
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Engelke. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Engelke, George Thomas 19 August 1893 1955 Stricklett, Mary Etta  
Engelke, George William Russell 23 January 1918 13 August 1991   Engelke, George Thomas Stricklett, Mary Etta
Engelke, Helen Cecil Kay 1 January 1917 15 January 1949   Engelke, George Thomas Stricklett, Mary Etta
Engelke, June Peggy 18 June 1922 5 August 1998   Engelke, George Thomas Stricklett, Mary Etta
Engelke, Virgil Cecil Tim 17 May 1919 26 October 2001   Engelke, George Thomas Stricklett, Mary Etta
Engelke, [Living]       Engelke, George Thomas Stricklett, Mary Etta