
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Veitch. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Veitch, Alexander 1460 1509   Vache, William the
Veitch, Barnaba 1370 1434 le Vache, William
Veitch, Helen       Veitch, William Thompson, Marion Ritchie
Veitch, James 1490 3 May 1552 Cockburn, Margaret Veitch, William Thompson, Marion Ritchie
Veitch, James Sheriff 1628 30 May 1685 Gakerlin, Mary Veitch, Malcolm Wilkinson, Katherine Katerina Margery
Veitch, James 1660 12 June 1693   Veitch, James Sheriff Gakerlin, Mary
Veitch, Janet 1617     Veitch, Malcolm Wilkinson, Katherine Katerina Margery
Veitch, Joan 1614     Veitch, Malcolm Wilkinson, Katherine Katerina Margery
Veitch, Joanna 1557   Veitch, William Fleming, Marriot
Veitch, John 1465     Vache, William the
Veitch, John 1611     Veitch, Malcolm Wilkinson, Katherine Katerina Margery
Veitch, Katherine 1623   Little, John Veitch, Malcolm Wilkinson, Katherine Katerina Margery
Veitch, Malcolm 1591 1630 Wilkinson, Katherine Katerina Margery Vaiche, John Stewart, Janet
Veitch, Margaret 1662 1693   Veitch, James Sheriff Gakerlin, Mary
Veitch, Nathan October 1668 31 May 1705 Clagett, Ann Veitch, James Sheriff Gakerlin, Mary
Veitch, Patrick 1559 16 June 1590   Veitch, William Fleming, Marriot
Veitch, Paul 1383 1457 Veitch, Barnaba
Veitch, Thomas 1658 12 June 1693   Veitch, James Sheriff Gakerlin, Mary
Veitch, William 1463 1545 Thompson, Marion Ritchie Vache, William the
Veitch, William 1535 September 1602 Fleming, Marriot Veitch, James Cockburn, Margaret
Veitch, William 1560     Veitch, William Fleming, Marriot
Veitch, William 1670 1711 Abbott, Jane Veitch, James Sheriff Gakerlin, Mary