, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 762; Image: 249.
    1. Keller, Mary Adelaide
    2. Residence, Keller, Mary Adelaide
  5112. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 88; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Carneal, Thomas Jefferson
  5113. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Jackson, Louisiana; Roll: M653_411; Page: 385; Image: 405; Family History Library Film: 803411
    1. Age: 16
    2. Pearce, Allen Ulysses
  5114. Year: 1860; Census Place: Regiment 2, Pickens, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1225; Page: 31; Family History Library Film: 805225
    1. Birth, Johnson, Pensy
    2. Johnson, Pensy
  5115. Year: 1860; Census Place: Salt Rock, Marion, Ohio; Roll: M653_1006; Page: 291; Image: 52; Family History Library Film: 805006
    1. Snyder, Isaac
  5116. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lower, Franklin, Arkansas; Roll: M653_41; Page: 359; Image: 359; Family History Library Film: 803041
    1. Age in 1860: 22
    2. Arbuckle, Emily Susan
  5117. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_25; Page: 373; Image: 375; Family History Library Film: 803025
    1. Moon, Jacob
    2. Residence, Moon, Jacob
  5118. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bear Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 418; Image: 162.
    1. King, Henry T.
    2. Birth, King, Henry T.
  5119. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 477; Image: 307; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Birth, Galbraith, James
    2. Galbraith, James
  5120. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Monroe, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 216; Image: 439.
    1. Cook, Jacob
  5121. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Residence, Mitchell, James L.
    2. Mitchell, James L.
  5122. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 238; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Forgey, James L.
    2. Residence, Forgey, James L.
  5123. Year: 1860; Census Place: Persifer, Knox, Illinois; Roll: M653_195; Page: 598; Image: 263; Family History Library Film: 803195
    1. Dawson, James Albert
    2. Birth, Dawson, James Albert
  5124. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 995; Image: 429.
    1. Residence, Chaney, James H.
    2. Chaney, James H.
  5125. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Jackson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 235; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Masters, Lafayette
    2. Birth, Masters, Lafayette
  5126. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Howell, James Henry
  5127. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gap, Montgomery, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 902; Image: 370.
    1. Childers, Mary
  5128. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fairview, Fulton, Illinois; Roll: M653_179; Page: 613; Image: 611; Family History Library Film: 803179
    1. Lamb, Lydia
  5129. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bethany, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: M653_622; Page: 618; Image: 132; Family History Library Film: 803622
    1. Masters, Mary Ann
    2. Birth, Masters, Mary Ann
  5130. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 83; Image: 83.
    1. Butler, Caleb
    2. Residence, Butler, Caleb
  5131. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 133; Image: 275; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Jackson, Frances Jane
    2. Birth, Jackson, Frances Jane
  5132. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 430; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Residence, Adkins, Sarah Dorcas
    2. Adkins, Sarah Dorcas
  5133. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 150; Image: 150.
    1. Wright, Richard
    2. Birth, Wright, Richard
  5134. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carolina, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_353; Page: 382; Image: 382; Family History Library Film: 803353
    1. Birth, Claypoole, Luther D.
    2. Claypoole, Luther D.
  5135. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 756; Image: 434.
    1. Claypoole, George Perry
    2. Residence, Claypoole, George Perry
  5136. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 746; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Scrivener, Mary A.
    2. Birth, Scrivener, Mary A.
  5137. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clark, Johnson, Arkansas; Roll: M653_44; Page: 943; Image: 449; Family History Library Film: 803044
    1. Spicer, Jacob N.
  5138. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 140; Image: 289.
    1. Butler, Martha Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Butler, Martha Elizabeth
  5139. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Johnson, Iowa; Roll: M653_327; Page: 501; Image: 17; Family History Library Film: 803327
    1. Davis, Neziah
  5140. Year: 1860; Census Place: Woodland, Fulton, Illinois; Roll: M653_179; Page: 149; Image: 149; Family History Library Film: 803179
    1. Hopping, William Sturgis
    2. Birth, Hopping, William Sturgis
  5141. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Frederick, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 707; Image: 363; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Carter, Lucinda
  5142. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 2 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 100; Image: 101.
    1. Ettling, Mary Catharina
    2. Residence, Ettling, Mary Catharina
  5143. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 N Range 2 W (North two-thirds), Montgomery, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 224; Image: 224.
    1. Evans, John P.
  5144. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Residence, Montgomery, Caroline V.
    2. Montgomery, Caroline V.
  5145. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois; Roll: M653_156; Page: 175; Image: 175; Family History Library Film: 803156
    1. Birth, Jackson, Susannah
    2. Jackson, Susannah
  5146. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 625; Image: 303; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sturgis, John R.
    2. Age in 1860: 44
  5147. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Benton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1240; Page: 290; Image: 29; Family History Library Film: 805240
    1. Duckett, Susanna "Sookie"
    2. Birth, Duckett, Susanna "Sookie"
  5148. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 58; Image: 119; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Wright, Sarah Ann
    2. Age: 16
  5149. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Fayette, Indiana; Roll: M653_256; Page: 801; Image: 801; Family History Library Film: 803256
    1. McCarty, William
  5150. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 3, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 454; Image: 223; Family History Library Film: 805290
    1. Garrison, Ann Josephine
    2. Birth, Garrison, Ann Josephine
  5151. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 38; Image: 80.
    1. Birth, Bowly, Charlotte
    2. Bowly, Charlotte
  5152. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland; Roll: ; Page: 290; Image: 10.
    1. Boteler, Susanna Nelson
  5153. Year: 1860; Census Place: Liberty, Henry, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 119; Image: 119; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Adams, Joel
  5154. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 745; Image: 423; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Butler, Sarah Ann
    2. Residence, Butler, Sarah Ann
  5155. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 68; Image: 141.
    1. Whitwell, William
    2. Birth, Whitwell, William
  5156. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 150; Image: 150.
    1. Fowler, Elizabeth " Betsy"
  5157. Year: 1860; Census Place: Berwick, Warren, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 620; Image: 620.
    1. Residence, White, Asa
    2. White, Asa
  5158. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nishnabotna, Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 586; Image: 90; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Gaines, Sarah
    2. Residence, Gaines, Sarah
  5159. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Birth, Van Hoozer, Rachel
    2. Van Hoozer, Rachel
  5160. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Marshall, Alabama; Roll: M653_16; Page: 940; Image: 466; Family History Library Film: 803016
    1. Prentice, James Franklin
    2. Residence, Prentice, James Franklin
  5161. Year: 1860; Census Place: Barnesville, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: M653_937; Page: 334; Image: 216; Family History Library Film: 803937
    1. Vernon, Theodate
  5162. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_499; Page: 54; Image: 55; Family History Library Film: 803499
    1. Cheney, Mercy
  5163. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 457; Image: 330; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Residence, Forgey, Fidelia Caroline
    2. Forgey, Fidelia Caroline
  5164. Year: 1860; Census Place: Macon, Illinois; Roll: M653_203; Page: 809; Image: 243; Family History Library Film: 803203
    1. Masters, Davis Coe
    2. Residence, Masters, Davis Coe
  5165. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Mitchell, Mary
  5166. Year: 1860; Census Place: Woodland, Fulton, Illinois; Roll: M653_179; Page: 149; Image: 149; Family History Library Film: 803179
    1. Hopping, William Sturgis
  5167. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 4, Erath, Texas; Roll: M653_1293; Page: 141; Image: 287; Family History Library Film: 805293
    1. Residence, Harris, Judith
    2. Harris, Judith
  5168. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: M653_658; Page: 1000; Family History Library Film: 803658
    1. Roper, Laura Emerald
    2. Birth, Roper, Laura Emerald
  5169. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 322; Image: 274; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Residence, Morris, Fountain M.
    2. Morris, Fountain M.
  5170. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: M653_22; Page: 771; Image: 377; Family History Library Film: 803022
    1. Birth, Weathers, Mary "Polly"
    2. Weathers, Mary "Polly"
  5171. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 690; Image: 688; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Carter, Mary Melissa
  5172. Year: 1860; Census Place: Montgomery, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: M653_930; Page: 111; Image: 225; Family History Library Film: 803930
    1. Age in 1860: 35
    2. Myers, Jacob A.
  5173. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Sebastian, Arkansas; Roll: M653_50; Page: 1039; Image: 493; Family History Library Film: 803050
    1. Birth, Howard, John
    2. Howard, John
  5174. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 81; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Holmes, Martha Frances "Fannie"
    2. Holmes, Martha Frances "Fannie"
  5175. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 100; Image: 100; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Ashlock, Thomas H.
  5176. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 722; Image: 280.
    1. Residence, Castleberry, Elizabeth
    2. Castleberry, Elizabeth
  5177. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 820; Image: 378; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Age in 1860: 48
    2. Scott, Rebecca
  5178. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 509.
    1. Chaney, William Sampson
  5179. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clark, Johnson, Arkansas; Roll: M653_44; Page: 938; Image: 444; Family History Library Film: 803044
    1. Age in 1860: 24
    2. Spicer, Thomas J.
  5180. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Half of County, Crittenden, Kentucky; Roll: M653_363; Page: 310; Image: 310; Family History Library Film: 803363
    1. Long, Georgia Anna
  5181. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 688.
    1. Carter, Nathan
    2. Residence, Carter, Nathan
  5182. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 677; Image: 237; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Birth, Roberts, James
    2. Roberts, James
  5183. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 2, Carter, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 454; Image: 350.
    1. Residence, Crow, Thomas
    2. Crow, Thomas
  5184. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mountain, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 517; Image: 39.
    1. Crow, Catherine
    2. Residence, Crow, Catherine
  5185. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western District, Upshur, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 392; Image: 316.
    1. Birth, Crow, William M
    2. Crow, William M
  5186. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Knox, Illinois; Roll: M653_195; Page: 1026; Image: 681; Family History Library Film: 803195
    1. Crawford, John Rev.
    2. Residence, Crawford, John Rev.
  5187. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 161; Image: 156; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Residence, Sturgis, Rhoda
    2. Sturgis, Rhoda
  5188. Year: 1860; Census Place: Rock, Jefferson, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 566; Image: 97.
    1. Birth, Gorton, Sally Clark
    2. Gorton, Sally Clark
  5189. Year: 1860; Census Place: Linn, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 324; Image: 652; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Adair, Isabel Ann
    2. Residence, Adair, Isabel Ann
  5190. Year: 1860; Census Place: Boone, Greene, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 272; Image: 272.
    1. Claypool, Robert B.
    2. Residence, Claypool, Robert B.
  5191. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 765; Image: 443; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Claypool, William Hayden
    2. Birth, Claypool, William Hayden
  5192. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 576; Image: 578; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Gill, John Henry
    2. Birth, Gill, John Henry
  5193. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 18, Madison, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1263; Page: 206; Image: 415; Family History Library Film: 805263
    1. Dungan, Parthenia Ann Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Dungan, Parthenia Ann Elizabeth
  5194. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Howard, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 407; Image: 407.
    1. Birth, Elliott, Newton G. Jr.
    2. Elliott, Newton G. Jr.
  5195. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grand River, Carroll, Missouri; Roll: M653_612; Page: 576; Image: 93; Family History Library Film: 803612
    1. Birth, Woosley, Mary "Polly"
    2. Woosley, Mary "Polly"
  5196. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carolina, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 383; Image: 383.
    1. Howell, Dudley T.
  5197. Year: 1860; Census Place: Princeton, Caldwell, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 58; Image: 58.
    1. McGregor, Shadrack
  5198. Year: 1860; Census Place: Northern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 504; Image: 108.
    1. Hill, Martha Emily
  5199. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gap, Montgomery, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 902; Image: 370.
    1. Hall, Samuel Carrol
  5200. Year: 1860; Census Place: Polk, Adair, Missouri; Roll: M653_605; Page: 172; Image: 176; Family History Library Film: 803605
    1. Birth, Cooter, Elizabeth
    2. Cooter, Elizabeth
  5201. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 334; Image: 289.
    1. Gass, John Cox
  5202. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 667; Image: 193.
    1. Montgomery, John
    2. Birth, Montgomery, John
  5203. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 446; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Birth, Wright, William G.
    2. Wright, William G.
  5204. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 774; Image: 452; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Rector, Rebecca
    2. Rector, Rebecca
  5205. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 25; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Mead, Mary Jane
  5206. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 3, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 454; Image: 223; Family History Library Film: 805290
    1. Residence, Reeves, James Washington
    2. Reeves, James Washington
  5207. Year: 1860; Census Place: Princeton, Green Lake, Wisconsin; Roll: M653_1410; Page: 1081; Family History Library Film: 805410
    1. Residence, Bessy, Laura Ann
    2. Bessy, Laura Ann
  5208. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 16; Image: 38; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Brown, Thomas Eastman
    2. Residence, Brown, Thomas Eastman
  5209. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hot Spring, Napa, California; Roll: M653_61; Page: 28; Image: 28; Family History Library Film: 803061
    1. Age in 1860: 51
    2. Rector, William Alexander
  5210. Year: 1860; Census Place: El Monte, Los Angeles, California; Roll: ; Page: 249; Image: 249.
    1. Residence, Guess, Harriet Newell
    2. Guess, Harriet Newell
  5211. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Harrison, Kentucky; Roll: M653_372; Page: 485; Image: 31; Family History Library Film: 803372
    1. Claypool, Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Claypool, Elizabeth
  5212. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Mitchell, Susan
  5213. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Marshall, Alabama; Roll: M653_16; Page: 940; Image: 466; Family History Library Film: 803016
    1. Prentice, Samuel Wesley
    2. Residence, Prentice, Samuel Wesley
  5214. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Page: 583; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Cron, Theresa Lucretia
  5215. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Page: 166; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Freeze, Elizabeth Ann
  5216. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Crow, William Henderson "Billy"
    2. Residence, Crow, William Henderson "Billy"
  5217. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 773; Image: 451; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Howard, Charles
  5218. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 206; Image: 422.
    1. Birth, Goodbar, Emily Wakefield
    2. Goodbar, Emily Wakefield
  5219. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Samuel Thompson
    2. Birth, Masters, Samuel Thompson
  5220. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 88; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Residence Post Office: Gonzales
    2. Davidson, Lewis Asbury
  5221. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 399; Image: 420.
    1. Birth, Clayton, Lucretia Trecy
    2. Clayton, Lucretia Trecy
  5222. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 14 Range 5 E, Moultrie, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 939; Image: 617; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Mitchell, Samuel Daniel
    2. Mitchell, Samuel Daniel
  5223. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 697; Image: 245; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Residence, Holmes, Robert John
    2. Holmes, Robert John
  5224. Year: 1860; Census Place: Des Moines, Boone, Iowa; Roll: M653_312; Page: 253; Image: 253; Family History Library Film: 803312
    1. Payne, Nancy Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Payne, Nancy Elizabeth
  5225. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newburyport Ward 6, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_496; Page: 549; Image: 553; Family History Library Film: 803496
    1. Birth, Cheney, Samuel Colby
    2. Cheney, Samuel Colby
  5226. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Clarke, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 63.
    1. Carter, Lydia Anne
  5227. Year: 1860; Census Place: Upper Sandusky, Wyandot, Ohio; Roll: M653_1054; Page: 376; Image: 55; Family History Library Film: 805054
    1. McCann, James Homer
    2. Birth, McCann, James Homer
  5228. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1265; Page: 146; Image: 298; Family History Library Film: 805265
    1. Spicer, Benjamin Franklin
  5229. Year: 1860; Census Place: Somerset, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: M653_937; Page: 389; Image: 326; Family History Library Film: 803937
    1. Davies, Phariba
  5230. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 487; Image: 327.
    1. Birth, Young, Elizabeth
    2. Young, Elizabeth
  5231. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 11, Crawford, Illinois; Roll: M653_171; Page: 426; Image: 429; Family History Library Film: 803171
    1. Crow, Grace
  5232. Year: 1860; Census Place: Moreau, Cole, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 212; Image: 216.
    1. Thomas, John Hall
  5233. Year: 1860; Census Place: Brooklyn Ward 15 District 1, Kings, New York; Page: 102; Family History Library Film: 803773
    1. Ogden, George Henry
    2. Residence Post Office: Williamsburgh
  5234. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 N Range 2 W (North two-thirds), Montgomery, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 224; Image: 224.
    1. Residence, Whitten, Josiah
    2. Whitten, Josiah
  5235. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 2, Morgan, Kentucky; Roll: M653_388; Page: 329; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 803388
    1. Carter, David B.
  5236. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_224; Page: 606; Image: 605; Family History Library Film: 803224
    1. Wachter, Louis
  5237. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 327; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Chaney, Eliza N.
  5238. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grand River, Livingston, Missouri; Roll: M653_630; Page: 818; Family History Library Film: 803630
    1. Munro, William Porter
    2. Residence Post Office: Bedford
  5239. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 721; Image: 279; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Age in 1860: 14
    2. Wilkey, Sarah Catherine
  5240. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 157; Image: 322; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Maxwell, Mary Jane
    2. Residence, Maxwell, Mary Jane
  5241. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Monongalia, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 213; Image: 225.
    1. Birth, Farmer, Nancy Ann
    2. Farmer, Nancy Ann
  5242. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 44; Image: 91.
    1. King, Calloway
  5243. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 355; Image: 332; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Baker, William
    2. Residence, Baker, William
  5244. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 756; Image: 434.
    1. Claypoole, Charlotte
  5245. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 326; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Residence, Buroker, Susan
    2. Buroker, Susan
  5246. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beardstown, Cass, Illinois; Page: 261; Family History Library Film: 803160
    1. Anders (Andrews), Philip
    2. Birth, Anders (Andrews), Philip
  5247. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Wayne, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 839; Image: 481.
    1. Residence, Crum, Calista
    2. Crum, Calista
  5248. Year: 1860; Census Place: Brown, Linn, Iowa; Roll: M653_332; Page: 127; Image: 127; Family History Library Film: 803332
    1. Hanson, Eliza
    2. Birth, Hanson, Eliza
  5249. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Callahan, Rebecca
  5250. Year: 1860; Census Place: Montgomery, Gibson, Indiana; Roll: M653_260; Page: 795; Image: 285; Family History Library Film: 803260
    1. Williams, Rachel Catherine
  5251. Year: 1860; Census Place: Howell, Monmouth, New Jersey; Roll: M653_701; Page: 53; Image: 58; Family History Library Film: 803701
    1. Residence, Fielder, Francis A.
    2. Fielder, Francis A.
  5252. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Birth, Howell, Lucy Ellen
    2. Howell, Lucy Ellen
  5253. Year: 1860; Census Place: Georgia Militia District 1029, Fannin, Georgia; Roll: M653_120; Page: 1055; Image: 518; Family History Library Film: 803120
    1. Anderson, Mary Malvina
    2. Residence, Anderson, Mary Malvina
  5254. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 870; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. McCracken, Lucy Matilda
    2. Birth, McCracken, Lucy Matilda
  5255. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 512; Image: 377; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Hickman, Mahala
  5256. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Randolph, North Carolina; Page: 232; Family History Library Film: 803910
    1. Allen, John A.
    2. Residence Post Office: Stone Lick
  5257. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 3, Mariposa, California; Roll: M653_60; Page: 616; Image: 80; Family History Library Film: 803060
    1. Lewis, Jacob
    2. Birth, Lewis, Jacob
  5258. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 16; Image: 38; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Birth, Brown, Thomas Eastman
    2. Brown, Thomas Eastman
  5259. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Grant, Samuel S.
  5260. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 155; Image: 317.
    1. Cain, Nancy E.
    2. Residence, Cain, Nancy E.
  5261. Year: 1860; Census Place: Linn, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 311; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Michael, Hannah
  5262. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 478; Image: 309.
    1. Birth, Butler, Bolivar B.
    2. Butler, Bolivar B.
  5263. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ozark, Lawrence, Missouri; Roll: M653_628; Page: 717; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 803628
    1. Residence, Masters, James
    2. Masters, James
  5264. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 16; Image: 36.
    1. Fast, Christian C.
    2. Birth, Fast, Christian C.
  5265. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 596; Image: 274.
    1. Birth, Dennis, Nancy Arnett
    2. Dennis, Nancy Arnett
  5266. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 476; Image: 305; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Hudson, Alexander
  5267. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wilson, Greene, Missouri; Roll: M653_621; Page: 184; Image: 184; Family History Library Film: 803621
    1. Appleberry, Rebecca S
  5268. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Pike, Mississippi; Roll: ; Page: 367; Image: 373.
    1. Cranford, William
    2. Residence, Cranford, William
  5269. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 582; Image: 584; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Age in 1860: 24
    2. Story, Cyrus
  5270. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johns, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 468; Image: 82; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Birth, Crow, William Gideon
    2. Crow, William Gideon
  5271. Year: 1860; Census Place: Towns, Georgia; Roll: M653_138; Page: 136; Image: 137; Family History Library Film: 803138
    1. Johnson, Ann
  5272. Year: 1860; Census Place: Union, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 660; Image: 660; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. McCann, James Homer
    2. Residence, McCann, James Homer
  5273. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 444; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Curry, Martha Ann
    2. Birth, Curry, Martha Ann
  5274. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 667; Image: 193.
    1. Montgomery, Joseph B.
  5275. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 172; Image: 353; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Masters, Amanda Frances
    2. Masters, Amanda Frances
  5276. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Hickman, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 529; Image: 89.
    1. Birth, Chaney, Hezekiah
    2. Chaney, Hezekiah
  5277. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 930; Image: 192.
    1. Gailbreath, George H.
  5278. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 510.
    1. Birth, Curry, Tabitha Elizabeth
    2. Curry, Tabitha Elizabeth
  5279. Year: 1860; Census Place: Macon, Illinois; Roll: M653_203; Page: 809; Image: 243; Family History Library Film: 803203
    1. Residence, Masters, Mary
    2. Masters, Mary
  5280. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 624; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Dennis, William P.
    2. Residence, Dennis, William P.
  5281. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 2 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 100; Image: 101.
    1. Skaer, George Philip
  5282. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wythe, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 267; Image: 11.
    1. Mitchell, Isabelle
    2. Residence, Mitchell, Isabelle
  5283. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 206; Image: 422.
    1. Goodbar, Emily Wakefield
    2. Residence, Goodbar, Emily Wakefield
  5284. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 133; Image: 274.
    1. Williams, Edward
  5285. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 6, Winston, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 1258; Image: 502.
    1. Cranford, Celia
  5286. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Subdivision, Giles, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1251; Page: 195; Image: 393; Family History Library Film: 805251
    1. Residence, Sparkman, Louisa Maria
    2. Sparkman, Louisa Maria
  5287. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Half of County, Crittenden, Kentucky; Roll: M653_363; Page: 310; Image: 310; Family History Library Film: 803363
    1. McKinney, Malvina Sarah
  5288. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 14 Range 12, Scott, Illinois; Roll: M653_227; Page: 859; Image: 35; Family History Library Film: 803227
    1. Birth, Summers, Martha Jane
    2. Summers, Martha Jane
  5289. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 746; Image: 424; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Scrivener, Elizabeth E.
    2. Birth, Scrivener, Elizabeth E.
  5290. Year: 1860; Census Place: Morgan, Dade, Missouri; Roll: M653_617; Page: 148; Image: 152; Family History Library Film: 803617
    1. Crawford, Sarah L. "Sally"
    2. Residence, Crawford, Sarah L. "Sally"
  5291. Year: 1860; Census Place: San Jose, Santa Clara, California; Roll: M653_65; Page: 352; Image: 352; Family History Library Film: 803065
    1. Age in 1860: 36
    2. Spencer, William C.
  5292. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 572; Image: 134; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Thompson, Amelia E.
    2. Birth, Thompson, Amelia E.
  5293. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lavaca, Lavaca, Texas; Roll: M653_1299; Page: 190; Family History Library Film: 805299
    1. Chambliss, Mary Rutledge
  5294. Year: 1860; Census Place: Platte, Clinton, Missouri; Roll: M653_615; Page: 121; Image: 125; Family History Library Film: 803615
    1. Birth, Shoemaker, Sarah Catherine
    2. Shoemaker, Sarah Catherine
  5295. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 698; Image: 260.
    1. Birth, Dunn, Lucinda E.
    2. Dunn, Lucinda E.
  5296. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Maries, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 592; Image: 88.
    1. Howard, Rebecca
    2. Residence, Howard, Rebecca
  5297. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Greenbrier, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 427; Image: 435.
    1. Birth, Hoyleman, Olivia Estelline
    2. Hoyleman, Olivia Estelline
  5298. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Crawford, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 629; Image: 35.
    1. Thomas, Levi Whitfield
  5299. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 165; Image: 339; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Davis Coe
  5300. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 391; Image: 391.
    1. Karr, Emily Matilda
  5301. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 756; Image: 434; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Mitchell, Mary Jane
  5302. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Vernon, Troup, Georgia; Page: 241; Family History Library Film: 803138
    1. Residence Post Office: Whites Hill
    2. Henderson, Thomas Boone
  5303. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 58; Image: 119; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Wright, Thomas Clark
  5304. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Wedgeworth, Rebecca Ann
    2. Residence, Wedgeworth, Rebecca Ann
  5305. Year: 1860; Census Place: Monegaw, St Clair, Missouri; Page: 1013; Family History Library Film: 803644
    1. Heazle, Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Heazle, Elizabeth
  5306. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 479; Image: 311.
    1. McKamey, Isabella
  5307. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bath, Kentucky; Roll: M653_355; Page: 45; Image: 45; Family History Library Film: 803355
    1. Residence, Carter, Elijah
    2. Carter, Elijah
  5308. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bangor, Marshall, Iowa; Roll: M653_335; Page: 131; Image: 573; Family History Library Film: 803335
    1. Vernon, Jesse
  5309. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Bear Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 417; Image: 161; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Loftis, Rebecca
  5310. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Warren, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 472; Image: 135.
    1. Wright, Lemuel Hogan
    2. Residence, Wright, Lemuel Hogan
  5311. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 251; Image: 507; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Egbert, Charles Quincy
  5312. Year: 1860; Census Place: McArthur, Vinton, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 332; Image: 248.
    1. Claypool, Leah
  5313. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 3 E, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 980; Image: 180.
    1. Avery, Elizabeth Ann
  5314. Year: 1860; Census Place: Walnut, Madison, Iowa; Roll: M653_333; Page: 765; Image: 277; Family History Library Film: 803333
    1. Birth, Elledge, Sarah Jane
    2. Elledge, Sarah Jane
  5315. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 478; Image: 309; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Residence, Butler, Louisa Ann
    2. Butler, Louisa Ann
  5316. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 202; Image: 413; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Margaret T.
    2. Birth, Masters, Margaret T.
  5317. Year: 1860; Census Place: Goochland, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 924; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Birth, Clarke, Alice L.
    2. Clarke, Alice L.
  5318. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Mathis, Marah B
    2. Birth, Mathis, Marah B
  5319. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Perry, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 346; Image: 115.
    1. McCaig, Mariah Adeline
  5320. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 44; Image: 91.
    1. King, Lindsey
    2. Birth, King, Lindsey
  5321. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 241; Image: 493; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. McKinney, Lucinda
    2. Birth, McKinney, Lucinda
  5322. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wythe, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 267; Image: 11.
    1. Butler, Thomas J.
    2. Birth, Butler, Thomas J.
  5323. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wythe, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 285; Image: 29; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Smith, Amanda J.
    2. Age in 1860: 16
  5324. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 779; Image: 457.
    1. Butler, Alexander John
    2. Residence, Butler, Alexander John
  5325. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 930; Image: 192.
    1. Residence, Gailbreath, George H.
    2. Gailbreath, George H.
  5326. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 355; Image: 359.
    1. Farnsley, Martha G. Mattie
  5327. Year: 1860; Census Place: N E Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 789; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Birth, Mays, Jesse O.
    2. Mays, Jesse O.
  5328. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 851; Image: 401.
    1. Residence, Hopper, Moses
    2. Hopper, Moses
  5329. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bowling Green, Marion, Ohio; Roll: M653_1006; Page: 322; Image: 115; Family History Library Film: 805006
    1. Birth, Manley, Richard
    2. Manley, Richard
  5330. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Jackson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 242; Image: 101; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Birth, Morris, Nancy
    2. Morris, Nancy
  5331. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Residence, Waller, Jesse H.
    2. Waller, Jesse H.
  5332. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 24; Image: 54; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Johnson, Sarah Sally
    2. Birth, Johnson, Sarah Sally
  5333. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gap, Montgomery, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 902; Image: 370.
    1. Birth, Childers, Mary
    2. Childers, Mary
  5334. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Milton, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 597; Image: 61.
    1. Davenport, Sara"Sallie"
    2. Residence, Davenport, Sara"Sallie"
  5335. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Milton, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 597; Image: 61.
    1. Morris, Drury Drissy Hampton
    2. Birth, Morris, Drury Drissy Hampton
  5336. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bethany, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: M653_622; Page: 605; Image: 119; Family History Library Film: 803622
    1. Birth, Alley, Samuel Jay
    2. Alley, Samuel Jay
  5337. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Thomaston, Knox, Maine; Roll: M653_443; Page: 361; Image: 361; Family History Library Film: 803443
    1. Birth, Rackliffe, Charles W.
    2. Rackliffe, Charles W.
  5338. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 1002; Image: 436.
    1. Birth, Walker, Norvel
    2. Walker, Norvel
  5339. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Masters, Elizabeth
  5340. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richhill, Greene, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1114; Page: 736; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805114
    1. Birth, Iams, John
    2. Iams, John
  5341. Year: 1860; Census Place: Red Rock, Marion, Iowa; Roll: M653_335; Page: 156; Image: 160; Family History Library Film: 803335
    1. Carr, Catharine
    2. Residence, Carr, Catharine
  5342. Year: 1860; Census Place: Precinct 3, Travis, Texas; Roll: M653_1306; Page: 248; Image: 26; Family History Library Film: 805306
    1. Pearce, George Wright
  5343. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pilot Grove, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 436.
    1. Butler, William Alexander
  5344. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bern, Athens, Ohio; Roll: M653_934; Page: 19; Image: 42; Family History Library Film: 803934
    1. Vernon, Amos
  5345. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 851; Image: 401.
    1. Hopper, Moses
  5346. Year: 1860; Census Place: Scott, Virginia; Page: 411; Family History Library Film: 805376
    1. Residence Post Office: Estillville
    2. Tyler, Sarah Edna Moncure
  5347. Year: 1860; Census Place: Polk, Adair, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 172; Image: 176.
    1. Crow, Russel Taylor
    2. Residence, Crow, Russel Taylor
  5348. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Half of County, Crittenden, Kentucky; Roll: M653_363; Page: 310; Image: 310; Family History Library Film: 803363
    1. Long, Hadley P.
  5349. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bern, Athens, Ohio; Roll: M653_934; Page: 18; Image: 39; Family History Library Film: 803934
    1. Stanton, Peninnah
  5350. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 388; Image: 398; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Riggs, Caswell Chaney Dr.
    2. Age: 21
  5351. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Greenbrier, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 376; Image: 382.
    1. Fleshman, Nancy Ann
    2. Residence, Fleshman, Nancy Ann
  5352. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Wayne, Indiana; Roll: M653_308; Page: 266; Image: 268; Family History Library Film: 803308
    1. Morgan, Hanna
  5353. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 392; Image: 392.
    1. Residence, Ice, James Marion
    2. Ice, James Marion
  5354. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 199; Image: 408.
    1. Birth, Cullom, Verlinder
    2. Cullom, Verlinder
  5355. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 24; Image: 54; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Birth, Wyatt, William Henry
    2. Wyatt, William Henry
  5356. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Hawn, William Simpson
  5357. Year: 1860; Census Place: Noblesville, Hamilton, Indiana; Roll: M653_263; Page: 247; Image: 247; Family History Library Film: 803263
    1. Cottingham, Elizabeth "Eliza"
  5358. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Birth, Van Hoozer, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Van Hoozer, Mary Elizabeth
  5359. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mountain, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 517; Image: 39.
    1. Crow, Catherine
  5360. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Half of County, Crittenden, Kentucky; Roll: M653_363; Page: 310; Image: 310; Family History Library Film: 803363
    1. McKinney, Nancy Jane
  5361. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 541; Image: 219; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Residence, Angelo, Thomas David E. "dee"
    2. Angelo, Thomas David E. "dee"
  5362. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 446; Image: 513.
    1. Frank, George Henegar
    2. Residence, Frank, George Henegar
  5363. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 16, Jackson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 327; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Murphy, Joseph Gillentine
    2. Birth, Murphy, Joseph Gillentine
  5364. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nishnabotna, Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 586; Image: 90; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Morgan, Daniel Bartlett
  5365. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bern, Athens, Ohio; Roll: M653_934; Page: 18; Image: 39; Family History Library Film: 803934
    1. Stanton, Peninnah
    2. Birth, Stanton, Peninnah
  5366. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 14 Range 12, Scott, Illinois; Roll: M653_227; Page: 859; Image: 35; Family History Library Film: 803227
    1. Summers, Martha Jane
  5367. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 3, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 217; Image: 217.
    1. Birth, Carter, Virginia Ann
    2. Carter, Virginia Ann
  5368. Year: 1860; Census Place: Berwick, Warren, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 620; Image: 620.
    1. White, Asa
  5369. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Greenbrier, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 376; Image: 382.
    1. Residence, Hoylman, George Washington
    2. Hoylman, George Washington
  5370. Year: 1860; Census Place: Platte, Clinton, Missouri; Roll: M653_615; Page: 121; Image: 125; Family History Library Film: 803615
    1. Shoemaker, Sarah Catherine
  5371. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 765; Image: 443.
    1. Claypool, Rebecca Osborn
  5372. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 499; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Chaney, Catherine
    2. Residence, Chaney, Catherine
  5373. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 85; Image: 85.
    1. Birth, Butler, Leah Ellender
    2. Butler, Leah Ellender
  5374. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 806; Image: 484.
    1. Carter, Walter H.
  5375. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 894; Image: 146.
    1. Masters, Margaret L.
    2. Residence, Masters, Margaret L.
  5376. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 693; Image: 371.
    1. Badgett, Andrew
  5377. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bare Creek, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 335; Image: 300; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Watkins, Mary Ann
  5378. Year: 1860; Census Place: Rock Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 635; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Residence, Tummons, Mary Jane
    2. Tummons, Mary Jane
  5379. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bolivar, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 3; Image: 3; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Wollard, Mary Caroline
  5380. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 476; Image: 305.
    1. Residence, Butler, James Polk
    2. Butler, James Polk
  5381. Year: 1860; Census Place: Noble, Wabash, Indiana; Roll: M653_304; Page: 216; Image: 216; Family History Library Film: 803304
    1. Birth, Davis, John B.
    2. Davis, John B.
  5382. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bethany, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: M653_622; Page: 618; Image: 132; Family History Library Film: 803622
    1. Allen, Stephen Copeland
    2. Residence, Allen, Stephen Copeland
  5383. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 140; Image: 289.
    1. Eldridge, Susan Jane
    2. Residence, Eldridge, Susan Jane
  5384. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 3 E, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 970; Image: 170.
    1. Karr, Sydney
  5385. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 573; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Carter, John S.
  5386. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 83; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Whitton, Lindsey Franklin
  5387. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 7, Cumberland, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1244; Page: 519; Image: 556; Family History Library Film: 805244
    1. Potter, Mary Caroline
  5388. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 81; Image: 81; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Holmes, Andrew Roger
    2. Residence, Holmes, Andrew Roger
  5389. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Lee, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 707.
    1. Birth, Kempker, Theressa
    2. Kempker, Theressa
  5390. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Marion, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1263; Page: 266; Image: 535; Family History Library Film: 805263
    1. Parker, Eli S.
    2. Birth, Parker, Eli S.
  5391. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 388; Image: 398; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Stubblefield, Rebecca Jane
    2. Birth, Stubblefield, Rebecca Jane
  5392. Year: 1860; Census Place: Boone, Greene, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 272; Image: 272.
    1. Birth, Claypool, Elmina Jane
    2. Claypool, Elmina Jane
  5393. Year: 1860; Census Place: Indian Point, Knox, Illinois; Roll: M653_195; Page: 703; Image: 368; Family History Library Film: 803195
    1. Lomax, John H.
    2. Residence, Lomax, John H.
  5394. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 625; Image: 303; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sturgis, Sarah
  5395. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 4, Erath, Texas; Roll: M653_1293; Page: 141; Image: 287; Family History Library Film: 805293
    1. Residence, Osborn, Newman
    2. Osborn, Newman
  5396. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Monroe, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 1011; Image: 511.
    1. Residence, Hoyleman, James Thompson
    2. Hoyleman, James Thompson
  5397. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washburn, Scott, Arkansas; Roll: M653_50; Page: 749; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 803050
    1. Herron, Joshua H.
  5398. Year: 1860; Census Place: War Eagle, Madison, Arkansas; Roll: M653_45; Page: 527; Image: 527; Family History Library Film: 803045
    1. Residence, Hudson, Nancy Elizabeth
    2. Hudson, Nancy Elizabeth
  5399. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 239; Image: 238.
    1. Forgey, Samuel
    2. Residence, Forgey, Samuel
  5400. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bourbon, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_346; Page: 362; Image: 362; Family History Library Film: 803346
    1. Bonner, Telitha Ellen
  5401. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Subdivision, Giles, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1251; Page: 195; Image: 393; Family History Library Film: 805251
    1. Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Jane
    2. Birth, Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Jane
  5402. Year: 1860; Census Place: Macon, Illinois; Roll: M653_203; Page: 809; Image: 243; Family History Library Film: 803203
    1. Masters, John
    2. Birth, Masters, John
  5403. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Hendricks, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 647; Image: 173.
    1. Rector, Benjamin Ona
  5404. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 16; Image: 36.
    1. Weisner, Diana Cartwright
    2. Birth, Weisner, Diana Cartwright
  5405. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 457; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Masters, Mary Jane
    2. Masters, Mary Jane
  5406. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 20, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 477; Image: 369; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Birth, Magrum, Mary Ethel
    2. Magrum, Mary Ethel
  5407. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 85; Image: 85; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Ashlock, Obediah
    2. Ashlock, Obediah
  5408. Year: 1860; Census Place: Amherst, Lorain, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 319; Image: 278.
    1. Williams, Matilda
  5409. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 307; Image: 25; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Residence, Oliphant, Mary Ann
    2. Oliphant, Mary Ann
  5410. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 717; Image: 727.
    1. Hall, Sarah Frances "Fanny"
  5411. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 699; Image: 707; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Birth, Kempker, Katie
    2. Kempker, Katie
  5412. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 694; Image: 692; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Sturgis, James Bratton
    2. Twin
  5413. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Polk, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1268; Page: 399; Image: 224; Family History Library Film: 805268
    1. Peak, Elizabeth
  5414. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Finley, Washington, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 1020; Image: 457.
    1. Coulson, Mary Anna
    2. Birth, Coulson, Mary Anna
  5415. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Mitchell, Charles
    2. Birth, Mitchell, Charles
  5416. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 455; Image: 532.
    1. Birth, Thornhill, Rachel J.
    2. Thornhill, Rachel J.
  5417. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 24; Image: 54; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Brown, Clinton A.
    2. Residence, Brown, Clinton A.
  5418. Year: 1860; Census Place: Henry, Virginia; Roll: M653_1354; Page: 118; Image: 122; Family History Library Film: 805354
    1. Morris, William
    2. Birth, Morris, William
  5419. Year: 1860; Census Place: New York Ward 19 District 1, New York, New York; Roll: ; Page: 585; Image: 162.
    1. Ettling, Johann Peter
    2. Birth, Ettling, Johann Peter
  5420. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 696; Image: 244; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Holmes, William Rilan
  5421. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Subdivision, Blount, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 1084; Image: 438.
    1. Doyle, James L.
    2. Birth, Doyle, James L.
  5422. Year: 1860; Census Place: Princeton, Caldwell, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 58; Image: 58.
    1. Residence, McGregor, Shadrack
    2. McGregor, Shadrack
  5423. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fredonia, Caldwell, Kentucky; Roll: M653_359; Page: 173; Family History Library Film: 803359
    1. Wigginton, Alfred Marion
  5424. Year: 1860; Census Place: Royalton, Fulton, Ohio; Roll: M653_965; Page: 442; Family History Library Film: 803965
    1. Residence Post Office: Lyons
    2. Holt, Charles C. Alcides
  5425. Year: 1860; Census Place: Macon, Illinois; Roll: M653_203; Page: 698; Image: 132; Family History Library Film: 803203
    1. Masters, Matilda
  5426. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Carroll, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1243; Page: 79; Image: 161; Family History Library Film: 805243
    1. Wren, Elizabeth
  5427. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 15 Range 13, Scott, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 908; Image: 84.
    1. Residence, Butler, Rebecca
    2. Butler, Rebecca
  5428. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gainesville, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_353; Page: 326; Image: 326; Family History Library Film: 803353
    1. Residence, Pulliam, Lucinda M.
    2. Pulliam, Lucinda M.
  5429. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 765; Image: 443; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Claypool, Mariah Walker
    2. Claypool, Mariah Walker
  5430. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Mary, Mills, Iowa; Roll: M653_336; Page: 18; Family History Library Film: 803336
    1. Residence Post Office: Cerro Gordo
    2. , Betsy
  5431. Year: 1860; Census Place: Spencer, Lane, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 280; Image: 563; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Scott, Jane Linn
  5432. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bolivar, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 4; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Reeves, Elizabeth Jane
  5433. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 363; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Chaney, Andrew Jackson
    2. Residence, Chaney, Andrew Jackson
  5434. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Licking, Ohio; Roll: M653_998; Page: 157; Image: 319; Family History Library Film: 803998
    1. Elliot, William
    2. Birth, Elliot, William
  5435. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Forsyth, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 423; Image: 423.
    1. Clement, Isaac
  5436. Year: 1860; Census Place: Rock Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 636; Image: 382; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Residence, Loewer, Andrew R.
    2. Loewer, Andrew R.
  5437. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Maury, Tennessee; Page: 299; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Dortin, Melvina Elizabeth
  5438. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 39 Range 23, Benton, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 243; Image: 247.
    1. Birth, Matthews, Mary Jane
    2. Matthews, Mary Jane
  5439. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 12; Image: 12; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Pickering, Jonathan
  5440. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Forsyth, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 460; Image: 460.
    1. Birth, Clement, Christopher
    2. Clement, Christopher
  5441. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richardson, Lane, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 276; Image: 556; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Rice, Mary Elizabeth
  5442. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 696; Image: 244; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Holmes, William Rilan
    2. Age: 14
  5443. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 148; Image: 304; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Baker, James M.
  5444. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 215; Image: 214; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Holmes, David Reed
  5445. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bowling Green, Marion, Ohio; Roll: M653_1006; Page: 322; Image: 115; Family History Library Film: 805006
    1. Birth, Clements, Mecha
    2. Clements, Mecha
  5446. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gainesville, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_353; Page: 321; Image: 321; Family History Library Film: 803353
    1. Birth, Claypool, Matilda Elizabeth
    2. Claypool, Matilda Elizabeth
  5447. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bristol, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 111; Image: 116; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Birth, Brown, Amos Rev.
    2. Brown, Amos Rev.
  5448. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mascoutah, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_225; Page: 854; Image: 91; Family History Library Film: 803225
    1. Ackerman, Leonhard John
  5449. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 420; Image: 424; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Birth, Rodabaugh, Isaac P.
    2. Rodabaugh, Isaac P.
  5450. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 777; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Cassiday, Addison C.
  5451. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 629; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Little, Elijah
    2. Residence, Little, Elijah
  5452. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: M653_1013; Page: 96; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805013
    1. Age in 1860: 38
    2. Searls, Heber G.
  5453. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 690; Image: 688; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Birth, Carter, Matilda Elizabeth "Mattie"
    2. Carter, Matilda Elizabeth "Mattie"
  5454. Year: 1860; Census Place: Noble, Rush, Indiana; Roll: M653_294; Page: 757; Image: 260; Family History Library Film: 803294
    1. Warren, Anna Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Warren, Anna Elizabeth
  5455. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 84; Image: 85.
    1. Residence, Mehan, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Mehan, Mary Elizabeth
  5456. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 390; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Thompson, Martha Emaline
  5457. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 622; Image: 26; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Residence, Masters, Edwin Luther
    2. Masters, Edwin Luther
  5458. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 578; Image: 140; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Perring, Ezra
    2. Residence, Perring, Ezra
  5459. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Hickman, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 517; Image: 77; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Riley, Lucy
    2. Age: 47
  5460. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 760; Image: 438; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Pearson, Mary Angeline
    2. Residence, Pearson, Mary Angeline
  5461. Year: 1860; Census Place: N E Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 789; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Residence Post Office: Oakland
    2. Mays, Jesse O.
  5462. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Half of County, Crittenden, Kentucky; Roll: M653_363; Page: 310; Image: 310; Family History Library Film: 803363
    1. Residence, McKinney, George A.
    2. McKinney, George A.
  5463. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 656; Image: 64; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Birth, Louthan, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Louthan, Mary Elizabeth
  5464. Year: 1860; Census Place: North Division, Robeson, North Carolina; Roll: M653_911; Page: 453; Image: 245; Family History Library Film: 803911
    1. Birth, Jordan, Thomas Page
    2. Jordan, Thomas Page
  5465. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 161; Image: 156; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Sturgis, Rhoda
  5466. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 765; Image: 443; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Claypool, James Harrison
    2. Claypool, James Harrison
  5467. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grayson, Virginia; Roll: M653_1348; Page: 74; Image: 78; Family History Library Film: 805348
    1. Birth, Davis, Hugh
    2. Davis, Hugh
  5468. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 868; Image: 546.
    1. Claypool, John Savage
    2. Birth, Claypool, John Savage
  5469. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Waller, Nancy B.
  5470. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Monongalia, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 213; Image: 225.
    1. Residence, Farmer, Nancy Ann
    2. Farmer, Nancy Ann
  5471. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 97; Image: 97; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Residence, Crawford, Martha Ellen
    2. Crawford, Martha Ellen
  5472. Year: 1860; Census Place: Royalton, Fulton, Ohio; Roll: M653_965; Page: 442; Family History Library Film: 803965
    1. Holt, Charles C. Alcides
  5473. Year: 1860; Census Place: Monroe, Kentucky; Roll: M653_388; Page: 85; Image: 85; Family History Library Film: 803388
    1. Riggs, Ellis
  5474. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 765; Image: 443; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Claypool, Benjamin Franklin
    2. Claypool, Benjamin Franklin
  5475. Year: 1860; Census Place: Capps Creek, Barry, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 918; Image: 422; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Birth, Browning, Nancy
    2. Browning, Nancy
  5476. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 243; Image: 497; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Birth, Oliver, Sarah E.
    2. Oliver, Sarah E.
  5477. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 764; Image: 442.
    1. Claypool, Eleanor "Ellen" Scott
    2. Twin of Rueben
  5478. Year: 1860; Census Place: Swan, Taney, Missouri; Roll: M653_658; Page: 886; Image: 328; Family History Library Film: 803658
    1. Stover, William Martin
  5479. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 203; Image: 415.
    1. Butler, Jacob Jackson
  5480. Year: 1860; Census Place: N W Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: ; Page: 754; Image: 236.
    1. Woody, Moses
    2. Residence, Woody, Moses
  5481. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 13 Range 13, Scott, Illinois; Roll: M653_227; Page: 989; Image: 165; Family History Library Film: 803227
    1. Hill, Sarah
    2. Birth, Hill, Sarah
  5482. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Crow, Samuel Marion William
  5483. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 81; Image: 81; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Holmes, Andrew Roger
  5484. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 88; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Carneal, Thomas Jefferson
    2. Birth, Carneal, Thomas Jefferson
  5485. Year: 1860; Census Place: Townships 4 and 5 N Range 8, Clay, Illinois; Roll: M653_162; Page: 528; Image: 528; Family History Library Film: 803162
    1. Birth, Nottingham, LaVerna Catherine
    2. Nottingham, LaVerna Catherine
  5486. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 667; Image: 193.
    1. Montgomery, Thomas R.
    2. Birth, Montgomery, Thomas R.
  5487. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 57; Image: 118.
    1. Oliver, Richard
  5488. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Cowlitz, Washington; Roll: ; Page: 145; Image: 152.
    1. Birth, Jackson, Henry
    2. Jackson, Henry
  5489. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 839; Image: 77.
    1. Cunningham, Elias
    2. Residence, Cunningham, Elias
  5490. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Cranford, Abner
    2. Residence, Cranford, Abner
  5491. Year: 1860; Census Place: Norfolk, Norfolk, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 449; Image: 457.
    1. Residence, Gatewood, Thomas R.
    2. Gatewood, Thomas R.
  5492. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Berrien, Michigan; Roll: M653_537; Page: 223; Image: 223; Family History Library Film: 803537
    1. Wilder, Oscar
    2. Age in 1860: 14
  5493. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 74; Image: 155; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Birth, Hufstedler, Alsey
    2. Hufstedler, Alsey
  5494. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sugar Creek, Barry, Missouri; Page: 860; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Barnes, Nancy
    2. Residence Post Office: Washburn Prairie
  5495. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Crow, John Anderson
  5496. Year: 1860; Census Place: Brooks, Waldo, Maine; Roll: ; Page: 122; Image: 644.
    1. Birth, Watson, Rebecca Jane Jennie
    2. Watson, Rebecca Jane Jennie
  5497. Year: 1860; Census Place: Rock Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 636; Image: 382; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Jones, Alcey
  5498. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fluvanna, Virginia; Roll: M653_1345; Page: 764; Image: 338; Family History Library Film: 805345
    1. Abbott, Sarah Jane
  5499. Year: 1860; Census Place: Noblesville, Hamilton, Indiana; Roll: M653_263; Page: 247; Image: 247; Family History Library Film: 803263
    1. Cottingham, Elizabeth "Eliza"
    2. Residence, Cottingham, Elizabeth "Eliza"
  5500. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Side of the NC RR, Orange, North Carolina; Page: 559; Family History Library Film: 803908
    1. Moore, Nancy Ann
    2. Birth, Moore, Nancy Ann
  5501. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Division, Guilford, North Carolina; Roll: M653_900; Page: 5; Image: 14; Family History Library Film: 803900
    1. Coble, Peter
  5502. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newburyport Ward 6, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_496; Page: 549; Image: 553; Family History Library Film: 803496
    1. Cheney, Samuel Colby
  5503. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Birth, Grant, Caroline E. "Carrie"
    2. Grant, Caroline E. "Carrie"
  5504. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Blount, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 924; Image: 278.
    1. Residence, Cranford, Joseph William
    2. Cranford, Joseph William
  5505. Year: 1860; Census Place: Freedom, Carroll, Illinois; Roll: M653_159; Page: 860; Image: 168; Family History Library Film: 803159
    1. Arnold, Susan Malinda Hader
    2. Birth, Arnold, Susan Malinda Hader
  5506. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 162; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Willeford, Samuel Lee
    2. Birth, Willeford, Samuel Lee
  5507. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 18, Madison, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1263; Page: 206; Image: 415; Family History Library Film: 805263
    1. McFarland, William Isaac
  5508. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 697; Image: 257.
    1. Blue, Mary Ann
    2. Birth, Blue, Mary Ann
  5509. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harp, DeWitt, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 755; Image: 267.
    1. Birth, Jackson, Joshua C.
    2. Jackson, Joshua C.
  5510. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Subdivision, Giles, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1251; Page: 195; Image: 393; Family History Library Film: 805251
    1. Birth, Sparkman, Louisa Maria
    2. Sparkman, Louisa Maria
  5511. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pilot Grove, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 436.
    1. Birth, Jenkins, Margaret Peggy
    2. Jenkins, Margaret Peggy
  5512. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 721; Image: 279.
    1. Wilkey, Samuel Houston
  5513. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 765; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Claypool, Elizabeth "Betty"
  5514. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Blount, Alabama; Roll: M653_2; Page: 922; Image: 276; Family History Library Film: 803002
    1. Posey, Joseph Harrison
    2. Birth, Posey, Joseph Harrison
  5515. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 150; Image: 150.
    1. Birth, Fowler, Elizabeth " Betsy"
    2. Fowler, Elizabeth " Betsy"
  5516. Year: 1860; Census Place: Duchouquet, Auglaize, Ohio; Roll: M653_931; Page: 309; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 803931
    1. Birth, Iames, John
    2. Iames, John
  5517. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 828; Image: 66.
    1. Cunningham, Nancy Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Cunningham, Nancy Elizabeth
  5518. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 408; Image: 22; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Residence, Crow, Alice E.
    2. Crow, Alice E.
  5519. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 1, Cass, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 351; Image: 15.
    1. Residence, Penny, John Warren
    2. Penny, John Warren
  5520. Year: 1860; Census Place: Licking, Muskingum, Ohio; Roll: M653_1018; Page: 116; Image: 238; Family History Library Film: 805018
    1. Claypool, Levi
  5521. Year: 1860; Census Place: Union, Humboldt, California; Roll: M653_59; Page: 188; Image: 188; Family History Library Film: 803059
    1. Handy, Samuel
    2. Residence, Handy, Samuel
  5522. Year: 1860; Census Place: Orange, Fayette, Indiana; Roll: M653_256; Page: 729; Image: 729; Family History Library Film: 803256
    1. Carter, Melvina Alvira
    2. Age: 6
  5523. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 717; Image: 727.
    1. Hassell, George Washington
  5524. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dinsmore, Shelby, Ohio; Roll: M653_1036; Page: 322; Image: 91; Family History Library Film: 805036
    1. Residence, Lambert, Gabriel
    2. Lambert, Gabriel
  5525. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 35, Jackson, Missouri; Roll: M653_625; Page: 173; Image: 173; Family History Library Film: 803625
    1. Carter, Anna Chastain
    2. Birth, Carter, Anna Chastain
  5526. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 200; Image: 199.
    1. Residence, Harper, Mary Elvira Nancy
    2. Harper, Mary Elvira Nancy
  5527. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gainesville, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 319; Image: 319.
    1. Claypool, Sidney Harrison
  5528. Year: 1860; Census Place: East Pike Run, Washington, Pennsylvania; Page: 368; Family History Library Film: 805191
    1. Harris, Mary Jane
  5529. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sugar Creek, Barry, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 860; Image: 364; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Wright, Bartholomew
  5530. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newburyport Ward 5, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_496; Page: 498; Image: 502; Family History Library Film: 803496
    1. Cheney, Charles
  5531. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 407; Image: 21.
    1. Residence, Strunk, Lydia A.
    2. Strunk, Lydia A.
  5532. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Randolph, North Carolina; Roll: M653_910; Page: 158; Image: 320; Family History Library Film: 803910
    1. Residence, Barker, Hannah
    2. Barker, Hannah
  5533. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hamilton, Butler, Ohio; Page: 418; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Louthan, John Albert
    2. Residence Post Office: Hamilton
  5534. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 690; Image: 688; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Birth, Carter, John Wesley
    2. Carter, John Wesley
  5535. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 629; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Cain, Sarah
    2. Birth, Cain, Sarah
  5536. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 155; Image: 317; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Isaac Gore Lt.
    2. Birth, Masters, Isaac Gore Lt.
  5537. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 3, Mariposa, California; Roll: M653_60; Page: 616; Image: 80; Family History Library Film: 803060
    1. Lewis, Jacob
  5538. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Howard, Missouri; Roll: M653_623; Page: 407; Image: 407; Family History Library Film: 803623
    1. Age in 1860: 35
    2. Stewart, Martha W.
  5539. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 625; Image: 303; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sturgis, Sarah
    2. Residence, Sturgis, Sarah
  5540. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Van Hoozer, Rachel Emaline
  5541. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Subdivision, Giles, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1251; Page: 195; Image: 393; Family History Library Film: 805251
    1. Residence, Sparkman, William M.
    2. Sparkman, William M.
  5542. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 247.
    1. Birth, Holmes, George Wayne
    2. Holmes, George Wayne
  5543. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 327; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Chaney, Alexander
  5544. Year: 1860; Census Place: Smith, Greene, Indiana; Roll: M653_262; Page: 545; Image: 123; Family History Library Film: 803262
    1. Carter, Rachel
  5545. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Shelby, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1273; Page: 337; Family History Library Film: 805273
    1. Sturgis, Elizabeth Synthia
    2. Birth, Sturgis, Elizabeth Synthia
  5546. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 96; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Harper, Frances Rachel
  5547. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Sequatchie, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1271; Page: 251; Image: 508; Family History Library Film: 805271
    1. Birth, Spicer, Sarah J.
    2. Spicer, Sarah J.
  5548. Year: 1860; Census Place: Scottsville, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_353; Page: 360; Image: 360; Family History Library Film: 803353
    1. Motley, Elizabeth Temperance
    2. Residence, Motley, Elizabeth Temperance
  5549. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 18, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 463; Image: 342.
    1. Residence, Woody, Samuel Willis
    2. Woody, Samuel Willis
  5550. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 894; Image: 146.
    1. Birth, Goodpasture, Mary Ellen
    2. Goodpasture, Mary Ellen
  5551. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lower, Franklin, Arkansas; Roll: M653_41; Page: 359; Image: 359; Family History Library Film: 803041
    1. Titsworth, John Randolph
  5552. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 2 Range 5, Marshall, Mississippi; Roll: M653_587; Page: 97; Family History Library Film: 803587
    1. Residence Post Office: Byhalia
    2. Mitchell, Mary E.
  5553. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dover, Stewart, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1272; Page: 519; Image: 520; Family History Library Film: 805272
    1. Birth, Scarborough, Martha Anna Elizabeth "Lizzie"
    2. Scarborough, Martha Anna Elizabeth "Lizzie"
  5554. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 2, De Kalb, Alabama; Roll: M653_9; Page: 170; Image: 174; Family History Library Film: 803009
    1. Masters, George Washington
  5555. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 693; Image: 371.
    1. Badgett, Andrew
    2. Birth, Badgett, Andrew
  5556. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 397; Image: 415; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Reece, Rachel
  5557. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fluvanna, Virginia; Roll: M653_1345; Page: 764; Image: 338; Family History Library Film: 805345
    1. Birth, Abbott, Sarah Jane
    2. Abbott, Sarah Jane
  5558. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Residence, Hawn, Louisa
    2. Hawn, Louisa
  5559. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 23; Image: 51; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Sizemore, Solomon Sr.
    2. Residence, Sizemore, Solomon Sr.
  5560. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 216; Image: 443; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Carmack, Elisabeth Ann "Bettie"
    2. Carmack, Elisabeth Ann "Bettie"
  5561. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Berrien, Michigan; Roll: M653_537; Page: 223; Image: 223; Family History Library Film: 803537
    1. Wilder, Oscar
  5562. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 755; Image: 433.
    1. Residence, Hardcastle, Mary Ann
    2. Hardcastle, Mary Ann
  5563. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Pike, Mississippi; Roll: ; Page: 367; Image: 373.
    1. Cranford, William
  5564. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_499; Page: 54; Image: 55; Family History Library Film: 803499
    1. Cheney, William P.
  5565. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 828; Image: 66.
    1. Cranford, Julia Ann
    2. Residence, Cranford, Julia Ann
  5566. Year: 1860; Census Place: Green, Platte, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 762; Image: 249.
    1. Keller, Octavia
  5567. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 629; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Cain, Sarah
  5568. Year: 1860; Census Place: Northern Division, De Kalb, Alabama; Roll: M653_9; Page: 24; Image: 24; Family History Library Film: 803009
    1. Puckette, Miles
  5569. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Crawford, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 628; Image: 34.
    1. Birth, West, Lavina Jane
    2. West, Lavina Jane
  5570. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 162; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Willeford, Samuel Lee
    2. Residence, Willeford, Samuel Lee
  5571. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Franklin, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1249; Page: 99; Image: 205; Family History Library Film: 805249
    1. Stovall, John
    2. Residence, Stovall, John
  5572. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 2 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 100; Image: 101.
    1. Residence, Skaer, George Philip
    2. Skaer, George Philip
  5573. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 27; Image: 58.
    1. Birth, Burk, Jesse F.
    2. Burk, Jesse F.
  5574. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Wright, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 986; Image: 425.
    1. Residence, Freels, Parmelia
    2. Freels, Parmelia
  5575. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jackson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 202; Image: 19; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Pharis, Amanda Mary Hiram
  5576. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bear Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 417; Image: 161.
    1. King, Thomas Wiley
  5577. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Crittenden, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 429; Image: 429.
    1. Crisp, Andrew J
  5578. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 690; Image: 688; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Carter, Marion Davis
  5579. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 1, Cass, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 352; Image: 17; Family History Library Film: 805290
    1. Swinford, William Washington
  5580. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Grant, Lucy Ann
  5581. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Hardy, Virginia; Roll: M653_1351; Page: 546; Image: 34; Family History Library Film: 805351
    1. Birth, Combs, Pious
    2. Combs, Pious
  5582. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 133; Image: 275.
    1. Williams, Samuel Manley
    2. Birth, Williams, Samuel Manley
  5583. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1265; Page: 146; Image: 298; Family History Library Film: 805265
    1. Standifer, Nancy Jane
    2. Birth, Standifer, Nancy Jane
  5584. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 615; Image: 613; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Coons, George Madison
  5585. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 444; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Curry, Eliza A.
    2. Birth, Curry, Eliza A.
  5586. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 578; Image: 140; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Pering, Alfred Hine
    2. Residence, Pering, Alfred Hine
  5587. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 721; Image: 279.
    1. Birth, Wilkey, William Jonathan
    2. Wilkey, William Jonathan
  5588. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 322; Image: 274; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Morris, William Gideon
    2. Residence, Morris, William Gideon
  5589. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 18, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 460; Image: 336; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Forgey, William Columbus
    2. Residence, Forgey, William Columbus
  5590. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 18, Madison, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1263; Page: 206; Image: 415; Family History Library Film: 805263
    1. McFarland, William Isaac
    2. Birth, McFarland, William Isaac
  5591. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Cranford, Newton Middleton
  5592. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western District, Campbell, Virginia; Roll: M653_1338; Page: 434; Image: 445; Family History Library Film: 805338
    1. Bransam, Obediah
  5593. Year: 1860; Census Place: Duchouquet, Auglaize, Ohio; Roll: M653_931; Page: 309; Image: 33; Family History Library Film: 803931
    1. Parlett, Margaret Ann
    2. Age: 32
  5594. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Residence, Howell, Mary Fanny
    2. Howell, Mary Fanny
  5595. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wythe, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 270; Image: 14.
    1. King, William Butler
  5596. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 18 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: M653_205; Page: 910; Image: 162; Family History Library Film: 803205
    1. Birth, Graham, John Christopher
    2. Graham, John Christopher
  5597. Year: 1860; Census Place: Morris, Greene, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1114; Page: 658; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 805114
    1. Birth, Grimes, Nancy Graham
    2. Grimes, Nancy Graham
  5598. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 3 E, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 970; Image: 170.
    1. Karr, Keziah
  5599. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Marys, Hancock, Illinois; Page: 343; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Ritchey, Frances J.
    2. Birth, Ritchey, Frances J.
  5600. Year: 1860; Census Place: York, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1228; Page: 384; Family History Library Film: 805228
    1. Sturgis, George Frederick
  5601. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Callahan, Rebecca
    2. Residence, Callahan, Rebecca
  5602. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Kennon, Joseph Clark Josia
    2. Birth, Kennon, Joseph Clark Josia
  5603. Year: 1860; Census Place: Smith, Posey, Indiana; Roll: M653_290; Page: 609; Image: 83; Family History Library Film: 803290
    1. Chastain, Magdalene Sarah
  5604. Year: 1860; Census Place: Taylor, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 673; Image: 673; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Adams, Ann
  5605. Year: 1860; Census Place: Georgia Militia District 1075, Polk, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 163; Image: 162.
    1. Watts, Hope Asbury
  5606. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 251; Image: 507; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Residence, Egbert, William A.
    2. Egbert, William A.
  5607. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 509.
    1. Chaney, William Sampson
    2. Residence, Chaney, William Sampson
  5608. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Subdivision, Giles, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1251; Page: 195; Image: 393; Family History Library Film: 805251
    1. Birth, Sparkman, William M.
    2. Sparkman, William M.
  5609. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 96; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Summers, John Madison
    2. Residence, Summers, John Madison
  5610. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bristol, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 102; Image: 107; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Cheney, Edmund W.
  5611. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Crow, William G.
    2. Residence, Crow, William G.
  5612. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Tuscarawas, Ohio; Page: 306; Family History Library Film: 805043
    1. Schooley, William D.
  5613. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 38; Image: 80.
    1. Butler, Elizabeth "Betsy"
    2. Residence, Butler, Elizabeth "Betsy"
  5614. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 405; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Morris, Mahala N.
    2. Birth, Morris, Mahala N.
  5615. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 148; Image: 304; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Baker, James M.
    2. Residence, Baker, James M.
  5616. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 24; Image: 51.
    1. Naylor, Mary A.
    2. Residence, Naylor, Mary A.
  5617. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Crittenden, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 429; Image: 429.
    1. Residence, Crisp, Andrew J
    2. Crisp, Andrew J
  5618. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 83; Image: 83.
    1. Butler, Charlotte Malinda
  5619. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Montgomery, Indiana; Roll: M653_283; Page: 129; Image: 133; Family History Library Film: 803283
    1. Birth, Griest, William
    2. Griest, William
  5620. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Birth, Grant, Cynthia Jane
    2. Grant, Cynthia Jane
  5621. Year: 1860; Census Place: High Forest, Olmsted, Minnesota; Roll: M653_572; Page: 676; Image: 263; Family History Library Film: 803572
    1. Age in 1860: 10
    2. Naylor, Joseph Seeley
  5622. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 343; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Mary E.
  5623. Year: 1860; Census Place: York, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1228; Page: 384; Family History Library Film: 805228
    1. Sturgis, George Frederick
    2. Birth, Sturgis, George Frederick
  5624. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Hendricks, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 647; Image: 173.
    1. Rector, Benjamin Ona
    2. Residence, Rector, Benjamin Ona
  5625. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 1002; Image: 436.
    1. Walker, Norvel
  5626. Year: 1860; Census Place: Little Black, Randolph, Arkansas; Roll: M653_49; Page: 309; Family History Library Film: 803049
    1. Ealeazer, Comfort
  5627. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 58; Image: 119.
    1. Wright, William W.
  5628. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Half of County, Crittenden, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 310; Image: 310.
    1. Crow, Mary Johnson
    2. Birth, Crow, Mary Johnson
  5629. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 840; Image: 518; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Kirby, Mary Thomas Mollie
    2. Residence, Kirby, Mary Thomas Mollie
  5630. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Botetourt, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 167; Image: 171.
    1. Armentrout, Malinda
  5631. Year: 1860; Census Place: Little Black, Randolph, Arkansas; Roll: M653_49; Page: 309; Family History Library Film: 803049
    1. Ealeazer, Comfort
    2. Residence, Ealeazer, Comfort
  5632. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fishing River, Ray, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 92; Image: 95.
    1. Residence, Van Hoozer, Alfred
    2. Van Hoozer, Alfred
  5633. Year: 1860; Census Place: York, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1228; Page: 456; Family History Library Film: 805228
    1. Residence, Sturgis, Mary
    2. Sturgis, Mary
  5634. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Greenbrier, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 426; Image: 434.
    1. Birth, Hoylman, Mary Eugene
    2. Hoylman, Mary Eugene
  5635. Year: 1860; Census Place: Panola, Mississippi; Roll: M653_589; Page: 212; Family History Library Film: 803589
    1. Residence, Magee, Bluford Ancil
    2. Magee, Bluford Ancil
  5636. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grayson, Virginia; Roll: M653_1348; Page: 74; Image: 78; Family History Library Film: 805348
    1. Residence, Davis, Margaret
    2. Davis, Margaret
  5637. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Hot Spring, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 967; Image: 455.
    1. Fowler, America
    2. Birth, Fowler, America
  5638. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 133; Image: 275; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Jackson, Frances Jane
    2. Residence, Jackson, Frances Jane
  5639. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 710; Image: 260; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Wilburn, John M.
    2. Birth, Wilburn, John M.
  5640. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hartland, Huron, Ohio; Roll: M653_991; Page: 303; Image: 242; Family History Library Film: 803991
    1. Age: 2
    2. Phillips, Luke
  5641. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Van Hoozer, Rachel
    2. Residence, Van Hoozer, Rachel
  5642. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Cranford, Newton Middleton
    2. Residence, Cranford, Newton Middleton
  5643. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 222; Image: 221.
    1. Crow, William Greenberry James
    2. Residence, Crow, William Greenberry James
  5644. Year: 1860; Census Place: New Boston, Mercer, Illinois; Roll: M653_211; Page: 928; Image: 286; Family History Library Film: 803211
    1. Chamberlain, Manville
    2. Age in 1860: 23
  5645. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Morgan, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 498; Image: 500.
    1. Cranford, Mary Polly
  5646. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Masters, Madison Mayhew
    2. Masters, Madison Mayhew
  5647. Year: 1860; Census Place: Twin, Darke, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 126; Image: 130.
    1. Burk, Isaac
  5648. Year: 1860; Census Place: Buena Vista, Jasper, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 59; Image: 387.
    1. Carter, Ruth
    2. Birth, Carter, Ruth
  5649. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fredonia, Caldwell, Kentucky; Roll: M653_359; Page: 173; Family History Library Film: 803359
    1. Wigginton, Alfred Marion
    2. Residence, Wigginton, Alfred Marion
  5650. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Pike, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 923; Image: 497.
    1. Hatfield, Ephrin
    2. Residence, Hatfield, Ephrin
  5651. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 610; Image: 18; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Birth, Castleman, Emeline Frances
    2. Castleman, Emeline Frances
  5652. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sparta, White, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 83; Image: 172.
    1. Residence, Gardenhire, Alice Catherina
    2. Gardenhire, Alice Catherina
  5653. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 133; Image: 275.
    1. Williams, Samuel Manley
  5654. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 22; Image: 47.
    1. Fast, Julian Eugene
  5655. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 756; Image: 434.
    1. Claypoole, John Whitten
    2. Birth, Claypoole, John Whitten
  5656. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 505; Image: 362; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Guffey, Malissa
  5657. Year: 1860; Census Place: Black, Posey, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 784; Image: 258.
    1. Residence, Woody, John Holmes
    2. Woody, John Holmes
  5658. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Howard, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 407; Image: 407.
    1. Elliott, Rose Wallace
  5659. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: M653_1013; Page: 96; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805013
    1. Searls, George W.
  5660. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Masters, Polina
    2. Masters, Polina
  5661. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 355; Image: 359.
    1. Residence, Farnsley, Holby G.
    2. Farnsley, Holby G.
  5662. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Decatur, Indiana; Roll: M653_253; Page: 993; Image: 358; Family History Library Film: 803253
    1. Alley, Cyrus
    2. Birth, Alley, Cyrus
  5663. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 322; Image: 274; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Morris, Christopher Columbus
  5664. Year: 1860; Census Place: Rock Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 635; Image: 381.
    1. Residence, Jones, William
    2. Jones, William
  5665. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 165; Image: 339.
    1. Hinds, Susannah
  5666. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clark, Johnson, Arkansas; Roll: M653_44; Page: 938; Image: 444; Family History Library Film: 803044
    1. Birth, Coleman, Nancy Jane
    2. Coleman, Nancy Jane
  5667. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 599; Image: 277; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Ray, William Evermont
    2. Birth, Ray, William Evermont
  5668. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bethany, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: M653_622; Page: 605; Image: 119; Family History Library Film: 803622
    1. Residence, Bunyard, Nancy Lum
    2. Bunyard, Nancy Lum
  5669. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hamilton, Butler, Ohio; Roll: M653_941; Page: 418; Image: 402; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Louthan, Martha Jane "Jennie"
    2. Birth, Louthan, Martha Jane "Jennie"
  5670. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 239; Image: 238.
    1. Forgey, Samuel
  5671. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Marshall, Alabama; Roll: M653_16; Page: 940; Image: 466; Family History Library Film: 803016
    1. Birth, Prentice, David Samuel Bud
    2. Prentice, David Samuel Bud
  5672. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Carroll, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1243; Page: 79; Image: 161; Family History Library Film: 805243
    1. Wren, Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Wren, Elizabeth
  5673. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 576; Image: 578; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Hart, Charles A.
  5674. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Hamilton, Indiana; Roll: M653_263; Page: 302; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 803263
    1. Birth, Stoneman, Mark Davis
    2. Stoneman, Mark Davis
  5675. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Clermont, Ohio; Roll: M653_945; Page: 454; Family History Library Film: 803945
    1. Trees, George W.
  5676. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pleasant, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 169; Image: 175; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Sutton, Ransom Platt
    2. Birth, Sutton, Ransom Platt
  5677. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 179; Image: 363; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Residence, Anderson, Griffin
    2. Anderson, Griffin
  5678. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 355; Image: 359.
    1. Farnsley, Virgil
  5679. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: M653_22; Page: 774; Image: 380; Family History Library Film: 803022
    1. Weathers, America Jane
  5680. Year: 1860; Census Place: Duck Creek, Stoddard, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 538; Image: 542.
    1. Curd, Samuel Trotter
  5681. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grayson, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 148; Image: 300; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Birth, Robinson, Serena Elvira
    2. Robinson, Serena Elvira
  5682. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 779; Image: 457.
    1. Butler, Alexander John
  5683. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 576; Image: 578; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Hart, Mary Ann
    2. Residence, Hart, Mary Ann
  5684. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 250; Image: 506; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Pauly, Arminda Frances
    2. Residence, Pauly, Arminda Frances
  5685. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 247.
    1. Residence, Holmes, William Rufus "Bud"
    2. Holmes, William Rufus "Bud"
  5686. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 39 Range 23, Benton, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 243; Image: 247.
    1. Looney, Mary Campbell
  5687. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bellbrook, Greene, Ohio; Roll: M653_968; Page: 25; Image: 53; Family History Library Film: 803968
    1. Searls, Brittanna D.
    2. Age in 1860: 12
  5688. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 327; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Residence, Chaney, David T.
    2. Chaney, David T.
  5689. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 696; Image: 244; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Latta, Rachel Emeline
  5690. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Adair, Missouri; Roll: M653_605; Page: 54; Image: 58; Family History Library Film: 803605
    1. Birth, Stubbs, Claiborn Washburn
    2. Stubbs, Claiborn Washburn
  5691. Year: 1860; Census Place: Berwick, Warren, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 620; Image: 620.
    1. Howard, Eleanor Ellen
  5692. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 699; Image: 707; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Birth, Kempker, John
    2. Kempker, John
  5693. Year: 1860; Census Place: De Soto, Louisiana; Roll: M653_410; Page: 857; Image: 433; Family History Library Film: 803410
    1. Birth, Sebastian, Daniel H.
    2. Sebastian, Daniel H.
  5694. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ozark, Lawrence, Missouri; Roll: M653_628; Page: 717; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 803628
    1. Davis, Nancy
    2. Residence, Davis, Nancy
  5695. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mulberry Grove, Bond, Illinois; Roll: M653_156; Page: 175; Image: 175; Family History Library Film: 803156
    1. Residence, Sturgis, Isaac
    2. Sturgis, Isaac
  5696. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 44; Image: 44.
    1. Residence, Wollard, William D.
    2. Wollard, William D.
  5697. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 235; Image: 480.
    1. Butler, George W.
  5698. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Wayne, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 65; Image: 543.
    1. Residence, Hopper, Zachariah P.
    2. Hopper, Zachariah P.
  5699. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Grundy, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1252; Page: 438; Family History Library Film: 805252
    1. Casey, Elizabeth
  5700. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 179; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Bradley, Matilda
    2. Birth, Bradley, Matilda
  5701. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Amherst, Lorain, Ohio; Roll: M653_1002; Page: 319; Image: 278; Family History Library Film: 805002
    1. Fuller, Maria
    2. Birth, Fuller, Maria
  5702. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_499; Page: 54; Image: 55; Family History Library Film: 803499
    1. Cheney, William P.
    2. Residence, Cheney, William P.
  5703. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 24; Image: 51.
    1. Naylor, William Willis
  5704. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 13 Range 11, Scott, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 1041; Image: 217.
    1. Thaxton, Mary Ann
    2. Residence, Thaxton, Mary Ann
  5705. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 13 Range 12, Scott, Illinois; Roll: M653_227; Page: 993; Image: 169; Family History Library Film: 803227
    1. Age: 60
    2. Peak, Samuel "Bird"
  5706. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Marys, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 373; Image: 117; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Sturgis, Arcadia Cordelia
    2. Age in 1860: 58
  5707. Year: 1860; Census Place: High Forest, Olmsted, Minnesota; Roll: M653_572; Page: 676; Image: 263; Family History Library Film: 803572
    1. Naylor, Joseph Seeley
  5708. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sulpher Springs, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 670; Image: 348; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sample, Lucinda
  5709. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 N Range 2 W (North two-thirds), Montgomery, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 225; Image: 225.
    1. Residence, Whitten, Thomas J.
    2. Whitten, Thomas J.
  5710. Year: 1860; Census Place: Seminary, Fayette, Illinois; Roll: M653_177; Page: 237; Image: 237; Family History Library Film: 803177
    1. Residence, Brown, Henry Wesley
    2. Brown, Henry Wesley
  5711. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 238; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Forgey, Samuel Scott
  5712. Year: 1860; Census Place: N W Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: ; Page: 754; Image: 236.
    1. Woody, Moses
    2. Birth, Woody, Moses
  5713. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 408; Image: 22; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Crow, Amanda A.
    2. Residence, Crow, Amanda A.
  5714. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 457; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Angelo, Andrew Jackson
  5715. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lynnville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 483; Image: 161; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sandusky, Susan
    2. Birth, Sandusky, Susan
  5716. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Williamson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 123; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Prowell, Thomas Washington III
    2. Residence, Prowell, Thomas Washington III
  5717. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 83; Image: 83.
    1. Butler, Caleb
  5718. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 868; Image: 546.
    1. Roberson, Cinderella
    2. Birth, Roberson, Cinderella
  5719. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Benton, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 424; Image: 426.
    1. Hubbard, Elizabeth
  5720. Year: 1860; Census Place: De Soto, Louisiana; Roll: M653_410; Page: 857; Image: 433; Family History Library Film: 803410
    1. Age in 1860: 6
    2. Sebastian, Daniel H.
  5721. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 499; Image: 351; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Young, William M.
    2. Birth, Young, William M.
  5722. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Polk, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1268; Page: 399; Image: 224; Family History Library Film: 805268
    1. Hagler, Abraham Waden
    2. Age: 73
  5723. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Blount, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 924; Image: 278.
    1. Posey, Towning Docty
  5724. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 165; Image: 339; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Masters, Joseph Marion
    2. Masters, Joseph Marion
  5725. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Grundy, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1252; Page: 438; Family History Library Film: 805252
    1. Birth, Casey, Elizabeth
    2. Casey, Elizabeth
  5726. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 680; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Carter, Lucy Ann
  5727. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 247.
    1. Holmes, James D.
    2. Birth, Holmes, James D.
  5728. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grayson, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 148; Image: 300; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Robinson, Serena Elvira
  5729. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 691; Image: 689; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Mitchell, Hannah Ann
  5730. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 199; Image: 408.
    1. Residence, Cullom, Verlinder
    2. Cullom, Verlinder
  5731. Year: 1860; Census Place: Elbert District, Elbert, Georgia; Roll: M653_120; Page: 757; Image: 218; Family History Library Film: 803120
    1. Residence, Staples, Lucy
    2. Staples, Lucy
  5732. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Neill, Mary Arabella
    2. Residence, Neill, Mary Arabella
  5733. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 44 Range 17, Moniteau, Missouri; Roll: M653_634; Page: 732; Image: 232; Family History Library Film: 803634
    1. Birth, Reeves, Henry A. "Peg-Leg"
    2. Reeves, Henry A. "Peg-Leg"
  5734. Year: 1860; Census Place: Montgomery, Gibson, Indiana; Roll: M653_260; Page: 795; Image: 285; Family History Library Film: 803260
    1. Williams, Rachel Catherine
    2. Birth, Williams, Rachel Catherine
  5735. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cincinnati, Tazewell, Illinois; Roll: M653_232; Page: 359; Image: 359; Family History Library Film: 803232
    1. Hawley, Martha Nason
    2. Residence, Hawley, Martha Nason
  5736. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 16, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 48; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Residence, Masters, Sarah C.
    2. Masters, Sarah C.
  5737. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Howell, Jesse
    2. Residence, Howell, Jesse
  5738. Year: 1860; Census Place: Spencer, Lane, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 280; Image: 563; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Scott, Rodney
    2. Age in 1860: 18
  5739. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 392; Image: 392.
    1. Ice, Rachel Jane
  5740. Year: 1860; Census Place: Morris, Greene, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1114; Page: 658; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 805114
    1. Birth, Iams, Samuel
    2. Iams, Samuel
  5741. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 867; Image: 545; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Roberson, Elijah D.
    2. Age: 1
  5742. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Blount, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 924; Image: 278.
    1. Cranford, Avenent V
  5743. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Carter, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 402; Image: 243.
    1. Crow, Robert Campbell
  5744. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lebanon, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 212; Image: 427; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Van Note, Mary Jane
  5745. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dooleys, Hart, Georgia; Roll: M653_126; Page: 447; Image: 447; Family History Library Film: 803126
    1. Residence, McCurry, Mary
    2. McCurry, Mary
  5746. Year: 1860; Census Place: Funkstown, Washington, Maryland; Roll: ; Page: 651; Image: 371.
    1. Eastburn, Sara Ann Nelson
  5747. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cane Hill, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: M653_52; Page: 567; Family History Library Film: 803052
    1. Residence, Bates, Henderson E.
    2. Bates, Henderson E.
  5748. Year: 1860; Census Place: Boone, Greene, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 272; Image: 272.
    1. Claypool, Susan Angelina
    2. Birth, Claypool, Susan Angelina
  5749. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Jefferson, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 712; Image: 218.
    1. Thompson, Sarah Ann
    2. Residence, Thompson, Sarah Ann
  5750. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Monroe, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 216; Image: 439.
    1. Cook, Jacob
    2. Residence, Cook, Jacob
  5751. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sims, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 267; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. LaForge, Mary
    2. Residence, LaForge, Mary
  5752. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 894; Image: 146.
    1. Goodpasture, Melissa Jennie
    2. Residence, Goodpasture, Melissa Jennie
  5753. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Webster, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 749; Image: 188.
    1. Butler, Jacob Lewis Ronny
  5754. Year: 1860; Census Place: Chattooga Valley, Chattooga, Georgia; Roll: M653_116; Page: 575; Image: 49; Family History Library Film: 803116
    1. Pickens, Nancy Emilia
  5755. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Lauderdale, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 344; Image: 29.
    1. Saunders, Alfurna
    2. Birth, Saunders, Alfurna
  5756. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 725; Image: 723.
    1. Birth, Thaxton, Mary Ann
    2. Thaxton, Mary Ann
  5757. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Benton, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 424; Image: 426.
    1. Hubbard, Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Hubbard, Elizabeth
  5758. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Van Hoozer, Hugh
  5759. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 18, Madison, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 206; Image: 415.
    1. Dungan, Allen
  5760. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 155; Image: 318; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Deborah
    2. Residence, Masters, Deborah
  5761. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Van Hoozer, George Valentine
  5762. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pilot Grove, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 436.
    1. Birth, Butler, William Alexander
    2. Butler, William Alexander
  5763. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Perry, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 354; Image: 131.
    1. Horner, George W.
  5764. Year: 1860; Census Place: N W Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 750; Image: 232; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Birth, Mitchell, Elizbeth
    2. Mitchell, Elizbeth
  5765. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Putnam, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 95; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Goodbar, Julia Ann Ford
    2. Residence, Goodbar, Julia Ann Ford
  5766. Year: 1860; Census Place: Augusta, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 828; Image: 574; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Age: 76
    2. Philbrook, Lydia
  5767. Year: 1860; Census Place: Chariton, Randolph, Missouri; Roll: M653_642; Page: 770; Image: 186; Family History Library Film: 803642
    1. Chrisman, Amelia B.
  5768. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 25; Image: 56; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Birth, Herd, Hiram
    2. Herd, Hiram
  5769. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Carter, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 402; Image: 243.
    1. Birth, Crow, Robert Campbell
    2. Crow, Robert Campbell
  5770. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Owen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_391; Page: 91; Family History Library Film: 803391
    1. Birth, Claypool, Lutitia
    2. Claypool, Lutitia
  5771. Year: 1860; Census Place: Olean, Cattaraugus, New York; Roll: ; Page: 751; Image: 168.
    1. Kelsey, James
  5772. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beardstown, Cass, Illinois; Page: 261; Family History Library Film: 803160
    1. Anders (Andrews), Philip
  5773. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Spencer, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 17; Image: 481.
    1. Eastburn, Lois
  5774. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bangor, Marshall, Iowa; Roll: M653_335; Page: 131; Image: 573; Family History Library Film: 803335
    1. Residence, Vernon, Jesse
    2. Vernon, Jesse
  5775. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 573; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Carter, Amanda
  5776. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 172; Image: 353.
    1. Butler, Thomas Clark
    2. Residence, Butler, Thomas Clark
  5777. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 407; Image: 21; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Crow, Mary Jane
  5778. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Hickman, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 517; Image: 77.
    1. Chaney, Charles
    2. Birth, Chaney, Charles
  5779. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lassen, Tehama, California; Roll: M653_70; Page: 879; Image: 183; Family History Library Film: 803070
    1. Birth, Scott, Sarah J.
    2. Scott, Sarah J.
  5780. Year: 1860; Census Place: Abbeville, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1212; Page: 94; Image: 192; Family History Library Film: 805212
    1. Cockburn, Francis
    2. Birth, Cockburn, Francis
  5781. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 622; Image: 26; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Walker, Margaret B.
  5782. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Birth, Wedgeworth, Rebecca Ann
    2. Wedgeworth, Rebecca Ann
  5783. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Humphreys, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 121; Image: 249.
    1. Whitwell, Willis H.
    2. Birth, Whitwell, Willis H.
  5784. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bellbrook, Greene, Ohio; Roll: M653_968; Page: 25; Image: 53; Family History Library Film: 803968
    1. Searls, Brittanna D.
  5785. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 181; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Residence, Stapleton, Andrew
    2. Stapleton, Andrew
  5786. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 3, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 217; Image: 217.
    1. Carter, Edna Eliza
    2. Birth, Carter, Edna Eliza
  5787. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 N Range 2 W (North two-thirds), Montgomery, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 224; Image: 224.
    1. Whitten, Elizabeth Jane
  5788. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Hickman, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 529; Image: 89.
    1. Brogdon, Deborah Low
  5789. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 318; Image: 320.
    1. Gaulding, Agnes
    2. Birth, Gaulding, Agnes
  5790. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 27; Image: 58.
    1. Residence, Burk, Perlina Alice
    2. Burk, Perlina Alice
  5791. Year: 1860; Census Place: Columbia, Meigs, Ohio; Roll: M653_1008; Page: 336; Image: 675; Family History Library Film: 805008
    1. Kyger village
    2. Searls, William Grant
  5792. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Johnson, Iowa; Roll: M653_327; Page: 501; Image: 17; Family History Library Film: 803327
    1. Birth, Davis, Neziah
    2. Davis, Neziah
  5793. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bowling Green, Marion, Ohio; Roll: M653_1006; Page: 322; Image: 115; Family History Library Film: 805006
    1. Clements, Mecha
  5794. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 765; Image: 443; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Residence, Claypool, Benjamin Franklin
    2. Claypool, Benjamin Franklin
  5795. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 89; Image: 89; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Wollard, Barton Marshall
  5796. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Cedar, Missouri; Roll: M653_613; Page: 18; Family History Library Film: 803613
    1. Hopper, Charles H.
    2. Residence Post Office: Stockton
  5797. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Yadkin, North Carolina; Roll: ; Page: 349; Image: 198.
    1. Reece, Ellena J
  5798. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Adair, Missouri; Roll: M653_605; Page: 54; Image: 58; Family History Library Film: 803605
    1. Residence, Jones, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Jones, Mary Elizabeth
  5799. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Fentress, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1249; Page: 6; Image: 16; Family History Library Film: 805249
    1. Mangold, Tennessee
    2. Birth, Mangold, Tennessee
  5800. Year: 1860; Census Place: Brick, Ocean, New Jersey; Roll: M653_705; Page: 99; Image: 97; Family History Library Film: 803705
    1. Fielder, Benjamin Hance
    2. Residence, Fielder, Benjamin Hance
  5801. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 582; Image: 584; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Sturgis, Margaret Melinda
    2. Age in 1860: 22
  5802. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bear Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 418; Image: 162.
    1. King, Henry T.
    2. Residence, King, Henry T.
  5803. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_224; Page: 31; Image: 32; Family History Library Film: 803224
    1. Ackerman, Leonhard John
    2. Birth, Ackerman, Leonhard John
  5804. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 165; Image: 339; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Masters, Davis Coe
    2. Masters, Davis Coe
  5805. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 N Range 2 W (North two-thirds), Montgomery, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 224; Image: 224.
    1. Whitten, Elizabeth Jane
    2. Birth, Whitten, Elizabeth Jane
  5806. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hot Spring, Napa, California; Roll: M653_61; Page: 28; Image: 28; Family History Library Film: 803061
    1. Rector, William Alexander
  5807. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 11 Range 4, Winston, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 1266; Image: 510.
    1. Cranford, Winifred
    2. Residence, Cranford, Winifred
  5808. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 832; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Carpenter, Mildred C.
  5809. Year: 1860; Census Place: Honey Creek, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 730; Image: 730; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Davies, Isaac
  5810. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 620; Image: 298; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Spires, Henry McDonal
    2. Spires, Henry McDonal
  5811. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lamoine, McDonough, Illinois; Roll: M653_201; Page: 834; Image: 474; Family History Library Film: 803201
    1. Bowman, Rebecca Jane
    2. Birth, Bowman, Rebecca Jane
  5812. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Crawford, Arkansas; Roll: M653_40; Page: 629; Image: 35; Family History Library Film: 803040
    1. Age: 49
    2. Ross, Elizabeth Rice
  5813. Year: 1860; Census Place: Scott, Virginia; Page: 411; Family History Library Film: 805376
    1. Tyler, Sarah Edna Moncure
  5814. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 755; Image: 433.
    1. Residence, Claypool, Easton T.
    2. Claypool, Easton T.
  5815. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, Hamilton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 38; Image: 81.
    1. Birth, Waller, Manley Barksdale
    2. Waller, Manley Barksdale
  5816. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 83; Image: 83; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Butler, Sarah
    2. Birth, Butler, Sarah
  5817. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Lee, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 707.
    1. Kempker, Mary E.
    2. Residence, Kempker, Mary E.
  5818. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 36; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Holmes, Susan Callie
  5819. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Monroe, Mississippi; Roll: M653_587; Page: 458; Image: 462; Family History Library Film: 803587
    1. Shaw, William Mansfield
  5820. Year: 1860; Census Place: Portville, Cattaraugus, New York; Roll: M653_726; Page: 853; Image: 270; Family History Library Film: 803726
    1. Smith, Jane Ann
  5821. Year: 1860; Census Place: Little Black, Randolph, Arkansas; Roll: M653_49; Page: 309; Image: 309; Family History Library Film: 803049
    1. Forgey, Robert Bruce
  5822. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 697; Image: 257.
    1. Birth, Howton, David
    2. Howton, David
  5823. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cumberland, Fayette, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 67; Image: 67.
    1. Woolsey, Nancy
  5824. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center, Knox, Missouri; Roll: M653_627; Page: 81; Image: 84; Family History Library Film: 803627
    1. Birth, Claypool, Cornelius
    2. Claypool, Cornelius
  5825. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 3 E, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 980; Image: 180.
    1. Residence, Avery, Elizabeth Ann
    2. Avery, Elizabeth Ann
  5826. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 932; Image: 532.
    1. Residence, Neill, Sally
    2. Neill, Sally
  5827. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 250; Image: 505; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Koogle, Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Koogle, Elizabeth
  5828. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bethany, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: M653_622; Page: 605; Image: 119; Family History Library Film: 803622
    1. Birth, Bunyard, Nancy Lum
    2. Bunyard, Nancy Lum
  5829. Year: 1860; Census Place: Olean, Cattaraugus, New York; Roll: ; Page: 751; Image: 168.
    1. Kelsey, James
    2. Birth, Kelsey, James
  5830. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 S Range 10 W, Monroe, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 166; Image: 166.
    1. Ettling, Jacob
    2. Birth, Ettling, Jacob
  5831. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 3, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 217; Image: 217.
    1. Wilkerson, George Washington
    2. Birth, Wilkerson, George Washington
  5832. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Birth, Crow, Jesse Ninon
    2. Crow, Jesse Ninon
  5833. Year: 1860; Census Place: Linn, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 311; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Forgey, William Alexander
  5834. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Coosa, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 184; Image: 184.
    1. Green, John H.
    2. Residence, Green, John H.
  5835. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 421; Image: 463; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Birth, Riley, Phoebe Ann
    2. Riley, Phoebe Ann
  5836. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Marys, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 373; Image: 117; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Birth, Bowman, Arcadia E. "Katie"
    2. Bowman, Arcadia E. "Katie"
  5837. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 9 Range 8 E, Gallatin, Illinois; Roll: M653_180; Page: 1015; Family History Library Film: 803180
    1. Dempsey, John D.
    2. Birth, Dempsey, John D.
  5838. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 25; Image: 56; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Herd, Hiram
    2. Residence, Herd, Hiram
  5839. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 18, Madison, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 206; Image: 415.
    1. Birth, Dungan, Allen
    2. Dungan, Allen
  5840. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 511; Image: 374.
    1. Hawn, Emaline
    2. Birth, Hawn, Emaline
  5841. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Forsyth, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 423; Image: 423.
    1. Residence, Clement, Isaac
    2. Clement, Isaac
  5842. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 694; Image: 692; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Sturgis, Rebecca K.
  5843. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 S Range 10 W, Monroe, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 166; Image: 166.
    1. Ettling, Jacob
    2. Residence, Ettling, Jacob
  5844. Year: 1860; Census Place: Albany, Green, Wisconsin; Roll: M653_1411; Page: 45; Image: 50; Family History Library Film: 805411
    1. Coats, Hestler Palmer
  5845. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 100; Image: 100.
    1. Birth, Forgey, Mary Fidelia
    2. Forgey, Mary Fidelia
  5846. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 680; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Birth, Carter, Lucy Ann
    2. Carter, Lucy Ann
  5847. Year: 1860; Census Place: Precinct 5, Dallas, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 345; Image: 167.
    1. Claypool, Josiah
    2. Birth, Claypool, Josiah
  5848. Year: 1860; Census Place: Murrayville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 491; Image: 169; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Masters, James Madison
    2. Masters, James Madison
  5849. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clark, Johnson, Arkansas; Roll: M653_44; Page: 938; Image: 444; Family History Library Film: 803044
    1. Coleman, Nancy Jane
    2. Age in 1860: 21
  5850. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Page: 638; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Louthan, Rachel Athalia
    2. Birth, Louthan, Rachel Athalia
  5851. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 746; Image: 424; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Scrivener, James A.
    2. Birth, Scrivener, James A.
  5852. Year: 1860; Census Place: Salt River, Schuyler, Missouri; Roll: M653_646; Page: 764; Image: 152; Family History Library Film: 803646
    1. Tipton, Zacharia
  5853. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 752; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Howell, Thomas E.
    2. Residence, Howell, Thomas E.
  5854. Year: 1860; Census Place: Peoria Ward 2, Peoria, Illinois; Roll: M653_216; Page: 177; Image: 178; Family History Library Film: 803216
    1. Residence, Borland, Elizabeth
    2. Borland, Elizabeth
  5855. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ervin, Howard, Indiana; Roll: M653_266; Page: 830; Family History Library Film: 803266
    1. Forgey, Mary Anne
  5856. Year: 1860; Census Place: Vermontville, Eaton, Michigan; Roll: M653_542; Page: 853; Image: 357; Family History Library Film: 803542
    1. Age in 1860: 18
    2. Sutton, Abigail
  5857. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 15 Range 13, Scott, Illinois; Roll: M653_227; Page: 908; Image: 84; Family History Library Film: 803227
    1. Age: 57
    2. Peak, Absalom
  5858. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 12; Image: 30; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Brown, Thomas East
  5859. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: M653_26; Page: 898; Image: 136; Family History Library Film: 803026
    1. Odom, William
  5860. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 217; Image: 216; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Pickel, Christian
  5861. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Division, Guilford, North Carolina; Roll: M653_900; Page: 5; Image: 14; Family History Library Film: 803900
    1. Birth, Coble, Peter
    2. Coble, Peter
  5862. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 96; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Birth, Fly, David Williamson Rev.
    2. Fly, David Williamson Rev.
  5863. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bangor, Marshall, Iowa; Roll: M653_335; Page: 129; Image: 571; Family History Library Film: 803335
    1. Residence, Stoneman, Emily
    2. Stoneman, Emily
  5864. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 7, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 508; Image: 368; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Residence, Green, Edward R.
    2. Green, Edward R.
  5865. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Hickman, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 517; Image: 77; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Chaney, William J.
    2. Birth, Chaney, William J.
  5866. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Benton, Arkansas; Roll: M653_37; Page: 423; Image: 425; Family History Library Film: 803037
    1. Reavis, Nancy Harriet
    2. Age in 1860: 24
  5867. Year: 1860; Census Place: High Forest, Olmsted, Minnesota; Roll: M653_572; Page: 676; Image: 263; Family History Library Film: 803572
    1. Naylor, Joseph C.
    2. Age in 1860: 36
  5868. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 81; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Holmes, James Madison
  5869. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lynnville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 483; Image: 161.
    1. Ferguson, Benjamin Pendleton
  5870. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jersey, Licking, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 360; Image: 239.
    1. Dove, Mary Magdalene
  5871. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grayson, Kentucky; Roll: M653_369; Page: 480; Image: 480; Family History Library Film: 803369
    1. Woosley, Rebecca
  5872. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 479; Image: 311.
    1. Butler, William Preston
    2. Residence, Butler, William Preston
  5873. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Alleghany, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 82; Image: 86.
    1. Hoylman, William T.
  5874. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Botetourt, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 167; Image: 171.
    1. Residence, Hoyleman, Simon John
    2. Hoyleman, Simon John
  5875. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Van Hoozer, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Van Hoozer, Mary Elizabeth
  5876. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrisburg, Jackson, Georgia; Roll: M653_128; Page: 179; Family History Library Film: 803128
    1. Birth, Burns, David Mitchell Gen.
    2. Burns, David Mitchell Gen.
  5877. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Clair, Butler, Ohio; Roll: M653_941; Page: 338; Image: 242; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Birth, Anderson, Virginia C.
    2. Anderson, Virginia C.
  5878. Year: 1860; Census Place: DeSoto, Mississippi; Roll: M653_581; Page: 155; Family History Library Film: 803581
    1. Mitchell, James Boyd
    2. Residence Post Office: Cockrum
  5879. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1265; Page: 176; Image: 359; Family History Library Film: 805265
    1. Birth, Peak, Jacob
    2. Peak, Jacob
  5880. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newburyport Ward 1, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_496; Page: 292; Image: 296; Family History Library Film: 803496
    1. Residence, Fowle, Alice Hale
    2. Fowle, Alice Hale
  5881. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Howell, Mary Fanny
  5882. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana; Roll: M653_300; Page: 912; Image: 584; Family History Library Film: 803300
    1. Birth, Vanmeter, Julia Ann
    2. Vanmeter, Julia Ann
  5883. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Webster, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 749; Image: 188.
    1. Denny, Lucinda
    2. Birth, Denny, Lucinda
  5884. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 355; Image: 359.
    1. Birth, Farnsley, Holby G.
    2. Farnsley, Holby G.
  5885. Year: 1860; Census Place: Woodstock, Cherokee, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 822; Image: 296.
    1. Tallent, Margaret
  5886. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 8, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 605; Image: 607; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Samples, Rebecca A.
    2. Residence, Samples, Rebecca A.
  5887. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Yadkin, North Carolina; Roll: ; Page: 349; Image: 198.
    1. Reece, Ellena J
    2. Birth, Reece, Ellena J
  5888. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Hot Spring, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 970; Image: 458.
    1. Kemp, William Milton
  5889. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Monroe, Mississippi; Roll: M653_587; Page: 458; Image: 462; Family History Library Film: 803587
    1. Shaw, William Mansfield
    2. Birth, Shaw, William Mansfield
  5890. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bear Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 417; Image: 161.
    1. Residence, King, Robert
    2. King, Robert
  5891. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hamilton, Butler, Ohio; Page: 418; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. DeVon, Mary
  5892. Year: 1860; Census Place: Penn, Jay, Indiana; Roll: M653_269; Page: 287; Image: 287; Family History Library Film: 803269
    1. Age: 4
    2. Schlosser, Elmina Ella
  5893. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hamilton, Butler, Ohio; Page: 418; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Louthan, John Albert
  5894. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richland, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 445; Image: 449; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Birth, Siegmunt, Barbara Ann
    2. Siegmunt, Barbara Ann
  5895. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_25; Page: 340; Image: 342; Family History Library Film: 803025
    1. Solley, Seaborn Alexander
  5896. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 140; Image: 289.
    1. Birth, Eldridge, James Harrison
    2. Eldridge, James Harrison
  5897. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 867; Image: 545; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Roberson, Elijah D.
  5898. Year: 1860; Census Place: Austin, Travis, Texas; Roll: M653_1306; Page: 299; Family History Library Film: 805306
    1. Birth, Seat, William Henry Rev.
    2. Seat, William Henry Rev.
  5899. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 773; Image: 11.
    1. Cranford, Malinda
    2. Residence, Cranford, Malinda
  5900. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 14 Range 5 E, Moultrie, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 939; Image: 617; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Lansden, Martha Elizabeth
  5901. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Birth, Frieze, Sarah C.
    2. Frieze, Sarah C.
  5902. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Clair, Butler, Ohio; Page: 341; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Lindley, Sarah Alice
    2. Residence Post Office: Hamilton
  5903. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Greenbrier, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 426; Image: 434.
    1. Hoylman, Lycurgus Marshall
  5904. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Blount, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 924; Image: 278.
    1. Cranford, Joseph William
    2. Birth, Cranford, Joseph William
  5905. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Hawn, George Washington
  5906. Year: 1860; Census Place: Udell, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 553; Image: 167; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Birth, Swank, Mary Cornelia Isabel
    2. Swank, Mary Cornelia Isabel
  5907. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sulpher Springs, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 670; Image: 348; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sample, Lydia
    2. Residence, Sample, Lydia
  5908. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 5 S Range 1 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: M653_177; Page: 481; Image: 481; Family History Library Film: 803177
    1. Brayfield, Florida Ludica
    2. Birth, Brayfield, Florida Ludica
  5909. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Page: 665; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Residence Post Office: Millwood
    2. Slusher, Annie M.
  5910. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 44; Image: 91.
    1. Birth, Farmer, Agnes
    2. Farmer, Agnes
  5911. Year: 1860; Census Place: Augusta, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 828; Image: 574; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Philbrook, Lydia
  5912. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 614; Image: 292; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Seymour, Edward D.
    2. Residence, Seymour, Edward D.
  5913. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 995; Image: 429.
    1. Chaney, Hezekiah Cannon
    2. Birth, Chaney, Hezekiah Cannon
  5914. Year: 1860; Census Place: Unionville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 543; Image: 157.
    1. Residence, Bray, Augusta Emmaline
    2. Bray, Augusta Emmaline
  5915. Year: 1860; Census Place: Miami, Cass, Indiana; Roll: M653_247; Page: 638; Image: 124; Family History Library Film: 803247
    1. Flory, William S. Dr.
    2. Residence, Flory, William S. Dr.
  5916. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Franklin, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1249; Page: 99; Image: 205; Family History Library Film: 805249
    1. Stovall, John
  5917. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 58; Image: 119; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Age: 25
    2. Duncan, Parthena
  5918. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pike, Jay, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 33; Image: 33.
    1. Iames, Sarah
    2. Birth, Iames, Sarah
  5919. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Boone, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 826; Image: 306.
    1. Handlen, William
  5920. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 596; Image: 274.
    1. Dennis, Nancy Arnett
    2. Residence, Dennis, Nancy Arnett
  5921. Year: 1860; Census Place: Russell, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: ; Page: 53; Image: 58.
    1. Fanning, Clinton Nathaniel
    2. Birth, Fanning, Clinton Nathaniel
  5922. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 8, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 519; Image: 354; Family History Library Film: 805290
    1. Jarratt, Devereaux
    2. Residence, Jarratt, Devereaux
  5923. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_224; Page: 27; Image: 28; Family History Library Film: 803224
    1. Hill, John Wilburt "Burt"
  5924. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 119; Image: 247; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Gholston, William
    2. Birth, Gholston, William
  5925. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bolivar, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 4; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Reeves, Elizabeth Jane
    2. Residence Post Office: Bolivar
  5926. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 206; Image: 422.
    1. Goodbar, Emily Wakefield
  5927. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Jackson, Louisiana; Roll: M653_411; Page: 431; Image: 451; Family History Library Film: 803411
    1. Walsworth, Kisara Caroline
    2. Age in 1860: 4
  5928. Year: 1860; Census Place: De Soto, Louisiana; Roll: M653_410; Page: 857; Image: 433; Family History Library Film: 803410
    1. Age in 1860: 9
    2. Sebastian, Charles Edward
  5929. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harmony, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 445; Image: 189.
    1. Residence, Butler, Martha Ellen
    2. Butler, Martha Ellen
  5930. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 693; Image: 371.
    1. Badgett, Thomas Edwin
  5931. Year: 1860; Census Place: Goochland, Virginia; Roll: M653_1347; Page: 936; Image: 596; Family History Library Film: 805347
    1. Morrison, Mary
    2. Birth, Morrison, Mary
  5932. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 487; Image: 327.
    1. Young, Elizabeth
  5933. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 894; Image: 146.
    1. Residence, Goodpasture, Mary Ellen
    2. Goodpasture, Mary Ellen
  5934. Year: 1860; Census Place: Princeton, Green Lake, Wisconsin; Roll: M653_1410; Page: 1081; Family History Library Film: 805410
    1. Bessy, Laura Ann
  5935. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Decatur, Indiana; Roll: M653_253; Page: 993; Image: 358; Family History Library Film: 803253
    1. Nelson, Charity Margaret
    2. Birth, Nelson, Charity Margaret
  5936. Year: 1860; Census Place: Butler, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 59; Image: 63; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Birth, Odell, Martha Jane
    2. Odell, Martha Jane
  5937. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fluvanna, Virginia; Roll: M653_1345; Page: 764; Image: 338; Family History Library Film: 805345
    1. Mayo, John Williamson
  5938. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 83; Image: 83.
    1. Birth, Butler, Caleb
    2. Butler, Caleb
  5939. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 223; Image: 222.
    1. Frieze, Alfred Milburn
  5940. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 626; Image: 304; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Residence, Sturgis, William A.
    2. Sturgis, William A.
  5941. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gainesville, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_353; Page: 321; Image: 321; Family History Library Film: 803353
    1. Claypool, Matilda Elizabeth
  5942. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fairview, Jasper, Iowa; Roll: M653_325; Page: 25; Image: 239; Family History Library Film: 803325
    1. Birth, Davis, Sarah Maude
    2. Davis, Sarah Maude
  5943. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Finley, Washington, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1192; Page: 1020; Image: 457; Family History Library Film: 805192
    1. Iams, Charity Christine "Christy"
    2. Birth, Iams, Charity Christine "Christy"
  5944. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 2, De Kalb, Alabama; Roll: M653_9; Page: 170; Image: 174; Family History Library Film: 803009
    1. Residence, Masters, George Washington
    2. Masters, George Washington
  5945. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 172; Image: 353; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Knox, James Asbury Rev.
    2. Residence, Knox, James Asbury Rev.
  5946. Year: 1860; Census Place: Noble, Rush, Indiana; Roll: M653_294; Page: 757; Image: 260; Family History Library Film: 803294
    1. Warren, Anna Elizabeth
  5947. Year: 1860; Census Place: Smith, Posey, Indiana; Roll: M653_290; Page: 609; Image: 83; Family History Library Film: 803290
    1. Residence, Carter, Rane Chastain
    2. Carter, Rane Chastain
  5948. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 4, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 31; Image: 68; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Residence, Fields, Elizabeth Betsy
    2. Fields, Elizabeth Betsy
  5949. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 20, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 480; Image: 375; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Phillips, Leroy
    2. Residence, Phillips, Leroy
  5950. Year: 1860; Census Place: Carrrollton, Carroll, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 393; Image: 395.
    1. Residence, Carneal, John Goodlear
    2. Carneal, John Goodlear
  5951. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 369, Putnam, Georgia; Roll: M653_134; Page: 399; Image: 394; Family History Library Film: 803134
    1. Birth, Masters, Patsy Martha
    2. Masters, Patsy Martha
  5952. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 179; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, James Bartee
    2. Residence, Masters, James Bartee
  5953. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 334; Image: 289.
    1. Residence, Dunwoody, Martha Malinda
    2. Dunwoody, Martha Malinda
  5954. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 14 Range 5, Attala, Mississippi; Roll: M653_577; Page: 456; Image: 456; Family History Library Film: 803577
    1. Lloyd, William Butler
  5955. Year: 1860; Census Place: Salem, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 141; Image: 285; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Chamberlain, Lewis
  5956. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 44; Image: 91.
    1. Residence, King, Lindsey
    2. King, Lindsey
  5957. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harmony, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 454; Image: 198; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Rucker, Oliver P.
  5958. Year: 1860; Census Place: Epping Forest, Granville, North Carolina; Roll: M653_898; Page: 364; Family History Library Film: 803898
    1. Residence, Taylor, Emily Tillinghast
    2. Taylor, Emily Tillinghast
  5959. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 58; Image: 119; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Wright, Melissa
    2. Age: 31
  5960. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Birth, Crow, William G.
    2. Crow, William G.
  5961. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Van Hoozer, Rachel Emaline
    2. Birth, Van Hoozer, Rachel Emaline
  5962. Year: 1860; Census Place: New Castle Hundred, New Castle, Delaware; Roll: ; Page: 148; Image: 149.
    1. Harris, Louisa
    2. Residence, Harris, Louisa
  5963. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Pike, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 921; Image: 495.
    1. Birth, Burress, Mary Ann
    2. Burress, Mary Ann
  5964. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 35; Image: 76.
    1. Birth, Holmes, John H.
    2. Holmes, John H.
  5965. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: M653_930; Page: 16; Image: 36; Family History Library Film: 803930
    1. Birth, Naylor, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Naylor, Mary Elizabeth
  5966. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 655; Image: 63; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Louthan, John
  5967. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1268; Page: 334; Image: 92; Family History Library Film: 805268
    1. Birth, Randel, Nacy Meek
    2. Randel, Nacy Meek
  5968. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 251; Image: 507; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Egbert, David F.
  5969. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Maries, Missouri; Roll: M653_632; Page: 592; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 803632
    1. Age in 1860: 60
    2. Satterfield, Moses
  5970. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 96; Image: 196; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Mitchell, Mary
    2. Residence, Mitchell, Mary
  5971. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 7, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 508; Image: 368; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Green, Edward R.
  5972. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 12; Image: 30; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Birth, Brown, Thomas East
    2. Brown, Thomas East
  5973. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cane Hill, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: M653_52; Page: 567; Family History Library Film: 803052
    1. Bates, Henderson E.
  5974. Year: 1860; Census Place: Simpson, Kentucky; Roll: M653_395; Page: 24; Family History Library Film: 803395
    1. Residence, Blewett, Mary Susan "Susie"
    2. Blewett, Mary Susan "Susie"
  5975. Year: 1860; Census Place: Miami, Cass, Indiana; Roll: M653_247; Page: 638; Image: 124; Family History Library Film: 803247
    1. Flory, William S. Dr.
  5976. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nishnabotna, Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 580; Image: 84; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Cox, Martha Ann
  5977. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 N Range 2 W (North two-thirds), Montgomery, Illinois; Roll: M653_214; Page: 224; Image: 224; Family History Library Film: 803214
    1. Birth, Whitten, William P.
    2. Whitten, William P.
  5978. Year: 1860; Census Place: Democrat, Carroll, Indiana; Roll: M653_246; Page: 490; Image: 492; Family History Library Film: 803246
    1. Ford, Rosanna
    2. Birth, Ford, Rosanna
  5979. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 696; Image: 244; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Holmes, Samuel Boyd
  5980. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grand River, Carroll, Missouri; Roll: M653_612; Page: 576; Image: 93; Family History Library Film: 803612
    1. Woosley, Mary "Polly"
  5981. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 624; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Dennis, William P.
    2. Birth, Dennis, William P.
  5982. Year: 1860; Census Place: Windsor, Lawrence, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 146; Image: 295.
    1. Goff, Lorenzo Dow
  5983. Year: 1860; Census Place: N W Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 750; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. McCracken, Lewis Garrett
  5984. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 406; Image: 433.
    1. Carter, John Wesley
  5985. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Shelby, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1273; Page: 334; Family History Library Film: 805273
    1. Residence, Sturgis, Daniel
    2. Sturgis, Daniel
  5986. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 34; Image: 73; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Birth, Cox, Thomas Jefferson
    2. Cox, Thomas Jefferson
  5987. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 2, Morgan, Kentucky; Roll: M653_388; Page: 353; Image: 357; Family History Library Film: 803388
    1. Carter, Joseph IV
  5988. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 894; Image: 146.
    1. Goodpasture, Nancy Hester
    2. Residence, Goodpasture, Nancy Hester
  5989. Year: 1860; Census Place: N E Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 789; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Birth, McCracken, Margaret A.
    2. McCracken, Margaret A.
  5990. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 694; Image: 692; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Birth, Palmer, Thomas Jefferson
    2. Palmer, Thomas Jefferson
  5991. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mill Creek, Franklin, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 338; Image: 338.
    1. Jones, Wiley
  5992. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 22; Image: 47.
    1. Fast, Clarence Leslie
  5993. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 457; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Angelo, Julia Ann
    2. Birth, Angelo, Julia Ann
  5994. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 253; Image: 516.
    1. Birth, Gardenhire, Andrew J.
    2. Gardenhire, Andrew J.
  5995. Year: 1860; Census Place: Covington Ward 7, Kenton, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 891; Image: 609.
    1. Hilker, Harry Henry
    2. Residence, Hilker, Harry Henry
  5996. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 510.
    1. Residence, Chaney, Henry Joseph
    2. Chaney, Henry Joseph
  5997. Year: 1860; Census Place: Monroe, Kentucky; Roll: M653_388; Page: 85; Image: 85; Family History Library Film: 803388
    1. Birth, Riggs, Ellis
    2. Riggs, Ellis
  5998. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 36; Image: 76.
    1. Werts, Daniel Rex
    2. Residence, Werts, Daniel Rex
  5999. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern, Hampshire, Virginia; Roll: M653_1350; Page: 19; Image: 23; Family History Library Film: 805350
    1. Claypool, Priscilla Nancy
  6000. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 23; Image: 23.
    1. Dysart, Charity A. E.
    2. Residence, Dysart, Charity A. E.
  6001. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 995; Image: 429.
    1. Chaney, James H.
  6002. Year: 1860; Census Place: Leake, Mississippi; Roll: M653_586; Page: 578; Image: 134; Family History Library Film: 803586
    1. Sturgis, Melinda M.
    2. Birth, Sturgis, Melinda M.
  6003. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lower, Franklin, Arkansas; Roll: M653_41; Page: 359; Image: 359; Family History Library Film: 803041
    1. Birth
    2. Titsworth, Edwin Randolph
  6004. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 578; Image: 140; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Carter, Frances Edmonia "Eddie"
    2. Residence, Carter, Frances Edmonia "Eddie"
  6005. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 756; Image: 434.
    1. Residence, Claypoole, Charlotte
    2. Claypoole, Charlotte
  6006. Year: 1860; Census Place: Tumlinson, Scott, Arkansas; Roll: M653_50; Page: 797; Family History Library Film: 803050
    1. Cantrell, Martha Ida
  6007. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 22; Image: 47.
    1. Fast, William Nicholas
    2. Residence, Fast, William Nicholas
  6008. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Birth, Grant, James Thomas
    2. Grant, James Thomas
  6009. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 38; Image: 80.
    1. Manley, Ancil Washington Woolen
    2. Birth, Manley, Ancil Washington Woolen
  6010. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 165; Image: 339; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Corder Wilson
    2. Residence, Masters, Corder Wilson
  6011. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 698; Image: 260.
    1. Carter, James Williamson
  6012. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Howell, Lucy Ellen
    2. Residence, Howell, Lucy Ellen
  6013. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 205; Image: 418; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Woolsey, Mary Jane
    2. Birth, Woolsey, Mary Jane
  6014. Year: 1860; Census Place: Smith, Greene, Indiana; Roll: M653_262; Page: 545; Image: 123; Family History Library Film: 803262
    1. Carter, Rachel
    2. Residence, Carter, Rachel
  6015. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 172; Image: 353; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Masters, Amanda Frances
  6016. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 774; Image: 452.
    1. Birth, Bratten, Rachel
    2. Bratten, Rachel
  6017. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 622; Image: 26; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Residence, Walker, Margaret B.
    2. Walker, Margaret B.
  6018. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Darke, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 420; Image: 424.
    1. Birth, Rodabaugh, Elijah Ananais
    2. Rodabaugh, Elijah Ananais
  6019. Year: 1860; Census Place: Amherst, Lorain, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 319; Image: 278.
    1. Remington, Benedict Bliss
    2. Residence, Remington, Benedict Bliss
  6020. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 483; Image: 318; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Stonecipher, Mahattie
    2. Birth, Stonecipher, Mahattie
  6021. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fox River, Davis, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 385.
    1. Residence, Wyant, Mary Polly
    2. Wyant, Mary Polly
  6022. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fishing River, Ray, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 92; Image: 95.
    1. Van Hoozer, Alfred
  6023. Year: 1860; Census Place: New Orleans Ward 3, Orleans, Louisiana; Roll: M653_417; Page: 462; Image: 462; Family History Library Film: 803417
    1. Birth, Morris, Minerva Jane
    2. Morris, Minerva Jane
  6024. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 690; Image: 688; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Carter, Margaret Ellen
    2. Birth, Carter, Margaret Ellen
  6025. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 624; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Van Note, Jacob
  6026. Year: 1860; Census Place: Brick, Ocean, New Jersey; Roll: M653_705; Page: 99; Image: 97; Family History Library Film: 803705
    1. Fielder, Benjamin Hance
  6027. Year: 1860; Census Place: Brown, Linn, Iowa; Roll: M653_332; Page: 127; Image: 127; Family History Library Film: 803332
    1. Vernon, James
    2. Residence, Vernon, James
  6028. Year: 1860; Census Place: Boone, Greene, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 271; Image: 271.
    1. Christian, Rebecca Melinda
  6029. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Carroll, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 94; Image: 192.
    1. Birth, Holmes, Joseph Rev.
    2. Holmes, Joseph Rev.
  6030. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Lafayette, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 631; Image: 281.
    1. Neill, Anna W.
  6031. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 699; Image: 247.
    1. Holmes, Lewis Tucker "Tuck"
  6032. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 693; Image: 371.
    1. Badgett, Thomas Alexander
  6033. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 38; Image: 80.
    1. Bowly, Charlotte
  6034. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 252; Image: 515; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Watson, Martin Alexander
  6035. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 620; Image: 298; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Spires, John R.
  6036. Year: 1860; Census Place: Burnsville, Dallas, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 848; Image: 352.
    1. Birth, Andrews, Athelston
    2. Andrews, Athelston
  6037. Year: 1860; Census Place: Columbus Ward 3, Franklin, Ohio; Page: 99; Family History Library Film: 803964
    1. Miller, George Manypenny
    2. Birth, Miller, George Manypenny
  6038. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 810; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Bunch, William David
    2. Birth, Bunch, William David
  6039. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lexington, Scott, Indiana; Roll: M653_294; Page: 934; Image: 436; Family History Library Film: 803294
    1. Reed, Louisa Jane
  6040. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 511; Image: 374.
    1. Chaney, Icy Elizabeth
  6041. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Greene, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 623; Image: 27.
    1. Wyatt, William W.
    2. Residence, Wyatt, William W.
  6042. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mountain, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 517; Image: 39.
    1. Residence, Montgomery, William B.
    2. Montgomery, William B.
  6043. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 251; Image: 507; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Age in 1860: 8
    2. Egbert, Eva H.
  6044. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Cocke, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1244; Page: 472; Image: 459; Family History Library Film: 805244
    1. Morris, John
    2. Birth, Morris, John
  6045. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 698; Image: 260.
    1. Residence, Carter, James Williamson
    2. Carter, James Williamson
  6046. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 407; Image: 21; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Crow, John William
  6047. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 38; Image: 80.
    1. Residence, Bowly, Charlotte
    2. Bowly, Charlotte
  6048. Year: 1860; Census Place: Meramec, Jefferson, Missouri; Roll: M653_626; Page: 627; Image: 158; Family History Library Film: 803626
    1. Wallace, Nancy Carol
  6049. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Lafayette, Mississippi; Roll: ; Page: 16; Image: 20.
    1. Whitwell, Elizabeth
  6050. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cass, Pulaski, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 1030; Image: 504.
    1. Residence, Williams, Alfred W
    2. Williams, Alfred W
  6051. Year: 1860; Census Place: York, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1228; Page: 426; Image: 261; Family History Library Film: 805228
    1. Sturgis, William Draper
    2. Birth, Sturgis, William Draper
  6052. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 363; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Chaney, Florence B.
    2. Birth, Chaney, Florence B.
  6053. Year: 1860; Census Place: Williamston, Anderson, South Carolina; Roll: ; Page: 182; Image: 367.
    1. Clement, William K.
  6054. Year: 1860; Census Place: New York Ward 19 District 1, New York, New York; Roll: ; Page: 585; Image: 162.
    1. Ettling, Johann Peter
    2. Residence, Ettling, Johann Peter
  6055. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 210; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Ogletree, Reason O.
    2. Residence, Ogletree, Reason O.
  6056. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 328; Image: 334; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Babb, William
  6057. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 16; Image: 36.
    1. Residence, Fast, Christian C.
    2. Fast, Christian C.
  6058. Year: 1860; Census Place: Springboro, Warren, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 330; Image: 666.
    1. Birth, Neill, Phoebe
    2. Neill, Phoebe
  6059. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 327; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Birth, Chaney, Hester Ann
    2. Chaney, Hester Ann
  6060. Year: 1860; Census Place: Regiment 2, Pickens, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1225; Page: 31; Family History Library Film: 805225
    1. Johnson, Pensy
  6061. Year: 1860; Census Place: N W Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 750; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Mathews, Nancy Lee
    2. Residence, Mathews, Nancy Lee
  6062. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richardson, Lane, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 276; Image: 556; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Birth, Cook, Joel Beckwith
    2. Cook, Joel Beckwith
  6063. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 573; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Birth, Carter, John S.
    2. Carter, John S.
  6064. Year: 1860; Census Place: Flint, Benton, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 316; Image: 318.
    1. Hubbard, Anderson
    2. Residence, Hubbard, Anderson
  6065. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Clair, Butler, Ohio; Page: 338; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Anderson, Alberta J.
  6066. Year: 1860; Census Place: Canton, Benton, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 810; Image: 424.
    1. Greaser, Mariah
    2. Birth, Greaser, Mariah
  6067. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 89; Image: 89; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Wollard, Barton Marshall
    2. Birth, Wollard, Barton Marshall
  6068. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Monroe, Indiana; Roll: M653_282; Page: 578; Image: 140; Family History Library Film: 803282
    1. Birth, Pering, Alfred Hine
    2. Pering, Alfred Hine
  6069. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Blandville, Ballard, Kentucky; Roll: M653_354; Page: 568; Image: 8; Family History Library Film: 803354
    1. Residence, Howard, Nancy
    2. Howard, Nancy
  6070. 1860 United States Federal Census
    1. Masters, Robert
    2. Birth, Masters, Robert
  6071. Year: 1860; Census Place: Posey, Harrison, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 355; Image: 359.
    1. Farnsley, Martha G. Mattie
    2. Birth, Farnsley, Martha G. Mattie
  6072. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 614; Image: 292; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Seymour, Jarred Jarrett
    2. Birth, Seymour, Jarred Jarrett
  6073. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 774; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Howard, Nancy J.
    2. Birth, Howard, Nancy J.
  6074. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Maries, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 592; Image: 88.
    1. Birth, Howard, Rebecca
    2. Howard, Rebecca
  6075. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 44; Image: 91; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Shinliver, Johann Fredrick
  6076. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: M653_1013; Page: 96; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805013
    1. Searls, Melvina
    2. Age in 1860: 14
  6077. Year: 1860; Census Place: New Castle Hundred, New Castle, Delaware; Roll: ; Page: 148; Image: 149.
    1. Birth, Cann, Francis
    2. Cann, Francis
  6078. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 444; Image: 509; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Witt, Nancy Elvira
  6079. Year: 1860; Census Place: Princeton, Caldwell, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 58; Image: 58.
    1. Birth, Howton, Arthecia N.
    2. Howton, Arthecia N.
  6080. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 407; Image: 21; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Crow, Scott Theophuis Lameroux (Name Change)
  6081. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 756; Image: 434.
    1. Claypoole, John Whitten
    2. Residence, Claypoole, John Whitten
  6082. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 3, Rusk, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 229; Image: 82; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Birth, Davis, William Columbus
    2. Davis, William Columbus
  6083. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 995; Image: 429.
    1. Chaney, Elisha Thomas
  6084. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 624; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Van Note, Martha Malissa "Mattie"
  6085. Year: 1860; Census Place: Green, Platte, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 763; Image: 250.
    1. Cravens, Alice Rebecca
  6086. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 656; Image: 64; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Louthan, Anna Amanda
  6087. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 568; Image: 246; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Dennis, Clementine Louise
  6088. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 13 Range 11, Scott, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 1041; Image: 217.
    1. Thaxton, Mary Ann
  6089. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 203; Image: 415.
    1. Gibson, Mary Matilda
  6090. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 995; Image: 429.
    1. Residence, Chaney, John G.
    2. Chaney, John G.
  6091. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 765; Image: 443.
    1. Butler, Caleb Daniel
  6092. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nishnabotna, Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 586; Image: 90; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Sturgis, Nancy Anna
    2. Age in 1860: 59
  6093. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Botetourt, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 167; Image: 171.
    1. Armentrout, Malinda
    2. Birth, Armentrout, Malinda
  6094. Year: 1860; Census Place: Moreau, Cole, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 212; Image: 216.
    1. Residence, Thomas, John Hall
    2. Thomas, John Hall
  6095. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lebanon, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 212; Image: 427; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Hutchinson, Thomas Jefferson
    2. Birth, Hutchinson, Thomas Jefferson
  6096. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 15 Range 13, Scott, Illinois; Roll: M653_227; Page: 908; Image: 84; Family History Library Film: 803227
    1. Peak, Absalom
    2. Birth, Peak, Absalom
  6097. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 13 Range 11, Scott, Illinois; Roll: M653_227; Page: 1032; Image: 208; Family History Library Film: 803227
    1. Masters, William Lafayette
  6098. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 576; Image: 578; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Sturgis, Elizabeth
  6099. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 756; Image: 434.
    1. Claypoole, Joseph R. W.
  6100. Year: 1860; Census Place: Rock Creek, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: M653_184; Page: 636; Image: 382; Family History Library Film: 803184
    1. Loewer, Andrew R.
  6101. Year: 1860; Census Place: Scottsville, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_353; Page: 360; Image: 360; Family History Library Film: 803353
    1. Motley, Elizabeth Temperance
  6102. Year: 1860; Census Place: Russell, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: ; Page: 16; Image: 21.
    1. Fanning, Zerviah Sophia
  6103. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 38; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Residence, Wrenn, Sophronia M.
    2. Wrenn, Sophronia M.
  6104. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 241; Image: 493; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Jones, George W. M Rev.
    2. Residence, Jones, George W. M Rev.
  6105. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Page: 638; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Residence Post Office: Castlemans Ferry
    2. Louthan, Rachel Athalia
  6106. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Jackson, Louisiana; Roll: ; Page: 430; Image: 450.
    1. Walsworth, William Thomas "Billy"
  6107. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 5, Anderson, Texas; Roll: M653_1287; Page: 36; Family History Library Film: 805287
    1. Birth, Holmes, Janet M.
    2. Holmes, Janet M.
  6108. Year: 1860; Census Place: Flint, Benton, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 316; Image: 318.
    1. Birth, Hubbard, Anderson
    2. Hubbard, Anderson
  6109. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Jackson, Louisiana; Roll: ; Page: 431; Image: 451.
    1. Walsworth, Samuel Whitfield
  6110. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Subdivision, Tippah, Mississippi; Roll: M653_592; Page: 681; Family History Library Film: 803592
    1. Smith, Mary Elizabeth
  6111. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 390; Image: 401; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Riggs, Clisby D.
    2. Age: 28
  6112. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 7, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1265; Page: 183; Image: 372; Family History Library Film: 805265
    1. Peak, Malinda H.
    2. Birth, Peak, Malinda H.
  6113. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1268; Page: 358; Image: 139; Family History Library Film: 805268
    1. Porter, James G.
  6114. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: M653_930; Page: 22; Image: 47; Family History Library Film: 803930
    1. Close, Alice A.
  6115. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 N Range 2 W (North two-thirds), Montgomery, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 224; Image: 224.
    1. Whitten, Josiah
    2. Birth, Whitten, Josiah
  6116. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 620; Image: 298; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Spires, John
    2. Spires, John
  6117. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 205; Image: 204.
    1. Claypool, Jeremiah M.
    2. Residence, Claypool, Jeremiah M.
  6118. Year: 1860; Census Place: Princeton, Caldwell, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 58; Image: 58.
    1. Howton, Arthecia N.
    2. Residence, Howton, Arthecia N.
  6119. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 894; Image: 146.
    1. Goodpasture, Mary Ellen
  6120. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bristol, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 110; Image: 115; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Residence, Mudgett, William
    2. Mudgett, William
  6121. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Greenbrier, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 376; Image: 382.
    1. Hoylman, George Washington
    2. Birth, Hoylman, George Washington
  6122. Year: 1860; Census Place: Several Districts, Coweta, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 811; Image: 263.
    1. Johnson, James Archie
  6123. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 83; Image: 83.
    1. Butler, Thomas Henry
  6124. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 828; Image: 66.
    1. Cunningham, Nancy Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Cunningham, Nancy Elizabeth
  6125. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Neill, Matilda
    2. Birth, Neill, Matilda
  6126. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 405; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Morris, Mahala N.
  6127. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 239; Image: 238; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Forgey, Robert J.
    2. Forgey, Robert J.
  6128. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 391; Image: 391.
    1. Residence, Ice, William Arthur
    2. Ice, William Arthur
  6129. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 89; Image: 89.
    1. Birth, Wollard, Allen Barrett
    2. Wollard, Allen Barrett
  6130. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 16, Jackson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 327; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Murphy, Joseph Gillentine
  6131. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 2 Range 5, Marshall, Mississippi; Roll: M653_587; Page: 97; Family History Library Film: 803587
    1. Boyd, Robert Lewis
    2. Residence Post Office: Byhalia
  6132. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 3 E, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: M653_239; Page: 968; Image: 168; Family History Library Film: 803239
    1. Birth, Swofford, Martha Ann
    2. Swofford, Martha Ann
  6133. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 7, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 508; Image: 368; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Birth, Green, Edward R.
    2. Green, Edward R.
  6134. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 57; Image: 118.
    1. Hudson, Thomas Berry
    2. Birth, Hudson, Thomas Berry
  6135. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Morgan, Alabama; Roll: M653_19; Page: 498; Image: 500; Family History Library Film: 803019
    1. Stringer, William Lowe
    2. Age in 1860: 49
  6136. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 606; Image: 605.
    1. Birth, Richard, Margaretha
    2. Richard, Margaretha
  6137. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Mary, Mills, Iowa; Roll: M653_336; Page: 18; Family History Library Film: 803336
    1. Borup, Michael Singlersen "Charles"
  6138. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Bullitt, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 716; Image: 319.
    1. Wilson, Upton
  6139. Year: 1860; Census Place: Union, Dallas, Iowa; Roll: M653_317; Page: 594; Image: 82; Family History Library Film: 803317
    1. Cave, Caroline
  6140. Year: 1860; Census Place: White Rock, Franklin, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 329; Image: 329.
    1. Horner, Elias Witt
    2. Residence, Horner, Elias Witt
  6141. Year: 1860; Census Place: Noble, Wabash, Indiana; Roll: M653_304; Page: 216; Image: 216; Family History Library Film: 803304
    1. Davis, Lydia
  6142. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clarke, Virginia; Roll: M653_1341; Page: 680; Image: 88; Family History Library Film: 805341
    1. Louthen, John Kerfoot
    2. Birth, Louthen, John Kerfoot
  6143. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 200; Image: 199.
    1. Harper, Mary Elvira Nancy
    2. Birth, Harper, Mary Elvira Nancy
  6144. Year: 1860; Census Place: Auburn, Shawnee, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_352; Page: 679; Image: 145; Family History Library Film: 803352
    1. Simerwell, Anna J.
  6145. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Shelby, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1273; Page: 334; Family History Library Film: 805273
    1. Sturgis, Daniel
  6146. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Williamson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1279; Page: 123; Family History Library Film: 805279
    1. Residence, Sparkman, Emily D.
    2. Sparkman, Emily D.
  6147. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 89; Image: 89.
    1. Wollard, Allen Barrett
    2. Residence, Wollard, Allen Barrett
  6148. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 5 S Range 1 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: M653_177; Page: 481; Image: 481; Family History Library Film: 803177
    1. Brayfield, Florida Ludica
    2. Residence, Brayfield, Florida Ludica
  6149. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 18, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 460; Image: 336; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Fitzgerald, Mary E.
  6150. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western District, Campbell, Virginia; Roll: M653_1338; Page: 434; Image: 445; Family History Library Film: 805338
    1. Bransam, Obediah
    2. Birth, Bransam, Obediah
  6151. Year: 1860; Census Place: Seminary, Fayette, Illinois; Roll: M653_177; Page: 237; Image: 237; Family History Library Film: 803177
    1. Sturgis, Sarah
  6152. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lamoine, McDonough, Illinois; Roll: M653_201; Page: 834; Image: 474; Family History Library Film: 803201
    1. Bowman, Rebecca Jane
    2. Residence, Bowman, Rebecca Jane
  6153. Year: 1860; Census Place: Davis, Lafayette, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 379; Image: 32.
    1. Neill, Stephen Thompson
  6154. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dallas, Harrison, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 655; Image: 169.
    1. Van Hoozer, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Van Hoozer, Mary Elizabeth
  6155. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Hawn, Nathaniel Woodson
  6156. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 694; Image: 692.
    1. Residence, Van Note, Simon
    2. Van Note, Simon
  6157. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lebanon, Cooper, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 704; Image: 294.
    1. Briscoe, Patsy B.
    2. Residence, Briscoe, Patsy B.
  6158. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 839; Image: 77.
    1. Cunningham, Elias
  6159. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Crawford, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 629; Image: 35.
    1. Thomas, Martin
  6160. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 455; Image: 531.
    1. Frank, Jackson
    2. Birth, Frank, Jackson
  6161. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 788; Image: 26.
    1. Residence, Wood, Minerva Irena
    2. Wood, Minerva Irena
  6162. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 16, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 48; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Masters, Sarah C.
  6163. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Webster, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 749; Image: 188.
    1. Butler, Jacob Lewis Ronny
    2. Residence, Butler, Jacob Lewis Ronny
  6164. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 476; Image: 305.
    1. Residence, Webster, John Wesley
    2. Webster, John Wesley
  6165. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_25; Page: 255; Image: 257; Family History Library Film: 803025
    1. Wyndham, Nancy
  6166. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Marshall, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 940; Image: 466.
    1. Cates, Malinda
    2. Birth, Cates, Malinda
  6167. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 840; Image: 518; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Kirby, Mary Thomas Mollie
  6168. Year: 1860; Census Place: Woodland, Fulton, Illinois; Roll: M653_179; Page: 149; Image: 149; Family History Library Film: 803179
    1. Hopping, Gideon Jerry
  6169. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Hickman, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 529; Image: 89.
    1. Birth, Brogdon, Deborah Low
    2. Brogdon, Deborah Low
  6170. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jackson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 202; Image: 19; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Birth, Pharis, Amanda Mary Hiram
    2. Pharis, Amanda Mary Hiram
  6171. Year: 1860; Census Place: Alleghany, Virginia; Roll: M653_1332; Page: 82; Image: 86; Family History Library Film: 805332
    1. Birth, Porter, Minerva
    2. Porter, Minerva
  6172. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Hot Spring, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 967; Image: 455.
    1. Residence, Fowler, America
    2. Fowler, America
  6173. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 84; Image: 85.
    1. Mehan, Mary Elizabeth
  6174. Year: 1860; Census Place: Somerset, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: M653_937; Page: 368; Image: 284; Family History Library Film: 803937
    1. Vernon, Elizabeth
  6175. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wythe, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 267; Image: 11.
    1. Birth, Butler, Jacob J.
    2. Butler, Jacob J.
  6176. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 342; Image: 346; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Potter, Stephen
  6177. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 14 Range 5 E, Moultrie, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 939; Image: 617; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Mitchell, Samuel Daniel
    2. Residence, Mitchell, Samuel Daniel
  6178. Year: 1860; Census Place: Georgia Militia District 1029, Fannin, Georgia; Roll: M653_120; Page: 1055; Image: 518; Family History Library Film: 803120
    1. Birth, Anderson, Thomas Farmer
    2. Anderson, Thomas Farmer
  6179. Year: 1860; Census Place: Green, Platte, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 763; Image: 250.
    1. Residence, Hampton, Elijah F
    2. Hampton, Elijah F
  6180. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pike, Mississippi; Roll: M653_589; Page: 367; Image: 373; Family History Library Film: 803589
    1. Birth, Tubb, Sidie Emmaline
    2. Tubb, Sidie Emmaline
  6181. Year: 1860; Census Place: Union, Montgomery, Indiana; Roll: M653_283; Page: 293; Image: 297; Family History Library Film: 803283
    1. Birth, Phillips, Sidney S.
    2. Phillips, Sidney S.
  6182. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 23; Image: 51; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Sizemore, Solomon Sr.
  6183. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Alleghany, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 11; Image: 15.
    1. Davidson, Salina Ann
  6184. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bristol, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 102; Image: 107; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Johnson, Hannah U.
  6185. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Putnam, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 7; Image: 17.
    1. Goodbar, Mary Coe
  6186. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 251; Image: 507; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Egbert, Asa M.
    2. Birth, Egbert, Asa M.
  6187. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center, Dade, Missouri; Roll: M653_617; Page: 83; Image: 87; Family History Library Film: 803617
    1. Residence, Stockard, Eleanor
    2. Stockard, Eleanor
  6188. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 773; Image: 11.
    1. Birth, Cranford, Malinda
    2. Cranford, Malinda
  6189. Year: 1860; Census Place: N W Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 750; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. McCracken, William Hall
  6190. Year: 1860; Census Place: Smith, Greene, Indiana; Roll: M653_262; Page: 545; Image: 123; Family History Library Film: 803262
    1. Birth, Carter, Rachel
    2. Carter, Rachel
  6191. Year: 1860; Census Place: Princeton, Green Lake, Wisconsin; Roll: M653_1410; Page: 1081; Family History Library Film: 805410
    1. Cook, Milan G.
  6192. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 258; Image: 258.
    1. Crow, William Henderson "Billy"
  6193. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lower, Franklin, Arkansas; Roll: M653_41; Page: 359; Image: 359; Family History Library Film: 803041
    1. Titsworth, Edwin Randolph
    2. Age in 1860: 1
  6194. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 2; Image: 3.
    1. Residence, Wachter, Johann Christian
    2. Wachter, Johann Christian
  6195. Year: 1860; Census Place: Greene, Illinois; Roll: M653_178; Page: 630; Image: 34; Family History Library Film: 803178
    1. Johnson, Theodocia Ann
    2. Residence, Johnson, Theodocia Ann
  6196. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Benton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1240; Page: 290; Image: 29; Family History Library Film: 805240
    1. Duckett, Susanna "Sookie"
  6197. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 455; Image: 531.
    1. Birth, Chaney, Tabitha S.
    2. Chaney, Tabitha S.
  6198. Year: 1860; Census Place: Towns, Georgia; Roll: M653_138; Page: 136; Image: 137; Family History Library Film: 803138
    1. Residence, Johnson, Ann
    2. Johnson, Ann
  6199. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 39 Range 23, Benton, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 243; Image: 247.
    1. Matthews, Mary Jane
  6200. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 3, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 217; Image: 217.
    1. Wilkerson, George Washington
    2. Residence, Wilkerson, George Washington
  6201. Year: 1860; Census Place: White River, Johnson, Indiana; Roll: M653_271; Page: 407; Image: 407; Family History Library Film: 803271
    1. Age: 12
    2. Carter, Rachel
  6202. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 613; Image: 611; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Willson, Margaritt J.
  6203. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 16, Jackson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 327; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Residence, Murphy, Joseph Gillentine
    2. Murphy, Joseph Gillentine
  6204. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Hamilton, Indiana; Roll: M653_263; Page: 302; Image: 302; Family History Library Film: 803263
    1. White, Aletha Catherine
  6205. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 363; Image: 367; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Maupin, Margaret Ann
  6206. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 150; Image: 150.
    1. Wright, Mary Elizabeth
  6207. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cumberland, Fayette, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 67; Image: 67.
    1. Residence, Woolsey, Nancy
    2. Woolsey, Nancy
  6208. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Subdivision, Blount, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 1084; Image: 438.
    1. Doyle, James L.
  6209. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 11 Range 4, Winston, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 1266; Image: 510.
    1. Cranford, Winifred
  6210. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 74; Image: 155.
    1. Whitwell, Andrew Jackson
    2. Birth, Whitwell, Andrew Jackson
  6211. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Cranford, John Edward
  6212. Year: 1860; Census Place: Newark, Licking, Ohio; Roll: M653_998; Page: 136; Image: 276; Family History Library Film: 803998
    1. Claypool, Tirzah
  6213. Year: 1860; Census Place: Philadelphia Ward 19, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1169; Page: 33; Family History Library Film: 805169
    1. Geiger, John Frederick
  6214. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Grant, Edward "Eddie"
    2. Birth, Grant, Edward "Eddie"
  6215. Year: 1860; Census Place: Unity, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 1119; Image: 489.
    1. Birth, Blumenauer, Catherina
    2. Blumenauer, Catherina
  6216. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fort Bend, Texas; Roll: M653_1294; Page: 372; Family History Library Film: 805294
    1. Sherrard, Emma Blanche
    2. Birth, Sherrard, Emma Blanche
  6217. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Van Buren, Iowa; Roll: M653_342; Page: 79; Image: 322; Family History Library Film: 803342
    1. Gilchrist, William Nelson
  6218. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: M653_930; Page: 22; Image: 47; Family History Library Film: 803930
    1. Residence, Close, Alice A.
    2. Close, Alice A.
  6219. Year: 1860; Census Place: Walnut, Madison, Iowa; Roll: M653_333; Page: 765; Image: 277; Family History Library Film: 803333
    1. Lewis, John
    2. Residence, Lewis, John
  6220. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 11, Crawford, Illinois; Roll: M653_171; Page: 426; Image: 429; Family History Library Film: 803171
    1. Birth, Crow, Grace
    2. Crow, Grace
  6221. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 510.
    1. Residence, Curry, Tabitha Elizabeth
    2. Curry, Tabitha Elizabeth
  6222. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Putnam, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 95; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Birth, Marchbanks, Burton
    2. Marchbanks, Burton
  6223. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nishnabotna, Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 586; Image: 90; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Gaines, Sarah
  6224. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 752; Image: 430; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Howell, Sarah E.
  6225. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 217; Image: 216; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Pickel, Christian
    2. Birth, Pickel, Christian
  6226. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 24; Image: 54; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Residence, Brown, Jesse
    2. Brown, Jesse
  6227. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 24; Image: 51.
    1. Residence, Naylor, James Fitch
    2. Naylor, James Fitch
  6228. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 697; Image: 257.
    1. Blue, Mary Ann
    2. Residence, Blue, Mary Ann
  6229. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harrison, Preble, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 27; Image: 58.
    1. Burk, Christian V.
    2. Residence, Burk, Christian V.
  6230. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 478; Image: 309.
    1. Winters, Elizabeth
  6231. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fort Bend, Texas; Roll: M653_1294; Page: 372; Family History Library Film: 805294
    1. Sherrard, Emma Blanche
  6232. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 1, Cass, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 352; Image: 17; Family History Library Film: 805290
    1. Age in 1860: 4
    2. Swinford, Reuben Knox
  6233. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 859; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. Residence, McCracken, Joseph L.
    2. McCracken, Joseph L.
  6234. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 214; Image: 437; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Cullom, Sarah Ann
    2. Cullom, Sarah Ann
  6235. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 35; Image: 35.
    1. Devin, Alfred Harrison
    2. Birth, Devin, Alfred Harrison
  6236. Year: 1860; Census Place: Princeton, Green Lake, Wisconsin; Roll: M653_1410; Page: 1081; Family History Library Film: 805410
    1. Birth, Cook, Caleb Woodward
    2. Cook, Caleb Woodward
  6237. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 576; Image: 578; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Gill, John W.
    2. Birth, Gill, John W.
  6238. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Cedar, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 21; Image: 25.
    1. Kennedy, Asa Scott
  6239. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lebanon, Cooper, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 704; Image: 294.
    1. Briscoe, Patsy B.
  6240. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 85; Image: 85.
    1. Birth, Gammon, Caleb Butler
    2. Gammon, Caleb Butler
  6241. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 406; Image: 433.
    1. Carter, Jacob Milton
  6242. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 626; Image: 304; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Sturgis, Thomas I.
    2. Residence, Sturgis, Thomas I.
  6243. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Lauderdale, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 344; Image: 30.
    1. McClelland, Narcissa E.
    2. Residence, McClelland, Narcissa E.
  6244. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 205; Image: 204.
    1. Birth, Claypool, Reuben
    2. Claypool, Reuben
  6245. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richhill, Greene, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1114; Page: 736; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805114
    1. Iams, John
  6246. Year: 1860; Census Place: Barnesville, Belmont, Ohio; Roll: M653_937; Page: 334; Image: 216; Family History Library Film: 803937
    1. Birth, McLane, William
    2. McLane, William
  6247. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 8 Range 3 E, Williamson, Illinois; Roll: M653_239; Page: 968; Image: 168; Family History Library Film: 803239
    1. Birth, Odle, Matilda E.
    2. Odle, Matilda E.
  6248. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 455; Image: 532.
    1. Thornhill, Joseph Marion
  6249. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 444; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Curry, John Cox
    2. Residence, Curry, John Cox
  6250. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 694; Image: 692.
    1. Van Note, Charles
  6251. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Jackson, Louisiana; Roll: ; Page: 431; Image: 451.
    1. Residence, Walsworth, Samuel Whitfield
    2. Walsworth, Samuel Whitfield
  6252. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 393; Image: 7.
    1. Manson, William Sutherland
    2. Residence, Manson, William Sutherland
  6253. Year: 1860; Census Place: District Town Valley, Chattooga, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 645; Image: 119.
    1. Edmondson, Hester
    2. Residence, Edmondson, Hester
  6254. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Warren, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 415; Image: 22.
    1. Wright, Eli J.
  6255. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lower, Franklin, Arkansas; Roll: M653_41; Page: 359; Image: 359; Family History Library Film: 803041
    1. Titsworth, John Randolph
    2. Birth
  6256. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Division, Randolph, Alabama; Roll: M653_22; Page: 771; Image: 377; Family History Library Film: 803022
    1. Age in 1860: 81
    2. Weathers, Mary "Polly"
  6257. Year: 1860; Census Place: East Feliciana, Louisiana; Roll: M653_411; Page: 31; Family History Library Film: 803411
    1. Birth, Rabb, Mary Ellen
    2. Rabb, Mary Ellen
  6258. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 430; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Birth, Adkins, Sarah Dorcas
    2. Adkins, Sarah Dorcas
  6259. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 205; Image: 204.
    1. Smith, Mildred "Millie"
  6260. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 11, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 203; Image: 415.
    1. Residence, Butler, William Amos
    2. Butler, William Amos
  6261. Year: 1860; Census Place: Chariton, Randolph, Missouri; Roll: M653_642; Page: 770; Image: 186; Family History Library Film: 803642
    1. Residence, Carter, James Kerfoot
    2. Carter, James Kerfoot
  6262. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 64, Gentry, Missouri; Roll: M653_620; Page: 844; Image: 198; Family History Library Film: 803620
    1. Hill, Franklin Harris
    2. Birth, Hill, Franklin Harris
  6263. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 390; Image: 390.
    1. Birth, Flannigan, Martha J.
    2. Flannigan, Martha J.
  6264. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fox River, Davis, Iowa; Roll: M653_317; Page: 897; Image: 385; Family History Library Film: 803317
    1. Strunk, Daniel S.
    2. Birth, Strunk, Daniel S.
  6265. Year: 1860; Census Place: Northern Division, Spartanburg, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1226; Page: 226; Image: 66; Family History Library Film: 805226
    1. Cannon, Emily
    2. Residence, Cannon, Emily
  6266. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 44; Image: 91.
    1. Birth, King, Calloway
    2. King, Calloway
  6267. Year: 1860; Census Place: Miami, Lykins, Kansas Territory; Roll: ; Page: 248; Image: 248.
    1. Doud, Pricilla May
    2. Birth, Doud, Pricilla May
  6268. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_224; Page: 429; Image: 428; Family History Library Film: 803224
    1. Christ, Theresa
  6269. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Marshall, Alabama; Roll: M653_16; Page: 926; Image: 452; Family History Library Film: 803016
    1. Nabours, Jane Caroline
  6270. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 12 Range 9, Macoupin, Illinois; Roll: M653_206; Page: 576; Image: 578; Family History Library Film: 803206
    1. Birth, Sturgis, Elizabeth
    2. Sturgis, Elizabeth
  6271. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: M653_930; Page: 24; Image: 51; Family History Library Film: 803930
    1. Dibler, Priscilla
  6272. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 81; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Birth, Dunnegan, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Dunnegan, Mary Elizabeth
  6273. Year: 1860; Census Place: Macon, Illinois; Roll: M653_203; Page: 809; Image: 243; Family History Library Film: 803203
    1. Masters, Robert
  6274. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 746; Image: 424.
    1. Claypool, Mary Fletcher
  6275. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Finley, Washington, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1192; Page: 1020; Image: 457; Family History Library Film: 805192
    1. Residence, Iams, Charity Christine "Christy"
    2. Iams, Charity Christine "Christy"
  6276. Year: 1860; Census Place: Freelands, Jefferson, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 724; Image: 82.
    1. Wilkey, Samuel Houston
  6277. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 17, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 179; Image: 363; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Anderson, Griffin
  6278. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 83; Image: 83; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Butler, Rebecca Ann
  6279. Year: 1860; Census Place: Bangor, Marshall, Iowa; Roll: M653_335; Page: 134; Image: 576; Family History Library Film: 803335
    1. Moffitt, Lydia
  6280. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Montgomery, Indiana; Roll: M653_283; Page: 129; Image: 133; Family History Library Film: 803283
    1. Miller, Lydia
  6281. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Masters, Robert Simon
    2. Masters, Robert Simon
  6282. Year: 1860; Census Place: Centropolis, Franklin, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_349; Page: 258; Image: 258; Family History Library Film: 803349
    1. Birth, Riggs, Malinda
    2. Riggs, Malinda
  6283. Year: 1860; Census Place: Northem District, Chesterfield, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 357; Image: 366.
    1. Ferguson, John Bing
  6284. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southeast, Orange, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 556; Image: 30.
    1. Holmes, Henry
    2. Birth, Holmes, Henry
  6285. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 620; Image: 298; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Residence, Spires, James B.
    2. Spires, James B.
  6286. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 241; Image: 493; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Jones, George W. M Rev.
  6287. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 754; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Age in 1860: 20
    2. Rector, Sarah Ann
  6288. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Tippecanoe, Indiana; Roll: M653_300; Page: 513; Family History Library Film: 803300
    1. Forgey, Margaret Emmaline
  6289. Year: 1860; Census Place: Red Rock, Marion, Iowa; Roll: M653_335; Page: 156; Image: 160; Family History Library Film: 803335
    1. Carr, Catharine
  6290. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 755; Image: 433; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, McMurry, Sarah Margaret
    2. McMurry, Sarah Margaret
  6291. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Mary, Mills, Iowa; Roll: M653_336; Page: 18; Family History Library Film: 803336
    1. Borup, Michael Singlersen "Charles"
    2. Residence Post Office: Cerro Gordo
  6292. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 150; Image: 150.
    1. Hall, Nancy C.
  6293. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: M653_224; Page: 606; Image: 605; Family History Library Film: 803224
    1. Wachter, Louis
    2. Birth, Wachter, Louis
  6294. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 696; Image: 256; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Pittman, Martha Ann
    2. Birth, Pittman, Martha Ann
  6295. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 894; Image: 146.
    1. Goodpasture, Winborn Wellsbar
    2. Residence, Goodpasture, Winborn Wellsbar
  6296. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Residence, Neill, Phebe Letitia
    2. Neill, Phebe Letitia
  6297. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 96; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Bell, Mary Caroline
    2. Birth, Bell, Mary Caroline
  6298. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 125; Image: 259; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Crowder, John W.
  6299. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Brown, Indiana; Roll: M653_246; Page: 145; Image: 147; Family History Library Film: 803246
    1. Coffland, Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Coffland, Elizabeth
  6300. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: M653_374; Page: 677; Image: 237; Family History Library Film: 803374
    1. Age: 38
    2. Roberts, James
  6301. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 96; Image: 199.
    1. Residence, Van Camp, Mary
    2. Van Camp, Mary
  6302. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 754; Image: 432.
    1. Claypool, Lucenda Jane
    2. Birth, Claypool, Lucenda Jane
  6303. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 119; Image: 247; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Gholston, William
  6304. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hamilton, Butler, Ohio; Roll: M653_941; Page: 418; Image: 402; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Louthan, Martha Jane "Jennie"
    2. Residence, Louthan, Martha Jane "Jennie"
  6305. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 202; Image: 413; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Savage, Robert Henderson "Hadner"
    2. Savage, Robert Henderson "Hadner"
  6306. Year: 1860; Census Place: Blythe, Caldwell, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 661; Image: 87.
    1. Claypool, Perry R.
    2. Residence, Claypool, Perry R.
  6307. Year: 1860; Census Place: Union, Rush, Indiana; Roll: M653_294; Page: 820; Image: 323; Family History Library Film: 803294
    1. Iles, Priscilla
  6308. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 842; Image: 80.
    1. Residence, Cranford, John Edward
    2. Cranford, John Edward
  6309. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gainesville, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 321; Image: 321.
    1. Claypool, Ann Eliza
    2. Birth, Claypool, Ann Eliza
  6310. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 83; Image: 83; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Butler, Rebecca Ann
    2. Birth, Butler, Rebecca Ann
  6311. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 18, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 460; Image: 336; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Forgey, William Columbus
  6312. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 722; Image: 280.
    1. Birth, Howton, Tabitha
    2. Howton, Tabitha
  6313. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Putnam, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 7; Image: 17.
    1. Birth, Goodbar, Mary Coe
    2. Goodbar, Mary Coe
  6314. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Todd, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 723; Image: 213.
    1. Birth, Carneal, William Washington
    2. Carneal, William Washington
  6315. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Texas, Missouri; Roll: M653_658; Page: 1000; Family History Library Film: 803658
    1. Roper, Laura Emerald
  6316. Year: 1860; Census Place: Armagh, Mifflin, Pennsylvania; Roll: ; Page: 4; Image: 8.
    1. Residence, Hawn, Jacob
    2. Hawn, Jacob
  6317. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Kosciusko, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 386; Image: 386.
    1. Carper, Amanda
    2. Residence, Carper, Amanda
  6318. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 7 N Range 2 W (North two-thirds), Montgomery, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 224; Image: 224.
    1. Residence, Evans, John P.
    2. Evans, John P.
  6319. Year: 1860; Census Place: Shoal Creek, Johnson, Arkansas; Roll: M653_44; Page: 1045; Image: 553; Family History Library Film: 803044
    1. Birth, Caldwell, Martha Adeline
    2. Caldwell, Martha Adeline
  6320. Year: 1860; Census Place: Blythe, Caldwell, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 661; Image: 87.
    1. Birth, Claypool, Perry R.
    2. Claypool, Perry R.
  6321. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 233; Image: 477.
    1. Birth, Kington, William M.
    2. Kington, William M.
  6322. Year: 1860; Census Place: Edmonson, Kentucky; Roll: M653_365; Page: 4; Image: 4; Family History Library Film: 803365
    1. Anderson, Daniel Kelly
  6323. Year: 1860; Census Place: Burnsville, Dallas, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 848; Image: 352.
    1. Residence, Morris, Sarah A.
    2. Morris, Sarah A.
  6324. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 241; Image: 493; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. McKinney, Lucinda
  6325. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 765; Image: 443; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Claypool, William Hayden
    2. Residence, Claypool, William Hayden
  6326. Year: 1860; Census Place: Henry, Virginia; Roll: M653_1354; Page: 118; Image: 122; Family History Library Film: 805354
    1. Morris, William
  6327. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 454; Image: 529; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Residence, Bettis, Prior Caswell
    2. Bettis, Prior Caswell
  6328. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Warren, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 415; Image: 22.
    1. Wright, Eli J.
    2. Residence, Wright, Eli J.
  6329. Year: 1860; Census Place: Princeton, Caldwell, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 58; Image: 58.
    1. Birth, McGregor, Shadrack
    2. McGregor, Shadrack
  6330. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richland, Darke, Ohio; Roll: M653_956; Page: 445; Image: 449; Family History Library Film: 803956
    1. Siegmunt, John Jacob
    2. Age in 1860: 40
  6331. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johnson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 81; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Holmes, Matilda Elizabeth "Sallie"
  6332. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fayette, Lafayette, Wisconsin; Roll: M653_1416; Page: 725; Image: 221; Family History Library Film: 805416
    1. Hunter, Flora E.
    2. Age in 1860: 4
  6333. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 35; Image: 35.
    1. Devin, Alfred Harrison
  6334. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Daviess, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 449; Image: 453.
    1. Holmes, Hannah
  6335. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 244; Image: 498; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Age: 27
    2. Wright, John H.
  6336. Year: 1860; Census Place: Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas Territory; Roll: M653_352; Page: 668; Image: 134; Family History Library Film: 803352
    1. Simerwell, Robert
    2. Age: 64
  6337. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 14, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 235; Image: 480; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Butler, John William
    2. Residence, Butler, John William
  6338. Year: 1860; Census Place: Alexandria, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 134; Image: 139; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Residence, Ballou, Laura C.
    2. Ballou, Laura C.
  6339. Year: 1860; Census Place: Salem, Carroll, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 1121; Image: 429.
    1. Residence, Hilty, Catherine
    2. Hilty, Catherine
  6340. Year: 1860; Census Place: Montevallo, Vernon, Missouri; Roll: M653_659; Page: 19; Image: 19; Family History Library Film: 803659
    1. Birth, Keithley, Obadiah
    2. Keithley, Obadiah
  6341. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 133; Image: 275; Family History Library Film: 805269
    1. Jackson, Frances Jane
  6342. Year: 1860; Census Place: Alexandria, Grafton, New Hampshire; Roll: M653_670; Page: 138; Image: 143; Family History Library Film: 803670
    1. Haynes, Rebecca B.
  6343. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sugar Creek, Barry, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 860; Image: 364; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Residence, Wright, Bartholomew
    2. Wright, Bartholomew
  6344. Year: 1860; Census Place: Van Buren, Van Buren, Iowa; Roll: M653_342; Page: 281; Image: 522; Family History Library Film: 803342
    1. Stringfield, Matilda
  6345. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Clark, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 961; Image: 461.
    1. Crow, John
    2. Birth, Crow, John
  6346. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 150; Image: 150.
    1. Wright, Reuben
  6347. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ozark, Missouri; Roll: M653_637; Page: 446; Family History Library Film: 803637
    1. Forgey, Nancy Elizabeth
  6348. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 155; Image: 317.
    1. Cain, Thomas Benjamin
    2. Birth, Cain, Thomas Benjamin
  6349. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hamilton, Butler, Ohio; Page: 418; Family History Library Film: 803941
    1. Birth, DeVon, Mary
    2. DeVon, Mary
  6350. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 505; Image: 362; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Guffey, Malissa
    2. Birth, Guffey, Malissa
  6351. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 161; Image: 156; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Residence, Sturgis, Rebecca Ann
    2. Sturgis, Rebecca Ann
  6352. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Carroll, Arkansas; Roll: M653_38; Page: 696; Image: 244; Family History Library Film: 803038
    1. Holmes, Margaret Lavinia
  6353. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Wayne, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 839; Image: 481.
    1. Crum, Calista
  6354. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 694; Image: 692.
    1. Van Note, Simon
  6355. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Sabine, Texas; Roll: ; Page: 322; Image: 274.
    1. Morris, Shadrach H.
  6356. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 746; Image: 424; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Scrivener, James A.
  6357. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 795; Image: 33.
    1. Residence, Wilkes, Elizabeth
    2. Wilkes, Elizabeth
  6358. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johns, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 468; Image: 82; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Crow, William Gideon
  6359. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 444; Image: 509.
    1. Residence, Chaney, William Henegar
    2. Chaney, William Henegar
  6360. Year: 1860; Census Place: Peoria Ward 2, Peoria, Illinois; Roll: M653_216; Page: 177; Image: 178; Family History Library Film: 803216
    1. Residence, Masters, Wilbourne J.
    2. Masters, Wilbourne J.
  6361. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 5, Menard, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 894; Image: 146.
    1. Goodpasture, Margaret Frances
  6362. Year: 1860; Census Place: Sabine, Sabine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 322; Image: 274; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Residence, Morris, Benjamin Franklin
    2. Morris, Benjamin Franklin
  6363. Year: 1860; Census Place: Henry, Henry, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 22; Image: 22.
    1. Justice, Emily A.
    2. Residence, Justice, Emily A.
  6364. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Birth, Hawn, Tabitha
    2. Hawn, Tabitha
  6365. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 13 Range 11, Scott, Illinois; Roll: M653_227; Page: 1032; Image: 208; Family History Library Film: 803227
    1. Masters, William Lafayette
    2. Birth, Masters, William Lafayette
  6366. Year: 1860; Census Place: Macon, Illinois; Roll: M653_203; Page: 809; Image: 243; Family History Library Film: 803203
    1. Masters, Mary
  6367. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 22; Image: 47.
    1. Naylor, Amanda Elaine
    2. Residence, Naylor, Amanda Elaine
  6368. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Knox, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1259; Page: 94; Image: 195; Family History Library Film: 805259
    1. Residence, Masters, Eliza Jane
    2. Masters, Eliza Jane
  6369. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 647; Image: 325; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Deere, Anna Maria
  6370. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gonzales, Texas; Roll: M653_1295; Page: 96; Image: 196; Family History Library Film: 805295
    1. Mitchell, Mary
  6371. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1265; Page: 146; Image: 298; Family History Library Film: 805265
    1. Spicer, Benjamin Franklin
    2. Birth, Spicer, Benjamin Franklin
  6372. Year: 1860; Census Place: Johns, Appanoose, Iowa; Roll: M653_311; Page: 468; Image: 82; Family History Library Film: 803311
    1. Thomas, Miranda C.
  6373. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 222; Image: 221.
    1. Crow, James M.
    2. Birth, Crow, James M.
  6374. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 3, Ellis, Texas; Roll: M653_1293; Page: 8; Family History Library Film: 805293
    1. Grove, Angelina "Angie" Jemina
    2. Residence, Grove, Angelina "Angie" Jemina
  6375. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 176; Image: 359.
    1. Birth, Gibson, Lorinda
    2. Gibson, Lorinda
  6376. Year: 1860; Census Place: Linn, Oregon; Roll: M653_1055; Page: 311; Family History Library Film: 805055
    1. Birth, Michael, Hannah
    2. Michael, Hannah
  6377. Year: 1860; Census Place: Gainesville, Allen, Kentucky; Roll: M653_353; Page: 329; Image: 329; Family History Library Film: 803353
    1. Age in 1860: 12
    2. Morehead, John W.
  6378. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Pike, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 923; Image: 497.
    1. Hatfield, Ephrin
    2. Birth, Hatfield, Ephrin
  6379. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 238; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Forgey, James L.
  6380. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 693; Image: 371; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Mitchell, Minerva Ann
  6381. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lavaca, Lavaca, Texas; Roll: M653_1299; Page: 190; Family History Library Film: 805299
    1. Residence Post Office: Hallettsville
    2. Fly, Benjamin Franklin
  6382. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 15, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 244; Image: 498.
    1. Crow, Margaret Angeline
    2. Residence, Crow, Margaret Angeline
  6383. Year: 1860; Census Place: Brown, Linn, Iowa; Roll: M653_332; Page: 127; Image: 127; Family History Library Film: 803332
    1. Hanson, Eliza
    2. Residence, Hanson, Eliza
  6384. Year: 1860; Census Place: Monroe, Kentucky; Roll: M653_388; Page: 85; Image: 85; Family History Library Film: 803388
    1. Residence, Counts, Eve J.
    2. Counts, Eve J.
  6385. Year: 1860; Census Place: Seminary, Fayette, Illinois; Roll: M653_177; Page: 237; Image: 237; Family History Library Film: 803177
    1. Brown, Henry Wesley
  6386. Year: 1860; Census Place: Canton, Benton, Iowa; Roll: ; Page: 811; Image: 425.
    1. Hite, David
    2. Birth, Hite, David
  6387. Year: 1860; Census Place: Cedar, Clark, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 150; Image: 150.
    1. Wright, Richard
    2. Residence, Wright, Richard
  6388. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 24; Image: 25.
    1. Birth, Ettling, Conrad
    2. Ettling, Conrad
  6389. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 828; Image: 66.
    1. Cranford, Julia Ann
  6390. Year: 1860; Census Place: Ozark, Missouri; Roll: M653_637; Page: 446; Family History Library Film: 803637
    1. Holmes, Robert
  6391. Year: 1860; Census Place: Simpson, Kentucky; Roll: M653_395; Page: 36; Family History Library Film: 803395
    1. Howell, Dudley Harvey
  6392. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 7, Menard, Illinois; Roll: M653_205; Page: 818; Image: 70; Family History Library Film: 803205
    1. Young, Lucinda
  6393. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 606; Image: 605.
    1. Wachter, John Anton
    2. Birth, Wachter, John Anton
  6394. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 478; Image: 309; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Butler, Elizabeth Matilda
  6395. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Fork, Montgomery, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 854; Image: 322.
    1. Cranford, Mathew Thomas
    2. Birth, Cranford, Mathew Thomas
  6396. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 614; Image: 292; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Seymour, Sarah E. "Nettie"
  6397. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 205; Image: 204; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Claypool, Elizabeth Ann
    2. Residence, Claypool, Elizabeth Ann
  6398. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 44; Image: 91; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Shinliver, Johann Fredrick
    2. Age in 1860: 55
  6399. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 541; Image: 219; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Angelo, Thomas David E. "dee"
    2. Angelo, Thomas David E. "dee"
  6400. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 222; Image: 221.
    1. Crow, Lafayette
    2. Residence, Crow, Lafayette
  6401. Year: 1860; Census Place: Brown, Linn, Iowa; Roll: M653_332; Page: 127; Image: 127; Family History Library Film: 803332
    1. Vernon, James
  6402. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 765; Image: 443.
    1. Birth, Butler, Caleb Daniel
    2. Butler, Caleb Daniel
  6403. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Alamance, North Carolina; Roll: ; Page: 88; Image: 176.
    1. Holmes, Sarah "Sallie"
    2. Residence, Holmes, Sarah "Sallie"
  6404. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 754; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Claypool, Joseph J.
    2. Claypool, Joseph J.
  6405. Year: 1860; Census Place: Chester, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1217; Page: 84; Family History Library Film: 805217
    1. Sturgis, William
  6406. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 8, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 511; Image: 374; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Hawn, Bersheba Ann
  6407. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 24; Image: 54; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Residence, Sizemore, Pharaba
    2. Sizemore, Pharaba
  6408. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 12; Image: 30; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Brown, Thomas East
    2. Residence, Brown, Thomas East
  6409. Year: 1860; Census Place: Monroe, Lincoln, Missouri; Roll: M653_629; Page: 379; Image: 375; Family History Library Film: 803629
    1. Scott, Nancy
  6410. Year: 1860; Census Place: South Eastern District, Ashe, North Carolina; Roll: M653_887; Page: 372; Image: 304; Family History Library Film: 803887
    1. Anderson, Rebecca
    2. Residence, Anderson, Rebecca
  6411. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 161; Image: 156; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Sturgis, Sarah Ann
    2. Residence, Sturgis, Sarah Ann
  6412. Year: 1860; Census Place: DeSoto, Mississippi; Roll: M653_581; Page: 70; Family History Library Film: 803581
    1. Fitzgerald, Sarah
    2. Birth, Fitzgerald, Sarah
  6413. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 167; Image: 344; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Residence, Masters, Polina
    2. Masters, Polina
  6414. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 696; Image: 694.
    1. Harris, Emberson Taylor
  6415. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 10; Image: 25; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Parvin, Martha Jane
  6416. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1257; Page: 38; Family History Library Film: 805257
    1. Wrenn, Sophronia M.
    2. Birth, Wrenn, Sophronia M.
  6417. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 168; Image: 346; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Brown, Thomas Jefferson
    2. Brown, Thomas Jefferson
  6418. Year: 1860; Census Place: Russell, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: ; Page: 38; Image: 43.
    1. Fanning, Caleb
    2. Birth, Fanning, Caleb
  6419. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Residence, Howell, Luther T.
    2. Howell, Luther T.
  6420. Year: 1860; Census Place: Mountain, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 517; Image: 39.
    1. Montgomery, James Malcolm
    2. Birth, Montgomery, James Malcolm
  6421. Year: 1860; Census Place: Lower, Franklin, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 359; Image: 359.
    1. Titsworth, Ada
    2. Residence, Titsworth, Ada
  6422. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 22; Image: 47.
    1. Fast, William Nicholas
    2. Birth, Fast, William Nicholas
  6423. Year: 1860; Census Place: Hot Spring, Napa, California; Roll: ; Page: 28; Image: 28.
    1. Butler, Mary A. "Polly"
  6424. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 215; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Watkins, Sarah Jane
    2. Residence, Watkins, Sarah Jane
  6425. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Clinton, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 186; Image: 186.
    1. Birth, Taylor, Thomas A.
    2. Taylor, Thomas A.
  6426. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: M653_1013; Page: 96; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805013
    1. Searls, Heber G.
  6427. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 130; Image: 269.
    1. Butler, Mary E.
  6428. Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Clinton, Illinois; Roll: M653_163; Page: 767; Image: 137; Family History Library Film: 803163
    1. Birth, Dettmar, Emma Barbara
    2. Dettmar, Emma Barbara
  6429. Year: 1860; Census Place: North Salem, Hendricks, Indiana; Roll: ; Page: 865; Image: 391.
    1. Residence, Woodard, John
    2. Woodard, John
  6430. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1258; Page: 388; Image: 398; Family History Library Film: 805258
    1. Counts, Sarah Margaret
  6431. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Christian, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 486; Image: 490.
    1. Israel, John Alexander Franklin
  6432. Year: 1860; Census Place: Navarro, Texas; Roll: M653_1301; Page: 236; Image: 478; Family History Library Film: 805301
    1. Residence, Shorter, Salina M.
    2. Shorter, Salina M.
  6433. Year: 1860; Census Place: Subdivision 17, Sangamon, Illinois; Roll: M653_226; Page: 613; Image: 611; Family History Library Film: 803226
    1. Birth, Willson, Margaritt J.
    2. Willson, Margaritt J.
  6434. Year: 1860; Census Place: Troy, Ashland, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 24; Image: 51.
    1. Birth, Naylor, Mary A.
    2. Naylor, Mary A.
  6435. Year: 1860; Census Place: Harp, DeWitt, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 755; Image: 267.
    1. Residence, Jackson, Joshua C.
    2. Jackson, Joshua C.
  6436. Year: 1860; Census Place: Clay, Wayne, Indiana; Roll: M653_308; Page: 266; Image: 268; Family History Library Film: 803308
    1. Residence, Morgan, Hanna
    2. Morgan, Hanna
  6437. Year: 1860; Census Place: Center Beat, Yalobusha, Mississippi; Roll: M653_594; Page: 859; Family History Library Film: 803594
    1. McCracken, Joseph L.
  6438. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nishnabotna, Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 586; Image: 90; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Birth, Morgan, Daniel Bartlett
    2. Morgan, Daniel Bartlett
  6439. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southern Subdivision, Tippah, Mississippi; Roll: M653_592; Page: 681; Family History Library Film: 803592
    1. Residence, Smith, Mary Elizabeth
    2. Smith, Mary Elizabeth
  6440. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Hawkins, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1255; Page: 23; Image: 51; Family History Library Film: 805255
    1. Residence, Anderson, Rhoda
    2. Anderson, Rhoda
  6441. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 24; Image: 25.
    1. Huck, Caroline
  6442. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Forsyth, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 532; Image: 532.
    1. Birth, Johnson, Stella
    2. Johnson, Stella
  6443. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Butler, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 897; Image: 497.
    1. Mansfield, Jane
  6444. Year: 1860; Census Place: Wayne, Bartholomew, Indiana; Page: 172; Family History Library Film: 803244
    1. Birth, Walker, John E.
    2. Walker, John E.
  6445. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 457; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Birth, Angelo, James Martin
    2. Angelo, James Martin
  6446. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Monroe, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 1011; Image: 511.
    1. Residence, Van Stavern, Mary Magdaline
    2. Van Stavern, Mary Magdaline
  6447. Year: 1860; Census Place: Russell, Virginia; Roll: M653_1376; Page: 183; Image: 191; Family History Library Film: 805376
    1. Residence, Dickenson, Oscar Fitzallen
    2. Dickenson, Oscar Fitzallen
  6448. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 9, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 81; Image: 82.
    1. Ettling, George Philip
  6449. Year: 1860; Census Place: Fayette, Lafayette, Wisconsin; Roll: M653_1416; Page: 725; Image: 221; Family History Library Film: 805416
    1. Hunter, Flora E.
    2. Birth, Hunter, Flora E.
  6450. Year: 1860; Census Place: Northern Division, Spartanburg, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1226; Page: 226; Image: 66; Family History Library Film: 805226
    1. Fitzgerald, Matthew Vannerson
    2. Birth, Fitzgerald, Matthew Vannerson
  6451. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Fentress, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1249; Page: 6; Image: 16; Family History Library Film: 805249
    1. Mangold, Tennessee
  6452. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 746; Image: 424; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Scrivener, James A.
    2. Age in 1860: 25
  6453. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Botetourt, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 167; Image: 171.
    1. Hoyleman, Simon John
  6454. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Cedar, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 135; Image: 139.
    1. Fleener, James H.
    2. Residence, Fleener, James H.
  6455. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_25; Page: 271; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 803025
    1. Sellers, Lavinia Ann
  6456. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 18, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 460; Image: 336; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Residence, Fitzgerald, Patrick Leonard
    2. Fitzgerald, Patrick Leonard
  6457. Year: 1860; Census Place: Anderson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1239; Page: 58; Image: 119; Family History Library Film: 805239
    1. Duncan, Parthena
  6458. Year: 1860; Census Place: Boonville, Cooper, Missouri; Roll: M653_616; Page: 436; Image: 20; Family History Library Film: 803616
    1. Age in 1860: 3
    2. Speed, Laura T.
  6459. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Roane, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 111; Image: 231.
    1. Butler, William
    2. Residence, Butler, William
  6460. Year: 1860; Census Place: Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio; Roll: M653_1047; Page: 251; Image: 507; Family History Library Film: 805047
    1. Birth, Van Note, Elizabeth H.
    2. Van Note, Elizabeth H.
  6461. Year: 1860; Census Place: York, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1228; Page: 456; Family History Library Film: 805228
    1. Sturgis, Thomas White
    2. Residence, Sturgis, Thomas White
  6462. Year: 1860; Census Place: McComb, Hancock, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 108; Image: 220.
    1. Chilcott, Margaret
    2. Birth, Chilcott, Margaret
  6463. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 765; Image: 443; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Birth, Claypool, Thomas Simeon
    2. Claypool, Thomas Simeon
  6464. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 206; Image: 422.
    1. Draper, Edward Bradley
    2. Birth, Draper, Edward Bradley
  6465. Year: 1860; Census Place: Concord, Miami, Ohio; Roll: ; Page: 292; Image: 152.
    1. Brewer, Anna Mary
  6466. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Barren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_354; Page: 902; Image: 342; Family History Library Film: 803354
    1. Residence, Cole, Nancy "Nannie" A.
    2. Cole, Nancy "Nannie" A.
  6467. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Point, Lee, Iowa; Roll: M653_330; Page: 699; Image: 707; Family History Library Film: 803330
    1. Kempker, John
  6468. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Forsyth, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 532; Image: 532.
    1. Residence, Johnson, Stella
    2. Johnson, Stella
  6469. Year: 1860; Census Place: Boone, Greene, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 271; Image: 271.
    1. Birth, Christian, Rebecca Melinda
    2. Christian, Rebecca Melinda
  6470. Year: 1860; Census Place: Burnsville, Dallas, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 848; Image: 352.
    1. Morris, Sarah A.
    2. Birth, Morris, Sarah A.
  6471. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Pickaway, Ohio; Roll: M653_1023; Page: 135; Family History Library Film: 805023
    1. Birth, Hall, Lydia
    2. Hall, Lydia
  6472. Year: 1860; Census Place: Southeast, Orange, Indiana; Roll: M653_286; Page: 556; Image: 30; Family History Library Film: 803286
    1. Lindley, Hannah
    2. Residence, Lindley, Hannah
  6473. Year: 1860; Census Place: Little Black, Randolph, Arkansas; Roll: M653_49; Page: 309; Image: 309; Family History Library Film: 803049
    1. Birth, Forgey, Robert Bruce
    2. Forgey, Robert Bruce
  6474. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Coffee, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1245; Page: 60; Family History Library Film: 805245
    1. Carter, Rachel Ruth
    2. Birth, Carter, Rachel Ruth
  6475. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 457; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Angelo, Andrew Jackson
    2. Residence, Angelo, Andrew Jackson
  6476. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Jefferson, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 917; Image: 179.
    1. Grant, Edward "Eddie"
  6477. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Fork, Washington, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 795; Image: 321.
    1. Residence, Rutherford, Joseph M.
    2. Rutherford, Joseph M.
  6478. Year: 1860; Census Place: Nishnabotna, Atchison, Missouri; Roll: M653_606; Page: 586; Image: 90; Family History Library Film: 803606
    1. Morgan, James Bartlett
    2. Residence, Morgan, James Bartlett
  6479. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 773; Image: 11.
    1. Cranford, Malinda
    2. Residence, Cranford, Malinda
  6480. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Louis Ward 3, St Louis (Independent City), Missouri; Roll: M653_655; Page: 190; Image: 190; Family History Library Film: 803655
    1. Age in 1860: 60
    2. Smith, Elizabeth C.
  6481. Year: 1860; Census Place: Edmonson, Kentucky; Roll: M653_365; Page: 4; Image: 4; Family History Library Film: 803365
    1. Birth, Anderson, Daniel Kelly
    2. Anderson, Daniel Kelly
  6482. Year: 1860; Census Place: Dudley, Hardin, Ohio; Roll: M653_983; Page: 346; Image: 105; Family History Library Film: 803983
    1. Manley, Thomas
  6483. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 18, Maury, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1264; Page: 460; Image: 336; Family History Library Film: 805264
    1. Birth, Fitzgerald, Patrick Leonard
    2. Fitzgerald, Patrick Leonard
  6484. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pilot Grove, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 436.
    1. Birth, Jones, James M.
    2. Jones, James M.
  6485. Year: 1860; Census Place: Meramec, Jefferson, Missouri; Roll: M653_626; Page: 627; Image: 158; Family History Library Film: 803626
    1. Birth, Wallace, Nancy Carol
    2. Wallace, Nancy Carol
  6486. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 764; Image: 442.
    1. Claypool, Eleanor "Ellen" Scott
  6487. Year: 1860; Census Place: St Annes Parish, Albemarle, Virginia; Roll: M653_1331; Page: 519; Image: 167; Family History Library Film: 805331
    1. Residence, McClain, George
    2. McClain, George
  6488. Year: 1860; Census Place: Simpson, Kentucky; Roll: M653_395; Page: 36; Family History Library Film: 803395
    1. Howell, Dudley Harvey
    2. Residence Post Office: Franklin
  6489. Year: 1860; Census Place: East Feliciana, Louisiana; Roll: M653_411; Page: 31; Family History Library Film: 803411
    1. Residence Post Office: Jackson
    2. Rabb, Mary Ellen
  6490. Year: 1860; Census Place: Washington, Montgomery, Ohio; Roll: M653_1013; Page: 96; Image: 199; Family History Library Film: 805013
    1. Age in 1860: 10
    2. Searls, George W.
  6491. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Walker, Alabama; Roll: ; Page: 770; Image: 8.
    1. Cranford, Nancy Emily
    2. Residence, Cranford, Nancy Emily
  6492. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 2, Morgan, Kentucky; Roll: M653_388; Page: 329; Image: 333; Family History Library Film: 803388
    1. Carter, David B.
    2. Residence, Carter, David B.
  6493. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 599; Image: 277; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Van Note, Mary C.
  6494. Year: 1860; Census Place: Round Prairie, Jefferson, Iowa; Roll: M653_328; Page: 161; Image: 156; Family History Library Film: 803328
    1. Sturgis, Joseph
  6495. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 3, Ellis, Texas; Roll: M653_1293; Page: 8; Family History Library Film: 805293
    1. Grove, Angelina "Angie" Jemina
  6496. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Milton, Georgia; Roll: ; Page: 597; Image: 61.
    1. Morris, Drury Drissy Hampton
    2. Residence, Morris, Drury Drissy Hampton
  6497. Year: 1860; Census Place: Deer Creek, Cass, Indiana; Roll: M653_247; Page: 686; Family History Library Film: 803247
    1. Gates, Mary Jane
  6498. Year: 1860; Census Place: Prairie, Hot Spring, Arkansas; Roll: ; Page: 970; Image: 458.
    1. Kemp, John Coffey
    2. Residence, Kemp, John Coffey
  6499. Year: 1860; Census Place: West Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_499; Page: 54; Image: 55; Family History Library Film: 803499
    1. Birth, Cheney, Mercy
    2. Cheney, Mercy
  6500. Year: 1860; Census Place: Madison, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 214; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Forgey, Nancy Jane
  6501. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1266; Page: 477; Image: 307; Family History Library Film: 805266
    1. Residence, Galbraith, James
    2. Galbraith, James
  6502. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Pike, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 923; Image: 497.
    1. Hatfield, Ephrin
  6503. Year: 1860; Census Place: San Augustine, San Augustine, Texas; Roll: M653_1304; Page: 352; Image: 335; Family History Library Film: 805304
    1. Birth, Fitzgerald, Nancy Ann
    2. Fitzgerald, Nancy Ann
  6504. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 10, Hickman, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 74; Image: 155.
    1. Whitwell, Andrew Jackson
  6505. Year: 1860; Census Place: Pilot Grove, Hancock, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 690; Image: 436.
    1. Jenkins, Margaret Peggy
    2. Residence, Jenkins, Margaret Peggy
  6506. Year: 1860; Census Place: Waverly, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 591; Image: 269; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Austin, William Edgar
  6507. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 478; Image: 309.
    1. Residence, Winters, Elizabeth
    2. Winters, Elizabeth
  6508. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 328; Image: 334; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Babb, William
    2. Birth, Babb, William
  6509. Year: 1860; Census Place: Division 1, Blount, Alabama; Roll: M653_2; Page: 922; Image: 276; Family History Library Film: 803002
    1. Posey, Joseph Harrison
  6510. Year: 1860; Census Place: Marion, Polk, Missouri; Roll: M653_641; Page: 12; Image: 12; Family History Library Film: 803641
    1. Pickering, Jonathan
  6511. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: M653_398; Page: 754; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 803398
    1. Rector, Sarah Ann
  6512. Year: 1860; Census Place: Franklin, Grant, Indiana; Roll: M653_261; Page: 328; Image: 334; Family History Library Film: 803261
    1. Birth, Chaney, Matilda
    2. Chaney, Matilda
  6513. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois; Roll: M653_213; Page: 457; Image: 135; Family History Library Film: 803213
    1. Angelo, Samantha Jane
  6514. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 755; Image: 433.
    1. Claypool, Burwell Prunty Dr.
  6515. Year: 1860; Census Place: Eastern Division, Morgan, Alabama; Roll: M653_19; Page: 498; Image: 500; Family History Library Film: 803019
    1. Stringer, William Lowe
    2. Birth, Stringer, William Lowe
  6516. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1, Merced, California; Roll: M653_60; Page: 902; Family History Library Film: 803060
    1. Lewis, David Eason
    2. Birth, Lewis, David Eason
  6517. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 178; Image: 366; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Birth, Magrum, Mary Ethel
    2. Magrum, Mary Ethel
  6518. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Warren, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 765; Image: 443.
    1. Butler, John Thomas
  6519. Year: 1860; Census Place: Richhill, Greene, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1114; Page: 736; Image: 510; Family History Library Film: 805114
    1. Wright, Sarah
  6520. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Morgan, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 478; Image: 309.
    1. Residence, Butler, Obediah L.
    2. Butler, Obediah L.
  6521. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Tallapoosa, Alabama; Roll: M653_25; Page: 340; Image: 342; Family History Library Film: 803025
    1. Age in 1860: 5
    2. Solley, Seaborn Alexander
  6522. Year: 1860; Census Place: Perry, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1268; Page: 334; Image: 92; Family History Library Film: 805268
    1. Whitwell, Rebecca Caroline
    2. Residence, Whitwell, Rebecca Caroline
  6523. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Birth, Waller, Jacob Carlo
    2. Waller, Jacob Carlo
  6524. Year: 1860; Census Place: Monegaw, St Clair, Missouri; Page: 1013; Family History Library Film: 803644
    1. Heazle, Elizabeth
  6525. Year: 1860; Census Place: Liberty, Adair, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 113; Image: 117.
    1. Bradigum, Orpah
    2. Residence, Bradigum, Orpah
  6526. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 6, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 176; Image: 359.
    1. Butler, Amos Hardin
  6527. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Jefferson, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 382; Image: 385.
    1. Fowler, Ruth
  6528. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 4, Humphreys, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 121; Image: 249.
    1. Whitwell, Willis H.
  6529. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 7, Meigs, Tennessee; Roll: ; Page: 182; Image: 371.
    1. Mccallon, Newton H.
  6530. Year: 1860; Census Place: , Hopkins, Kentucky; Roll: ; Page: 722; Image: 280.
    1. Howton, Abraham
  6531. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 2, Greenbrier, Virginia; Roll: ; Page: 426; Image: 434.
    1. Hoylman, Mary Eugene
  6532. Year: 1860; Census Place: District 3, Overton, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1267; Page: 172; Image: 353; Family History Library Film: 805267
    1. Knox, James Asbury Rev.
    2. Birth, Knox, James Asbury Rev.
  6533. Year: 1860; Census Place: Western Division, Marshall, Alabama; Roll: M653_16; Page: 926; Image: 452; Family History Library Film: 803016
    1. Birth, Nabours, Jane Caroline
    2. Nabours, Jane Caroline
  6534. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 1 Range 8, St Clair, Illinois; Roll: ; Page: 606; Image: 605.
    1. Residence, Wachter, John Anton
    2. Wachter, John Anton
  6535. Year: 1860; Census Place: Township 19 Range 7, Menard, Illinois; Roll: M653_205; Page: 818; Image: 70; Family History Library Film: 803205
    1. Masters, Squire Davis
  6536. Year: 1860; Census Place: Benton, Wayne, Missouri; Roll: ; Page: 660; Image: 99.
    1. Waller, Nancy B.
    2. Birth, Waller, Nancy B.
  6537. Year: 1860; Census Place: Grand River, Carroll, Missouri; Roll: M653_612; Page: 576; Image: 93; Family History Library Film: 803612
    1. Anderson, Mathew
  6538. Year: 1860; Census Place: Beat 3, Cherokee, Texas; Roll: M653_1290; Page: 454; Image: 223; Family History Library Film: 805290
    1. Reeves, James Washington
  6539. Year: 1860; Census Place: Polk, Adair, Missouri; Roll: M653_605; Page: 172; Image: 176; Family History Library Film: 803605
    1. Cooter, Elizabeth
    2. Residence, Cooter, Elizabeth