
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Howard. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Howard, Ann 1632 8 August 1672 Maccubbin, John Howard, Matthew Arundell Sr. Hall, Anne
Howard, Ann 5 January 1820     Howard, John Claypool, Ellen
Howard, Catherine 1588 27 January 1672 Cecil, William Salisbury Howard, Thomas Earl of Suffolk Baron de Walden Knyvett, Catherine
Howard, Charles 8 November 1802 Rector, Rebecca Howard, John Claypool, Ellen
Howard, Cornelius 1637 15 October 1680 Sisson, Elizabeth Todd, Howard, Matthew Arundell Sr. Hall, Anne
Howard, Cornelius 1665 23 February 1717 Hammond, Mary Katherine Howard, Cornelius Sisson, Elizabeth Todd
Howard, Eleanor Ellen 1 July 1813 5 February 1892 White, Asa Howard, John Claypool, Ellen
Howard, Elizabeth 1639 9 August 1695 Ridgely, Henry Howard, Matthew Arundell Sr. Hall, Anne
Howard, Elizabeth 1672 1710 Norwood, Andrew, Howard, Cornelius Sisson, Elizabeth Todd
Howard, Elizabeth 1721 2 September 1803 Magruder, Alexander  
Howard, Elizabeth 27 November 1808 3 April 1894 Crawford, John Rev. Howard, John Claypool, Ellen
Howard, Ellinor 1636 1674   Howard, Matthew Arundell Sr. Hall, Anne
Howard, Frances 1569 11 July 1628 Brooke, Henry  
Howard, George Washington 1 April 1822 19 October 1902 Whitten, Mary Ann Howard, John Claypool, Ellen
Howard, Hannah 1701 1777 Jacob, Richard Howard, Joseph Elphingstone Dorsey, Hannah
Howard, Henry 11 April 1811 1856   Howard, John Claypool, Ellen
Howard, John 1 December 1578 4 April 1642 Lock, Elizabeth Howard, Robert Buxton, Phillipa
Howard, John Sr 1635 1696   Howard, Matthew Arundell Sr. Hall, Anne
Howard, John 23 November 1778 20 March 1854 Claypool, Ellen  
Howard, John 9 December 1817 7 February 1891 Coy, Phoebe Jane Howard, John Claypool, Ellen
Howard, Joseph 1718   Williams, Margaret  
Howard, Joseph 5 February 1826 10 July 1829   Howard, John Claypool, Ellen
Howard, Joseph Elphingstone 1676 23 July 1736 Dorsey, Hannah Howard, Cornelius Sisson, Elizabeth Todd
Howard, Margaret 1546 6 October 1646 Warner, John  
Howard, Mary 1642 29 October 1706 Bunker, Jonathan Howard, Matthew Arundell Sr. Hall, Anne
Howard, Mary Ellen     Howell, Jacob S.  
Howard, Matthew Arundell Sr. 1 June 1609 4 September 1659 Hall, Anne, Howard, John Lock, Elizabeth
Howard, Muriel Viscountess Lisle 1486 14 December 1512 Knyvett, Thomas  
Howard, Nancy 21 September 1815 15 September 1853 Lomax, John H. Howard, John Claypool, Ellen
Howard, Nancy 1841   Wright, John H.  
Howard, Nancy J. 1 March 1838 28 November 1921 Howell, John S.  
Howard, Nathaniell 1714   Safford, Mercy Sarah  
Howard, Philip 1640 18 November 1696   Howard, Matthew Arundell Sr. Hall, Anne
Howard, Rachel     Hopping, John  
Howard, Rebecca 14 October 1804 3 September 1850 Satterfield, Moses Howard, John Claypool, Ellen
Howard, Robert 1385 1 April 1437 Mowbray, Margaret de  
Howard, Robert January 1537 1598 Buxton, Phillipa  
Howard, Samuel 1638 1658   Howard, Matthew Arundell Sr. Hall, Anne
Howard, Sarah 1666 1700   Howard, Cornelius Sisson, Elizabeth Todd
Howard, Sarah 1668 21 December 1726 Worthington, John  
Howard, Sarah Virginia “Jenny” 15 July 1850 20 October 1917 Morris, Benjamin Franklin  
Howard, Stephen 17 December 1806 24 February 1875 Bonner, Telitha Ellen, Coffey, Martha Howard, John Claypool, Ellen
Howard, Susan Arundell 1633 1670   Howard, Matthew Arundell Sr. Hall, Anne
Howard, Susannah 25 June 1716 1773 Jacob, Zachariah  
Howard, Thomas Earl of Suffolk Baron de Walden 24 August 1561 28 May 1626 Knyvett, Catherine  
Howard, Thomas 1581 16 July 1669 Cecil, Elizabeth  
Howard, Thomas 7 July 1585 4 October 1646 Talbot, Alethea Countess of Arundel