
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of France. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
France, Aelis Adele 1009 8 January 1079 Normandy, Richard of  
France, Benoite De 960 1060 Mons, Gossuin de I  
France, Charles VI “le Bien-Aimé or The Beloved” de Valois King of 3 December 1368 21 October 1422 Bavaria Wittelsbach, Isabelle or Isabeau de Queen of France Capet, Charles V 'Le Sage' 'The Wis King of France Bourbon, Jeanne de Queen of France
France, Constansia 1078 25 January 1124 Antioche, Boemond I France, Philippe of I Hainault, Bertha De
France, Eudes 1087 1096   France, Philippe of I Hainault, Bertha De
France, Henri 1083 1085   France, Philippe of I Hainault, Bertha De
France, Henri of I 11 May 1008 4 August 1060 Yaroslavna, Anna Agnesa Capet, Robert II The Pious King of France Toulouse, Constance De
France, Hildebrante Countess Vermandois 897 931 Vermandois, Herbert Capet, Robert I King of France Vermandois, Beatrice de
France, Marguerite Princess     Plantagenet, Henry King of England Duke of Normandy Count of Anjou  
France, Matilda De 943 1017 Burgundy, Conrad I “The Peaceful”, Bellay, Adelaide D'Outremer, Louis IV King of France Saxony, Gerberge Duchess of Lorraine and Maine von
France, Philippe of I 23 May 1053 29 July 1108 Hainault, Bertha De France, Henri of I Yaroslavna, Anna Agnesa
France, Robert Fortis 25 August 866 Adelheid, Adbelahide  
France, Robert Fortis 25 August 866 Adelheid, Adbelahide