
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Plantagenet. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Plantagenet, Adela 1162 1220 Fitz William, William Plantagenet De Warenne, Hamelin Earl of Surrey and Warenne Warenne, Isabell de
Plantagenet, Adelais Judith 1007 27 July 1037 Capet, Renaud Borel  
Plantagenet, Alfonso 24 November 1273 19 August 1284   Plantagenet, Edward I Longshanks I Castile, Eleanor De
Plantagenet, Alice of Norfolk 1324 NO 1351 Montagu, Edward de Plantagenet of Brotherton, Thomas
Plantagenet, Almaric King of Jerusalem 1131 11 July 1174 Comnena, Maria, Courtenay, Agnes de Plantagenet, Fulques V "The Younger" De Anjou King of Jerusalem Count of Anjou Maine, Ermengarde du
Plantagenet, Baldwin III 1128 1131   Plantagenet, Fulques V "The Younger" De Anjou King of Jerusalem Count of Anjou Edesse, Melisende d
Plantagenet, Beatrice 25 June 1242 24 March 1275 Dreux, John De Plantagenet, Henry III Berenger, Eleanor of Provence de
Plantagenet, Berengaria 1 May 1276 27 June 1278   Plantagenet, Edward I Longshanks I Castile, Eleanor De
Plantagenet, Blanche of Lancaster Baroness Wake of Liddell       Plantagenet, Henry "Tortcol" Earl of Lancaster Chaworth, Maud de
Plantagenet, Child May 1255 29 May 1255   Plantagenet, Edward I Longshanks I Castile, Eleanor De
Plantagenet, Child December 1277 January 1278   Plantagenet, Edward I Longshanks I Castile, Eleanor De
Plantagenet, Edmund 26 December 1250 1 October 1300 Clare, Margaret de  
Plantagenet, Edmund 5 August 1301 19 March 1330 Wake, Margaret Plantagenet, Edward I Longshanks I Capet de France, Margaret
Plantagenet, Edmund “Crouchback” Prince of England 16 January 1245 5 June 1296 Naverre de Artois Plantagenet, Blanche, Forz, Aveline of Plantagenet, Henry III Berenger, Eleanor of Provence de
Plantagenet, Edward I Longshanks I 17 June 1239 7 July 1307 Capet de France, Margaret, Castile, Eleanor De Plantagenet, Henry III Berenger, Eleanor of Provence de
Plantagenet, Edward II King of England 25 April 1284 21 September 1327 Capet, Isabella Plantagenet, Edward I Longshanks I Castile, Eleanor De
Plantagenet, Edward III King of England 13 November 1312 21 June 1377 Hainault, Philippa Countess of Hainaut-Hainault Queen Consort of England Plantagenet, Edward II King of England Capet, Isabella
Plantagenet, Edward “The Black Prince” Prince of Wales 15 June 1330 8 June 1376 Kent, Joan de Plantagenet, Edward III King of England Hainault, Philippa Countess of Hainaut-Hainault Queen Consort of England
Plantagenet, Eleanor 1215 13 April 1275 Marshell, William, Montfort, Simon de Plantagenet (Lackland), John Angouleme De Taillefer de Plantagenet, Isabella
Plantagenet, Eleanor 18 June 1269 19 August 1298 Bar, Henry III Count of Bar Plantagenet, Edward I Longshanks I Castile, Eleanor De
Plantagenet, Eleanor 6 May 1306 1310   Plantagenet, Edward I Longshanks I Capet de France, Margaret
Plantagenet, Eleanor 11 September 1311 11 January 1372 Fitz Alan, Richard Earl of Arundel and Warenne, Beaumont, John Plantagenet, Henry "Tortcol" Earl of Lancaster Chaworth, Maud de
Plantagenet, Eleanor Leonora 13 October 1162 31 October 1214 Castile, Alfonzo Sanchez VIII The Noble Plantagenet, Henry II King of England Aquitaine, Eleanor of Duchess of Aquitaine Queen of France Queen of England
Plantagenet, Eleonore 1250 1282 Percy, Hendrik  
Plantagenet, Elizabeth 7 August 1282 5 May 1316 Bohun, Humphrey De VIII Earl of Hereford and Essex, Van Holland, Jan i de Graaf van Holland Graaf van Zeeland I Plantagenet, Edward I Longshanks I Castile, Eleanor De
Plantagenet, Fulques V “The Younger” De Anjou King of Jerusalem Count of Anjou 1092 10 November 1143 Maine, Ermengarde du, Edesse, Melisende d Anjou, Fulk de IV Rechin The Rude Montfort, Bertrade De
Plantagenet, Geoffrey V 24 August 1113 7 September 1151 Angers, Adelaide, Plantagenet, Matilda Alice Plantagenet, Fulques V "The Younger" De Anjou King of Jerusalem Count of Anjou Maine, Ermengarde du
Plantagenet, Geoffrey 1 June 1134 27 July 1135   Plantagenet, Geoffrey V Plantagenet, Matilda Alice
Plantagenet, Geoffrey II 23 September 1158 19 August 1186 Plantagenet-de Bretagne, Constance Plantagenet, Henry II King of England Aquitaine, Eleanor of Duchess of Aquitaine Queen of France Queen of England
Plantagenet, Henry II King of England 25 March 1133 6 July 1189 Aquitaine, Eleanor of Duchess of Aquitaine Queen of France Queen of England Plantagenet, Geoffrey V Plantagenet, Matilda Alice
Plantagenet, Henry King of England Duke of Normandy Count of Anjou 28 February 1155 11 June 1183 , Marguerite of France, France, Marguerite Princess Plantagenet, Henry II King of England Aquitaine, Eleanor of Duchess of Aquitaine Queen of France Queen of England
Plantagenet, Henry III 1 October 1207 16 November 1272 Berenger, Eleanor of Provence de Plantagenet (Lackland), John Angouleme De Taillefer de Plantagenet, Isabella
Plantagenet, Henry 13 July 1267 14 October 1274   Plantagenet, Edward I Longshanks I Castile, Eleanor De
Plantagenet, Henry 30 May 1366 20 March 1413 Navarre, Joan D', Bohun, Mary De Gaunt, John of Duke of Lancaster Lancaster, Blanche of
Plantagenet, Henry “Tortcol” Earl of Lancaster 1281 22 September 1345 Chaworth, Maud de Plantagenet, Edmund "Crouchback" Prince of England Naverre de Artois Plantagenet, Blanche
Plantagenet, Ida de Toeni Countess of Norfolk 1155 2 August 1221 Bigod, Roger 2nd Earl of Norfolk Plantagenet De Warenne, Hamelin Earl of Surrey and Warenne Warenne, Isabell de
Plantagenet, Isabel 1214 1 December 1241 Hohenstaufen, Frederick II Holy Roman Emperor Plantagenet (Lackland), John Angouleme De Taillefer de Plantagenet, Isabella
Plantagenet, Isabel 1308 1 February 1347 Dale, Henry de la Plantagenet, Henry "Tortcol" Earl of Lancaster Chaworth, Maud de
Plantagenet, Joan 22 July 1190 4 March 1237 Scotland, Alexander of II Plantagenet (Lackland), John Angouleme De Taillefer de Plantagenet, Isabella
Plantagenet, Joan June 1265 7 September 1265   Plantagenet, Edward I Longshanks I Castile, Eleanor De
Plantagenet, Joan April 1272 23 April 1307 Clare, Gilbert de, Monthermer, Ralph de Plantagenet, Edward I Longshanks I Castile, Eleanor De
Plantagenet, Joan 5 July 1321 14 August 1362   Plantagenet, Edward II King of England Capet, Isabella
Plantagenet, Joan de Navarre 14 January 1271 2 April 1305 Capet, Philippe IV King of France Plantagenet, Edmund "Crouchback" Prince of England Naverre de Artois Plantagenet, Blanche
Plantagenet, Joan of Lancaster 1312 7 July 1349 Mowbray, John de Plantagenet, Henry "Tortcol" Earl of Lancaster Chaworth, Maud de
Plantagenet, Joanna 10 October 1165 24 September 1199 Toulouse, Raymond of VI, Sicily, William of II King Plantagenet, Henry II King of England Aquitaine, Eleanor of Duchess of Aquitaine Queen of France Queen of England
Plantagenet, John 13 July 1266 3 August 1271   Plantagenet, Edward I Longshanks I Castile, Eleanor De
Plantagenet, John Lord Beaufort May 1286 1327 Joinville, Alix de Plantagenet, Edmund "Crouchback" Prince of England Naverre de Artois Plantagenet, Blanche
Plantagenet, Juliana Catherine May 1271 5 September 1271   Plantagenet, Edward I Longshanks I Castile, Eleanor De
Plantagenet, Katherine 17 June 1264 5 September 1264   Plantagenet, Edward I Longshanks I Castile, Eleanor De
Plantagenet, Margaret 29 September 1240 26 February 1275 Canmore, Alexander de III King of Scotland Plantagenet, Henry III Berenger, Eleanor of Provence de
Plantagenet, Margaret 15 March 1275 11 March 1333 Brabant, John de II The Peaceful Plantagenet, Edward I Longshanks I Castile, Eleanor De
Plantagenet, Margaret Duchess Norfolk 1320 24 March 1399 Manny, Walter, Seagrave, John De 4th Lord  
Plantagenet, Maria 1320 1 September 1362 Percy, Henry de  
Plantagenet, Mary 11 March 1278 29 May 1332   Plantagenet, Edward I Longshanks I Castile, Eleanor De
Plantagenet, Mary 1288 1289   Plantagenet, Edmund "Crouchback" Prince of England Naverre de Artois Plantagenet, Blanche
Plantagenet, Mary Baroness Percy 1320 1 September 1362 De Percy, Henry Earl of Northumberland Plantagenet, Henry "Tortcol" Earl of Lancaster Chaworth, Maud de
Plantagenet, Matilda 1156 28 June 1189 Saxony, Henry de “The Lion” Plantagenet, Henry II King of England Aquitaine, Eleanor of Duchess of Aquitaine Queen of France Queen of England
Plantagenet, Matilda Alice 5 August 1102 10 September 1169 Saxony, Henry Heinrich de V Holy Roman Empero, Plantagenet, Geoffrey V Beauclerc, Henry King of England I Caenmore, Matilda Maud Eadgyth
Plantagenet, Maud de Lancaster 1298 22 September 1345   Plantagenet, Henry "Tortcol" Earl of Lancaster Chaworth, Maud de
Plantagenet, Richard I Lionheart King of England 8 September 1157 6 April 1199 Navarre, Berengaria of Plantagenet, Henry II King of England Aquitaine, Eleanor of Duchess of Aquitaine Queen of France Queen of England
Plantagenet, Richard “Duke Of York” 21 September 1411 31 December 1460 Button, Joan  
Plantagenet, Richard De Cornwall 5 January 1209 2 April 1272 Marshall, Isabel Plantagenet (Lackland), John Angouleme De Taillefer de Plantagenet, Isabella
Plantagenet, Sybilla 1116 1165   Plantagenet, Fulques V "The Younger" De Anjou King of Jerusalem Count of Anjou Maine, Ermengarde du
Plantagenet, Thomas 1278 22 March 1321 Lacy, Alice de Plantagenet, Edmund "Crouchback" Prince of England Naverre de Artois Plantagenet, Blanche
Plantagenet, Thomas 1 June 1300 4 August 1338 Hales, Alice De Plantagenet, Edward I Longshanks I Capet de France, Margaret
Plantagenet, Thomas 6th Baron of Burford de Cornwall 1407 1472 Lenthall, Elizabeth  
Plantagenet, Thomas Woodstock 7 January 1353 9 September 1397 Bohun of Woodstock, Eleanor De Plantagenet, Edward III King of England Hainault, Philippa Countess of Hainaut-Hainault Queen Consort of England
Plantagenet, William 17 August 1152 April 1156   Plantagenet, Henry II King of England Aquitaine, Eleanor of Duchess of Aquitaine Queen of France Queen of England
Plantagenet, William June 1177 22 June 1177   Plantagenet, Henry King of England Duke of Normandy Count of Anjou , Marguerite of France
Plantagenet, William Guillaume 21 July 1136 30 January 1163 FitzJohn, Cecily FitzPayn Plantagenet, Geoffrey V Plantagenet, Matilda Alice