Scotland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950

Publication information Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2014;


    1. Dunbar, James
    2. Death, Dunbar, James
    1. Dawson, Meg
    1. Wishart, Alexander
    1. Scott, Alexander
    2. Baptism, Scott, Alexander
    1. Baptism, Warrok, Johne
    2. Warrok, Johne
    1. Ainslie, Marion
    1. Ainslie, Marion
    1. Pitcairn, Grissell
    1. Baptism, Warrok, Johne
    2. Warrok, Johne
    1. Baptism, Scott, Johne
    2. Scott, Johne
    1. Baptism, Tait, George
    2. Tait, George
    1. Baptism, Wishart, Cristian
    2. Wishart, Cristian
    1. Wood, Bessie
    1. Baptism, Cunningham, Elizabeth
    2. Cunningham, Elizabeth
    1. Robertson, James
    1. Macdonald, John Lord van de Eilanden
    1. Wishart, Alexander
    1. Johnestoun, Patrik
    1. Tait, Robert
    1. Cunninghame, William Earl of Glencairn
    1. Warrok, Williame
    1. Cunninghame, William Earl of Glencairn
    1. Ingles, Isobell
    1. Scott, John
    1. Wood, James
    2. Baptism, Wood, James
    1. Tait, Patrick
    1. Clouston, Janet
    1. Robertson, Jean
    1. Baptism, Warrok, Helena
    2. Warrok, Helena
    1. Scott, Johne
    1. Kerr, Janet Alisoun
    1. Baptism, Cunningham, Elizabeth
    2. Cunningham, Elizabeth
    1. Wishart, Alexander
    1. Wilsoune, Jonnet
    1. Warrok, Sara
    2. Baptism, Warrok, Sara
    1. Baptism, Cunningham, Alexander
    2. Cunningham, Alexander
    1. Beall, Alexander
    1. Johnestoun, Jonet
    1. Sinclair, Katherine
    1. Robertson, Jean
    1. Hutchison, Janet
    1. Tait, James
    1. Lindsay, Alexander Earl Balcarres
    1. Mungell, Margarat
    1. Warrok, Williame
    1. Wilsone, James
    1. Cunninghame, Alisoun
    1. Robertson, James
    1. Dunbar, Johnne
    1. Leckie, William
    1. Tait, Thomas
    1. Bell, Jenit
    2. Baptism, Bell, Jenit
    1. Hutchison, Janet
    1. Tait, Andro
    1. Tait, William
    1. Tait, Robert
    2. Baptism, Tait, Robert
    1. Johnestoun, Jonet
    1. Wishart, Cristian
    1. Robertson, Jean
    1. Wilsone, George
    1. Warrok, Johne
    1. Ingles, Isobell
    1. Warrock, Cristopher
    1. Tait, James
    1. Tait, Magnus
    1. Baptism, Wishart, Isobell
    2. Wishart, Isobell
    1. Dicksone, Agnes
    1. Mcgown, John
    2. Baptism, Mcgown, John
    1. Tait, James
    1. Scott, James
    2. Birth, Scott, James
    1. Baptism, Wishart, Janet
    2. Wishart, Janet
    1. Tait, James
    1. Beall, James William
    2. Baptism, Beall, James William
    1. Pitcairn, Eleanor
    1. Sinclair, Katherine
    1. Ainslie, George
    1. Tait, Bessie
    1. Baptism, Tait, Isabel
    2. Tait, Isabel
    1. Johnestoun, Patrik
    1. Johnestoun, Jonet
    1. Tait, James
    1. Wod, William
    1. Warrok, Johne
    1. Scott, Johne
    1. Mcgown, John
    1. Mungell, Patrick
    1. Baptism, Tait, Andro
    2. Tait, Andro
    1. Mungell, Margarat
    1. Baptism, Knox, James
    2. Knox, James
    1. Scott, Alexander
    1. Johnestoun, Jonet
    1. Flett, James
    1. Robertson, William Rev.
    1. Warrok, Williame
    1. Wishart, Janet
    1. Wilsone, James
    1. Baptism, Knox, William
    2. Knox, William
    1. Bell, John
    1. Warrok, Helena
    1. Anderson, Mary Ann
    1. Wishart, Alexander
    1. Leckie, James
    2. Baptism, Leckie, James
    1. Baptism, Tait, Bessie
    2. Tait, Bessie
    1. Wilsone, James
    2. Baptism, Wilsone, James
    1. Baptism, Johnestoun, Jonet
    2. Johnestoun, Jonet
    1. Knox, William
    1. Cunninghame, Alisoun
    1. Tait, James
    1. Cunningham, Alexander
    1. Beall, James William
    1. Dunbar, James
    1. Dickson, Jonet
    1. Kerr, Janet Alisoun
    1. Tait, James
    1. Wischart, Robert
    1. Knox (Knose), Robert
    1. Knox (Knose), Robert
    1. Borland, Elizabeth
    2. Birth, Borland, Elizabeth
    1. Tait, Isabel
    1. Robertson, Robert
    1. Warrok, Sara
    1. Baptism, Warrok, Helena
    2. Warrok, Helena
    1. Baptism, Wishart, Ursilla
    2. Wishart, Ursilla
    1. Dicksone, Peter
    1. Wilsone, James
    2. Baptism, Wilsone, James
    1. Wischart, Robert
    2. Baptism, Wischart, Robert
    1. Mcgown, James
    1. Wilsone, George
    1. Wishart, Elspet
    2. Baptism, Wishart, Elspet
    1. Robertson, Robert
    2. Baptism, Robertson, Robert
    1. Leckie, Janet
    1. Leckie, James
    1. Wishart, Elspet
    1. Ingles, Isobell
    1. Tait, George
    1. Baptism, Johnestoun, Jonet
    2. Johnestoun, Jonet
    1. Baptism, Tate, Cicillia
    2. Tate, Cicillia
    1. Pitcairn, David
    1. Robertson, Jean
    1. Warrok, Williame
    1. Wishart, Ursilla
    1. Warrok, Williame
    1. Baptism, Tait, James
    2. Tait, James
    1. Ingles, Isobell
    1. Ingles, Isobell
    1. Johnestoun, Jonet
    1. Kerr, Janet Alisoun
    1. Warrock, Cristopher
    2. Baptism, Warrock, Cristopher
    1. Tait, Thomas
    1. Scott, James
    1. Pitcairn, Grissell
    2. Birth, Pitcairn, Grissell
    1. Robertson, Jean
    1. Dunbar, James
    2. Birth, Dunbar, James
    1. Mackenzie, Anne
    1. Rae, Jean
    1. Ramsey, Margaret
    1. Tait, Magnus
    1. Cunningham, Elizabeth
    1. Robertson, Jean
    1. Tait, Margaret
    1. Cunninghame, William Earl of Glencairn
    1. Scott, Alexander
    1. Baptism, Borland, Elizabeth
    2. Borland, Elizabeth
    1. Wishart, Isobell
    1. Wood, James
    1. Bell, Jenit
    1. Stewart, Jean
    1. Tait, Magnus
    2. Baptism, Tait, Magnus
    1. Warrok, Helena
    1. Baptism, Tait, William
    2. Tait, William
    1. Robertson, James
    2. Baptism, Robertson, James
    1. Mungell, Margarat
    1. Borland, Elizabeth
    1. Ingles, Isobell
    1. Warrok, Helena
    1. Cunningham, Elizabeth
    1. Batt, Nestichio "Margaret"
    1. Tait, Robert
    1. Wishart, Alexander
    1. Fall, Katherene
    1. Tait, James
    1. Baptism, Scott, James
    2. Scott, James
    1. Tate, Cicillia
    1. Tait, James
    1. Wishart, Alexander
    1. Dicksone, Agnes
    2. Baptism, Dicksone, Agnes
    1. Johnestoun, Jonet
    1. Mungell, Margarat
    2. Baptism, Mungell, Margarat
    1. Warrok, Williame
    1. Baptism, Flett, James
    2. Flett, James
    1. Johnestoun, Jonet
    1. Fraser, Simon 6th Lord Lovat
    1. Baptism, Tait, Margaret
    2. Tait, Margaret
    1. Kinnaird, Janet
    1. Baptism, Tait, Patrick
    2. Tait, Patrick
    1. Knox, James
    1. Johnestoun, Jonet