Iowa, Marriage Records, 1880-1937

Publication information Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2014;


  1. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 5
    1. McCoy, Ida Alice
    1. Marriage, Family of Wallace, Guy Franklin and Gilmore, Inez Pearl
      1. Wallace, Guy Franklin (1888-1950)
      2. Gilmore, Inez Pearl (1903-1987)
    2. Wallace, Guy Franklin
    3. Gilmore, Inez Pearl
  2. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 5
    1. Justice, Lela Marie
    1. Beaman, Argie Orval
    2. Marriage, Family of Beaman, Argie Orval and Gilmore, Inez Pearl
      1. Beaman, Argie Orval (1902-1975)
      2. Gilmore, Inez Pearl (1903-1987)
    3. Gilmore, Inez Pearl
    1. Knag, Maren Hansen
    1. Knag, Maren Hansen
    2. Petersen, Christian Lauritz
    3. Marriage, Family of Petersen, Christian Lauritz and Knag, Maren Hansen
      1. Knag, Maren Hansen (1874-1958)
      2. Petersen, Christian Lauritz (1867-1931)
    1. Beaman, Argie Orval
  3. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 5
    1. Justice, Lela Marie
  4. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 426 (Dallas - Iowa)
    1. Reichenbach, Moritz "Morris"
  5. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 4
    1. Bouvier, Esther Belle
  6. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 450 (O'Brien - Ringgold)
    1. Knag, Jess Petersen
  7. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 5
    1. Justice, Linnaeus Loring
  8. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 4
    1. Borup, Peter
  9. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 426 (Dallas - Iowa)
    1. Reichenbach, Moritz "Morris"
    2. Birth, Reichenbach, Moritz "Morris"
      1. Reichenbach, Moritz "Morris" (1876-1948)
  10. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 5
    1. West, Elmon Dayton
    2. Birth, West, Elmon Dayton
      1. West, Elmon Dayton (1895-1935)
  11. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 4
    1. Clarey, George Ellsworth
  12. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 426 (Dallas - Iowa)
    1. Reichenbach, Moritz "Morris"
    2. Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934,"index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 6 January 2015), Anderson Mccoy in entry for Morris Rerchenbach and Geneva Mccoy, 24 Dec 1906; citing Logan, Harrison, Iowa, United States
      1. Reichenbach, Moritz "Morris" (1876-1948)
      2. McCoy, Geneva Frances (1889-1970)
    3. McCoy, Geneva Frances
    1. Petersen, Christian Lauritz
  13. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 4
    1. Birth, Stricklett, Dorothy May
      1. Stricklett, Dorothy May (1904-)
    2. Stricklett, Dorothy May
    1. Gilmore, Inez Pearl
    1. Birth, Gilmore, Inez Pearl
      1. Gilmore, Inez Pearl (1903-1987)
    2. Gilmore, Inez Pearl
  14. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 4
    1. Keefover, Nellie Eloise
    2. Marriage, Family of Clarey, George Ellsworth and Keefover, Nellie Eloise
      1. Keefover, Nellie Eloise (1896-)
      2. Clarey, George Ellsworth (1893-1947)
    3. Clarey, George Ellsworth
  15. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 426 (Dallas - Iowa)
    1. McCoy, Geneva Frances
  16. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 426 (Dallas - Iowa)
    1. Reichenbach, Moritz "Morris"
    2. Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934,"index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 6 January 2015), Anderson Mccoy in entry for Morris Rerchenbach and Geneva Mccoy, 24 Dec 1906; citing Logan, Harrison, Iowa, United States
      1. Reichenbach, Moritz "Morris" (1876-1948)
      2. McCoy, Geneva Frances (1889-1970)
    3. McCoy, Geneva Frances
  17. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 426 (Dallas - Iowa)
    1. McCoy, Geneva Frances
  18. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 426 (Dallas - Iowa)
    1. Birth, McCoy, Geneva Frances
      1. McCoy, Geneva Frances (1889-1970)
    2. McCoy, Geneva Frances
    1. Born Maren Hansen Knack
      1. Knag, Maren Hansen (1874-1958)
    2. Knag, Maren Hansen
  19. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 426 (Dallas - Iowa)
    1. Reichenbach, Moritz "Morris"
    1. Residence, Gilmore, Inez Pearl
      1. Gilmore, Inez Pearl (1903-1987)
    2. Gilmore, Inez Pearl
  20. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 426 (Dallas - Iowa)
    1. Hoylman, Mary Eugene
  21. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 4
    1. Keefover, Nellie Eloise
    2. Marriage, Family of Clarey, George Ellsworth and Keefover, Nellie Eloise
      1. Keefover, Nellie Eloise (1896-)
      2. Clarey, George Ellsworth (1893-1947)
    3. Clarey, George Ellsworth
  22. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 450 (O'Brien - Ringgold)
    1. Knag, Jess Petersen
    2. Birth, Knag, Jess Petersen
      1. Knag, Jess Petersen (1888-)
  23. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 4
    1. Bouvier, Esther Belle
    1. Wallace, Guy Franklin
    2. Marriage, Family of Wallace, Guy Franklin and Gilmore, Inez Pearl
      1. Wallace, Guy Franklin (1888-1950)
      2. Gilmore, Inez Pearl (1903-1987)
    3. Gilmore, Inez Pearl
  24. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 426 (Dallas - Iowa)
    1. Hoylman, Mary Eugene
    1. Beaman, Argie Orval
    2. Residence, Beaman, Argie Orval
      1. Beaman, Argie Orval (1902-1975)
    1. Residence, Gilmore, Inez Pearl
      1. Gilmore, Inez Pearl (1903-1987)
    2. Gilmore, Inez Pearl
  25. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 450 (O'Brien - Ringgold)
    1. Skov, Kirstine
  26. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 5
    1. Birth, Justice, Lela Marie
      1. Justice, Lela Marie (1905-1999)
    2. Justice, Lela Marie
  27. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 5
    1. Justice, Linnaeus Loring
  28. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 5
    1. McCoy, Ida Alice
  29. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 4
    1. Keefover, Nellie Eloise
    2. Birth, Keefover, Nellie Eloise
      1. Keefover, Nellie Eloise (1896-)
    1. Birth, Gilmore, Inez Pearl
      1. Gilmore, Inez Pearl (1903-1987)
    2. Gilmore, Inez Pearl
    1. Beaman, Argie Orval
    2. Marriage, Family of Beaman, Argie Orval and Gilmore, Inez Pearl
      1. Beaman, Argie Orval (1902-1975)
      2. Gilmore, Inez Pearl (1903-1987)
    3. Gilmore, Inez Pearl
  30. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 426 (Dallas - Iowa)
    1. McCoy, William Anderson
    1. Birth, Petersen, Christian Lauritz
      1. Petersen, Christian Lauritz (1867-1931)
    2. Petersen, Christian Lauritz
  31. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 5
    1. Residence, Justice, Lela Marie
      1. Justice, Lela Marie (1905-1999)
    2. Justice, Lela Marie
  32. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 4
    1. Residence, Stricklett, Dorothy May
      1. Stricklett, Dorothy May (1904-)
    2. Stricklett, Dorothy May
  33. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 5
    1. West, Elmon Dayton
    2. Marriage, Family of West, Elmon Dayton and Justice, Lela Marie
      1. West, Elmon Dayton (1895-1935)
      2. Justice, Lela Marie (1905-1999)
    3. Justice, Lela Marie
  34. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 4
    1. Stricklett, Dorothy May
    1. Knag, Maren Hansen
    2. Petersen, Christian Lauritz
    3. Marriage, Family of Petersen, Christian Lauritz and Knag, Maren Hansen
      1. Knag, Maren Hansen (1874-1958)
      2. Petersen, Christian Lauritz (1867-1931)
  35. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 5
    1. West, Elmon Dayton
    2. Marriage, Family of West, Elmon Dayton and Justice, Lela Marie
      1. West, Elmon Dayton (1895-1935)
      2. Justice, Lela Marie (1905-1999)
    3. Justice, Lela Marie
  36. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 5
    1. West, Elmon Dayton
  37. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 4
    1. Stricklett, Dorothy May
  38. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 4
    1. Birth, Clarey, George Ellsworth
      1. Clarey, George Ellsworth (1893-1947)
    2. Clarey, George Ellsworth
    1. Wallace, Guy Franklin
    2. Marriage, Family of Wallace, Guy Franklin and Gilmore, Inez Pearl
      1. Wallace, Guy Franklin (1888-1950)
      2. Gilmore, Inez Pearl (1903-1987)
    3. Gilmore, Inez Pearl
  39. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 4
    1. Keefover, Nellie Eloise
  40. Iowa Department of Public Health; Des Moines, Iowa; Series Title: Iowa Marriage Records, 1923–1937; Record Type: Microfilm Records
    1. Reichenbach, Ferdinand
  41. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 4
    1. Clarey, George Ellsworth
    2. Residence, Clarey, George Ellsworth
      1. Clarey, George Ellsworth (1893-1947)
    1. Gilmore, Inez Pearl
  42. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 4
    1. Keefover, Nellie Eloise
    2. Residence, Keefover, Nellie Eloise
      1. Keefover, Nellie Eloise (1896-)
    1. Birth, Beaman, Argie Orval
      1. Beaman, Argie Orval (1902-1975)
    2. Beaman, Argie Orval
  43. Iowa State Archives; Des Moines, Iowa; Volume: 5
    1. West, Elmon Dayton
    2. Residence, West, Elmon Dayton
      1. West, Elmon Dayton (1895-1935)