Hardy, West Virginia, United States

Enclosed By
Place Encloses


  1. Claypool, James Jr. (31 August 1753)
  2. Dunbar, Margaret (31 August 1753)
  3. Family of Claypool, James Jr. and Dunbar, Margaret (31 August 1753)
  4. Scott, Rachel Eleanor (1754)
  5. Family of Claypool, John Scott and Scott, Rachel Eleanor (1754)
  6. Claypool, John Scott (1754)
  7. Claypool, Ann (9 October 1754 Birth)
  8. Claypool, Hannah (6 November 1756 Birth)
  9. Claypool, Hannah (1757 Death)
  10. Claypool, Jane (31 January 1758 Birth)
  11. Claypool, Ephraim (8 August 1763 Birth)
  12. Claypool, Ruth (21 July 1766 Birth)
  13. Claypool, Isaac (7 February 1769 Birth)
  14. Claypool, Rachel (9 January 1771 Birth)
  15. Claypool, Rhoda (25 March 1773 Birth)
  16. Claypool, Jesse (1775)
  17. Miller, Elizabeth (1775)
  18. Family of Claypool, Jesse and Miller, Elizabeth (1775)
  19. Claypool, Tirzah (7 July 1780 Birth)
  20. Claypool, Ann (6 May 1788 Death)
  21. Sherman, Elizabeth (1790 Birth)
  22. Claypool, Jane (1 January 1790)
  23. Family of Osborn, John and Claypool, Jane (1 January 1790)
  24. Osborn, John (1 January 1790)
  25. Chilcott, Elizabeth (27 September 1791 Birth)
  26. Osborne, Andrew (1799 Birth)
  27. Combs, Lily (1804 Birth)
  28. Combs, Priscilla (1805 Birth)
  29. Combs, Christiana Anna (4 August 1806 Birth)
  30. Claypool, Jane (1807 Death)
  31. Claypool, Rachel (1807 Death)
  32. Claypool, Rhoda (1807 Death)
  33. See, Edmund (1812 Birth)
  34. Combs, Peter (12 May 1812 Birth)
  35. Bradigum, Orpah (6 February 1814 Birth)
  36. Masters, Ezekiel (1816 Death)
  37. Combs, Francis Ignatius (1816 Birth)
  38. Combs, Henry (1818 Birth)
  39. Combs, Joshua (1822 Birth)
  40. Coby, Elizabeth (1824)
  41. Family of Combs, Pious and Coby, Elizabeth (1824)
  42. Combs, Pious (1824)
  43. Family of Claypool, Philip and Chilcott, Margaret (1825)
  44. Claypool, Philip (1825)
  45. Chilcott, Margaret (1825)
  46. Bradigum, Orpah (10 September 1832)
  47. Family of See, Edmund and Bradigum, Orpah (10 September 1832)
  48. See, Edmund (10 September 1832)
  49. Combs, Pious (July 1880 Death)
  50. Combs, Peter (12 April 1882 Death)