
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Vance. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Vance, Abner 1760 16 July 1819 Howard, Susannah  
Vance, Elizabeth 1825     Vance, John Rader, Hannah
Vance, Elizabeth 1859     Vance, William Smith, Anna M
Vance, Elizabeth Deliz 1735 December 1778 Hatfield, Joseph  
Vance, Ethel Gladys 28 March 1896 1 January 1980 McCoy, William Aaron Vance, James Milo McCoy, Texas Derensy
Vance, Gail Ann 6 January 1948 15 September 1999   Vance, John Wesley Ground, Gwen Kathleen
Vance, Gaylen 16 September 1948 14 August 1994   Vance, Ilef J Turner, Melba
Vance, Glenn Milo 25 October 1921 29 November 2004 Derr, [Living] Vance, Ilef Hite, Jessie Flossie
Vance, Grace Goldine 4 November 1917 19 October 2007   Vance, James Milo , Lillian
Vance, Ilef 1857     Vance, William Smith, Anna M
Vance, Ilef 16 February 1889 19 December 1973 Hite, Jessie Flossie Vance, James Milo McCoy, Texas Derensy
Vance, Ilef J 15 April 1924 30 August 2013 Turner, Melba Vance, Ilef Hite, Jessie Flossie
Vance, Isabella 1815 1850   Vance, John Rader, Hannah
Vance, James Milo 14 April 1865 25 December 1940 McCoy, Texas Derensy Vance, William Smith, Anna M
Vance, James Milo 12 March 1891 26 August 1959 , Lillian Vance, James Milo McCoy, Texas Derensy
Vance, John 1781 1855 Rader, Hannah Vance, Abner Howard, Susannah
Vance, John Wesley 7 February 1913 22 October 1996 Ground, Gwen Kathleen Vance, James Milo , Lillian
Vance, Levi 2 August 1824 17 March 1887   Vance, John Rader, Hannah
Vance, Martin Van Buren 1863     Vance, William Smith, Anna M
Vance, Maynard Philip 22 March 1915 3 October 1995 , Joan Vance, Ilef Hite, Jessie Flossie
Vance, Nancy 2 May 1813 1895 Hatfield, Ephraim  
Vance, Nancy Ann 1823     Vance, John Rader, Hannah
Vance, Paul James 2 April 1911 May 1957   Vance, Roscoe Henry Simmons, Beulah Viola
Vance, Rachel 1810 1886 Hatfield, Jeremiah Vance, John Rader, Hannah
Vance, Raleigh 16 May 1909 11 May 1991 James, Bertha Marie Vance, James Milo McCoy, Texas Derensy
Vance, Roscoe Harrison 1868     Vance, William Smith, Anna M
Vance, Roscoe Henry 10 March 1887 17 September 1977 Simmons, Beulah Viola Vance, James Milo McCoy, Texas Derensy
Vance, Sena 1828     Vance, John Rader, Hannah
Vance, Susannah 1815     Vance, John Rader, Hannah
Vance, Tabitha 1813     Vance, John Rader, Hannah
Vance, Thomas about 1780 1850 , Mary  
Vance, Vera 1913     Vance, Ilef Hite, Jessie Flossie
Vance, Virginia Ruth 18 February 1913     Vance, Roscoe Henry Simmons, Beulah Viola
Vance, Washington 1815 1937   Vance, John Rader, Hannah
Vance, William 1811 1880   Vance, John Rader, Hannah
Vance, William 1820 1869 Smith, Ida Elva, Smith, Anna M Vance, Thomas , Mary
Vance, William 1861     Vance, William Smith, Anna M
Vance, [Living]       Vance, Glenn Milo Derr, [Living]
Vance, [Living]       Vance, Glenn Milo Derr, [Living]
Vance, [Living]     , [Living] Vance, Glenn Milo Derr, [Living]
Vance, [Living]       Vance, James Milo McCoy, Texas Derensy
Vance, [Living]       Vance, James Milo , Lillian
Vance, [Living]       Vance, Ilef Hite, Jessie Flossie
Vance, [Living]       Vance, Glenn Milo Derr, [Living]