Ancestry Family Trees

Publication information Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.;



  1. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Plantagenet (Lackland), John
  2. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. , Joan
  3. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Plantagenet, Edward I Longshanks I
  4. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Moore, Almeda P
  5. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crichton, Robert
  6. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Moore, Riley William
  7. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Guthrie, Alonzo
  8. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Coulson, Mary Anna
  9. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Curry, Orville L
  10. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crow, Frank Evins
  11. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Kennedy, Gilbert
  12. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Taffner, Nellie May
  13. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Lewis, Thomas
  14. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Keith, Edward
  15. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Marshall, Mary
  16. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Schempp, Dorothea Katharina
  17. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. McDonald, Elizabeth
  18. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Duvall, George Wesley
  19. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Donier, Mary
  20. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Byrd, Margery
  21. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Bramlett, Bertha
  22. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crossland, Lucy
  23. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Cantrell, Martha Ida
  24. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Clare, Gilbert De
  25. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Palmer, Thomas Jefferson
  26. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Coult, George Benjamin
  27. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Folds
  28. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Levine, Nathan
  29. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Dalrymple, John Henry
  30. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Lochner, Albert
  31. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Lohrengel, Eugenia
  32. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Cranford, Leo Melvin"Abe"
  33. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hemmingsdr, Mette Kirstine
  34. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Kindred, Myra Mollie
  35. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Gutekunst, Michael
  36. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Clare, Gilbert Crispin De Brionne de
  37. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Rollos, Adeline de
  38. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Kennedy, Asa Scott
  39. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crow, Leo Fay
  40. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Curry, Lillie May
  41. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crichton, Robert
  42. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crow, Everett Marvin
  43. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Terrell, John James
  44. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Byrd, Anne
  45. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crossland, John
  46. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crossland, Richard
  47. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hainault, Baudouin II
  48. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Baggard, Richard
  49. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Minnemann, Johanne Maria Dorothee
  50. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hemmingsen, Hemming
  51. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Jones, Anne
  52. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Zerban, Cornelia
  53. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Osburn, Dennis Leroy
  54. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Seaton, Chetellus de
  55. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Ogle, John T
  56. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Keith, Joneta
  57. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crabb, Ralph
  58. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Purnell, Esther
  59. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Verdon, Margaret De
  60. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crichton, Thurstan
  61. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Mercer, Helena
  62. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Cranford, Monroe
  63. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Clare, Geoffroy Godfrey Brionne de
  64. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Schmautz, Christiana Katherina
  65. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Montgomery, Ursula
  66. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Davidson, Blanche Icle Bertha
  67. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Cranford, Nancy C
  68. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Fitz Gilbert de Clare, Baldwin Lord of Bourne
  69. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Fleming, Janet
  70. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Claggett, Flora
  71. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Clare, Richard Fitz Gilbert De Tonbridge De
  72. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Lochner, Elsworth
  73. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crossland, John Thomas Jr.
  74. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Palmer, William Howard
  75. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Pype, Thomas De
  76. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. , Maud
  77. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. , Isabel
  78. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Morris, Edward
  79. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Munfode, John
  80. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Triplett, Cora
  81. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hemmingsdr, Karen Marie
  82. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Galfridus
  83. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Stacks, John Morgan
  84. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Butler, James Boliver
  85. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Bouvier, Emma Virginia
  86. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Taffner, John Thomas
  87. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Johnson, Ruby J
  88. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Courvoisier-Piot, Eugenie C
  89. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hemmingsen, Niels
  90. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Atkinson, William
  91. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Mohun, Maud de
  92. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Abbott, Charles Orlen
  93. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Elliot, Bertha Jean
  94. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Kalberer, Maria
  95. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Kitchens, Joseph Huckley
  96. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Somerville, Philip
  97. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hemmingsen, Grethe Stine
  98. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Kennedy, Virgil Asa
  99. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. , Ida
  100. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Wachter, Emil Anton
  101. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Ostertag, Johann Jacob
  102. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Lewis, Jacob
  103. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Clare, Isabella de
  104. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Montgomery, James Malcome
  105. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Rector, Lewis
  106. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Clare, Richard De
  107. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. , Eda
  108. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Zouche, Joscelin Vicount Porhoet La
  109. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Keinburch
  110. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Claggett, Ann
  111. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Benzinger, Johann Ferdinand
  112. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Olson, Lars Louis
  113. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Stacks, Masleane
  114. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. McPeek, Wanda Maurine
  115. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Musgrave, William
  116. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Moone, Alice
  117. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Fleming, Marriot
  118. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Dayrell, Dorothy
  119. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hemmingsen, Bodil Margarethe
  120. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Holtberg, Albert
  121. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Wyndesore, William de
  122. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Benzinger, Marie Gottliebin
  123. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Murray, William
  124. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Lohrengel, Carl Frederick
  125. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Larsen, Hemming
  126. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Olson, Matilda
  127. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Craig, Mary "Polly"
  128. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Bowen, Martha
  129. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Cromwell, Elizabeth
  130. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hemmingsen, Petranille
  131. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Taffner, Charles Bernard
  132. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Lohrengel, William Henry
  133. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Mons, Gossuin de I
  134. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crichton, Robert Laird van Sanquhar III
  135. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Huber, Margar Sabina Gottliebin
  136. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Gutekunst, Anna Maria
  137. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crosley, Phebe Gertrude
  138. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Clare, Gilbert de
  139. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Kennedy, Raymond Criss
  140. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Arnold, Charles
  141. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Clinkenbeard, Mary
  142. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Taffner, Catherine Elizabeth
  143. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Luxembourg, Frederic de I
  144. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Morris, Elmartha C.
  145. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. France, Benoite De
  146. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Loftin, Vina Levinia
  147. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Loset, Mary Marie
  148. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Haydock, Joan
  149. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crichton, John
  150. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Ath, Ida van
  151. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Ogle, Martha G.
  152. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Sigurdsson, Halvdan
  153. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Montgomery, John
  154. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Musgrave, Thomas
  155. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Keith, John
  156. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. , Elizabeth
  157. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hemmingsen, Carston
  158. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Stovall, George Thomas
  159. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Stacks, Lucinda Australia
  160. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Pype, Margaret De
  161. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Courvoisier Piot, Francois Louis
  162. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Deaver, Richard Clayton
  163. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crosley, Edwin Shirley
  164. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Kennedy, John
  165. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Chaumont, Ermengarde de
  166. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crow, John Anderson
  167. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Emerson, Lloyd Guy
  168. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crophull, John De
  169. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Zouche, Geoffrey La Viscount Porhoet
  170. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Marsh, Peter
  171. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crow, Orville Roosevelt
  172. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Cranford, Ella L
  173. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Davidson, Ray
  174. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hopkins, Nancy Arabelle "Arrah"
  175. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Kaye, John
  176. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Bourchier, Elizabeth
  177. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Porhoet, Guithenoc De
  178. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Archer, William
  179. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. DeCarrick, Mary
  180. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crophull, Ralph
  181. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Butler, Emily Jane
  182. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Yowell, Floyd J.
  183. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hansen, Jochum
  184. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Blevins, Armstead
  185. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crossland, Hugh
  186. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Gutekunst, Siegfried
  187. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Osburn, Opil Bentley Slocum
  188. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Tipton, Susie
  189. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Cravens, Alice Rebecca
  190. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crossland, John
  191. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Rector, Benjamin Ona
  192. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Huguenin Bergenat, Marianne
  193. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Butler, Anna Kahn
  194. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Zouche, Alan de Porhoet la Couche I
  195. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Andrews, Sarah
  196. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Luce, Cora Gertrude
  197. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. McClean, Martha Patsy
  198. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Simrell, Clara Bell
  199. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Tubb, Sidie Emmaline
  200. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crossland, Richard
  201. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Sydenham, Matilda
  202. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Synton, Isabel De
  203. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Cain, Charles Francis
  204. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Lantz, Aaron
  205. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Kesselberg, Heinrich auf dem
  206. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Cranford, Georgia
  207. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Clay, Ruby Helen
  208. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Cranford, Elijah Abner
  209. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Murray, William
  210. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crow, William Henderson "Billy"
  211. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Leon, Anne De
  212. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Stacks, Vermont
  213. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Keith, Mary
  214. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Coy, John Lee
  215. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Wilkinson, Beulah Margaret
  216. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crichton, Nicholas
  217. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Lohrengel, Herman James
  218. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Butler, William G.
  219. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Wachter, Kenneth
  220. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Thompson, Olive M.
  221. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Morris, Charles
  222. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Schempp, Johann Georg
  223. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Roberts, Malinda Elizabeth
  224. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Cockburn, Agnes
  225. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Winters, Jane
  226. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hansen, Mette Kirstin
  227. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Anderson, James
  228. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Drummond, Patrick
  229. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Curry, Carlos S
  230. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Ponthieu, Johanna De Dammartin De
  231. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Pfeiffer, Jakob
  232. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crow, Adda Merritt Addie
  233. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Purnell, Thomas
  234. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Curry, Bessie Kate
  235. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Van Note, Simon
  236. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Bird, Robert
  237. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Pype, Robert De
  238. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Terrell, Ruth Elizabeth
  239. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. O'Dell, Thomas
  240. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Broderson, Clara Katherine
  241. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hollowell, Elizabeth
  242. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Zouche, Eudes De Porhoet La
  243. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Wright, Elizabeth
  244. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Courvoisier Piot, Hippolyte
  245. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crum, Calista
  246. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Bard, Matilda
  247. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Magruder, Sarah
  248. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Pfeiffer, Johann Jakob
  249. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Veilleux, Alfred Joseph
  250. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hainault, Rainer De
  251. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Guines, Hawise De
  252. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Lewis, John
  253. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crow, Sarah Jane
  254. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Kennedy, Fergus Mac
  255. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Collins, Jefferson Davis
  256. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Kelly, Cathy
  257. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Death, Charity
  258. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Moreland, Elizabeth
  259. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crawford, John De
  260. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Zouche, Alan de la
  261. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Jarpenville, Johanna De
  262. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Larsen, Niels
  263. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Schmidt, Maria Dorothea
  264. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. DeRoussillon, Eve
  265. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Freytag, Henrietta Amalia Eleonora Elisabetha Friederika
  266. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Larson, James
  267. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Cantelou, Millicent De
  268. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crow, Jesse Ninon
  269. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crappe, John Dr.
  270. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Ledbetter, Dellar Lee
  271. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crossland, William
  272. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Taillebois, Ethelred de
  273. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Stephens, Everett Olden
  274. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Wachter, Anton
  275. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Wynninge, Alice
  276. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crosley, David Verl
  277. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Bolton, Prudence
  278. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Groom, John David
  279. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Cranford, Melvin Jessie
  280. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Morris, Thomas
  281. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Ayer, Love
  282. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Moore, Larry William
  283. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. , Isobel
  284. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Cromwell, Oliver Lord Protector
  285. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Purnell, Sarah
  286. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crossland, George
  287. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Butler, Jacob Lewis Ronny
  288. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Gray, Margaret
  289. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Butler, Mecia Fidelia
  290. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Anderson, Rena Mae
  291. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hemmingsen, Birthe Kirstine
  292. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. OHair, Carl Henry
  293. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Molyneux, Thomas de
  294. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Cranford, Elias J
  295. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Claypool, Jane
  296. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Clare, Maud Matilda De
  297. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Morris, Edward
  298. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Larsen, Hans Christian
  299. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Purnell, Comfort
  300. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Boyd Scotland, Archibald
  301. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Holland, Elizabeth
  302. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Gutekunst, Barbara
  303. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Mons, Gossuin Le IV
  304. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Erskine, Elizabeth
  305. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Kennedy, John
  306. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hill, Charles
  307. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Taillebois, Ivo De
  308. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hulle, William
  309. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Lohrengel, Edward
  310. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Gael, Amice Uta Montfort Waiet de
  311. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Vienne, Adele de
  312. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Mons, Gossuin De III
  313. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Langstroth, Margaret
  314. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Warenne, William De
  315. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crichton, Patrick
  316. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Bretz, Thelma E.
  317. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hemmingsen, Maren Stine
  318. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hugelman, Gary Howard
  319. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Fleming, Patrick
  320. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Mure Ireland, Christian
  321. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Bretz, Marian Lucille
  322. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Courtney, John de
  323. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Zouche, Alan de la
  324. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Warenne, Ralph de
  325. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hawksworth, Joanna
  326. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Castile, Eleanor De
  327. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Roberts, Eliza Jane
  328. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Clarke, Agnes
  329. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Atkins, Ida Uretta
  330. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Lloyd, Ann Margaret
  331. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Beaumont, Roger De
  332. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. McPeek, Lenora Madge
  333. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Balfour, Katherine
  334. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hemmingsen, Dorthea
  335. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Schray, Esther
  336. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Gwyn, Claude Cery
  337. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Cunninghame, Henry
  338. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Lohrengel, Two Sons
  339. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Kay, Dorothy
  340. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crichton, Thurston de
  341. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Palmer, William Howard
  342. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Schmidt, Hans Thomsen
  343. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crichton, William De
  344. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Cornouailles, Alarun De
  345. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Atkins, Electa Irene
  346. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Mons, Gossuin de II
  347. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Cushman, Norma Jean
  348. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Conover, Jacob
  349. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crow, John Lester Jr.
  350. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Neighbours, Henry H
  351. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Palyn, Robert
  352. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Holtberg, Wesley Albert
  353. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Bouvier, Samuel D.
  354. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Anderson, John Finley
  355. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hammond, Elizabeth
  356. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Johnson, Armentha Ann
  357. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Cozens, Edwin John
  358. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Capet, Emma
  359. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Baldock, Rebecca
  360. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Arnold, James T.
  361. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Kelley, Mary Elizabeth
  362. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Jensen, Lars Peter
  363. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Arnold, Jessie V
  364. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Erskine, Christian
  365. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Sharp, Ressa Mary
  366. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Braybrook, Gerald
  367. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Murray, William
  368. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Clare, Eglantine de
  369. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Mons, Rudolph de
  370. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Purnell, Mary
  371. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Lohrengel, Herman James
  372. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Atkins, Joseph Lewis
  373. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Meulent, Adeliza Adeline
  374. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Andersdatter, Margrethe
  375. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Butler, Mahala A.
  376. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hemmingsen, Jens
  377. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Clare, Richard de
  378. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Wolpert, Hans Martin
  379. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Keith, Catherine
  380. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Fleming, David
  381. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Fitzgerald, Eleanor
  382. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Von Gleiberg, Ermantrude "Irmentrude" "Grafin Konradiner"
  383. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Beaumont, Margaret De
  384. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Boell, Margaret
  385. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Gholston, William
  386. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crossland, Thomas
  387. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Radcliff, Charles
  388. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Fadburn, Eadburh
  389. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Lacy, Roger de
  390. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Stacks, Eutaw
  391. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Claypool, Jacob
  392. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Sanders, Ottis E.
  393. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Authier, Eugenia Mary
  394. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crichton, John
  395. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Browning, Perla M.
  396. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Bretz, Nelda Fern
  397. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Butler, William Franklin
  398. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Clay, William Weldon
  399. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hannah
  400. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Cunningham, Margaret
  401. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Burgh, Hubert De
  402. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Taffner, Joseph Washington
  403. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Jarpenville, Andrew
  404. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Cranford, James William
  405. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. McKinney, Lucinda
  406. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Pontaudemer, Emma
  407. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Zouche, Roger La
  408. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crosley, Leroy Joseph
  409. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Purnell, Thomas
  410. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Montgomery, Gertrude Evelyn
  411. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Johnson, Leona Campbell
  412. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Karr, Pearl H
  413. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Veitch, William
  414. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Clare, Gilbert Fitzrichard de
  415. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Jenkins, Margaret Peggy
  416. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Holland, Francis
  417. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crow, James
  418. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Rumigny, Beatrice De
  419. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Duncan, William Taylor
  420. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Mormaer of Moray, Macbeth
  421. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Terrell, Theodore James
  422. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Cowell, Ora A"Oralene"
  423. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Chananie, Mina Rebecca
  424. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Wachter, Roland
  425. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Susman, Ethel Rachel
  426. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Taffner, George Henry
  427. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Loewer, Andrew R.
  428. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Gullicksdatter, Gunnild Julia
  429. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crichton, Thomas De
  430. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Purnell, Anne
  431. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Kennedy, Marthout Mac
  432. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Prather, Thomas M. Sprigg
  433. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Taffner, John Bernard
  434. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Scotland, Thorda Donada de
  435. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Claypool, Tirzah
  436. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Lohrengel, Bertha
  437. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Lohrengel, Marie
  438. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Coulson, Samuel
  439. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Cranford, John D.
  440. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crow, Sarah Amanda
  441. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. , Beatrice
  442. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Walker, Ora Viola
  443. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Pedersdr, Bodil Magrethe
  444. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Fergant de Brittany, Hawise
  445. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crioda
  446. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hagler, Elizabeth Evaline
  447. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Greenway, Agnes
  448. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Yowell, George Otice
  449. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Wachter, Leo John
  450. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Maxwell, Agnes
  451. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Sprigg, Priscilla
  452. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crossland, Luke
  453. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Vaiche, John
  454. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Norman, Jeane
  455. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Burgh, Margaret Megotta De
  456. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Butler, Mary Lucretia
  457. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Pattison, Gilbert
  458. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Jorgensen, Jorgen
  459. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Frank, Luella Emma
  460. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Stirling, William
  461. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hemmingsen, Anne Gjertrue
  462. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Molyneux, Richard de
  463. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Brashear, Zula Stafford
  464. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Coy, Fred Lee Jr.
  465. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Reiniger, Bernhard B. Barney
  466. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Bourgogne, Adelaide Alix Aelis Alice de
  467. Ancestry Family Trees
  468. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Claypool, Priscilla
  469. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Cranford, Elzrow Dolphus
  470. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. , Gundreda
  471. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hemmingsen, Karen Stine
  472. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. England, Edmund of
  473. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hemmingsen, Pernille
  474. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crow, Vivian Evangeline Bea
  475. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Mackennedy, Macrow
  476. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hemmingsen, Lars
  477. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Moreland, Lucena Lucy
  478. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Adkins, Verdy Roberta
  479. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Bretagne, Constance de
  480. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Lohrengel, Jacob Henry
  481. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Bouvier, Louis C
  482. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Butler, Charles Jackson
  483. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Ackerman, Lauretto M.
  484. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Hulle, Johanna dela
  485. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Purnell, Thomas
  486. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Mormaer of Moray, Findlaech
  487. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Fleming, Brigida
  488. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Crossland, Anne
  489. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Aunou, Gunnora De
  490. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Arnold, Thomas
  491. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Louvain, Ida Alix de
  492. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Bratten, Rachel
  493. Ancestry Family Trees
    1. Byrd, Elizabeth Burgh