
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Smith. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Smith, Anna M 24 February 1837 10 May 1910 Vance, William  
Smith, Cad Marie 6 January 1889 30 April 1966 McCoy, Sidney James Smith, Columbus Rathbun, Lola Elnora
Smith, Catherine 21 October 1776 22 June 1853 Armentrout, George  
Smith, Columbus 12 October 1856 23 August 1895 Rathbun, Lola Elnora, White, Caroline Louise Smith, Martin H Oberst, Elizabeth
Smith, Ethlyn Arline 13 February 1896     Smith, Lee Seltz, Victoria
Smith, Ida Elva 1832 1850 Vance, William  
Smith, J Gay 1880   , Grace  
Smith, James Claude October 1879 31 July 1914 Lindley, Carrie, Hagermaster, Anna Marie Smith, Columbus Rathbun, Lola Elnora
Smith, Lee June 1863 28 March 1916 Rathman, Seltz, Victoria Smith, Martin H Oberst, Elizabeth
Smith, Lucretia     McCoy, Selkirk  
Smith, Martin H 23 October 1832 1 December 1903 Oberst, Elizabeth, Hudson, Harriet Smith, Stephen Sanford Bishop, Lucretia
Smith, Mary Polly Goff 25 November 1754 1800 Hatfield, Ephraim  
Smith, Nettie 1865   Dunn, Cyrus A  
Smith, Rebecca 11 November 1854 22 August 1918 Wild, James Marion Smith, Martin H Oberst, Elizabeth
Smith, Roland Peros 21 April 1898 22 July 1978   Smith, Lee Seltz, Victoria
Smith, Seymour Leonal 21 April 1893 10 September 1978 Smith, [Living] Smith, Lee Seltz, Victoria
Smith, Stephen Sanford 14 April 1797   Bishop, Lucretia  
Smith, [Living]     Rathman  
Smith, [Living]       Smith, Seymour Leonal Smith, [Living]
Smith, [Living]        
Smith, [Living]       Smith, J Gay , Grace
Smith, [Living]       Smith, Seymour Leonal Smith, [Living]
Smith, [Living]     Smith, Seymour Leonal