
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Colton. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Colton, Albert Webster 14 December 1901 29 October 1978   Colton, Arthur Loomis Lafferty, Jane Josephine
Colton, Arthur Loomis 27 January 1849 1909 Lafferty, Jane Josephine  
Colton, Elizabeth Curry 1906     Colton, Arthur Loomis Lafferty, Jane Josephine
Colton, George Chauncey 3 August 1899 12 February 1980 Patterson, Letitia Colton, Arthur Loomis Lafferty, Jane Josephine
Colton, Harriet Ursula 1904     Colton, Arthur Loomis Lafferty, Jane Josephine
Colton, [Living]       Colton, George Chauncey Patterson, Letitia