
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Justice. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Justice, Charles about 1864 May 1940   Justice, Harvey Templeton, Dova Amanda
Justice, Edward Charles 8 January 1937 30 March 1986   Justice, James Gaylord Klingforth, Lena Mary
Justice, Emily A about 1858     Justice, Harvey Templeton, Dova Amanda
Justice, Francis Claude 24 January 1903 25 October 1967 , Edie Justice, Linnaeus Loring McCoy, Ida Alice
Justice, Harvey about 1827 21 January 1908 Templeton, Dova Amanda,  
Justice, James about 1932 14 December 1962   Justice, James Gaylord Klingforth, Lena Mary
Justice, James Gaylord 26 January 1901 14 July 1984 Klingforth, Lena Mary Justice, Linnaeus Loring McCoy, Ida Alice
Justice, James M December 1856 July 1930   Justice, Harvey Templeton, Dova Amanda
Justice, Lela Marie 10 March 1905 14 September 1999 West, Elmon Dayton Justice, Linnaeus Loring McCoy, Ida Alice
Justice, Linnaeus Loring 15 July 1860 26 February 1957 McCoy, Ida Alice, Justice, Harvey Templeton, Dova Amanda
Justice, Mary F       Justice, James Gaylord Klingforth, Lena Mary
Justice, Raymond about 1899 before 1968   Justice, Linnaeus Loring McCoy, Ida Alice
Justice, Sarah 1853     Justice, Harvey Templeton, Dova Amanda
Justice, Vivian Gertrude 19 March 1908 30 April 1975 Brewster, Harold Theodore Justice, Linnaeus Loring McCoy, Ida Alice
Justice, [Living]       Justice, James Gaylord Klingforth, Lena Mary
Justice, [Living]       Justice, Harvey Templeton, Dova Amanda
Justice, [Living]       Justice, Francis Claude , Edie
Justice, [Living]       Justice, Francis Claude , Edie
Justice, [Living]       Justice, Harvey Templeton, Dova Amanda