
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Lester. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Lester, Alethia 3 May 1852 1925 Snuffer, S J Lester, Champ McAlexander, Rachel
Lester, Catherine 1691 28 August 1764   Lester, Peter Duncalf, Mary
Lester, Champ 1808 1 September 1888 McAlexander, Rachel  
Lester, Champ Camden 27 January 1854 17 April 1859   Lester, Champ McAlexander, Rachel
Lester, Champ Edley 14 April 1900 28 January 1944   Lester, Gordon Gray, Mary Charity
Lester, Cleveland Hendricks 14 August 1885 23 May 1915   Lester, Gordon Gray, Mary Charity
Lester, Commodore Perry 26 April 1841 1911   Lester, Champ McAlexander, Rachel
Lester, Cora 23 January 1893 3 April 1923   Lester, Gordon Gray, Mary Charity
Lester, Daniel 30 March 1846 28 August 1866   Lester, Champ McAlexander, Rachel
Lester, Dora 28 May 1881 13 August 1943   Lester, Gordon Gray, Mary Charity
Lester, Gordon 7 November 1850 1 May 1935 Gray, Mary Charity Lester, Champ McAlexander, Rachel
Lester, Hannah 1686 1770   Lester, Peter Duncalf, Mary
Lester, James J 1861     Lester, Champ McAlexander, Rachel
Lester, Jarauga April 1900     Lester, Gordon Gray, Mary Charity
Lester, Jennings Bryan 23 May 1897 22 January 1926   Lester, Gordon Gray, Mary Charity
Lester, Jobe 8 September 1838 1911 Lloyd, Martha S Lester, Champ McAlexander, Rachel
Lester, Lachoma 24 January 1840 13 May 1908 Hoylman, John Jordan Lester, Champ McAlexander, Rachel
Lester, Lamar Bayard 7 August 1887 27 July 1971   Lester, Gordon Gray, Mary Charity
Lester, Lora 30 May 1879 21 January 1967   Lester, Gordon Gray, Mary Charity
Lester, Martha 1704 28 February 1797   Lester, Peter Duncalf, Mary
Lester, Mildred 15 June 1837 20 March 1914 Gray, William Lester, Champ McAlexander, Rachel
Lester, Nina May 1871     Lester, Jobe Lloyd, Martha S
Lester, Nora 23 April 1876 13 October 1959   Lester, Gordon Gray, Mary Charity
Lester, Paris Pepper 13 November 1842 1908 Sekler, Amelia Lester, Champ McAlexander, Rachel
Lester, Peter 1660 6 June 1742 Duncalf, Mary  
Lester, Rachel Isabella 7 November 1848 27 December 1856 Shumate, Peter Conrad Lester, Champ McAlexander, Rachel
Lester, Rebecca 7 November 1848 2 April 1879 Hoylman, Lycurgus Marshall Lester, Champ McAlexander, Rachel
Lester, Samuel 2 April 1836 1861   Lester, Champ McAlexander, Rachel
Lester, Tamar 24 April 1843 2 March 1894 Peters, Elijah C Lester, Champ McAlexander, Rachel
Lester, Victoria 2 July 1849 Cawley, John Lester, Champ McAlexander, Rachel
Lester, Vilas Endicott 15 October 1889 8 August 1967   Lester, Gordon Gray, Mary Charity
Lester, Virginia 15 May 1860 20 May 1860   Lester, Champ McAlexander, Rachel
Lester, Wesley 1861     Lester, Champ McAlexander, Rachel
Lester, William 3 August 1858 15 April 1859   Lester, Champ McAlexander, Rachel
Lester, Zora 9 November 1877 27 February 1937 Shrout, Alburn G Lester, Jobe Lloyd, Martha S