
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Hastings. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Hastings, Ada 1221 1266 Strathbogie, John  
Hastings, Alice De 1352 20 October 1410 Rochford, John Hastings, Hugh De Everingham, Margaret De
Hastings, Edward 21 May 1381 6 January 1437 Denham, Meryell Hastings, Hugh De Everingham, Margaret De
Hastings, Elizabeth 1351 1419   Hastings, Hugh De Everingham, Margaret De
Hastings, Hugh De 1336 September 1369 Everingham, Margaret De Hastings, Hugh de Folliet, Margaret
Hastings, Hugh de 1307 July 1347 Folliet, Margaret Le Despencer, Isabella
Hastings, Hugh de 1362 6 November 1386 Despencer, Anne Le Hastings, Hugh De Everingham, Margaret De
Hastings, John 1345     Hastings, Hugh De Everingham, Margaret De
Hastings, Margaret 1355 August 1387 Wingfield, John Hastings, Hugh De Everingham, Margaret De