
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Goodale. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Goodale, Michael Everett 28 October 1943 24 May 2003 Malloy, [Living] Goodale, Ralph Everett Nifong, Mary
Goodale, Ralph Everett 9 March 1918 21 July 1997 Nifong, Mary Goodale, [Living] Swing, Carrie Jane
Goodale, [Living]       Goodale, [Living] Swing, Carrie Jane
Goodale, [Living]       Goodale, [Living] Swing, Carrie Jane
Goodale, [Living]       Goodale, [Living] Swing, Carrie Jane
Goodale, [Living]     Carter, [Living] Goodale, Michael Everett Malloy, [Living]
Goodale, [Living]     Swing, Carrie Jane  
Goodale, [Living]       Goodale, [Living] Swing, Carrie Jane
Goodale, [Living]       Goodale, [Living] Swing, Carrie Jane