In the 1850 U. S. Census which was taken October 9, 1850, Nathan Carter, an Iowa-born farmer age 23, is living with his wife Nancy born in Tennessee, age 26. The real estate value is 1800. Their children were born in Illinois and include Elampa?(Sarah) age 3, Mary age 2, Matilda age 7/12, Margaret age 7/12. Also living with them is Matilda Marty, age 20 and born in Tennessee.
In the 1860 U. S. Census taken on September 25, 1860, N. Carter, Indiana-born farmer age 34, is shown with female Tennessee-born N. Carter age 36, female C. Carter age 13, female M. Carter age 11, female M. Carter age 10, female M. Carter age 10, male J. Carter age 8, and male M. Carter age 3. All the children were born in Illinois. The Ten-year-olds are marked as twins. Also living with them is Ben 'Äì (?Carter), an Illinois-born farm laborer age 17. The value of the real estate is 4,200 and personal property is $1,200.
In the 1870 U. S. Census completed July 28, 1870, Nathan Carter, a 45-year-old Indiana-born farmer, was living with his Tennessee-born wife Nancy, age 47. She kept house with him on the farm worth $3,800 and personal assets of $1,060. He was a U.S. Citizen. Living with them were children: Mary, a 21-year-old dressmaker; Matilda and Margaret, 20-year-old school teachers; John, an 18-year-old working at home and attending school, and Marion, a 13-year-old working at home and attending school.