
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Forbes. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Forbes, Alexander 1380 16 October 1448 Douglas, Elizabeth Mary Baroness Forbes Forbes, John Kennedy, Elizabeth Margaret
Forbes, Alexander 1510 1562 Abernethy, Beatrix Forbes, John Keith, Jean
Forbes, Alexander 25 November 1539 1592   Forbes, William Keith, Elizabeth
Forbes, Alexander 24 January 1551     Forbes, William Keith, Elizabeth
Forbes, Alexander De 1256 1304 Forbes, Ferglx De
Forbes, Alexander De 1286 1332 Forbes, Alexander De
Forbes, Annabella April 1430 1460 Gray, Patrick Forbes, Alexander Douglas, Elizabeth Mary Baroness Forbes
Forbes, Arthur 3 April 1550 1574   Forbes, William Keith, Elizabeth
Forbes, Barbara 31 January 1561 1606 Allardice, Robert  
Forbes, Benjiman Allen 12 April 1869 21 November 1924 Wright, Harriet Jeanette  
Forbes, Catherine 7 July 1554 Barclay, George Forbes, William Keith, Elizabeth
Forbes, Christian 24 June 1547 8 January 1622 Johnston, George Forbes, William Keith, Elizabeth
Forbes, Elizabeth 10 November 1545 September 1607 Sinclair, Henry Forbes, William Keith, Elizabeth
Forbes, Ferglx De 1226 1272 Forbes, John De
Forbes, Isobel 16 October 1548 11 September 1600 Gordon, John Forbes, William Keith, Elizabeth
Forbes, James 1538 29 June 1606   Forbes, William Keith, Elizabeth
Forbes, Jean 25 April 1541 1 October 1578 Ogilvy, James Lord, Logan, John Forbes, William Keith, Elizabeth
Forbes, John 1332 20 November 1406 Kennedy, Elizabeth Margaret Forbes, John De Wake, Margaret
Forbes, John 1461 1547 Lundie, Christian  
Forbes, John 1487 16 May 1556 Keith, Jean  
Forbes, John 7 March 1542 29 June 1606 Seton, Janet Forbes, William Keith, Elizabeth
Forbes, John De 1176 1225 Forbois, Duncan
Forbes, John De 1302 1331 Wake, Margaret Forbes, Alexander De
Forbes, Margaret 1428 1460 Meldrum, Alexander Forbes, Alexander Douglas, Elizabeth Mary Baroness Forbes
Forbes, William 1515 1593 Keith, Elizabeth Forbes, John Lundie, Christian
Forbes, William 2 March 1543 1592   Forbes, William Keith, Elizabeth