
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Leak. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Leak, Abram 19 April 1881 1 October 1888   Leak, George W Marshall, Nannie Ella
Leak, Ada Virginia 23 August 1876 6 November 1963   Leak, George W Marshall, Nannie Ella
Leak, Edmond Garland 15 March 1869 5 September 1904   Leak, George W Marshall, Nannie Ella
Leak, George W 1835 1 October 1888 Marshall, Nannie Ella  
Leak, Lillie May 31 May 1879 15 August 1962   Leak, George W Marshall, Nannie Ella
Leak, Luella 12 May 1874 12 October 1966   Leak, George W Marshall, Nannie Ella
Leak, Ola Lee November 1867 17 August 1904 Apperson, Thomas B Leak, George W Marshall, Nannie Ella
Leak, Pinckney Oscar 9 February 1871 22 November 1936 , Louise, , [Living] Leak, George W Marshall, Nannie Ella