
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Courcy. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Courcy, Baldric Teuton Sire De 969 1066 Normandy, Muriella De  
Courcy, Fergus De 1195     Courcy, John de Godredsdotter, Affrica
Courcy, John De 1205 1206   Courcy, John de Godredsdotter, Affrica
Courcy, John De 1258 1291 Courcy, Miles De O'Brien, Annor
Courcy, John de 1170 September 1219 Godredsdotter, Affrica Courcy, William de Aquila, Juliana de
Courcy, Miles De 1230 1290 O'Brien, Annor Courcy, Patrick De Fitz Stephen, Margery
Courcy, Patrick De 1190 1251 Fitz Stephen, Margery Courcy, John de Godredsdotter, Affrica
Courcy, Richard de 1040 1098 , Wandelmode Gaudelmodis de Courcy, Robert De , Hebrea
Courcy, Robert De 1006 1058 , Hebrea Courcy, Baldric Teuton Sire De Normandy, Muriella De
Courcy, Robert de 1070 1114 Grentmesnil, Rose de Courcy, Richard de , Wandelmode Gaudelmodis de
Courcy, Robert de 1093 1157 Tankerville, Agnes de Courcy, Robert de Grentmesnil, Rose de
Courcy, William de 1125 1171 Aquila, Juliana de Courcy, Robert de Tankerville, Agnes de