
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Johnston. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Johnston, Catherine 1762   Freeland, John Johnston, Charles Wilson Blackwood, Martha
Johnston, Charles Wilson 20 February 1725 1789 Blackwood, Martha Johnston, George Wilson, Mary
Johnston, Elizabeth 1762 1842 Strayhorn, John Johnston, Charles Wilson Blackwood, Martha
Johnston, George 1700 1762 Wilson, Mary  
Johnston, George 20 February 1762 4 November 1830   Johnston, Charles Wilson Blackwood, Martha
Johnston, Margaret 1770 August 1850 Bailey, Chaldous Johnston, Charles Wilson Blackwood, Martha
Johnston, Martha   1844   Johnstone, Charles Wilson Blackwood, Martha
Johnston, Martha 1 February 1760 28 September 1846 McCauley, Mathew Johnston, Charles Wilson Blackwood, Martha
Johnston, Mary 1760 1826 Craig, Samuel Johnston, Charles Wilson Blackwood, Martha