
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Woolley. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Woolley, Audrey 1702     Woolley, William West, Anne
Woolley, Audrey 1729 1792 Chasey, John, Mount, George Woolley, Bartholomew Cook, Hannah
Woolley, Bartholomew about 1689 1739 Cook, Hannah Woolley, William West, Anne
Woolley, Doe     Mayo, Elizabeth  
Woolley, Doe     Mayo, Francis  
Woolley, Edward 22 April 1595 25 June 1628 Fritchley, Margaret, Staniforth, Ann Wolley, Adam Haywood, Grace
Woolley, Elizabeth 1 January 1619     Woolley, Edward Fritchley, Margaret
Woolley, Elizabeth 1693 1795 Webley, John Woolley, William West, Anne
Woolley, Emanuel 1691 Cook, Ruth Woolley, William West, Anne
Woolley, Emmanuel 29 March 1625 4 May 1681 Freeman, Elizabeth Woolley, Edward Fritchley, Margaret
Woolley, Freelove 1721 Herbert, Isaac Woolley, Bartholomew Cook, Hannah
Woolley, Hannah 1735 18 December 1806 Stout, Richard Woolley, Bartholomew Cook, Hannah
Woolley, John 5 November 1620 1698   Woolley, Edward Fritchley, Margaret
Woolley, Lucretia 1709 15 January 1812 Chamberlain, Lewis Woolley, Bartholomew Cook, Hannah
Woolley, Mary 18 October 1617     Woolley, Edward Fritchley, Margaret
Woolley, Nathaniel 23 March 1623 1624   Woolley, Edward Fritchley, Margaret
Woolley, Ruth   23 December 1759 Tucker, John Woolley, Emmanuel Freeman, Elizabeth
Woolley, Ruth 1729   White, Joseph Woolley, Bartholomew Cook, Hannah
Woolley, Silas 1722 1791   Woolley, Bartholomew Cook, Hannah
Woolley, William     Gifford, Elizabeth  
Woolley, William 15 September 1662 1718 West, Anne Woolley, Emmanuel Freeman, Elizabeth
Woolley, William 1693 1739   Woolley, William West, Anne