
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Nichols. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Nichols, Ada Lee 16 December 1902 28 September 1977 Scott, John Elbert “Bud”  
Nichols, Elizabeth Ann 5 September 1590 1660 Clay, John Thomas Captain Nichols, John Goodwith, Joan
Nichols, Glenn Elvidge 19 March 1921 3 June 1972 Leone, Ingrid, Fender, Wanda Lee, Nichols, Hobart Houston Lynch, Effie May
Nichols, Hobart Houston January 1897 9 August 1959 Lynch, Effie May  
Nichols, John 1542 6 August 1597 Goodwith, Joan Nycholls, Thomas Jones, Elinor
Nichols, Margaret 16 June 1803 3 July 1865 Holmes, William O.  
Nichols, Melvin M. 9 January 1917 9 November 1998   Nichols, Hobart Houston Lynch, Effie May
Nichols, Ruth 25 June 1739 5 November 1808 Sargent, Peter  
Nichols, Wilda Jean October 1927 12 August 1996   Nichols, Hobart Houston Lynch, Effie May
Nichols, [Living]       Nichols, Glenn Elvidge Leone, Ingrid
Nichols, [Living]       Nichols, Glenn Elvidge Leone, Ingrid
Nichols, [Living]     Neuberger, [Living] Nichols, Glenn Elvidge Leone, Ingrid
Nichols, [Living]       Nichols, Hobart Houston Lynch, Effie May
Nichols, [Living]     Ashley, [Living], Smutko, [Living] Nichols, Glenn Elvidge Fender, Wanda Lee
Nichols, [Living]     Mee, [Living] Nichols, Glenn Elvidge Fender, Wanda Lee
Nichols, [Living]     McCrillia, [Living] Nichols, Glenn Elvidge Fender, Wanda Lee
Nichols, [Living]       Nichols, [Living] Neuberger, [Living]
Nichols, [Living]       Nichols, [Living] Neuberger, [Living]