
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Bretz. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Bretz, Abraham Barsh, Barbara (Bartsch?)  
Bretz, Abraham 26 August 1832 26 July 1909 Naylor, Mary Elizabeth Bretz, Abraham Barsh, Barbara (Bartsch?)
Bretz, Carole Sue 10 February 1944 21 December 1965 Stoat, [Living], McGuire, [Living] Bretz, Francis Eugene Cozens, Lula Alcena
Bretz, Dale Van Note 26 February 1915 22 October 1919   Bretz, Everett Marshall Van Note, Mary Etta
Bretz, Everett Marshall 30 December 1876 25 August 1966 Van Note, Mary Etta Bretz, Abraham Naylor, Mary Elizabeth
Bretz, Everett Marshall Jr. 26 June 1910 7 December 1984 Stivers, Helen Marietta Bretz, Everett Marshall Van Note, Mary Etta
Bretz, Francis Eugene 16 February 1913 16 October 1987 Cozens, Lula Alcena Bretz, Everett Marshall Van Note, Mary Etta
Bretz, Gene     , Mary Bretz, Howard Everett Hill, Roberta Laura "Bertie"
Bretz, George Abraham 9 October 1868 23 May 1945 Van Note, Estelle “Stella” Olive, Bretz, Abraham Naylor, Mary Elizabeth
Bretz, Grace Catherine 3 November 1881 1 July 1965 Sälhoff, Carl Friedrich Ludwig, Grolle, Henry John Bretz, Abraham Naylor, Mary Elizabeth
Bretz, Grace Edith 8 July 1901 26 February 1980 Montgomery, William Earl Bretz, Everett Marshall Van Note, Mary Etta
Bretz, Helen Marietta 28 December 1942 October 1976 Hall, [Living] Bretz, Everett Marshall Jr. Stivers, Helen Marietta
Bretz, Howard Everett 18 May 1907 24 August 1993 Hill, Roberta Laura “Bertie” Bretz, George Abraham Van Note, Estelle "Stella" Olive
Bretz, Howard Naylor 12 July 1870 15 December 1945 Smith, Elizabeth Bretz, Abraham Naylor, Mary Elizabeth
Bretz, Isabelle 24 February 1901 4 May 1984 Salhoff, Roy A. Bretz, Howard Naylor Smith, Elizabeth
Bretz, Leta Maurine 11 January 1908 20 December 1989 Gore, Heber (Lee) Blake, Clackler, William A. Bretz, Everett Marshall Van Note, Mary Etta
Bretz, Margaret Geraldine 5 December 1905 6 June 1969 Cole, Ivo Harold Bretz, Everett Marshall Van Note, Mary Etta
Bretz, Marian Lucille 30 July 1902 7 January 1989 Borgmier, Harry Bernard, Bretz, George Abraham Van Note, Estelle "Stella" Olive
Bretz, Mary Lou 27 December 1946 27 December 2006 Wiley, [Living] Bretz, Francis Eugene Cozens, Lula Alcena
Bretz, Maude Catherine 6 September 1903 26 January 1921   Bretz, Everett Marshall Van Note, Mary Etta
Bretz, Nelda Fern 16 February 1913 6 October 1994 Michael, Dorson Everett, Bretz, George Abraham Van Note, Estelle "Stella" Olive
Bretz, Nellie Emma 10 August 1872 23 May 1945 Montgomery, Wilson David, Hale, Fred E. Bretz, Abraham Naylor, Mary Elizabeth
Bretz, Russell George 30 August 1904 29 October 1984 Jackson, Ethel Mae, Swaithes, Helen Mabel Bretz, George Abraham Van Note, Estelle "Stella" Olive
Bretz, Thelma E. 25 September 1900 15 January 1977   Bretz, George Abraham Van Note, Estelle "Stella" Olive
Bretz, Verdie E. 31 March 1874 14 February 1937 Remington, Henry Fuller Bretz, Abraham Naylor, Mary Elizabeth
Bretz, Virgil Arlyn 26 November 1934 20 May 2004 Salmon, [Living] Bretz, Howard Everett Hill, Roberta Laura "Bertie"
Bretz, Virgil Earl 10 June 1917 8 November 1919   Bretz, Everett Marshall Van Note, Mary Etta
Bretz, [Living]     Painter, [Living] Bretz, Howard Everett Hill, Roberta Laura "Bertie"
Bretz, [Living]     Hickman, [Living] Bretz, Everett Marshall Jr. Stivers, Helen Marietta
Bretz, [Living]       Bretz, [Living] Hickman, [Living]
Bretz, [Living]     Bretz, Virgil Arlyn Salmon, [Living]
Bretz, [Living]     Moreno, [Living], Seymour, [Living] Bretz, Virgil Arlyn Salmon, [Living]
Bretz, [Living]       Bretz, Virgil Arlyn Salmon, [Living]
Bretz, [Living]       Bretz, [Living]
Bretz, [Living]       Bretz, [Living]
Bretz, [Living]       Bretz, [Living]
Bretz, [Living]       Bretz, [Living]
Bretz, [Living]       Bretz, [Living] Hickman, [Living]
Bretz, [Living]       Bretz, [Living] Hickman, [Living]
Bretz, [Living]       Bretz, [Living] Hickman, [Living]
Bretz, [Living]       Bretz, [Living] Hickman, [Living]