
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Harcourt. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Harcourt, Alice De 1181 September 1212 Newburgh, Waleran De Earl of Warwick Harcourt, Robert Camville, Isabel Millicent De
Harcourt, Alice Lesseline Turqueville de 980 26 January 1057 Montdidier, Hildouin de III  
Harcourt, Anchetil de 1070 1100 Braose, Matilda De Harcourt, Robert Strong de Argouges, Colede d
Harcourt, Aubreye de 1135 before 1205 Trussebut, William  
Harcourt, Bernard ‘The Dane’ Prince of Denmark Chief Council to Rollo Governor and Regent to the Duchy of Normandy about 904 about 955 Burgandy, Sphreta Sprote Berengaria De Harcourt, Bruno Norman Angrian Sachsen Saxon, Hasalda de Princess of Holstein-Sachsen
Harcourt, Bruno Norman Angrian Sachsen 856 913 Saxon, Hasalda de Princess of Holstein-Sachsen Harcourt, Bruno von Sachsen I Count of Saxony Lord of Brunsberge Montfort, Sabana De
Harcourt, Bruno von Sachsen I Count of Saxony Lord of Brunsberge 766 844 Montfort, Sabana De Wigebart, Duke Friesland, Sindacilla De
Harcourt, Henry 1106     Harcourt, Anchetil de Braose, Matilda De
Harcourt, Humphrey 980 28 September 1044 Haie, Aubreye de la  
Harcourt, Humphrey 1022 28 September 1044 DeLaHaie, Aubreye  
Harcourt, Isabeau 1311 1330 Brienne, Jean dé  
Harcourt, Ivo 1130 1180 DeBraose, Agnes Alive Harcourt, William Ambroise, Agnes
Harcourt, John de VII Count 25 April 1370 18 December 1452 Alençon, Marie d'  
Harcourt, Lezeline de 990 26 January 1079 Normandy, William of Count of Eu Harcourt, Turchetil de Montfort, Adeline de
Harcourt, Lezieline De 26 January 1079 Count of Eu, William I “de Hiesmes”  
Harcourt, Philip 1102 1163   Harcourt, Anchetil de Braose, Matilda De
Harcourt, Richard 1104   Harcourt, Anchetil de Braose, Matilda De
Harcourt, Richard D. 1180 1206 Quincy, Arabella de  
Harcourt, Robert 1152 1202 Camville, Isabel Millicent De Harcourt, Ivo DeBraose, Agnes Alive
Harcourt, Robert Strong de 1037 1100 Argouges, Colede d Anchetil, Seigneur Harcourt Boissay, Eve le Chatel de
Harcourt, Torf ‘The Rich’ Seigneur Torville Lord de about 920 1013 Bricquebec, Ertemberge Emberga de Harcourt, Bernard 'The Dane' Prince of Denmark Chief Council to Rollo Governor and Regent to the Duchy of Normandy Burgandy, Sphreta Sprote Berengaria De
Harcourt, Tourude De “The Woodcutter” 950 1040 Crepon, Senfrie De Harcourt, Torf 'The Rich' Seigneur Torville Lord de Bricquebec, Ertemberge Emberga de
Harcourt, Turchetil de 951 1036 Montfort, Adeline de Harcourt, Torf 'The Rich' Seigneur Torville Lord de Bricquebec, Ertemberge Emberga de
Harcourt, William 1100 1148 Ambroise, Agnes Harcourt, Anchetil de Braose, Matilda De