
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Hovendick. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Hovendick, Carl D about 1903 24 April 1995   Hovendick, John Edward Bouvier, Mabel Hannah
Hovendick, John Edward 5 February 1873 20 April 1955 Bouvier, Mabel Hannah  
Hovendick, Mary E about 1906 14 January 2002   Hovendick, John Edward Bouvier, Mabel Hannah
Hovendick, Mildred L about 1919 16 October 1998   Hovendick, John Edward Bouvier, Mabel Hannah
Hovendick, Raymond E about 1902 1 May 1981   Hovendick, John Edward Bouvier, Mabel Hannah
Hovendick, [Living]       Hovendick, John Edward Bouvier, Mabel Hannah