Family of Claypool, Jesse and Miller, Elizabeth


Married Husband Claypool, Jesse ( * 25 February 1752 + 28 September 1833 )
Married Wife Miller, Elizabeth ( * 19 March 1757 + 4 February 1834 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1775 Hardy, West Virginia, United States   1a 1b 1c
Name Birth Date Death Date
Claypool, Margaret4 February 17765 July 1843
Claypool, Katherine25 September 177926 May 1864
Claypool, Elizabeth16 July 17819 February 1868
Claypool, CorneliusJune 17829 February 1864
Claypoole, Jonathan178411 August 1811
Claypool, James1 March 178710 June 1869
Claypool, Johnbefore 1792
Claypool, Jesse Jr.17941862
Claypool, Jacob25 January 17951840

Source References

  1. Edmund West, comp.: Family Data Collection - Individual Records