
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Strange. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Strange, Baldwin Le 1070 1125   Strange, Guy Le Peverel, Mellette le
Strange, Eubolo Le about 1286 October 1335 Lacy, Alice de  
Strange, Guy Le 1048 1105 Peverel, Mellette le Metz Le Strange, Hoel II De Cornuaille De Bretagne, Hawise De Rennes De
Strange, John Le I 1132 29 September 1178 Cheswardine, Hawise Strange, Roald (Roland) le Hunstanton, Maud (Mathilda) Le Brun de
Strange, John Le IV 1226 26 February 1275 Somery, Joan De Strange, John le Tregoz, Lucy de
Strange, John Le V 1254 8 August 1309 Montz, Eleanor de, Montibus, Maud de Strange, John Le IV Somery, Joan De
Strange, John le 1157 20 January 1234 Fusche, Amicia La Strange, John Le I Cheswardine, Hawise
Strange, John le 1193 24 March 1269 Tregoz, Lucy de Strange, John le Fusche, Amicia La
Strange, Matilda 1333 1357 Warenne, John  
Strange, Matilda le 1306 1330 Warenne, Griffith de Strange, John Le V Montibus, Maud de
Strange, Roald (Roland) le 1096 1158 Hunstanton, Maud (Mathilda) Le Brun de Strange, Guy Le Peverel, Mellette le
Strange, [Living]     Villacorta, [Living]  
Strange, [Living]       Strange, [Living] Villacorta, [Living]