
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Button. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Button, Amy 1571     Button, Miles Lewis, Margaret
Button, Ann 1569     Button, Miles Lewis, Margaret
Button, Ann December 1604 1704 Hull, James Button, Thomas Price, Mary
Button, Ann 4 May 1634     Button, William Clayton, Etheldreda
Button, Catherine 1575     Button, Miles Lewis, Margaret
Button, Edward 1563     Button, Miles Lewis, Margaret
Button, Elizabeth 9 October 1636     Button, William Clayton, Etheldreda
Button, Elizabeth 3 May 1645 20 December 1677 Kingsbury, John Button, Matthias Teagle, Lettyce
Button, Etheldreda 13 October 1639     Button, William Clayton, Etheldreda
Button, Hywel 1330 Tuberville, Gwenllian Button, Thomas deBrian, Cecily
Button, Hywel 1370   Ieuan, Elen ferch Button, Thomas , Gwenllian ferch Hywel Gam
Button, James 1500 Prichard, Jane Button, Rodger Kemeys, Maud
Button, James 1567     Button, Miles Lewis, Margaret
Button, Joan 1413 1440 Plantagenet, Richard “Duke Of York”  
Button, Joan 6 March 1641     Button, William Clayton, Etheldreda
Button, John 1588 1 October 1628 Poveton, Ellen Marie Button, Thomas Price, Mary
Button, Mary 1573     Button, Miles Lewis, Margaret
Button, Mary 2 September 1632     Button, William Clayton, Etheldreda
Button, Matthias 11 October 1607 13 August 1672 Wheeler, Elizabeth, Teagle, Lettyce Button, Thomas Price, Mary
Button, Miles 1532 22 September 1597 Lewis, Margaret Button, James Prichard, Jane
Button, Nicolas 1400   Andrew, Margery Button, Hywel Ieuan, Elen ferch
Button, Robert 1586 1650 Vermais, Abigail Button, Thomas Price, Mary
Button, Rodger 1475 Kemeys, Maud Button, Thomas Thomas, Jane
Button, Sarah 11 May 1652 1690 Kingsbury, James Button, Matthias Teagle, Lettyce
Button, Submit 8 August 1561     Button, Miles Lewis, Margaret
Button, Thomas 1320 deBrian, Cecily apThomas, William Run, Jonet ferch
Button, Thomas 1350 1446 , Gwenllian ferch Hywel Gam Button, Hywel Tuberville, Gwenllian
Button, Thomas 1445 Thomas, Jane Button, Nicolas Andrew, Margery
Button, Thomas 1558 1634 Price, Mary Button, Miles Lewis, Margaret
Button, William 1565     Button, Miles Lewis, Margaret
Button, William 23 November 1600 23 November 1660 Clayton, Etheldreda Button, Thomas Price, Mary