Family of Claypool, John Scott and Scott, Rachel Eleanor


Married Husband Claypool, John Scott ( * 26 September 1733 + 6 August 1823 )
Married Wife Scott, Rachel Eleanor ( * 1733 + 1785 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1754 Hardy, West Virginia, United States   1a
Name Birth Date Death Date
Claypool, Mary3 January 17541848
Claypool, Jamesabout 17561839
Claypool, John15 January 17581848
Claypool, David6 April 176212 June 1846
Claypool, Stephen4 May 17641864
Claypool, Eleanor18 February 176928 January 1835
Claypool, Jane18 February 176928 January 1835
Claypool, Margaret17721773
Claypool, Rachel15 April 177328 January 1835
Claypool, Sarah17741848
Claypool, Hannah177828 January 1835
Claypool, Elizabethabout 178028 January 1835
Claypool, Leah21 March 17801 December 1852
Claypool, George3 July 178115 February 1845
Claypool, William3 July 17815 February 1845
Claypool, Aaron28 January 17838 June 1847
Claypool, Philip8 March 178526 August 1847
Claypool, Priscilla15 May 178818 September 1856

Source References

  1. Edmund West, comp.: Family Data Collection - Individual Records