
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Delhay. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Delhay, Alfred Maurice     Petersen, Lorraine M Delhay, Alfred Morse Stalberg, [Living]
Delhay, Alfred Morse 13 November 1888 January 1979 Stalberg, [Living] Delhay, Maurice R , Annie
Delhay, Arling Stanley 5 May 1915 16 January 1997 Reichenbach, Naomi Ruth Delhay, Alfred Morse Stalberg, [Living]
Delhay, Margaret May 1892     Delhay, Maurice R , Annie
Delhay, Maurice R October 1864   , Annie  
Delhay, Nancy Rae 24 October 1942 3 May 2021   Delhay, Arling Stanley Reichenbach, Naomi Ruth
Delhay, Raymond October 1895     Delhay, Maurice R , Annie
Delhay, [Living]       Delhay, Alfred Morse Stalberg, [Living]
Delhay, [Living]       Delhay, Alfred Morse Stalberg, [Living]
Delhay, [Living]       Delhay, Alfred Morse Stalberg, [Living]
Delhay, [Living]       Delhay, Alfred Morse Stalberg, [Living]
Delhay, [Living]       Delhay, Alfred Morse Stalberg, [Living]
Delhay, [Living]       Delhay, Alfred Morse Stalberg, [Living]