
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Thorne. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Thorne, Harriet M 1841     Thorn, Job Anson, Anna Nancy
Thorne, Israel 13 December 1773 June 1823 Jones, Hannah  
Thorne, Mary Elizabeth 18 November 1828 8 June 1911   Thorn, Job Anson, Anna Nancy
Thorne, Mengies Maretius Simeon 1832 17 September 1910   Thorn, Job Anson, Anna Nancy
Thorne, Nellie Bay 26 September 1885 29 December 1938   Thorn, William M Hardy, Mary Baldwin
Thorne, Sarah F 1835     Thorn, Job Anson, Anna Nancy
Thorne, [Living]       Thorn, William M Hardy, Mary Baldwin