Kentucky Death Index, 1911-2000

Publication information Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2000;



    1. Lyon, Sarah Sally
    2. Birth, Lyon, Sarah Sally
      1. Lyon, Sarah Sally (1825-1916)
    1. McCoy, Rachel Jane
    2. Birth, McCoy, Rachel Jane
      1. McCoy, Rachel Jane (1843-1928)
    1. McCoy, Angeline "Fannie"
    2. Residence, McCoy, Angeline "Fannie"
      1. McCoy, Angeline "Fannie" (1855-1938)
    1. Birth, McCoy, Randolph
      1. McCoy, Randolph (1825-1914)
    2. McCoy, Randolph
    1. Death, McCoy, Trimble Howard
      1. McCoy, Trimble Howard (1908-1968)
    2. McCoy, Trimble Howard
  1. Database online.
    1. See 'story' about his burial.
      1. Vass, Stephen Taylor (1824-1917)
    2. Vass, Stephen Taylor
    1. McCoy, Trimble Howard
    1. McCoy, Eugene Sr
    1. Death, McCoy, Angeline "Fannie"
      1. McCoy, Angeline "Fannie" (1855-1938)
    2. McCoy, Angeline "Fannie"
    1. Death, Lyon, Sarah Sally
      1. Lyon, Sarah Sally (1825-1916)
    2. Lyon, Sarah Sally
    1. McCoy, Eugene Sr
    2. Birth, McCoy, Eugene Sr
      1. McCoy, Eugene Sr (1873-1933)
    1. McCoy, Edward Lee
    1. Death, Lester, Jobe
      1. Lester, Jobe (1838-1911)
    2. Lester, Jobe
    1. Death, McCoy, Edward Lee
      1. McCoy, Edward Lee (1920-1995)
    2. McCoy, Edward Lee
    1. Residence, McCoy, Johnson
      1. McCoy, Johnson (1860-1944)
    2. McCoy, Johnson
    1. Clark, Charles Julius
    2. Residence, Clark, Charles Julius
      1. Clark, Charles Julius (1864-1956)
    1. Death, McCoy, William
      1. McCoy, William (1866-1937)
    2. McCoy, William
    1. Birth, McCoy, Angeline "Fannie"
      1. McCoy, Angeline "Fannie" (1855-1938)
    2. McCoy, Angeline "Fannie"
    1. Clark, Charles Julius
    1. Lyon, Sarah Sally
    1. McCoy, Rachel Jane
    1. Is this the right Trimble? Born so far from Pike Co?
      1. McCoy, Trimble Howard (1908-1968)
    2. McCoy, Trimble Howard
    1. McCoy, Randolph
    1. Residence, McCoy, Trimble Howard
      1. McCoy, Trimble Howard (1908-1968)
    2. McCoy, Trimble Howard
    1. McCoy, Rachel Jane
    2. Obituary appears on p 5 of the 15 Nov 1928 edition of the Ashland Daily Independent.
      1. McCoy, Rachel Jane (1843-1928)
    1. Lester, Jobe
    2. Birth, Lester, Jobe
      1. Lester, Jobe (1838-1911)
  2. Database online.
    1. Vass, Stephen Taylor
    2. Birth, Vass, Stephen Taylor
      1. Vass, Stephen Taylor (1824-1917)
    1. Death, McCoy, Randolph
      1. McCoy, Randolph (1825-1914)
    2. McCoy, Randolph
    1. Age: 91. Burial in Williams Cemetery, Ashland, Boyd, KY.
      1. Clark, Charles Julius (1864-1956)
    2. Clark, Charles Julius
    1. McCoy, William
    2. Birth, McCoy, William
      1. McCoy, William (1866-1937)
    1. Lester, Jobe
    1. Birth, Clark, Charles Julius
      1. Clark, Charles Julius (1864-1956)
    2. Clark, Charles Julius
  3. Database online.
    1. Vass, Stephen Taylor
    1. Birth, McCoy, Edward Lee
      1. McCoy, Edward Lee (1920-1995)
    2. McCoy, Edward Lee
    1. McCoy, William
    1. McCoy, Johnson
    1. Death, McCoy, Eugene Sr
      1. McCoy, Eugene Sr (1873-1933)
    2. McCoy, Eugene Sr
    1. McCoy, Angeline "Fannie"
    1. McCoy, Johnson
    2. Tombstone gives death year as 1943, which disagrees with official records. Birth date is also wrong on the headstone.
      1. McCoy, Johnson (1860-1944)
    1. Residence, McCoy, Edward Lee
      1. McCoy, Edward Lee (1920-1995)
    2. McCoy, Edward Lee