
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Staton. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Staton, Avery 2 February 1840 3 August 1888   Staton, Charles N Keesee, Nancy
Staton, Charles N 1786 13 May 1860 Keesee, Nancy Staton, John Staton, Priscilla
Staton, John     Staton, Priscilla  
Staton, Judy 11 October 1841 29 November 1932   Staton, Charles N Keesee, Nancy
Staton, Mary Polly 9 September 1823 9 June 1913   Staton, Charles N Keesee, Nancy
Staton, Piety 1835 16 February 1889 Varney, Artillas Madison Staton, Charles N Keesee, Nancy
Staton, Priscilla 1774 Staton, John  
Staton, Richard S December 1825 1910   Staton, Charles N Keesee, Nancy